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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the us is always of inside 50 full, right, the world. people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just leave this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the for us supreme court decision that gives presence of sweeping criminal immunity, effectively delays the case against donald trump's efforts to overturn the 2022 legs the . okay, which i'll send this out to sarah. nice. instead of whole said, coming, palestinians released from is rarely prison, say they was stop beaten and tortured lot i was, i wish none of the detainees have to go through an interrogation. it is nothing but
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other torture, total torment, as well as protestant ends to evacuate some thoughts of causes, southern states, you ton unit. people sheltering this say they have no west states to go onto syrian protesting central to attempt homes businesses and cause i'll just joined the u. s. president joe biden has a criticize a supreme court ruling that former presidents have immunity from prosecution for official x one. and office button is describe a decision as the darkest day in history and says it undermines the root of law. each of us is equal before the law. no one, no one is above the law, not even the price of the united states. today, supreme court decision, presidents community that fundamentally changed for all,
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for all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits or the president can do this a fundamentally new principle. and it's a dangerous pressure because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even including the supreme court in united states. only then this will be self imposed by the president of law. donald trump is that claiming a big when the decision comes off to the lawyers for trump all good, he should not be facing criminal charges or several accounts against trump related to conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election might kind of has more a y. it's a supreme court decision that has be months in the making. oral arguments were heard back in april and the request by the special counsel for a quick decision was ignored. putting the case against donald trump on hold. it was
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chief justice john roberts, who owes that the majority opinion stating that the president is not above the rule, but continuing the nature of presidential pilot and titles that form a precedent to absolute immunity. from criminal prosecution, for actions within his conclusive and precludes of constitutional authority, says the chief justice. and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official ex, 3 of the justices disagreed vigorously with the majority. never in the history of our republic has a president had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if use the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. wrote justice sonya such a mile moving forward. however, all former presidents will be cloaked in such a community if the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminals at the risk of us must abide, will not provide
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a back stop with fear for our democracy. i just sent, i think what this does is this one to mentally changes the united states and we're no longer a democracy because now with the supreme court has essentially said, is the president is now a case. the case will now go back to a low, a quote, which will decide which charges against come can go ahead and which conte, given the high quotes decision, the speech that he gave on january 6th and which he encouraged everyone to march down to the capital that was a personal capacity speech, and so on re mand, uh, it shouldn't be difficult for the lower court to find that he does not have a view of the for the acts of january 6. so this is a process that will take months. and this little chance of donald trump going to trial in this case, before the november election happens, this momentous decision strikes at the very heart of one of this country's most
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treasured principals. that no one is above the law. any future president can do what he or she once provided they frame the action within the context of the exercise of a cool constitutional paula, this is the legacy for which a conservative supreme court created by donald trump himself will be remembered. mike kind of, i'll just sarah washington as close to practical haine in washington dc. so patsy would say, barton's address just a few minutes ago the president wants to show that he's coming out fighting doesn't what he does in this is, i think the white house has to get a chance to try and turn the narrative since that debate a few days ago that was just absolutely disastrous for or dividing administration pollsters. 72 percent of people in this country. now think the presidential binding doesn't have the mental capacity to do the job as president. that's according to one poll. so this is a chance for them to try and change what people are talking about and also to use
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it at in the campaign. specifically talked about donald trump, but he said basic. now he has the limits. and donald trump, in his own words and said that he is going to, if he is re elected, he is going to go after his political opponents. so what the supreme court really means is if he directs the justice department, if you directs the tax collectors to target his little girl opponents, the supreme court now says as long as he's doing it is official capacity. there's no recourse for that. it is dramatically increasing what the president can get away with. so the, by the ministration. now, what they're trying to do is use this really and to scare the american public more . and it is a very broad ruling. i think one of the things that was really noticeable, i covered this when it was in front of the appellate court, and one of the judges. they're asked trump's lawyers if the president decided that he wanted to order seal team 6 to a murder of political opponent. would that be creevy prosecutor for that in terms
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of attorney said it's, it was official capacity. no, no, he couldn't be. and so the, just the justices, the defense of the 3 liberal justices, they pointed to that and said this is, this could now actually happen because of this ruling. and the chief justice responded that he said, that's a little overwrought. that's, you know, probably not going to happen, but this is the, by the ministration. trying to paint the picture that the american people should have been afraid of another term presidency before. busy or, but now with this ruling, they should be very afraid whether that will change the narrative we'll see in the coming days. but supreme court cases that tend to be kind of hard for the average american to understand, especially one that sort of splits the difference in this case. and in that speech a few moments ago, i've been told by no so lu, due to the coming us selection with no hint that he may be considering dropping out
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every message, the binding camp is sending out to all the reporters. this that the president has no intention of stuffing down. he has been at camp david the presidential retreat in maryland with his family for the last few days. is top advisors sending the message that his family very much says he needs to keep and stay in the fight. the families sending out anonymous reports that they've been actually livid. withdraw biden's advisors, they blame him, they blame them for over preparing them. not getting them enough. rushed but i can sit and they've been lots of phone calls with democratic donors and the, and the democratic rank and file really tight trying to just quell this really growing talk that vital should simply step down and he shouldn't run for president . so you might be asking, okay, the debate was a few days ago if fighting is going to make his decision, why not come out and say yes or no. it's because quite clearly the democratic machinery is going to want to see what the polls show not nationwide. nationwide
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polls don't really impact presidential elections. they're going to be drilling down on pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, virginia, even, and all that pennsylvania. i think i said all the states are really going to decide the selection. now if the polls come back and they say find simply can't win. now, after that debate performance, and then he will have, there will be much more ammunition from the democratic lead to tell him that it is in fact time to go, that they can't make him go. but they can try and make the case. and what we've seen from the a lot of the pundents, the taurus like homeless, the editorial boards, they've been trying to appeal to joe biden sense that the country is on the precipice of authoritarian government. donald trump is threatened to do many things that would come across as an authoritarian government. they're saying that for the sake of the country, joe biden has to set aside that he alone can save the republic. it's not by running
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but by leaving. so there is a growing course of very influential people in the media and the leak circles. and washington really tried to send the message to by and that he needs to file out so far. he is sending them a message that he has no intention of doing so, but she wouldn't do it right away. he just wouldn't make sense if they want to see what the data shows. they want to see what the donor should say. what if the money's going to dry up? that's another factor. so i expect that a decision will be made sending. the message is going to stay in. the pressure hasn't really light up, so we'll see what happens in the coming days in washington dc for as the apache thank if as the group of palestinian prisoners from garza who are released by israel have returned to the street among them as the director of i'll she for hospital, it was released also spending 8 months in detention. dr. mohammed us suddenly and
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gave a harrowing account of his treatment. charles transferred reports to dollars just saluting is just being released permit is really jail more than 6 months. so she was very full. she's detained him and he's her nicole strip surrounded by his family. he struggles to describe his experience. and what he says, palestinians inside, he's ready to present this, continue to we do a lot. i was, i wish none of the detainee had to go through and tear geisha, and it is nothing but other torture, total torment may god help those detainees being interrogated by the israel's internal security surface. tortured battered in our general that was beaten verbally and physically abused only god knows. for god's sake, set them free and release them from that. hell,
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rush describes conditions excellent. jail. so again, they are unimaginable disease. broke out amongst the detaining around 30 are kept in one cell. our bodies are played with abscess is main, gang green. we were given only one cup of rice per day, a piece of tomato and a piece of cucumber with a small load of bread. is these are some of the other 55 to tell you to use who like for all of us will release the 2 locations and the besieged gallons a strip on monday morning. is ready, full season either announced the operation was happening know, coordinated at the red cross the condition of the bodies, an indication of what i have been jude showed the brothers detainees have williams power sites in their bodies. do something for is one of the the ups is the brother,
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logo, bodies says another hack job we will lift without sofa village the only one quick boss every week among the released menus, heads of the ship, a hospital in the hama, double. so mia? he was detained in november with 5 all the health workers. will they help you in mission to evacuate patients from the medical facility? did you want to do that? then i had not only gimme a couple of them off the even those who have been detained for more than 10 years had been deprived of their rights. and many were killed under interrogation on any of the medical stuff arrested. had been denied food want to animates and these really have no red line. they deal with detain, you know like the objects most of human beings, even the is really medics are involved in the do to mazda me. i don't even i just a palestinian prisoner association says the around 10000 palestinians being held in
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his way to jails. at least 3600 of them never being charged with the crime will face strong as well as the answer to binds by international lawrence treatment of the testimonies. physical and emotional straws of these main indicate thoughts a line. chelsea on foot $20.00. in gaza, these rarely minute trays continuance from bob and says con eunice and is now issue evacuation orders for pot solve the city area is ready for us, is killed. 6 palestinians, an injured many offers. the army has worn to residents and displaced people in eastern neighborhoods to evacuate to the cities west, as well says it has designated area as a so called monetary and zone palestinians in the city. so they have new west, safe to go. is where the forces have a piece of the top to it is that they have previously declared as safe sense. part
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of assume is in the in central garza, with more on these really evacuation orders. this is the new tactic as well. it has been depending on within that separation on the ground, they are right now re operating in areas of the managed to recall and to carry out full destruction to its civil infrastructure. now, we are talking about the eastern areas of con, you, in a city. now, multiple neighborhoods happening assumed by the, as many military as it were published a map with a q r code and that for places that need to be absolutely evacuated as soon as possible . because these places would be month to be as a dangerous spot. so don't we come off of protects and the is very mandatory. and at the same time, dis, families that are about to leave con units. they have knew what else to go. it seems that they are forced to look for proper alternative places in light of the over whelmed space of the gaza strip. and, and basically those people have been struggling and living with the remnants of their destroyed houses. so it's on the 2nd of internal displacements until even
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secular binders, but has new ends in fine. so the head, hair and l just their anger in eastern democratic republic, the congress residents fleet for them, knives, arms, groups make games. the conferences fall arises close to the nasa unelected governments, but opponents hoped to stop tactical voting in the 2nd round. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now, i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected. justice or weapon is ation of adjuster system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera,
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the listings in the gaza strip, as is there, as long, lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news conference can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing that's 14 is in power, full prime ministers and 5 years now, poll suggests that voted is one person's conservatives out will use a very for change on the latest test on that will give where she soon economic jones stay without a 0. the coverage of the u. k. election. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about her mind to about top stores this us present joe biden has criticize the supreme court ruling. former presidents have immunity from prosecution for official x one and office is comments come off. the court gave its verdict type adult trunk stories. these charge of conspiring to of the $102020.00 election results is very minute truth continuing its bombardments and con unice. this now issued, if actuation of this for parts of a 60 and something concept kind of sending and show shouldn't say they have no, it was safe to go to a key is government has condemned anti city and rocks in the central parts of the country. well,
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that 60 people were arrested in by saturday on sunday. of the calls were over time consuming shops at the blaze of audits for the other geishas of a syrian and it's actually harvesting 7 year old syrian go $1.00 to $3.00 and a half 1000000 syrians live in took u. n. c. refugee sentiment has been growing. so then castillo, who has more now from his temple a this is not the 1st time that the full, the eyes on the rise and share, especially with the last 3 years as a reference to send some of the specialist targeting syrians. it saying that they are going to be sent back has become the main we're totally and the position part is that's why surface present bridge of safe ards, on a cues. the opposition parties for filling up the sentiments and causing such incidents like what happened in central to get cards say on sunday night. as a response to this, as a reaction in northern syria in the circus fact,
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the position helps area to, to the st. criticizing the turkish people surfaces reaction and targeting the syrians living, getting through to you. they took to the streets, they attacked the turkish vehicles, and some downsize were exchange. but of course, what's happened in car serial sunday? no, i wasn't also on the reason behind the $0.10 last week purchase and siri and present, present bridget safe hours on end present shorter saw that they are ready to restore size and they are ready to take any initiative to normalize relations between 2 neighbors countries. and that also then press ration among the syrians for a place that they have been spiking for more than a decade. the non custodial eldest to raise some north korea has fired 2 suspected ballistic missiles a day off. it criticize joint minutes, which is between the us, south korea and japan. south korea, as ministry says,
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one of them is solid launches, may have failed. japan has condemned the test saying it's considered its response. except the company site and go to north korea has consistently been showing its intention to strengthen its nuclear missile capability. and a series of actions including firing ballistic missiles, is a threat to our country, an international peace and security. a, we, as the japanese government intends to gather all necessary data and be vigilant that the m $23.00 alms group is making more gains in the eastern democratic republic of congo as the font as advanced residents of a town that appears to be on the route for testing and you mentioned came the reports, the anger in the 10 by the m. 23 verbal group appear to be making their way to reach the time, which is the main commercial hub, north tv proving that pretty big. i know. but under the yorba, we have been informed about the capture of coming up a young girl by the rebels,
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and we all know we cannot accept the situation as told a. can you found a tiny over run? $60000.00 people in most keeping provence is the latest of the rwandan box. m 23. great. it's less than a 150 kilometers from be 10 by and seen is opening up a car door for the ripples. you seem to be heading north. report say there was a 2 week bustle between the company's ami a. m $23.00 with them $23.00 saying they are progressing towards what they call the liberation of the region into 10 by itself. people have blocked roads and are attacking the houses of politicians who are put this in here since yesterday evening because we want to know the truth. why our soldiers leaving the front line and coming here to this hotel told rebels are advancing. this is why we're here on the streets. the med noise soldiers are in the hotel. is on the don't do. did you ever room is have spread across the town,
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but some suspicious person was at the hotel and they wanted to check room by room. but they found nothing. this is why we took some strong security measures to stop these room is among the population. kimberly's troops have reportedly used like 4 against protest as the conflict between the categories. false is a new one destruct. i'm 23 in the east of democratic republic of congo, re ignited in 2021, the ronda. the noise blocking, the great deal cease to administer as rude. i diplomatic methods and the fighting. instead, calling for strong action and targeted sanctions. now by the go see, i think seeking something, we're not going to negotiate with those who attack us in the diplomatic way. we have the lawanda agreements. so we can see how the countries that support us in this peace process can force those who are attacking us to stop. meanwhile, the un says the fighting has displaced more than 1500000 people, one of the highest titles,
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anywhere in the world image and came back out to 0. to care is media anything told between the somalia and if you appear in an attempt to ease a diplomatic dispute, the 2 countries signed the joints declaration 9 correct to commit to a peaceful resolution of different states. well, tension has been building off the issue. if you have reached the maritime deal with the breakaway region of somebody that and, and generate some of them that says the agreement involves leasing some of its cost to land locked if you, if you and exchange for recognition. but somalia considers the deal, the violation of its sovereignty. of the race is now on between the marine depends at the far right policy and the fall left coordination and much on the insurance. when enough seats in front says 2nd round to form a government presence and i don't the calling that face is a prospect of sharing power with his political opponents for 3 years, showing the whole reports now from paris, the changing face of france,
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a political contest. now between the extremes of right to left that many, c as a bit of choices i'm challenging jointly meant also on to a debate manifesto against manifesto faceoff between both of those who might be a prime minister in a co habitation in a few days. for decades since the founding of the 5th republic, the country has rallied against political extremism of all stripes, centrist president, emanuel mack, chrome portrayed himself as its ultimate defend, within calling the snap election by chrome has opened the gates. i think he gamble, he lost his gamble. prison because lost every political influence he could think of having. because this provoked this crisis and many people in his own comp, resent the decision is made. they don't understand to this day why he took this decision. what happens in the 2nd round next sunday, whether or not the found, right? the reading dependent properties
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a jordan by de la when an absolute majority could depend on tactical voting. packed between my crumbs centrist alliance and the united forces of the left, including the far left fronts about under john luke men and show him without surprise, some centrist say here, they're unwilling to pay me less. one says wrong, so about is a danger to the nation. the national riley is a danger to the republican if you don't choose one danger over another. a manual macro on centrist alliance achieve just 20 percent in the 1st round, where one seats attracted the n t far right votes. that was built in defense of the republic as well and truly crumbled, and the new deep sleep polarized political landscape from this is difficult times. i had a few of its critics except the pins. national riley has suff indeed said she's
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been touched of racism incentive phobia and many repelled by melon jones proceed brenda of anti semitism on the farm left. but no one can deny that the fall of rights. he is now the country's largest electoral force in france. the previously, i'm thinkable has already happened during the whole l g 0 parents say or old marino has been sworn in as a panama, as president, with united judge during his election campaign to cub illegal immigration. st migrants who entered through the diary and gap will be deported. open to 185000 people are estimated to have made the journey this year to the forest connex columbia to panama. hurricane the barrow has brought devastating winds and torrential rains. the south eastern caravans. it may land full on monday on the, on and of carol, cuz these pictures from the ball day, this capital bridge town. unusually warm ocean temperatures. so the storm quickly strengthened, making the earliest
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a category for hurricane barrel is now making its way over the eastern canopy. and then the national consensus says it's still extremely dangerous storm. as you can find more information on our website, i'll just say what the comments, whether is next inside stories i might as well as the treatment out of the and or the seasonal rains, you'd expect to make gradually northwards through china and japan into the korean punched but they not say waving quite vicious laser, so yeah, those say into so long for young young it's going to be very wet on choose the united mentally just wishes monthly. yeah. but that's quite a major change that we have the type, the rate it keeps going northwards, more or less avoiding message a pound during wednesday. let me get his stuff of
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a rebuild again to flight the yankee and he's going further north. this is more or less seasonally correct, but it's can quite heavy, right. as you well know south of this, it should be drawn into easy also and has been funding as a result of not being dry. and there's still big thunder storms anywhere in borneo . so the ways the possibly back down towards the java and to monitor it again shouldn't be not locked in. and i've been really into china is showing an increase in the reading. but that's not surprising. how is she being might be a bit of an focus during choose these of the heavy stuff and virtually all of in do with the executive west rogers down now i think is included in the monsoon flow. oh, it's best in new delhi. as you can see, but the warnings for heavy shows and the next couple days, all of a good, you're out and all of the north east meshes. maybe those surprised the heat therefore has been 10 put there is humid, but it's still very healthy and practiced on and rochester, the
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heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1915 many remains on seen until now. our moral is high, now brothers die every day, a to the pray talk country 00 world reveals the long last personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for all cheering independence. i'm writing to you, not knowing if this would be my last letter, letters of love letters or for analogies, 0 palestinian detainees release from israeli prison say abuse and torture. a wide spread and systematic. thousands including children have been held since the one gods and began in october. so how does israel treat palestinians in detention? this is inside story. the


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