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tv   Witness Cine- Guerillas  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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unity and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in the region document and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our, just the, or the carry johnston de la, the top story is now on alex's here. more than 40 palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured off to is ready for 6. no one's the series of attacks across the guns. a strip in the north is very s strikes, pounded the braves at refugee camp as well as guns, a city and central gauze. another refugee camp has come under attack. michael apple has more now under warning. this report contains distressing images. the. this is also a neighborhood of all my wasi in the south west of the gaza strip. it was one of
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causes main bread baskets and agricultural area. once teeming with green houses, they now lie in ruins. off these really forces attacked the area my 90 year old father, what did they do to him? where is these head screens a woman slump next to these remains? bodies and body parts lie scattered around visible on the tracks of why these really tanks, old bulldoze, is believed to have driven over the bodies we ran for our lives. many civilians were killed. these very soldiers are destroying whatever they kind. many people were torn to pieces. we may write curiously, survived. in another part of all, milwaukee, and area israel designated as so called safe zone. at least 5000 palestinians of
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had to flee attacks away. the variables are, all of a sudden these really tanks invaded the area coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. i saw that people touring the parts we saw pieces of flesh all over the place. i carried my children and run away for our lives. we don't know where to go, just walk in with the crowds, menu work, it was an injury. this was supposed to be safe, so, but nowhere is safe at all. the elder ridge in the central part of the strip, at least 4 children were killed when residential homes above the bodies of the day . the injured were brought to an already oval. well they'll oxo hospital. a search for water in the old sabra area of garza city cost for people including 2 children they lives in during 8th of this. and this and these riley drones striking. you're a water distribution points destroying a home and it call these bins 3 days of intense fighting and gaza cities
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know the neighborhood of shoes. i yeah. both above and below ground you and says up to 60000 palestinians have been forced to free the bombardment. mike level elgin's era. these ready minute see says 2 of its soldiers were killed in the fighting and it should. yeah. on saturday, it says one of them and it was shots at close range, and the output was killed by sniper $52.00, most soldiers were badly injured. at least 668, as many soldiers have been killed in gauze as since october the 7th. meanwhile and israel and until the government rally has been taking place in tennessee and continues to grow the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his handling of the war on gossip demonstrates his or demanding a ceasefire. audio and the return of his very captives held in guns until
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government protest have spread across several cities in his realm. around is headed to a run, know that it's in less than a week off of the candidates fail to secure enough of those to win the presidency radians on choosing a successor to present abraham bracy who died in a helicopter crash in may a record know number of people voted on the, on the general who that's a qu, attendance in bolivia earlier this week has been transferred to a maximum security prison just outside the capital of the past. a former army chief general juan, jose and hugo was sentenced to 6 months free trial detention on wednesday. soldiers occupied the central square of the patches and rammed a door to the presidential palace as all the headlines. and these continues have oh no to 0. that's of to witness the the
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sir nobel. cool. yeah. all it is sir. no this. so transferring to my medicaid or or for a new job. it was there the ultimate goal as of to some ferry road,
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pelham road or on foot pool? our goal here. our goal here. what are certain social 2 drugs heard of story or story over in the score drug. see the bridge by the name of the desk you that's what the comment as i've been, as you know, i don't i tell you what you think of you. nothing but what's, what am i the about the whole as is complete,
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then you francisco that would be like that will just be with this with you on these young you to the stuff was you that when we finished? yes, a lot of francisco francisco about this one this morning. not you that are. some of the houses will be done. you know that that was just cannot afford to go no center but with no name. but i figured the dentist looking up a visit to the new post, any thoughts which i asked you would ask me. so what in the east coast and you said that you bid us out whatever with you or to our new house master, to attend the trip to the icon name of the reserves prep drugs and this year binder but still cheated out of the police. this email is what molly to cancel this waste. his name was what now dias meeting you who he is with. natalie user malice barely super though double.
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so some of the pretty drones are moved from underneath the port cargo to propose that k or pay to bridge the beginning of the phone. if you do need me to speak to them, you know, the sound of need and that dental policy will deposit. you gotta do a new and up the is the uh, the deep cleaning that you want us. yeah. i just think they got you. they want the same as your mom keeps you on. keep you getting the, the zip code. we know what the west village really call says piedmont, if you felt just so i lived with us a couple us on meters and so done. then you did all to go to let me do. i need the yes, the place on the move and i so when you have somebody yes, very difficult to say the last you're getting you know, the left you left the the feeling of unusual said failed this you like that they did it is um did you want the see, let me show you the on the,
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the page key. really see i completely got goes from, from to the, from their computer and of course, but colorado. suzanne room. oh. to the red. cool, cool. but on a bit less. yeah. is that they moved through the traffic call. got go, got pretty fucked on a bridge organized fritz. uh, fall i often up. um so i was a thorough blush transferred. oh, what was the quote on this, the toners store out or or
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toners. uh well here. doors of, of folk. uh olive. yeah. but you oh my thought uh, mattress pretty good. i need to buy mileage or the power of design screwed up the front though. screwed up the order, but it ordered it better by search. i'm sure a come from our roof really about a cool. what by my short cable from through does is it of fall is the one of the big crow new crow, this boy or the from is just very or enough to want to dish or me to read the know through those to me showing you get out the amount,
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even though sterile literature or to speak a little bit so thing, but we must, it's trick. is there anything else they should people should he does have done the use of all of their system as one of the keyser ends up in the distribution. i'm on the island new distribution. the problem is indeed that as soon as you know up up the adobe or voice colony health, we need to call you about total cost with us on the policy manual. and i scott goes to scott, your best travel neck of the
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city to my uh bill um for the 1st uh pause and for coastal surg davidson's bridge. oh wow. well i was very early both today we'll be glad to a fuss enable you. let's do
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a little stories, that's the term, but you also saw usually there was a bubble to that. yeah. the check that get added to, to the site. you know, she's up to for very typical. i need 1st today be too busy, but so both of those i yeah, the those that email out of the service that goes with it does do is the $24.00 just to be able to get that. it's gonna be very popular, actually boxed for tools. the nice what a totally arch it does for you called, you know, i'll ship your bill down for that just for them to scottsdale, the dougherty, i guess the level just to make that a good,
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they'll do well. just to be happy to raise the 50 on the group. what does she is? you've got these trees. wish that already? yeah. i see that. that'd be so easily. fitzcray. reduce the fee to buy g. i'd be fib. skimmed almost the dish, the dish i bureaucrats was that quiet is o g and i get ball your data. the partially a day coca. that'd be the be a that'd be probably a don't go. but top 2 or top box that you all day the top box, la laboratory, smoke, diabolic adobe josh. because it was interesting to yeah, well, there's something that's up to
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a little bush for the, the the gosh. and subjects . is that the ability to see by 2 sides of the a blessed a from soldiers. so what clearly america will core tie group plus here of the corporate office here in front of the powers that the world really rock throughout the a for a sure i get it wrapped up very cool rather than the module but story itself quite a lot. fear a promo where it's great to poke holes truck. is there guys that are all the that the amount would be you know, people that bought the boat in for a month to start them and want to move them theater them there. so is there a car for you so that all that made it through my on the some of their own also in
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the midst of the most part, the drawing room bone board drip fall on i agree guards are the ones that are all on the bottom the power just from home from was nice for result, dot dot across the
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all the thread b for a protocol for them to sit this and i come here. it's quiet said that it starts starts with dia, lumnick room, right? the company own had hit the bill is our daughter was in front of our grand or, or in the dog, pretty crowd 0 for trapped on for. but i the name of my own natural do the wire and important odds are good to go through the uh the
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was yours the, to the email need to step in the, the state of any of this stuff. why did you put it in my kitchen, reducing the bathroom. targeted dish has a come on. that is all a vincent color here. i know it just won't stop and even the time i started and now i'm inside, i went to sit down. you did for some time, who would you be interested? let the fall semester and should your engineers are unique in that i've seen the cover can make
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him very unfair. like a come was up in the pharmacy. so sorry. was that the promotional say we are with you 7 zip code. so the move on hold on say say there's a phone for. so those are the, comes off of that hold on to those that will be like what i'll show you is that gross on that i, blah i've actually, i'm going to if you don't publish it and it shouldn't be turned on what the graphic function instead of you sacrifice x, i'm and i get the feeling it was a little more in the front of the different the guess or there were standing actual 1000 thoughts and border movie on 3rd. what are there's on there for over
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year program and then res added to dentistry. to well, member jade. i'm going to if you have do was letting me closer, let them know that he just thought it was enough. we just have a video to book who did this before too, too far. screen book, assuming you don't have to do that, it just all should reflect on countries. i'm choosing to introduce you to the map. what is to us if you live on monday book read w g o. believe i don't see love for them us. you know, it'd be much more the more what comes decorative on the,
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of the terminal menu that appear on the printer for approval for proof of purchase agreement over at the store from company
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to sort of 4 phones most of the office most of whom i know who that is the photos mussman of cons. the foster concert. uh hello, is this your cell phone? the, this is the degree of the, the lots are considered less frontier to the living 0 to so please go to the mo preventive explicate because he said the demo system intervene. who sits over
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50 or almost here to come all through the whole history of the the the
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was that we all different am i should keep that today is i can then do to put his aunt on a move on pre approval. and do she came home visit or york? will she be underneath the only piece that i've done the piece will share these done if you're going to for yeah. the only getting my saturday they're gonna use and they put them on hold for just hung up and i need you to call me said your 4 digit, the middle, which is about 10 different the ability to be separated. the cool
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thing is i won't that of are you sure that's what am i show that does that for them? i show for the 1st time i got a few, what was external? it says look for them. i shall, i cannot present them. assume that the easy need to, to t bone to you. what if you end up, i don't need policies. you don't need to pay those. you must be met in detail, meaning actual cookie condition, q, 60, for the money she bought for the most money. that is please, because i need to validate the don't get good public, you know, shut to particularly to interview, to assess on the windows on the doing so. so i'm not talking to them about this. i don't think, i mean did you need to move it these, you know, if you get some things done in the community and it's really cool putting function that should be subject to the portal for the skis up to look into st. can do your
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st. kimberly center, and i mean most dental showed you mall. this is equal to he's in the sample. who is that is there, there's like showing the can you mean that the volunteer to see if we do it and you've already pulled it up to show you do the communities you mind, you're going to send, i'm a productivity and who's eval ruesch under the age lizzie, most cases you may, if i love to be able quit for the drug dealer, some of the been giving us giving you
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a nice dose of these open ended asylums on the cfo. familiar, come finalize of tuesday. and it was obvious according to the to the of mountain village. that's the, they've been, i'll me, i was good size and that, that often it is the is to, is allowed us. yeah. they will come out over a 100 or less must be p. c. that's going to, the ceiling is fair to meet your tomatoes processing. i mean, you know where to set it up. you end up with the i got a disabled in pueblo, possibly by the time my name is brandon jackson of the 3 point louisiana. i've recently been released a role where the 25 and a half years have been slee, now less than 90 days. after a lifetime of prison,
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a man is now free to fight against our k racist laws that belong to the past fault lines. conviction on a jersey to the latest news as it breaks. sorry. it is environment, that's the realtor that that spends a lot permitting any more members of the ethnic muslim community to enter its territories with detailed coverage. they've done that. the 1st i really gotta replugged um, doesn't seem simple people from around the world. this rose warren garza was polarized french society for such an expense. and that could have an impact on what is one of the most consequential elections. those that are beating what does a really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice? a g i 's beach, actually a tournament and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late?
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so if corporations this more power might in the bill and entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before she needs as well. as human on al jazeera, the carrie johnston and the touch store is now on. i'll just there causes health ministry says at least 40 palestinians have been killed on hundreds injured across the street. and just 24 hours is ready for us as a bomb. the parish refugee camp in the north and another in the central gauze is ready tank. sol, satisfied on tents for displaced palestinians in the south is ready, ministry says 2 of its soldiers were killed in the fight to in that should be here on saturday. it says one of them and it was shots at close range, and the other was killed by snark,
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for 5 to most soldiers were badly injured. at least 668 is very soldiers had been killed in gauze as since october, 2nd pirate. assume reports on the fighting electricity. yeah. of what is happening there right now is a source of minutes reads the written confrontations that when a mazda fight is on the ground with the is very um, and we continue to hear military statements from palestinian on groups saying that they are dropping. and i'm pushing these ready to fight attacking them with different exclusive devices. alongside with onto testing site was that continue to show up generally is very minute, 3 vehicles on from the is really slightly continues to target residential neighborhoods and attacking how must corporate have select, trying even to confront the monitoring cogent all that areas. apparently what we do here is that the is by the armies chaise and come us. we're meeting battalion the who are trying to rebuild the minute 3 capabilities. and at the same time, families have been subjected to intense bombing. come,
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they were dozens of palestinians have been killed so far since the beginning of the men it treat encouraging for that part of the street around is headed to a run of votes in less than the week of the candidates failed to secure enough votes to win the presidency, writings, or choosing a successor to present abraham racy who died in a helicopter crash in may. a record of the number of people voted in the army general, who was at a coup attempt in bolivia, edit this week has been transferred to a maximum security prison just outside the capital pads. the former ami chief general juan jose, as a new guy, was sentenced to 6 months pre trial detention. on wednesday, the soldiers occupied the central square of the past and around a door to the presidential palace. as all the headlines needs continues head of to we return to witness not com with the my son? no, no,
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nothing. i mean you send him the one i should come on monday. the bottom of the fun day. i'll find a job, but i'm not much i will do the flushing and what is she coming from? well, we're not perfect. and what is the name of the metro? it goes, met the lizzie, 40 something you see, i mean microphone data move on to met the metric on met the man you need me know when i own you. can you perform duty?
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i'll vent them at the the, the the
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full force. good enough to reach zillow able to go by area. i'm gonna show you a couple. i should see that that is similar to the national sort of i should have gotten it, get the thought as most of those, you know, most history, the history of that. i think i'm a good movie or drawing a hold to allow me to be able to satisfy that. i mean, this was the concrete development event as hell i owe you informed us. you know,
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the few she calls us once they're going to cut the 6 months it was usually i think she, i guess i'm gonna go higher book or no to the associated with this issue to us. it though casual as you call it up with a rush, she have a tail way and it both bound to abolish actually to offer. well, we'll be sure to put all the cheek to sky, so fussy about him to reach to the village on us on a to see if i did see possession. but he is, i see commodities of that. i don't know, but down a left onto the for the shelf on she has been able bodied her position or they could best be that he always has to. she don't quit the assessing cause of it's going to be a please. i said, okay,
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so enough i you to pay out of basically to those you points you show or employees of to you on the pass code of the new office. so they need to generate to apply upon the assessment we show up on to and on. that's on the, in 5 bus. the, you'll be due to use is a 2nd. uh huh. a company of a all or no spa r o g o me see stephanie creek. in fact we, we literally the, the bus will receive that are the same warranty, shut up us could do a stuff. is you booked seats, not by dude. cod. feels pre extras concerning my appointment because it is like, you know, did she didn't the function name the so still i can go to the products or services on different offers. uh
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a good deal for us on the appliances. and once i pleasure. got the uh the,
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the, the live pool cool that you have shown to move more detail show of a co p q for the boxes, special media to both of gwinnett that good set your books it to show through. and
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i've had you as the what the unity key, mickey sup, let's hear the phone j o v go by somebody. huge not to do a see me says this meeting, national sync up on the she did the can she do case up in south carolina? i don't want anything to say to me, so now she can't do the drawing on tv who shall not
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cute the cold. oh so yeah. but the key to panama, i'm for i'm not for them. ok, move funding. she laura jewel in from a visual and they can kind of show me on the mid fairly quick level of the, the receipt. so that when i come in, so don't worry about the assault of desire. you don't want me to either jelly be shot because a lot because no more of them on the corner. there was some boom. let me out of me. all right, wait, say i just, i'm sure o d u c level to getting you me,
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but it can work on love. what do phone did you better assume us? you know, even if i think the details you could play fremont union city was let me step by, you know, you know, for the city of he was off, it was no good. easy to do the problem you have going on see initial phone popular a didn't issue this home phone for 3. just assume i'm on the book to debate for these girls. jimmy shoot,
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shoot usual colonial. i'm going to give us the key not to go through this whole thing so you do not have to do it, cause somebody you might came by like homes that we can she can, we are so so you can the gcs, they can always use them all so the is the
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the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the mom, the, the the, the awesome. now to go to school all the god, god for maybe a cool for the answer button i stole from the
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fire service. ok now that'd be for adult for 3rd score. calculus for flavor portfolio at the the actors i suggested in the
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5th or greater part or for the from bill iron or what but for me, for door it was in a more or you can are competitive to full come at on bread. said the a man, i bought full price is our land now. there are the same on the power of in the country if any significant president
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night of the program works. you know there's different number which the in the most the most drifter, the 0. yes. yes. yes, you know, the, minnesota go to the know june, june 3rd. so for me, i'd be a go go with the new now for our car,
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for full drilling or similar to preacher consumer. so the demo crowds room motional motor move was full concert, as visa is photographed vehicle or you know, probably more than to the factory is are on the 70. but i have done more as in the 1st time and need for a while there talk process. a rod, this is, is a or on i saw here to learn more. again press 0 to florida and without a pause for yeah, my friends are doing this car. yeah. cover for
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65 just where we bill was from last summer. sale the street from actually from like all nations. otherwise, the people about the area have the rise to freedom and independence of people looking for more than a century in england. and the electricity is hungry for an educational culture and technology. young and old children and veterans lounge readings and writes each 5 years fail. julian, the problem has been raised in the united nations and the last 5. yes. the world has changed. africa has changed. the great powers of the nations must choose between outdated colonialism offensive whether young nations
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i saw those films. 19161960, the year when something like 16 new country entered in other nations. and most of them are french colonies. it is congo, brazil, ivory coast approvals, the niger, the home a. so this is kind of one of the congo levels, mills, metal gasket, arm togo, kind of gamble, job. they're all french colonies. france let go 20 colonies and. 5 in order to keep out julia
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into the had to give it up, they had to give it up with united nations. the french were for bidding any kind of discussion about the tried the charges. and so in the beginning years, uh, they were quite successful. they walked out of the general assembly when the discussion took place, the representatives would not attend the this is the sessions. the realize the color of what's on the what's it is up please the. so now the filling out the, i am seeing the injustice i'd say in the way that they all insurance were treated by the french. it was simply wrong. i don't remember one morning going to work and
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finding out that they had been in tremendous demonstrations. and l chairs and we know that we know then that there was no holding back that the united nations and everything. and everyone else, including france, had to come to the assembly. not a proceed to vote in connection with the item entitled decoration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and the savage and yes, a amber founding s and i came in now and at a stage now my provider and it was 5. you guys 10 ban on the phones and 910,
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soft western national as accordingly been adopted by the
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of the, the
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was the sale of these landlord nearly owner as well as
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the from selective plus the 4 dot 005 sense for you see a 5 you feel the one we saw the down south as so the the
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french lawyer, 6, just as for a compact tree, it's sentenced to death in the rock for his alleged involvement. and i, so despite the challenges of his controversial case, he's determined to uphold the principles of compassion, to manage the defending french justice, to witness documentary on a jersey to hello right off the top. let's talk about storm barrel. it is bear lean towards the eastern caribbean. here we'll continue to track it out. but let's look where it's
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going. we paint the red line on potentially this could be heading for jamaica over the next few days. so let's go back to the here and now focusing on central america, the patch of what, whether that was over mexico. so you could tell me peninsula now. so i mean into a central mexico, mexico city, 22 degrees that's below average for this time. you're quite a bit of rain in south west columbia. we've seen some land size as a result, but lot of dry weather to be found right across brazil. south of this has been cool, but those winds are turning around a bit from the argentine pompous to patagonia as so temperature is not as low as they have been. let's go 13 degrees and via blanca. on sunday, it's heating up through california. the valley, especially sacramento, 37 degrees for you on sunday. we've also got heat alerts in place for the southern us is. temperatures are in the mid to upper thirties. here had been some violent weather through ohio and west virginia that activity now across the eastern seaboard. so what day do you see new york and boston?
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it's dryer in the west, but some chairs to be found in vancouver. 21 degrees for you on sunday. see you later. i of the it's very forces intensify attacks across garza more than 40 products. opinions have been killed the cherry johnston. this is i'll just say a lie from dave. also coming out there on the heads to a presidential run of off the reformist candidates have a suit as a scan, an ultra conservative site, and they failed to secure and outright majority votes of turnouts was an lowest since the a rated revolution in 90.


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