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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 10:00am-10:59am AST

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living in the 9th lot of new orleans lost their lights in the richest country in the world. when they saw the hurricane coming, they did not receive the poor people. the color that i'm associated to in this isn't use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. how's it feel to be a free man? when he makes found a julian, a song just on his way home to a straight end of the pleading guilty is a violation us espinoza, the morales assigned and 10 in the day of just that team people. okay, i would like to discuss the fine to protests against
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a controversial finance rescue. a search for survivors and holding gaza. of the organizes really strikes on a residential context. 15 and 30 percent produce children live in poverty. and the crisis is known as a priority for politicians campaigning for next month selection news which he makes found a duty into songs is due to arrive in east rarely and capital camera. as a free man, he pleaded guilty to a charge of espionage on the a p deal with the united states, and then a 14 year battle against extradition. the agreement ends washington's efforts to prosecute to songs for revealing government secrets about the was. and because i've got a strong under rock or a clock of what's now from brisbin, is a defining moment for julie and assigned up to 7 years of self imposed
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confinement. and another 5 of enforced detention in the united kingdom. that we could expand or left the federal court in the mariana islands, a freeman he brings his legal team agreed to a play deal with the united states justice department. assange was convicted on a single count of conspiracy to obtain and distribute national defense information that they granted his freedom. as you can easily imagine, that his spirits have lifted and he will be able to spend quality time with his wife, stella, and his 2 children. after 2 and a half hours, cold hearing the sounds deposited on a private chat applying for his home country australia. regardless of the views that people have about mister assigns is activities the cases dragged on for too
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long. this was the video shaped by weekly the us justice department accused a sons of talking with former us army intelligence officer. chelsea manning just you and published within 700000 pages classified documents about the what was in iraq and afghanistan. this is the documents also contained names of confidential military and diplomatic. so serial sounds rejected those allegations and said he was a journalist doing his job, a refugee ecuadorian embassy in london, and to avoid being extra dodge it to the u. s. in 2019. he was charged with a criminal, kansas conspiring with the former intelligence officer charges which could have led to a link the prison sentence. sanchez being a red point of friction and what is normally a tight relationship between the stride? yeah, i mean, united states the white house is it was not privy to disagreements, and it was an independent deal negotiated by the us justice department to saw.
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massage will always be a criminal to others, a hero of media afraid i'm sure a clock out your 0 brisbin. well, joining us on the slides left to stance, to add pours on a, on a child to plane and then stopped in bangkok to refuel. he then flew into psi pon and the northern mariana islands, which is a u. s. territory in pacific where he appeared in course, he is now on his way home to a stranger as a free man who is due to arrive in can breton, just a few hours as well. let's go to daniel robinson. she's standing by that for us at the airport. danielle, this has been a long time coming from many of us on just a portion of what kind of a reception can you expect to mr. any of the sale we are expecting a welcoming reception. julie massage is expected to arrive in australia in just over an hour as time now after he left a high security present before entering a hearing of history and then boarding a saw some $1000000000.00 flights to freight in his family. he eagerly waiting for
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him to touch down on australian soil author no deal that has lost it more than those who use these expected to arrive in the country's capital. he in camera a place that is really being at the heart of a powerful political movement. politicians, he has influence local governments to make this happen. this international with you to the julie massage now ending with a play deal. and in a place he called home a place where he has received a lot of support. many people already contributing to a fundraiser that a sanchez watched that helped to help him recover the cost of that half a $1000000.00 flush is expected. he will initially try and focus on his physical and mental health and recruit some of the time that he has lost with his family. and his father today says that he's now looking forward to the simple things he wants to live. now in ordinary life, in the last that is so far on being extraordinary, you say in ordinary life,
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danielle, do we know if a son who's turning any further legal action? what next steps might be taken by his legal team in the spring? yeah, it does look like his future plans will have some obstacles to face these legal team today describing his prosecution as persecution. they said that he spot will knows in the heat in australia saying that he's guilty. plea really is a dangerous precedent for journalism, saying that they will be seeking a presidential pot. and they also said that his voice will not be silenced. a sentiment that could come to fruition to not we. so the wiki likes has a, we says that they will be a press conference, and shortly after assigned lands. now you have to be said whether or not hassan will speak at that press conference. but nevertheless, this has been a journey that has been watched by the entire world, and it is now entering this new site where people will be able to witness this new chapter in the sand. his flies for freedom. danielle robertson,
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the temper airport for us this morning. it will be keeping an eye on all those events as they unfold in the coming out. thank you, then. well, let's bring in for their own novel as he's the former ecuadorian different match. who gave us on this political asylum at the door, an embassy in london who joins us today from cambridge in the u. k. for that and you've been close to us on for so many years. so let me stop my asking how your feeling today is you now see him was there as a free man. well, um fit in other words like joy really great exploit this press because uh finally find that the julian can say the ease free after all dean. yet all this faces fuse persecution by the most powerful country in the world, just for exposing it to just book for exposing the information from that is in the
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public interest information i'm. i wrote one crime about mass murders about corruption that's know the crime. julian pledge, beauty of general these most, and that is something that everybody should should celebrate. and today i'm celebrating, of course, what he was, if i recall correctly annual embassy in london for 5 years from 2012, what made you choose to offer him asylum? all those years ago and as i say from 2010, they basically show us absolutely all these in the form of the brand, julie, see the secret garage would be the same. the same quotes that uh was persecuting shows. the money. just reminding was a sentence to 35 years of prison and he was totally based on so he was of use. that was they would come in october to get assigned everybody cause you the background
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noise, people who go, she kind of looked for it, supposedly escaping some swedish sexual abuse case. that was not the 2, everything was vindicated when you was proof. right. they were after she, they were trying to apply for the 1st time, the espionage against a kid. nice. so that, and she was a bond and she was a bundled buck. she's on country outside of the she was not being protected by anybody. so if we do decided e e compliance with international, no, 2 at all, but she protection on and she was protected for 6 years. she wants then, suddenly the trait does to with a change of what remaining a bundle. but that was the reason why we protected julia and i feel very, very proud that my country is protection. yeah. oh fidel, let me ask you then about the deal that he's now agreed to. obviously you feel that
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he's been very, i'm just to be treated, but this still means for the 1st time and us history, that gathering and publishing secret government information has essentially been successfully treated as a crime. now whether or not to think of this on just being a journalist, it certainly set the precedent for the press, but it also i'm on the other side of it. doesn't force the us quote to the, to the, to definitively we will on his case. do think he would have agreed to a deal like this years ago? the most probably not, but that is my just my, my, my, my perception. however, the dentist nothing was spending lifetime sentence in united states either most of proceed to some conditions. one coming, marching. that's does a bit of a black black westgate. so uh, you know, it says one through 14 was at 175 years and they got nothing. really. they want the team in united states and they got nothing. so decent but
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president, i think the person that needs it was already that we want to replicate what you know, such a weekly date each day. no one is going to come after them, but publishing the twos. so these of our president is, is, is not the perfect victory, but to this is free and i think that was much for, is it by the place today. then it was yesterday, head out as someone who knows, as long as the way that you do can you perhaps reflect on judy on his arms, the man, how has the events of the last few years change to do that? it's totally not even very, very recipients, very resilient. however, she's state more so yes. at the embassy. and then in please, sir i, i'm sure you have the huge effect on. she's mental health. i'm
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a very much hope she will be other to recover to spend quality time with family, with children, with life and that we've helped him to get back in. he's a issues. what's he going to the excuse me something like that, which is police? it too, was it to do? yeah. is, is, is, is it has a very nice sense of humor. she gets a, she's very respectful of people when they offer, she respect. and they said, most principal, man i ever met. yeah. fidel nevada, as the dorian deputy, not to gave julian sons' political asylum at his embassy in london all those years ago. thank you so much for joining us on this day for though thank you for having me. now the trial of us journalist evan. gosh, cuz it has begun, and the russian city of the capturing bag bull street journal reports the is facing
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charges of espionage, then he's accused of collecting classified information. so the us is central intelligence agency not gosh good. which was the change back in march last year. while he was on the assignment in russia, russian officials say that they caused him red handed, but have given no further details. gus could, which continues to deny all thompson's are still times more. has this out. is there a new that we take a look at the candidates and the phrase would come wrong as an express the can use president william russo is patching to clowns down on protests against a controversial finance bill at whatever cost. he's described the storming of parliament and the capital nairobi on choose day as treasonous. a canyon medical association says at least 3 people were killed during the demonstration of the m p
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. 's, past bill. improving tax increases. the ministry was also deployed off to hundreds and protest as you see that poured into the problem and compound session 5 to deposit the building. the us and the african union have asked for strange and dialogue between all parties. demonstrations. there is a that is still time to stop the president from signing the bill until then does robbie reports for us from liberty within hours of passing a degree on popular new thoughts and use hard limits was over run by and leave them expect many politicians were forced to evacuate or sell to the base, a government building set on fire president route. so they have got what he wanted by raising facts. but demonstrators made it clear. this point is difficult to the due to the fact that we want
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the good one of the thousands of people who will police breaking through their lines. are these pay to continue to ask the pressure on the government? what the protesters you want to say is they want to send one clear message to the government. no matter what happens in poland, no matter what happens in the holes of power, no matter what decisions are made. they will be the ones to decide the future of their country. what is happening in 10, you know, he's fun precedent and we, some time addressing the nation router described the day's events as an attack on the law. i assure the nation that the government must be nice at the nation's disposal to ensure that a situation of this nature would not recall again or
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at whatever cost, championing national security. the rest of you kind of a self style, strong man on duty under increasing pressure in a signal of what is to come. the president ordered the deployment of the canyon military tobacco police a move 10 years human rights commission says is unconstitutional. while the president labeled demonstrators as traitors, his critics say this for mismanage corruption. the debts and disappearances means he has broken. the social contract, tenure is an uncharted territory. a movement with no legions, no just young people who want jobs, freedom and the future free of corruption and mismanagement that they say are relics of they are angry,
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i'm afraid and determine the mistake. said bus route, the old to 0, and i wrote it. well let's now speaks as a and he joins us live from the canyon capital. then i know everyone there is on edge today. can you talk us through how people are a processing? what happened yesterday and over night of the today is definitely a morning when people are taking stock of the violence that played out here in nairobi yesterday. we're in front of the parliament building things. our com roads are functioning, there's traffic cleanup crews are working to fix and repair much of the damage that happened here in central 9. it will be yesterday and overnight were just in front of the parliament. there were dead bodies, an injured here less than 24 hours ago, but now we do see that there is a heavy police presence all around. central nairobi, things are calm, but as you say, they do remain tense. and what we know is that overnights,
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the medical association here confirms that at least 13 people were killed. they are expecting that number to go up. there are many people injured, families will be looking for the injured and hospitals. many of the families will be looking into mortuaries to find and identify those that were killed overnight and again, that number is expected to go up some what we do know that overnight there was a heavy police operation in the suburbs around nairobi. they are heavily populated, and as young people were returning to their homes, many of them came from the suburbs of that. roby to protest here in the central part of the capitol. as they were heading home, police did carry out operations to arrest detained. there are some reports that people were killed, but those remain unconfirmed at this time. now we do know that router is coming under a great deal of criticism for what happened to the law society of kenya and organizations . with a long standing history of resisting government overreach and brutality in the
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country. they've slammed the government saying the president of the last studies kenya in his statements on choose united said that president william rito and the government were quote, sitting pretty as protesters were being shot and killed. they also criticize the clergy and international bodies as well as for special bodies over the ongoing protests for sitting on the sidelines as young people took to the streets was and it was interesting to see and has television address to, to the nation. last night, richard seemed to be doubling down the despite promises from the protest as if they're not going to stop that is correct. last night downsize demonstrations happen journalist roles to the state house and present route. so it made a statement to, to question the smoke made us the statement. we are actually getting a sense of how we find that kind of things are we are now being moved on by the
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police. they're saying that we can be here in front of part of that. we've been standing here for several minutes. but now were you being asked to move? so the tension here is palpable president route. so making a statement that so clearly doubling down uh, treating this is a security matter, but its critics say that the security shouldn't be of buildings. that should be people who are being asked to move on to. busy well that you do that. thank you so much for joining, says english robbie, with all the licenses from nairobi. well, misty guys, especially he's now in a very difficult position because the quote is, does have move some of his psychological 5 years. this is the 1st time, so you can yes, independent part of it was invaded. you've seen members of fine members of parliament who supported these big houses and properties gone down last week when they were demonstrating date. why heading to the states house? that is what we are left with. the president has no room and he is on. he only has
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our choices on whichever way he goes, see is about to not succeed in these the there's really forces if carried out strikes on a united nation school or with thousands of palestinian families, have been sheltering. the talks happened and they all shot to the refugee camp in northern gauze, on tuesday to unless most includes, has been speaking to some of the survivors as a result of this rate. but who are sleeping and solving losing new styles is this cool and the whole place turn into the fire and smoke? a lot of people were killed and injured. they were dead bodies everywhere. we already lost our houses and we came here to the school. we were shocked to hear
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themselves hitting the school. there was fire everywhere. is this fact? these really say there are terrorists here? but there are just women and children. what do they want from us? may go deal with them. what did they want from the people? what do they want from the children that what people killed, including the children who are sleep. it was 3 am staying in northern garza and at least 15 palestinians have been killed. and then as really strike on a residential building and by law here, thousands of people also have to be still under the rubble of that for story. most of the injured we understand when children must do watches, then, and rescues around the ways of poor victims. from under the level almost as politically that is, melania has said that the killing of his sister and other members of his family by and is really a strike in northern gaza. will not affect the groups resistance against israel. at least 10 members of he is extend the family were killed by
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a strike in northern garza honey, i'm a wonderful southern refugee camp. one of the biggest and oldest scam seeing dogs of it again by in his rate air strikes. one of the targets was the home of how much political leaders made money, where his extended family left for the, the full months at 2 o'clock in the morning talking to the house without private warning. it's the house of a heavy honeys ones. then his mother, the sister of honey. we came because the explosion was strong, get the time of several members of honey. his family were killed into strike and others injured decide or for children were screaming charging father, father, father, i woke up to find myself covered in blood. we call the ambulance and the civil defense, but no one came up. so we waited till the morning for the ambulance and we got 3 people i was like, oh my god, i'm but bodies are believed to still be under the rubble. and he has family were taken to allow him the layer of the hospital in gaza. city along with
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others. golden, the tax on the cam. the what is the fault of the children? what is the fault of women? all of this? what did they do wrong to deserve this? they were just sleeping in their homes. it's main honey who lives abroad is one of how much public face says he was born and i saw the count in april and his relay are striking, central and gaza. go to 3 of his sons and 4 of his grandchildren. any essays he has lost about 60 members of his family. since is world war on ga. that'd be guy on the 7th of october, and even more, i was just the central gaza palestine as well. i'm un, it says health work is and medical facilities of old and targeted by is really strikes during the war on gaza. that's meant that many injured palestinians have been unable to receive life saving treatment. and who do i have reports from job? allah and central garza, i'm billing services,
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can be the difference between life and and it was in distress q where it becomes even more critical. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the targeting of medical facilities is considered work prime. they have protected status under international humanitarian law, but medical staff say they have been repeatedly and deliberately hit the will one since the 1st day of the war. these rates have targeted our health system, the paramedics and the ambulances, because some of us stuff have lost the lives of many of us stuff with detained while performing the duties incense was ready to be present. at least 310 health professionals had been investigated by the is really, are we doing? were some, have been subjected to torture and starvation. the sun is one of those who was detained. he sees his rescue team was evacuating the injured from
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a hospital when they were stopped. the problem, okay, with this office around the lenses were intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with present. we stripped us of cloves when treated us in the midst of a risk way of beating us and the rest of the 2 of us are, in addition to my brother from up to 3 hours these ratings released on and forced us to move towards south cause that this happens all the time. the war was supposed to prove him deadly for those attempting to see flies. nearly 500 health workers have been killed. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had his joslet out with the directed of. i'm getting an emergency he was killed during a frank. i know that it's clinic in the cities, coordinating the transfer of injured people to rob cause that the house ministry described them as a solid model of the bosses and determination. not only is the work dangerous, but paramedics say the intense demand and nature of the war means they are isolated
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from their families and often sleep at night in the ambulance headquarters. but despite the hardships and personal risk, some like so they have fun to see the will continue working to see pallets, 2 wins under english is really important and difficulty as either the palestine. the all still a head here on out to 0. friends left wing policies unites to fight the rise of the right, but can they overcome the differences? we'll probably say in the next couple of days, the results of big funds don't just still circulating around it's healey brothers. the core of the storm system is,
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but they're expanding from math. so across the outs, into fossil from some jeremy through austria hungry and croatia, and even down as far as how pena well is it will or your senses could produce significant hale or just dig down both from the full involved water. and even it'd be result from them. if you don't cool tons of the site, you're still probably enjoying warm sunshine. eventually things will fresh enough in the northwest of europe is substituting power on wednesday and even on thursdays, 31. so welcome shout down in spain. well, maybe they won't be welcome, but they will be there. we'll decide on this stuff is moving started eastwood's through pilot. that will still got $51.00 degrees and the sun shining the stage. but i think the funds homes will catch up with you on saturday. and last through sunday we're dropping temperature over by 8 degrees, which is not much to complain about really still halting most of north africa. but this time the we should be seeing big share was reaching a long way in reaching this a how so up into something new share for example. they all there and see earlier,
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but can you spot much else beyond the if you open highlands are comp and the, the latest news as it breaks, is really military has been for, says complicating a blockade on the gauze of rep, severely limit exam 3 of the spend so good with detailed coverage. human rights organizations have well come the u. s. decision to place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights from the hearts of the story. the shortage of water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of thousands of palestinians. the the, the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out a 0, and that's mind you on top stories, the sound he needs found a dirty massage is on his way home to his trailer. as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a single challenge of espionage on the plea deal with the us. and so us his efforts to prosecute him for revealing government and his really strength on a residential building and holes in his office that has killed at least $15.00 cost
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of thousands of people named, trapped under the rubble of the forceful retirement bank lock. yes, it's 50 inches when children kenny is president william rich. i was punching to clamp down on protests against a controversial finance. but at whatever cost is describe the storming of parliament and i read the on tuesday as treasonous. at least 15 protest as we can while kenyan police struggle to tackle those protested time, not 400 of them had been deployed to haiti to 5 gun violence, then they're heading on a un back tools to try to control gains the current to the control most of the capital portion, friends to rise above of the canyon, a waste flight landed in puerto prints on tuesday carrying 400 members of kansas police force. they're part of the u. n's multi national security support mission
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task with containing gangs who control more than 80 percent of haiti's capital. haiti has faced scale since 2021 after the killing of presidential and invoice acquisition of prime minister and got equally less for name or this month. he says, the security forces will play across a role in stabilizing the country. we want to think all the friendly countries that have supported this initiative behind the vision strategy and mandate that this transitional government has to re establish security in the country to allow way of a half a 1000000 people to return to their homes. to re launch the country and of course to hold elections as soon as possible. but doing so won't be easy. haiti's capital has been ravaged by 9 and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. and large parts of the population are struggling to cover their most basic needs, like food and medicines,
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via the me know with shot in his leg and he's back. he had to spend a month in a hospital but was forced to leave because a guy getting bated the building minutes ago when they were about to get up. well, i didn't take all the medication. i should have have a loss of pain, especially in my boss, alex account says, or stand for a long time. the un mission is meant to support hades, national police force, some 15 other nations including countries. i'm actually kind of caribbean. i expected to join the canyon contingent, as well as kind of our friends and britain. the secuity forces will form a 2500 strong peacekeeping mission. that's going to be funded by the united states . but fighting against the gangs won't be easy. they're heavily armed and leave side by side. the population has had a long history of controversial following interventions. many fear the presence of
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foreign security forces on the island once again, but the vast majority of haitian, say the violence needs to end. and for now, the un mission seems to be the only way forward. that is, i will just see to the wrong will hold an early presidential election on friday to choose a success a to abraham, right. you see who died and a helicopter crash last month. thousands of candidates submitted applications, but the guardian council, a 12 member of assessing body approved on the 6 to conservative candidates and a reformist all the frontrunners from tyrone russell sat explained to them. he owns presidential election is expected to be one of the most contested in the history of the islamic republic. could've called him and speaker mohammed back and cut the best example that was conservative. previously turnarounds may have from
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2005 to 2017. he's seen as a technocrats and has extensive ties to iran, security agencies. in the 19 ninety's, the supplement either appointed him commander of the revolutionary guards, a force and chief of police. a. c promises to be a bridge between the people and the state. mon, i caught them by him, a man of action, not of tension, corals and discord. i have dedicated my whole life to the people of iran. them rule was among those in the presidential race. probably boston is regarded as the most closely aligned with the rand new revolution of the gods. this connection is greatly improved. she's chances of winning, but his presidential campaign is running far from smoothly, as has been frequently criticised by his hard line. competitive side generally generally is a popular figure among conservatives, the former nuclear negotiator has strong ties with the supreme leader and is perceived as a strong to loyalist quote involved the
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e book of the country can not be run through the shows and formalities. so now more years cut them out and did it has failed in his bid for the presidency before losing in 2013 possible honey in 2021 to me through from election it's able to see about henry, see a fellow conservative who's that you know, had to cope the cash last month. 3 good. the election if generally becomes president. he's expected to continue with the lead president's policies. men heavy duty as a shuttle president since 2021 because of his close relations with 3. see the close the thing. what their base is divided between these 2 strong candidates that will report that one might withdrawal from the race in favor of the other because preservatives are concerned this division, lose them the elections and need to reform is victory. the only reformist candidates running for president is mostly position. yeah. the guardian consul disqualified him in the 2013 and the 121 presidential elections. he was health
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minister from 2001 to 2005 under the government of iran. sports reform is president mohammed to me, but this gal still enjoys to me support, which many believe cause bring him and election of victory jobs that he's the for me. he ran in for the minister is also supporting position the position is appealing to the reform is walters, but she is cautious not to be seen as a threat by the political establishment money. it was sure to get on. i am a conservative in my lifestyle, but a reformist, in policies and from day one i have repeatedly said my father is a policy set, but the leader of the islamic revolution of the the huck us so i don't know. many of them believe that the physician can come mobilize before mr. executor high to him, out in the election. she would emerge as to being there on friday. this was have that, oh to 010 wrong. well, i believe we have just all style correspondents in terra,
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and we'll try to get her back for you. but for now, let's move on. now, frances, left when apologies. a form to coalition and to drive to stop the fall right from winning power and the upcoming legislative elections. deb but the parties and the torres, the fractious vision and revising each of the rather than uniting against a common enemy. as ben smith reports now from the french capital as old 98 is the only candidate of any left wing parting standing for parliament in this working class, power sub across from the socialist greens, the communist. so often at odds with each other. now, agreeing to form a coalition to try to stop the far right to the some major story collection, the commentary faces 2 pets. the best of knights of documents that of the extreme right of the division of the french people were a part of homer about the response to the social political oh you go. and geo political problems facing the country poll. bonnie a's boss is young. luke melon
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shot lead up the fall left friends and found the best. did you good? adult bible finds his 5 year rhetoric alien that was many of the not least raphael books meant the socialist leader and frequent thoughts of mental and showing the insults of the temple. does that. i'm not going to tell you what's the mileage of love with the trucks. on the sides of the hastily formed coalition, and then if there is fronds about which remains very strong within the left and then there is the communist party, the socialist party, the ecologists, which in fact almost peripheral in comparison. so the problem is that the range is so wide, the policy is defended by all these left wing sensibilities are so different that it is obvious that there was a risk of, i would say, a certain fragility to come to the new popular from just the coalition. is known as trying to persuade vote is that the strength is in that diversity if it's the role stuff in best of the indeed there are certain people who may have somewhat extreme positions, but we don't really have
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a choice. we need to prioritize the 1st. we fight against extreme right and we will fight together. and then we will actually be able to re balance things in the national assembly with a political group which may be diversified and in which more modern positions will be expressed. call us to the left when coalition still has some persuading to do it's pulling their on 29.5 percent of the folks the far right is at least 10 percent ahead with the largest share with the boat at the top, a vote has concerns of purchasing power and immigration. now the left has promised amongst other things to increase the minimum wage and freeze the price of fuel on a central goods. it's sympathetic or migration, and that's why the far right is drawing is appalled with a promise to crack down on immigration, on assignment. but it's me, i'll just era parts of the cost of living is one of the biggest issues for vs in the u. k. is con upcoming general election. now for some that means a bigger chunk of the income going to
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a central spending. but for others in for regions, it means an inability to feed their children. if the main parties are paying little attention to attacking poverty in their campaigns, or would challenge reports not from newcastle, a spin, at least a century has time side. so it is one of the roy time power houses of britain's industrial age, city sense of re generation has kept new castle is hospitality humming and the funds seek is coming. but you don't have to stray spots to be reminded that ne, england has some of the u. k. 's most deprived areas. you can see poverty up close and personal. it's, it's, it's in people's demeanor. you can see it's in your health. it does shock the stone when i see sometimes the hardship people are dealing with. john mccory is the chief executive of the costs of food bank and network incentives that gives food to people struggling to afford it. john wants to see puppets. he talked about more in
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the election campaigns. i would like to see it being more of a political priority. according to a recent study, at least a course at reval. children live in poverty and 66 percent of the constituencies across england and wales. but here in the northeast, that same policy level affects 89 percent of the constituencies. so we've got a special book today called d is a, it's a familiar story. more and more people are falling into poverty because of use of cuts to vital social services. in secure by the paid jobs and austerity minded government policies like the recent to child benefit cap. so if you count money to pay your electricity bill, you comp matters to buy to see children. you're going to use the child benefit. so when it's passed to, to children, that makes the significant difference, and we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years, which publish it. you've talked about remarkably little on the election campaign
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trail. the conservative policy thinks cutting taxes and spending $15000000000.00 less on welfare will make everyone better off. the labor policy is talking about the child policy strategy, but it hasn't committed any money to a growth is alcohol business. several size that there is a willingness to change, but i'd like to symbol much more really. the country's food banks are likely to be busy for some time to come will reach helen's. i'll just the or new castle or attending now to as story on ron's upcoming elections and ahold of joins us now from the capital. tyrone they know, i understand the economy is top of mind from many as this polar approaches that as well, no doubt the economy has been a challenge for successive governments, and it will be a challenge for the incoming administration and economy in crisis and an economy
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the strains we are in sep ron's grand bazaar. this is the economic powerhouse of the run. so if you want to get the general feeling, the general sentiment among the population, you come here and what we've been hearing is really stories of struggle. people talking about high inflation, the inability to buy what they use to buy. and they also talked about these currencies, depreciation of some people here have heard that the elections on friday will bring in a new administration that will improve their lives. in fact, the presidential hopefuls know how important the economy is for the average citizens that they of focus 3 of 5 election to based on the economy and their policies. nope, no doubt people, some people are skeptical that things will change. some blame the fact that iran is outside the international financial system as
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a result of western sanctions. they blame that for the dire situation of the economy, but others also talk about mismanagement and incompetence in presidential hopefuls bit talk about that as well. so the economy on the back of the minds of many of these people and this is really their concern when you talk about the presidency, the 2nd highest position in government in iraq. this is their main job to manage the economy and manage the daily lives of ordinary iranians. will the vote is just a couple of days away. now. can you talk us through the, the political landscape as it stands? the conservative comp sounds very fraction. yes, the conservative camp is very fractured, but this is turning or shaping up to be a very competitive race and an unpredictable one as well. very unlike the last selection in 2021. and according to the polls, the 3 front runners and this race to conservatives, and the reform is they all have
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a chance to win. so it is quite unpredictable. you have the reform is camp who believe that their main challenge for their main rivals are not the other candidates, but to get the people to head, to the pulling station to vote. they need to generate them soon as the as and because the higher the turn out, it works better for any reformers candidates in the run. and you have the conservative cap which is fractured until now they haven't come up with a consensus candidates. now that could happen before the end of today that some candidates pull out and some sort of another candidate, and then you won't be splitting the conservative vote. so a lot of question marks on what happens from now until friday, but i can tell you we've been speaking to a lot of people. yes. who have the conservative editorial base. some people believe 20 percent of the elect for electorate. they're going to head to the following stations, but there's still a lots of voter apathy and people are really disillusioned after many, many years of hardships in this country. then according to the reporting for us from terror on the waiting capital,
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thank you very much. i a hostile ahead here on out, is there any change in vietnam with a rail network? is the upgraded to provide one of the most luxurious services in southeast asia,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the tongue back now wildfire is a binding through the world's largest tropical wetlands. in the south west and
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brazil, a stage of emergency has been to cad and the pump in that area. it's a nature is that with many different types of wildlife record breaking, pfizer have swept to the regions during the dry season, which has come earlier than usual. meanwhile, at least 430 people has died in karachi just in the last 5 days. as pack of stones largest cities, struggles with an extended heed, 5 thousands of victims had been treat if the heat stroke to come on hide it has this report from us on the back focused on southern bed is experiencing above average temperatures for this time of the luxury rising up to $47.00 degrees celsius, surface temperatures and on paved area, then in urban centers is going well beyond that richard ledge of cost to many casualties. according to a major chatted your organization. over $400.00 dead bodies have been brought into debt marcher days and the bus. busy days are,
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these are the most vulnerable people also including drug addicts, who live on the streets. the city is experiencing up to 60 nod. they'll fall wilcox and many areas that have cause it leading to water shortages. but this is unprecedented. given the fact that the entire grove is suffering from global. busy warming and climate change, and the major logical department is now saying that there's it likely to continue for a couple of days. but said that the monsoon range as expected within a week. and that may bring some respite to the people. come out of how you doing your data. it's not my but i've got a stones. cricket team has done the sporting wells by reaching the semi finals of a global tournaments. they'll phase south africa and the last 4 of the t 20 wells cuts off to the facing find with this and things down. the icons placed at a $115.00 for 5 before rain and then interrupt the play found to this ultimately
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postal to be revised. target by 8 runs off guns had been celebration and red success in sort of the use of the conflict and suffering or some of the individual . it's not from couple a typical one of the afternoon. couple a decent front, but a short delivery gets smacked, and the cricket fountains love it. even though many players and this milton pitch for refugee is doing the board in the country, they hone their skills and but some of the big national names are known for the bowling and batting. now that are forced to be reckoned with the tool much to hold up the tool to put in the right. now cricket is the most famous and most watch sports in afghanistan at yahoo has cast them, has its special fans on an international level like india bung with dish of england on easy later when you look it up performance in the last o d, i will come we smash full big teams and true, even if we look at the car and t 20 will come to the afghans face distributing economy ramp and poverty rest and impose sanctions. a lack of jobs and social
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restrictions after years by a ticket provides an update for them to let go and enjoy the sport. nearly every i've gone, child please cricket at some stage and that's help fee it. it would cost team a few months ago between these $2.00 and for period every trance to get even this note. during decades of conflict, one of the few things which has remained constant is the one passion for cricket, even under the thought of on a nation which is deep, sectarian. and if the divisions comes together when it comes to the love of brick it on the beach, it doesn't match it, but the players are, has, are, per student. so near sheer project or 3rd took, it is crucial and shaping a national identity in unity because it promotes have gotten a sense rich diversity during times. and people struggling for hope. it's a source of really a little less than the model i mentioned. i got the since 2010. when i was watching of kind of stones matches. i would think, well, the ever be
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a time when we'd be big team. in 2014, we'd be bangladesh and asia cup. and you know, we'd be new zealand in this t 20 woke up one of the biggest cricket teams in the world. and before that we'd be in the den pack as tom. well that one this time that went to that, we encourage our team if they win, but even if they lose, we encourage them so that they are strong and ready for the next challenge. did i mean, i love the dentist on cricket team? a lot goes a lot. if i had a chance, i would also play with them. the international council, arising see, and other international organizations have recognized and nationally passion the sons investment in infrastructure which supports then here's a domestic ticket also needs help to develop the more or less that order need to load it. did this. how about all these the cheapest that we have up because of the hardship and struggles of the players? because the players and the administration had been through a lot and we had no grounds academies, the salaries for the players, no budget,
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no sponsors get the team's performance. is very good to be ask in the nation is hopeful for the team and them off guard. the amount of hold of the country no longer has an official women's team. the men continue to perform enough guns are hopeful that the time they will improve. and when they bring home the will come from a driving down to 0 problem. economists and getting on that as you can, the government had to approve a new north south rail link. they say then investing in a high speed line could boost economic growth of the car and long seen. and johnny is also a major dro concert tourist. tony chang reports from a slow train out of the non tucked away down one of henry's narrow streets. a new hot spot to visit this a several times a day train. supposing tourist pop into the cafe using boss to catch the rolling stock. rumbling bye. but for those wanting a more immersive experience,
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a new service will be a slightly more expensive the via toes. a luxury train carriage that runs along the coast of central vietnam, the private seats and table service provided by leverage stuff hawking back to the golden era of steam. they want to have an experience within the whole holidays. i guess an experience with a new experience. and it's not necessarily about rushing for me to be about enjoying something along the way. the view isn't enough. is fine dining in your seats. well, the chance to stretch your legs and a few other bits with an on board massage. for 6 hours, you can sit back, relax, how much the work good. even though you're going along, you still get the last thing in the streets. of course you need to get as well when you're in the country started a few carriages down the views the same
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that the tickets and the fraction of the cost. this is how most people travel for those wanting to go places in a hurry. rail is known as a good option. travel time between the big cities in the north and south is about 40 hours. this rail network is a much steve of investment. but this year the government's expected to approve a high speed network. linking handily with low team in city and testing that journey across the country by 2 thirds. that plan, however, is a long way down the track. and speed is everything. for some, it's all about the june. and the destination. tony toyotas are central vietnam. oh that's it. for me, and just as you pay for this news on that, don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more news for you here on, on to 0 to stay with the
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what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity, what sort of future society we want to create it. all of this technology were made to we still have power of choice, a g i 's beach actually autonomy and operating and doing this is the kind of situation. oh, is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, making a bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice safe to book functions as well. as human on al jazeera, pod, his name in to be is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with this is 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons of being used in guns? no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not
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the need for the effective? hear the story on talk to how does era off cheers, solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person and yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks. we become about to on the we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be trees and the queen. we are walking in the front steps, our officers whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is
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you to the how's it feel to be a free man? this is that we can a found a truly in a song just on his way home to a straight in cost of feeding guilty. it's a violation us espionage associated hey, this is al jazeera at life and on the


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