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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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will tell you in the sharing personal stories with a global audience it's you will determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on abundance. well, class progress on ours is either on the we're getting signed or is really on a sized head. so home of, we not, not to feeling guilty at a court hearing on a us island the, i'm about this and this is all just a live from. don't have also coming up anger and frustration and am over the finance bill that demonstrates as say, will raise the cost of living. but the president is defiance promising to crack done. and what he describes as criminals. here buy or not is the product
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financial focused on the violence. and meanwhile canyon police arrive in 18 as part of the un bucks, mission helpless store, ordered the country struggling with a search and gang. finally, i've gotten a sense cricketers make history. you're reaching out world cups. i mean final. we're going to look at what it means to find the . we can explain to julian a songs is a free man. he's less court in the us pacific territory of the northern body on the islands. after admitting a federal charge of espionage as part of a pre deal that ends washington's efforts to prosecute him for revealing government secrets about the walls. and i've got to stand on the rock. so i'm just not flying home to his trail yet. they didn't speak as he left the court,
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but his lawyer says he's been the victim of an unjust prosecution. of the prosecution of julian hassan. she is unprecedented. and a 100 years of the espionage act, it has never been used by the united states to pursue a publisher. a journalist, like mister, aside from mister assad, revealed truthful, important, and news worthy information, including revealing, but the united states had committed war crimes. and he has suffered tremendously still clause following developments follows from brisbin and it started here. so this legal process, virginia. so i'm just taking years, he's now extensively a free mind. just focus through what's been happening over the last few hours. is it 2nd food? he is, but this case this morning that took around 2 and a half hours. now the us federal court judge in sup pen said that he would, it was a free man, but provided he left the us church for each immediately. and of course,
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he did that he left there about 40 minutes that he will start notating her judgment, that he cannot pretend he's not states without permission. but it is, it in the vedic, strode race, both the legal, all the seats put department us to add the easy here in a stride you're in 2022. when he was elected, he noticed that he would get select these kites, and he dates, he noticed that the spot. so regardless of what people all the time does activities this case had dragged on too long, and the sand should be full time. you did not that this was a plea deal that he struck with the us just the justice department. he pleaded guilty to that one, catch up, inspiring and obtaining a secret of documents and distribute those documents out to the us. a defense national documents, you know, should also have the science did not speak of the pots, but he's always did speak to his lawyers, said he has left a powerful legacy. they also ignited that. he spoke to an important discussion in the united states on national security and press freedom. here's. i also think the starting job, which as i mentioned, the department is to add the all the lazy and easy to escalated this case. to be a priority. and jennifer watson,
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who's up his lawyer also. i know you said that this brings to an end a case which has been recognized as the greatest threats of the 1st amendments. me . so this is going to be seen, of course, as a victory for his family and his friends and is supporters. but the questions that are already, as you're talking about being raised about what this pre deal actually is going to mean for freedom of speech. yeah, and he's legal tables, so i nodded this uh they were concerned, so it'd be vice about the implications of a rising disability place. otherwise didn't want to go down this cost, but of course we know that this is the only part that was on all thoughts to get a julian this on time and back to the family here, looking at the elation from name that we've had, the feedback and reaction from them, we're expecting them to greets julian assigned when he arrived in cameras, which could be as early as this evening. his father has noticed that his son is in good spirits or you said having him home off the 15 years of incarceration is good news. so we're also unsure of what restrictions may be posit this deal with regards
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to what julian assigned can do when he returns to australia. so the saga is far from my boss. so thank you very much. indeed, that sounds like talking to us from brisbin can use president's binding to cos, unrest at whatever cost. he says, the storming of parliament, by protest, as has been treasonous with countries, medical associations, as at least 13 people were killed during the day of demonstrations after everything's possible imposing new taxes. the ministry was sent in after hundreds of protest as poured into the parliament combined to nairobi, burning parts of the building. the us and the african union are urging restraint. they say all sides should talk to each other, demonstrate to say there's still time to stop the president from signing the bill into law, saying that's why he's got more from the protest in nairobi. within hours of passing a deeply unpopular new touch. and use hard limits was over run by and leave them expect many politicians were forced to evacuate or sell to the base
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a government building set on fire president who moved so they have got what he wanted by raising with them. and traders made it clear the find it difficult the due to the fact that the do we want the one of the thousands of people who will police breaking through their laws. are these pay to continue to ask the pressure on the government, what the protesters you want to say is they want to send one clear message to the government no matter what happens in poland, no matter what happens in the holes of power, no matter what decisions are made, they will be the ones to decide the future of their country. what is happening in
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10? you know, he's fun precedent didn't we? some time addressing the nation router described the day's events as an attack on the law. i assure the nation that the government must be nice at the nation's disposal to ensure that a situation of this nature would not recall again or at whatever cost, championing national security. the rest of you kind of a self style, strong man on duty under increasing pressure in a signal of what is to come. the president ordered the deployment of the canyon military tobacco police move can use human rights commission says is unconstitutional. while the president labeled demonstrators as traitors, his critics say this through mismanage corruption, the depths and disappearances can you mean as growth in the social contract,
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tenure is an uncharted territory. a movement with no legions, no just young people who want jobs, freedom and the future. free of corruption and mismanagement that they say are relics of they are angry, i'm afraid and determine the ministry said bus route, the old to 0, and i wrote it on the la hey, both of hello ok is a horn of africa security let's to says protesters a fed up on the worried about the future. a majority of the young people are telling the president and the leaders that there's only so much that they can type in to build on the belt is about to break the realities. prison. we have to go to doesn't have a choice between dude and bottles. so you only have broad options of the table. for instance, the can,
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yes. did to g d p waste. there's almost 70 percent. there is no room for him to go with the data that is, you know, private us with us from multi lot for an institution. domestic i especially, he's now in a very difficult position because the quote is, does have move some of his psychological 5 years. this is the 1st time can yes, independent impala that was invaded. you've seen members of fine members of parliament who supported these build their houses and properties gone down last week when they were demonstrating date, y heading to the states house. that is what we are left with. the president has no room and he is on. he only has 5 choices on whichever way he goes, see is about to not succeed in these policy. i mean demonstrations in the presidents hometown, large crowds of people, a fault with police and his strong hold of elder. that's protests as they have both
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to hold daily demonstrations until the bill is withdrawn. him on boss uh, police fire to tear gas and shelf into the air while demonstrators hold back stones protests. is there also say they're going to return to the streets of the bill? isn't scrapped as low as those because of a few changes that you know, on has the, the victim, whoever's going to own a bunch of data in this country is going to be one to us and we're going to, going to live. that's the live that's happening. i'm going to need to be the one. what do we have showed up in big numbers when it's good? we're going to show up today to model and different the mix they should have been able to. then i'm going to end up going through this maybe until the day a day, if we must be going to be okay with us. as well, canyon police are beginning to my mission to tackle violence in another part of the world. a 1st group of officers has arrived in haiti, heading a u. n. barked force, trying to contain games controlling most of the capital opposed to products. to visible reports. canyon a waste flight landed in puerto prince on tuesday,
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carrying 400 members of can. he has police force, they are part of the u. n's multi national security support mission task with containing gangs who control more than 80 percent of haiti's capital. 80 has face scale since 2021 after the killing of presidential and invoice acquisition of prime minister and got equally less for name or this month. he says, the security forces will play across a role in stabilizing the country. we want to think all the friendly countries that have supported this initiative behind the vision strategy and mandate that this transitional government has to re establish security in the country to allow way of a half a 1000000 people to return to their homes. to re launch the country and of course to hold elections as soon as possible. but doing so won't be
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easy. haiti's capital has been ravaged by 9 and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. and large parts of the population are struggling to cover their most basic needs, like food and medicines, via the me know with shot in his leg and he's back. he had to spend a month in a hospital but was forced to leave because a guy getting baited the building minutes ago when they were putting it up. well, i didn't take all the medication. i should have have a lots of pain, especially in my boss alex account sets will stand for a long time. the un mission is meant to support haiti's, national police force, some 15 other nations including countries. the mastery time to caribbean are expected to join the canyon contingent, as well as canada, friends, and britain. the security forces will form a $2500.00 strong peacekeeping mission that's going to be funded by the united states. but fighting against the gangs won't be easy. they're heavily armed and
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leave side by side. the population has had a long history of controversial following interventions. many fear the presence of foreign security forces on the island once again, but the vast majority of haitian, say the violence needs to end and food. now, the un mission seems to be the only way forward. that is, i will just see to the, israel's attorney general as as 3000 ultra orthodox jewish this way. they should be drafted into the ministry immediately it follows and everything by the supreme court the decision could splits the coalition. government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. alta also adults parties a part of nursing. yeah. who's coalition them without them? a government may collapse leading to move elections. the quote says israel's compulsory military service applies to the ultra orthodox like other citizens.
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these really governments bind, i'll just get it from operating an issue and that's why honda sold is reporting from the jordanian capital. i'm on a little bit good. certainly rattle benjamin. that's in y'all is government. israel's high court of justice ruling but ultra orthodox men are no longer exempt from military service. now, in a letter from the attorney general's office, they have said that these really military must immediately draft up to 3000 ultra orthodox men who are eligible for these really military. the same letter was also addressed to the countries finance ministry, who said they are now banned from issuing any sort of funds, stipends or government grants to you, she vote or religious institution, students who are previously receiving them, as well as being exempt from military service. now, there has been reactions across these really political aisle. let's begin with nathaniel who's ruling with who party,
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who so that the high court of justice is ruling is the temporary kind of measure that doesn't exactly solve the issue of conscription. they went on to slam the measure of saying that the way to get it done is with a bill the coalition is currently trying to pass in its 2nd and 3rd reading. now israel law position that has well come to this move saying that the time for quote shanie deals for missing your government is over. but none the less, the more religious parties in it's in your government like shock and united tor judaism have said that they are going to fight the measure from the central woods and just eat on. on that, let me just remind you that these are the government's bind. i'll just get it from operating in israel, and that's why we're reporting from neighboring jordan. still ahead on, i'll just need to tell russian generals and i want to then why the international criminal court says they should be arrested the
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to the house as well as the moment. and there may be in peninsula is not exactly tempted by any capital except along the south coast off and not of my mind, but of course you catch the monsoon breeze. so it's full. he's even near 50 some, some places in the 9th of this area. if i'm on. all right, so the gulf states to iraq, despite the fact was a wind mag picking up, it'll pick up the dust and the sound, but it will not cool things down as a whole to it. and is cooler on the western side of saturday. then it was, it's not so bad in most of it all. in fact, if you feel the heat you'll be facing that breezy, shari stuff, or cool things down in, for example, the appraisal to her on his heart to be on took no style up to was complex, down. what about 5 degrees above where we should be? and otherwise, in the next test. so things are changed drastically and still hold for far too many people talk about it should be brought back. many shuttles around at the moment in
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this part of africa does more. right. and just going out because of the canyon that might catch somebody and their shows up in easy i appear as calls the full costs, but i just don't buy consumes that rather low cost area. i have to say obviously up here where you get frequent funding sources where it is in most i'm big. there's a hint of probable concentration of drain over the next couple of days. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts, and emergency donation spence on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis covenants. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates
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with confidence the or the georgia. no, just need a reminder. i told stories that we could explain to julian a sondra is on his way home to it's totally up as a free man. is it much of a federal charge of espia? i says, part of c deals puts an end to washington's efforts to prosecute him for revealing government secrets about the wars, enough gun to stand on the rock canyon's president's blame the storming of parliament. and i won't be. and what he says is a group of organized criminal canyon medical association. it says at least 13 people have been killed protests against the bill to raise taxes. the government sends in the armies control finals, tenure police have cut down and protests as
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a home on the same day. the 1st group of officers arrived in haiti's capital 10 years having a un back international force tasks with containing guns that control most of the products. the international criminal court has issued arrest warnings for former russian defense minister circus showing 2 and a general validate against him of chicago. and the chief of staff of russia's ministry are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in ukraine. the court says they directed attacks on civilian populations. suff austin's following developments from afghanistan. these arrests went against a former defense minister, sega showing go, and the general chief of staff follow the good awesome of come at a time when the i c. c, the international criminal court is under a lot of pressure. they recently announced that they have come under unprecedented attacks of their security system. so now the free trial chamber has announced that the show a good, i'm good,
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how some of should be arrested because of their involvement in war crimes. they have also ordered these crimes according to the i to see a war, crimes against the civilian population, but also against the power system of ukraine. last year they were also arrest orleans against russian officials. and one of them was president vladimir put in. but so far, none of them have been handed over to the ice, se in the hague. and this all comes around a month after the prosecutor's office of the i. c. c has also requested arrest warrants against the it's really prime minister. benjamin is on, you know, it's ministers defense and 3 lead us of how much also for war crimes committed in ga so, but so far we are still waiting. what the pre trial chamber will decide if this arrest of organs are going to be issued or not stepped fast. what else is 0? i'm so that iran supreme leader is urging presidential candidates not to ally
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themselves with anyone who deviates from the revolution. people vote on friday for one of 6 contenders as the country drop us with you can all make hardship. well, i so sort of report some to one. this is economy is crippled by international sanctions imposed by western governments. and the us, if nation is running at around to 50 percent, but that is the lowest when it, when the presidential hopefuls see pollution and sections as the major challenges. bucket credit above the motive comes over to put addition. accurate and part of the speaker is promising to increase saturdays in line with inflation to keep people's put cheese and power stable when they go over. so you said wanted families, employees, social workers, nurses, and those on the fixed income are losing data because only inflation. my economic program is based on a supportive shield focusing on balancing inflation and salary raises. the only the form is candidates running for president must be position young. i believe the main
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structural problem for the economy is the lack of transparency. he promises to bring the flow into, you kind of make management elected up as up on a shelf. we have the laws written, but they are not implemented because the parliament, governments and judiciary are disconnected from people. if you have to hear the voice of people who are suffering, the younger generation would be with what some was called restrictive liberties. also suffer from a level for paternity and high unemployment. the hotline comes over to say, generally wants to appear to them. because best for you, oh, emphasis would be on 318 and the court was more lead for your on ways the best blissful opportunities to florida schools is almost every student and faculty member must be given a court up with canada. yes. to play a role in the countries progress. jenny also promised us to continue the late present, receive east boards policy desktops and you're on site solution by reaching out to
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non western countries. many uranium believe that the international sanctions are the main reason for the power deeply their country. but main presidential candidates are setting different solutions which candidates proposed those workers prefer. wouldn't decide that the friday. because he said that there are people in the united kingdom, which is a vote in just over a week off to a prime minister, obviously still not going on. so it's not for elections last month. opinion polls indicate the conservative party is likely to lose its majority in parliament for the 1st time in more than a decade is on all reports from london, voters are worried about the cost of living and immigration. so i will find the revised. when richie soon i called a summary election unexpectedly many in his own party, salty madness, and then as now opinion polls put. so next conservatives on average 20 points behind the opposition labor party, a deficit. no governing party has recovered from 2 when the rain fell on the prime
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minister's parade. would turn out to be a bad omen. does that raise? because literally, nobody saw it coming and it was on clear what the decision making was. but fundamentally, if he's telling me that it's okay for me, for the best buy's, not least, his own policy, you didn't seem to be ready in a number of ways to fight to come pain. and so actually that's why you've seen a lot of the missteps. you have, it was a pa, 7 weeks was that he did long being assumed that soon ack would allow more time for living conditions and the economy to improve national health service waiting lists to shorten and flights carrying asylum seekers out of the country to finally take off i think what you can to jason, this property went in, some of the ross has been in austin, which i think is what must be for expecting is that he didn't expect anything to get significantly better. it's a quite a useful indicates that that's the fundamentals for the conservatives on know, increasing and we're not going to improve one, perhaps a valid reason for going to the country sooner rather than later was the head of a threat from the far right reform policy. but
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a subsequent reform search has proven that to be another type miscalculation. the consecutive bodies now split with some analysts predicting an extinction leveled defeat. the anti immigration politician nigel pharaohs was quick to return his leader up the reform party. the goal, he said, the takeover of what's left of the conservatives that really puts that normally policy coming into government, most like me to deliver one of the things they say they were going to do otherwise, i think the night selection you could have some sort of options agency coming through and there's one, it's in this country who would be concerned about this and it's not to stages. the campaign has taken another bad to receive. so next party on the same day that an attack ad warned against betting on labor. conservative insight as it relates to have placed successful bets on the election date just before it was announced. friends, you know, sort of the blow to the image of conservative propriety in
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a campaign that looks like a gamble going wrong. journal how i'll just see of the end of the, an empress of japan, and the u. k. on a state visit that was supposed to happen in 2020. but it was delayed by the co pandemic. the 2 countries and enjoying the closest relationship they've had in decades. charlie angela, the quotes from london, britain is rolling out the red carpet for its closest ally in asia. as the emperor another, he toe, an empress, masako of japan, enjoyed 3 de state visit to the u. k. starting with the ceremonial welcome and carriage ride to buckingham palace with king charles that a visit intended to reinforce submitted tree scientific culture links between the 2 countries. prime minister wishes to not agree to them, but there will be no visit to downing street british elections just a week away. the usual political elements of the trip have been stripped out. prior
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to leaving mary kito spoke with many a freaking cool guy in the home on do a chat. it's a couple here at google site during a visit. we would like to rekindle old friendships with king charles, his wife and the royal family here stories from which companies, people living in the u. k. u cutting british people instead of connections with japan. so that we have an opportunity to further in home. i am a friendship on us, you know he to will say a reset. the team is the unknown soldier in westminster, abbey, and late to return to the palace for state banquet. state visits, not just ceremonial less as they also have a deep, tough half us. last year, japan promise to invest $20000000000.00 and u. k. and both countries signed to the agreement to states and then military forces on each other's territory. this visit will help build on that relationship. it comes as the u. k. increases its influence in the in the pacific region,
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next year and across carrier and small battleships will again deployed to the area the exercises. as we left europe, it became much more important to look at new opportunities. and we've seen that in 2 key areas. a common economic punched in the agreement between japan and the u. k . the 1st um major bilateral trade deal for britain to sign off the leading european union. and then more recently, britain has joined cpg page trans pacific opera ship of this year. now he to and mosacco will say, revisit folks with university are they, they've studied different times a place where the infra enjoyed relative anonymity and women business. formerly charlie angela algebra london, a dentist and has done the cricketing worldwide, which in the semi finals of a global tournament, they're going to face side of africa and the last 4 of the $220.00 for a job after the system finds reduction fields done. now comes posted $115.00 for 5
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before we entered up to play. but ultimately banquet esco sort of bed revised on by 8130 celebrations of the streets of i've got to send out the result. after years of war conflict and suffering. critics on cricket is a household support in the country and that's kind of stands victoria over bangladesh is helping bring people together as a summer binge of edge reports from couple a typical friday afternoon and couple a decent front. but a short delivery gets smacked, and the crickets on this level, even though many players and disabilities pittsville refugees during the board in the country, they hone their skills and with some of the big national names are known for the bullying and bad things. now that are forced to be reckoned with with too much to hold up, the tulip, put them right now. cricket is the most famous and most watch sports in afghanistan to discuss them. has its special fans on an international level like india fund with dish of england on easy later when you look it up performance in the last o d,
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i will come. we smash full big teams and true, even if we look at the current t 20 woke up so that the phones face distributing economy ramp and poverty west and impose sanctions, lack of jobs and social restrictions after years of buying. a ticket provides an update for them to let go and enjoy the sport. nearly every i've done, child please, cricket at some stage, and that's help fee. it would cost team a few months ago before these $2.00 and for period every trance to get even this note. during decades of conflict, one of the few things which has remained constant is the one passion for cricket, even under the thought of on a nation which is deep, sectarian. and if the divisions comes together when it comes to the love of crickets on the beach, it doesn't match it, but the players are, has, are, per student. so near she a project, what they're going to get is crucial in shaping a national identity and unity because it promotes have gotten
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a sense rich diversity during times. and people struggling for hope. it's a source of really.


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