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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the, the hello and jessica washington. this is denise our lives from don't. coming up with the next 60 minutes. within a dozen people have reportedly been killed in 10 year after crowd stone department . president russo says legitimate protests for hijacked by criminal the government has mobilized all resources at the nation's disposal to ensure that
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a situation of this nature would not 3 cost. again, at whatever cost. meanwhile, the 1st batch of canyon police officers arrive in haiti. they leading a un backed international house close tossed with containing gang via israel's attorney general asks the military to immediately draft 3000 ultra orthodox students. after the supreme court ruled, they must be enlisted in which he leeks found. the julian assigned arise as a us island in the pacific for court hearing, following a plea, deal with washington. and i am peace of statements with useful austria stone benevolence, 3 to, to reach the last 16 of the jurors and phones, the top spots in the group. the,
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the can use president is cooling, the storming of parliament by protest is a national security threat. at least 13 people have reportedly been killed during a dramatic day of demonstrations, of to and peace post bill imposing new taxes. the military was deployed of to hundreds of protest is stormed. the opponents compound in the centre of nairobi and such a building on fire. the us and african union has urged restraints and cold on old policies to provide space for dialogue. protests to say there's still time to stop the president from signing bill interval with president william rochelle has vowed such unrest won't happen again as war has a cost. i hear by people not to use. the planner. finance just focus st. us on the bit test of violence and i know
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that the security infrastructure is published to protect our republic and it's suffering it would it be deployed to say to the country and curious to know much zane bus or avi was up the protests in the capital and begins coverage within hours of passing the despised tax bill and use parliament was over run by angry demonstrators fulfilling a promise to occupy how many politicians were forced to evacuate her shelter in the basement. parts of the building set on fire. president william brutal may have got what you wanted, a raising taxes to pay mounting national debt. but demonstrators made it clear he will find it difficult to collect the real a few documents that the we want the, the one of the,
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every time during the course of several hours, the crowd swells from dozens to thousands, overwhelming police and pushing them back. eventually breaking through the line as these pay to continue to escalate the pressure on the government with the protesters you want to say is they want to send one clear message to the government . no matter what happens in parliament, no matter what happens in the house. no matter what decisions are made, they will be the ones to decide the future of their country. these protests are unprecedented chemistry to say they have 2 weeks to make sure the president does not sign the new bill into law. and if leaders won't listen to them, this is how they plan on making their voices heard. kenya is now in own charges here. no leaders, no politics, just young people who one shot at the future,
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free of corruption and mismanagement. they say a lot looks at the and they are angry, unafraid, and determined to make the same bus route. the older 0 nairobi can welcome web is in a row the way he's been following developments since president rudo spoke the president route. so it was said that he's directed on national security to deploy measures to support all attempts to undermine in security. in our country. he said this was against what he described as criminal elements, that it infiltrated the processes. but members of this movement online and expressing on social media for days that they believe. so this security crap down against a legitimate movement. what they say is a legitimate movement has already begun rights groups say around 2000 people of being abducted by plain clothes and uniform security. in the last few days, most of them in the last 24 hours, they say that the sum of being released,
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others remain in custody across the desk on the street today rights groups. and also been saying that this is a, an unconstitutionally vine and cracked down. meanwhile, the defense minister has said that the armies being deployed to support the police can use human rights commission has said that this is on constitutional because doing so requires an approval from parliament that hasn't yet been gone. said meanwhile, can use medical association. the said the hospitals in nairobi a overwhelmed with people who were injured from today's demonstrations. and there's been a significant incident slow down here in kenya. people in the industry have told us that the government would have some internet service providers to slow down or switch off the internet effecting not just kenya that much of the stuff for k, malcolm web. how does 0, nairobi?
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kenya and d tax bill protests have also been held in can use all the major cities in the bus, the police find a t, a guess, and shows into the it won't demonstrate his hold back stones protest as the say they will return to the streets. if the bill is not withdrawn a little slow, just because of a few changes, no one has the, the victim, whoever's going to own a bunch of data in this country is going to be will on to us. and we're going to, going to live. that's the live that's happened. i'm going to need to be the one. what do we have showed up in big numbers when it's good? we're going to show up today to model i live in the mix. they should have been able to then i'm going to end up going through this maybe until the day if we must be going to be okay with this. demonstrate is also gathered in the hometown of president william versa. so large crowds of people, forthwith police and l. daughter at a stronghold of the president's protest as they have also vowed to hold daily demonstrations until the bill is withdrawn. catherine story has moved from consumer
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kenya's, 3rd largest city, a very well in washington, k. yeah, police have just fired a tier gosh. onto the test has thousands of them have come out to protest against this by non bill. some of them are saying that they want to march to the state house. yeah. they're very angry. and they're saying that that they are heating the calls of the old denies of these protests. they say basically that the cost of living is very high and that they want the leaders to listen to them. they're not going to the land relevant to you just give me 2 fits, we still have some stages remaining. that is what said this different visual assets . we're still waiting for that as we continue to do these. that'd be good to you to come together happy and i'm not to to, to have anybody but to give out on jimmy and cried. i cried to reject the bill into
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a child. the progress is always seen here are very young on many of them are in the twenty's 10 years. so um is, uh a bet has a very young population. 65 percent of the population is on the 35 years old. and so they said because of that they have the power in they have the power in numbers and they want to use that power to basically pull out the need to call out the politicians call. 7 president william, brutal, catherine, so you are the 0. you can use top church leaders, condemned the police is deadly crushed down on protests of a tax hikes. but also urge to demonstrate has to respect to the constitution. the government needs to face the plain truth,
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but the families are immense to be suffering. the young people have reached a point of taking it upon themselves to express the discontent. events of the tv to the government, to these unwarranted taxes. but on your highs res, high at the cost of living. the government must listen to the pain of citizens caused by the high cost of living. ignoring them with on the exit exc escalate tensions in the country and to young people on the citizenry into dispatch. we also need to advise against unconstitutional options, like attempting to take over a parliament due the serious consequences. once more, with a pleading for the peaceful meeting for the engagement to the good of our admission, the canyon police crouched down on protest is at home. on the same day,
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the 1st group of offices arrived in haiti's capital. can you is heading a un backed international force tossed with containing the gangs that control most of haiti's capital footprints the deployment space is a legal challenge and can yes, the president really moves us. government has gone ahead with us backing with foreign forces. have a trouble with history and have a story simple report he has been display several times in the past year. that may be, he said it was a bus driver and was injured doing a recent fight between rival gangs that now controlled most of haiti's capital. he's now living in a government building, unable to go back home. i am hoping international forces will come to haiti to disarm the gang, so we can have a life once again. but if they are going to come here to do what the united nations did in the past, i hope they don't. the united nations security council has also rise the disability
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meant if i moved to a national security support mission to haiti to assist the haitian national police in their fight against criminal against giving you a husband and to you to police contingent that will lead the mission but it's not the 1st time forwarding troops had been deployed to haiti since he already 1900. there's been at least 3 following interventions, including a decades long occupation by the united states. the last 4, enforced through the country was a you in step i, station mission known as new stuff, which was deployed in 2004 after the rest. the engender trend that receives most haitians associate meaning staff to colorado out week that comes at least 9000 people the outbreak with linked to the united nations peacekeeping base. the also related to sex, one of you would like to see forces to come and help us go back to our lives. i don't want them to come and rape women, but to help us about the same thing,
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the assassination of president job in anymore use in 2021 has been chaos. nearly 400000 people have been displaced by violence and almost 3000 had been killed this year. i transition our presidential council was set up last month to handle the power to an elected government by february 2026. but the country needs to be stabilized 1st, we've seen the cycle throughout eighty's history, right. of these repeated for an interventions and whatever sort of short term gains they might provide. and they've always sort of undermined the long term consolidation of a sovereign democracy in haiti. and ultimately it's, it's that weakness of the state, the lack of a social contract and the lack of representative government and 80, that, that perpetuates the, this cycle. and so we see how these things seem to relate and perpetuate one another. and, you know, sadly it looks like that's more of the same coming patients say they need the
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violence to end and are hoping things will be different this time. the summer, i just see you 20 me now live from washington dc on skype is david shit. and he is a full me, us and best suited to if you, if you is also served as a diplomat in kenya. and he's now a professor at george washington university professor. thank you for joining me. on the, under the are news outlets. the 1st group of canyon offices have arrived and have his capital almost at exactly the same time. we've seen police and kenya cracking dell and protest as they have been concerns raised from write scripts. does this concern you professor, is not particularly there, or it's true that there had been problems with kenya's police in the past. and certainly the timing of the demonstrations and therapy is unfortunate. coinciding with the arrival of canyon police and the part of france. but i suspected kenya has
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selected among its best police personnel and assuming that they are well lad, uh, i think they will. they will act professionally and humanely when they get to a professor a short while ago we heard from the us state department spokesman, who was honest at a press conference, whether the police track down raised human rights concerns. let's briefly have a listen to what he had to say. in kenya, we urge the government to exercise restraint when it comes to the m. s. s. so in conjunction with the government, can you, the united states has fed the canyon personnel for the m. s. s. mission, we have also worked with other governments to vet their personnel for the mission. and we will continue to engage in fed personnel that are going to participate in the mission. because obviously is important that the human rights of the patient, people be respected as its mission to restore law and order is carried out. is that enough of insurance for you, given the scenes that we've seen from, can you this week, but also the, the history of allegations of police violence that have been leveled against can
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put the police in kenya. well, i'm a little more optimistic that of the canyon police that are going to haiti will, will act as they should because i think they have been carefully selected for this purpose. this is going to be a very complicated mention, because you will have eventually elise from about 8 different nations from around the world. and that's always hard to coordinate to the different backgrounds in language is of these different forces. but you have to also look at the alternative one, what is the option of this fine? this seems to me to be a better option than leaving things as they are. and there are also broad concerns about this mission. firstly that it's mandate has not been clear. it's not exactly clear what the canyon police officers, or indeed the officers from other countries will arrive later. will actually be doing an hazy show, the times be made clear before this actually begins. so it's possible that it has
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been made clear to the participants, but it certainly is not clear to those of us on the outside. and eventually in fact, sooner rather than later, d u n is going to have to make very clear what this mandate is. my understanding is that initially the $400.00 kenyan police who have arrived in porto france will do basically static duty. that is ensuring that the airport stays up and tried to reopen the port. and perhaps try to reopen the central hospital. they have no import or perhaps. so initially the, the goal will be relatively limited until the forces builds up to our critical mass . they have also, of course, been concerns raised and you may have heard and now corresponding today suppose reports about the, the history of such admissions in hazy how can it, how can we ensure that such situations don't occur again, and that there is indeed accountability when incidents like these, uh, actually do
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a con to well, that's a good point and hopefully lessons will have been learned from these earlier emissions. this is the 4th i international intervention and he and you're quite right. there have been some very bad examples in the past. uh it, it is important that the u. n. study what, what went wrong in the past and try to ensure that not happen again. this is a rather different mission in that it is aimed to trying to defeat the armed, heavily armed criminal gang. besides, it's going to be a very difficult one, but i think that some lessons have been learned from the past. and moving back to the, the situation in kenya from using your experience, who works as a, as a diplomat, the professor we've seen the relationship between the us and kenya appearing to be getting closer. washington hosting president virtual just last month. and then the us designation, can you as a major non nato ally,
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might there be any effect that these demonstrations could have on the us can your relationship at this point in time? it depends how the demonstrations develop in the future if, if this is sort of a one off of downtime, the demonstrations are, are ended fairly quickly. i don't think i won't have any significant impact. uh if they go on. yeah. if there are human rights abuses, that will obviously post problems. but you're right the, the can, your u. s. relationship has improved enormously in the last several years now. i would look for that to continue to improve so long as something like the mishandling of demonstrations does not interrupted professor david sion, former us ambassador to ethiopia, also west as different that and kenya, thank you so much for your time. thank you. it's the
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in the south of the guns, a strip at least 3 palestinians have been killed and many injured in his riley shelling of a house in hon. unice eye witnesses say a displaced family with sheltering in the building. so to positions are onto way and wounded people have been taken to hospital. certainly falls is also carried out strikes on a un school housing dozens of displaced palestinian families, alshaun, see refuge account in the north, gentlest mode on color, which has been speaking to those who survived the attack as a result of this rate, but who are sleeping in southern lives in the south hit the screw and the whole place turned to the fire and smoke. a lot of people were killed and injured. there were dead bodies everywhere. we already lost our houses and we came here to the school.
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we were shocked to hear themselves hitting the school. there was fire everywhere. is this for these really stay there are terrorists here, but there are just women and children. what do they want from us? may go deal with them. what do they want from the people? what do they want from the children? there were people killed, including the children who are sleep. it was 3. am. how mostly the is no, honey, a has said the killing of his sister by in his really as striking garza will know to fix the groups resistance against israel. at least 10 members of honey is extended. family has been killed and it is rarely as strike in northern garza, honey, my hood reports a southern refugee camp. one of the biggest, an oldest scam, sing dogs of it again by in his rate air strikes. one of the targets was the home of how much political leaders made money for his extended family left. most of the stuff on monday at 2 o'clock in the morning talking to the house without private warning. it's the house of a heavy honeys ones. then his mother,
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the sister of honey, we came because the explosion was strong, get up with all the time. several members of any of the family were killed into strike, and others injured. united decide or for children were screaming charging father, father, father, i woke up to find myself covered in blood. we call the ambulance and the civil defense, but no one came up. so we waited till the morning for the ambulance and we got 3 people. i was like, oh my god. but bodies are believed to still be under the rubble that he has family work, dig into a let him the layer of the hospital in gaza city along with others gold in the tax . on the cam. the what is the fault of the children? what is the fault of women? all of this? what did they do wrong to deserve this? they were just sleeping in their homes. it's main honey who lives abroad is one of the homeless public faces. he was born in a shot at cam in april and his really are striking central garza go to 3 of his
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sons and 4 of his grandchildren. and he says he has lost about 60 members of his family since his world war on ga. that'd be guy on the 7th of october and even more, i was just the central gaza palestine. how does 0 has obtained a video showing and his really milledge rebuild attacking an elderly palestinian woman inside her home. the incidents took place during and his really ami of ration in the giovanni account. a few weeks ago. the palestinian woman says is ready for us to send the dog into her house. often she refused to leave. she says the dog dragged to out of a bedroom, leaving her with injuries. the footage of the attack was captured on a body come that the dog was wearing a leg, had, you know, love the land. i'm how's your down? lots of do not alter nani from jabante, a refugee camp. i refused to be forced out of my house. no lie,
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a band in my house. so these re lease, that's a dog on me. which bit me while i was sleeping in my bed, it dragged me and this still pulled me move away to the entrance stool. now i have a serious injury. there were no hospitals or anything to treat my injury. my hand is still on treated is really full, says that the dog on me grabbed my arm as a of the office of israel's attorney general has released a letter requesting the military immediately draft 3000 ultra orthodox jewish families into its ranks. it follows an earlier ruling by the supreme court. the ruling could splish prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition government ultra orthodox parties are part of newton yahoos ruling coalition. and without them, the government will collapse, leading to new elections. the court said, israel is compulsory ministry service applies through the ultra orthodox like all the citizens. the religious group has previously been exempted from being drafted.
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undermined to these when the government has done though to 0 from reporting death. so home to salute before send this report from jordan a little bit good. certainly rattle benjamin. that's in y'all is government. israel's high court of justice ruling that ultra orthodox men are no longer exempt from military service. now, in a letter from the attorney general's office, they have said that these really military must immediately draft up to 3000 ultra orthodox men weren't eligible for these really military. the same letter was also addressed to the countries finance ministry, who said they are now banned from issuing any sort of funds, stipends or government grants to you, she vote or religious institution, students who are previously receiving them, as well as being exempt from military service. now, there has been reactions across these really political aisle. let's begin with nathaniel who's ruling recruit party, who so that the high court of justice is ruling is
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a temporary kind of measure that doesn't exactly solve the issue of conscription. they went on to slam the measure of saying that the way to get it done is with a bill the coalition is currently trying to pass in the 2nd and 3rd, readings, know israel law position that has well come to this move saying that the time for quote, shanie deals, permits accounting government is over, but none the less, the more religious parties in nothing else. government like shock and united tor judaism have said that they are going to fight the measure. time to send who it's just, you know, i'm still ahead on time to talk to paula in power as some of frances cheapest offer. full size, including can in fact pay all taking a side in the countries upcoming election. and that's going to, since curricula is making history reaching this 1st world comp semifinals with a dramatic when a 1520 tournament show you how they did it in schools with teacher the
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. and we'll probably see you in the next couple of days. the results of big funds don't just still circulating around it's healey brothers. the core of the storm system is but they're expanding from math. so across the outs, into fossil from some jeremy through austria hungry and croatia, and even down as far as that, how pena will, is it will or your senses could produce significant hale, which is big down both from the full involved water. and even it'd be a result from them. if you don't co tons of the site, you're still probably enjoying warm sunshine. eventually things will fresh enough in the northwest of your at, but it's 52 in paris on wednesday and even on thursdays, 31. so welcome shout down in spain. well maybe they won't be welcome but they will be there. we'll decide on this stuff is moving started eastwood's through pilot.
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that will still got 51 degrees and the sun shining the stage, but i think the thunderstorms will catch up with you on saturday. and last through sunday, with dropping temperature over by 8 degrees, which is not much to complain about really still halting most of north africa. but this time the we should be seeing big share was reaching a long way in reaching this the hell. so up into something new share, for example, they all, they are in sierra leone, but can you spot much else be on the if you open highlands icons. the african stories from african perspectives, the museum, it is the menus to say mass email book. so some people are too short documentary by african filmmakers from the media and gonna, knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding of feeling sleeping on water. and the go from
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a new series of africa direct on, i'll just sierra this is the 1st genocide that we see in feel. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers have been used as a whole team is in power for prime ministers in 5 years. now polls suggest that vote is one person's conservative out, will the u. k, like the change on the labels, p a stall him, a full give receipts to knock another chunk, stay without his era, the coverage of the you can x the, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello again, this is out a 0 reminder of our top story space. so can you, as president, has blamed the storming of the countries tom and what he says is a group of organized criminals. at least 13 people have, are supposedly been killed in protests triggered by n. he's causing a bill to raise taxes. the government has deployed the army in an attempt to quell the violent canyon. police crouched down on protest is at home. on the same day, the 1st group of offices arrived in hutus capital, kenya is heading a un back international force tossed with containing the gains that control most of the capital. and the office of israel's attorney general has us the military to immediately draft 3000 ultra orthodox jewish is raised after the supreme court ruled. they can't be exempted. the ruling codes place prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu, whose coalition government a plane carrying wiki leaks found a julian assange has landed in the us pacific island of sy pon, he's expected to plead guilty. that on one charge of conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information. these pictures show a son does motorcade leaving the airport. daniel robinson husband. this is the moment wiki likes founded julie. the sons left london, finally released from prison and ending a stand or that divided the world for more than 13 years. i just came out of bel most prison. and what i hope is my last visit to see julia on the here in the prison, where he spent 5 years, 2 months and 2 weeks. and that optimism tempted by his pending appearance before a us court in the mariana islands. he's expected to plead guilty to conspiring to
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steal and distribute classified documents on us rules and foreign policy. a charge his wife, one script. i think that the, the correct of course of action from the us government should have been to drop the case entirely. we will be seeking a partner. obviously, this u. s. military video that made headlines around the world and turn to julian assigned to into a globally recognized because the us justice department says assigned pulsated with military intelligence analyst chelsea manning to steal and publish more than 700000 pages of classified documents about the us was in a rock and just kind of stand and containing the names of confidential military and diplomatic sources assigned says he was a journalist doing his job. he then took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london to avoid arrest the us taj to him in 2019 with violating the espionage act.
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assigned warrants, spend any more time behind bars. after the hearing insipid, he's expected to travel to australia, supporting the strong impala, meant to bring his own time across party lines in a re, a display of bipartisanship to me, there's nothing to be gained, but he's continued incarceration, and we want pain brought him to a strike assigned is expected to arrive in the capital camera up before spending time with his family. as his wife's, stella says she will only believe he's truly free when she can hold him in her arms . he's priority when he lands in his homeland will be his physical and mental health and to spend time with his children who have only ever known him behind bars with more challenges still ahead of him. a song just journey back to was through ellia and he's next steps of fall from simple as he begins the next chapter. in this extraordinary saga, danielle robinson out to 0,
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and that's cost life to brisbin. australia with sarah clark is following developments for us. so he's landed insight upon, we've seen those pictures of the motorcade leaving the airport. what happens next? well, the much anticipated quoted parents will happen if not, i am local time. so that's in about an hour and a half from now united. he's already on his a landed inside pen. the reason why he's appearing in this us cools and his tiny island in the pacific is because it's a, it's a united states territory and it's part of it's play deal. he must appear in the us court. now he's about, well, this island is about 3000 kilometers from australia, but this is a closest assange has been out to his driver. and obviously moving to decades, he sent to admit to bar liking us espionage laws that was over the past of his play deal. we do expect him to get 63 months sentence, but he's unlocked. i just said that sentence because of the time he's already spent, any you type prison details of his play deal will be best and nobody wants the judge inside pen and that court has signed off on that agreement. but as we've
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noted, this has been extrude rates, episode at huge negotiations between the united states, you type and a strategy to get julian assigned back to astronomy. we've noted that so we expect them to land in australia in terms of the capital as early as this evening. the problem is to anthony open, easy has loan said that the saga has drug dragged on for too long. he did note this to the us president, joy barton last october, and he said to sponsor, regardless of people's views on a sondors activities it's, it's dragged on for too long and it's time for songs to come home. and obviously that journey begins today. and so as we look ahead to julian assange arriving in camera in the coming hours, what has been the response in australia to this audio? we've had the reaction from his family. they were obviously elation. but they want to save in real life before they can stop the joy of having him back on hopes to us . but we also know that he's health has been
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a concern for some time. there's also been questions raised about duplications, full press freedom. his lawyers didn't want to go down the path of playing deals because of the implications for free speech. and we do expect his lawyers to request a pub purely because of the argument would be criminally charging, assigned adults, have you protections for a journalism and freedom of speech. unless rules are questionnaires to one and striding citizens withheld on phone to for so long on charges related to being a journalist. so of the saga certainly doesn't end date today. it continues. but we do expect a julian assigns to be back in camera in australia as early as this evening. so o'clock reporting from brisbin, australia. thank you sir. people in the united kingdom are due to vote in just over a week of the prime minister rich eastern act announced a snap and general election last month. opinion polls indicate the conservative party is set to lose its majority empowerment for the 1st time in more than
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a decade. concern such as the cost of living crisis and immigration, a high on the agenda for many voters. during the whole reports from london, i will sign the revised when really soon i call the summary election, unexpectedly many in his own party thought madness. and then as now opinion polls put so next conservatives on average 20 points behind the opposition label potty a deficit. no governing party has recovered from 2 when the rain fell on the prime minister's parade. would turn out to be a bad omen. does that raise? because literally nobody saw it coming and it was on clear what the decision making was. but fundamentally, if he's talking that's okay. if we bought the bus size not least, his own policy, who didn't seem to be ready in a number of ways to fight to campaign. and so actually that's why you've seen a lot of the missteps you have. it was all 7 weeks. it was that it had long been assumed that soon ack would allow more time for living conditions and the economy to improve national health service waiting lists to shorten and flights carrying
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asylum seekers out of the country to finally take off. i think what you can to jason in the front that he went. and some of the ross has been in austin, which i think is what most people are expecting, is that he didn't expect. and the thing to get significantly back to it's a quite a useful indicates that that's the fundamentals for the conservatives on know, increasing and we're not going to improve one, perhaps a valid reason for going to the country sooner rather than later was the head of a threat from the far right reform policy, but a subsequent reform search has proven that to be another type miscalculation. the consecutive bodies now split with some analysts predicting and extinction level defeat. the anti immigration politician nigel farrell was quick to return as leader of the reform party. the goal, he said, the takeover of what's left with the conservatives. that really puts that normally policy coming into government,
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most like me to deliver one of the things they say they were going to do otherwise, i think the night selection you could have some sort of options agency coming through and there's a is in this country who would be considered butler's index not to stages. the campaign has taken another bad to receive. so next party on the same day that an attack ad warned against betting on labor. conservative insight as it relates to have placed successful bets on the election. think just before it was announced, friends, you know, sort of the blow to the image of conservative propriety in a campaign that looks like a gamble going wrong. journal how i'll just have a clear piano. so is a former advisor to conservative member of parliament. nicole note, and she joins me now from long field in the united kingdom class. let's begin, firstly, with the polls which indicate a massive victory for labor. possibly that labor could win by its largest margin ever. what is going wrong for the conservatives?
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because there isn't really much time to turn things around. i know you're right. so there reasons we now have a h days until person goes to the polls and decides the next government. so to turn around the fortunes of a policy i think is incredibly difficult. i'm pretty impossible to do so, but i think this has been a problem that has been brewing now. you for a number of years. it is not a recent problem. the conception of policy simply have now been in power for too long. 14 years is a very long time at the purchase. general public quite often decides that they have had enough a government tires. it has no new ideas added to that. the problems that we have had ways it's 3 different prime ministers being focused on to the country. and many, many scandals involving parliamentarians, i think, fits the image of politics, politicians, and certainly the concepts of policy is now it's an old time today. and if we take
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a look back to when the selection was announced, taking many people by surprised when the prime minister made his reign soaked announcement that the election was coming up. how much surprised was the within the conservative party itself? and how much of a factor was it? do you think that the conception is wanted to limit the campaign time because they knew that the selection period would be difficult for them? it was a huge surprise. i was in parliament the day the election was cold. and nobody had a clue what was coming. it was a very strange atmosphere, a know for a lot of people talking about perhaps that could be in on an announcement that afternoon. but none of us knew for sure what was happening. but i do think the problem is to have absolutely no choice. not only is the this rest of nothing's going well for him and nothing improving, but never will say threats from when inside his own policy. groups of members of
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parliament had decided to get together and it looks as if they were going to launch another leadership concepts device that they confidence in the prime minister to take him down. so he had internal politics. he had the cost of living christ, there's nothing pre big, quickly enough problems within the n h s. and with immigration and with the stress of policies like reform view k. so i think he decided this summer and that surprise, every busy, i'm always, let's just hope for the best employees. you've talked about the cost of living crisis, which doesn't cost a major concern for voters. perhaps the biggest concern, as they placed as boats is the conservative policy facing perhaps an image crisis with the policy looks out of touch with the daily struggles of ordinary people. i think there is a pause is that you have a prime minister with a no most personal wealth, which i don't think is a huge problem. but the sudden the pointed to i from the opposition policies. but it is simply the fact that this uh best thing, scandal that has happened,
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it just looks like concepts. you've been peas oriented for themselves, and they have lost touch with the general public. and quite how much the suffering getting the moment, the op 6 of all of this is always be incredibly buys. and the conservative policy are looking to say, such a possible hayes, we may end up with the lowest number of n pays that we have seen. and certainly my lifetime, and at least for the last 6070 years class piersal from an adviser to a conservative member of parliament class. thank you so much for joining us on the office here and use our to another election. now some of frances most famous footfall is including stones strike a key and a month to have waited into the debate around the upcoming snap election. but it's not the not only football that's playing a role in the palace, the 1st round takes place on june 30th, less than a month before the paris olympic gains. latasha buckler reports from paris,
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catalina, but they rarely talks about politics. but last week, the soup, a saw from football, capt into cosigned, hey, to francis snap election clinic. but they concluded, katie and bob days against extremes and divisive ideas. we have the opportunity to choose the future of all countries. you don't need that for people to want to be proud to wear destroyed the number 7. i don't want to represent a country that doesn't correspond with my values. some of the faults play is currently in germany for the year or championships of followed suit. marcus durham went further, urging people not to vote for marine depends the right policy before should by talk with the jump. we must fight every day to stop the spinning and stop the national and rally from gaining power houses twice, one the world comp 1998 of 2018 with teams including players is african heritage, a symbol of unity and multiculturalism for some. but it's one of the sort of the immigration for right, upsets by an image of fronts they don't support. depends both of shape, jordan,
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but they're a huge bracket and puppy and comments that went viral on social media cult oh, nationals. the prep. when you have the look to have a very big salary, to be a multi millionaire and fly in a private just then i find is a bit much to hear these well paid sports. people give advice to the french people who kind of make ends meet its own clear what sway the football is have. but these young people say matches about the people idolize and listen, can motivate them to go out to vote. so really kind of have an influence, but people should be voting irrespective of what celebrity say, football was not the only spoiled pine is unexpected role in an unexpected election in july, paris, hays, the olympic games of themes, all diversity and inclusiveness. but some one do i have problems is going to project by image. if the fall right, wind power going in depends where the criticize the choice of french molly installed in more a to sing at the opening ceremony, calling it
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a pearl vacation. but this research a says most people are more concerned about what happens often the other breaks the fact that this dissolution of the national assembly happens, shows that there is more profound crisis within the system. so i don't think this very short break of the olympic games will change anything. the lympics is supposed to be a movement of unity and fronts and not lifting season of sporting magic, but with the election costing a gloomy shadow. frances sport stalls are under even more pressure to deliver. when it matches, it's actually popular. i'll just 0 power onto why is a professor of history and principles of democracy at the university of virginia. he's also the ortho, associate empire, the world comp and the future front entry joins. we now live from powers professor, thank you so much for joining us. you may have heard that report from our correspondent natasha butler. the, these comments from francis famous football is how much of
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a difference kenzie they actually make and how influential all these football is. and i think their influences is, can be quite profound in the sense that, particularly for youth and for many people across the country their, their figures have kind of unity and positivity and, and success. they did win the world cup in 2018, killing about a helping to lead that teen or in the final in 2022. and this is actually part of a quite long tradition since the 19 ninety's at different moments. footballers from the national team have spoken out against the far right. and the far right has relatively consistently attack the teams over the years as being not representative of france because of the predominance or, or presence of, of black in our players of, of african defense in north african descent. let's, let's take a look back because you've written extensively about racism and race from the lens of football in 1998, when france won the world cup that was hailed as a win for multiculturalism in front. has there been a huge change in your opinion since that moment?
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and i think that was a really kind of a watershed moment. and it was partly defined by the fact that in 1996 during the european cup, the far right politician john larry la penn, had attacked the french team. in many ways. he was the one who kind of put. ready aside players for the 1st time, there had long been players of, of, of different backgrounds on the team, but they had never been attacked in that way. and so in some ways, because of that, supporting the national team became partly a way always of, of, of resisting the, the national front. and that has continued over the past decades. there's been ups and downs of the team and there's been different moments. but the don actually literally alter on masters to his father, and others took, took pretty strong stances against different national, at different moments in the past decades. so in some ways go in and pop is continuing no tradition. so some of the surprises was just that he had not himself been as outspoken before, and he is of course, right now the most famous french football ever probably, you know,
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perhaps the most famous football or in the world alongside. messy as we see, these football is speaking out at the same time we have the far right achieving success. it seems and reaching out to young voters. does that make it a challenge for these football is to get the messages across. when you have a, she gives like children badillo who a young who have mass appeal and take talk. and you can also reach out to young people. absolutely, i mean, some of this isn't the strategy of the far right has shifted. indeed, it's quite interesting for the like the last world cup in 2018. in 2022. there had not been attacks against the team. i think in some ways they had seen that as a losing strategy. so in some ways there are these just competing voices kind of struggling to, to articulate themselves as for the face of a youthful france and, and trying to define his future in different ways. and it's powerful though, i think, because the french national team is, again, a unifying for something that brings a lot of joy to people, a lot of of support. and so for someone like him, buffy to say,
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i want to be proud to wear the jersey is a forceful message from fact, in my opinion, professor long de la from the university of virginia. thank you so much for your analysis. thank you for having me. a seal, a head on out to bring you the latest action from the heroes as colleen and buffet schools his 1st ever go at the tournament the these business uptake the school by the city bank growth, partner of on the dashboard to use
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the this business uptake the restaurant net bundle dash before he is the at this point. now his teacher. jessica, thank you so much. we'll start with a threatening game with the euro. as we roll straight to spend the balloons 3 to to
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finish top of group deep will steer took the lead in building just 6 minutes in. that's for the dumb jo mullins putting the bowl into his mates. the folds, cody deco equal i. so the new evidence or the the 2nd call the whole steering back in front of romano. schmidt's head and making it to one. again, the netherlands had back meant to supply this time levelling the schools. before muscle 71 and 4 street in the front set to settle for 2nd sports in the group. they were given a penalty and the sick and help of the mess with poland to the end, and buffing back in the side of the breaking his nose. put away the spot take for his 1st ever go let the years phones give away a penalty. what about 15 minutes list? is any ever going to be one man to take that one, robert living dog? see he's epa save though, but vo spelled a differential people if he's line. so the post striker,
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we took it and screwed up. the 2nd attempt. it's finished 11. so this is how group the finishes austria win from food to top fronts ended up in 2nd place while the netherlands go through as one of the fast food place sides. poland were already out in groups e slovenia, or celebrating off the holding england to and they'll know role that results means the civilians would go through as one of the best suited taste teams. that's the 1st time they've reached the knockouts at a major tournament. a point for england was enough for them. so when groups see ahead of denmark who do know little with, so it'd be the things we'll face to them and hosts germany in the last 16 slovenia all through in food as i mentioned. well, so it'd be all out. it's got a live mouth correspond, dominic caden who is in the min dominique that starts with england. hardly setting the tournament on fire with a performances, but they've won a group that only featured 7 goals in 6 matches. what should they fans expect next? yeah, that's right. i'm sorry, it's
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a bit bit loud around me to interrupt you that. yeah, only 7 goals in that groups compared to only other groups that have finished so far with mold and double those goals. but football is the results based business as it were, and so on that basis, finishing top of the group jump done, you might say. and yet many of the media not just in germany in england, elsewhere had before the tournament suggested that england were favorites. but favorites for want now on the basis of the performance that they've showed so far, we don't know who they're going to play in the next round. it is likely to be either the 3rd place team from the dutch group, or from the group that involves belgium and ukraine and the other teams in that group. well, what will those teams make of the performance? the english came up with over the course of these 3 games, lots of food for sold the specifically for the and then players. but also it potentially also for garrett star skates as he contemplates what he will do with
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his team. but least they won't be playing germany, which perhaps from his perspective is something historians like. you would agree with that one dominic, how that will spear earlier in the day topping a group, featuring fonts and the level is what could or who could have seen that coming say well that's the thing, isn't it? that's great. was put forward by some as a potential group of desks with teams and it's all of whom have regularly or 2 of them, at least the regularly got through to the thief into tournaments and that sort of thing. and yet the australians went into this competition with a bunch of really good results behind why they had puts victories on the germans in germany within the course of the last 7 or 8 months. and so they now go through as group winners, as with friends in the funds, and they've been chanting copeland's, the good group and secret, which means group one is in german, lots of and doing that and content in placing a next round where they will be playing against the team,
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but how soon want it screwed for even finished seconds, perhaps. and that really stands out. and then for the dutch funds who are here? well, they're very happy that, that going through to the next trend. and yet they may find themselves playing england in the next round and gather some kids. and so as i said in the 1st onset, lot so food of food for, for that the austrians, all of a dog. cool. says can they go far into this tournament? rough rudnick things, yes, it's quite possible and he's put together the results, which would suggest that is indeed quite possible. we'll see how it plays on it. and we all looking forward to at the tone when he came in berlin. a pleasure is always a scottish dawn has made history by reaching the semi finals of the seats when he woke up with the 1st time of the defeating bangladesh and kingstown bindings, the stuff got his time, posted one $115.00 for 5 before
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a rain delay interrupted play, the bank visions would ultimately 4 shots of a revised target. i've got histone winning by 8 runs to set up a semi final against south africa. on wednesday the florida panthers have when they 1st stand the account. so i'd love to completing a full 3 when in the ethics series against the edmonton oilers, edmonton came back from 3 nothing down in the final series, the full game 7 on monday, but the pencils were ready to make history cost of the hey, he and sam reinhardt, school goals and surrogate both of them see may, 23 saves, and the penzance claims for the cider to one. what do you manage all cycles at the time of asking in the teams 15 year history, and that is old school fees for tonights. do things the future fantastic for these, these our i'm jessica washington. thanks for watching it back in
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a minutes which more of the days. thank the of hearing the facts. we're not going to be determined by 4 in negative understanding. the reality human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against syrians to force them to return to their country with the latest global news. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15 in alonda, an insightful document to ease out as it was, teens across the world. when you place to the house of the story for 30 years, friends carry down your tests and the pacific, exposing local the workers to high levels of radiation. 11 east investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia,
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the pacific forgot to new to your victims on no, just the ro, heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s. many remains on scene until now. our moral is high, now brothers die every day to the trade. our country 0 to 0 world reveals the long plus personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for o julian independence. i'm writing to you, not knowing if this would be my last letter. letters of love letters or for analogies 0, you will scott, a duty and a growth using for the p. use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on requested and remember to copy revise wells and increases systems
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cost on request the the government challenges here where the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is the news our life from don't. coming up in the next 16 at the end, frustration in kenya over tax bill. the demonstration say we raise the cost of


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