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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the out just a selection that the best feelings from across the network and the, the, the sizes put forward new ideas for holding israel's war on guys. israel says it's in some of the proposal. the, i don't know about this, and this is i'll just say we're live from. don't have also coming up campaigning wraps up for presidential candidates in iran who will come out on top. and the run of votes on friday, a symbol of the ways of soldiers sentenced to death and democratic republic of congo for deserts. incorporations against m. 2356. plus
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i wrote mcbride in sole south korea, with the latest protest in a long running doctor's dispute. this time having the site it's for to design group patients the how much does it share it, applying for a potential cx 5 is ca, sending in egypt and mediators, etc. included deal for the release of his reading, captives held and gaza. israel says is examining the offer and its intelligence agency must side to respond. an association representing families of the captive says if the deal is not accepted, millions of his ratings will take to the streets. as real how my son, the mediator has, haven't said anything specific about the discussions about a possible seized 5 and garza, but the broad proposal is said to be based on a 3 stage process. phase one, a 6 weeks is fine during which time us would release women,
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the elderly and wounded captives in exchange for palestinians held in this very presence face to a prominent enter hostilities and the release of all remaining is ready the captives. phase 3, the reconstruction of gaza and the return of the remains of any deceased captives israel. from on this we're going to go to him contract cruise in general bala, in central gas or for us. and of course the people of guys have been here before with room is of a possible seas fox or the people telling you about this. one of the well people are how dismiss their whole lives. they're also frustrated then they're also waiting for any positive news. last time when, how much i propose that of non people who were celebrating the street, they were happy. they thought that this time they would bring a ceasefire. do. but this time it's totally different. people are just walking on the news as if it's something very normal because at the end of the day,
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they believe that it's for dr. there's no successful seas far. the impala simians are very tired. we're talking about 9 months of as strikes and list at sending a policy use have been displaced from place to another. on what side of thing is care about right now is finding food, finding water, and also finding medicine and pot assume use the. 8 are waiting for us use fire, deal 3rd grieves are to meet their beloved ones in the another in parts of gauze and strip. they're mean they're waiting to find their missing beloved ones too. and they're all frustrated. they're always asking us, is there anything you um, is there anything positive but at the end of the day we don't have an answer. we're just like, it's like everyone hearing lots of waiting for anything positive related to this, these fire deal is what you're talking about. there were only days away from the the is really
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a tax on guys are not the last thing. 9 months and the tax of course. continuing what's been happening overnight and gaza well, it's still intensifying. this is a your talk about more than 5 days of a round invasion in the area, according to eyewitnesses and low flows in that area. as strikes continue, our calories is telling continue. and anyone who's trying to evacuate or lee, that area is being targeted by, is there any roads and flaws, copters ambulances, those this day, if for more than 5 days there on able to reach that area? also there has been no food our or watch or we have been hearing appeals on the 1st couple of days from families that were trapped in those areas. but now we do not hear from anyone, and it's very people who have their families in this. i feel very worried because they know nothing about their family members. we also know that there's really
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forces have been targeting a complete residential areas, blowing them up and there has been also a couple of extras. and that is a area in the central glass. the city and also in a shop area, there were also live ammunition by helicopters in the slate us. but again, policy and use are evacuating for a place to another, either in the south or in the north. but again, they believe that there's nowhere saved. and wherever the box, the way there is still fighting and there's still air strikes going on everywhere. and thank you very much indeed. and country talking to us from the bottom. i'm gonna bring you some breaking news from 11 on hezbollah sources of told the 0 the group as far as 200 rockets from southern 11 on that is really matter to positions across the board. or it's the 2nd day that rocket. so being launched and follow the killing of a senior has of all that come on to call the other number. and then the opponent is really drawing the strikes the of the southern city of china on wednesday. multiple
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fires broke out and the occupied goal on heights and in the region of galilee is really medium. is reporting a building an ac on was damaged. now is there any forces have counted up more rates and several times and cities across the occupied west bank. they've arrested at least for palestinians and continue to hold on incursions of also taking place and i'll fall back in southeast of now both as well as a bus 2. and the last reports of, on the confrontations between is very forces and part of streaming and sizes in nablus to the water is where the forces of demo. so house and they tom off and it's east of best. they have the home, belong to a palestinian who was involved in a shooting at a military check point and occupied east jerusalem in february to is there any soldiers were killed in utah? hilda is joining this guy from the in the occupied westbank talk to us about these communities which are being targeted. well, let's go to my 530 up uh, this is an area of rural communities in the southern tip of the occupied west bank
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. but there are several communities there, one of them kinda let the bell was attacked by is really settlers. overnight 2 homes were burned and several cars vandalized. now that attack comes in the context of a process in which the community has been attacked by sutler, as has had homes demolished by these really forces and, and basically has pushed a gradually the residents of the community and others in my study of thought to leave their homes and move further deeper into the west bank, closer to the, to the cities, which is exactly what human rights organizations are warning about that this process of dispossession is clearing the west bank of palestinian so that there would be it would be easier to take it over for supplements expansion. yeah, this is part of a, of a bigger story in the occupied by bank, isn't it? i mean, tell us what this expansion of,
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of federal land means for public spending and sort of warranty living there to it means that they could be without a home at a moment's notice. it means that their livelihoods could also be lost just in the past few months. the un reports that over 45000 trees and saplings were destroyed by as really subtler attacks. there are more than over. 1000 reported attacks by settlers also documented by the un in half of them, at least the you on says these really forces with were either involved directly or accompanying the settlers. what that means is that people will start wondering if they can continue to live in their villages in their communities and or whether the israeli army will come and declare that state blind as we heard. and as we saw the declaration just 24 hours, a goal that policy, those little pieces of the puzzle,
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all together have driven the top diplomat of the european union to condemn what he called israel's policies of dispossession and other supplement activities. and he said those measures wouldn't be recognized by the european union because remember, the less land palestinians have the less likely to states solution that the european union i'm the world really still endorses would become very, very unlikely. no day in vermont on no, thank you. i started to send us a form of payment and it has put the governing labor party after being suspended for supporting a motion on recognizing palestine last week. payment defined to a party to side with the greens and emotions, urging the senate to recognize palestinian statehood prime minister onto the albany is suspended on sunday. payment says she's going to retain for seats for western australia as an independent. danielle roberts is joining us not from the sydney for those of us hadn't been following the story closely. give us some context. how do
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we get here? the yeah, well thought of of payment is resignation did cause face to face in the astrology and send us a new, pushed by muslim groups across the country to remove labor from power and his re ignited device across the country about australia's position on the war. and gaza. this began about a week ago when senator payment became the 1st labor member in about 18 years to cross the flow or to find the policy by voting in favor of the grains motion of palestinian stays. now, labor had agreed to reject that motion unless they were cabinets. labor is in favor of a policy being, stays as long as it is possible by pay, still an ultimately a 2 state solution. so the grains motion was to narrow the full labor set as a payment crossing the floor in favor of the grains motion leading to prime minister anthony albany, z. suspending her indefinitely set as
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a payment then. so she was intimidated by some members, and she also been led to this point where today she announced her resignation. and in her speech, she was quite emotional. she was on the verge of keys, where she said that this was one of the most difficult decisions of her life, but ultimately said that her principles no longer a line with labor. and she also called out the government for what she called the gracious injustice about time. yeah, she's a just to, to go back to what we're mentioning before. she does say that she's going to retain the seat for western australia as an independent. but i understand there have been protests upon them to tell us about those a yes, so the issue of policy in state hold as well as a strongly stance on the war and gaza has been defensive across the country and has sparked a number of debates and demonstrations longevity has really been a whole mock of the pro palestinian movement. he in australia, the laces today at parliament house with demonstrations climbed to the top of
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parliament house in a camera and they unfilled probably palestinian banners cooling off australia. full enabling what they say will crimes. they was on the pilot for about an hour's time before they were a school who to way of close to close to a bit of a stir. tolman and the prime minister did condemn those actions. but this is just one of a lengthy demonstrations and protests that have taken place across the country since the will began in october is surely really has been a part that has been many pro palestinian marches across the country in many cities . and there's also been months long encampments at universities across the street as well. so live is position on the wall and gaza has really stood some anger among many communities across the country and particularly now as well. the muslim communities who now say they may be the driving force in pushing way, but as power in i looming upcoming election that 2nd robots and bring us up to date
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from sidney danielle. thank you. the count paintings ended in the run had a fight is presidential runoff. reform is kind of the muscle possess, scan and also the conservative side jenny of how the final values and the capital russell sound has more on both candidates. i'm talking about the run of presidential election is one of the most contested and unpredictable indians . lemme republics history. the 2 candidates represent different sides of the political spectrum in a divided the country side city. the former chief nuclear negotiator is popular among conservatives. he has strong connections in the post the could at least previously serve as the secular throughout the supreme national security council. a powerful exec, due by the with influence over utah and security and for them policies. he's
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proceed as a staunch lawyer last year. we should look at late president abraham, right. say that we will fight against sanctions but also sees new opportunities. we must make enemies for great imposing sanctions on us. i don't know him. did we run for presidency in 2013, losing to her son who honey? in 2021. he threw in philadelphia. but i ain't received a federal conservative. who's that? you know how to go up to crash and make 3 good. these are the election, this time generally may have a better chance of success depending on how the nearly 3500000 people who choose mohammed back and kind of up last week decide towards this week. however, therefore, miscounted dismissal. pacific general appeals to conservatives. the guardian console did not approve position cons candidacy in the 20132021 presidents awards to serve as health minister from 2001 to 2005 on the you don't suppose to be for
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him as president while i'm at 510 minutes position still enjoys hard to me. support for repairs of housing vermani and for the minister, jo us city force endorsed his campaign. the many believe these things flush the beckers could be the key to business accounts victory. but she's threatening carefully. how does the automotive i have a nationalist approach when it comes to foreign policy? hold on for me. foreign policy means the interest of ron and radians the 1st around . so every quote, little turn. now, what the apathy is a major concern for the towards children died of booking and the supreme leader has most people to cast their ballots. you to look at that as good. i have repeatedly said that people's attendance as a source of dignity and pride for the country. if the election has high turn out and then these law, mac republic will be able to fulfill its goals, you said will then be another more turnout could benefit duties. while a higher turnout could be in position counts failure,
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especially if he's able to mobilize reformist, this will say that i'll just data that on both of opened to me, okay. for the general elections voters around the country, a be lining up and polling stations to cost their dollars. 5 minutes to really soon i could called the stuff election just 6 weeks ago as cost his votes. nobody's voters choosing brother do whether he stays in the top job or the labor party leader care stop. it comes the next prime minister. a i don't know to say that was going to be enough say, well, gain violence has become one of the major issues for both those in front of parliamentary elections, the ally. we got the usual rash, the showers across smotts of southeast asia,
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some live the ones up towards some young ma, pushing through a, in the china some heavy down, pulls that just around bank called pushing across into east in pots of thailand, or using a cost to us cambodia, vietnam as we go through the next couple of the dice, probably actually i was the 2 across the philippines, lottie showers shop shows that just rumbling away across that the western side of bonia, creeping a little further east with. i'm noticing what the weather will say, just sliding out this the monitor, running into a job on usually whether it's cost so that could lead to little bit of flash flooding as we make our way through the latter part of the week. that a very different story across australia, we have high pressure in charge here. so a lot of dry weather for the time being like just into the interior. we could see some wet weather as we go through the next couple of days, as truffle creep into the outback in line. various things, some of you said was down towards the se high pressure was a said in shot, and that means is cold. it is quite 2nd cold is not on the rack or full tasmania minus 13.5 celsius on thursday morning,
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cold enough as you go through the next couple of days. expect me to get into double figures. but you can say that what's the weather that i talked about into the interior setting in the sand today the the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you want, you know, just need a reminder of what top stories this uh, homicides, and share to further plans for a potential cx, 5 with category and egyptian mediators, and includes a deal for the release. it was really captives held in garza israel says it's starting to propose is there any forces have kind of got more rates and the ok find westbank supervisors, at least for palestinians of talking until kind of watched on groups say more than 9 and a half 1000 palestinians have been arrested. so is a total of the 7th. and has of all the sources of told, i'll just say that the groups, fives, $200.00 russians from southern love. that is really military positions across the board or it's the 2nd day as long as it belongs, follow the killing of a senior has about to come on in, and the product is really strong strikes. and the citizens of this is tara,
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on whitening state. more than this, we're going to speak to, i said that he's joining us live from most round in southern lebanon. is attack seemed to be increasing side coming in the day, of course. and how much the same that is put forward more ideas about a possible ceasefire. and gaza yes, these attacks are increasing, but his blood has been very clear that the fight in care will not stop them. targeting is ready for his will. not stop until that is a ceasefire in garza agreed. there was a, by the resistance that now there has been a uptake in cash is half now here's the losses that since yesterday, since the assassination of the senior come under my husband's name. uh no sir. who is killed in the parent from striking the city of time. they have launched around $250.00 me solve since yesterday. but what i can tell you is that here in the sense that we have been hearing some of those strikes taking place, we can see the fires and the smoke rising from the hills and the mountain tops
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around just both on the lebanese and these radius sides of the line revolts are being told by his beloved that they have noticed a squadron of drones on 7 is really made of 3 sites. and we also understand that a shopping morning, a current and is there a new side uh has caught fire fire. uh, because of shrapnel folding. now what i can tell you is that after the assassination of this senior commander of the seas unit, there was going to be a response and his with losses that that response is not yet. over yesterday they launched a 100 produce the rockets, they talked to the occupied golden heights. the i took the car doctor 10 separate attacks. now this morning that has continued, but we've also heard the sound of sonic booms across live and on. that's when it's ready. a craft a break, the sand battery, a flank over liberties, s space. they've also a straight sky date,
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but it's very last night. we had those and we felt and that was so many people around the world are worried about an escalation. now i'm not sure if this is an escalation, but from where we're spending and what we've been hearing and feeling and seeing. it definitely feels like it could be one with those increase the tax taking place. that's the response of the assassination of, of a senior. his beloved mulanda, i thought this must be like making life incredibly difficult for people on, on the side of the board to where you are, what to have this constant by dollars going backwards and forwards. have you been able to talk to anybody about how their lives are being affected by this? sorry, i'm not sure if the microphone picked up, but that was just some strikes that's taking place. now if you could do, we just had the as firing and blending of that, not far from where we are now. as for the people have about 5 kilometers within that blue line that united nations resign set up in 2000 to the year 2000. they do more cation long between the belongings, where the forces,
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within those places many people have already left. many villages of times have been damaged. further afield, people still are leaving the towns and cities. a quiet people are fearful because there's no certainty of where this conflict will go with it to an act into an or like, what would it be a limited operation. read people just don't know, but is this fair? no one really wants to will had the economic conditions and never none of the worst that they've ever been. but his beloved said that they don't want to will, but they're prepared for it. but right now we don't know where this conflict is going get, especially with this increase of attacks over the last day or so. i said, thank you very much indeed said bank talking to us and my friend or crime has become a major issue for some voters in funds as parliamentary elections the far right and national valley has gained ground in the traditionally central small se, plunging cautious sentences from miners convicted of crimes if isn't going food is a lie for us in law, say in solving funds more say perhaps a good example of the kind of issues that are driving some voters at least towards
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the far right of some yes, security is among the 3 key issues for voters and friends and these follow mentoring elections. there are a number of indicators on the rise of 60 percent of french people say they do not feel safe according to a recent poll, but it's also something that's been taken out by political parties, especially the far right. bringing it more in. 1 front of minds, and this is something especially true here. it must a 16 year old julie is still recovering after he was shot in the leg 3 months ago. they shopped me at home. i was behind the door and suddenly it happened. i was shocked. the problem is, my mother was that my sister, my little brother, they could have hit them too much of a moment. he stopped going to school when he was 12, to make around a $100.00 a day, acting as a lookout for drug dealers. it stays,
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police say children like julio, often targeted to send messages to rival gangs. don't hold on, hold for a violence among drug traffickers has been on the rise. in the past decade, we respond more quickly. when there is a contract, people use a kalashnikov to settle disputes. fine time has made security. one of the biggest issues, computers in must say, helping the rise of the fall right in the traditionally central city. the national riley came 1st and 5 of the 7 constituencies and must say in the 1st round of voting, the full right party has touted plans to build more prisons and impose harsher sentences. it also wants minors to be tried as adults. these neighborhoods in the north of last say have 17 times more violent crimes than the rest of the country, mostly related to drug trafficking. and both the victims and the perpetrators a younger than ever before. these are also some of the poorest neighborhoods in
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europe with a quarter of people living in poverty. according to the french observatory of a nicole, it is with higher unemployment than the national average. many young people who don't see education as a way out, as many as 39 percent of children have dropped out of school is about to about to mind. this building was very decrepit. for example, when we were on the 1st floor that were wrapped in some passing by our chevy, the hockey buses. mid then mid door is a social worker who counsels some of the teenagers living in these rundown buildings. he says the state has under invested in these communities and politicians only pay attention to what goes on and poor neighborhoods at election time. they've been to civil posted. so these are the severe sentences are already applied prisons and must say a full so for me that's not the solution that we must focus on education. when we are called upon to respond to a case law, we must follow up and help them re integrate into society. this generation is too young to have
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a say in the election already does illusion by politics. many are discouraged and say their prospects look increasingly bleak is i'm getting food. i'll just euro massey on that report. they're coming from. it isn't going full and most is reporting on the run up to the french upon him entry elections. i'm going to st. quotes in democratic republic of congo has sentence 25 soldiers to death for desertion. and they were convicted for fleeing the front line and disappearing orders. bathrooms will be m $23.00 on group. in may, 8 soldiers were sentenced to death from some of the charges. and 23 fighters and making advances an eastern v i. c. now this week, the capture of the time is trying to balance on the board agenda. and the one that has been heavy fighting between the cities army and the pot of military rapids support forces, including in the city of online you know, the capital,
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the how many times is recaptured, the adult high district on tuesday, hippa, morgan reports from almost a month on the street as far as of the latest, the territorial game made by the so the news army against the crime, military rapids support forces here in the city of on demand. we're in the district opened the hot in pools. i'm doing mine the latest district to be recaptured by the signees army from department military rapids support forces. now this police station here, according to disabilities army is where the rest have had their forces. and was there major headquarters here in the district of? and so how would you be able to recapture from the ira staff on tuesday? some of the had a month of do i have the district of dough has been completely liberated from the enemy rep of forces who carried at all kinds of violations here. now the special forces on the other forces that have participated have taken over the city, and we will now march to liberate the rest of on demand. then cartoon city and to 0 states, and then dark for people cannot come back to the district. the police are back
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surfaces are returning. we are now fighting between the news army and the print of military rapids support not just in on demand but the elsewhere around the country . facilities army lost control of the city of center, the capital enough and not in south west, down to the parent military rapids support forces earlier this week. but here in on demand they were able to make significant gains. and do hon is quite significant because it is a major defense line for the parent military rapids support forces for their forces in west of the mind in the district of them. but down as well as the south west under mine in the district. i've called with the last of adult districts with the rest of this means that the army would be able to progress further westwards in the city of on demand and south west as well. and take over more territory from department of true rapid support forces. the army says this is quite significant and health was the more out of the fighters, even as it loses ground elsewhere around the country. he but morgan,
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i'll just be around on through my. i want to take it back to a breaking news story and has of all the sources of towed out to 0, the groups 5200 rockets from southern 11. and i just really ministry positions across the boarders. the 2nd day that rockets are being launched for more than this, we're going to go to 0 called and david's and we were talking to us at big our correspondent, marseilles, and southern level. just a few months ago, he was saying that if he was talking to us, we could hear the strikes going on. what is it you've been hearing? well, we heard the is really just break the sound barrier over baby routes. this followed has palazzo launching of at least 200 rockets and drones at various military positions along the border. they hits various locations over a wide area if you like, and for the 1st time targeting allow need, that's approximately 35 kilometers from the border. so the deepest strike yet by


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