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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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remember, this was possible for this defense the to can use high cold denies the deployment of the military to assist police inquiring for tests as anger on the streets continues the products of revenue challenges their life headquarters here and also coming up is relo. just a military operation of this, a joining neighborhood feast have gone to the city, at least a palestinian something killed under arrest. the bolivian general accused of the
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attempt of curious as the active at the president's request. plus, island, fisher and atlanta, georgia were to binding, and donald trump will face to face for one of the alias debates in american presidential history of one. it could prove to be the most consequence, the bulk into the packet was beginning. kenya, with a high cold, has approved the use of military force to restore the following days of violent protests, hundreds of police officers and soldiers, and not all the streets of the capital library b. now this comes a day of the present when a route to withdraw, all proposals will be true proposals to raise taxes. malcolm, where possible from the kenyan capital the processes are trying to reach so much good. the just comes off to run,
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say president rates. i said he would stop and i failed. if he broke it out, the gas works again. every time the crowd tries to get a receipt to dispatch the evidence, the government doesn't really want any kind of demonstration take place. this follows wednesday president rita saying that he withdrawal the finance bill, that contribution attempt by the government to increase taxes for the people demonstrating say it's already gone. beyond that, they say and semi corruption, a lot of accounts, ability to governance. and now the 23 more people were killed on tuesday, of the reasons why they say return scam. and it was when the demonstrate is entered parliament on tuesday, just a couple of blocks from here. the security agencies use live gunfire again on a protest as not seems to have made. the protest is even more angry malcolm lab
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l just, they're not very b. kenya. the protests are also taking place outside the canyon capital. the nation news outlets is reporting protest, as in case of any of the countries, the largest city of mark from delhi to the city, sent another stage to sit down, protest in front of kissing mistake lodge in missouri, and the south west police and demonstrate is all reported to be fighting and running bottles and protest is in to see many of them university students of most towards the town center. at least one mind that has also been killed in on got the wrong guy. uh touch i'd go county rest, the residents, the total down to 0, that the victim was cool. dropping cost fine. as please find empty tanks. protest is in the area, catherine. so it has this report where awesome the here on the outside of the city of protested has been using this roads to bonds,
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hired and said that they do not trust the president, even though he said that he's going to decline. or he has the client to sign on will they say that they want him in so that they can. so this has been done so, and so we have for me who are trying to keep the order as is this, your guys on the other side, we have the protested there who have the uh, the phone this and this one in west coast. so basically what they're saying is that, that issue is not even just last final bill. they say they want jobs, they say the frustrated because they cannot get jobs. the cost of living is so high and we not gotten the president promised them that he's,
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he's going to give them jobs. so it's very upset with me to talking to them. and they said that they need the new, the shit to do better passes. so you are the 0, the, to these regulatory households and operation east of galls of stacy. now it's older people to leave us a giant neighborhood. it is very false, has talked to the area killing at least 8 to palestinians, how many newtons will attempt to escape you to another air striking us to your neighborhood in northern gauze. many here having slid multiple times and are forced to leave again. they remembered the speed of killings in his star vision that marked the previous is really military alteration. but nowhere in dogs,
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i see some people including children, were killed in the united nations when school is ready, bombs claimed more palestinians as they fled. j as in the east of dogs, a city near these rarely fence. no one woman, i've ordered all this woman doesn't know where to go. she has 5 children who she stays are hungry and thirsty. what are you still going for? i am telling the well to keep enjoying the season is over here and garza to keep enjoying the support for his release. and so keeping joy within us under the siege forever. i might to, god is enough for us. and god is the best disposal of foreign affairs. the vehicles like this are useless because israel has cut off fuel supplies. there are no emergency response to cruise here. repeated bombardments and incursions have left no roads, hospitals or facilities. so how about if i woke up terrify to some salary showing i kept screaming for
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a long time. got to deal with the x ray. least we have nothing to eat and we can't carry anything with us. thousands of people to stream out if she's a, you know, some here say is really troops are advancing the i collected would keep it for the children, the indiscriminate children get everything without warning. it isn't fair. most of the victims are women and children. i swear to god, these are war crimes to say enough is enough. people are killed and wounded for trying to find food for the children. we are deprived of food, water, and basic necessities. and we're being thought that the by mistake an artillery shows where's the was, what are the error ups and what are the most sense? a question that has a good across garza, for nearly 9 months. i know that we are the people of gaza. i'll be rami from should tell you, we are the people, we are the owners of this land. we are the heroes. on the display,
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as people of gaza reiterate that they are survivors. as once again, they are forced to flee to an area which might come on. there is really a talk honey. my mother was just the from the central gaza palestine. oh does. there was mamma jane is in this the guy in a boat and said this rippled the settle comedy and at the head of the high school that was standing here in the east of kansas city. where on thursday morning is rainy, occupation forces began all tend to be selling laws possible since i am neighborhood . and thousands of people are living here and extremely difficult humanitarian conditions. as you can see now, people are heading towards areas of the west of kansas city carrying the children and whatever else they can carry under the scorching hot sun in this hot weather due to the bombing. they're leaving that destroyed science and temporary shelters and ways. they are exhausted, i'm tired, and i'm heading into the, on the, to areas that they are unfamiliar with. all that prior to now is to survive these
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product bombings. people here is of these really military, it will follow this protocol tillery selling with a ground operation just as they did before, and does a 2 neighborhood inter ballier, as well as the obviously fat medical complex. now that will be functioning strong, cindy central, and something that resolve the causes trip. at least 3 members of the gauze of civil defense have been killed in the excess, probably 73 civil defense by visiting kills since october, the 7th. several pilot studies also killed after his ready pulse is attacked tens, housing displaced people to the west of with alpha. meanwhile, in west jerusalem, hundreds took to the streets to demand the return of his very cup this time. so given that to me all has been facing great impressions and secure receipts not to do away from us. and these ladies of the people in collections an end to the will in 1000 as at least $35.00 rockets, a being fine from leather then towards the city of south end in northern as well. 2 the rockets,
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what it does have to buy is miles on dime system stuff. it's be this policy says no casualties agree, pointed so far. but that being said, the power outages, it's the latest in the series of 10 tons of tax between has blah and is really false, is the us pesa enjoy button has arrived in the state of georgia where he'll go head to head with donald trump in the 1st debate until the 2024 presidential election campaign, the event and the city of atlanta could help shape the rest of the race. the team in las vegas, dolphin televised debates and then run up to the 2020 election. all of the issue has moved from atlanta. it will set the tone for the next 5 months. the most anticipated debate in recent times, but it comes to bite and less dude face to face with donald trump. 4 years ago on the presidential debate states. a lot has changed. some things haven't,
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like the ill will between the 2. so left, what do you shut out, man? who fight and $1.20. some complained without evidence. victory was stolen from him . there's been the assault on the capital on january 6th, 2021. it has been don't comes conviction on safety for a felony charges. and there's been the conviction of joe biden, son, hunter. we know donald trump has a very, very is very skill at be a disruptor. so i think what we're going to see is one of the debaters attempting to try to stay presidential and stay focused on the issues. and the other one is going to try to do everything he can to disrupt of his challenger. joe biden thinks his preparations are going well. the trump has been on the campaign still looking for his opponent. i know he's locked up in the log cabin so you can imagine what are both men will lead to dealing policy, immigration on the board to is
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a political liability for bite and abortion rights for trump and bite. and we'll have to defend his position on the board and gaza. but most americans will want to know how each candidate will make their lives better. all the immediate things and go by may have done well like handling the pandemic and economic recovery. inflation is still high, and many people still feel like the cost of living is not commensurate with their payment with their wages. and so even though he is overseeing lots of good things, he is still the president right now when all these things are happening, i think donald trump is going to try to make a job. i look out of touch, perhaps daft, and not ready, and not up to the job really a quarter of all americans. what neither mine to win this election, but this is the race. these are the candidates and both will be hoping this debate will give them some momentum before the vote in november. i was so sure i'll just see the atlanta windshield la correspondent join us though live from washington dc
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. hi rose. i both sides with you've agreed to some new rules for tonight's debate. just took us through what we expect to see in here. well basically one you're not going to see either the supporters for donald trump or for joe button in the studio along with the 2 candidates and the moderators and the production crew. that is to keep the discussion on track, to not have any outburst to not have any disturbances. that is something that both campaigns agreed would not happen this time around. usually there are supporters. usually it does slow down the pants, the pace of the debate. the 2nd thing i'm, this is perhaps even more important is that as one of the candidates is asking the question, the other candidates microphone will be turned off. and so that person will not be able to interrupt or interject or respond in any way that can be heard clearly
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through the audio system. that's again to try to add a sense of decorum to try to add a sense of seriousness to the debates. in previous years, we've seen lots of interruptions, lots of gotcha moments that show up in campaign ads. but don't actually add to the discussion of the issues, which is what the debate organizers would like to see. i deal, we happen. so both campaigns agreed. the microphone will be turned off if it's not your turn to speak, then finally, they're trying to stick to a 90 minute time period. they don't want this to just go on it on running into the late evening local newscasts in this country for one. but to again, to focus people's attention on the debate itself, to try to actually use those 90 minutes to get into issues. and given that this is happening at the height of the summer holiday season, here in the united states,
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they want to make certain that those who are tuning and actually get something for the 90 minutes that they invest. as you say about focus rawls, one of the areas of focus is a just be the massive issue, both domestically instantly internationally for those of us watching outside of the united states, just focus through what else is at stake. the both candidates a well not just the age issue and it is worth pointing out that joe biden is 81 years old and that is something the trump campaign has been making a big issue of in recent months with so much so that it is now a matter of our international comments and speculation, but donald trump, himself is 78 years old. so they're both right around the 80 year mark in terms of living and in terms of experience in various values. and so whether or not that's a question bite and has been trying to make a point of that as well. it hasn't caught the same amount of attraction of amount
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of attention as the 12 issue has. but the other big issues, immigration handling of the us economy and reproductive rights. we'll see how deeply they get into all 3 topics tonight. because to get more of your analysis as we progress through the evening, but for the body of the roles. thanks. joining us from washington dc. the still ahead here on out is there with the us supreme court rules do temporarily allow abortions in idaho falls pregnant women facing medical emergencies. plus another interpreter on the presidential race is down to 3 men, and the results is unpredictable. the hello, we have quite a bit of reading the full cost of possible strain there over the next couple of
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days to see some wet to whether running into w i or them nice little area of low pressure here to swelling away. let me 2nd briefly to run this across the by laws to cloud them right now for west in australia, pushing right up into the northwest, south australia saying some lobby showers long a spouse of rain which will garage you make their way across. victoria basically sinks in wet weather, also pushing across the into the pot of new south wells. pennsylvania saying some lobby sounds blustery conditions here. so slowly making its way toward the zeta. but you can see how it runs back from the south on and off new zealand, right across the part of new south wells into the interior. as we go through sunday . systems have your best of right to come plenty of heavy right being. why? because central parts of china and that continues the policies way out into japan, the corporate country mindful parts of japan, $25.00 celsius in the cloud and the rise and fund re down policy as we go through friday saturday. think start to, to wrap the little level,
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move out. so the way next system does service hand. so that's going to bring some heavy right toward south korea. now the pulse evaluate whether on the plum range and staying very unsettled for central pumps of china. the, the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rock for looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years . connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our 0 the
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the talk about cubic fields there with me single robin in the hall. reminder of all the top stories can be as high goals as approved the use of military polls to bestow all the following days of often binding protests. at least one minus has been killed by police and congenital county residents told on tuesday or the mind was closed. i think call sprint as police fired protests this, these really military has lost an operation. it's of kansas city and all the people to leave the civilian neighborhood in northern cause. the 3 is really as strong submit the giovanni a refugee can, can look at least 32 palestinians. yes, president j button has arrived in the state of georgia where he'll go head to hand with donald trump in the best debates of the 2024 presidential election. the event in the city of atlanta could help shape the rest of the race. now the us economy,
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foreign policy ended mcglatian, allow me to dominate the debate. here's what some people are hoping to have in tonight's head to head between by then trump. yes sir, i'm going to watch the debate on thursday and i think it's uh how not will say i'm, i think i like everyone. i'm nervous to see how, how these guys do me personally. i hope to hear someone have a concrete stance on how we are addressing the situation in palestine. that is my biggest concern personally as a voter. i don't think that our country is going in the right direction in regards to that. and i would hope that our leadership is able to take a concrete stand one way or the other. it's making it more difficult election. and i think that it would be was not an issue. i think uh, american policy has gotten so weird that the substance has been almost entirely
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lost when you have a non truth advocate on one side, which is trump. so how do you even talk to somebody just talked to nonsense all the time? am looking forward to hearing both sides of the debate. and like i said, you know, i'm looking for someone who's honest and know the facts. and i'm just hoping that this person would be someone who can represent our country and not take away from democracy as it is he in the united states. the supreme court has ruled to temporarily allow abortions in idaho for pregnant women facing medical emergencies, but not reinstate a low cost decision, but the states need a complete bond on abortion, contravene the emergency medical treatment and labor at present j bugs administration had sued, idaho. all giving the act takes precedence over state clo,
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she attends, explains from washington dc. this is rather a technical opinion by the supreme court saying that it is taken on this case to me it will still have to wind its way through the codes before it gets to them. the issue at home with a federally funded hospital emergency room is required to give a woman on a portion if that's what it takes to stabilize a health condition. even in states. in this case, idaho effectively outlawed abortion. that case will have to be adjudicated in the codes 1st. the by the administration is hoping that the female reproductive rights abortion become a major issue in this election season have several very welcome to 2020 to mid terms and in other special elections since that. another time when joe biden himself is so deeply placidly unpopular. when so many in the base of disgusted by his policy on israel pulling him genocide, joe, hoping prospector of another trump presidency will get people to the polls to
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prevent more action against the motion off. while it was under trump, the supreme court justices the pointed, and the constitutional rights to abortion, or the oppose don't quite sure yet, but this issue a boss and reproductive rights is quite offsetting jo. bytes is personal on favorability, yet she ever time see out, is there a washington the full candidates so it can be thankful the presidency of the role, but any 3 are considered to have a chance of winning a low turn on could lead to a 2nd round the voting next week said ahold of explains the political landscape on the eve of early elections brought about by the death last month or full of present ibrahim raising as the race for a round. second highest job is down to 3 men. opinion polls suggest none has a clear cut majority each se,
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he is the man of the people and promises good governance. their challenge now is to mobilize iranians to make friday's election different from recent ones, which had record low turnout. bond is, can be used for the people, especially for the people who they are looking for to help are looking for the government to, for the future. this is important for them, not everyone shares this enthusiasm and this largely liberal neighborhood in northern test on despite the candidacy of reform is politician muscle physics. and he is taking change from within and once better relations with the west. but the weekend reform is movement said it's main rival, is it this illusion? society, i cannot have major expectations from this because because from the, the hierarchy of the government here at present, the decision maker,
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the feeling is different and conservative neighborhoods in the around in capital. the core base of the establishment makes up at least 20 percent of the electorate. they're expected to heat the call by the ultimate authority supreme leader at a how many to cast their ballots of course level. but if not, then we can expect for those to come and go, we're not, this is our country. but conservatives are at a disadvantage. without a consensus candidate, bahama thought. her kindly boss and said gently refused to withdraw in support as the other. the fractured political landscape could work in favor of the reformist wing if there is a large turnout or force a 2nd round of voting a week later, each cabinet, it represents a different iran. the election is a choice between conservatives, consolidating their control over centers of power and opening the way for change, but with an administration that operates within the guidelines of the system.
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elections were planned for next year, but brought forward after president ever humor i, you see died in a helicopter crash in may. it's shaping up to be a competitive and unpredictable vote that will have implications, but not on a runs strategic decisions that are already in place. then there was really easy to deshawn in bolivia, i seen you, i'll be command has been arrested off to what the president is calling it attempted to on wednesday, august vehicles from the entrance of the presidential palace and left pods and troops stalled holes inside. the sons from here to pull us, not from the columbia and capitol, where leaders have condemned the uprising. an armored vehicle ramming the entrance if will leave us presidential palace and wednesday, clearing the way for troops stormin in what the government has called and attempted to. the man who led the operation general one quick zuniga had been dismissed
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at the earlier outside the palace. the site is growing anger about believes economic slump and rising poverty beyond forces intend to restricted democracy to make it a true democracy. not one run by the same few people for 50 or 40 years inside president luis as it could be seen confronting soon you got you all to the or just believes to come out in defense of democracy. support. there's answered this call and faced off with soldiers outside the palace that they wanted to surprise us and the bolivian people. we have reacted and the people have mobilized against this. attempted to thank you to the bolivian people a few hours later the soldiers withdrew. and so when you go was arrested, he then said without providing evidence that the president had asked him to the states, the coolest thing of the will. the president told me the situation was bad and this
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week would be critical that something was needed to increase his popularity and i austin. so we bring out the ultimate vehicles and he said, bring them up. president odyssey spacing several challenges for the v, as in the middle of one of the worst economic crisis in the history growth is that its lowest level into decades. inflation and unemployment rates are rising and the central bank is running out of important currency. protests are becoming more regular the later in the evening soon you get and and then let's co conspirator present it to crowds. a government official says they could face up to 20 years in prison as night fell calm return to the past. and many believe ian's remains on the streets a chose to the money citizens don't want to leave. they say, well, we do in our homes. we, why don't we come? we don't want me to cruise is this. the leaders from brazil, mexico in here in columbia have expressed the alarm and denounced what they
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consider an attack on democracy. and although president, i'd say, declared the situation under control, it doesn't take away the reality of a country deeply divided and on the age of possible explosion, i listen that i'm get just the book that to the coals in bulk as solid as rejected an appeal by the full, the prime minister, sharon khan, and his wife, to release them from prison khan of this 3rd, why bush not to be asked. and as i'm about quote, to suspend the 70 israel times what was ruled as in the legal marriage. the couple was not guilty of violating his let me go by family to observe the required interval after bushes the fools after the doctor pushed divorced. a previous suspect con has been imprisoned on the range of conviction since august. he maintains the cases are politically by stages. the names of the bailing is besides a power and elections in february small high, the hospitals from outside the court house and the capital under your support. uh,
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a waiver on han have gathered outside the court, which was due to announce it's rid of judgement and a legal matter. it's kate. now the court of card had dismissed the paid by the former prime minister. m. ron, on a day of cards are now going to be a hoarding. irregular i had a entered i get paid from the 2nd of july. the expectation was that if the guards had ended accepted the suspension of the 10 den, then there was nothing to oregon brown on from coming out of the game unless the government directed them in another kid. but that out of card done for the district station rented. gunther support. uh well, well, hoping that the 5 minutes to review the news from june the subsets i believe they're about to use today's verdict by the district court is to.


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