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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe, i guess is like slowly on one of your just makes modern plates. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as instead i'm going or the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the the hello and jessica washington. this is the news our lives from joe ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least $21000.00 palestinian children are estimated to be missing in gaza as israel's world kills thousands of children and leads many more offerings. pricing attacks on medical workers, the head of gauze emergency services is made to rest, is among nearly 500 medical personnel hills during israel's home prussia
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plains, the us, and who owns the consequences of the 4 people. acute any ukrainian attacks on crimea will have reactions from washington west and sanctions and phone policy take center stage as he runs 6 presidential candidates to take part in life. tv to base head of friday's election. and on pete assessment with all of your schools needs defending champions a to the school late to equalize the a games provide sure to ensure a place in the last 16 of us 2024 inches. the nearly 21000 children are missing and gaza. according to a new report by saved the children most believe to be trapped under rubble buried in unlocked graves. lost in the sales as will more than 37000 palestinians have
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been killed in the strip by his rarely attacks since october and nearly hoff with children. israel's abuses have led the un to edit, to a global blacklist of countries that home children, felix know how to begin cell coverage. the united nations has called it a rule for children. the causes health ministry has documented more than $15000.00 of their debts. on 8 agencies are founding the alarm on yet another green statistic, the missing children. according to who money to and organization save the children almost $21000.00 to mind. those in gaza have been reported missing since the beginning of the war. in october. $17000.00 of them are either unaccompanied or separated from their families, while at least $4000.00
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a believe to be trumped under rubble. in the aftermath of these really strikes on residential buildings and refuge centers. wherever you look in gaza, there are children. they make up nearly half of the population in the besieged strip. in the wake of unrelenting war 8 agents, you see it's become more difficult to support them. nearly 19000 children and i reported opened in gaza. that has left the fate of many miners entirely, or in part, in the hands of total strangers. they warn this is increasing the risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect. and that's put a spotlight on a generation of children who have not only lost the apartments, but i left her alone and unprotected in it was on felix new are all 0
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a. hi leah, i to 0, spoke to tanya hodge, her son who is a pediatric intensive care physician. she was indoors at the end of march and she told us what she saw there. i'm familiar with guys and culture because i've been going there for very long time. and it's a very beautiful family centered culture where extended families remain very close . and so usually what happens when a child is or friends losing one or both of their parents. and we know that they're over 15000 children and gaza, who have been or sent losing one or both parents since october. there is a list of their names that has been published and we know that normally prior to october, what would happen with these children is maybe take it. they'd be taken in by extended family. unfortunately, in this instance, some socks over because governance have been displaced. so many times from one home to another and their extended family structure and then ultimately to tents. most
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families are concentrated in one location. so sometimes for, for example, friends and colleagues of mine who are fortunate to still be living within 4 walls are living with sometimes up to a 150 members of their extended family in the same building. so if that building hit that wipe, so not only the child's mother, father and siblings, 1st uncles, aunts, it also wipes out all of their extended family. and so then you're left in a situation where, where they can even be taken in by their extended family. and that's what we're seeing right now and gaza extended families, multiple generations. i recall being in the emergency department for 140, some members of the same family were killed in one attack. and i don't know what happens to these children, the ones that the individuals that i came into contact with in the hospital were mostly being cared for by a very benevolent strangers. one child being cared for by a journalist some attends outside the hospital. another child was being cared for
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by some from some a young people younger than myself, who happened to be in the hospital. and when i asked, because i always saw him in his wheelchair because he had been injured, wasn't able to walk. you had external 68 or so screws into his bones from in his really attack, his entire family was killed and he was with these strangers and i, i have the asking him, are these your brothers? he said no, your cousins or uncles. and the guy said no, no, we're just his friends. and then later took me aside to say that his entire family had been killed and that they had been taken care of him. but since they met him at the hospital, 5 palestinians including children, have been killed and many more injured by and is rarely bombing off the residential building. and the, oh my god, the refugee camp in garza see ended up being taken to the actual hospital in central got ahead of guns as ambulance and emergency services
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is among the hundreds of medical workers. children is rarely a tax since the will began in october. how many different we was targeted in and is rarely strike on the alder raj clinic in kansas city health ministry described him as a solid model. a stead fought steadfastness and determination. healy 500 medical workers had been killed since the start of the war. honeymoon moved reports from debt up on the in central cancer, as to assume that has become old and familiar to health workers in god's colleagues guild, by in his regular talk. this time it's hannah, is jeff raleigh, someone well known to all of the lambs the most that just today the out the irish clinic was attacked. the room of mister honey o. jeff riley was talking to him because this is a heinous crime and adds to the reco. disney is ready occupations. israel has killed hundreds of paramedics and doctors since it is started. it's war and october
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regarding those workers nor save even derrick lennox room is really a talk. the want is was to be held accountable. now she do, unless evidently, we appeal to the international institutions to take it to list on some of these attacks. we have lost more than 400 health personnel in garza and more in detention . we lost dozens of health institutions to complete the partial destruction. we say to the world, isn't that time for you to stand up and protect the palestinians to protect medical crews on institutions, the respect the palestinian island spots? 3 hundreds of dollars, the health workers had been detained without charges by you as well since october various tasks have lived there hospitals and clinics and roland. and yet, doctors and nurses and turn medics continue their vital work in the or impossible conditions. and even more. outage of the central gauze of palestine is rarely
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prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has given his 1st interview to his family media since october 7. he said fighting in gauze that would decrease in intensity, but rejected a permanent ceasefire. and your normal high enough to come in come uh, i'm not ready to stop the warrant for him last remain. i am ready to make a partial deal to return some of the people to us and i know we are forced to continue this war after the truce to reach our goal, which is we're moving him aust. i'm not ready to compromise. how much has reacted to benjamin netanyahu, whose comments say it proves that these really prime minister was not interested in securing a deal. and a reminder, the is ran, a government has bent odors here from the porting there. so i'm just a little send us this update from jordan on sunday. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that she's not interested in a long term deal. that would ultimately ended a ceasefire, saying that he would only be interested in a partial one that would see the release of some is really captive. but on monday,
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speaking of these really parliamentary, he said that israel remains committed to the deal that has been approved by the united states. so overnight, essentially, switching his position now, how much has released his statements and that's in yahoo remarks commenting thing. the quote mentioned y'all, who is the one who is avoiding making a deal, and that his stance is apparent in wanting to sell for time. how much goes on to say that the ball is in netanyahu's court and that they've responded positively to all of the positions that have been brought forth to them by mediators. this is just a continuation in the pointing the finger at each side. whenever there are terms or negotiations for c 's filed, these really sign continuously blames him us for whenever there is a collapse in these negotiations and have mass says that israel is simply an interested in bringing about this deal. but it comes as nothing y'all who was under immense pressure from the families. it is really captive to release the statements saying that method, yahoo is back tracking on the policy of bringing back the remaining captive and
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ultimately ending the war in the deals. that would be 3 phases long time to send who just need a month. and a reminder that these really governments has bend on to 0 from operating in israel . and that's why honda was reporting from jordan the land joins now buy or a goldberg who is a political commentator as he joins me now live from tel aviv. alright, thank you for joining us. this is, as we've been mentioning, this is benjamin netanyahu, whose 1st interview with is really media since october. and the most significant takeaway is that he commented that finding and goals that would decrease in intensity, but also rejecting a permanent ceasefire. what has been the response in israel to this interview? generally over the past few days, there seems to be at a slight but a tangible change in the way it is rarely interviewing. that's a now. um,
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she no longer seems like the on nepotism trip. preventative of all of us are ok now . it seems like a politician in distress fighting for his own personal and potentially story of interest. the very fact that he gave this interview is this thing weakness. he has not spoken to his early media as unbelievable as that sounds since october 7th. when it's in the hours on the roll. he doesn't speak when he feels and baffled in the siege. he makes it a place to speak. this is a sign of weakness, not a string. so it's fair to say then that the reason he gave this round the southern interview is because public pressure is growing or is it political pressure? public pressure is growing and it's in the arrows, quote unquote. opposition is not really in residents, but even that opposition is appearing somewhat in bold and over the past few days i'm or i don't know if we can call it a complete turn,
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but public opinion in israel is changing the momentum for those who are those within the hour and have been protesting against them grows. it doesn't grow because they weren't necessarily just stop the war. it grows because it's become very clear that she is personally sabotaging a deal. is a statement and then his reneging and then this interview with they are showing is riley is, is that the to the hours not at the top of his game. and, and you mentioned that renee king, i want to mentioned, there are already reports that what i'm going to send that know who said in this interview may not necessarily be what is being said behind closed doors. indeed, there all these reports from axles which say that even a netanyahu aid himself quoted the remarks a gaff. what do you make of that? well, uh, as an israeli who is, has been as broad as timothy, you know, and his antics over the past 15 years. that sounds uh true. i understand that the
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americans also receive the recording of ernest anyhow saying that you will abide by the byte and deal. this is classic and it's in the out. he always does this with these 1st to make a decision. he doesn't like making decisions. certainly not one so laden with potential political baggage, he tries to him and haul and hedge. he tries to procrastinate as much as he can. it looks like he is reaching the end of his tether right now. and all of this, uh, it's all of these statements in this through nagging everything you've described. i think it shows that missing the hours, losing it. and or if we're making a distinction between the level of public support for prime minister netanyahu and then the level of public support for the war on concert itself, how do you assess the level of public support for the continuation of the war? it um, it saddens me, but i think most of my countrymen still support to are uh they are calling for
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a ceasefire because the she like it is the best chance of making a hostage deal. not because they feel like the words in the state. i would venture a guess that is polling serious going were conducted most is always would also support a war and loving on. but i must say that alongside the support for the genocide old containing goes on and for a potential learn live or not. there's also real fear, the real awareness that the consequences of such for us. so is there, these are now living a shredding your existence? they know exactly what will happen if the were in guys a continues, even in a sense of hoss does not returning very aware of the horrific consequences as a war 11 and they support them and they fear them. and they'd like somebody to make a decision. the fact that it's in the aisle is sailing it, making a decision is probably the most prominent element pushing than ever so slightly against him over the last few days or a goal. but joining me that from tel aviv thank you so much or thank you for having
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me is mainly defense minister your gland has arrived in washington dc ahead of meetings with senior us officials. glance has met with the secretary of state, asked me blinking, attempting to broker a diplomatic solution to the will in gaza. a small group of protest is gathered outside the state department on his arrival. meanwhile, the us state department has given their reaction to a video of a palestinian prisoner strapped on the front of an his randy military jeep spokesperson. matthew miller described the incident as shocking. we saw that video . it was shocking. the practice was absolutely unacceptable. humans should never be used as human shields. the idea of should swiftly investigate what happened. hold people accountable, just like hannah has moved from washington dc. well, the state department spokesman went on to say that they had been assurances that
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the is rarely ami was investigating this incident, that the soldiers had not acted according to protocol and that they will be held accountable. it appears that the state department is satisfied with these assurances from the is really on me. it's not knowing whether the method came up for discussion between the secretary of states and these really defense minister of the points of discussion. though we understand sent it on what israel coles. it's the 3rd phase. this is a gradual withdrawal from gaza. a reduction in the level of conflict also. and the discussion was the nature of governance in gaza when the will concludes us as being attempting to get agreement with you as well on what the nature of this governance will be. however, we understand that you still know agreement between the us and israel institute. exactly how gaza will be governed when is will withdraws. my kind of, i'll just sierra washington,
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the, the russian foreign ministry has some in the us and best of the same. washington has direct responsibility for an attack on russian antics to crimea. for people were killed by falling debris in sylvester pool on sunday. russia says it's shut down 5 ukrainian missiles over the poor city. moscow says us specialist help to oversee the flight pop of those missiles. a pentagon spokesperson said ukraine conducts its own military operations. daniel hawkins has more on the russian reaction from most go the rules that had the reactions from the 2nd level for us ins throwing us who said there is no doubts any involvement of the united states in what he describes. the terrorist attack in crimea prominence. the machine has been in a meeting with the russian officials also do power. those just audio today between
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what happened in august on and from me or again describing both as tell respects and secretary of the head of the state to my defense committee on the date of the paul of has also echoed cools. we heard earlier from russian officials that the, the west will be held responsible for supplying weapons. these will claims we have heard before. of course, from russia saying that any russian, any attacks by you quite on russia using western supplied weapon re, uh, will mean effective. you direct involvement in the quite in conflict by ukraine's allies, dmitri pasco, somebody has a heart of the russian companies, folks, when the and pharmacy spoke, some models are being low to mines. the describing, this is of all barrack effect and saying that they will be repercussions here. the for the u. n. a us, such as a bus that are link tracy olds as someone to the russian for them. is she for a protest about the events? yes, that a, this does really represent a very direct combination of how you direct accusation by the criminal at of
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involvement in ukraine and is effectively quite a serious diplomatic escalation. joining me now live from washington dc is dave to rush. he's a professor at the national defense university professor. thank you so much for joining us on the on to see or, and use our. let's begin by talking about what most ago says, but it says that us specialist helped oversee the flight part of those missiles. is there any indication that that could be true? you know, i don't think we've seen any indication in this entire war. the us planning strikes are engaged in any operational level planning. i think that our role was limited to the provision of the weapons and restrictions as to wherever the weapons and most of course, this is threatening that they will be consequences. such actions by washington will not be left without response. those are the comments of the foreign ministry. of course, this isn't the 1st time that we've seen most go reacting in such
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a way. is it? you know, so since the start of the invasion, moscow is threatened d a y d more as a means of trying to get countries to back away from ukraine and let them re establish their empire their the us and bass are most people in tracy. i worked with in afghanistan and in a shower, to the most dangerous cities for american shoes and experienced diplomatic. she's pretty tough. so i don't think she'll be be cured at all. i would certainly live broadcast to say, to work. and in terms of how the pentagon has responded to this, save of course, said that ukraine conducts its own military operations. do you believe that that anything further needs to be said, 500 on know or is it this just the case that most go will believe what it wants to believe in the circumstances as well? i, i don't think moscow believes this necessarily. i think that so foster will say what it wants to say to establish their narrative from what they're trying to do is some
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they've, they've seen what was considered to be one of the best air defense systems in the world be penetrated repeatedly. they've also tried to say that the crimea is a safe place for russians to settle. but behind the scenes, we've seen a series of attacks on the advance, their defense and crime you. we also saw an order last week for the russians, 3 graduate on museum artifacts out of crimea. so i think they realize that their position there is deteriorating and they're trying to shift flip the script before the western weapons hit ukraine in force before you create and really has the ability to turn the table on the battlefield. all we're witnessing that all we witnessing ukraine being able to build the capabilities to be able to turn the table. because of course, the why the context of this is that earlier they had been discussion of, of piece talks, which of course russia was not invited to. but all we, instead witnessing puts an escalation rather than getting closer to piece swell way
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if you define pieces ukrainian, capitulation, the russia, and then we're moving away from peace. but i think most people in the western people who value a sovereign sovereignty of omniscience. what do you pieces the restoration in ukraine's borders as introduced before the invasion? so what we're coming to operationally is ukraine has been in a period of ammunition starvation for about 2 to years. they rush has been firing about 10 artillery shells for everyone. now those shows, i think, are starting to make their way to ukraine. i think that ukrainian forces will probably have artillery parity by the winter. in the meantime, they're setting the conditions for victory by systematically destroying rushes like tronic warfare and air defense system. particularly inquiring. yeah, and i think that's what we're seeing here. so this is setting the conditions, but i don't think we'll see any real shift in momentum until the winter time. all right, thank you so much. dave de,
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roche professor at the near east south asia center for strategic studies. thank you to thank you. authorities in the russian region of doug as done say, account of terrorism operation is now over. government killed at least 20 people, including police officers and civilians in similar time is a tax in the cities of the high school a additive and the attack is targeted synagogues and churches and the police post some of innovative reports. you find the sweep of the anti terrorist operation ended in russia's darkest on regions and orthodox church, and a synagogue were attacked by government exchanges of heavy fire. it continued in the early hours of the morning. at least 5 attackers were killed. i was shot from the back. it's cut out from here. we try to help civilians evacuate . we did or we could a rush of state media says the sons of the head of central that gets done. so go
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from the district who are among the attackers. whether it's supposed to be of the subsequent operational such an investigative may just because they don't update all participants in this sleep itself, anything to fight. and of course they had been preparing, including from abroad. i would like to ask all of you, dig astonished to remain calm. the situation is under the control of the government and the enforcement agents. it was in addition to the incident in the event and then also attacked a traffic police post about a $125.00 could lead me to the re and then they'll be confident of my side chicago . i was at the road police department. i got the dispatch call and move to the site, the court in the area, and while doing it, they got wounded right here. my friends were killed. i was just talking to them half an hour before that. or at least 15 policemen were killed in the attacks. and among the 4 civilian casualties and orthodox priest who worked there for 40 years and the church guard were also killed. out of 13 policemen. 2 were let go home
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as they had like trop, nunes 9 other remaining hospital out of them for had undergone surgeries, they are in stable condition, but they are still in intensive care. others are in moderate condition. some parts of the units go ahead and site the burnt local media says at least 2 goodman running to the orthodox church, tried to set fire to its main icons and then opened fire. seed media reported that the attackers were supporters of an international terrorist organization. but did not name it. market phone has been simmering since the 19 ninety's window shop for children and local separate or at least 4 people from the august on would arrested in april after a deadly attack on moscow. struck a city hall concert venue responsibility for which was cleaned by iso. but the russian president has insisted that threats to russia come from best. some countries are ukraine. the russians war drags on some of the jobs out to their
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foreign policy. and western sanctions were on the agenda for randa 6 presidential candidates in the pendleton as live television to base. it was the 4th of 5 encounters between them. ahead of friday's election, the 12 men, the guardian council vetting body has approved one reformist and 5 conservative candidates. election was treated by the death of of union president abraham. i see in a helicopter crash last month or so sort the reports from data. a single floor teller was the baby ready presidential candidate is more or less repeated the previous positions regarding the for them pulling us in the hallway inclusive with your candidacy. identity says that she is going to continue with it. used to work for us, which is the policy that may be renting. presently abraham raising, his name's to hear from the ties with the long west of the companies. and can you please the 3 dimensions. weight is non west. some companies. he says that the bridge of opportunities are waiting for your run have to get an inmates in america
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. so on the other hand, only for miss candace missy position can say is that the main problem that you're on is facing, are these international sanctions. and it says, please electives. that is going to be his priority. he's going to be negotiate a nuclear view with west to remove the sections. on the other hand, the most of conservative candidates back and kelly boss is that she is not a gas negotiating. the nuclear deal with the west. however, this requires a national consensus and also it has to be in line. we can release the principals. so now there are 3 days to go to the elections going to be held on june 28th. the candidates are trying to persuade waters. so the jim was to be patient. you run is that you have the 2 amount is high, you know something about 60 percent. reform is candy. that misty position young has a huge chance for being elected as the new reform as president. well, you're wrong,
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but you can of course, the only below to 60 percent then people believe that it's going to be a 2nd gone. so the 4 point is, if the reform is candidate mr. business deal would be able to mobilize the reform is to go to the ballot box or not. that is going to determine the faith and the outcome of this election, which we said that there are still ahead on i am very proud of our young people. unconvinced by praise from the president's like 10 years young people are continuing to voice. there's age and india have between a stranger to secure a place in the semifinals of the t 20. well, show you how they do this and start with teach us
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some of thunderstorms and that is what they all they've been wandering around the outs recently. a more generally in the central part of europe have been and will be gigantic. they've caused some damage to the sides of hail and from the ferocity of the matter of writing this for tonight. and i think they could repeat the same thing because all that on tuesday the focus is maybe the valley wrong. the southern oaks and you've got one or 2 in the balkans. if you go head to wednesday, the spread for the north. and so the reset their lower your suggestion there is a big sound, the silver and the out of hungry, just catching slovakia for example. wherever all kinds of storms is pretty warm is warming up to the noise at least already. holt, being so the heat wave territory from hungry south towards greece and turkey. berlin finally goes up to where it should be. the average temperature has time to use that one half. we get the but only until saturday,
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maybe later on friday with thunderstorms. dr. cool things down once again. so hopefully most to know if i've got and particularly algae or was there enough, there's houses, it was maybe, but the showers in west africa all coming and going they should be as finals this the have this time you have to make sure that even archer stays full, but the article rare, then we might like the i'm going to show we got to feed about black. i don't want to do it live on, come funny enough for the police left behind us to black essential workers share their experiences of racism in the u. k, replaced by the end of a point where they've done breakfast well and showed the way black. it was on the weathering on that jersey. oh okay. foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00.
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will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. we insure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the hello again, i'm jessica washington. this is a 0 reminder of our top stories. this our agencies say 21000 palestinian children
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have gone missing in gauze us since the stones of the war in october. some have been separated from their families, but it's rarely as strikes have varied many others under the russell. is there any defense minister you'll have? kalonde is in washington dc that talks with seniors, us officials, is met the secretary of state of st. lincoln and is due to meet with us defense secretary lloyd austin lunches. dan, russia has summoned the us ambassador in protest, up to 4 people were killed, any ukrainian missile strike on crimea on sunday. let's go, says us personnel oversaw the launch of the missiles. it depends on, says ukraine makes its own decisions on military operations. 22 people have been found dead altro launch. fire broke out a factory producing lithium batteries in south korea. the place began. optic naturally sells exploded in the warehouse and an investigation is underway and is
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came reports from the sides of the factory and also south korea. the fire engulfed and lithium battery plant in minutes. when i witness who escapes as it was, started by a spark from a single battery firefighters, se they so many blow up. it sounds like raining bullets like popping sounds. it lasted for a while and then black smoke went away and the sound stopped at around to 15 gmc, what did you want to know what to think of what portal i saw that would go shots and shows folding because of the way it was so loud it kept rumbling and banking right the, the blaze is believed to have started on the 2nd floor of the 3 story building were products were packaged and stored, copying workers inside most of them for in laborers. among the missing workers, there are chinese nationals and other for nationals about 20 workers are for national one of the government rapids we dispatched fire fighters because of the
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risk associated with a lithium battery plant. when over heated, the batteries can explode and burn more intensely and for longer than traditional ones as some $35000.00 were believe to be installed. after hours of battling the flames, firefighters entered what was left of the building to survey the down mitch and retrieve the bodies of those inside. south korea's prime minister hundreds who visited the scene with members with as government, promising their full support. so we would twice on the city to assign one dedicated official victim to provide full supports and to take swift action to ensure the injured receive treatment without inconvenience and investigation. and to the exact cause of the fire is underway. as families more those they've lost is kim alda 0 class on south korea of the residents in the us who were forced to flee their homes when train crash caused
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a spill of toxic chemicals will soon find out what caused the development investigations from the national transportation safety board, i said to release the findings incoming hours. the train carrying various hazardous materials do railed in the town of east palestine february last year. many residents say they are suffering from long term health problems. how does he or his christian salumi is live in east palestine with public meetings with the n t s b, i'm being held for 6 years and what have residents been telling you? well residents so that they have a lot of lingering concerns about the health impacts of this crash that happened more than a year ago. now the clean up is still underway, but then t s b is due to give its final report on that crash tomorrow to night in the auditorium. you see here behind me, they'll go over the scope of that report. exactly. what's in it,
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what they've been looking at, what they can and cannot tell residents. and again, the residents have a lot of concerns. a lot of questions that they want to answer, particularly on the health impacts. a new study came out just in the last couple of weeks that found that the fallout, the toxic particularly that were released into the air actually traveled farther than expected. covering more than 16 states in the united states from north carolina all the way up to the canadian border. so that's a concern for people. it comes as the federal justice department just announced a settlement with the owner of the train that crash norfolk southern and residents have to decide whether or not to accept the payouts that are being offered by the company. if they accept those payments, then they can't sue them in the future if they have more health issue shoes or more property issues that they have to deal with. so there's still more than
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a year after this crash, a lot of uncertainty and, and residents that i've spoken with say they're coming because they want to get some answers. and kristen as you're waiting for that public meeting to begin, is there any indication of what transport officials might say? well, tonight is really all about the process. what the report will cover without going into the details of the report, the real meat of the issue that is going to be discussed tomorrow. when the board itself sits down to hear the latest findings from experts about what caused the crash about the liability of the trains. owners about the clean up uh, ongoing how long it's going to take. the latest refer it is that the cleanup could continue until november of this year. the board will then vote on that final report . and then the chair woman of the n t s b will again address community members have
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another community hearing where they detail the actual findings of that report. so a couple of community meetings, a very long board meeting were told that that could last all day on tuesday to come to agreement over what should be included in the report. but so far we don't know what's going to be in that report. all right, thank you, christine, that's out of here as christian. so let me live in east palestine security agencies in kenya be accused of intimidating active us ahead of plan. nationwide demonstrations on tuesday organizes have code for 1000000 9 march. when politicians get to vote on amendments to a finance bill that could increase taxes can use interior minister is wanting their own limits to the right to protest as they must remain peaceful and not throughout the assembly. it was sufficient. the picketing and the present titian of any petitions to authorities
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to they must engage in the manner as that does not promote violence or rights. catherine. so a has moved from the capital named ruby right outside the direct to the rate of a criminal investigations. here in narrow b and some of the organizes august portez are here. they are saying that some of the core legs are being intimidated. one of the for testers is missing and they say that they, he might have been abducted by police. uh so uh the lead is, uh, all this port a square here a say as they want answers they,
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they huge security presence. i hear the police say they don't want any trouble themselves. and they will have, uh, they say that they want to, uh, listen to what the podcast is a say that there is a benefit of funny hi. what's going on here. we're being the police have been looking for us for the last 3 days. so i mean, i do almost have deputy on friday so we can find a way for us to the police is going to give that to us. we're not going to talk to you the we cannot, don't know what else to go to. if i'm going to be afraid of leaving, you know, extension and they wouldn't just quit spacing. alrighty, buddy said, yeah, you talked about it. could you say it's telling the precedent you want to guide open your receptionist for no charge is missing after the shot. so the situation is quite fluid and the part us is this thing that they will keep potted. they say they need to call out the need,
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or they say that these have to stop. and on tuesdays they said that they are organizing a one mean you're march um on the streets to the to l. a. the lead as that enough is enough. catherine, so you all the 0 nairobi, the 1st group of 200 kenyan police. the only way to hazy to lead a un back to mission to tackle gang violence, kenya will be leading a $2500.00 members security for several of the countries including nigeria and julie will also be sending personal gangs have been controlling most of haiti's capital for the prince, for the past several months, pro independence activists in new caledonia have taken to the streets again, following a decision to transport cannot independence leaders to france to face trial. french authorities say the leaders with behind last month violent unrest in which 9 people
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died when, hey, reports the explosions and file returns to the new caledonia and capital new mail for independence protest as i paid on the streets since last month, but have again intensified direction after seeing some of the lead is arrested and sent to france, it was a possibility that was signals by the french government some time ago. but when it finally came, it caught everyone by surprise. switching to inform us what we only learned of this off the decision had been made. so we were surprised and stupified. we've already appeal among those st to fronts for pre trial detention. christie and team leader of the field action coordination, sell, and indigenous come a group. the parasites is behind. most of the violence chain was among several independence leaders who met with french president emmanuel macro. when he visited new caledonia just over 4 weeks ago to try to resolve the crisis,
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protest begin last month over a proposal to allow more french nationals to vote in elections. a change cannot say will marginalize the voice. president macro has now suspended, but not withdrawal. the constitutional change, the push, the button was on the constitutional bill that was voted on by both chambers on new caledonia. i have decided to suspend it because we cannot have them be, give it to you during the period. it must be suspended to give full force to the dialogue taking place over that and further attempt to order. in paris, supporters of the pro independence movement gathered near the ministry of justice to protest against the decision to send the arrested leaders to france. except the white simply, there is no material, evidence to date, to link the lead us to the c. c, a t with the obviously is the top been committed because quite simply, there isn't any because this organization has always been pacifist it as old as called for peaceful much is a large security presence remains in new caledonia,
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but is unlikely to do to the protest this and with the pile of entry election beginning in less than a week. stability in this french pacific territory looks a long way off. wayne, hey, l g 0. still ahead on eldest 0. disappointing hall this for coffee farm is in vietnam. we look at how fox, how climate changes to play we find out why there's been a mixed reaction to the discovery of an ancient roman ruin in the italian capital engines for spain make it 3 wins from 3 at the euro's ending albanians hopes of reaching the knockout stains the this business uptake these voltage by the state bank growth partner of on the dash before he is
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the these business uptake. these me, why this exact proton of on the dashboard to use the
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the hello again, it's time for us for his patience. just to get thank you very much. with the always like drama. after euro's way of defending champions, it's the school deepen stuff. it's time to drill 11 with croatia and reach the last 16 croatia were awarded a penalty. in the 2nd hall for a handful. they captain lucca muggeridge stepped up. it's always spot fix said by jim luigi done a room uh but mud which made him a just a minute later he put the side in front of that link. right. so we're going through as run is up in the group and it stayed that way until the 98 minutes. when my tia is cutting because it's an easy to send them. instead of knockouts, probation on 2 points,
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which lucky will not be enough to progress spain were already issued on top supporting group and they were more than happy to make it 3 wins out of 3 with the team, the featured painting changes from a last match 7 tories with the only goal of the game against albania, who now head i have the confirmation of how group the finished spring top of the pile of 9 points. it's in the sneaking 2nd date of correlation. who as i mentioned, will more than likely go out and albania differently or else let's go live. now it's what i'll call respond to dominique, a new watch. those matches in the fans and balloon dominique. it started with the defending champions. talk about leaving it late of the they couldn't really have left this much light to room for the way. and the interesting thing about the goals store brought on as a substitute within 10 minutes from normal time as it was. and yet he scores the
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goal which propels this country safely into the last 16 until this evening. his claim to fame was having score the goal of the season and sadie in 2021. well, now he has done something that many is highly and go to being dreaming of. and perhaps thinking was not gonna happen all through every things that have taken place in the game already. i'm for lucca, most of rich this jew or a cell bunny of european football. he's played so much so many games around the group and for his country to have missed the penalty and then get the shots from school to redeem is failed. penalties tend to be substituted, thinking this thing was going through and then to be denied at the very almost the last ticket for jane. it is just about possible that maybe some combination of results in other groups might possibly allow correlation to go through. that revolves around slovenia, losing by 3 or full goals. and that seems unlikely. so as you was saying,
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it is most likely probably sure of going on. but for the italians, very clear. a game again, switzerland tier and fell into the olympic stadium on top of that. spain made wholesale changes in a game still managing to when is it too early to start talking about for petes of 282012 well, the spanish finally to a here and the friends are not in this specific friends. so this is where the grow sure it's highly fit to the game was being shy and but elsewhere in the front. so they were obviously enraptured by that. the 3rd winter in a row. no goals conceded straight through the shoulder. no yet which team they'll be playing in for the last 16, it will be a good place to see my most obviously still have to be sole through that but 10 players were arrested. it made no difference that on to our school what the go and the hospital keeper via made some excellent sites. but then that would be to be
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expected because he won the golden glove in the premier league this season. so from the spanish point of view, is it too early while they can dream by they've gone through 3 wins and they feel quite confidence about whoever they're going to play next. so many kind. thank you . as always, england will run is up at the last year rose, but they've come in for some criticism full day performance so, so far at the 2 of them it's never been nice. they all top of group see you after when and a drew. they face slovenia in cologne on tuesday. and the victory will guarantee you they go through as group of windows, which means they avoid taking on the host nation germany. in the last 16, a very high profile team, we use expectations and we fully understand everything we do is going to be scrutinized. so i'm very comfortable with living that life, but i don't need to engage in extra no. cause on my biggest critic and i think
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players are as well. so there's nothing to be gained from us that's going to help improve us listening to extend oakridge, susan. we know what we've done well, we're very honest about that. we know where we need to be back to india have secured a t 20 woke up semi final spots off to defeating australia by 24 runs in, grows delay. it needs to be on the east. on the brink of a nation, india bed for span. thanks to a secret of 92 or 41, bowls from cats and rubbish. alma were able to post unimposing 285 for 5 straight ends need. it's a winning to make sure of a semi final spots. basically put mitchell motion traverse. hey, it had the all of these on track with the indian boat is gradually glow the way back to ensure a 24 run wind by 4 and shots. and now means if i've got a strong hand of who would defeat against bend division kings found the all these will be heading home early renew. he's the legend. and the big not was that on
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the 9. so even though it's up raised, motivated, created, and it came on and even in the coming in the desktop, he does the same with us. top. com. yeah, one or 2 performances doesn't go away and find stuff out. so are we thinking the same thing off the last not realizing that are so you can pull it out fine, really good to have in cricket as well as i and yeah, just how it is sometimes and let's see how far they all have. x fails, and that is all i have to say full tonight just like i thank you. peter. smotts of asia has been baking in extreme heat for months together with prolonged droughts. agriculture is one of the worst hid sectors from coffee plantations in vietnam to rice fields in china, houses a low, and that means higher prices for consumers everywhere on to be low reports. coffee farmers in vietnam are working hard to make up for months of disappointing
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harvest. the country has seen very little rain in the last few months with extreme heat flipping much of southeast asia, handy uh no to the drunk drawn up this whole area and the surrounding areas and the water shortages. so it should be that compared to last year, the hottest, the coffee cherries is very low, we lost a lot of the outputs. it was very small, very low to see it. farmers are bearing the brunt of the trout, which is now sweeping north. is central china's hun and province. these rice fields are parched because their reservoir does a place order for irrigation is drying up. and the women really do call could you check knowledge and dodge official ride may help. but if it doesn't rain in the next few days, we might know thomas anything is old. so this is the situation is very different in other parts of china. however, we're flotsap inundated villages and dozens of people have died. scientists say global warming is contributing to the extreme weather. all of it destructive to
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agriculture rate, holler, shoot us way. you've got drought in one place, floods in another. you can't rely on that, having a pool, houses here, and then importing from somewhere else. we're seeing these converging events, which will continue, unfortunately to push out prices. higher prices should be good for the vietnam's coffee corps. the country is the world's 2nd biggest coffee producer, but farmers say it isn't necessarily a win for them. a jot down the we don't guns, we farm is should be happy with price increases, but due to the strout with not very happy because the price increases. but the output goes down. the vietnam coffee academy has been helping some of them adapt to climate change. but introducing the use of bring catchers to soften to soil and maintain moisture, but with the onset of the rainy season, farmers worry excessive down poor us could damaged or trees and further reduce their harvest button below i'll just 0. a contained
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a shape has been towed away 3 months off to crashing into a bridge in the us, poor city of baltimore, the vessel lost power and collided with the francis scott key bridge in march, causing it to collapse. 6 people were killed. the f b i is carrying out a criminal investigation. the ruins from the roman empire has been discovered close to the vatican initially. they will on us during construction for the catholic churches special jubilee next year. strongly angela reports deep below rooms streets, an exciting find large music, floors 4 or 5 rooms of considerable size and water tanks all believe to be the remains of an ancient laundry buffalo. nica archaeologist say the area once lapsed by the waters of the type of river was originally where the imperial residences were found on the english body. a very important road passed through this area. the
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1st section of the ancient via town police and via cornelia. the 1st suburbs along which were a series of aristocratic tubes. then the whole t dot in the 1st century b. c, with the luxury residences of the leading aristocrats, the late republic, in late to imprison since here in particular, that the gardens of aquafina dated approximately 2000 years ago. okay. i'll just say this site would have started out as a residence and then being converted ref phenomena, right? but the find isn't welcomed by oh, this area is being transformed into pedestrian nice piazza with an underground tunnels because a project is supposed to finish in december. but this discovery may push that deadline back, is applying his to kathy studies and disassembled the relevant ruins and reconstruction nearby to allow visitors to understand the entire history of the ancient landscapes of the vatican area. charlie on to out is there. right. thanks
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for watching. i'm jessica washington and i'll be back in a moment more today's needs the working class community driven football club with some remarkable funds. the less leaning socialist politics. what you see on the says those are the beliefs of the funds to pays for phones and discrimination. wide focus, bringing people together is quite unlike anywhere else i'm not supposed to fulfill my lot. white sports football interest on ours is aaron pod, his a mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way
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. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to. how did you hear the latest news as it breaks is really military has been forced to stop locating a blockade on the gauze of red, severely limit exam 3 of the spend so good with detailed coverage. human rights organizations have well come the u. s. decision to place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights from the hall. so the story, the shortage of water is adding more misery to the live of tens of thousands of palestinians, african stories from african perspectives. the museum it is the menus to say, a mass email box to send people to short documentaries, by african filmmakers from the media. and gonna,
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knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding feeling, sleeping on water. and the go from a new series of africa direct on, i'll just sierra, the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is the news our lives from don't. coming up in the next 60 minutes on the verge of starvation, the un says one in 5 households in garza a going whole days without food. at least $21000.00 palestinian children are estimated to be missing and goza as israel's will,


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