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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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we're going to drill baby drill. we're going to get your energy cost in half. what's happening is not just the only way you can get elected to sit. she supposed to be coverage and the amount of space on the on children $21000.00. and now missing, since as well as a tax on guns that began in altered by the by money inside. this is all just there in life from the also coming up. the very forces detained, at least a 100 people within hours during raids across the field supplied west spiked
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gum and shot dead in accounts of terrorism. operation in duncan started off the killing at least 19 people in the tax on churches and synagogues. in the place of missy and battery factory in south korea kills at least 16 pete the mold in 37000 palestinians. in gauze i have been killed my israel since october, nearly hoff. all children, as well as abuse, have led it to being added to the un global blacklist of countries that home children, and agencies say a nova 21000 children are missing. some have been separated from the families, all those buried on the rubble the face and felix knew our thoughts of the united nations has called it a rule for the children. the causes health ministry
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has documented more than $15000.00 of their debts. on 8 agencies are founding the alarm on yet another green statistic. the missing children. according to whom money to and organization save the children almost $21000.00 to mind. those in gaza have been reported missing since the beginning of the war in october. $17000.00 of them are either unaccompanied or separated from their families, while at least $4000.00 a believe to be trumped under rubble. in the aftermath of these really strikes on residential buildings and refuge centers, wherever you look in gaza, there are children. they make up nearly half of the population in the besieged strip. in the wake of unrelenting more 8 agencies say it's become more
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difficult to support them. nearly 19000 children are reported opened in gaza. that has left the fate of many miners entirely, or in part, in the hands of total strangers. they warn this is increasing the risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect. and that's put a spotlight on a generation of children who have not only lost the apartments, but i left her alone and unprotected. it was on felix new are all 0. the goals as health industry is announced, the depth of the director of the ambulance and emergency service in golf uh honey algae frawley was killed in an is riley attack on the elder raj clinic and garza city health ministry. you described him as a solid model, a steadfastness and determination of the 500 paramedics and doctors have been killed and over 310, arrested since the beginning of as well as war and gaza. or let's get more unless
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we can speak to tara double zoom. he joins now live from darrow bala and i believe there was a sitting going on at the hospital about the death of honey ultram for all right. can you tell us what's going on? yes, that's right, 1000000. in fact, now the citizen has talked to us now preparations. awesome. i'm going so now just next to me, what kind of city and civil of what defense was alongside, even with the mattress. the workers who are watching the medical fields today for testing in just complete for tests against the killing, depending on jennifer brawley's who has been killed in a direct clinic. well generally this person is absolutely one of the most influential palestinian medical workers in the know the parts of the gaza strip with his critics. today, our friends and a message to the international community regarding the valley receipts of the tax on the palestinian medical book is. and it's absolutely important to mention
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millions that the violations of the attacks against the medical sexes daily by deciding to do to be as very ongoing offensive as not only promising you medical what comes out during the week. we have records, it's under a police mounting numbers of elections and even attacks against municipal watches, policemen who are watching to secure this in the front, alongside even with the palestinians who are trying to secure all sorts of humanitarian aid that can do it right now. i'm convinced, as you can clearly see and see how the becky grounds just lining up inside the yards up to the hospital. and the peroration to the approved tests and the system today as who is talking to me. and i was absolutely have a great sense of frustration. i'm re regarding the loss of hand and draw far all wheel inside that they are on able to feel safe again to, to be to lapse of security. and they can tell i dollars this trip as well. is up
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scaling submitted to that tax. they buys a 1000000, i'm sorry, what move can you tell us about mr. out to, for all of you because his death must be a huge blow, no need to those new and but also because of the important work he was doing as well as i was speaking to a number of his colleagues. they have just told me that told me that he was an icon of the garbage. and even at dictation, he was so difficult to pass the news. he told me one of his clicks that he was printing his entire day a noise watkin, to provide every sort of medical trap for the palestinians. and one of them as watson, having conversation with him. you told me that it is the director of the incidents department, and he has been also spending the bus majority of his day moving, but we actually has to the areas of apartments in order to recover injuries from the ground. this is a part of his job as he refuses to remain behind his desk,
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just waiting for the general kind of update. but he just was so determined to go down the ground in order to recover the palestinians will have been wounded and with israel's, his domestic and deliberate target. think of a be a honey on far away. the situation right now for the vast majority of the, the met just say, watches the news of the strip is really getting done on the new sewing of the protection to now being provided for those who are back into the medical care. according to the office health ministry, they said that at least 500 medical workers have been killed, sofa on the move on foot 310, others being arrested while least 33 post. plenty of hospitals have to come out to service due to isabel, the unrelenting military campaign that continued to impose most significant threats on the palestinian medical sector. that is a really right now for ages. i'm fairly functional across this trip. melanie, thank you for that. and power couple assume that for us in darrow, by law the
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authorities in the russian region of the stones se account to tears. some operation is now over, government killed, 15 police officers and 4 civilians inside will attain is the tax. in the cities of my i've talked a lot on deb and it talk is talking to the cynical churches. i'm a police post with adults. priest was killed and a church called shot dead in dub and in the capital the government fight. busy on a traffic police power 6 suspected gunman have been killed. she wouldn't be due. today has become a day of tragedy for dogs, fun and our entire country, unprecedented and their cruelty the terrorist attacks were committed against religious sites in the capital, march of cala and our ancient city there, bent. that's going on with daniel hope. hawkins. he's lonely 1st and most go daniel
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. so a significant, a time we learned anything more about the attack is um the motivation. but one of the, well, that active kind of federal stuff or i should, may have well and definitely investigators are still in the very early stages of course, of trying to piece together exactly what happened on how this could have happened at one of the most shocking tiro attacks in russia both the in the darkest on and in the wider country as well. um, no direct claims of responsibility have a much to as of yet so that we understand from the things that being st. but the study of war that the, the i, s k affiliate in russia has praised the attack, giving perhaps some indication in the future as to where authorities will be looking out full responsibility. media outlets citing security for which is what floating the possibility of these attack is, might have been linked to foreign militant groups. that is
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a claim that's been backs up this morning by so again, medical who is the head of the deck, a sudden republic saying that he's got no doubt that these attackers had links out to some sort of forward organizations. of course, now this is the only day you get investigate is we'll be looking at both the home grown theory that these attack has had. um, you know, links to perhaps pull my north, wasn't the officials in doug as time itself as well as the possibility they could have been somehow in fluid supported from elements abroad. those are the 2 lines that investigators will certainly be looking at. and daniel, how if russian authorities reacted to what happened? well, i say suddenly a lot of finger pointing took place very quickly. yes. that i, uh, an m p for a doug as tom saying that this was no doubt the trace of ukraine and nato
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countries. some sort of special services. now the russian politician said get our goals and it was quick to point out that says simply, blaming for an access for e, such incidents in russia would not lead to anything constructive. what our lead to further problems as i'm certainly 2nd medical, seemed to uh go with the full line of school this morning. meanwhile, religious community leaders both from the christian faith, the jewish more than the faith as well. i've called on people, not so given to the extreme, be extremism to radicalism, to be simple as ation the most deep of doug, a stone in particular, and the patriarch of the russian orthodox church patriot carol. uh, quoting on people uh to uh, to, to not be uh, drawing in to extremes, rhetoric and to what they described as an attempt to destabilize society in the stone and russian lodge. no comment as of yet. so from president foods in the comments from the criminal on this,
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perhaps those will come as an investigator has established full identity, the links, all these attackers in the coming hours and days to see exactly who they were involved with. and how this attack could have been allowed to happen at these very closely. got it in recent times, a religious, religious that churches and synagogues. thank you for that, daniel hawkins. that 1st and most good 16 people have been found dead often launch find for account to the listing back tree. funk tree in south korea. over in a $145.00 phases, were deployed to stop the blaze from spreading. search for survivors was hunted, find factories exploding just came is out the planning. she sent us this update. since a good grand news out of the lithium batteries factory fire this afternoon as the death tool continues to climb. despite the president's directions to spare, no resource to save those craft inside firefighters say it was very difficult to
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even enter the end goal structure in those early hours because of what it was holding lithium batteries. tens of thousands of them that hold the risk of exploding and once ignited, they are known to burn for longer and more powerfully than traditional batteries. now, it wasn't until several hours after the fire began that firefighters were able to get a handle on the blaze. and once authorities determine the structure to the sound, they went in looking for survivors and bodies. now nearly 2 dozen people were missing. and so far as we are continuing to sweep hearing more depths, as they call their wreckage, many of them for nationals who are likely day laborers. us. kim alda 0 has on south korea phones as right wing national riley policies pending it's hopes of success.
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and next week's not collections on that president jordan bond data in just a few years. the song of a tally and immigrants has widened the appeal of his policy to attract younger versus one shot, and it just 28 years old. bardello says he's ready to become prime minister. and tasha butler reports passed. this is the jordan bottle, the 28 year old rising star of francis fall, right. national riley policy. maureen depends. protege, and if things go his way in the snuff election from says next, prime minister for the law says he's ready for the job. laying out his vision on the campaign trail is sort of gone. you got to walk in terms of migration. the 1st measure i'm going to push through is the abolition of the right to legal residents in measures to enable foreign delinquents and criminals to be supported. but it has been in politics for more than a decade, both with tanya and parents in the pool towers sub
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a joins depends populace policy when he was 16, rising through its ranks to become an a p, a 23. using social media. he's white and the policies appeal a take talk politician for a new generation. recent you election, an unprecedented 30 percent of young people voted for right. mainly thanks to him. you know? sure. he has an image that really speaks to young people about stopping you are taking over on nation the fronts to be not to go to the point of the solar eclipse in a market outside powers. 24 year old. mateo, jim murphy is campaigning for the national riley. he says ball that is the future. what it is that you don't have to be afraid for words. if you pay your thoughts, if you know or to be french and for respect to the control you are, you have to understand friends, you are not. the chance for friends. friends is a chance for you. it's not any, some young people who are voting for jordan fall of the people of all ages,
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all quite jones in kind of one of his main advantages is themes. these simply notes emanuel michael, is it possible who is all done by the law? i think jordan bardello is able to question himself. he's capable and intelligent. but i'm a chrome never questions. himself. he doesn't listen to anyone who's on my cross. also the nemesis of from says new left wing alliance bought the i d of depends on team of ration policy and power scares than even move or boston or most of those. i don't understand. i had confidence in all french people, whatever that religion, all the race i said to myself, it will never happen is dangerous because it creates hayes between people. and that's a shame. what on his opponents of what with concern is he's pulled the national riley from the margins of french politics to the main stream. they say he'll destroy the country. he's supposed to say, he'll save it, patasha butler, which is 0 blowing people cool front. so head on al jazeera hundreds purchased in
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brazil against the plan to treat a voice from home to 22 weeks. as the pod came in to be is israel at north dakota piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, they thought provoking. nonsense. the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he decided to present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era the
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. ringback the, which is 0, with the mail, just bear in mind the thought top story is this, our account of terrorism operation against government in russia's predominantly
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muslim region of dunc stone has ended on 2 minutes in scale that these 19 people in simultaneous attacks on churches, synagogues, on the police post and the cities of my chocolate on deb and 6 gunmen were killed by security forces. 5 pauses in south korea found at least 16 bodies following a fine and lifting battery stock chase full than a 155 point as have been sent to the plant to try to stop the spread of the blaze and agency se $21000.00 have a signature children have gone missing and gone for since to stall to for boy in october, some all separated from that families. but it's really asteroids. how have varied many of us onto the level. there's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says intense fighting against him. austin garza is coming to an end and his 1st sit
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down interview with is really medias since the beginning of the war. and this, and, you know, talked about deploying more troops to the northern border with 11 on, addressed ongoing protest against his government. and that governments has found the islands there from broadcasting. net, which is my home to sleep. now reports from amman in jordan to the 1st time since the outbreak of israel's more ongoing. so prime minister benjamin netanyahu sits down for an interview with is really media and just outside a crowd gathered in protest in his interview with these rules. bar right channel 14 nathan. yahoo says this portion of intense lighting in gaza is coming to an end . but that the war is far from over. nits in yahoo says a total ceasefire. deal is not on the table. straying away from the 3 phase plan
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laid out by the, by the end administration. and sparking outrage from families of is really captive still held in gaza. normal. i'm not 6, i mean, hama, i am not ready to stop the war and for a loss to remain, i am ready to make a partial deal to return some of the people to us. and i know we are forced to continue this war after the truce to reach our goal, which is we're moving him aust. i'm not ready to compromise. and on the escalating situation with his bola, he says, israel is prepared for all possible scenarios, including a full scale war curse film a show of our soon after the end of the severe phase of the war, we will have the possibility to transfer a part of the troops to the northern borders, and we will do it firstly for defensive purposes. and secondly, to return the population to their homes. if we can, we will do it, doesn't matter. click last week. these really aren't issued a statement saying it had defeated half of him. this is military capabilities in
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drop off. and that operations would last a few more weeks, while the army spokesperson said a total defeat of how mass in gaza is unlikely. the possibility of war continuing seems to be very much still underway until there is serious significant pressure from the united states in the form of cutting off the money and the weapons that are enabling this war and this genocide, to continue in the wake of the rear interview pressure continues to melt on these really prime minister from allies like the united states to families of captives and even from his own coalition. from the central edges ito. i'm the just to remind you of these, right. the government is bound al jazeera from a pricing in israel, which is why we are reporting from neighboring jordan. now is ready forces of
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carried out raids across the occupied west spine, detaining at least a 100 people. i'm assuming is confronted his writing forces with fireworks west formula. my team has broken out in the town of 2 baths and one palestinian was injured by gunfire in the city of nobliss. a solid crowns have been purchasing in brazil against a bill that would further criminalize abortion cost and would treat the termination of pregnancy off the $22.00 weeks as a side want to get you had a key reports from re addition here. we're still rank time when it comes to violence against women in latin, america's largest country. well, the girl is raped every 8 minutes every half hour a child younger than 14 gives birth. now brazil's conservative majority in congress wants to pass legislation. equating abortion after 22 weeks to homicide,
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the children have never seen anything like this. this is a huge backlash and the fight for women's rights. now instead of moving forward, leaping back to the 1914 in brazil, abortion is legal. if the pregnancy is the results of rates, the mother's life is at risk or the fetus has no brain. there's no time limit for the procedure to take place. if the bill passes a woman or child who has been great and terminate the pregnancy after 22 weeks, could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. that's double the punishment for rate years or so for the view of the many women like myself have been victims of domestic violence. instead of taking further measures to protect us, congress wants to initial even more frequent. the bill was fast track by brazil's house of representatives,
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meaning it could be approved quickly without debate. women's rights activists were fast to react. taking to the streets with slogans. children aren't mothers and rate this phone phone call just came out showing that 2 out of avery, 3 brazilians are against this bill. that equates abortion after 20 emptied 2 weeks of pregnancy to murder. now, people who are telling us that they will continue on the street because there's a lot more to this discussion than the rights of women determinate pregnancy. it's also about the battle for hearts and minds in a highly divided country ahead of october as municipal election disclose the members of congress are using religion for their own benefit, saying that defend and christian values to get more votes on revenge article about time for bush and less clean president lucy nash, who love us 2 of us who has been reporting the christian eval utilities. voters has
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been forced to take the stand for the am against divorce. but since abortion is reality, we must treat it as an issue of public health. i think it's insane to publish a woman with a longer present sentence. then what does apply to a rapist protesters here? safety will continue demonstrating until the bill has been show monica not give all to 0. we addition era 7 protests over the rest and transfer of 7 pro independence activists from the french pacific territory, new caledonia, to mainland, from the authorities in power as a keys. the group of orchestrating bryant's and the territory last month and interrupted of the proposed electoral reforms. the indigenous comics food would need the influence of the consent. we may roll revolts and big revolts like this. there are always excesses like faces. they're not deplorable,
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but that of justifiable because this is a struggle for independence. struggle for freedom. we criminalize, we say these people who are known, who are fathers and mothers, we cite the criminals and state of them present the name and you, kind of donnie is not being deported. 17000 kilometers away. this is outrages. it's a way of criminalizing the connect people, and the representatives itself is all fit. and um, is enjoying its west routes and danny a decade, which could increase coffee price is around the world as well. second largest coffee producing country, lack of rain is hauled, output reduce the quantity of beans. farmers say the rustic climate is making it harder to predict what that harvest will look like. on saudi arabia says 1300 kilograms of died during this. he has hodge, the health minister says most of the desk because by the extreme heat and pilgrims walking long distances on the direct sunlight. if it were to say 83 percent of
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those who died on register pilgrims, egypt has rebec licenses of $1600.00 associated tourism companies. okay, that's it. for me, my name's side. lots more information on website knowledge. is there a dot com and is continues to the the but we're still chasing big sites to all sit, thankfully less so in sort of way. see, yes, they are showing themselves. nancy counsellor, once again we should probably wouldn't be very welcome. as throughout the philippines with the concentration is currently in the, in my, or central time. and there's a warning out here for heavy rain. for the next couple of days. even in bangkok we've got the chances of our very wet day on wednesday. we spend the stones, i decide it's a season the correct way to have a warning. i would suggest they're expecting really big showers, at least for
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a couple of days. this metal serve you things i'm not quite is a nice of spin around in the the by tips are drawing cold air up the modified say about time it gets to, i have to like know, but we're still talking low teens, but without the sunshine. so you don't use these bit disappointing after satellite . i mean all the better. and now when processing incoming cloud and rain, which will probably reach you late on wednesday, significant rain but not lasting very long. and this is equally rain showing itself the good part of queensland. but it dropped the ball concentrated in the north island of new zealand. now shooting has been you may be a little concerned cuz of course, i remember last year fucking in no assignment because the persistence of this right, it's heavy, but it shouldn't be anything like as bad as that the award winning program from international. so make, as we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking
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a long and difficult to explore an abundance of world class programming every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alger 0 the, the human cost of as well. i'm going go wrong, cause it's becoming increasingly evident that those on the ground, the reality is still entirely with ongoing composites and almost nonexistent infrastructure. how people coping, that's 2 volts out of the basic essentials, they need to come increasing, discussed. and is there any way that humanitarian quite the thing because it could be alleviated? matthew, holding with the country.


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