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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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you know, done. so the yours, the men offensive way. that's how did you facing realities you're running? mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era the he's not equipped to be president, you know it, and i know it is ridiculous. every single thing he said is a lie. some democrats cold on you as president joe biden, to step aside often underwhelming performance during the 1st debate with donald trump, the money and saw you this is out. is there a line from co ha, also coming up, the u. s. supreme court was to weaken the law or used to prosecute january 6 rods is charged with obstruction. charge also faced by donald trump,
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is rarely bombardments and gaza kills 3 members of the civil defense agency. taking the number of medical workers killed over 500 on pulling is extended in iran where bases are picking a success that's a precedent abraham racy who was killed in a helicopter crash. the a 1700 gmc, we began in the united states where concerns a growing and long devin crowns solve to president joe barton's appearance and thursday nights tv debates against donald trump. outsourced isn't the democratic policy of told down to 0 there on full on panic mode of to button struggled at times to answer questions and stay coherent. he and donald trump spot about the economy, abortion, and migration, as well as the was in ukraine and gaza. the odd and laser defended his performance
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as well. the do you have any concerns on your part of the big a lot of like 2631 as well as the morning austin, people across the us have been assessing the impact of that 1st debate. honestly when i saw president biden's eyes like i was really curious like why his pupils were so dilated, that was very concerning to me. and i felt that there were some times where he slurred his words on that he was a little incoherent. at times, i've had my hopes that bite and would make a good showing, and i support the bye. and now i don't know what to think. i don't
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know if he's suitable to be running. and i know donald trump is unsuitable to be running. it was kind of clear to me that maybe biden's not as with it as he used to be. and i think i'd be supportive if someone they put up another candidate rather than by then they're both very set in their ways and they're not changing it. and they just want to make the other work that and that was like, all you got out of it was not a lot of my friends we were talking about. it was the same thing. was honestly really sad to see that it's come to this and that there's so old the fact that he couldn't put answers together. the fact that he was tossed softball after softball after trump live and live and live. and he just didn't go on all sense. i felt like he was on deepens most of the time and fish, a voice now from the size of the debase. in atlanta, a new welcomes,
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new hon. shakes that are policy differences between the 2 presidential candidates. and they don't like each other either without question. so worst president, the worst presidency in the history of our country. by the time we left thursday's room, chaos literally chaos. this was not a good night for to abide for a man that's spent several days preparing. he fumbled answers, struggle to highlight to success is i can trust them with donald trump. the record will be there, but he look more into mind than the mind he wants to replace. he's not equipped to be president, you know, and i know it is ridiculous by the highlight to thomas exaggerations and this claims about his record while in the white house, every single thing he said is a lie. this was a doctor just possibly in the most consequential debate in american history, millions to and then even people traveling over america. well, i'd say protest is reminded the candidates of the global implications of events in atlanta to bite and reject to trump's idea that the us was no longer respected. no
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longer admired on the world stage. the idea that somehow we are just failing country. i've heard a president talk like history for donald trump claim. he would rather not be involved in politics, but felt he had to act. i wish she was a great president, democrats, so trying to put a brief, based on what happened to you, and privately, somebody consider if bite and should be replaced at the party's convention in a few weeks. i don't know a democrat of my party that would do so, especially after tonight, we have is back as enough to to be to then to abide and try to put a good spin on things. claiming fact checkers will get from the coming dates. i can think of one thing, he said that was true. total comes campaign. no, believe they have an advantage. perhaps one could even overcome his legal problems . before the debate, many voters were concerns that joe biden was just too old not help to another for
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years and the white house, best performance. one of them is through his fears. island for sure, i'll just see the atlanta. let's go to mind counties of the white house in washington dc. mike, we are waiting for president biden to speak for the 1st time out of campaign raleigh, north carolina. the 1st time he will be speaking since his performance last night. how much scrutiny will they be? on what he says, well, let me hope among those who support him, that he is more energized and he was doing that. the beta criticism of president biden focused on his lack of energy, particularly during the 1st part of the debate. in times he appeared confused. he stumbled over woods, improved a bit, and the 2nd part of the debate, but still have much concern among many democratic party supporters about his mental acuity as displayed during that debate to still go to support. and so the minority lead in the house has come out and full support his assistant saying that he was
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suffering from a cold. so it lies will be on how he performs at that rally in the course of the afternoon. i also criticism of donald trump, particularly the amount of false fluids that he made, that he was not a checked by the moderators. that was no real time check, co fact. and what he was saying, he was also invasive about several questions. in particular, his role on the events of january, the 6th 2021. his role in the supreme court judgement on roe v wade, which led to an end to a woman's right to choose within the united states. and also he was very evasive when asked about whether or not he would accept the results of the 2024 election. okay, thank you for that. mike. kind of the out, the white house in washington to the us supreme court has made it harder to charge capital riot defendants with obstruction. the charge also faced by
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donald trump, the supreme court raised the legal bond for possibly just the searing instruction charges against defendants involved in the january 6th attack on the capital. the justices will 6, it's free. warning is a set fact the us justice department biden's administration on a potential booth for trump. that's great to share everytime see who's live in washington. so ross sham. so just took us through the supreme court ruling and, and how it could be significant. it was really significant because this is the case, it wasn't just making watch closely by so those in favor of civil liberties on the right. but also on the left because of the sort of precedent it might set because of the department of justice and going off to the january. 6th ross has been discharged them with the sort of challenges you might expect to trespass. so the sold, they also dug up this low, which is meant to go off to financial fraud, corporate fraud funding documents. but it, it has a line saying if it's,
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if it's illegal to obstruct uh for c r c, they all. yeah. but it was, fortunately, i'm going to have to interrupt see that? yeah, go ahead. uh because we all, we all about to listen to joe biden. he is speaking of that campaign. raleigh, north carolina. let's. let's listen to what he has to say. the what. 7 the so it's great to be with you all the story that i didn't read and mary jo until the 5th time he asked me 5
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truth is i loved him from the start the so i'm gonna repeat that line cuz i think it's the most important. i loved to him from the start i saw in him in the same character that i see in him today. and even though he has space on imaginable tragedies, his optimism is i'm going to test right. is on shaky people. yes. how is on the turn? the, you know,
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use your head, so he'll our country. hell, hell, bring us all recover from that. hey, on the last administration we on choose our chapter in history, but we can choose who leads us through it. at this moment with these, these barrels the world is facing. there is no one that i would rather have sitting in the oval office right now. then my husband, the last big sage was job. i'm a president with integrity and character to
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. 7 this election is a bout, you know, it's fighting for the families here in north carolina and across america who are working hard to find a secure place in the middle class. a dozen moms who worry that their daughters will grow up in a country with fewer rights then we had and had changed. sure. i'm on the move. the teachers are always proud of the way that you like for educators like our next speaker eric 5th. eric is a former school principal public school principal. he now works at wake
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county public schools, the making sure teachers get the support they need so that students can ride. eric, thank you for all that you do for your fellow educators and students, your family and your community. ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome to the stage, eric brett, the okay, we will return to north carolina when us present. and joe biden speaks about town pain riley. now let's the is really media says for is right. the soldiers have been killed in the church. i
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yeah, neighborhood in golf assessing. i'll tell some per day and say it is engaged in fish specials. a close distance which is really forces on thursday at 7 bodies were pulled from the rubble industry. j. a neighborhood off to a series of is riley as strikes now, deserves a smaller and cool reports from the area destroyed in the is really offensive. i have the months left. i left the list, entire residential area has be flattened by this really occupation forces. it's now a goes to city. there is no trace of human life, and it depends on how does, while filming, we discovered this was a center sheltering display, as well as the news, as we were filming. and we found that the body of the line over there in the middle of what once was a temporary shelter. no one could come near the body to bury him for fear of being targeted. move up the cord, going to report you to the single defense themes anyway. what seems he was killed
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in and he's rarely ever strike until now. no one has been able to recover or very if his body has got a new copy or well, and that's how our camera crew cannot get any closer this on have you. we have taken refuge behind this room building that looks like this entire area is under is really air rates heavy. i'm totally controlled by is really fire power the hey i see the young stuff and no one can answer such a yeah. or used to mean of roads like all of which are now controlled by is really the tanks our troops and worships from the sea. it should be noted that surgery, i used to be a densely populated neighborhood with a bustling with life to my left. who that was the main open marketplace of us is really tanks our station on the road behind it, just the meters away. as you can see, the entire area has been just totally destroyed and level by these really occupational forces have you month to come with troops carried out to ground defensive. if there's such a well. now there is no sign of human life and have you um,
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up on top of the high ridge, you can see and is rarely tank. got it station on elements, har ridgemont providing the use of the entire area middle. this is the 2nd day of this really ground, defensive and show j. u. a number of bodies were found blank, abandoned on the ground. many injured the victims are stranded without any assistance snyder who i just see it on the west side to central garza speak to honey mood. he is in there on bala and honey. so j e, a neighborhood and gaza city seems to be the focus of much of the fighting at the moment. uh, bring us up to date with the laces, including a report that we're hearing from these writing media. that full is really soldiers have been killed in shoot ya, ya. yes . well for the past 2 hours have been getting these different reports by it is really media about the,
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the of the border of the that for of the soldier were killed inside the sujata. yeah. and 5 other were critically injured, old transferred to the local hospital in and israel, and that's a very consistent with the state. and then that we received by the i'll put the brigade that these flemings how to, how is going to find a rule in gaza. that's where these inches i yes, right now and conducting these street, the street and house to house the classes in fierce battle with the occupying is really forces on the ground. what we learned so far from what these really media of platforms talked about on the statement that a good a good of is really soldier will learned into inside the house that was already, bobby trapped by like a explosive devices, as well as these unexploded ordnance, as an f 16 bond that did not explode, and as soon as the rubin got inside the house, it was that the needed leaving
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a soldier killed according to that, uh, there's really need outlets at 5 in the honey apologize. i apologize for bringing bringing you a short that but we just want to return to north carolina and have a listen to us. speaking of that campaign, robert carter gonna grow up to be credible young man. you had been really impressed where they talked about that. so informed they were about what was going on. i was truly impressed. 92 hamburgers, especially the science, the role and person to worry. you've been a great, good more born in north carolina like the great gum to refresh you, josh, for me, i want you to know that i'm not promising not to take for it with nor cal
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the to the scary movie leaders, heard a great musicians, entertainers who performed earlier, folks, let me tell you why i'm here in north carolina. i'm here for one. the north carolina for one reason. to design turn the window starting in november. mm hm. right here we window, actually,
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here's how we're going to do. understand or for the women of america who made the go the promoter turn source which. 2 the frankfurt job fair paid me even though this is gonna keep blowing across the system, does not just receive it, but for every single american particular fordable care, which is why more than 40000000 americans have health insurance. today. the particular to the 1st page
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you order for the bars be the quote here. she says, for every child with the mirror, the secure border. it protects me a little bit gratian and the other guy we're going to send the pictures like no, no, no no. and we're going to take daily where the climate price, the we're going to preserve, protect, and defend our democracy. mm
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hm. it is. what does this thing because of this one watching here say, do your democracy, america itself, is it stay focused on what you did last night, but i spent 90 stage 90 minutes, other stages, bailey, the guy who has the morals of an hour. can you see to well, i guess, he said, i mean this is your new record for the most lives. told the single day to retrieve the parent data to keep watch till the millions of people. 2 whose business is the close go movie their homes, people in this country, america's flat us back a. so i told so,
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but it was just one of 2 presents american history left off as a sewer job and he started for the other one. that's why i called donal herbert hoover trail. the no really was the veteran. the i told him how i had called a veteran and give him the live in the country. one more one which is go to the great side. you call them suckers. charges are what they ask. you are going to believe a 4 story marine general is own former chief of staff, john kelly. you said he said that or disgrace defeating online. donald trump, my son was one of those p o v folks work. how about the practice? 44. the
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how about the fact? that's really odd is $44.00 top advisors, including the vice president for and supported you this time around. the people known best surely of that i will not support the man i worked for this time around . it tells you a lot about the person who knows. look, you learned about how great he was, aren't crime. i'd remind him that he oversaw record increase in religion 2020 on my large while. and pharmacy to 50 or lower me to stay as well as my was down from
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when i thought about his 34 fully convictions his sexual. so women in a public place is a fine, $400000000.00 were business fraud. i. i thought to myself, donald trump in just a convicted. so donald trump is a one big crime. we're good to bring the phones, we made the most about him. there's no respect for women or the law does. and then his biggest law, he lied about how he had nothing to do with these directions generally. so
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we watch it on television results, thousands this direction attacked the capital. we saw police paid attack the capital, they ran shot money for speaker policy gallows, literally set up for my pets. and then he told me that he shot the gun. one guy when the private dining room door off, i oval office. he sat there for 3 hours, watching tv. he did not a single thing to stop and nothing, nothing. and now he wants to pardon all those convicted surge rose lies and we did alarm, so we'd learn some important truths about donald trump last night. a reward is still proud be the person that killed. busy the way we learn we learned you're still proud about to pay. the court has inflicted on americans, women who are and you still ways politicians,
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not doctors and women should make decisions about women. so for the reason i liked it again, and the mag and republicans passed with national ban of abortion, he will sign it. donald trump says he thinks the attorney robie way was a beautiful thing. i think it was a nightmare. no, i really need it. i'm not i'm not very clear again last night that you liked the comma. you give us a democratic thomas, we will make row, we raised the law, the land, the guy, the you said, i quadruple taxes. where the hell is he? bill?
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which is a simple line. all right, is read your tax on everyone in america that made less than $400000.00 a year. and i want my 2nd term either read or write the more just the 4 years because the 2 trillion dollar tags fucking super well the we learned a trump was to get another john tax good for the very wealthy. the biggest corporations decide 5 trillion dollars, not a joke. 5 trillion dollars to pay for it is going to cut medicare, social security code health care. i don't. oh, there is a working process. americans all pay for another tax. i think a very wealthy. yeah. that it sort of injury. you want to raise taxes on the average family, $2500.00 a year. what am i going to 10 percent, sales tax and well products and forwarded america? that's his new plan for our full coffee candy bars and show much more. it's going
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to raise a tax of the average family, $2500.00 a year. no say, no, we learned a donald trump. well not respect this year's election outcome is still a lot of rejecting the last time. oh i'll think about it. every corner man role that it was a very election is still the line is still telling lars, 3 times. trump was asked last night for the moderators, where they respect too much result to be lost his time. 3 times to refuse dash, 3 time folks dollar trowbridge is accept the results of 2020. we all saw what happened on january the 6th, to direct consequence of the hey, was an international buyers. by the way, as i go these international meetings, i know every major world leader i literally because i've been around, as you might have noticed, what they asked me. did you really need is that was this real?
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because the constitutional crisis and international in bars. now trump is making it clear that you're done with this time. there will be in his words, like shit, but the president has ever said anything like that. the president, his words not mine are let's also attack our democracy again. i don't think so. the word mr. donald trump, we came out of the pen damage law where it's, i'm, we're donald trump telling us subject richard, our spirit.


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