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tv   Witness Cine- Guerillas  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the companies are stealing indigenous lands, the streams on out to 0. the us is always of inside the people around the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just do this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the you what you all just bear with me. so robin in the how remind to of, i'll talk new stories. is reynolds all me, his oldest palestinians to evacuate pots of southern gauze as it continues as a tax across the strip. it's meant that patients and doctors of being forced to flee the european hospital, one of the last functioning medical centers, in con eunice. honeymoon has more from the this is a tragedy. what we're looking at, this is not an evacuation order at all, and it points out the full narrative of these really military evacuation already come when there's
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a natural disaster going on taking place. but when people sleep under, the heavy artillery isn't and relentlessly restrict carried out in their areas. it would be living that's in force displacement that has been going on for the past months. just destroying every means of life and pushing you into this displacement of from one place to another for the past months. then deepening the sense of permanent displacement for them as well as deepening the human. it's very un prices taken, it's all on everyone. almost everyone here across the gaza, through the sound of the gun. fine has been bringing out over the city of to boss in recent hours following it is really right. rates have been in a daily occurrence since, as well as war on gauze have gotten lost october young people a back on the streets of the canyon capital library b. they say that angry over the government's handling of recent demonstrations
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against a controversial tax bill. 39 people were killed and dozen small reported missing. catherine soley has moved from nairobi. a lot of the police who are here, how to another area, but some of them are here. they're still using a to a gas. we have also been seeing that the protested are trying to reroute a and to come to this area. and the reason why they're here they are saying is because all this of police brutality because of police using accessed the full so on them. and we have the seen that in the last couple of in the last 2 weeks where we send people have been killed with the many of them have been injured as well. and they say that one for lease to be held accountable rights. again, simeon immigrants living into kia how spread to several cities with shops and
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buildings set on the fire in the southern province of hot a protest as but a syrian grocery store caused by over to him to study the violence. although delegations of the serial men sexually harassed a 7 year old girls and could see that has moved from miss tumble for the syrian references they sold. and they would stay here and they will go back to syria as the civil war starts. but of course, the civil war lasted longer than this. and also on the, on the other side of the board there on the syrian side, the in the area is controlled by the turkish back to position areas. as these incidents happened, incarcerated on sunday night on monday we sold several filters and stuff, several districts, and hundreds of a syrian people. it's taking out to the suite to solve a reaction to how to, how the your fellow citizens were treated by the turkish people here. so at least
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27 people have died and india g 's wisdom teeth as a religious gathering. the crush happened as food was being distributed and hops in . we'll talk with a straight as for the 3 of those killed a women. a police investigation is currently underway. hungry as prime minister vic tool button has arrived in ukraine for us. the police visit and talks with president law them is landscape. obama is one of the most vocal critics of western support. the keys, he's publicly hit out to europe's financial have been created and has been accused of maintaining warm relations with russian president vladimir putin. however, can. beryl has not been upgraded to category 5 as it gets closer to jamaica. that role is already a record breaking store. it's the 1st time a hurricane of the string has come so early in the season. that is where the headlines. i'll have more news in hoffman as time here on out as 0, but next it's witness to stay with us. the
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turn nobel cool. yeah. all it is sir. no, this. so transferring to my medicaid is there or for new drugs? or the, the homestead terminal. oh, that's up to some ferry road pelham road or on shore?
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cool. oregon here. the algo here, i thought a certain social 2 drugs heard of the door. so they're starting over in the score drug. see the one that they ask you that woman to cut the comment as advantage though i don't great day, but it will you be getting that the most? what am i the about the whole as is complete,
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then your rent is coming out. that would be like that will just be with this with you. i mean, you to the stuff i was you that when we finished? yes, a lot of francis getting what the francis give on this one is going not to the houses will be additional, but i see that that's all that's i was just cannot afford to go no center but it was nothing but i figure that is looking at but if it does look like what the next group, almost anything else would you like to speak to the east coast and yeah, we send out whatever with you. that's our deal house master to kind of does flip see out of the name of the nose, bread drives and this year by the red stuff came down to the police. this email is what molly transfers this least those namely as well now dies for meeting me who he is with natalie user malice, really super double familiar arrived about charles on this one will
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read the book, casual tall composites k or greater. but it's the beginning of the phone. if you do the b to speak to the on yeah, the sound of the data lawsuit deposit, you gotta do new and have the is the by the deep cleaning. that's your, that's your by this thing. cuz i guess you don't want the i am is your mom keeps you want to be getting the, the zip code. we know what the west so it was really close as people if you felt. so i lived well just a couple us on meters. and so done, i need to, to go to let me do, i need the necessary replace all these movie and i so when you have something, yes, very difficult to say that most you're getting unique left to lift the the feeling of unusual said failed. the feeling that they did it is i'm going to be doing with
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the see. let me show you on the the page key really. so yeah, complete. got personal phone to the from their computer. learn of connection, but color of the suzanne room. oh, to thread cool. cool, bob dorner, leslie, i got the moved through the call, got called up, but if i'm on a bridge organized fritz, i fall, i often up. um someone says that overall, blah. sure. so what was the quote on this to your tumors store around your or
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or toners all wireless here, doors of, of folk of all it. yeah. but kill my thought. a master respirator. good. i need to buy mileage or the power of design screwed up the front. those screwed up ordered, but i ordered it very by search. i'm sure a come from our roof. really about a co op or nice truck came from through the fall is the one of the big crow new crow. this boy or the from is just very or enough to want to show me that you know, through a stream show and you get out even though sterile literature to speak
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a little separate. so think we must check. is there anything on this something or she does have done the use of all day or system as i'm 50? gosh, nobody question distribution. i'm on the island new distribution. the problem is that the, that, as soon as you know up up the adobe or voice county health, we need to call you about total cost with us on the policy manual on i scott goes to scott, you passed the neck of the
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city to my uh, bill uh for the 1st uh pause on for coastal surg davidson's bridge. oh wow. well today are we booked today will be like the 1st unable
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unit they want you to use the this is the so usually there was a bubble to that. yeah. the check that get added to, to the site, you know, she's up to for very typical i need 1st today view. so it'd be noisy, but so both of those i yeah, the those that email out of the service that goes for so does do is the $24.00 just to feel yet that it's gonna be very hard to, to be boxed for tools. a nice what a totally arch it does for you called, you know, i'll shoot you a bill. they'll forgot to ask for them. so it's got 30 dougherty, i guess the level which is to make that they can do that. they'll drop it on just
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a b i b to raise the 50 on the group. what that does, she's you've got these treatments that already. yeah. as you see that, that'd be so easily. fitzcray. reduce the fee to buy g i b seems skimmed almost the dish, the dish. i'd be the fact that quiet is o g that get ball your data, the par chevy a day. coca. that'd be the be a, that'd be probably on the top to the top box that you all day the top box. well, laboratories woke, diabolic adobe. that's because it was interesting to yeah. and what the,
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all of us for the the gosh subjects is that the ability to see by 2 sides of the a blessed a from soldiers. so what clearly america for core tie group plus here of the corporate office here in front of the powers that the world really rock throughout the a for a sure i get it wrapped up very cool rather than the module but story itself quite a lot. fear a promo where it's going to vote constructed their guns that are all due to that the amount would be, you know, people that bought the boat in for a month to start them and want to move them to or them there. so is there comfortable for you so that all that made it through my on the some of their own
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also in the midst of the most part, the drawing room bone board drip fall on i agree guards are the ones that are all on the bottom. the power just from home from was nice for result, dot dot across the
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all the thread be for a protocol for them to sit this and i come here. it's quiet said that to start this. dia lumnick room, right? the company own had hit the bill, is that those are, it was in front of our ground or, or in the top pretty crowd 0 for trapped on for. but i the all new my, my own natural do the wire and important odds are good to go through the uh the
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was yours the, to the email need to step in the, the state of any of this stuff was you pretty much huge. every didn't have all of on targeted. there's a come on that is all events and corner to a know it is most i wouldn't even the time i started in that i've been cycle. i went to sit down just to get there. sometimes people do me a shout, i'd love to fall semester and shit. your genetics are unique in that i've seen the cover can make
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the, the for like a come was up really for those a la carte restaurants they say to you 7 zip code. so the move on for on say say they've gone through to the arkansas sounds that hold on to those that will be and i could also use that gross on that i blah i've actually, i'm going to publish it and it shouldn't be turned on what the graphic function instead of you sacrifice x, i'm and i get the feeling a little more to get it on with the front of the different the guess or there were standing actual dogs on thoughts and border revamping. what are these on
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there for over year program and then res. adage, dentistry, to? well ma'am regina, i'm going to do for you. i do wish love you closer. let them know that you thought it was enough. we just have a video to book with just before people are screening book, which means you don't have to do that. it just all should reflect on countries. i'm choosing to pleasure to produce what if i do for my money, for, for somebody to do the oh, believe i don't see love for them us. you know, it'd be much more the more what comes decorative on the,
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of the terminal menu that appear on the printer for pick up for proof of purchase agreement over at the store from company
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to sort of 4 phones most of the office most of whom i know who that is. the photos must mean of cons. the moment of foster concert. uh hello, is this your cell phone? see, this is the degree of the, the lots are considered less frontier to you live in the queue. so please go to the mo preventive explicate because he said the demo system intervene.
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who sits over 50 or almost here to come all through the
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was that we go. indifferent am i speaking to today, is the indiana put his aunt on a move on pre approval and do she came home visit or york will she be on only the only piece that i've done everything associated he's done if he's on. okay . yeah, the image in my shadow g there can you and they put them on hold for just hung up and you're welcome to call me said have 4 digit or maybe the which is about the the different the ability to be separated. the cool thing is i won't that of are you
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sure that's what am i show that does that for them? i show for the 1st time i got a few, what was external? it says look for them. i shall, i cannot present them. assume that the easy need to, to t bone to you. what if you end up, i don't need policies. you don't need to pay those. you must be met in detail, meaning actual cookie condition, q, 60, for the money you keep up for the most money. that is please, because i need to validate the don't get good public, you know, shut to particularly to interview, to assess on the windows on the doing so. so i'm not talking to them about this. i don't think, i mean, did you need to move it these, you know, if you get some things done in the community and it's really cool putting function that should be subject to the portal for the skis up to look into st. can do the
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2nd boudoir center and i mean, most dental showed you mall. this is equal to he's in the sample. who is that is there, there's like showing the can you mean that the volunteer agency free to any phonetic? so you do the communities you mind, you're going to send, i'm a productivity and who's eval ruesch under the age. lizzie, most cases you may, if i love to be able quit for the drug dealer, some of the been giving us giving you
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a nice dose of these open ended asylums on the cfo. familiar, come finalize of tuesday. and it was obvious according to the to the of mountain village. that's the, they've been, i'll me, i was good size and that, that often it is the is to, is allowed us. yeah. they will come out over a 100 or less must be p. c. that's going to, the ceiling is fair to meet your tomatoes processing. i mean, you know where to set it up. you end up with the i got a disabled in pueblo point of sleep at a time for 30 years. friends, gary, don't nuclear tests and domestic explosions. locals, the search workers to high levels of radiation, 11 east investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific forgotten nuclear victims. and i'll just 0 african stories from african perspective. 3 short documentary,
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by african filmmakers from fairly own democratic republic of congo. and kate, rhode island, life is actually music of the way people talk with. we was just, everything's dusting, timing, go tell them on the mountain. friend of the and mechanics see a new series of africa direct on i'll just be around the
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system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator here on now the challenges there with me. so rather than the reminder of all top new stories, as well as all me, has ordered palestinians to evacuate parts of southern guns. that as it continues to attack across the street. it's been that patients and don't does have been forced to flee the european hospital. one of the last of functioning medical centers in con eunice the sound of gunfire has been bringing out over the city of 2 of us. and recently i was following his very right now. those rates have been a daily occurrence since, as well as war on cause. it began last october, splashes,
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all taking place in between pressed testers and police and the canyon capital library. b. press demonstrations of being cold. as i can get gross, i have a police brutality rights group say, please use excessive falls. during recent protests over tax reforms, riots again, syrian immigrants living into kia have spread to several cities, the shops and building set on fire. in the southern province of half a protest as buttons a city in grocery store while calls for over tub him, cassidy cosette, he the violins followed allegations of the city and none sexually harassed. a 7 year old go. at least 50 people have died in india, jews wisdom peed as a religious gathering. the crush happened. what's austin? what's up for the states? place awards, the number of dead continues arise. hungry as prime minister victor old brothers in ukraine for his surprise visits seem at present. let them is the landscape. the tools open is one of the most valuable critics of western support for keith and
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haven't visited tea since the russian invited. in february 2022, that he's publicly his house at europe financial and military aid, and has been accused of maintaining will relations with russian president vladimir putin. the netherlands has a new prime minister, and after almost 8 months of negotiations, deformed the right tween coalition government. the former intelligence chief dick hsus has been sworn in. he has a full policy calculation including file right, good bills as apologies of freedom filled as one the may seats and elections last year. the can see that the coming prime minister to negotiate a coalition, how rook and barrel has not been invited to a category 5 storm as it gets closer to jamaica. and it's already a record breaking storm is the 1st time the hurricane of this strength and size has come so early in the seasons. those were the headlines. i'll be back with you. i'll just have a news on just of the house last time that we will turn to witness here on out to 0 . the
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full force good enough to reach zillow able to go by area. i'm gonna show you a couple. i should see that similar to the national sort of i should contact the thought as most of those, you know, most history, the history of that. i think i'm a good movie or drawing onto allowing me to be able to satisfy that. i mean, they're soliciting concrete development event as hell. i owe you informed us, you know, the few, she calls this ones. they're going to cut this, the concept of what was your chapter, she uh, i guess i'm gonna show how your book or know done, you know, associated with this. this is us it though, because you know is you can use up with the reach. she have
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a tell me way any both about the shots you too awful. well, we'll be sure to put all the week to ski. so bussey, unless you have to reach to the village, i was trying to see if i can get you precisely what he is. i see commodities of that. i don't know, but down a left prove on the who the tional policy has been your full body. who for sure i know you could best be that he always has to. she don't, could assist the cost of it's going to be a piece. i said, okay, so enough i you to be out of basically to those reports you show when employees of, to you from the post kind of them the new office. so they need to generate to comply upon to self interest. we show up on to and on us, on the bus the to be due to this
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a sec. i'm at home a that coming out of a all or no spa r o g o me see a create a huge impact to we. we literally the, the bus will receive that are the same warranty, shut up as good yourself as your box seats, not by dude. she will be getting coffee off please. he actually has good settlement because it is just, you know, did she didn't the passion me to assist you? i can go to the products or services on different offers. uh, a good deal for us on the appliances. and once i pleasure got the uh the,
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the, the good that you have shown to move more detail issue of a co p q for the boxes by showing media to both of gwinnett that good set your books it to show through. and i've had you as the unity key mickey sup, let's hear the phone j o v go by somebody. he's not,
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i do see me says, december meeting, national sync on on the she did the can she do case up in south carolina? i don't want anybody to tell me she can't do the drawing on tv visual no can cute the cold. oh so yeah. but the key to come on for i'm not for them. ok, new funny. she laura jewel in from a missile and they can kind of show me on the quote,
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mid fairly quick little the see. so that when i come in, so don't worry about the assault of desire. you don't want me to use either jelly be shot because a lot because a lot more of them on the corner. there was some boom. let me uh me. all right. wait. say i just i am so d e c letter to getting you me. but i love what do phone did you better assume i assume uh if uh if i take the 28200 with a fremont union city in the firm to buy, you know, you know, for the shit,
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disruption of he goes off. it was no good. is it to do it? no problem. you have going on see initial phone computer. she did, she was on the phone for 3. just assume i'm on the book to debate for these girls. jimmy shoot, shoot newsroom colonial. i'm going to give us a little she keeps going to go through this. i'll
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shoot you on a cruise root cause somebody you might get a bottle of homes that weekend. she could he, she also the gcs. they can always use them all. so the is the the the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the,
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the mom, the the, or the, the awesome. now to go to school all the god got so many of our goals for that's the answer button. they're still from the service. ok now that'd be for adult for 3rd score. calculus for flavor portfolio at the the actors i suggested in the
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area or is ready to go for an awful
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lot from bill. i don't know what but for me to do it, we're not more. are you going to compare update to full comment on that? said the man. i bought full price. is our land now. they're out the same on the power of in the country. if any significant president night of the program works, you know there's different number which the in
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the drifter, the 0 yes. yes. yes. you know the motorcycle florida probably lives in l june june 3rd. so sir, may i be a door where the new not are come for full drilling or similar to bridge? country miller, for the demo crowds room motional motor move was full concert eyes via is photographed vehicle or i don't know, probably
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a more says i'm says golf on saturday is are on the assembly. but i have done more than enough to pass on it for hours while they're talk for say, i don't know of the i desire on i saw here to the doctor that got plus here to florida and without a pause for yeah, my friends are doing this car yeah, cover for 65 just stripped me bill was from last summer sale. so straight from actually from like all nations of the, well, the people about the area have the right to freedom and independence of people with
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camp for more than a century in england. and electricity is hungry for an educational culture and technology. young and old children and veterans lounge readings and writes each year for 5 years fail. julian, the problem has been raised in the united nations in the last 5. yes, the world has changed. africa has changed. the great powers of l nations must choose between our stations, colonialism, friendship, whether young nations i saw those film 19161960 the year when something like 16 new country entered in other nations. and most of
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them are french colonies. it is congo, brazil, ivory coast approvals, the niger, the home a. so this is kind of one of the congo levels mills, medicare scar, togo kind of double job. they're all french colonies. france let go 20 colonies and. 5 in order to keep out julia and to the had to give it up, they had to give it up with united nations. the french were for bidding any kind of discussion about the tried the charges. and so in the beginning years, uh, they were quite successful. they walked out of the general assembly when the
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discussion took place, the representatives would not attend the this is the sessions. the realize the color of what's on the what's it is up please the. so now the filling out the, i am seeing the injustice i'd say in the way that they all insurance were treated by the french. it was simply wrong. i don't remember one morning going to work and finding out that they had been in tremendous demonstrations. and l chairs and we know that we know then that there was no holding back that the united nations and everything. and everyone else, including france, had to come to the assembly and not proceed to vote in connection with the
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item entitled decoration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and the service your name. yes, a amber founding s. and i came in now in other states, now i provided and it was 5, you guys 10 ban on the phones and 910 the frost fashion as, according to my being adopted by the
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of the thank you the
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was the sale of these got glad bottom of the really on are
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the from selective plus the word on 005 smith for you see a fabulous feasible on we saw the down south as soldiers the church gives us know for
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a future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs, i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life in my life. those stages we want, we want the education reward because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are a few months being done. this has to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear.
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now it's been really cold down in patagonia, it's still quite cold, didn't perhaps pass a good you know of the southern half of option tina coming to the value for example, is it 5 degrees? the average surprisingly maybe, is it the less than so we offer low average here. but what about where we should be to the know of of that? the sun is shining. nothing now extraordinary evening, september 25. not 35. as was the case last week to the also the constant spin some pretty big dime polls recently in venezuela, and they're still in the forecast and also western columbia where as always, land slides are problem. barrel. the 1st ever category 5 stone, they said he has a barrel through mess around cities in the canada chain of islands and nerves in the open water. the next warning has been issued for jamaica. it will still be a category 3 or 4 current liked about time it gets here, which is going to be late wednesday, local time. the truck from that point might well take across the time,
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and then we're not quite sure where to go off to that cost is a wet time of the year, and we have flooding already in places like guatemala nick around you and help solve to that could easily be repeated. we still hold the weather and the southern pines running up northwards, where the junction was cooler. it comes across is where you get the big thunderstorm still in the us, the in the and to live with anger and bitterness of hatred. it at each you up inside and i can tell you that from person experience, you have to be able to let go to go for the journey was a great success. but there's no success until you've achieved the actual thing that you set out for. that is the release at least of the one present or that we've been focusing on on a personal level, i think returning to this place as being the, it's just a dream. the background part of it was a nightmare. so it's
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a nightmare and a dream come together. i think the dream has overtaken the night by the the hello, i'm so robin, you watching me all just it renews online. my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. audits to evacuate, displaced, palestinians on the move again in the south of gaza after new is really instructions the right place. deployed in can use capital as young protested states and the streets to rally against police brutality.


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