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tv   Fault Lines Conviction  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 2:30am-3:00am AST

2:30 am
this is ava potty, in opinion polls. while size of sweats to dodge pots and preserves hunting out area, a 10th of the world's largest tropical wetlands. the base is a surgeon before the peak of the dry season. authorities of declared a state of emergency areas. i'm to a range of walls nice, including the village community of jackson is an american journalist. accuse of spying as an aide and a russian quote for the store that has closed door trial. prosecutors accused on guess commit show working for the c. i a is employed, the wall street journal. i'm the by the administration. so the charges are politically motivated under simmons reports, i guess give it stands as the 1st american journalist to be arrested in russia on espionage charges since the fall of the soviet union. the managed a smile at the media on the other side of the glass box. is this the only access gen this are given in a closed door trial and the prosecute to have this to say?
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so this is, the investigation has established. i'm documenting that the american journalist of the wall street journal position haven't got coverage on the assignment of this yang, collected secret information from the territory of this federal gulf region about the activities of the defense enterprise for the production and repair of military equipment desk. you, which of a fortune for the wall street journal was brought to this quote for it had to reboot the goals for the moscow jail where he's being held since march 2023. it was while assignments been kept. her re book, the guest of which was arrested, charged with gathering information on the tree trunk manufacturer. so far, the russian prosecutor has not published any evidence in the whole street generals as a political motivation of russia with the war and ukraine is obvious. it says that reported was only doing his job, and they were bogus charges of spying. that will inevitably lead to
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a bogus conviction gush could, which could face up to 20 years in jail. they found guilty. russian president vladimir putin is reported to have suggested he might exchange good coverage for arranged russian assessing, being held in germany. the us administration accusers, russia, of conducting hostage diplomacy and says it's committed to making sure gets conventions back home. andrew simmons, i was just, as you can find more information on a website, how does that don't news and continues to off the phone lines stay with us. and thanks for watching the for 30 years friends carry down nuclear tests in the pacific, exposing locals as our to workers to high levels of radiation. 11 east investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific forgot to new to your victims on know just 0.
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the single, the state prison i went to, you know, i grown up in that place when you look out in the field and, and go with it. and so maybe we don't come to your mind some wrong in louisiana. we still are in the air, the
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. ready ready the name is brandon jackson. i'm a 3 point louisiana. i've recently been release of 4 or after $25.00 and a half years have been free now less than 90 days. the combined and gave way corrections is not just to become
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my goal is to reach out and have a lovely individual. this is in the same place. i am from the code for each of the data lee. they won't be last time that they seem really going to become part of one of the best averages. did they ever seen useful ways to write any of these guys? get out, you know, get these all j as that's where my driveway, right? and that's where my head and right the so anything great a pro. good luck sir. this for now. we're ready to close out. i basically the
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is the bill. so ratio. i still find myself waking up throughout the night around the time that they count inside the prison. a lot of times when i wake up, i just lay there is the takes a minute for the city. and i'm a man of my word. i said, i'm going to be those guide whole. i'm a fight for it. ok. and that's what i'm doing because even though i'm i yeah. i'm still one of them. i'm packing overnight. they said drive down to bed room to speak to, to lawmakers from 1996. i was found guilty and
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try to burn it, came back 10 voted to convict truth only to exonerate. and as when made my case with they called jim crow conviction, they're called jim crow jury laws. they allow injury that is not unanimous to convict someone of the crime, the effect of me. and you still have individuals in prison right now. disappeared affected by the gym law the day you want me to tell them that they need to hear that a lot of gas and down there in dallas, just on my way to speed from now. i
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back base the good now for the 25 years. so it to, it shows right, the way to what i feel comfortable more around people out here they've been in prison. i just reached out to showing you only been home 2 or 3 months before me. the already doing the branding, the 25 years id seen elaborate washing give you people understand that we've been through, you know, the yeah. the behind a lot of people are allowed to do. so i'm going to move to these 2 to us. the
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every prison in the state of louisiana, all built honestly, plantations, and they drive you like slaves, they got they hosses, they got a full whether they got, they got they watching over you telling you to get back to work. you had a goal has come kicking on your bed if you ran out to bed by 530 with them just, you know, driving you and pushing you to work for free. the whole system of angola is late. yes, the no, sir. did you? i as in law, it is. you're saying it doesn't go. when i went down go to 1991. i was 17 years old. there was a, there was
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a real def place to justify. hey the i'm it tears, 1998 in a blog inside and go been in prison, teaches you to cut off the most is a direct result of slavery. a slave was taught not to love nobody because the person you love is a person there to yourself. but when you do that, you're taking away pieces and you manage it. so coming home is hard to kind of like transition because our society is not normal. people don't shut the most of all to have been
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psychologically reprogrammed and that's like, how did you last a lifetime sometimes we don't ever recover from those traumatic experiences of just send us the biggest challenge for brand new right now is talking with the next person you know, especially on a job. last week i ended up getting a job with someone telling you what to look. it puts you in a mindframe, so like you, you talking just like is your man he talking to me like i'm still in prison. the 6th and told me to just show up in the morning or 6 am. so that's what i did. i was there like 5 3rd because i feel like if i give you guys 6, i'm like, how many more disagree? i didn't know what of this
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flanders i had an opportunity to get the job because now i have my mom and my everytime she overcame cancer. she be colby, she be going to tex. she'd be every time where they are when she went to the 1st thing to to say to j going on, where does she see me come on with that in the be that have to your home. yeah. right. okay. did you have any kids? have you put a mania, almo, either 30 minutes? i need to live most you that's. busy the only thing that i would do for, you know,
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losing my mom while i was incarcerated. brandon lived in fear every day. i'm having to suffer like i do. a lot of my mom and my and my father was what i was in prison. so in prison, bradley became a work out do turn, and everything all to supply. she was able to wipe away the emotions desperate part of a hard purse. because you've got to do because don't do it. you go on a sofa in a way that you don't want to suffer in prison. now he's back in society. he has his own. brandon seals himself behind his bolt. and i think that he's trying to find his niche. when does he really belong?
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he's going to keep going until he said where he's being the i don't want it be and i want to be in boys. right? yeah, i'm ready. right. it doesn't work that way. i don't feel like i'm except the parent though we always watch. i'm on parole for 1718. well, here is the simplest thing dick in friday or send me back to prison in the row system. if you do the wrong thing because all of these passed away from
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a suitcase. right. i mean it doesn't matter. we are right, i asked you about to pay that for road days in the 1st so right now my parole fee is $63.00 a month. and then i had to pay them at least a $187.00 times. so the total would be $11781.00. i'm free but i'm not free because i'm still really basically down to the department of corrections, disputed solid and chain. you know my, the, he's dead 20 for. i mean, you still got to report to a man with a gun and a bass. his man came to my doses,
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a practice mon, i'm looking for him. he's not locked up. but he's still got a math. cause that probation officer can we both count and send him back? he free. he's now free. the you don't bring your child into the where to become a prisoner no matter how long he was going to be in prison. i was going to be use rather than dash because she didn't have any one. and now the shame of him going to prison. mean he was worthy to see him walk out or of bring me there was allegations there was just purely writing. it's something that you can explain the cause had way too. so i would
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have worked uh the of 25 years in prison. brandon jackson served that time for armed robbery, even though some members of the jury found him not guilty. there are about 1500 other prisoners in the state torch affected by split jury's and are still in prison . despite the supreme court ruling those products unconstitutional the
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way louisiana lawmakers created the gym. closure was 1898. they wrote. our mission was to establish the supremacy of the right. right. that's what they wrote and it did what it was designed to do. we still have the highest incarceration rate in the world. the laws need to be changed. the are coming
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on, but i stand for 1000 the times, especially about 30 minutes to an hour for hawkins. the hello. how are you? well, thank you for giving us the hi. brandon has a non in history verdict, recently been pro and wanted an opportunity to talk on behalf of himself and the others to name and louisiana system system. i received a life sentence for a client that i didn't commit 10 wides. you're responding to you at the 2 blacks did i did 25. and hey, i me is,
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i watch all my family members that we can't confuse law. we just, we can't do that because we all are in agreement that this is a racist. allow, the supreme court ruled that it was unconstitutional, but they move it perspective instead of who the rich rac, whatever's unconstitutional, should that be all caught the toughness both fall. and that's why i'm sitting there today. i'm alone right now, but stand out because i was crying the same way if they still offer mine or the ball, sometimes it takes you know, mean faces to come here, given the opposition that with
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a look we those like we will fight like hell. i hope it doesn't take them when you get knocked down in your bag, even look up, we don't get up and will continue to fight. whatever you need me to do is just call comment. i'm, i'm now appreciate you or i will stop gigabytes routes. gonna help a lot of the okay. are you doing? my brother was convicted of it. jim crow, jerry. i realized i was the reason i'm gonna do what i can do. i'm gonna do is i'm a fight for it. okay. it keeps me crowd. it keeps me hopeful
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well, organizing his trip to go to new orleans, but it's in too. oh awesome. and all of us have gone on formerly across the really she was just as going so i'll support the support already declared. the gym pro jerry was unconstitutional. was it states now is whether that should be retroactive. what is it people still imprisoned by a non unanimous verdict? must space a new trial. the we are here today to move down the courts and let them know that the welding
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the marble will be in the phase of freedom. freedom of the way, all we have to do is hold we the what do you hope happens tomorrow? i'm hoping that just news or if that's an unconstitutional law. why can't you overturn megabytes or access the grid? the you all you go rogers, the
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may i please the court in this state. we believe that people are innocent until proven guilty. but hundreds of predominantly black louisiana and remain in prison despite never having a constitutional verdict. and they do so based on louisiana's last jim crow law. and we can fix that here. we're waiting on the day, louisiana supreme court heard spaby radish nearly
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a 100 years after the 1890 a constitutional convention matched for the purpose of insuring the supremacy of the white race in louisiana. and hopefully today were able to write that wrong. feel like this is a case opportunity to, to really kill louisiana, the
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way of finding abs. and for as some of the things, you know, you only want to be a normal as why, you know, i shut down with their domain and i listen. i just look at that is strange, but i went and what we get today. we got some old changes in their mind. there we go. you can. we don't have the davis macaroni and cheese debris. that's the last thought i'd say it is here. is better than beings and open the way i look at it. now i get up and go to use my mom, make our coffee here for us that just mean that going to win
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the being able to acquire a guess, a system that was already to stay to guess that means to were to meet i'm hoping that to fight it out to only makes a difference. that's the only way that something is going to change. the whole team is in power for prime ministers in 5 years. now poll suggests that voted
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is one person's conservative out will be u. k. like the change on the labels, it's donna full give receipts to knock another chunk state without a 0. the coverage you cannot interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting is global standing. no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without when we can patrina hit new orleans in the united states some years ago. not a single ritual middle class. the white american lost their lives. the
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we're dealing with is one of the largest relief efforts in our nation's history, and the federal government report role play or 1st priority of course, has the same life. more than 1200 for black people living in the 9th lot of new orleans lost their lights in the richest country in the world. when they saw the hurricane coming, they did not receive the poor people. the
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the attempt to admit it treat to and believe you ought to be on the choice to storm the presidential palace general leading it has been arrested surrounded by his ministers and backed by loyal general political units. feet president this aust, things on the withdrawal from the streets the voluntary johnston. this is i was just here a lot from day while.


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