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tv   i Human  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the where do you get the 0 enables we to make the other voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divide the eulogy. all just bear with me. so he'll robin and dave, i'll remind to of, i'll talk new stories, he's ready to go forward. he say that one soldier has died for all of his injuries . after being stabbed in an attack of the shopping. molly, northern israel, in the city of kent, please say the attack has been shown so investigating the motive of the attack, no doubt has moved from him. i like to be occupied westbank. what we do know is that the 2 is rarely been stabbed in that mall and cut them in inside is real, are is really soldiers. they were attacked by a palestinian is really citizens from
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a upper gallery. the attacker himself was shot by and is really sharper, was armed at the time, and saw the stabbing and up shots the the talk to her in order to stop the event. we don't know the fate of the attacker a spokesperson for the is really police said that the injuries were critical. they are investigating the incident and we do know that the parents of the, of the man who carried out the attack have been detained for questioning is really helicopters of targeted residential buildings in gaza. city should joining neighborhood. the un says mold and 60000 palestinians displaced in the neighborhood, following israel latest defensive in the area hunting about lute as moving data by law. in central garza, a concern to get cecilia this really military within the past couple hours. they did this with through and what seems to be a talk to go withdrawal from parts the limited parts of the neighborhood,
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the northern parts and the southern. what's in part of the neighborhood, very close to the route and reposition itself. and as soon as people tried and made their way to check on their residential homes in their, their neighborhoods that the time to start by and gets them and be a taco drones. where at the, at the, at this ties of the, of the neighborhood, the chasing people hungry for testers have killed one person that eastern democratic republic of congo is but 10. but now this latest attacked by the demonstrations takes the number of people killed in the town in the tv province to 8. since friday, on sunday, protest is attacked, the humanitarian convoy going to 8 workers have been happy with the companies. governments responds to m 2012 groups which have captured several towns in the area . we simply, it's the final day of campaigning in the united kingdom, the head of a general election. the probably be the service you soon act from the governing conservative policy and the labor leader to stop and have
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a meeting face as before they cast their ballots on thursday. opinion poll suggests that the late the party is set 2 and 14 years of conservative governments. we've now had for 2 years of payoffs of the vision and payoff on the choice tomorrow. is to bring that to an end to turn the page and start to rebuild with label to wednesday most east on live company also had a role as presidential run off. reform is candidate and the suit business, ken and the conservative side. julie lee will face off on friday. she can 142 percent of the 1st round. while julie took 38 percent of the votes or records low turn out elections were held earlier after. present abraham, right, you see was killed at holly helicopter crash in may lead us from the shanghai corporation organizational meeting for the annual summit at a store that indicates that capital headed by russia. in china,
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the regional block has been calling for great to each nomics and security coal pricing between members is expended in recent. yes, the indian prime minister inter moody is new to the absence for police and india. have lost investigations after at least 121 people were killed in a stampede. it's a religious remaining in oregon state to or to per dash will. so what do you say most of the time? well, women and children, local media reporting that the sheets and suffocation may have caused people in an overcrowded tend to panic. the most powerful hurricane to hit the caribbean solely in the storm season is heading towards jamaica. it's killed at least 6 people left behind a trail of destruction in grenada, as in vincent and the credit deeds. those were the headlines would be about to go and use at hoffman now to stay with us. so human is next. the
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. the intelligence is the ability to understand, we pass on what we know to machine, the rise of artificial intelligence is happening fast, but some fear the new technology might have more problems than anticipated. we will not control. the
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artificial intelligence is simply non biological intelligence and intelligence itself is simply the ability to accomplish goals. i'm convinced that it will ultimately be either the best thing ever to happen to humanity or the worst thing ever to happen. we can use that to solve all of today's and tomorrow's greatest problems. a cure of diseases deal with the climate change list everybody out of poverty. but we should use exactly the same technology to create a brutal global dictatorship with unprecedented surveillance and any quality and suffering. that's why this is the most important conversation of our time. the artificial intelligence
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is everywhere because we now have thinking machines. if you go on social media or online, there's an arch, so intelligence engine that decides what to recommend. if you go on facebook and you're just scrolling through your friends post, there's an artificial intelligence engine that's picking which one to show you 1st and which one to bury. if you try to get insurance, there's an engine trying to figure out how risky you are. and if you apply for a job, it's quite possible that a i engine looks at the resume, the we are made of data. as i, one of us is made of data in terms of how we behave, how we talk,
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how we love what we do every day. so a computer scientist are developing deep learning al guards. that can learn to identify, classify, and predict patterns listed in massive amounts of data. the rest facing the form of precision surveillance, eclipse credits. i'm going to need surveillance. and it means that you cannot go and hook up nice. you are always under too much of the, almost all the other fun it today is done by handful of dig technology companies or by a few large governments. if we look at what is mostly being
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developed for, i would say it's a killing spying and brain washing. so i mean, we have military i, we have a whole surveillance set for others didn't go using as i major governments. and we have an advertising industry, which is our in toward recognizing what ads to try to, to sell to someone we humans come to a fork in the road. now, the ai we have today is very narrow, the holy grail of a research ever since the beginning is to make a guy that can do everything better than us. we basically build a god. it's going to revolutionize life as we know it's it's incredibly important to take a step back and think carefully about this. what sort of society do we want?
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so we're in the store transformation. like we're raising this new creature. you have a new, off spring of sorts but just like actual last spring, you don't get to control everything is going to do the the we are living at this 10 minutes moment. where for the 1st time we weren't seeing
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the probably that a on is really going to outcompetes humans in menu menu. it's not on important scene. everything is going to change. a new form of life is a nice thing. the when i was a boy, i saw it, how can i maximize my impact? and then it was clear that i have to fill out some things that lines to become samantha's and myself sense that i can retire. and the smartest thing can 1st of
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self improve and solve all the problems that i cannot solve for main goal. so artificial a general intelligence edge on that kind of line to improve the learning algorithm itself. so basically you can log on to improve the way it lines and it can also because if we improve the way it lines the way it lands without any limitations except for the basic fundamental limitations of comfortability. one of my favorite, the robots as this one. here, we use this robot for our studies of as a physical yesterday where i'd be trying to teach those robots to teach itself. what is the baby doing
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a baby as curiously in exploring it's well that's how the lines, how gravity works and how certain things couple and so on. and as a lawrence to ask questions about the wild and has it lines to answer these questions, it becomes a more and more general problems on. and so i just was just, i was also wanting to ask all kinds of questions. no trust sleeve is we try to answer the questions given to them by humans. do have to give a either freedom to invent its own time. if you don't do that, it's not going to become very smart. it was the other hand is really hard to predict what they are going to
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feel. the technology is a force of nature. i feel that there is a lot of similarity between technology and biological evolution. the plain god. scientists have been accused of playing god for a while, but there is a real sense in which view, creating something very different from any post created so far the
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that was interested in the concept of we have some and relatively early age some point that good, especially interested in machine learning, what is experience? what is learning? what is thinking? and how does the brain work? these questions are philosophical, but it looks like we can come up with these algorithms. this both do useful things and help us answer these questions. because it's almost like a slide she loves the computer system that can do any job or any task with a human dice. but on the
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yeah, i mean, we definitely think we will be able to create, completing your thoughts being split their own goal. and it will be very important, especially as these beings become much smarter than she wants, isn't going to be important to me to have these beans. is the goals of these meetings be aligned without goals? so if you're trying to do it open in the, at the full frontal research and skill user research and you're the initial conditions. so to maximize the chance that the future will be good for humans. the
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now i is the great thing because they haven't sold all the problems you have to do to solve employment to solve disease equal sol oversee i think you also create new problems. i think that the problem of fake news is going to be a $1000000.00 times worse. cyber attacks will become much more extreme. it will have totally automated events. st cash has the potential to create infinity stable dictatorships, the going to see dramatically more intelligent systems 10 or 15 years from now. and i think it's
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highly likely that those systems will have completely astronomical impact on society. real humans actually benefit and who will benefit, who you are, not the in 2012, ibm estimated an average person is generating 500 megabytes of digital footprints every single day. imagine that you wanted to back up one day worth of data to mind if he's leaving behind on paper. how tall will be the stock of paper that contains just one day worth of data. this commodities producing is like from
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the earth through the sun 4 times over. in 2025 will be generating $62.00 gigabytes of data per person. per day. the we're leaving ton of digital footprints while going through our lives. they provide the comfortable algorithms, so the fairly good idea about who we are, what we want, what we are doing in my work, i looked at different types of these, the footprints i looked at facebook likes. i looked at language credit card records, web browsing, histories, search records. then each time i found that if you get enough of these data,
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you can accurately predict future behavior and reveal importance intimates traits. this can be used in great ways, but it can also be used to money to like people facebook ease delivering baby information to, to be, and people, or more. if you slightly change the functioning of facebook engine, you can move your opinions and hands the bolts of millions of people. the politicians wouldn't be able to figure out which message each one of these or her voters would like. but a computer can see what's political message will be particularly convincing for you . ladies and gentlemen,
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it's my privilege to speak to you today about the power of big data and psychographics in the electoral process. data from cambridge analytic cos secretly harvested the personal information of 50000000 unsuspecting facebook users as a democratizing force as a force for good as an ability for humans to interact with each other without
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gatekeepers. there's never been a bigger experiment in communications for the human race. what happens when everybody gets to have their say, you would assume that it would be for the better that there be more democracy? there be more discussion, there be more tolerance. but what's happened is that these systems have been hijacked. we stand for every person for the world's richest companies are all the technology companies, google, apple, microsoft, amazon, facebook. it's staggering. how in, probably just in years that the entire corporate power structure are basically in the business of trading electronics. these little bits and bytes. the
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are really the new cards, the way that data is monetized is happening all around us. even if it's visible to us. google has every amount of information available. they track people by their gps location. they know exactly what your search history has been. they know your political preferences. your search history alone can tell you everything about an individual from their health problems to their sexual preferences. so google's reach is unlimited. the, so we've seen google and facebook drives since these large surveillance machines. and they're both actually, ad brokers. sounds really mundane, but they're high tech at brokers. and the reason they're so profitable is that
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they're using our shuttle regions to process all this data back and then to match you with the advertiser that wants to reach people like you for whatever message. one of the problems with technology is, has just been developed to be addictive, the way these companies design these things is in order to pull you in and engage you, they want to become essentially a slot machine of attention. so you're always paying attention. you're always jacked into the matrix, you're always checking with somebody controls what you read. they also control what you think you get more of what you've seen before and like before, because this gives more traffic and that gives more ads. but it also locks you into your echo chamber, and this is what leads to this polarization that we see today about how people can
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become radicalized by living in the beaver swamps of the internet. so is a key moment for the tech giants. how are they not prepared to take responsibility as publishers for what they shared with the world? to deploy a powerful posting technology f scale. and if you're talking about google and facebook, you're deploying things that scale of billions. if you're artificial intelligence is pushing polarization, you have global people, potentially the artificial general intelligence ag,
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i imagine your smartest friend is a 1000 friends just this once and then run them at a 1000 times faster. so it means that in every day, a lot of times they will to 3 years of thinking imagine how much you could do for every day you could do 3 years worth of work. the, even the very 1st stage you guys will be dramatically more capable consumes as humans. we will no longer be economic leaves. when nearly any task that we want to
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hire human. if you could just get a computer was gonna do it much better and much would you please the guy it's going to be like me. that was the question. the most important technology in the history of the planet, by a huge margin, is going to the big tricity, you know, clear internet combined. in fact, you can say that the whole purpose of human science, the purpose of computer science van, getting this back in to build, this is going to be built. it's going to be in your life. one is going to be want to make a subsidy reach the
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the large screen will be generated by what's in that macintosh. windows 95 development day. today, apple is re inventing. the driverless cars are great. they probably will reduce accidents except alongside with that in the united states, you're going to lose 10000000 jobs. what are you going to do with 10000000 unemployed people? the forecasting, same. down on the dyno at break neck speed. and it looks like the sleeping of the, with the on charging the cost us debt continues to balloon should americans and the rest of
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the will be worried. swift nomics all taylor swift concepts and boosting local economies and races, introducing long office hours. but will a 6 day week. welcome. counting, the cost on al jazeera, the safe, the mean comment as an international anti corruption excellence award. denominator
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hero now examining the headlines, unflinching journalist sharing personal stories with a global audience explode on abundance. world class program on ours is here the you want to, i'll just bear with me. so robin in doha, remind to of i'll talk new stories. he's ready to go forward. he say that one soldier has died from his injuries after being stopped in an attack at a shopping now in knolls, and is riley complimentary. please say the tucker has been show his father, mother and sister, have also been the rest of the home rated and prepared for demolition. is that a helicopters of talk to the residential buildings in garza city? have suggested that you and says, mold in 60000 palestinians have been displaced in that neighborhood following israel as late as defensive in the area. i think we use has killed one person in
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eastern democratic republic of congo city of the time. but now the slightest attack by demonstrates as takes the number of people killed in the town to a, in those key problems to age. since friday on sunday, protests is attacked, the humans heavy and cold boy coming to aid where, cuz now they're unhappy with the comb. gleese government's response to the m $23.00 on great, which is captured. several towns in the local area is the final day of campaigning . and the united kingdom ahead or a general election on sized a prime minister, which is to not from the governing conservative party of the labor leader can stop . i've been meeting voters before they cast the votes on thursday. opinion polls suggest that the late the policy is set to end 14 years of conservative governance . she is a payoff of the vision and payoff on the choice tomorrow. is to bring that to an end to turn the page and start to rebuild with label wednesday moxie find the
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campaign to get ahead and there was a presidential run. all the reform is candidate and the soup position and conserve decides really will face off on friday. the 2nd 142 percent and the 1st round, while the lady took 38 percent elections were held early after present it behind while you see was killed in a helicopter crash in may police in india have lost investigations after at least $121.00 people were killed and a stump piece as a religious ceremony in the northern states to for dash, the most powerful hurricane to hit the counter beings. so early in the storm season is heading towards jamaica. it's killed at least 6 people and left the trail of destruction in prenatal and these vincent and the quantities. that is what headlines munoz and hoffman, i do stay with the human continues and the,
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this is some futuristic technology. this is now a, i might help determine where a fire department is built in a community or where a school is built. it might decide whether you get bail or whether you stay in jail . it might decide where the police are going to be. it might decide whether you're going to be under additional police scrutiny. the predictive policing leads at the extreme. so expert saying, show me your baby. and i will tell you whether she is going to be a criminal. now the waking predictive, we're going to then surveil those kids much more closely and we're
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going to jump on them at the 1st sign of the problem. and that's going to make some more effective policing. it does, but it's going to make for really grim society and it's reinforcing dramatically existing injustices the imagine a world in which networks of cctv cameras, drones surveillance cameras have sophisticated face recognition technologies and are connected to other government surveillance databases. we will have the technology in place to have all of our movements comprehensively tracked and recorded. would that also means is that we will have created a surveillance time machine that will allow governments and powerful corporations to essentially hit rewind on our lives. we might not be under any suspicion now and
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5 years from now. they might want to know more about us and can then recreate grand new orderly, everything we've done. everyone, we've seen everyone we've been around over that entire period. that's an extraordinary amount of power for us to see this to anyone. and it's a world that i think has been difficult for people to imagine that we've already built the architecture to enable that. i've worked with a group of volunteers over the last couple of years to take a look at the innovation in the overall military. and my summary conclusion is that we have fantastic people who are trapped in a very bad system from the department of defense. his perspective were really start to get interested in it when we started thinking about unmanned systems and how robotic and unmanned systems would start to change war. the
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smarter you made the unmanned systems and robots, the more powerful you might be able to make your military. the under secretary defense robert work put together a major memo known as the algorithmic warfare across functional team, better known as project maven. eric smith gave a number of speeches and media appearances where he said this effort was designed to increase fuel efficiency in the air force to help with the logistics behind closed doors. there was another parallel effort late in 2017. as part of the project, maybe google, eric smith's firm, was tapped to secretly work on another part of the project maven. and that was to take the vast volumes of image data vacuums up by drones operating in
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iraq and afghanistan. and to teach an a i to quickly identified the targets on the battlefield. when the story was 1st revealed itself a firestorm within google, you had a number of employees quitting, and protests, others, assigning a petition objecting to this work. you have to really say like, i don't want to be part of this anymore. their company is called defense contractors. and google should just not be one of those companies because people need to trust google for google to work. the ones we develop, what i know is latanya most lethal weapons. in other words, weapons that are not controlled at all. they are genuinely autonomous yvonne. you
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go to get a president who says the hell with international law. we've got these weapons. we're going to do what we want with them. the, we're very close. when you have the hardware already set up. and all you have to do is flip the switch to make it fully autonomous. what is it there that stopping you from doing that? there's something really to be feared for it machine speeds. what if you're a machine and you've run millions and millions of different worth scenarios, and you have a team of drones and you've delegated controlled half of them and you're collaborating in real time. what happens when that form and drones is tasked with engaging a city? how will they take over that city? the answer is, we won't know until what happened the
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we do not want an ai system to decide what human it would attack. but we're going up against authoritarian competitors. so in my view and authoritarian regime will have less problem delegating authority to a machine to make legal decisions. so how that plays out remains to be seen. the deal is extremely international. china is up and coming and it's starting to rival in the us, europe, in japan, in terms of putting a lot of processing power behind a i and gathering a lot of data to help learn. we have a young generation of chinese researchers now. nobody knows where the next revolution is going to come from.
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the in china, everybody has audi pay and we'd have to pay. so the mode of payments is every way and was that they can do like a lot of analysis to, to know like your like your spending habits. like, like your credit rating. face recognition technology is widely adopted in china in airport, in transportation. so in the future, maybe in just a few months, you don't need paper ticket to bought a train. only you'll face the, the intercept from force that google is planning to launch a sensor and version of its search engine in china. google search for new markets leaves it to china despite page things, rules on censorship. tell us more about why you felt it was your ethical
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responsibility to resign as you talk about being completed in censorship and oppression and surveillance. there is a chinese venture company that has to be set up for google to operate in china. and the question is, to what degree did they get to control the blacklist and to what degree would they have just unfettered access to surveilling chinese citizens. and the fact that google refuses to respond to human rights organizations on this, i think, should be extremely disturbing to everyone due to my conviction that the sense is fundamental to functioning democracies and forced to resign in order to avoid contributing to or profiting from the origin of protections for dissidence. united nations is currently reporting that between 200001 1000000 weavers have been disappeared into re education camps. and there was a serious argument that google would be complicit should at once to surveilled version of the search china. a dragon fly is
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a project meant to launch search in china under chinese government regulations, which include censoring sensitive content. basic queries on human rights. information about political representatives is blocked. information about student protests is blocked and, and that's one small part of it. perhaps the deeper concern is the surveillance side of this when i raised the issue with my managers of my colleagues, there was a lot of concern, but everyone just said i don't know anything. and then when there was a meeting, finally there was essentially no addressing the serious concerns associated with it . so then it filed my informal resignation, not just to my manager, but i actually distributed
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a company wide. and that's the letter that i was reading from. a lies elizabeth next while fire was invented 700000 years ago and it has its pros and cons. people are realized, you can use mine to keep warm at night and to cook. but they also realize that you can kill other people with the a file also has this a highlight quality of growing in a large file without for as a human i do. but the advantages outweighs the disadvantages. by so much that we are not going to stop. it's about
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the regulation of a i sounds like an attractive idea, but i don't think it's possible. i. one of the reasons why i had one frank is. so she a to y'all, t off scientists have, don't give a down for regulation, military power was, won't give a down for relations. these are, they would say, as we see americans don't with the chinese. one of the chinese one say, oh, if we don't do is on the russians with, with no matter what kind of political regulation is outside of all these military industrial complexes,
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they will almost by definition have to ignore that because they want to avoid funding before the play and i don't see if i sure will. she owes you why? sure. this will go through via will pay you to change social good a. i switch on you to what the program developed by the company open a i can write co shared incredible stories just like human beings. it's one small step to machine one, giant leap. the machine kind, ibm, newest artificial intelligence system took on experience human debate is n one, a live device computer generating videos known as dates fakes, are being used to put women spaces on pornographic videos. the artificial intelligence evolves at a very crazy pace. you know, it's like progressing so fast. in some ways, we're only at the beginning. right now. you have so many potential applications as
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a gold mine since 2012, when deep learning became like a big game changer in the computer vision community. we were one of the 1st to actually adopt deep learning and apply it in the field of computer graphics. a lot of our research is funded by government, military intelligence agencies, the or the way we read these photo real mappings. usually the way places that we need to subjects a source in a target and i can do a face replaced. the one of the applications is for example, i want them into plates. if someone's facing things that he did not, it can be used for creative things for funding contents, but obviously can also be used for just simply manipulate videos they can generate
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faint news. this can be very dangerous. if it gets into the wrong hands can get out of control very quickly. the
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or one criticism that is frequently raised against my work is saying that even though they were stupid ideas in the past, like phonology of these, you open to me. there were people claiming that you can read a character of a person just based on their face. people would say this is rubbish. we know it was just family veiled racism and superstition but the fact that someone made a claim in the past and tried to support this claim with invalid reasoning doesn't automatically in volume
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a decline. of course people should have rights for their privacy when it comes to sex orientation or political views. but i'm also afraid that in a kind of technology environments, this is essentially impossible. the people should realize there's no going back. there's no running away from the auto groups the sooner we accept the negligible and inconvenient truth that's privacy is gone. the sooner we can actually start thinking about how to make sure that our societies are ready for the post privacy age. the
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while speaking about patient medical condition and my deep thoughts, i sometimes get to the very dark ad i'll follow his story. one of the people had to defend the system, but some part of the facade, davis, accepted on some part of the society most used to dest. hoped would manila do to have such an is trolanda and has had the talk be very quick and efficient for selection and
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assess the applicant of the technician, the the believes and desires of the 1st aig guys would be extremely important. and so it's important to program them correctly. i think that if this is not done, then the nature of evolution of natural selection favour though systems prioritize their own survival of us. it's not that it's going to actively hate humans and want to harm them. but is, this is going to be too powerful. and i think a good analogy would be the way schuman street animals exhaust. we hate animals,
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i think terms, love animals and have a lot of affection for them. but when the time comes to build a highway between 2 sittings, you're not asking daniels for permission, which is to do it because it's important for us. and i think by default, that's the kind of relationship it's going to be between us and a g eyes which are truly autonomous and operating on their own behalf. all the future is going to be good for the eyes regardless. it would be nice if to before humans as well. the
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is the responsibility weighing on my shoulder. that's not a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of the parents oftentimes time the pounds some of them made. but they had no way of predicting what he would do and how we would change the law. and so you can really hold them responsible for that. the so i'm not a very human centurylink person. i think i'm a little stepping stone and the evolution of the universe to watch from texas
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is also cancer. mean that i'm not, it's a crown of creation and that human kind as a whole is not the crown of creation. but he has settings a stage for something that is bigger than that transcends that will go out in a way where humans cannot follow and tons falls the entire universe. why is easy, reasonable so i find beauty and all, and seeing myself as part of office much gland the same. the
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one of the most critical things i think is the need for international governance. we have an in balance of power here because that way of corporations with more power might inability than entire countries. how do we make sure that people's voices are getting hurt? tom's the law phrase on an account via rod sprays on we can't embrace all of these wonderful new technologies for the 21st century without trying to bring with us the package of human rights that way for so hard to achieve. and that remains from job the
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hey, i isn't good and it isn't the evil either. it's gonna amplify the desires and goals of whoever controls it. and as today is under the control of a very, very small group of people. the most important question that we humans have to ask ourselves at this point in history requires no technical knowledge is the question of what sort of the future society, what do we want to create with all this technology we're making, what do we want? the role of humans to be in this world the
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it's still cold below what it should be even though it's winter impassive getting it says some bits of chillen, argentina, we're back 5 degrees below, right. versus low folding, with the circulation, which contains on top to a local that these law she's signing. you could have done the code side by a blank or multiple. they're both a bunch of 11 degrees below where it should be. there is a big gap between a few shelves and se, brazil, and the seasonal right, which is still there and looks like it could be causing at least being the potential for land slides in western columbia may be equitable, as you know, what's happening to kind of being better all the major, how it can still barreling through it, just a ton of jamaica to be right on the edge of it. i don't think the all go the top, but it's going to be closed anyway. diving, she's quite likely from the strength of the wins. so talk you about
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a category for possibly 3 our can with reading running through that. the only slight key. good thing is it's moving steadily at about 35 kilometers westwood. so it goes through fairly quickly. wind damage and possibly storm surge, then it has to was, you could turn for about 24 hours, hits hot weather in the southern states. the us of the course. that breeze comes up to meet the cool stuff coming off the high guy, which is why we generate big thunderstorms. they've been in the midwest recently. they're coming slowly sir. the how the city of the workers, it is really used to bring much needed cash to the occupied to us bank. they were estimated the 22 percent of the workforce before the war. now that israel has bound their entry, they barely make up to point the percent according to a recent survey by the international labor organization. another office to can facing the economy is israel's decision to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the
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palestinian authority? know many stores here have closed down and people say every day this will continues . it adds another burden the, [000:00:00;00] the obstacle romany watching me all it does it renews on life in my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. one, the is why the soldier was dead onto a stabbing incident at the shopping now in the northern. so the inside of me as you came in a 2nd saves the all physician labor policy is way ahead in opinion polls just hours
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before the states general election downgrade is but still dangerous. however, couldn't that will kill 6 people in the caribbean as it heads towards jamaica. plus


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