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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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that has been done before trying to be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the pain and rage and goals. at least $41.00 palestinians have been killed and several is rarely a tax across the street. the hi, my name's i, this is old. is there a life? and also coming on historic low to now with no clear when it runs the presidential election heads to a ronald m. 23 fighters kept to
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a strategic town in the eastern democratic republic of congo. often days of fighting the government forces also ahead on doing smith in west in paris, 12 months after police shop a 17 year old. you dad in a traffic stop. the prompted nationwide rights we began in gaza where these riley ministry is targeting heavily populated areas across the gaza strip. at least 40 palestinians have been killed in just the last 24 hours and is really drone hit to call in the l sub for a neighborhood and goes to city killing at least full palestinians. people had stopped to get water at a distribution point. many others have also been injured. industry, j. e, a neighborhood of gauze, especially as well as ministry offensive is entering. it's the day cosign brigade says it's engaged in fis bottles. a close distance with the israeli forces on
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friday is riley. media said for is ready, soldiers were killed in the fighting that to. meanwhile, in the alba perez, refugee camp in the central strep, and these full palestinians have been killed including 2 children. there's riley ministry bones, a residential building. thousands of palestinians are still searching under the rubble for survivors. let's speak now to target those whom you joins us from darrow, by the in central gaza. so tarik intends fighting between is rarely forces and a mouse in the should j. yeah. neighborhood. this is called a fight and continuing that for said day, what move can you tell us about what's happening that yes. what is happening? days. i'm going to, i'm calling to send to clashing. we'd come us up where it says is many soldiers in our street. so, but she's not yet neighborhood. now, this place has been designated unlocked by these many intelligence as one of the key to the movement as they are trying to admit autonomy just amounts of how much
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remaining time your spot. unsurprisingly, the is whether only a note that the managed to minnesota uses months, i submitted a treat existence ident. it's the 5th time that they are carrying out function that a treat encourage. and for that neighborhood where families were forced to leave for a message to the western solely to cause a city which has been widely talkative ideas within the next week. and the course of the past couple of days, far as we have for hearing from the ministry we can go from us. i'm be admitted to english. how scene is let me do you have the say that the managed to talk to these women who bring to quite using different soap. so exclusive devices, the managed that's a whole so um with vehicles including medic treat and i'm so the car is by using different sorts of selling stuff hits because it's successfully bought. the id is such as what has been operating on the very excess of fire power on fire cover from
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flight to just some of the units on the ground. they're trying to chase every place that the how much is trying to rebuild its military. he kept his entities in spot at the same time. we can see that the ongoing confrontations is, cannot be really uh, missing any sort of breast 5 as high. what else has happened? st. joseph's of palestinians have been injured from the stop police valley from apartments in such areas. and remember, we go and if you is millions at the north of the strip has been subjected to kinds of humanitarian admitted to crush. that's what people that are absolutely escaping for every neighborhood to go. so i know the areas that count might be partially safe in order to secure the families of their own going daily struggles in terms of having access to to foods and savings. essentially basic supplies as the east valley forces have been attacking the civil infrastructure, evacuation centers. and at the same time, civil defense teams are working on the ground in order to keep providing help from
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desperate causes. okay, tara companies doing that for us in there all by that. thank you, kind of sidney is in the occupied west spine, col, alarmed by the as rarely governments plans to expand its illegal sacraments, favoring that communities may be on the threat zoning on construction and neighborhoods. known as area be used to be controlled by the palestinian authority, but israel has now taken control. your order it has this report. probably be is one of many palestinian towns that will be affected by these really governments decision to officially recognize 5 illegal sceptre up posts and expand existing supplements in the occupied westbank inside the though people are more concerned about another is really decision that ruling strict the palestinian authority of its civilian powers related to construction and zoning. in a 5th of the occupied westbank,
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these rarely cabinets says this was done to come back. what it terms illegal palestinian construction. hey, jenna, for the goal is for us to leave and what we will people go rooted into slant alignment. this down existed before christ and will continue to exist. god willing, more than half the population of the occupied westbank falls within this area, including all homes inside they are ready. 3 illegal is really supplements and several outposts of sees 14000 square kilometers of play to reducing the town to a 3rd of its size. shrinking space until teen hope the decision was framed as retaliation for the recognition of palestine by 5 european countries. but experts say this is a cover for a more strategic plan. a lot like if you just look at the number of out post slated for authorization by the government, the number just in the past 6 months is the equivalent of many years. the plan is
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to take over. experts believe towns like i may be in north east of bethlehem is likely to be effected 1st by israel's decision palestinian homes. here are some of the more than 3000 are ready slated for demolition. the decisions of the is really government will outlive this white wing coalition. and given the lack of international uproar, it would be up to the residence of pipe in other towns across the occupied west bank to defend their very existence in their land. with all the data by the palestine has been moved by singing alone 11 on the southern border, which is rarely strong, stating several border towns inside lab and on, as well as also carried out. attacks against is ready forces asset base because this report from the boy village of i, tosh, job in southern lebanon items shop, lice, and up and on southern border. and it's a town that's just
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a few 100 meters away from the united nations beauty lines that was set up in 2000 when he's ready for his withdrew. it's also time that just hit over $300.00 times since the start of this conflict in october last year. it's been hit by strikes miss all stripes as well as artillery, where you're looking this time along the main street, along the side streets. you see buildings that have been destroyed for others. they've taken considerable damage. we told the back to 90 percent of the people here have left those that remain live under constant fear of is really a tax. but some have taken the opportunity to day to the funeral, taking place of to his beloved members from this time to come and check on the properties and others i do much that they will return and they will rebuild. but it's not just outlook shop that's being targeted. it's tons, villages and cities across southern lebanon, being hit by his body forces. and yes, his beloved or striking back. but there's a real fear now that this could escalate into a full tool. and if that happens,
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it won't just be $711.00 on that same practice. it will be the entire country. and there's a 5th that through the impact the entire region. i said big, i just data. i push up southern they've been on the right hand versus now headed to a run of presidential election on friday. none of the candidates secured enough thirds to win the presidency out rides, and there was a record low turn out. the snap election was cold to replace president abraham lacy was killed in a head of homes across last month to say to hold our reports now from the capital to her. on a runs division stood in the way of a candidate winning enough votes to assume the presidency. the 2nd round of voting is scheduled in less than a week. a contest that will be between a conservative and the reform is neither got the more than 50 percent of votes
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needed to win the vote also. so a historic low turn out in a possible sign that many iranians may not believe change can come from the ballast box. what i want. i didn't vote neither did any of my family members. and i believe the voter turnout was even less the 40 percent. it will be only the 2nd run off in the rounds recent history. the 2 candidates who will now be buying for the presidency can be any different performers, plus who possess scan, who enjoyed a slight lead, wants to improve relations with the west to allow for the lifting of sanctions. his reform mister credentials appealed to some of those. this illusions with the system, but it wasn't, you know, i love your while you none of the candidates a cable to manage the country. they also do present the people side jelly the, the other presidential hopeful, doesn't represent a break from the past. he wants to follow the look towards the east policy of the
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late president uber humor, i see, and has been criticized for clumping down on civil liberties. georgie, i believe that you needed can run the country, but because he has more experience in government, i don't know anything about this issue. and the conservatives were able to rely on their core base 20 percent of the electorate. but they were at a disadvantage without a consensus candidate. the results of friday's the vote. so the internal divisions within the conservative camp that holds power. they also show the reform is a struggle to remain relevant. at least the factions that does not challenge but try is the same from within the system. there is a voter apathy here, and the electorate is largely divided. there have also been years of economic hardships, largely caused by the sanctions. now with a run of votes set to take place on july, the 5th turn up for once again, play
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a big role. then there else has either been done in the democratic republic of congo, m. 23 fights is have captured a town near the border with your gun to an rhonda. they took a ton, you buy your own go on friday evening. fighting had intensified that between the army and the homes group in the last 2 weeks. rolanda has repeatedly denied accusations, but it supports the group. let's take a closer look at the m 23 and group which emerged over a decade ago. it's many based in the east and companies permanence of north kia, which is rich in natural resources. am 23 leaders and mainly from the tootsie ethnic group. they say one of their rooms is define groups founded by whom twos who fled rhonda of the 1994 genocide. the m 23, much with the congolese on the on the 2009 peace due. but in 2012 they said the agreement had not been upheld and broke away island by connie reports now from
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government and east of the country. this is going to be changing the confidence because this going to buy on the let's, let's mention that this area was not close on. we didn't 0 by you day fighting in the past to use the damned 23. the fighting broke out between them. 23 and the government forces they have been fighting around to that one of go my yeah, mentally into 232 and o o 2. and then my c c. this is what all the government, the 4th with a focus on the, with even the regional forces, which would you probably do is to, to be a problem. started including, which is a group in south africa sort of does and does on all these people who have been trying to stop with their move. what variables on this don't have to go. but then since last 2 weeks them to the 3, they have jumped to another level by attracting this area. also can you believe that which has been another territory out of the data, which we requested on by the conflict from the beginning. this is very strategic,
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not only for the labels but also for the government because we have seen what exactly government or the policies in this area or the, you know, that to stop them 23000 miles because of no, they took control of this. it's operating the forward for they both to both of the area, the commercial in hub, which is the temple. this is a large 2nd. a city of these properties of norfolk, you, we after the tone of go my yeah, that it's making this, it isn't very difficult right now in the area anybody doing to so head on out, is there a i believe that we can radically poverty active as converge on washington dc for ronnie against all the teeth for the leading cause of death in the united states. suffering technical problems and no return date, but nothing. system failings online. a crew and non stranded in space. the
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hello. we're looking at more very heavy rainy to central parts of china. the latest pulse of the plumber ice continues to drive by way up towards the yellow sea toward south korea. and that will continue to get dragged up into the sea of japan, west in areas of japan sinks and breakdown pools as we go through sundays and sheltered by the mountains take out around 30 celsius. it will be a few minutes that we can see how that rain still stretches its way back across q. see the falls south of south korea into shanghai and down towards the south west of china. and here we go again, more right across a similar area for monday. probably a write me wall into a indo china. some live you showers, rumbling away here, good scattering, a showers across the philippines, west. the weather coming into that western side of boni, i would still pretty unsettled the efforts to monitor and across the ma potential. joining up with the monsoon range,
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which now stretched across the good parts of india, they have made their way into need valley really heavy down. pause here. we're looking at some very heavy rain brought across the good pots of northern in the right. one is in force either towards the final phase through banquet dash orange. one is for much of the north. i'm plenty of weather rod along the west and gets of the i'm just going to show we've got some feet about black. but i'm going to do it live on, come funny enough with a piece left behind us to block a central workers share their experiences of racism in the u. k. replaced by the point where they don't breakfast well and showed the way black. it was on the weathering on the jersey to
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the the you're watching out. is there a mind the top stories this hour, at least 40 palestinians been killed and is writing strikes across the gulf of strength and the last 24 hours is really minute tree bomb the residential building in alvarez refuge account, killing 4 people, including 2 children. iran is headed to a run a search and less than a week. often no candidates secured enough thirds to win the presidency, ran into choosing a successive to president. a berm receiving died in a helicopter crash earlier this month. elections to a record low 10 o. m 23 functions of captain a town near the border with uganda. and wanda,
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they took over a ton you up a young girl on friday evening fighting had intensified the between the army and the arms group in the past 2 weeks. cities in the us to now and for spans on homeless people sleeping outside and public spaces. a supreme court ruling also gave them the ability to clear out incompetence activists in washington dc, holding a riley to highlight the probity faced by tens of millions of people. and they say that's something that isn't being treated as a major issue in this presidential campaign from reynolds reports. in paducah, kentucky, the local church, one food bank, has become busier than ever these days as high food prices for more and more people to seek health. steven rogers, who lives with is disabled parents has been coming here for 10 years. they help us want them lots get something to eat when we're starving. according to census data
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in 2020, to nearly 38000000 people in the us lived below the official poverty level. 11000000 of them are children. tens of millions more are low income in one crisis away from destitution. and a church in washington dc volunteers are preparing for the annual assembly of the poor people's campaign in coal for moral revival, a movement, religion, the civil rights era of the 19 sixty's. i'm here because i believe that we can eradicate poverty. it doesn't have to be this way. and i believe that was my entire heart. reverend lives, steel, harris, his co chair, person across the board. people of all ages, all races, all genders, all religions are experiencing poverty in this rich nation. it doesn't have to be this way that we, we could actually win this war on poverty and, and, and,
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you know, fight poverty and not the poor. cuz currently that's what's happening in our society. but poverty hasn't been a major issue in the us presidential campaign. both candidates focus more on the pressure, inflation, woods, and middle class families. the poor people's campaign aides to mobilize millions of voters to demand new laws in new spending. priorities living, wages, adequate health care, affordable housing, and high quality education are all at the center of the campaigns agenda. so i believe that we can only win the world that we want by uniting the poor and dispossessed. i believe that if we all get together we can make real demands and really change the system. in paduka, stephen rogers says the free groceries are a godsend. they're all just bless. of the grace of god, we have
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a place to get food. but the food banks director say money needed to feed the poor is running out leading people like rogers and many more to face hunger. rob reynolds, l g 0 to as we mentioned, thousands of groups and unions organizing and launch in washington dc to push for the best of wages and other people to measure is island. fisher has more from the much well, you can see that there are hundreds of people here. it's very warm day in washington dc. so many people are on the fringes, taking shelter from buildings and also the trees that you can see. the attention is to highlight that the people here do have a vote and could be a significant voice in the presidential election. but one of the things that one of the speakers pointed out is that the 2 men on the stage in atlanta, on size, they spend more time talking about their golf game than they did about high property. it's impacting the united states, 30000000 people in poverty,
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11000000 people, 11000000 children impacted as well. joining me know is surely bond to is the policy director with the poor people's campaign and the kylie center. i show you why you used to be, why have you decided that this is the date to have? your voice is full poverty and the richest nation in the world is the 4th leading cause of death in this country. and this is what is brought out. thousands of people today, millions around the country because there are, for a 40 percent of this nation, 140000000 people are either for or one emergency away from economic drew and the bad news. it's a natural and it's wrong. in fact, as well. and our economy and i'm actually standing here with chair upper miss. 7 who lost her father because of poverty, the failure to provide health care and the extreme as politics that have divided this nation and prevented us from making any systemic and meaningful gains on
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describe the politicians. the fact that very just handling the you've been here for, for a long time, for many years, such as and doesn't seem to be changing. well, this is a situation that's been decades in the mail. and it will take more than one electoral cycle more than one campaign to address. so what we do need are the millions, tens of millions of people in this country is, are to recognize that what are facing every day. it is not okay that we deserve that, that we deserve to have full and arriving lives we're, all of our needs are met. and if that is possible, and once we are able to live into that consciousness, we will build the power to change this nation. among the 140000000 for low income people in this country are and 82000000 eligible voters. on the 3rd of the allowed to mask the electoral political power among the poor get to organize any of them we
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shouldn't. that's just going to change this nation in from demonstrations of and mocking the 1st anniversary of the killing of a teenage of african descent by police. 17 year old was shot dead by police and a traffic stop and west in paris. the incidence vault nationwide purchase. but its bets reports, emotions is still roar and known to 12 months old from 117 year old nile mazda, who was shot dead by police officer at the traffic stop denials. mother mooney em, as it is, of course, a personal tragedy. i don't have the aisle anymore. he told the crowd. i just want justice to my son. not the shooting of nile was all caught on video. the traffic police officer pointing a gun at him on fire and apparently on proof of his working class community where the 17 year old lived is still struggling with the consequences of the killing. we have no mistrust to both sides. police and the
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population. when someone is stopping it from the from police, we thought about what's happening last time was 9 miles killing sparks nationwide rights presidency manual. my chrome said the teenagers, death was inexplicable and inexcusable. the police officer who killed dial has been charged with murder niles. that's about an hour i took the french police use excessive force and get away with you and commission of human rights to the shooting was a moment for the country to seriously address the issues of racism and racial discrimination in laurens for the victims of police violence say nothing ever changes us. the trial res brother adama died in police custody. his sister says excessive force killed him. a series of autopsies concluded adama died of heat stroke, which probably wouldn't have been fatal if it not been arrested. really counseling is that the reason why we are afraid every day because our brothers can get killed
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. what my broadsoft like not and those fees are present when we go out into the street. when their identity checks we fee, when we see the pennies run in and ask ourselves why we are afraid, the countries in the state of time well, because the far right is going to win the power. while in practice get over the is in charge. on saturday, the police kept a low profile on the solemn sap, much passed of peace for the bonus miss, i'll just era known to western parents as an outbreak of colorized, killed thousands of people across nigeria. as the number of cases rises, health officials say the country is running low on vaccines amended research reports. these hills workers in league goes on the mission. they want to drive home a message on the importance of hire ideas. largest city is dealing with color outbreak . the government says campaigns like these are reducing the number of hospital that
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patients. yeah. for sure, if it goes somewhere in the range of 600 because it's difficult to give you an absolute number because every day we have people coming in to say they develop this condition 2 days ago. but they just presenting now. so our numbers keep changing, but it's in the return of about right now. as of today, about 650 after several debts of you should say, the outbreak of stipulation, we see that this college is kind of reducing. i'm a lots and lots come in. look at the hybrid, said i'm not as bad as the earlier last week on the lake of state reported the 1st cases of color at the end of april with 50 percent fatality rate. since then, 29 other states have reported infections and debts from the disease caused by eating or drinking contaminated food. a lot for me, kathleen has had the fever and was worried. it was color. but after running some
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test, she was told that had dr. gene practices and i wanted to know why the health workers explained to us that if we keep our surroundings clean, keep our environment clean, cover our food and wash our hands regularly. we will be safe from color. obviously color of boxes are running low and orders have been placed for more. it's not set in how soon they will arrive and that's less. let's continue to contaminate food and water sources that concerns the rex's may arrive too late for some nigerians. how many degrees angelita south asia as seen, severe weather in recent days that's killed thousands of people from floods and i've gone to stone to land slides in the pool. the region has seen widespread destruction out of there as middle fernandez has this report from columbus 9. alessandra is struggling to cool. 5 days ago, flooded, swept through the of the village kid and the bomb young province of asking his
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stone, killing 8 members of his family. he says it was the 1st such city of flooding they had seen. i was just thinking about the law. there was complete chaos. the children were crying and women screaming with fear. the water was about 10 meters high. i tried to pull up some of those stuck but couldn't, and the floods took them. most houses and shops in the remote village were destroyed while the raging waters slip to wait cause and mechanical equipment. this school was damaged and its container with old school supplies was washed away. susan, i'm one of the 1st thing we need is shelter. we need clean drinking water, the vin financial support, because we have lost whatever we have worked for, and then all of our lives in the heavy rains to good land slides killing at least 9 people on saturday. then sides, floods and lightning have killed more than 35 people across the he, mullin, kingdom. in the last 2 weeks across the border,
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the indian capital in new delhi had more than 250 times. it's usually rainfall on friday, causing disruptions. then they made odds, silva and valley between 230 and 5 30 am today. the maximum range full recorded has been 228 millimeters from our soft, our junk observatory, and other observatories of that. we have also reported extremely heavy rain falls, the traffic came to a standstill of the city of 20000000 people, as the skies opened up the down to cause the natural building roof to collapse, disrupted flights close the metro station envelope roads. mancha meanwhile is expecting maureen's after a short break from one soon shows that caused a p well around the country. authorities have met to discuss the flooding and colombo and find solutions. extreme weather events are becoming increasingly common and this part of the wood is no different. but some scientists say in some of the.


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