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tv   Fault Lines Conviction  Al Jazeera  June 28, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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split is present as low as sanchez denied being behind and attempted coup against insane. the army general accused of leaving it, acted on these. critics say the president did it to boost his popularity. so isabel has more now from the past. this is what the streets of a lot of the one of the largest cities in bolivia looked like on thursday morning. people looking roads concerned about their country's democracy, located most beautiful, such as the system we are here to say never again to accrue to the military, trying to control our democracy. comes up to the dramatic scenes in the capital. a pass on wednesday when military units took over a main clause in front of the presidential palace. they were led by general one closely sonia, who had been removed from his post a day before. the government says it has made a series of arrests in connection with what it's calling and attempted cool.
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general one closer to me and at least 10 others involved in the corps, currently retained in this prison. but you can see right here they're facing the possibility of between 20 to 32 years in prison. ford expedition, dozens of people have showed up here. they say that he was involved in a call, and he needs to pay for it. but the general detained suggested wednesday's events where a political stand intended to post the government's popularity. minister marianella pratt was with president lu, satisfied on wednesday, inside the palace. she denies the accusation, no, simply that you cannot install this idea of the government's lead crew for political purposes because you're ignoring and attempted kuda, talbot filed instead of treasuring out democracy, someone is trying to play dirty politics. the attempted, quote comes at a time when people who believe you are facing all sorts of economic difficulties. bolivia has gone for being one of the fastest growing economies in latin america.
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the ones traveling with a shortage of 40 we sirs and is continuing to struggle to recover from the covey pandemic. i should be the fan, i should be the, the government needs to do something as the prices go up when there is chaos, they can not solve the problems we're facing every day. there are no us dollars to trade. we don't know where we're going. precedent, lou sadducees under increasing pressure to improve the situation from the opposition, but also from former president able morales once to run for office once again investigation is ongoing over what happened on wednesday, but it's not the 1st time in bolivia that they military has interviewed. definitely growing discontent to try to take control of a situation. the politics has failed to resolve this. i will just see that in the past. well that's it for this one. we're back to the top of the week. the look at the world still presently stores what kind of response can we expect from
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china if tech talk is in the back? the markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost? oh no. jew sierra, the single, the state prison i went to, you know, i grew up in that place the,
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when you look out in the, for you and gold as me moving, i'll come to your mind some wrong in louisiana. we still are in the air, the . ready the name is brandon jackson. i'm a 3 point louisiana. i've recently been released for up to 25 and a half years. have been flea now less than 90 days.
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the combined and gave way corrections. the mazda is not just to become muscle. we do reach out and above the individual. this is in the same place. i am to the code for each of the data lee. they won't be last time that they seem really going to become part of one of the best averages. did they ever seeing as low as 3 of these guys get out? you know, to get these all jerry, that's that's, that's where my driver. right. and that's where my head and right. the
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so anything green pro. good luck, sir. this for nurse i believe are ready to close out. i basically the it's the feel so real. i still find myself waking up throughout the night around the time that they count inside of prison. a lot of times when i wake up, i just laid there is the takes a minute for the city or i'm
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a man of my word. i said i'm going to be those god hope. i'm a fight for the old guy. and guess what i'm doing because even though i'm i yeah, i'm still here one of them. i'm packing overnight back to drive down to bed room to speak to to lawmakers from 1996. i was found guilty and try to burn it, came back 10 voted to convict to 40 to exonerate. and as when made my case, when they called general gro conviction, they're called jim crow jury laws, they allow injury that is not unanimous to convict someone up a crime. the
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effect of me. and you still have individuals in prison right now, disappeared and affected by the gym law. the whole thing with me to tell them that they need to hear that a lot of gas in down there and down just on my way to speed from now on the bat base the the good. now for the 25 years, it's hard to chose. right. the way it was more but i feel comfortable more around people. i had been in prison. i just reached out to showing you only been home 2 or 3 months before me. the already doing the ran into you 25 years. i'd
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be watching. give you people understand it that we've been through, you know, the yeah. the behind a lot of people are allowed to do. so i'm going to move to these 2 to us. the every prison in the state of louisiana, all built on was lane plantations and they drive, you likes lanes, they got the hosses, they got, they full well they got, they got, they watching over you telling you to get back to work. you had to go was come kicking on your bed if you ran out of bed by 530 with them just, you know,
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driving you in pushing you to work for free. the whole system of angola is late. yes, uh no sir. did you? i as in law it is. you're saying it does not go. when i went down go to 1991. i was 17 years old. there was a, there was a real difficulty is to testify. hey the i'm it terrance? 1998 in a block. inside and go been in prison, teaches you to cut off the most is a direct result of slavery. a slave was taught not to love nobody, because the person in love with the person there to yourself. but when you do that,
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you take and we pieces and you manage it. so coming home, it's hard to kind of like transition because as a side is not normal, people don't shit the most of all to have been psychologically reprogrammed. and that's like how did you last a lifetime sometimes we don't ever recover from those traumatic experiences of this so now says off bigger channels for brain. and right now there's coping with the next person. you know, it was best known and job. last week i ended up getting a job with someone telling me what to look. it puts you in a mindframe. so like you,
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you talking just like there's your man. he talking to me like i'm still in prison. the 6th and told me to just show up the work morning at 6 am. so that's what i did. i was here like 530 because i feel like if i give you guys 6, i'm like how many more digits we got the know what? i'm just this, i had an opportunity to get the job because now i have my mom and my everything she overcame cancer she'd be called in to be on to tex g, be every time whatever she went to the 1st thing to to say to g going on where on to see me,
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come on down with that in the be that have to we owe me. all right. okay, do you have any kids? have you put a mania, almo? either 30 minutes? i need to live most you. that's the only thing that i would do for you know, losing my mom while i was incarcerated. brandon lived in fear every day of having to suffer like id love. my mom and my and my father was what i was in prison. so in prison, bradley became a work out do turn and everything. oh, just a box. he was able to wipe away the emotions desperate part of a hard curse. because you've got to do because don't do it. you're going
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a sofa in a way that you don't want to suffer in prison. now he's back in society. he has his own. brandon seals himself behind his bolt. and i think that he's trying to find his niche. when does he really belong? he's going to keep going until he's bad, where he's feeling the i don't want it and i want to be invoice. right? yeah, i'm ready. right. it doesn't work that way. i don't feel like i'm except the
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parent though we always watch. i'm on parole for 1718 while you is the simplest thing dick in friday or send me back to prison in the row system. if you do the wrong thing, you could always test away from. okay. all right, i mean, you 30 man we are right there about to pay that for road days in the 1st so right now my parole fee is $63.00 a month and i may have to pay them at least a $187.00 times. so the total would be $11781.00.
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i'm free but i'm not free because i'm still really basically down to the department of corrections disputed solid and show you know, my the and he's that one is a need to see a guy to report to a man with a gun and a bass. this man came to my doses of practice. mon, i'm looking for him. he is not locked up, but he still got a mouth cause that probation officer can we both? can i send him back? he's free and he's now free. the, you don't bring your child into to where to become a prisoner no matter how long he was gonna be in prison. i was gonna be use rad in dash, cuz he didn't have anyone. and now the shame of him gone to prison. i mean,
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he was worthy to see him walk out of dreamy and he was out there she was. there was just barely writing. it's something that you can explain cause had way too. so i would have worked uh the 25 years in prison. brandon jackson served that time for armed robbery, even though some members of the jury felt him not guilty. there are about 1500
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other prisoners in the state, georgia affected by split jury's and are still in prison. despite the supreme court ruling, those verdicts unconstitutional the way louisiana lawmakers created the gym. closure was 1898. they wrote our mission was to establish the supremacy of the right. right.
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that's what they wrote. and it did what it was designed to do. we still have the highest incarceration rate in the world. the laws need to be changed. the are common law, but i stand for 1000 the time, especially about 30 minutes of to an hour of talk in the well, how are you? well, thank you for giving us these. hi. brandon has
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a non in history verdict recently been pro and wanted an opportunity to talk on behalf of himself and the others to remain in louisiana's prison system. i've received a live sentence for crime that i didn't commit 10 wides. you responded, year to 2 blacks did. i did 25 and a half years. i watch all my family members that we can't confuse law. we just, we can't do that because we all are in agreement that this is a racist allow the supreme court ruled that it was on the constitution, but they ruled it prospective, instead of who knew rich rac what if it's on constitutional shouldn't be all caught in his book ball and that's why i'm sitting there today.
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i'm alone right now, but stand for the house. because i was crying the same way that they still offer mine or the ball. sometimes it takes you know, mean faces to come here, given the opposition that with a look we go, it's like single flight like hill. i hope it doesn't take them. when you get knocked down and your back even look up, we don't get up. they'll continue to fight whatever you need me to do is just call coming i'm. i'm now appreciate you a hi staff gigabytes. proud. gotta help a lot of the okay. are you doing? my brother was convicted of it to jim crow. jerry. i
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feel like i was gonna do what i can do. i'm gonna do it. yeah. that i'm a fight for it. ok. it keeps me crowd. it keeps me hopeful say organizing the trip to go to new orleans, but it's in too. oh awesome. then all of us have gone on formerly across the really she was just going so i'll support the
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support already declared these jim ro, jerry was unconstitutional. what's his faith now? is whether that should be retroactive or does it people still in prison by a non unanimous verdict must space a new trial. the we are here today to move out of the court to let them know that the welding the marble will be in the phase of freedom. freedom of the way, all we have to do is hold on the what do you hope happens tomorrow? i'm hoping to adjust the news or if that's an unconstitutional loan. why can't you overturn? let's make it right, director the
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grid, the you all you go rogers, the may i please the court. in this state. we believe that people are innocent until proven guilty. but hundreds of predominantly block louisiana and remain in prison despite never having a constitutional verdict. and they do so based on louisiana's last jim crow
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law. and we can fix that here. we're waiting on the today, louisiana supreme court heard spaby rad nearly a 100 years after the 1890 a constitutional convention for the purpose of insuring the supremacy of the white race in louisiana. and hopefully today were able to write that wrong. feel like this is a case opportunity to to really kill louisiana, the
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point of finding a views and for some of the things, you know, you only want to be a normal as why, you know, i shut down with their domain and i listen. i just look at data is strange, but i went to what we got today. we got some old changes in their own mind. now we don't have
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the tables, macaroni and cheese debris. that's a labs. thoughts to, to 0 is better than being over the the way i look at it. now. i get up and go to use my mom, make our coffee here for us. that just mean that going to win the being able to a fight against the system that was already to stay to guess that means to were to meet i'm hoping that the fight it out to own makes a difference. that's the only way that something is going to change the
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in las vegas employees. thousands, a huge proportion of them. latino whose work is in the service industry, had taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing called for the. the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values, our core. it's the core of us. if we went nevada, we went the whole thing. donald trump isn't a strong position haven default or right now he has a 5 point lee, the head of joe quite a lot can happen between now and november. but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada. at least if donald trump gets his way,
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heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s. many remains on scene until now. our moral is high. now brothers die every day to the right to our country. 0 to 0 world reveals the loan gloss, personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for all julian independence . i'm writing to you, not knowing if this could be my last letter. letters of love letters or for analogies 0. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through here though, just either we believe everyone has a story we're hearing about just going to shows will be actions feet about black. but i'm going to do it live on, come funny enough with a piece left behind us to black essential workers share their experiences of racism in the u. k. replaced by the end of
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a point where they've done well and showed the way black. it was on the weathering on the jersey to the, in the 1st presidential debates in the 2024 us selection ends with concerns over jo bivens performance against on, from the on sammy's a. then this is, i'll just say are live from the hall. so coming up is right, a launch is a deadly ministry operation on the should giant neighborhood, east of gauze, the city forcing thousands of palestinians to slee again, plus.


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