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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the, the, the director of guys is ashi for hospital is released along with several other policy. me and stuff to apples telling me he says he was beaten, solved and tortured. and he's really differential the . so you're watching, how dizzy or a life from the how with nissan do you back to go? also coming up, francis fall rights. national riley gets the most number of votes in the 1st find a lot of entry elections with president across the lions trading in 3rd place. tony,
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bye and government officials, a set to join a you and organize meeting here in comp. time for the 1st time. we'll take a look at what's on the agenda plus probably more. we're getting better and probably getting better coverage. we need the mentor to help us, but we'll report on the reasons behind the neva shortage is facing the case. farming community. the thank you for joining us. these really military has released a group of palestinians from prison. they're having medical checks that out accent and not the hospitals in gaza. among those release is the director of as she for hospital homage. i was telling me he was detained in november while taking part in the united nations mission to evacuate. patient is for medical, complex doctor and was telling me as, as these really forces detained him on no legal grounds. the v is a co pay, some forces then the blinds. i to all the internet and the lows and 3 kids. and
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they detained me without any charges. even if i was put in 1234, but try it is what i was not given. any specific thought. i was only informed that i am detained. about 10 the notice this means that there's really 2 patient poses, have been the painting me on no legal ground or would as go lie to all just here is haines out of who diary who's in darrow, by central guys hand. so the director of all she for hospital among several palestinians released by israel. what more do we know about the circumstances of their release and the conditions which they were held on to the what the problem with that was to me that directed of the super hospital was re lease with 55 more palestinian and prisoners according to what we heard from the
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prisoners except that they knew the most and human conditions in a the, is there any present there was that was for a lot of medicine as also not of food that didn't come. and that was to me, it was arrested on sue on his way from the nothing parts of plaza strip to do the southern parts of the district. and he was arrested in the pain on and is ready the check point that was established in the middle of the gaza strip. and also those kind of thing. prisoners were also some of them were arrested into a bad yeah. some of them were arrested in the different parts of the city and they were arrested during that is really wrong and vision on that area. we realized that most of the people lost a lot of weight that didn't come and that was in me is the face features are completely different. they hired, exhausted, as most of the families that we met today said that they did not even imagine that
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they would know anything about their beloved ones or family members. they did not even imagining the facts. that's the year they were see it see them again, and they have been searching for them for months now and they suddenly released them. and this is a part of the psychological what the more on the policy and using gaza at most of the policies are separated. their beloved ones are missing and some kind of sinews are searching day by day for their benevolence and for their family member. now, as you say, not just a physical but also a psychological one and a tell us about the current situation on the ground. and the latest on that is really ground invasion of the issue. a district in gaza city there has been artillery selling intensive barton new sending in the eastern parts of good. and there was also a couple of extra income units. but all of the eyes are on and so you work for 5
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consecutive days. there has been an intense round invasion on that area. it's continuous artillery, selling and list airstrikes and a lot of glass comforters and is ready. drones are which is trying to target any palestinian most from that area. according to owner was there were 65000 products and used to work a boat and managed to back to a stream c j. yeah. to the western parts of the city and some of them were forced. 8 to the me, the area here in a central javascript. but some of the pilots in use our standard chops are saying that they do not have food. they do not have water and no ambulances put, reach that area. we know that there are some how does the needs are injured and that needs an urgent medical treatment. no one is is, is able to to rescue them. and we also know that there are lots of dead bodies where the paramedics and the civil defense needs are unable to retrieve those
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bodies and to bring them to the hospital. the hospital, the only hospital that is currently working in the gulf. we are not able to reach anyone interested. we have been collecting our news from the surrounding areas. the surrounding neighborhoods of much of a palestinian is, are saying it's had where there is endless air strikes. i'm just artillery selling, and there are a lot of updates from different families, asking the red cross and international organizations to evacuate them from under the fire, but it's still intensifying and it's been continuing. and thank you very much for bringing us felicia, save from guys. i hadn't got a hold of it in data block. the s way is really for his that conducting a rate in the notions refugee camp, which is in to correct me in the occupied westbank, choose photos discharge. i've used photos estrada to destroy several homes involved in this latest incursion. these are in the military as all to impose
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a siege on the camp. any soldiers have rated homes. rage in the occupied westbank have been a nearly near nightly occurrence since these are as war on guys. i began last october and out of world news frances far right has a merge with its best electro performance in the post world war 2 era getting the highest share of both in the 1st round of upon entry election, national riley the domain, the pan has told us to give her a party, an absolute majority in the 2nd round of voting in a week's time. the final result of the election would only be clear after the 2nd round, which will determine the actual seats. one by each block which is here has been estimate 3 for some powers francis fall right. lita sense is power is within hub policies. grass marine the pen need to support has to turn out why they never have the full to win. next week's 2nd round run of the world are listed at the beginning . these change in government and drive the reforms that the country needs. we need
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an absolute majority in order for done and birthdate left to be named in 8th days, prime minister, but am on when mccall a 28 year old bob della is a fresh face of the fall, right? national riley. the rebranding once. politically toxic national front is now in the main stream for the communities, i intend to be the prime minister for everyday life. one, the one who prioritizes defense of purchasing power, the restoration of law and order and security throughout the country. and of course, the resumption of that migration policy hoping to head off the phone, right, is a coalition of policies from the left to fall left. but it's lee, there's only minimum shown is a polarizing figure, who puts off some potential voters. and prime minister gabriella tells us centrist party together the creation of president emanuel mac. chrome is trailing popularly after the 1st round. it to both digital on the far right is that the gates of color
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never has the national assembly been at risk of being dominated by the fall rights . therefore, our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from having an absolute majority of the government. the country with the disastrous project, which is it, sorry to be, i think the push it and my new one micron cold the snap election after his parties defeat to the national riley in your opinion elections. his gamble is that the french people will ultimately shrink from voting the fall right into office. in one week, you'll find out if that gamble paid off golden bundle, that could be the 1st fall upon minister in this country about the history. his policy has never been closer to pounds next week. some went off. the elections could be the most consequential that there's ever been here most bushel. but and it's me, how does it happen visually when i sprague down the election results? the national ronnie lead strongly with 33 percent of the thoughts followed by the left wing blocks of new popular front at 28 percent. wind my phone,
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central lines on some trails with 21 percent live to entre 0 set. boston who's in the southern city of nice for us in france, says the, the far right best selection school in his history. talk to us about the reactions in frances, one of the one i think it's fair to say that the francis so waking up the confused and the fight at this monday morning there i decided because of course there are the supports us for the far right to national valley who are pleased with the result, but there are also people who are really waking up confused and also sat. they say we have been speaking to some people here. a nice and this is a very a paula rice plays also here in the south of france. people who say they're fairly confused and sad to hear about this as a result of the far right. doing so well, calling it a very racist party and also so that we worried about the future,
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but also confused about what to vote next. because of course we are heading to this very, very crucial seconds round and, and now or the, is this lot of talk to folks with basically against the far right. but then the options, of course, are very limited and people are really confused. what to do now, and you can also see that in the actual results that that's becoming more and more clear. you see that hundreds of constituencies are still up for grass. they're only a few. a very small minority where more than 50 percent was one by one single candidate. so don't those constituencies already clear, but there are hundreds that are still out there. so there will be a fairly strong campaign happening this week. it's going to be one of the most closer weeks in a french politics ever right. important to highlight steps that the scores that we we read out before coming to do not provide a precise forecasts of the number of actual parliamentary seats that each party
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will secure. negotiations have now began to talk to us about what happens between now and the 2nd round on july, the 2nd a slightly goes agents are in full swing in the hundreds of constituencies all over france. they basically already started as soon as the 1st results came out. last night and what's the approximate? my car has said they want to have this what they call a brief, i'm going to confront against the file, right? to prevent them from coming into office. so what is happening is that the left block and the sand to a box block off my call are going to negotiate about the candidates which candidates have the best chance to beat the file, right? but that's going to be a very complicated process. and this formula of this, this was something to confront, work in the past, but many a wondering if it's still working. if you look at the outcome of the 1st rounds with such a convincing victory of the national valley and people being confused,
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will they support this last block? because at the end, the last block, this also the far left a represented by miller and shaw. he's a very controversial figure, so people are reluctant to vote for this far left candidate as well. so this, it's not for sure if the success formula of this republican from to, to keep the file right out of government is going to work this fine. all right, so thank you very much for that set boss in life for us there in nice friends. have gotten his sons tally bon government is attending its 1st united nations organized meeting in kata. a 2 day event will focus on each national engagement, as well as the afghani economy and the narcotics trade image and king bed reports. this is the 3rd un lead meeting in dover discussing it's kind of stolen. for the 1st, the telephone government delegation is attending. the telecom is not invite to the 1st towing, then refused to attend the 2nd to him without recognition as afghanistan,
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so representative. the f gun delegation includes officials from the ministries of kinds and architects, trade and for an offense. on joining them, a capital special envoy, the us special representative staff kind of stone, an invoice from 30 of the countries the economy including restrictions on a kind of stones banking system. a no co 6, a top of the agenda. but also, i mean, why you, most often we want to solve issues related to constructive and positive. in fact, since and i've gotten this time for the united nations, the concerned countries and all of the countries of the what you're going to find the common bought towards the improvement and situation. especially the economic situation in order to launch their ability of governance done. on like in the 1st 2 meetings, the un secretary general mills attend resume. instead it will be under secretary general for political and peace building affairs council members. the un says the meeting is part of efforts to re integrate. that's kind of stone into the international community. the sort of engagement is not legit to musician or
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normalization only engagements through coleman coordinate. the principal intellectual position can provide strong consent for the defacto authorities to adopt policies that will allow for the integration integration into the international community. and these policies include human and specific a women's rights to you and does not recognize the telephone selection of an investigator. instead of pointing a representative from outside the government, do you in works across kind of stone, spending more than $1400000000.00 humanitarian projects last year. and in april, you in agencies, my telephone government officials and growth roots organizations to discuss climate change. but i joined it was the 1st the name, and i'm busted a telephone, let us kind of stone in 2023. so the telephone delegation, this meeting,
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is an opportunity to push for wider recognition of its government and improve its economy, image and kimber. oh, to 0 is still a head on algae 0. why president? job items age and fitness for a 2nd term is once again dominating headlines in the united states plus the caribbean, braces for the arrival of hurricane barrel. the record breaking storm is expected to cause widespread damage. the you're here where here, let's go with your weather update across europe and africa. so 2 things i wanted to point out, 1st of pressure fuel coming in off the, a vine to cooler air, sweeping through here. and then a line of showers and storms from finland, eastern baltic state, spell the roof and poland. these are a severe storms dropping hail and whipping up the winds. now all of this energy is
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dropping down further toward the south. eventually this becomes a story for the balkans over the next 24 hours for so. so we take scenario, for example, you go from 34 down to 20, all because those showers in storms have caught up to the potential to see some flooding for 30 as ne black sea coast here with this band of rain. otherwise, it's hot in the south of the country on tale at 37 degrees of course a wildfire burning in western turkey along the g and coaster, also wall far not too far away from athens, where it's been hot and when the other side of the mediterranean break now severe storms over valencia, that's clogged the roads there, so some flash flooding that will move out over the valley. eric islands over the next little bit as well. keeping this theme of winds go in a breeze off the atlantic means temperature is a little lower in the walk, shut to 27 degrees. so bit of a fresh field there and dealing with showers across the cape provinces in south africa. let's go 20 degrees and up into today. on monday, the
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teens in the gaza strip as is the last continued. so there's a deliberate emission of posting in humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanize is, is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening post the the welcome back, a reminder about top stories on how to 0. the is reading,
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military has release a group of products to me and some present among those a talk to the director of she for hospital dr. muhammed abu son, mia, he says about his 2 minutes of being tortured, beaten, and stopped in these rainy days. is there any forces that conducting a raid in the north shines refugee campuses until correct and the occupied westbank? church seems photos is vis. choice. have a rose in a slate just in case concussion. and frances far right has the marriage with it's best to natural performance ever getting the highest share thoughts in the 1st round of the parliamentary election. national body, the domain defend as a child has to give her body and absolutely georgine the 2nd bond assaulting in a weeks and haven't used coordinated suicide bomb attacks. the northeast and nigeria have killed at least 19 people. female bomb is targeted. a wedding ceremony . a funeral and a hospital in the town of goza raising concerns about an escalation by alms groups
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targeting civilians. and the military outages. here is on the these research for some nigeria as capital level job. after several years of calm suicide balmy's back with the streets of the ladies to nigeria. these are the latest victims, friends and relatives will gather to celebrate america. in the town, of course, i wouldn't even fancy. it happened death around 3 pm at the wedding venue that we were sitting in. when a lady came in holding 2 children's hands, and then we have the expect is and a data, and the survivors battery the dead. another feed me a bummer truck condos. otherwise, independent of losing 5 people at the time. so this is something i kind of 20, not forget because this has to can be back to me more the land of 2014. when goes, i was rated by this terry's group. dozens of people have been injured in the cause that tex many of them severely at the my degree hospital where some of the victims
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were taken. health work, a struggle to save, who they can get them is the good of i have nothing to say. my son is unconscious. i pray that god grunts the cd recovery and to the perpetrators of this he just acted. we didn't make good going them to the right policy. alkaline the region. suicide bombers dictated explosives and broker town. close to the border with capital. many have been reported killed or injured. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but security forces and the suspect it's the work of boca her on or off shoot. now i like to i. so then i did. our military has intensified, is operations that gives the groups in the last 3 months, maybe suspect subsidies or tags could be the group's response to the heavy casualties each side. that a ton of suicide bombers this now course a great concert, not just in the northeast. you see this is going to do so much fish and people and movements. uh, it was
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a look what was even decide on this. the quote numbers are repeatedly deployed young females to carry out suicide attacks. the 14 year violence has given more than 40000 people and displays 2000000 people ignited us. ne, how many degrees i would just say to south africa's presidents, serial, run a poster has announced the cabinet members of his new coalition government. the appointments came out for lane fee negotiations and governing african national congress lost its majority major election. it had to form a coalition government with the main opposition, democratic alliance, along with 8 other parties. now to the us way of recent polls suggest a growing concerned among voters and some democrats about presidential biden's candidacy that's optimized for the for, for, for 4 months during further stays. debates with donald trump, but keep them across appeared on major us talk shows. rallying behind this campaign patio henry force in washington dc unfinished thoughts,
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many answers the just didn't make sense. a shaky president biden damaged by his debate performance. now the question, how damaged for the 1st time, a well respected member of congress publicly wondering if biting will be his party's nominee? this november, we're having a serious conversation about what to do. one thing i can tell you is that regardless of what president biden decides, what our party is going to be unified in our hardy also leaves him at the very center of our deliberations in our campaign. and so whether he's the candidate or someone else has the candidate, she is going to be the keynote speaker at our convention. that was different than what the majority of democrats are saying publicly joe biden is. are now many joe biden is our leader, and joe biden has ern and joe biden deserves the compton is the respect and frankly, the partnership that we now have to provide to him. thank you. but
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a new poll points to trouble for buying 72 percent of those asked, don't think he has the mental capacity to be president and the same percentage. 72 percent. do not think he should run. including almost half of the democrats asked when they get not founded get back. if he stays in the race analyst day, he will have a tougher time. now. prior to that, joe biting was actually running against a single or a singular candidate. i'll be at slot in donald trump. he now has to run against the push back from within this party. it was always believed the race for president was going to be close. the president now only adding to his up hill climb patio, he elda 0, washington, and the u. k. voltage will go to the polls on thursday for a general election in which integration is one of the major issues. both major
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parties say they want to bring the numbers down, but many industries say this is having an effect. alj a 0, visited a barry farm in the vein of each in central england. it's run by south asian families will say they face severe labor shortages malayna vis sending a vase reports in the garden of england. this very saw stretches some miles across some of the most fast land in the u. k. inside the pace is quick and the fruit plentiful, but what it lacks is enough luck is to take the cross with my work and use to come from eastern europe. and when you go back, whatever she called him and given them to cover the contents of the losing both one and a half a 1000000 off the end of the freedom of movement with the e. u isn't the only problem competent because i haven't got the stuff. and that is
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what's happened in the last 3 years. so you can fix it. frequent agreement. you've had coverage, knock on effect then we had on because ukraine and what we're trying to staff is last upfront. strange stuff because of the war. these issues lacking of a perfect storm of labor shortages that the national farm is union says close production to because by subs in some businesses since 2020, and the government introduced a 6 month season of was visa, thomas, he is say, it's not enough. the moment, some way, industry, we've got 45000 licensed the seasonal workers license or community. do we need that? yes. do we need double that or 100 percent and it will probably more like getting better and probably isn't getting better grovee. we need the manpower to help us across, but politicians facing offers on dental position have vowed to reduce immigration, not bring more people in the car and conservative government wanted to encourage pharma said, gradually start replacing overseas was with versus ones. but that hasn't happened.
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and in reality, the majority of people who walk in farms like this one come from abroad. where are you from the philippines? from india is big stuff will get us. don't you say have tried to recruit locally here, but without much success. make sure the dock leave any food behind. and that business model depends on trained stuff coming back season after season. this goes all it takes ages to learn. it is friday, but it difficult the cut off the the here the last 2 or 3 days. if you missed 2 days, the crop is gone. if you don't have the people, we have lost. a steady supply of overseas was may not be will the politicians say they won't, but it is what farm is here. say they need mean another city know which way to leave some u. k. floods in months slides have had northern italy and switzerland. nearly
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200 people have to be lifted by helicopter. from the owls to body legion. and other 120 people rescued from all time villages in the nearby piedmont region and neighboring switzerland. 4 people were killed and 2 are missing. people in the caribbean are bracing for hurricane barrow to make landfall in the coming hours. unusually warm ocean temperatures saw the storm quickly strengthened to the category for hurricane by bronco, but has more power can barrow made history even before making land for in the south . east and current being meteorologist say is this category for atlantic's tool one record and one. it will be dangerous. and the 5 major harkins have been recorded in the lab tech before the 1st week of july. we're especially concerned about the jury between st. vincent and the grenadines down to grenada, that's where it's most likely to experience the i wall of the category for hurricane. we get a catastrophic wind damage. storm surge of 6 to 9 feet above normal,
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high levels with very dangerous breaking waves on top of that. a lots have been issued for many parts of a car being including barbados, saint lucia coordinator. and to baker from the moment we automotive, the hurricane, etc. i mean we, we saw to put the boats on line, which is very good. i mean a lot of fish them on cooperate that in doing this, you know, a good group or we get to get us uh, pulling the boat manually. i think that i was prepared, but i'm just getting a few more academy terms in terms of the house preparation and things like that. i have my water bottle of water and collected water. i have extra food stuff. my batteries, so my battery lights on. so on, so i'm about to care. many cricket friends and now, stranded in barbados after they came to watch the wild cop. i'm asking therefore,
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my friends that we upset this is going to be a long. it isn't the one that we expected, but it is the one that we have. the us national issue i make an atmospheric administration says this expecting 7 hurricanes of categories. 3, the highest su, expert cibola needing a phenomenon on a climate change, a contributing to the extreme. why the barbara and grandpa out is era. the annual climbing season is not open at japan's mount fuji, with new restrictions to control visitor numbers. to find is enjoying an unprecedented post. pandemic visit a boom, but they all concerns is leading to over torres and many other holiday destinations are facing a similar challenge. run mcbride right for some tokyo, the famous must see pedestrian crossing. the 2 boys in downtown tokyo tells the story overseas, taurus self back in fools, visitor arrivals of tops.


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