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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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in the background park that was a nightmare. so it's a nightmare. and a dream come together. i think the dream has overtaken the night. the the hello, i'm so robin, you watching me all just it renews online. my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes audits to evacuate, displaced palestinians on the move again in the south of garza. after new is really instructions the right place. deploy didn't, can use capital as young protesting states, and the streets to valley against police brutality also calls to come as riots.
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again, the syrian refugees spread across to you can see it in the democratic republic of congo, protest as a talk to you mandatory and come void as on group makes games in the east gym and actually has fullest house of nations run high after your rice krispie on the right now that breaks down into is also having a penalty sites. the porch will still make it 3 to the quote to find those will be life. did you have any all the x, the welcome to the news of patients who were forced to flee a hospital in southern guns are ahead of and is rarely attacked. have made a risky journey to another medical facility, only to find that there were no pets for them. these are the military issued and evacuation order for a positive calling you this. how many palestinians to move to the west and part of the city for that right in safety. jacob problem begins. are coverage,
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living with disease during a time of war is challenging enough. first, the struggle to find the hospital able to provide treatment. then in order to leave the facility ahead of a plan to tack for moment l by oaks, mother a cancer patients, that means so russians have run out. i was younger and i was just when i was there, we came to nasa hospital and unfortunately there are no bids bull cancer patients look all kinds of patients or dying. we walk to yeah, they all know ambulances and no means of transportation due to this via crowding. the latest force displacement of palestinians in southern gaza is the result of in his riley, military evacuation order. doctors and patients have had to leave the european hospital in con eunice, palestinians were told to move west for the safety. for many it's meant
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a long and dangerous journey by foot to nessa hospital in the hope of seeking medical care. but space has run out. f o and that to me and the people were forced to carry their wounded and fleet to the only remaining hospital in the gaza strip, which is necessary hospital to well that led to overcrowding, of the wounded inside the hospital, lon beach and for displaced palestinians. lucky enough to get to the hospital bed, the cabinet stuff are able to offer is minimal. situation is disastrous and exhausting for the doctors and the injured themselves due to the lack of medical stuff and equipment for you. many of these families have been forced to move more than once. they say nowhere and kaiser is safe, not even areas be as riley military to class humanitarians zones at the moment. we don't know where to go. we're just heading west to what's on the
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left seat in front of me, and i don't have a specific place to say, but we had good with these things on the warranty. we are a family of 7. and if we don't find a shelter, we will stay in the street for now. those who can crowd onto vehicles as they leave their homes or temporary shelters. yes, again, traveling into the unknown and with no idea of what they'll eat, where they'll sleep. but in the midst of all the uncertainty, palestinians determined to survive. jacob brown, elder 0 let's talk to tunnel cover was it will correspond to know who joins us from the in central garza heights. eric, let's just talk about sort of 6 days of a blockade of so dr. district didn't garza city and now we're seeing intense inviting that i mean, what seems to be going on in fact, so hell fight thing that has a witness. know so was so even the best buys on the ground as we continue to hear
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military statements from the military wing of homeless stating that they managed to accomplish multiple is ready for work twice. it's to carry out a deep minute to encourage it into the hop teaching areas of i should. yeah, yeah. me for who different videos have been. imagine from the bottles of that showing these but the minute treat tanks being targeted as they is very forces are still operating till till now. so hell inside that neighborhood, they are sticking right now and too many totally controlled that's area, despite the previous announcements that the managed to dis months on all sorts of military infrastructure in that area. but again, what we see is that back to the rating, different elimination of flies were fired since the 80 hours of this morning as the, it's very a fight to just continue to show on how much different residential buildings the entire neighborhood type tend to be a neighborhood of shut up costs simply because the vast majority of the civil you 1st start to have been destroyed. multiple palestinians have been witnessing
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different sorts of religion, things from boston, and by default to just so not under units and the ground as the as body forces to our choice to absolutely take full control over that area. that's had witness kinds of in you minute 3 build up by how much flights. basically i'm profile of simians, huffman real patients into that killed since the hours of this morning or should. yeah, yeah. and if it's in its neighboring houses, are there are still sometime, was it wrapped um, it this ongoing pointing and flashes when a mazda or protects. and the is what only the on, on able to sleep from the neighborhood that due to the intensive department of new calling of civil defense cruise can get to that location in order to carry out any kind of risk. feel peroration for those truck families. well, while that operation continues and we keep a very close eye on that topic, it does seem that the strip might see some recovery of the electricity supply, but only in some areas. also with quality. can you give us some,
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what seems to be going on in that direction? well what happens exactly, does that have the as rarely minutes where you has a lot for these guys are sold with tricity company here at to start restoring electric stuff? a car in for gabby's by law town own there, but i don't, but it's allowing that is responsible to provide electricity to the oh, i see which plump inside there is blocked out. this is the only plans that is responsible for if you remove an even having a 1st off for assessing, always kind of as it was, boots up for palestinians as now. the main human at terry pressure is a very by left town and even close to a moss. the area and we have been hearing from is with the media report saying that this step has been taken by the is very minute treat. it has been aiming to absolutely maintain the lives of because when he sits in order to allow them to get
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prop up to me to drink and really pilot clearly to remember that since day one of the fights and the vast majority of c was network courses that have been damaged because of these very ongoing attacks on the bottom and that has caused why to skate destruction for all kinds of civil infrastructure today as well, has taken that step, includes the nation with different humanitarian organizations and international entities on the ground to the gaza strip in order to guarantee the safety of the captive during the suffering of more than one point. 5000000 palestinians who have been multiply unintentionally displaced from the towns and villages having all kinds of any human conditions being experienced to now in terms of the collapse of hydrogen conditions alongside that, we are even able to have a few access to suitable drinkable so. so far so have so it covers the, the force and darrow ballot, and central garza thank it's eric. that is where the soldier has been killed during
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a rate and 80 neutrons. refugee camp in the occupied westbank kept his vehicle, had an explosive device and a separate right and totally correct. is there any false as killed to palestinians? one of the victims with a 15 year old boy, he was shot in the head and the sound of gunfire has been bringing out over the city of tudor boston. recently . those following, it is really rate rates of being a near daily occurrence since as wells were ongoing. so began last october. the abraham has moved from ramallah. the posting is a one goal of these is really rates to the occupied. westbank is to remind palestinians who has the upper hand, who can control their lives, what they can do, what they can do. we've been seeing these really forces raising different areas in the occupied with thank since the war started mainly during the day and not only during the night as we've been seeing before, the war,
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meaning that palestinians can be just going about the daily lives. children going to school, doctors going to work when they see these as really forces that sometimes shows to which kind of thing is injuring them and killing them. who's been also seeing the use of mouth, detentions, with palestinians as taken from their homes and put under the heat or under the cold for hours at the time, blindfolded before they're being left. folks, all of these practices are seen by palestinians as a reminder of how really difficult it life has become under israel's military. okay . patient when we talk about those is really ways that that amounting to 40 rates per day intimidation. the fear that israel is instilling guess positive means that but he just data from palestine. the
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cost is all taking place between protest isn't police of the canyon and capital 9 very be fresh demonstrations of being cold. as i can get cries, i have of police brutality rights groups say police used, excessive falls during recent protests of a text or full. up to 13000000 people killed dozens of missing money more in judge catherine. so he joins us from the county and capital. hi kathleen, just bring us up to speed on the situation on the ground house being one of protests, certainly from the public and both live fire until a gas from security forces. one yeah, uh this was um, the scene of intense running bottles between the put nice and uh, protest. this has been cleared. now the police has contains the situation, but uh, we still have uh the police here trying to make sure that everything is
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fees for a lot of people are on the street now. uh some of them are heading home um, but this is the amount of destruction that we have seen. um several people have been injured. uh we sold one person who was seats on the legs. uh, we are told by uh, bullets um a rubber bullets. uh we also know that these one policeman who was uh, easier as well now earlier. um, some of the protests just came to the street that were carrying um, puffins. um they was this past and these questions were taken away. that was the theme of today, the protest to say that they were coming here um to give, give, give the grievances when it comes to police brutality that saying that the police use a so much for the saying that no, so many people were killed. and these are protested, started peacefully until the police gave me into the pick stuff and started uh,
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firing on them. so they're very angry and they're saying that the police have has to be held accountable. but they don't even trust the police because they say that the police are oversight commission. um the police oversight commission is part of the police. so they want more to be done the the one more action as well. of course, catherine, this is any just another issue that the president has to deal with in addition to all the other and that the public has a feeling right now about his risk. busy comes to that very controversial, a finance bill. yes, and the president has been talking about it. in fact, the last 2 weeks, he has made several statements around what has happened and he says that he has withdrawn that bill. um. so people should be able to give him time to do the things
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that he has said that he's going to do, but people do not trust the president. and that's the problem. um he's lost the address on sunday. uh he said that he regrets what's happening. the killings as well, but then people are saying that he was not remote enough when he did not address specific to the you know, the police were tally t. he says that the police asked to be held accountable and he did not view the eclipse picture about that said, also the president has also been to, has also they have they have also said that the president needs to do more because she's not listening to the people, and that is what they want. they want you to listen and take action on things that she said that she will do
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a customer. this calls will continue to monitor what happens in directly with you as the day progresses. confidence solely that for us, in the canyon capital the m $23.00. all group is making gains the eastern democratic republic of congo, causing fear in panic and communities. and the people are frustrated by what they say is the salient by the army. i'm the united nations to protect them on sunday, protest just attacked. the humanitarian convoy knew the town of a timber according to the polls, the fine to say that heading for the capital control. so demonstrations of taking place in several towns as homes. i'm homage of thoughts for station on the streets of people, none of the eastern democratic republic of congo of the empire degree and come to the nearby town of kinda by young protest as a humanitarian convoy, setting fire to the vehicles to try to defend say, to of its employees missing the mom hit the button as you go sometimes and goes,
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come to help us. and sometimes they don't. i don't have much to say about and use some help us. but others make lot difficult for us on a spreading across those keep approaches. this is timble, unimportant commercial, how many people are frustrated by what they say is defeated by the army and the united nation to protect them who we are practicing here since yesterday evening. because we want to know the truth. why our soldiers leaving the front line and coming here to this hotel? well, rebels are advancing. this is why we're here on the streets. delete this it on to fighting between the committees. i mean, the m 23 started in 2020 to the d. c. accuse is one of bucking to fight this on a position to get to nice. i mean deployed addition of troops to big timber on the surrounding areas. us people, fleet was captured by the fight this sunday. sure. things like this shouldn't happen bluff. i'm asking people to stay calm. the u. n. c. the violence, i suppose,
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millions from the homes into an off us bringing the total number of people displaced the d. c. to 6.7000001 of the highest displacements into was having some data, a hello, tony joins us the line from the time that hi alex, what is the situation on the ground now? the covered location, as you know, it's of those and 23 fighters in the city of with them. well here, this is one of the big town and which is the right to know if i'm on the top get to them 23 because they've been saying they're coming here and people have been talking about due to the want us to the test on it. on this, so it is very huge because that tonight, for example, people you've got to do for everybody in doing so the assessing files and those of you words distorted people have been killed. yeah, they are in the,
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almost always the body to the one control guy you'll see when they go on deciding whether you are like what is or not because they are simulating some of the people, the victims that we a we, we have when we come see this in the report was a guy is definitely the name of the example into some of the other people you to read on that he wants kids. so this is a really, and there was so busy over there. they're also going to some of the trying to search for people are coming, hey, i just don't and they say they have to 13, i'm processing this out from any kind of what we do is if you test one from them, 23 and this is really more feel, but sort of yes, i don't know too many because sonya is, i know we forcing the 4th line that flying to go over the ident, you are trying to make their own or do i hear about police and other authorities are trained for sure. if we finish what into talking about this it this one, everybody very to so far. yeah. i think the population here that when you had said
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that security is boss, have this over to you don't take any precautions. a tool of the we have seen the general in charge of for the better. so this slide and these best the data see or sort of his eyes very difficult to suggest in terms of logistics. we have seen, for example, in some of the pictures that we have definitely saved right now. turn it on, trying to reorganize the full flying, also to control because this is exactly what this like. even putting those young boys in town to, to, to be very hungry against their thoughts just because i'll just come in on the motorcycle some applying to, to run from the corporate. i'm about to den genitals are sort of popular. so i would have seen, generally, instead of in charge of doing better. so i'm trying to send a fax or sort of years old who is wanting to find me. the town i was even putting some of them on do more to cycles and whatever that means they can have generals are trying to afford the computers on that day. we live as this that will gain the
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bulk of the data. where are the roubles that for 20 bucks? so you just, it was still very you whether you talk to people. yeah. they do really believe that . so i think this one is not very good. he thought they've grown there. they don't really, really bucks in decide to go to what it is that doing so doing it will definitely i've been talking to the same doctor to approve the best to gain figured i want to take a pocket and cut off from them. 23. we have to see how this thing, so we'll go back even though i know you're talking to 516 going on in some of the between the 2 groups fully update. thanks so much. all the more economy that for us in but 10, the now the status of people have died in india due to a stumpy, that a religious gathering. hundreds of people are gathered for him to press service and how false in the stays of products. the crush happens, those people are leaving the venue that many of those killed with women and children and police of on the number of dead qu drives it's time for the weather though, his role with a follow upon hurricane that will indicate ever being you may well already know
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from these reports how bad barrel has been bearable. hurricane the earliest category, 5 hurricane on record. as it battled through the that's around to the just north of the main. on the granada. you can see how extensive it was all the way over from the coast of south america, right. to be honest, at least as diamond and barbados, there was damage in solution from the wins the storm surge. and to some degree, the rain as well. now it's moving quite quickly about 3035, couldn't be just pronounce it roughly went over the top of the island, but it still costs extensive damage. this is a bit of filming waltz. bell was going over the top of kind of cool, which is the small island that really got hit by both sides of the i. the end damage was extensive. this is just one shot off main street. well, it's gone for now, but it's not finished. it's open wolf is heading pretty rapidly and steadily westwards. the next warning is for jamaica is full,
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jamaica is heading and will most likely make landfill good for getting very close to it. late on wednesday, properly, nothing major. hurricane this stage, but still pretty potentially damaging from versus the strength of the wind. and also the still existing storm surge hungry is probably minutes evict to open as a new crime for a surprise visit. see met, present the modem is a landscape tools. the old one is one of the most vocal critics of western support for keith and haven't visited the chief since rusher and they did in february 2022 . these publicly 10 channels that europe's financial and ministry 8 and has been accused of maintaining warm relations with the russian president vladimir putin. let's let's take it to funds. so what my goals, centrist together movement on the left, we knew popular friend a scrambling to stop the far right from getting past the really depends national valley received the highest share of the vote. and the 1st round of parliamentary
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elections. candidates have until 6 o'clock local time to register for the next round on sunday. as many as 306 of the 577 seats in the national assembly with a single run off between 3 candidates. but now at least $200.00 candidates have dropped out of the race to improve that chances of keeping the far right from securing an absolute majority in the national assembly. this, how should butler possible from powers? what was happens off to this 1st round of the stop election is you have a the majority of constituencies and falls has a fall, right? national riley candidate and the lead. so in the constituencies that have shaped up to be a 3 way a race between a fluoride kind of today's a candidate from the left wing lives. the candidate from my calls centuries called to the center on the left when the lights on a go shaped thing to try and pull out the candidates in order not to split the food to my constituency. and in order to try, i'm smoke the far. i can't say from winning is not easy because left this lines and
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michael said to his policy, they said he says like each other, but there is a sense amongst some of a great to good for from so they must stop the fall right from gaining power in force, i mean, while the far right national riley policy assignment will be tactical, political maneuvering is empty. democratic and the french presence about new michael. what we've not heard from emma to since sunday when he went out to say costs and you saw it as usual. navy blue suit for a more unusual outfit of face for tap. unless a jacket present, michael, we understand the spoken to his ministers, but he's not spoken of tools about the 1st round of the election in which his policy did so badly. this actually popular, i'll just say era, paris. the inside of the new prime minister, after all those 8 months of negotiations to full. a right wing coalition, government full, but intelligence chief dictionary for us being sold in the hands a full policy coalition including follow, right?
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get vill. this policy, a freedom filled us one of the nice seats and the elections last year. but concede is becoming prime minister to negotiate, to cover less than that new right. spring cabinets has promised to enter the country strictest at the immigration policy. at the tone of badly enrolled in england has become a key bucket, grow the head of the upcoming u. k. general election and 29 team residents selected the past conservative member of parliament. after decades of being a labor stronghold, labor is not confident they could win it back on the seats, but as 1000000 of as selling of it to repulse the path to victory, maybe more difficult than expected. here in badly a small swing and votes could make a big difference. the people of this town elected a conservative for the 1st time in a century in 2019. but that shocked victory came with a very slim majority. and now the need is one of labor's main targets. in the next
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general election. we need to get the working class people who will depaula take the political battle though can feel removed from the problems of those living here. you look at young people to come get on the i as in law that they seems to be shops with the board. adult life is when i was young guy it was driving. we had a monkey that was very busy for the 1st time in my life. i am in the political world and us and i don't know why even if it will be bolton made the hoops to convince people like anthony and reinstate the dominance. the policy had in the north west of england for generations. but the support of the size of the muslim community, we traditionally faxed them here in question will be very disappointed, especially with the war in palestine. i think a lot of the muslim communities are sort of feeling that they know what they why so it's not getting you know, we want to as a stop to the war. i think a lot of the public are disappointed and i'm in parties and they are going to look
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for alternatives, which i, myself is looking for an alternative, this international issue, adding to local problems that still persist since the last election for some people in the style and the last 5 years didn't bring that kind of change and improvement to the lives they had to pay for. and now they say they feel for gossen left behind by national politics and just being a healing. so jesus and it's those most vulnerable who tend to pause to make his charity on the scale of the need. he says, can feel as a welding we have a really good community or a faithful bottle for each of the child from a to office. go home with this office, go addiction, also scale. so we sides of the scale, mental health scale. these are the things, the kinds a life threatening and they know being invested in
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a tough message for all those volumes of power to reflect on in this form, a middletown new load can be taken for granted me then that was sitting a bitch out to 0 then me, okay, still the hotel, the houses in use are in spoil the house, the usa crushed out of the comfort america. not so coming up with chapman the my wife and i just said between the admin of financial and 2010. today to need a new fund digital has trans, won't qualified me the young, i've got the contract and now we have this was one of them that you are the last 2 digits of the beneficiaries who have bought on the kids about 400000 and those are the best advocate we believe not only financially a bar and these don't offer guns with alternate training them unimed, providing mentors for them today. on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the private
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space of soap with the states of nigeria on russian side space is a fall or use. it creates technology oriented opportunity to use words while we're driving. so what's the average of insurance? looked at the lighting job creation on wheels assuring to seep economic empowerment because the tv, the women move found pictures, powering african, the entrepreneur is the, [000:00:00;00] the bulk of up to the, i'll just say with these are with me. so robin, never mind to of all the top. so is this rose all me,
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his old palestinians to evacuate parts of southern guns are as it continues as attacks across the street. isn't patients and doctors have been forced to feed the european hospital. one of the last functioning medical centers in con units, flashes have been taking place between protest isn't police and the kidney and capitol library b 7 states as an angry about the government's handling of recent protests, a controversial tax police, but he is $13000000.00 people killed and dozens, mull, i'm missing a polite, as long as he gets it all in south eastern states of center has opened another battle ground and accomplish the beginning of last year. and its good helpless takes a look at the on getting find thing is killed losing 14000 people and displaced 1000000 small fee as battle across to done the army in the powerful part of military group. the rapids support forces. i've been incomplete for moving the general abdel for to elbow hunt. who leads the army in general behind made him down to gullow,
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noticed how much he in charge of the artist once allies did they fill out over how and when to integrate the recess and to the own. let on conflict in the capital cartoon, which is spread to several provinces. often over the year, a fighting sit down is divided and they are a set of controls. many areas in the west and south, and sidney's army controls most of the east, a north. recently the fighting is attends a fight in northern dot for in the state capital l, sasha, westcove, and state. and now in center state of fashion is just the last of the, the state capitals in buffalo that is not on the rocket support forces. hence, once it falls, or if it falls interrupted, simple forces hands, essentially, doris f would try to claim an independent government. they're similar to how has the has done in libya. fighting has created the world's largest internal displacement crisis. well,
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the 9000000 people have been forced to flee the homes many several times. the u. n says nearly 26000000 people at toughest adults population face via from shortages. and 755000 are on the brink starvation. both the army in r as and for being accused of war crimes. the international criminal court is open to new investigation calls for don logan x amount of charity and sci fi have come to nothing. and with avoiding faction seemingly unwilling to compromise the fighting and the suffering stones, people goes on a good, helpless out to 0 just in lynch's advisement, the american and joe, the conflict observatory closely monitoring little incident and joins us now from washington. dc. good, talking with us mr. ledge on the program, we just began to split the bridge. ha, ha ha ha. bridge is a key piece of infrastructure linking, linking on demand to call to mules, and that's not a lot of action. as we saw over the weekend, i mean, how important is that link and what's options all day now for both sides and the
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way that they can sort of supply that troops and the sort of strategic gain. if there is one of making that link in our approval yes it was, you said this is a really a key piece of infrastructure. i was just looking at some of the satellite images of the house fire bridge and across cartoon. and it's just the huge destruction of this bridge, huge destruction of civilian infrastructure across the city, and really across the country. what this means for us, the values is that a truck from one side of cartoon to the other from tomorrow to talk to the north could take more than an hour. now, because we have to go all the way around. but now the river goes through car to and you have to navigate with these bridges. and this is the 3rd bridge that has been destroyed since the war began in 2023 in april. you know that you do you zoom out a bit. what's happening is really a stalemate between the rap support and forces and assuming these are the forces in
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the country. what will happen is the rapid support forces will try and take a city what they haven't cartoons what they're trying to do right now. stature. but assuming these are forces are very good at holding, you know, a few spawns in the city, and then it's still making really develops. and so this is happening across the country. you, we are seeing a sort of peace west splits at the moment with the east being, you might say, held by predominately the military and the on the west. being predominantly perhaps in the control of the rapids support forces. the has to be strategic. positive to not just blowing up a bridge, but the, the, the strategic nature of the call to right now, because even within those sub ups, they all split between the 2 groups. and it's becoming, as a bull vicious, a look, i mean, to be honest about,
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think you're teaching about this war and what's happening right. um, i think that both sides have had a huge miscalculations. i think if you were to tell both both generals what's happened over the past year, you know, at the start of this war, i think they would have come together. and i think really what we need are international partners, particularly the regional powers from saudi arabia, m a u a. um, to, to try and see what's coming next. right. i mean, you talked about the strategic value of one of the bridge. um, you know, it has huge military and consequences and this war, i mean, at a previous report it said it's called the largest internal misplaced and crisis that you're, you just mentioned, is that right? and you just touched on the fact that the you a and saudi a important stakeholders. i mean field for all view is looking in a minute. one questions often is asked of me when mounted about is, is how to these groups, are you with the military group or, or a group,
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how does it get all the way to somebody come from? and i suppose we really do have to look at the stakeholders, such as the united arab emirates, and saudi, and that's where they stand and how they are supporting if any militarily or diplomatically either side. so yeah, i think it's such a good point, right? this for in particular is really spurred by outside actors. there is over whelming out of it and said to you a support of the rep that supported forces. what's interesting though is that we're not really sure about saudi arabia. they seem to be a bit sure of their policy since 2019 so they're kind of sitting on the sands here . i was just enough adobe. i was just in dubai. and when he taught, we just kind of the folks there and the folks across the region and stand and, and east africa were all kind of waiting for the way of starting the radio to kind of get together and decide the future of see, do you kind of back up a bit, what's going on and see down is, is kind of really
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a sign of things to comp bottom. we're seeing the breakdown of the trash or across the world. you know, this is a day that the us is kind of leading the global border. it really ended about 10 years ago. and what we're seeing today is really just this error upgraded power competition between china, russia, us, and you have these regional powers, the you a, you know, started the rate of u. k, due to his bass in the middle east and in kind of africa. and so the kind of previous tools that were used at complex like this, that the fact that you asked another western nations would use, you know, those are gone. and so i think that what we're seeing now is really a time where the, you a, or saudi arabia need to come together. that's how this war will. and one way or another right, sooner or later this war is going to at. and it's going to and when saudi arabia and m a u, a dictate a, a course of events. and i think you mentioned something very interesting, important at the beginning about kind of what is the,
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the overall strategy here very quickly. would that be able to keep going out of time so that so be able to get started a place to play, finish it, we just running out of time and left. and if you just get to your final thoughts, you know, i was just thinking of the, it was the kind of key before the future is to dan, is that it's, it gets everybody's interest if this war else. and so i think the best way you know, really looking for them to kinda create that piece. let's see if they can come together and we can show, we'll have find some sort of answer in the future for the body, but just didn't talk so much. joining us from washington, dc. some for community peacekeepers all set to withdraw from somalia, 2000 troops are expected to leave the country hall seen them, but originally planned that the withdrawal has been slowed down following a small income request. that is concerned, i've ever surgeons of the i'll give, i'll shut off. now the peacekeeping mission is set to door completely by december. but that's communion. and seeking to establish
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a new $12000.00 contingent to replace it. mohammed him. ok is in somalia and is it a size small? it says on the list unfold the communication stuff at the office of the countries. president joseph from bulk of district good. have you with us on the program. the somali of our tvs have that backup single. the back, so you might say up against a wall when it comes to finding out about the things aren't going so well. so what one does, should the a, you really be withdrawing a tool or what i mean. the more important question is paid because you keep getting calls, we've just been in the country for 17 years. the effectively making it longer. running opportunities, keeping mission has another change much. so i think you have more question ought to be. what causes else? can you introduce giving post on the some and billions of dollars spent only for the last 17 years when, how the country in the hands of the, in such a while. and then the count to that would be that obviously the international
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community of europe in unit as well as the opinion of the united nations, pardon me, as well as the offering unit union. unhappy with the approach to somalia. so they all withdrawing the request of somalia shuffled the question comes back, how is the malia going to fill the void in terms of security and deal with us about as well? and that is why i think the, the, the security aspect of calls hold to be that the entire new donald buchanan exist keeping mission, housing drive. it goes north results base, it was kind of the base it was that was taken for 5 years ago. and then it is the call has been taking towards december of 2024 when the entire opportunity in peacekeeping mission, with the goals entirely from the country. and now of course that creates a void, which now we've been talking about and you out and you try to 1000 kind of get to the shelves in new out of the i can hold another mission, right?
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but probably by not to try to force. that's great stuff because she didn't say it's not so much about the somebody gave me one didn't want it so much about a cult affinity and was true. i think the surgical mutual seconds to what happened over the last 17 years before investing in a new alt fee to replace a policy that the country for 17 years. if the fees i should say these outfits of replace it all takes time, doesn't it? so just give us an idea then from way you are about the concern about alex you bob, about that build up about that with tax about the security concerns is money, government has and how, at least for the show time the going to deal with this until the new outfits, as you say, arise and takes up its position. i think this is know is still a succession. bobby's got his phone in the country. i mean, building folks that did the getting, we can them, that security is improving and that's true for most of the major cities. but these that are coming from the top of the country, especially where he is. but they,
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they can capital, they can, they can technically build k u, c, d, 's of we have done before the, of the phone with them to reach us and the strongest organization off. okay. and, and then leading to a guy that, i mean, all these are part of that are true. but then again, there is being a privacy that wasn't going to by bend the government 2 years ago, which is taking, taking control and territory in most of the areas. but then again, the government doesn't have the capacity for all these areas. but besides that, the african union as being due when the last 5 to succeed as the adults, they haven't decided to keep the areas. but they have a competition 10 years ago. it's just for the waiting bases. so the kind of close to providing security coming in to cities because they are in villages and out sort of reading bases kilometer outside of that because of an example. but that doesn't stop. this top inside is actually a pain. in the cities you make the students,
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so it's some others for the government has, has poles and it made made strides against them. but then went on to the point where if the entire applicant anticipate the nation with the gross and we're looking at the scenario where they be void, which i'm sure bob can quickly have a glass on. i'll give you the background during the cost of the drill down, doing the costs of it, go down in all before the freight and most of the, for the breeding bases. that, that the effort can you hold on it or what to this. i want to come in truth, some of them are some of them, right? so you support in print, but we should see what does happen and how small it does react to this in today's head. but for the moment it goes thanks for joining us. a stress there's always these until to you. so the rest of hundreds of people in connection with the riots again, sigbili mcqueen's, which is spread to several other cities of shop,
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some building set on fire in the southern province of half a protest advantage city in grocery store. well, cause we're able to engine category the vine and fall it allegations of the syrian men sexually harassed. a 7 year old go more than 3 syrian slaves. 3000000 syrians live inter kia web and t refugee sentiment has been rising, sitting because it shows us that a line from a stumble on the in rush. just bring us up to speed in terms of what's going on. because this is a sizable migrant majority, that will be concerned. you'll socrates about what's going on right now in various cities across the country. of the stuff in the city or message issue has become one of the importance issues that they are. so these have been following up, as you have said, within the last couple of years, especially in the last 3 years, we have seen that and to represent them as a specialist towards the syrian refugees and living in turkey is on the rise. this
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is a l, a also because of the declining economic conditions and the operations main rhetoric to the feet and got caught in prison tag on end of the ocean mostly has been against the car to syria policies. but the, on the 1st day of the incidents which is sunday nights we have seen purchases. people are taking to the streets over the allegations, the syrian men and abused his cousin, a 6 to 7 year old, a child. but according to the turkish authorities who have been calling for calling for a while, at 474 people have been arrested so far have been detained on more than 280 of them with high criminal records, including assessed eh, and is actually wireless as well, that's why i took you shall store to use a believe that's the results of publication into care to cool people to the sweet spot. on the other hand,
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wins on sunday. turkish is citizens attacked syrian refugees in kai service center . let us totally in cities. we sold the syrians taken to the scripts in northern syria, in the turkish back position house areas. they were also angry as well. and they were just, some of them were even demanding turkish troops with low from noises since syria, some of them burn life. and that's far more tension into p a. m. all the mass smell, the sewer coast. that's why we have seen more surface people taking to the squeeze not only but also in cities and like got down to plus high where we see very high number of serial messages. this is the phone, the reason of course, because we have heard circus 1st and 1st of sight, adds on as a syrian press and i shall resolve that and they will soon uh it starts to normalize and restore relations between the 2 countries. because there's that's,
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that's in the region as since the war and got the started we have been witnessing is while it's threatening to 11 on a saying that they will attack levels. this lot. the you pull to cool architecture in the region is also changing. that's why it many experts believe that it presents ad on and present themselves are trying to normalize. it will try to normalize relations at a set photo. so this way to discomfort then press ration among the syrians in northern syria, were afraid to be handed over to michelle restaurants, whom they have been fighting against for more than a decade. this is the situation and to give a trip to show thor, to have been cooling for com, to avoid into, for locations back to you. soon consider the stumble. thank you. are still head hey, home and use are in full. the ducks phones are as follows. the rise of the netherlands gets ready to play that fast. okay.
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the book, laptops, this photo history. i think he's how that would say is from the christy on over now that he said he hit rock bottom off to having a penalty saved. but the push will kept him redeemed himself, initiates out as his side beats the videos to make it 3 to the quarter finals of the your eyes. this was the moment without it was denied fiano black, an extra time with the might goal of the 39 year old, couldn't hold back his emotions and he had to be consoled by his teammates without a picks himself up a sort of penalty she's out. so he took portugal successful kick,
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and this time he put it away. but it was good to go keep it cost us. it was a real harris the night saving. ria, sabine is kind of the 1st time that's happened that so yours for to prevent it moving on to face fonts in the law states. there's emotions, incredible for someone that has won everything and these expedients, everything. it doesn't need to cause that much. and that's why i thank him for, for being the way he's for cutting, for the group, for being some one that of the missing a penalty keyboard. profess penalty take up. um, i knew i was certain that he had to be the physical penalty take on show is the way to the victory. and i think we all felt very proud of our captain. let's take a look at right now. those stats have 20 shots, which is more than any of the other plans, so we get to school right this yours. in fact, he's not schooled and his last 8 years old world cup games, which is his longest drought in major tournaments. and for the 1st time his career, he failed to school in the group stage. alternate. just one that puts go will take
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on france for a place in the 70s, at lace and go by young, but song and so from the edge, belgium, one they'll, they went to the courses having school to own goals and the penalties so far it is 2 minutes, so no french class of school to nathan play. the last 16 concludes on tuesday with romania taking on netherlands. and the way that will face australia took it in the courses that much kicks off in leipzig at 19 at gmc. let's go live now 2 of correspondence, dominic caden who's in bell in dominic we'll get to choose those games in a moment. but 1st the story of last night should be portugal is goalkeeper, saving those 3 policies and the sheets out, but instead it's christy on even outright grabbing the headlines. yeah, absolutely. this is the bid sites on the front of the major daily in germany. and as you say, it says here in german, plain and tom, i own the whole novel. so the t is in the drama around right now, the picture of him being consoled by one of his teammates the but as you say, the real hero from
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a portuguese perspective. but clearly it's doable cost the saving $3.00 penalties in a row. and therefore allowing his teammates to school this and put the team through . and the irony that being the young old lock having saved for now, those penalties be an extra time for allowing them to go through to the penalty shoots up and then not being able to stop any of the penalties. certainly those are dominating the headlines. so back, sorry about that portuguese games with this with unions yesterday and yeah, the, the, the facts about ronaldo. well they can carry on to the next trend comp they maybe he'll score in that game. we shall say dominic absolutely to the last 2 course of final places up for grabs. what can we expect? well, 1st off, we have the romanians taking on the dutch team haven't got tremendous. well, they didn't qualify in 1st place, nor in 2nd place in that group. and so find themselves at the mercy of the drawer, which puts them against remain here for them from the netherlands team. this is
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about expectation. this is a theme or a country or all the one of yours in 1988 is going to finals or semi finals or major competitions consistently throughout its history, but never been able to improve on that one year of the insurance. in 1988, they have great expectations about this. the ones that have $40000.00 friends traveling around with them. they're obviously going to be having some great things through mania. well, they may be, they say maybe we can spring a surprise and get through. thank you for that. we will catch up with you again. little bit later i to us had said to greg the whole to insist he's still the man to lead them into the world, caught the spot, his team being dumped out with a call from america. the tournament heis knew they realistically have to beat us why to get thousands of group sites. so they would base and one that was like a controversial goal. the goal score material is that right and another class seems to be off site and build up the aisle decided that was no problem. sorry,
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that goes to 0. go i one, the free for 3 winds from 3 all the united states and now out the few like i know the root pretty well. i feel like we had the pictures that are showing what the, what the, how the root could be interpreted. and so it's an off cycle, bitterly disappointed with the results and we know that we're capable of more and um this to him, we didn't show it. and we need to keep going. in my opinion, it's not somebody say ok the, you know, this does programs do. it's not that it's not the case at all. it's but it was a poor performance. we didn't get the results that we expected and we need to get better panama finish. second in the grief of, of the us, which means it's them, he's a free to the quarter finals. they beach bolivia, 31 since right. those is the 1st time they've reached the knockout. it's not because they will face a tough task next against the window of greek
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d. that is likely to be either brazil or the informed colombia. see the goals and that's that is now the murray has pulled out of the singles competition. and what will be his final wimbledon? the tucson champion will still compete one last time in the men's double style alongside his brother, jamie 37 year old. and they had surgery just over a week ago to remove a spinal cist. a 7 time wimbledon champion, no joke of it skips on the way shortly. he's playing cheque play a beat can prove a joke of it. just one of echo 24 grand slams, but has had a full season by his standards have not reached the find of any tournament. so i find 2020 for the sub in one of the 2 were times less than a month. often the surgery that story and pull out the french license,
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bought 2000 and plan on holding back. i didn't come here to play a few rounds and prove to myself and others that i can actually compete in one or 2 matches. i really want to go for the title, and so the last 3 days have given me enough optimism and goods good signs that i can actually be in the states to, to compete on the highest level for the next few weeks. hopefully they won this or an epic 5 set match between south africa's lloyd harris and american alex mapleton . and i finished with an equally ethic rally power support back from 2 sets down and then how to match points in a time break. he robin slips all over the court and so eventually he got the job done before the 5 went into the the m. b a jumping to the boston celtics up for sale. the teams are gonna ship groups as it
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plans to sell its majority state. by the end of this year or the 2025, they bought the sell 6 in 2002 for $360000000.00. the franchise is currently valued at around 5000000000. this house, it was one there, record 1878 championship last month. the south, it was half rachel, they'll keep hold of that. one. is that the biggest aust? jason tyson's assign the launch is contracts and, and be a history. a 5 year extension was $315000000.00. tatum is expected to place the team usa, the parcel and fix as the aim for a 5th consecutive gold medal. and we will finish with the world's oldest active professional football, 57 year old cars of yours. she never has had his 1st training session with his new team in the japanese, a full division for outlets crisis eco. mary used to play so it depends national team between 199-2000 is the 2nd time leading score with 55 goals and 89 games. he was part of the defense team that won the agent. come in 1992 compared to use the how he's just for spring chicken. right?
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c d is thanks very much. jenna. i'm with us. we will and the news are, i'll be back with all the other side of the break. i'm telling me i'm the new supervisor, utah. the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization and the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations. you will find elsewhere, folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0 . on examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explode on abundance. well cos program on
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pulse. subscribe down to what you a to you right. 2024. 9 more. the the voted to evacuate, displays palestinians on the days again in the south of garza, after new is rarely instructions. the thoughts of robin hood to i'll just say we're line headquarters here in den also coming to the right place deployed him can use capital as young protest as take to the streets to validate against police brutality. and then the
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$200.00 candidates done down ahead of francis rental selection to the bit to block the fall. right. so winning an absolute majority. i'm come on either to northern


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