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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm my name's i. this is the news on life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. a will on children $21000.00 a on accounts and full since he is writing a tax on golf. i have begun in october. as well as prime minister says intense fighting is nearly over, but insist it doesn't mean the war is about, and government attacked churches and synagogues and russians down to san region coming at least 15 police officers and 20 bodies are found off to 5 breaks down at
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a lithium factory factory installed the hello welcome to the program, moving 37000 palestinians in gauze. i have been killed by israel since october. almost half of them are children. israel's abuses sort added to the un global blacklist of countries that home children and agencies say another 21000 children are missing some separation from the families. some buried under the rubble, the fate on dine. felix knew our reports of the united nations has called it a rule for the children. the causes health ministry has documented more than $15000.00 of their debts. an 8 agencies are
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founding the alarm on yet another green statistic. the missing children, according to whom money to and organization save the children almost $21000.00 to mind. those in gaza have been reported missing since the beginning of the war. in october. $17000.00 of them are either unaccompanied or separated from their families while at least $4000.00 a believe to be trapped under rubble. in the aftermath of these really strikes on residential buildings and refuge centers, wherever you look in gaza, there are children. they make up nearly half of the population in the besieged strip. in the wake of unrelenting war 8 agents, you see it's become more difficult to support them. nearly 19000 children i reported opened in gaza. that has left the fate of many miners entirely, or in part,
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in the hands of total strangers. they warn this is increasing the risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect. and that's put a spotlight on a generation of children who have not only lost the apartments, but i left it alone and unprotected. it was on felix new are all 0. as we're doing now by colleague who's my is the general director of the child runs organization defense for children, international palestine who's with us live in ramallah. thank you for your time sir . so the, you and cooling the goals of war, war and children, we know that over 15000 of them have been killed since will began. how much does this latest report add to the growing concerns about how this was affecting children? is what thank you very much for sharing this information. and of course for talking about this very important topic. and what else have anything is that is
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uninterrupted before we are lifting a dispute for a lot of activities. but what we are facing, what we are witnessing is project is in the team at 4 pm and doing the 2nd word or so. yeah, it does. or what i guess today is it, in the guess are being the big cost of the big price for that. is there a, doing a science on yes. of course also, and that was back didn't also subject to crimes and the crops glands against the humanity of the report highlights that someone's thousands of children have been forcibly disappeared, including an unknown number detained, and forcibly transferred out to a gall. so is that something you can shed any light on a yes, sir, the right, so with the students who've been in goods violated systematically and continuously
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from kaiser 80 and so this is why we are talking about targeting children and we're interested in today. and again, that is around that, the best that over the relation as able mention. so eh, on that i rarely did that i for life is not going to be any more and gets it. so the number of the children will be good and i'm so sorry to talk about the numbers, but that i'm part of that i'm but also the facts on the ground. so we talk about the around the $20000.00 children in a mist and get to that. so those watkins, it's about 50 percent, almost 50 percent of the carrington goods that are being talked about to $20000.00 did. this means that it's more than 40000 being injured. and that i have to do to have as much guarantee anymore, right? the fluid, right, the cleaning, what the right to house thing you have to put the house?
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or is that i use some deals the life on the i need to divide sort of budget good evening gets and so the what this gives apologies for interrupting so. so from your experience, how does war and conflict affect the mental health of children? what sort of long term issues are we talking about? and now i'm talking about that i have to give somebody that to give a life. but of course adults why live under some sort the recipes. since most of them it's most of god's and psychologically they have on the effective date or me, immediate so far as that goes, it goes above. otherwise, there will be, want to start off with that as out of the life of the and, and tell us a bit more about how the challenges involved in giving support to children. those who are left behind those that are live and unable to exploitation, neglect,
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and abuse, how, how do you take care of those, those children? so from my experience, i believe that that's really what is the, is it about getting children and also focusing on the how to do the help for the children. so that's why i live without any family member. but we are now talking about almost $17000.00, those being injured, those you being is by the bank and they're looking for a b. so for the go button to give somebody a month. so all of them and go to live on the and as really in the blends the bump and deal with them, the buying most of the ends in the sky. so all of them live on the search and circumstances. and of course, with these ongoing situation. logistically, i believe that they are being damaged and they need immediate. now nobody can give such is
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a book for the children because they are. yeah. as that is to give it to the general reputations. it gives no set in place for children in goods though there is no means of life and gets a sort of course level of such ongoing situation. why not? we are unable to give them to support that they need in the right time to get the support. okay, that'd be out of it after that to be due to due date. i appreciate your time colored cosmo general direct to feed child rights organization defense for childrens international palestine. speaking to us back from ramallah to golf as health ministry, as announced the death of the director of the ambulance and emergency service in garza honey out. just frawley was killed and in his riley strike on the all the raj clinic in garza city. the health ministry described him as a solid model of steadfastness. the determination of
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a 500 paramedics and doctors have been killed in more than 310, arrested since the beginning of israel's wound garza sp now its target boys whom you joins us now live from 0 bought us. so the death. how many of the fry must be a huge blow know or need to those a new and but also because of the impulse in work he was doing of the yes that choice well, uh, basically as well since day one of the fighting has been targeting incredibly the medical sector, so not only hospitalized, but even people who are working in order to provide health and medical care for palestinians will have been in a very desperate need for all sorts of medical care within the past couple of months. even since the beginning of the conflict on the ground kind of jeff are right. we lose sight of another palestinian a. me to come look at how bring tubes and an attack on a clinic or an adult res neighborhoods in gauze city. now this place has been
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wanting to sing different suits of is ready at times from lambs and as well that have been targeting not only residential building, but it has extend it to reach the medical sector where this place has been providing medical treatment for hundreds of families in goes to 60 now also do you know that part of the country has been experiencing save you shortage of medical supplies and with a very limited number of a humanitarian medical supplies has been delivered to that. a very marginalized parts of the tax refund. generally we are talking about that 500 palestinian medical workers have been killed. so fall while there's are at least 310 others being arrested in is really tails. and the tensions right now between 2 to thought, the real question is like those people must be protected according to the principal of international load. while is male, continually targeting others, palestinians who have been trying to give humans for displace palestinians. not only meant to collect as also beautiful ones that were to the,
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within the past couple of days where they also were trying to facilitate the civil services for a gauze population of the north of the strip. and try to get one of the latest is riley attacks was on an on rush facility. what more can you tell us about the damage done to us and, and where things stand at the moment of the, as we say seems and videos. imagine from the location of the tech wasn't for the believe disturbing where we started the dates of the united nations relief. and what agency was uh, completely target said we are talking about the major quotes that format, the vast majority of onto authoration squared, lowest and release. what we do here from glucose is that the attack was carried out without any sort of warnings being reduced by these. by all means, as this place has been turned off to being told by these without me to be on a house where california have, you see, take a diploma. now the source of pain have been targeted. it means that there is
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a systematic emitted tree campaign on here, monetary and organizations, especially one that has been approached under the is verify us and say one of the following. so one of us is that the vast majority of its medical and human chevy and sensors. what targeted alongside with this fluids, the lease that turns into most evacuation sensors for a thousands of palestinians families bought according to the initial reports on social, on the grounds. at least for palestinians happened reports of killed sofa. it is very attacks of another part of the gaza strip. did not stop even during the hours of this morning, where as they to a neighborhood was widely targeted by the grim reality stuff like extra fee to tax on owner or facilities, as well as a towing to legitimize it's at times against or generally by attracting evacuation centers on the side was old humanitarian centers that they were used to distribute a full display. some isn't that absolutely can. so it took 3 to the principles of
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international humanitarian law alongside that's the international court of justice has been judging israel to remove or because the goals and terms of delivering a to another part of calls. and this is practically did not happen till now. i'm a time and i'm self patient looming, really in a very desperate means and then other parts of the gaza strip. hey, thank you for that. sorry. composing that for us in 0 balance. well, for the 10s of thousands of palestinians forced to take shelter in tents, the spread of disease also puts that lives at risk. lack of sanitation and clean water has left many children under 5 battling distant treat and diarrhea. and who do a repeats reports now from a comp and 0 ballot and central garza across guns and thousands of palestinians forcibly displaced from their homes. i knew thinking tons more than 450000 houses.
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damaged many have no place to go. and others are trying to avoid the bombardment that has killed at least 37000 people. but even tense are not safe from is where the attack. well, the way we're living in fear, we go to sleep, praying to live, to the next morning, not to get boomed. these riley occupation fantasies targeting all 10. so we're getting innocent women and children, and in my life is moving dial. it is a misery, as well as the danger from is risk bombardment, living intense brinkets own types of problems. allison new families are forced to call tents like these, their new homes. they do not have running water showers or even toilets, and sometimes are very small. you can't even stand up inside without proper sanitation and keen, lottie, this henri and diarrhea have become dangerously common among children under the age of 5. and many diseases like hepatitis are spreading rapidly with fears of possible
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a put that makes. this is not have by the lack of facilities to dispose of sewage and rubbish or the increasing summer heat. but there is nowhere else for palestinians to call him in the hands of one of the good. there is no safe place in the entire gauze and strip. these ladies alleged that they all targeting militants, isn't it? but they are lying full victims of defenceless, innocent civilians level to you and agencies and health professionals. fear that until a ceasefire is in place, an aide is allowed in. the situation will continue to deteriorate in more lives will be lost in quality. i'll just eat updated by the palestine. that's moved from the region late to the sneeze out, including abused on humiliation. we hear from the palestinian monstrosity. and is there any military vehicle in the open pod, west fund and used as a human to the username and a to his rate of soldiers grab my hands and 2 others. my feet are the start
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swinging, left and right. i fell to the ground twice. and on the 3rd time, they show me over the hood, the 9 people have been found dead off to launch. fire broke out to the left hand battery manufacturing on in south korea. over a $145.00. why does have been sent to the factory to try to stop the spread of the blaze they have now into the building to begin search operations. let's go live now to eunice kim, who is life worth outside the left, the manufacturing plant. so this is a situation still ongoing units. what more do we know a hi, maureen, that's right. you can see over my shoulder beach card uh, side of that, lithium ion battery slant uh, in the past our firefighters were able to, uh,
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get control over at that fire and go inside. uh, the latest we have to pass on the fire department is that they have found uh, at least 8 more bodies bringing. but that's 229. they are part of the 23 people who were missing. many of them blakely for nationals. they labors whose last cell phone signal was detected near or inside the factory, now firefighters. industrially had struggled in the early hours to even step inside the building given the toxic nature of this battery factory. tens of thousands of with the on of batteries were inside. president, you had directed relevant agencies as well as the national fire department to spare no effort to bring all the help that is needed. i to put out the blaze and save the lives,
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but so far that this afternoon the news does look like an eunice presuming and quite difficult to put out a fire that uh started from the batch res. there's quite hard to put on a yeah, you're right, so lithium batteries. typically we think of these as smartphones, but the ones that are produced at this size of the a primary lithium batteries, they are not rechargeable. and the ones that are here are reportedly used for smart grids for electricity and water use. there is none. the less, there were very real concerns of toxicity. has met. crews are here are as far as ex services and also the possibility that these batteries could combust and explode at any time when they are overs either due to damage parts. okay. good to get that of the units came back for us in. so
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a taurus he's in the russian region of dog, a song say account to terrorism operation is now over, government killed at least 15 police officers and several civilians in simultaneous attacks. and the towns of the hutch carla on the 6th suspected gunman have also been killed synagogues and touches were targeted on the orthodox festival of pentecost, on a priest is among the dead. your leadership of all of our reports now for most good a quad sunday evening was interrupted by several of the topics and bushes, ducky storm region, to orthodox churches, and to synagogues were targeted in the cities of a hutch color under bent. she wouldn't exclude you today has become a day of tragedy for august fun and our entire country is unprecedented and their cruelty the terrorist attacks were committed against religious sites in the capital . much carla and our ancient city, their bent and the regional caps on the hutch cloth,
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a traffic police post came on to find to that talk of should several, law enforcement officers almost point blank. among the 1st victims of that tax was saw that nikolai could tell nicole's and orthodox priest in the church in the event the killers cut his throat well trudge. god, we hire you on, don't leave with a gasp. is too, which is a leasehold weapons used for self defense will show dead on this boat lay. so that tank is funded at a police call as it was headed to the side of that tide. one thing, one of the police officers who show congress just this said i went out just like everyone else standing here. no one is allowed to enter there. you want it to go and see me, but the police wouldn't let us in on the police also detained. one of the local officials on suspicion that 2 of his sons were involved in that tax is released that both of them were killed and the shootout of submitted to vehicles was supposed to them the streets, the shooting and the center of the event stopped. a number of people the barricaded
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in the church in the hutch colored overlays as safely as actuated by police that have been to simulate tax in russia recently been reclaimed by i. so, starting with the chromecast, see, to hold a sold back in march, followed by an attack on the pre trial detention center ingles spoke last week, but just letting you know, pacing has refused, has made that russia could bet tons by such groups. despite the claims of responsibility, he says, and it's for us to run, shall come from western countries or ukraine. the question remains how he can respond to these attacks without acknowledging them publicly. you'll have shut off all of that. i'll just be wrapped most. okay. let's go to daniel hopkins. he's live in moscow for us daniels. so quite a significant attack. we learned anything more about who was behind it and the motivation a little authorities this morning still very much trying to pick up the pieces and to build a timeline of what exactly happened in this coordinated series of attacks. one of
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the worst incidents in the region, and indeed, in russia, in recent years pulling that up search is the most inspired that terrorism is the state agencies. yes, but i was talking nor for was that the same. these attackers could ever links the forward and terrorist organizations could be affiliated to organizations for broad because they were using for weapons though there's no more details yet. as to what those could have been. uh there been no direct claims of responsibility as of yet either though this morning. the thing thank things to the study of what i said. that's rough as broad suffices. hey ice ok. i had phrased this attack that we are getting stopped short of climbing direct responsibility that we understand that multiple attackers had links to full law enforcement to local politicians. 2 of those killed with a sounds of a local municipal head who since been detained, and coolant for pushing. so this attack was very close to home for the russian all thirties for security services. and they'll be came to explore both the option of
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homegrown home inspired terrorism as well as some sort of a forward and bold ones here as well. that information is lucky to be made public probably in the coming days and have we had much from authorities yet. have there been any reaction? it will certainly yesterday the m paid out for that gets done a book him good. see if was quick supporting the finger of blame at ukraine, a nato state saying that they could have been behind, as he was quickly counted by to meet about goals. and he was another, a russian quantization. he said, but simply blaming of foreign powers. phone involvement was going to, going to lead to problems for russia. if in such a incidence, what labeled as far involvement this morning dr. styles had say good medical study was a no doubt. that's some sort of forward influence. some sort of forward preparation
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of this attack was in the vote that's as the leaders of religious communities in russia. the jewish christian and muslim face spoke out against what they described at the risk of radicalization extremism. and these people as ation paid truck drill of the russian orthodox church in particular saying that so people need to be warned against giving into is that 6 treatments, presentations. and so no doubt these uh, this theory all for involvement has been hinted at already. that was the case from the very outset of this and to confirm this morning bias gave medical that is probably the key thing the, the russian authorities all going to be looking at. okay, thank you for that. daniel hopkins. the 1st and most guys, the iran will hold its presidential election on friday. the guardian council, the 12 member assessing body has approved. one reform is politician and 5 consecutive candidates to run for president iran relations with the region of the
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world. and one of the major topics in the race which will side to has moved from tech around the southern death of the brand new president. the brain raised the last month force these, let me probably to hold an election ahead of schedule. now 6 can be this, have just these to proceed. walters. 2 of them are seen as permanent and have different views on how you're on. she's being with the rest of the world, the hotline conservative. so generally it promises to continue race. these policies you just being in to help you people who to someone who knows how to take to unfortunately someone who can continue raises all your races, salt and your rhonda isolation by region altamont. wisdom countries normalize relations with region arrivals or the area suspecting ties with russia and china joining both the stronger corporation organization and the beef group of countries . despite good efforts, runs, economy remains enterprises and most of nations with the west cubic isolated from
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the national financial system. long before mister amongst these candidates must be position can believe the solution is to have to export investments by removing sections for decades. your own has been on the sanctions imposed by western countries in 2015 inside the historic nuclear deal with 6 world powers, including 2 yes. you're on agree to reduce it to daniel and richmond significantly giving it to international sanctions were lifted. america will not be held hostage to nuclear black man, but in 2018 us administration on the donald trump withdrew from the deal. and he pulls most sections on your off the joint. cities here on the former for the minister, closer to the architect of the nuclear deal. so 1st position in cottage and the reform is candidate to be negotiate the nuclear deal if you liked it and position him so he will do so build on it gives me the art seems to 2nd board. well, no country has made progress. the down for investment on export,
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we have to increase exports attract funding investment. this is a fact. it is impossible to find a real partner. what sanctions are seen in place. the more the conservative candidate bucket credit, but there's no port was the negotiations with the west, but you saves us is not trustworthy for them that you got to sure we saw what happened after we signed the deal with the us just told the deal about the left, but still, if the country's interest of fulfilled, we can negotiate to remove the assumptions, positions and call you boss can do this ease or for for those. so you can change, but many radians believe real color lives with on the elected officials. and that's whatever email, just as the winner would not be a game changer. instead of that, which is 0 doing wrong at the head of india is national exam agency has been dismissed of 2 weeks of 10 oil treated by
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a major cheating scandal. thousands of students achieved unusually high marks and this he has medical entrance exam. it's prompted allegations of fraud and left the future of nearly 3000000 students of risk. alexandra bias reports braving, scorching heat and heavy police presence. students across india have been protesting for days. for them everything is at stake. they're furious over suspected cheating at the highest level of their national exams. jacking yeah . so what can i say? whatever is happening is very strange. everywhere. cheating is happening. there's no discipline the indian governments national testing agency is that the center of the scandal. it holds elite entrance exams, critical for securing a spot in highly competitive university programs. thousands of students earned
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unusually high marks this year. some statistically impossible to achieve its prompted widespread allegations of cheating that include questions being leaked and sold for tens of thousands of dollars ahead of the exam. the discussion, nick is yet this is just another video from indeed that's photo that i showed you. that was very fun, somebody accidentally predicted the head of the agency had been sacked, results and other exams have been canceled. students have petitioned the courts and police are investigating across the country. they point, but you know, i mean, you know, one is going to be spread. no matter how big or influential someone is. no one is going to be sped. the scandal has reached the highest levels of indian politics. the opposition say the render moody and his government are to blame for not cracking down on corruption. the youngsters in india simply have no
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way to and it's not just the educational crisis. it's a crisis in pretty much every sphere that we're facing. now people are ready to do the disaster and we've got a government that is good, but we cannot do the job more than 3000000 students that this year's exams from money. it took years of high pressure study and a norm is sacrifice to get to this point. they say their dreams have been wasted left without a university place. they say the only way forward now is to seek justice. alexandra myers, alj a 0 still has on al jazeera. i am very proud of our young people unconvinced by praise from the president. can you, as young people continue that week of rage and friendship on right need a jordan valdez hoping to convince young versus to vote for the national riley
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party that would make him the youngest french prime minister in modern history the to the big and recently damaging dentist, holes in central europe, particularly the something else. and more recently the west and ukraine are repeatable event. they are moving in some places, but i think the something else and ultimately that risk continues to rep monday and probably to say we might see if you continued big ones in the west and balkans, but they will either way from west and into eastern you crate this is sort of the remnants of an, a cold front, which means it's cooler to the north and the size, but it's very visible after the site. but that junctions produce the energy. it's necessary for those john stalls with cricket bowls sized hail. however,
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if you're not on denise, those is cart quite well, but it certainly improve, you know, you're so disappointing stops. yeah, for example, it but then we should see times that's about 30 inches 23. that's so continuous. so next 5 days, neatness tunnels of stuck them. were up to simulate temperatures. again, quite a rapid change happening, proven to stomach it still tremendously halting out you ever you may be less surprising. i saw 49 yesterday because he something similar during the day, not many people live to, but it just indication of her health things. all the disappointment is for the science. so how we should see a multitude of big chairs. they're fairly rare. the teams in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned,
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sustains coverage that actively humanizes his readings and actively the humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away, tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent subject thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis of insect goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence.
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the welcome back and forth to me out. is there a mind at the top stories that our 5 sizes in south korea have found at least 9 bodies following a fine and missy and factory factory of a 145 largest have been since the plot to try to stop the spread of the place account to terrorism operation and russians, douglas stone regions now over at least 21 people were killed in simultaneous attacks by gunman, churches, synagogues on the police page were told that in the cities of much of cala 8 agencies say $21000.00 palestinian children have gone missing and also since the beginning of the hole in october, some have separated from the families for as many as strikes have very many others on their rental fee. is there any prime minister?
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benjamin netanyahu says that intense fighting against homos in gaza is nearing its end. in his fuss sit down interview with his reading media since the beginning of the war. nothing yahoo talks about deploying more troops to the northern border with less than on an address, ongoing anti government. protests israeli government has found out a 0 from food costs. and now we just went home to salute reports now from amman in jordan of the to the 1st time since the outbreak of israel's more ongoing. so prime minister benjamin netanyahu sits down for an interview with is really media and just outside a crowd gathered in protest in his interview with these rules. bar right channel 14 nathan. yahoo says this portion of intense lighting in gaza is coming to an end . but that the war is far from over. netanyahu says
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a total ceasefire deal is not on the table. straying away from the 3 phase plan laid out by the by did administration and scorching outrage from families of is really captive, still held in gaza. and you know, more harm, i'll stick them in hama, i'm not ready to stop the war and for, and last remain. i am ready to make a partial deal to return some of the people to us. and i know we are forced to continue this war after the truce to reach our goal, which is we're moving him aust. i'm not ready to compromise in the escalating situation with his bola. he says, israel is prepared for all possible scenarios, including a full scale, more history, almost all of our food. after the end of the severe phase of the war, we will have the possibility to transfer a part of the troops to the northern borders. and we will do it firstly for defensive purposes, and secondly, to return the population to their homes. if we can, we will do a double magically last week. these really aren't issued
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a statement saying it had defeated half of him. this is military capabilities in dropbox. and that operations would last a few more weeks, while the army spokesperson said a total defeat of how mass in gaza is unlikely. the possibility of war continuing seems to be very much still underway until there is serious significant pressure from the united states in the form of cutting off the money and the weapons that are enabling this war and this genocide, to continue in the wake of the rear interview pressure continues to melt on these really prime minister from allies like the united states to families of captives and even from his own coalition. and the central jersey to i'm the and just to remind you again, these ready government has bind algebra from operating and israel,
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which is why we are reporting from neighboring jordan this bringing her son, ferrari's professor of international affairs. katasha university joins us now today from amman. thank you for your time today. what did you make of what we had from prime minister netanyahu not tv interview, particularly is comments on how the is really on these focused on god. so was, was now going to turn to the new as well and obviously, and it's, and you know, he's sending a clear message to, i'm a start suppose back to his intention is to, to continue the war. meaning that, so he's asking him us to reject even to propose that. and that, that is obvious. the message is, is expressive here and, but he's also playing cuz oh, uh, domestic audience, especially the right wing back. he's committed to the frontier new. it shouldn't been a war on the same time. he want to shift most of his forces and what is to the north
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because many people in is really expecting that the 2nd front is just around the corner. well, they've been a lot of concerns both by the us and the international community about regional will breaking out. if i say, does blow up and the noise is that now inevitable? you know, it is about it, but actually it all depends on that. uh, the media shows now we know what the differential and in the, in the game of the merchant on the game is since they are invited to the, to the lab. and in order to use tension. uh, we know also that you're on has no interest in region war and is right in cape, but actually in having a much different form because also the west bank maybe is on the brink of exclusion . i think. okay, well and if any of these trying to do is tell everyone package, right, is ready a send to for his he can manipulate the situation, but we know that he cannot seem to have another funds without them or can support. and he, he was even on probably go pick
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a sizing cousins waiting for holding someone what kinds he's talking about 3500 smart, a weapon that americans are holding until this moment. and he's going to the congress in order to even talk about this point. uh so i think what is he doing is that these painted his own all against that he's a strong man that he can many play that situation and ship some of his forces in order to meet these challenges raised by his beloved. but at this moment, the exchange between has the line is right, that is still within the rules of the game is interesting. you mention european ministers, we also had from the gym and foreign minister this morning, a bad folks talking about visiting the border. what exactly are they going to do about this mean? what sort of influence do they have on problems connecting? yeah. or what until this moment. i think the europeans have little interest, little influence on nothing else. and traditionally,
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these ladies don't really listen to the rpm. there listen to them or can they know that your fans will put it into whatever the americans uh will do. uh so yeah, and here maybe and you report to when one of the, uh, the interviewers annual report was talking about the needs of having pressure from the united states. and they take the form of tried to do with holding a lot of the shipment to weapons. and this is the only language that and that's the whole can't understand because he can't continue the war without them and can help . and he can't win without the american house, and even with the american health, he, you know, he's having a hard time selling whatever victory he's talking about. so, i'm president biden, can really pressure his rent and bush's and uh to me, to the americans and europeans happily. no one has interest in regional war and the, and for this reason, i mean if any of it is still, i think that will bring the situation in order to maximize his benefits and in terms of a sci fi, dale. what are your thoughts on that? because it means view,
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as he said he made the prime minister made very clear that he wouldn't agree to any of these 5 deal. the stipulations is, and israel's war and gaza, we know that's a red line for him loss. so presumably that doesn't actually bode well for any kind of compromise as well. you know, i think why when the canal is interested in it, a stalemate, he knows very well that he can truly control the water minutely. and he can't withdrawal. and he stuck just like catch 22 and then the one hand, he wants to continue the warning that the handicapped actually won the war. mutually speaking simply because you cannot compare how much into submission, but also the ending door at this moment. i think this will probably be the final made in his particular coffee. he knows very well that it would be held accountable by the way it is right company, because that is them protesting against him,
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the opposition off for one and the election and they cannot guarantee any success. so he's actually gonna come out. so please do not. that's it, this is fair at the valves. thanks. i wanna talk to you because an interview, you know, always come up with this computer back in sending them back in and give us the hostages. and we still going to continue finding new life. if i were, i'm not sure i wasn't going to give up the hostages simply because this will not secure the main interest for him at the bottom line. for how much is it permits to buy a new job does really from gather has on very, very good to get your perspective. profess of international affairs like guitar university, is there. any forces have carried out raise across the okey pod westbank. at least a 100 people were detained. palestinians confronted as riley forces with fireworks west of ramallah. there's been fighting in the town of to boss and one kind of stadium was injured,
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find gun fight in the city. if novelist now is, is there a has spoken to an engine, palestinian mine who was used as a human shield buys, ready for us. as in janine and the occupied westbank to which a heat, a body was strapped to the front of an as riley military vehicle on saturday. the drove past several ambulances explain what happened to him. what cool, cool, and i won't look to see. these really soldiers will laughing and mocking me wild, beating me to death to his very soldier and grab my hands and to others my feet. this started swinging the left and right. i fell to the ground twice. i don't understand the term. they shoved me over the hood. it was extremely hot, and my back was booked. they drove me back and forth for 20 minutes. i loved nothing new. i had hoped to be dead before these way the soldiers arrived. i had expected them to attend my women's not to beat them back to me. while i already had to critical injuries about
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the saudi arabia says 1300 pilgrims died during this. he is hodge. health minister says most of the desk because my the extreme heat and pilgrims walking long distances on the direct sun life. it's ortiz, say 83 percent of those who died on registered pilgrim. egypt has reversed the licenses of 1600 associates and tourism companies. they have been protests over the rest and transfer of 7 pro independence activists from the french pacific territory of new caledonia to mainland friends. if the worst east in paris accused the group of focused racing riots in the territory last month, buttons, abrupt id of oppose electro iphones, that indigenous counter feed. would you use that influence? don't the thought we knew all revolts and big revolts like this?
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there always exists is exist, has been a deplorable but that of justifiable because this is a struggle for independence. struggle for freedom. we criminalize, we say these people who are known, who are fathers and mothers, we sight the criminals and state of them presently, newman, new, caledonia, that being deported. 17000 kilometers away. this is outrages. it's a way of criminalizing the connect people and the representatives have been more protests and the french capital against the far right women's organizations march the head of next week, no column entry election. president emmanuel mccomb results found them in 2 weeks ago off to his policy loss, ground and all right. can your p and column and elections are francis ron? we national riley apology is pending his hopes for success and next weeks. now collections on the president jordan bond data, just if he is the son of a tally and immigrants has widened the appeal of his policy to attract younger voters who once shunned it,
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just $28.00. bardello says he's ready to leave the country as prime minister natasha butler has moved from the outskirts of paris. jordan bardello, the 28 year old rising star of francis fall, right. nation rally policy. marine depends protege. and if things go his way in the selection from says next, prime ministers for the law says he's ready for the job. laying out his vision on the campaign trail. you sort of come, you've got to walk in terms of migration. the 1st measure i'm going to push through is the abolition of the right to legal residents and measures to enable foreign delinquents and criminals to be deported. but it has been in politics, the move and a decade. both with tony and parents in the pool powers sub a. he joins depends populace policy when he was 16. right thing for its ranks to become an a p, a 23. using social media, he's widened the policies appeal. a take talk politician for new generation. recent you election,
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an unprecedented 30 percent of young people voted for right. mainly thanks to him. you know? sure. he has an image that really speaks to young people about stopping you are taking over on nation fronts to be not to take most of the solar eclipse in a market outside powers. 24 year old mateo jim marissa is campaigning for the national riley. he says that is the future. what it is that you don't have to be afraid for words. if you pay your thoughts, if you know or to be french and for respect of the control you are, you have to understand friends, you're not the chance for friends. friends is a chance for you. it's not a nissan of young people who are voting for jordan fall. it's the people of all ages all quite june, same kind of one of his main advantages is themes. these simply notes in my new michael is a passcode y'all done by the law. i think jordan bardello is able to question himself, he's capable and intelligent,
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but macro never questions. himself. he doesn't listen to anyone who's on my cross. also the nemesis of from says new left wing alliance spot. the idea of depends on team of gratian policy and power, sketch and even move, or boston the most part under control. so i don't understand. i had confidence in the old french people, whatever their religion, all that race i said to myself, it will never happen. is dangerous because it creates hate between people and that's a shame. but as opponents of what we've concerned is he's pulled the national riley from the margins of french politics to the main stream. they say he'll destroy the country, his support to say, he'll save it. latasha butler, which is 0 blowing people across the front. so hes on the al jazeera tundra is processed in brazil against the plan to treat some force and not the twins 2 weeks as on the side of the quest for peace. how columbia as president is struggling to contain dissident on scripts,
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the large crowds have been protesting in brazil against a bill that would further criminalize abortion if passed. it would treat termination of pregnancy off the $22.00 weeks as homicide. when they say you have to keep reports now from re edition here as the were still rank time when it comes to violence against women in latin, america's largest country, a woman girl is raped every 8 minutes every half hour. a child younger than
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14 gives birth. now results, conservative majority in congress wants to pass legislation. equating abortion after 22 weeks to homicide. the children have never seen anything like this. this is a huge backlash and the fight for women's rights. now instead of moving forward, leaping back to the 1914 in brazil, abortion is legal. if the pregnancy is the results of rates, the mother's life is at risk or of the fetus has no brain. there's no time limit for the procedure to take place. if the bill passes a woman or child who has been great and terminate the pregnancy after 22 weeks, could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. that's double the punishment for rapist users. so for the view of the many women like myself have been victims of domestic violence. instead of taking further measures to protect us,
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congress wants to initial even more frequent. the bill was fast track by brazil's house of representatives, meaning it could be approved quickly without debate. women's rights activists were fast to react. taking to the streets with slogans. children aren't mothers, and rate this phone phone call just came out showing that 2 out of every 3 brazilians, a mark against this bill, that equates abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to murder. now, people who are telling us that they will continue on the street because there's a lot more to this discussion than the rights of women determinate pregnancy. it's also about the battle for parts and mines in a highly divided country ahead of october's municipal elections would disclose the members of congress. so using religion for their own benefit, saying that defendant christian values to get more votes on revenge article by time
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for a bush and less. when president resumed, asked who let us 2 of us who has been reporting the christian eval you jealous voters has been forced to to the stand for or to i am against divorce. but since abortion is reality, we must treat it as an issue of public health. i think it's insane to publish a woman with a longer present sentence. then what does apply to a rapist protestors here? safety will continue demonstrating until the bill has been. show monica, you're not give all just sierra edition era. columbia government is the only thing, new piece, negotiations on monday with another discipline faction of full of fault rebels. but president gustavo petra's total peace initiative of reaching deals with full remaining on groups appears to be on roughly as on the on p, a. t reports now from boca to whoever it was. one of president gustavo paper is bold. this promises
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a policy of total peace aim that ending decades long conflict by columbus on groups 2 peace negotiations. the 2 years later, shootings and bomb the tax are increasing in the country south were decent in rebel groups or terrorizing the local population as they fight for control over lucrative drug trafficking. any legal goals, mining not big team. i've seen this course, richard, that's the most and so we have the one suffering, the consequences the threatens, the killings we get cost in the middle. and the most painful thing is the children 831 has been forcibly recruited is very bad. and the government needs to take it seriously. and the focus of the government as being to secure bilateral c expires with different time groups while advancing in the top right now there are 2 ongoing for him on the go. she ations one with the ellen columbia. so old,
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this rebel groups that has at least 6000 members, a 2nd one with the e. m. c. at this event group a former far grab both that rejected. at 2016 the story piece deal. their power and influence has been growing since they have at least 3500 members. and on monday, a new negotiation is expected to start with another splinter group of the fact known as the 2nd market that yeah. and finally, the government has been in exploratory talks with criminal gang successors of right wing paramilitaries, like the so called climate they go to for about possible surrender deals with little progress for the kids and they market. and at least say that despite the progress spades like a hold to the kidnapping of civilians from the gangs of taking advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen their grip. when i was one of the mistakes has been
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offering too many concessions to the groups of the start of negotiations. too much carrot and not enough stick. but that has been changing. negotiate. there's incest, the setbacks are not due to government policy. kind of follows must even our worst critics admit that there has been progress despite the worsening of violence in some regions. i don't think the government's piece of policy is responsible for the up surgeon violence, which as a result of the globalization of illegal drugs and mining peace deals remain our best option. columbia is journey to peace was never going to be easy after struggling for decades with violence from insurgency groups and drug gangs. that scale the policy of total peace as not done enough to protect civilians and reduce the influence of criminal groups. i listened that i'm 50 and jesse and i, but with that. okay, that's it. for me, my insight from the seas. i'll be back there in just
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a moment. most of the day the what is the effect of the conflict on the environment? the impact of war is so much more than just emissions from tanks, ships and will fight motormouth. it has a devastating effect on people, and the department of defense is mission is as large as many countries. every time interest spending increases, military emissions increased. and this war and this climate, christ all hail the planet on
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a jersey to the years from i'll just on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the affects allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it a walking cross community driven football club with some remarkable funds left leaning socialist politics. what you see on the says those are the beliefs of the funds to pays for phones and discrimination. wide focus,
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bringing people together is quite unlike anywhere else. while odd white sports football interest on ours is 0 of the will on children $21000.00 and no missing since as well as a tax on calls. i began in october the, i'm wondering, sorry, this is all just there in life and also coming up as well as the prime minister says, intend sizing, and garza is nearly over. i didn't say it doesn't mean the war is about and an account of terrorism operation ends in russia's. duncan stone region,


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