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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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hi, serenade of this guys and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0. the or a neighbor lance, lying you k exit polls predicts victory for the position. leave a party. ending 14 is a conservative call to find will return on said dining streets in london next it pro site. the 1st labor lead us since 2010 will be working through that famous front door as prime minister for just a few hours time. the
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carry johnston, this is out this era nice from day, also coming up as a palestinian desktops, 38000 in 1000. us says there's been a breakthrough, go, she ations between have mass and israel plus thousands of people in mexico's coast race for the impact of american federal the we begin and united kingdom with exit polls. i predict to them then slides victory for the opposition neva potty and practically ending 14 years of conservative rule . guess thomas pots he is projected to secure 410 out of 650 seats in the house of commons. that's an absolute parliamentary majority. and while the conservatives all predicted to a $131.00 seats that was ever performance and decades, liberal democrats sought projected to come to it with a total of $61.00 seats. and the radical right wing reform
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u. k. policy is set to win 13. these are live pictures now of uh, just some of the accounting that's going on across the u. k. result. so we'll continue to come in throughout the nights of my mental health from atlanta. this is an eviction to bonnets in north london without solid being counted, but 1st, what types of 10 downing street and speak to, i'll just say was really challenge. so rory, as we've seen the counting votes continues in this, but it's looking very much like a labor landslide. yes, absolutely. if you are believing that spec, st. paul, which i have to say for the last 2 elections, the exit polls have been pretty accurate to the final seats tati. so let's say that that exit poll is accurate. it's more or less. what we are looking at is a land slides for labor. if you are judging it from the number of seats games since the last election, it is that biggest victory ever or would be and that is remarkable considering that
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the last election 2019 labor suffered that was defeats since the 1930 since 1935. now they have $410.00 seats according to the exit pulse, a majority of a $170.00. that is on par with tony blair as land slide labor land slide of of 1997 . so keeps tom a. how's he done that? what he's tons, his policy rounds with a mixture of pragmatism and bruce smith, smith said he will not tolerate any factionalism or defense in the policy at the moment. and that what people who off to 2019 was saying that labor would be out of power for another decade, at least. well, he is going to be walking through that store in a few as time as prime minister and labor. all going to be empowered with
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a wolfing parliamentary majority, but don't mistake that i think for any particular affection across the country for labor at the environments, one common sites are on tvs has called this i love less land slide. this is perhaps more about getting the conservative out that it was about guessing late, but in many of the policies have done very well looking to have done very well if the exit policy place and this election wanting to potentially some significant results for some of the smaller policies to it. yeah, well 1st of all, let's talk about the conservatives because the exit polls suggest that they all being absolutely hammered. so they are down to a 100 and ends and the t old seats, which is a devastating life for a policy that has been a path for the, for the last 14 years. so a huge repudiation, a huge condemnation of that record of power. what we're also looking at is
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a search and support for the in search and reform policy legs very recently by a nitro, for us now, there is a arguments to be made that nigel fraud is the most effective political campaign of all of his generation. he was mainly the architect behind breakfast, and he has taken a policy that was actually created 4 years ago to perhaps the teen seats in parliament. and probably coming in the place in terms of vodka and in the country. that is a remarkable turn of events. then you also have the liberal democrats that doing very well on just over 60 seats, according to the exit polls on a very back nights for the scottish national party losing property 3 quarters of their seats down to about 10 seats in the you take parliaments and the greens on
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about to so a lot. so the votes townhouse is probably down suggesting a disaffection with policy in general. and lots of values got into smaller policies and the 2 main policies, the labor and conservatives that shut down to the london forest february. thank you . let's bring in atlanta, this level that shoes. that's a counseling center in bonus in north london, about 3 constituencies have been counted there and it's viewed as one of the capitals key areas. so yes, you're one of the most important baffled rounds and what's happening there now? yes, well, very thing is awash, save our accounting is underway here. the role as well as museum in north london. and yes, as you said, that the 3 constituencies that are going to be to to that yes, having to dish and the conservative hotlines, one of them has the needs. conservative prime minister, margaret thatcher,
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has an m. p. in the cost. another one has had the same from service event since 2005 threes of any is but base of them all. going to be if you trust the paul's, the exit paul of losing the conservative vote. that one of them guys may buy another one most likely to the liberal democrats decide one also going to labor, read my to that nationwide. take a shower vase may, but line slides. however, it still leaves as about 230 stuff counting here. and they will be counting through the night. the results here are notes inspected until about 5 o'clock in the morning. and then by 70 um it will probably be local time. i should say 7 am. since 6 am gmc, we will probably have a very clear nationwide pick till the windows and the leaves of across the country . yes, you mentioned nationwide them and else where, where all the key seats to the accounts for. and what was really interesting is
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that it seems according to the exit polls and there is a number of color and conservative cabinet ministers who sees. 7 apparently in just as the chief among them, the car and finance minister of tons of the check or as he's poor to jeremy hans, it looks like he may lose his seat. we will find that out about 3 that yeah, i'm local. so to see i'm gmc, then you've also got the just the secretary alex tool is looking like he will most definitely lose the seats as well. then there's a number of all the, all the people such as the defense x ray quad shops, he needs a bit of a swing of 10 percent and it will go to labor as well. so he's the devastation picture nationwide is or the b one conservative. tasha 2 of the 9th of the full, not just the secretaries throughout the document who has lost his ease in wales due to a neva land slide. but one pass and that may be going to was victory actually, is nigel far as one of the architects of read say here, this is,
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is 8 attempt to becoming an m p and is, uh the actually paul is to be trusted. it looks like he will actually achieve that this time he is the leader of the saw arrived, the full policy which sofa has been doing fairly well and the seeds that have be the class coming seconds to in may, but ahead of the conservative. so it is looking like there's a phone bag, just have shades of what a lot of the conservative bites of across the country and find it for us. but i know thank you. chris hopkins is a political research direct throughout the podium company. so then to congress explains what this victory could mean for labor and test on, i guess is it for me to start election for the united kingdom? yeah, i think yeah, that investors are basically having that was a result. and we're going to leave them with a real period of sole sizing, and frankly, that call no one to blame but themselves,
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but public perception of the concepts and policies that would be decided lot, it was not for the virus johnson, i'm with truss unabridged. as soon as i can are legally responsible for the state, the concepts of policy find themselves in, i think for the lack of policy. yeah, yes, that goes absolutely capitalize on this, on my, on my bookcase, dahmer and some of the issues that he might face. you know, facebook typically it may be unable to, to represent an agenda that will satisfy all of his policy. and sometimes it's very difficult when you can't politics to keep your whole policy on side. and just only going to have a lot of politicians to keep happy for the next 4 or 5 years while he is pregnant and stuff i have before the next election. so yeah, yeah. is that definitely going to be some trouble down the road about the same time? nothing to do to give him a test on the opportunity to have 410 page and the majority while over a 150. i have become liability to 4 years ago. i think it is not the heart of the
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us president joe biden is impressed, is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu to close a deal with him, asked for a ceasefire and gaza on the captive release. that comes off to senior us official said that's been a break through we negotiations, even those fights and in dallas a continues, it special said how mass had made a significant adjustment to its position in a negotiations before its indicates the head of the israeli intelligence. this will travel to cattle to discuss the details. it is quote with finding nothing y'all, he reiterated that the war with only at and delta is rather cheese that goes on task correspondence. kimberly how could, has more on the call between the us president and the as really prime minister totes about 30 minutes and was attended by the national security adviser, secretary of state and vice president. now, the purpose of the call, according to the white house, was to work out the final details in terms of trying to get the captives that
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were captured on october 7th, released as well as to finalize cease fire negotiations. so the prime minister president were walking through the draft agreement of the proposal that was put forward by president by then back in may. the framework deal according to us officials is now in place, but there are still some outstanding issues that need to be overcome. the president and his national security team has been reviewing the response put forward by him us in the last day or so. and so far, the response by the united states has been that as the what has been put forward by how mosse has been constructive. but there are some issues that still need to be overcome. now, what we do know is that the president is very much uh, welcoming the decision by the is really prime minister to send
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a delegation to doha, to engage with us to tarry, add egypt, and mediators. they see this as a significant opening to in fact close the deal. this is the 1st time that the is really prime minister and you as president, has spoken since may 6th. but they may have the opportunity to speak face to face. the is really prime minister will be speaking to a joint session of the us congress a later this month. and when asked if in fact the 2 will meet face to face, the u. s. official said that he expects the president by that i will try to find an opportunity. kimberly help him out to 0. the white house on the ground and goes, it does as a protest, indians have been killed and is very strikes across the street. at least 5 of them were killed in the news route. refugee counts and central garza but these ready but
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actually targeted house, the injured would take the lx, the hospital for treatment. and at least 4 protest indians have been killed and several injured officer is very shutting and struck houses in the garage, neighborhood of kansas city rescue teams having putting bodies from under the rubble. the injured had been taken to the only functioning hospice and does assist abraham a company. it was a journalist in gauze, a city, the census this report from the site to of one of the worst its areas. we are here standing in the heart of that boat market, holding garza city, that it has to be completely destroyed by the occupation this morning. this is, apartment goes down on the market, destroying it completely as you can see. what i mean, i know some of the, so many families have lost the livelihoods and daily sustenance because the market has been destroyed. many shops we can't, and now they are all destroyed. above and beyond. the occupation is deliberately
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balmy. the hero to the place is here. as we have the most behind the goals market targeted. since the beginning of this war, her digit places have been completely demolition, getting gods, the city of this phone government results in and getting 5 civilians an injury many more. and the situation is getting worse and there's still issues this morning or friday. so when in down in northern garza specifically ask you about your neighborhood, the golden bold market is located, decides that you die your neighborhood. it was completely destroyed on probably good, by the heavy air strikes and the brutality of this era. that's the most. does it come off to the break? admitted tree. cool. it's in the democratic republic of congo sentences, $25.00 soldiers to tech support position during capitals of the m. 23. onto
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought of a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build ups is reached inside story. on al jazeera, now is the time to be direct. creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not is it was the policy that we was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out of there the latest news as it breaks the capturing of things into not said gifts, they are a self control over more territory,
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but it also increases the number of those displaced intentionally with detailed coverage. the current conservative government wanted to encourage pharmacists garage really start replacing overseas was with versus ones from around the world. the local politicians have suggested raising good mission prices to control visits and numbers of pushing the daily limits on tourist. the the, you're watching, i'll just say a reminder about top stores, the south exit polls in the u. k. predict to the non slides victory for the opposition laid the power to kiss. thomas poxy is projected to secure automate to majority of a 170 seats practically ending 14 years of conservative who bought it so
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still being counted across the u. k. liberal democrats. so full cost to come to edward $61.00 seats on the bottom radical right wing. it was form u k. policy which is set in $13600.00 junction takes a closer look. now what went wrong for the tours? when prime minister wishes to an accident outside tim downing street 6 weeks ago and called a snap general election, his words were meant to project strings. these on some times cool for a clear plan unfold anxious to charge the quotes to a secure future. but for many the optics couldn't have been worse. delivered in the pouring rain without an umbrella. the speech left so soon ex, looking defeated, even before a vote. many believe will put an end to 14 years of government by the conservative party. just 5 years ago under the leadership of forest johnson,
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of the central right tories were considered unbeatable to him. but a series of scandals as well as concerns about the economy and criticism of the parties handling of the cobra 19 pandemic since its popularity plummeted. and then there's the issue of immigration. and recent years, the number of un documented migrants and refugees arriving on british shores have hit record highs soon. ac had hoped a controversial law to the port asylum seekers to rwanda might boost the conservatives political fortunes touting it off. and as the cornerstone of a strategy to tackle illegal migration, enough is enough, no more prevarication, no more delay. no us no bots. these slides all going to rolanda. but the plan widely criticized by courts and numerous human rights groups and having already costs hundreds of millions of dollars stalled so far, not one deportation flight is taken off. the conservatives came to power in 2010, under the stewardship of david cameron. his coalition promised to confront the
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global economic crisis by cutting spending and slashing public services prompting protests the tested his popularity in 2015, he began leading his party and country down a dangerous path. as the conservators became increasingly concerned by the growing popularity of the right wing u. k. independence party cameron called for a vote on britain's membership in the european union. the will be a referendum in britain before the end of 2017. that is an in act referendum. i think it will be right for me. after breaks it narrowly passed cameron result, country nigel for raj, the self styled architect. it brings it made a last minute decision to run in this election is anti immigration reform, u. k party. i subsequently enjoyed a surgeon support attending many believe any chance the conservatives had of extending their 14 years empower. how much enjoy a just the products is preparing for the 2nd round of its parliamentary elections. on sunday, the 1st round produced
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a major victory for the following rights party of marine the pen. along with it saw the eyes, the national body, one around 33 percent of the vote. but it smith has been speaking to voters in cadillac in brittany northwest in front. a francis townsend village is already belling. more and more people are no longer afraid, not just to use the fall right as a protest vote. but also to see you can pound just on the beach, so please don't use this bounce are set that these days. people see the little these process. it's not preferred to keep the remaining us for supporting the national riley. we have no remark. people not the racist. what site for the, for the one thing to be friends at home will fit you know, the shockey key. this is an option that suits us for change and we must try it. we shouldn't be doing ice for trying something else. buskey on that we've had enough on the one hand, there's a government that doesn't k, and then we see the program. well, there's lift ease. well that leaves me really escape. most people in cadillac did
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not vote for the national rally, but it shares the vote double to 34 percent compared with the previous parliamentary elections in 2022. this is one of more than 200 constituencies where the 3rd place candidate has withdrawn in the hope the votes will go to the candidate best place to beat the national riley. but if there's a high ton a lot that was in the 1st round, then that could help the fall, right? the opinion polls suggest an unusually high turnout of working class voters and those on low and high incomes. old benefits at the national valley, across france. many rural voters, so they feel like node or football. brittany was historically a strong hold of the left. now a fall, right? your o skeptic, an empty immigrant party has found the tile territory here. that's yes, this is the reverse of what has changed is that people, as you have seen, are opening up. this is a place that's been abandoned there. i'm no more public services. no more doctors. hospitals are far away and yes and immigration. people don't want to feel invaded.
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i don't want to say we are overwhelmed here, but everyone wants to avoid just the left and center or again, relying on a republican front, asking people to vote for any of the party to stop the fall, right? but as each election passes, that seems to become a hot idea to sell. bernard smith out, is there a cadillac, friends, or can barrel is heading towards mexico's, you can tell me peninsula, the category to store is expected to make landfill early friday morning. the store was left to try the destruction across the southeast kind of being can at least 10 people. i'll just hear a lot to the america edits of the sea and even has more from applied to common in mexico. and there's more than a 100 slides. so it cancelled today both within mexico and going an international flights. it's holiday season here regardless. and i think you can see that there's some children play here on the beach that were there. others that have been
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swimming up into those just a few minutes ago because they're taking this somewhat as an adventure, at least some of them, especially the foreigners. i don't think they are taking this quite as seriously as they might. this might not be such a good idea actually, but the others then other parts of this area have been taken to refuges because they were to the airport. they had no way to go after this. the hotels are full, so they're not going to have a very good time while they wait for this going to pass. and in the past, i have seen storms here in this area that you put them up into that particular cold . last for as long as a week. so let's see if there's so excited when it's all over through that congress has passed to know introducing a statute of limitations for crimes against humanity committed before 2002 the new nor was promoted by the right. we talked to the 4th party about the daughter of a former president on data for g morning. they could benefit political figures and
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retard ministry personnel accused of crimes committed to joining an internal on conflict. right, so organizations have one, the new legislation could sort investigations into rights abuses. i'm going to treat quotes in the east, the democratic republic of congo, a sentence 25 soldiers to death for possession, have convicted of fleeting, the front line of disobeying orders during bottles with the m. 23 alms, good phoenix. i want ripples in the eastern democratic republic of congo, fear and frustration. this is temple, unimportant, commercial hub. just days ago, after weeks of fighting, i'm 23, you doubles, entered the nearby little town for the 1st time, and also seized the nearby strategic town of kind of a young guy. with many warning that this may provide a gateway to other parts of conflict on not keep
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a provence still under the control of the army. concern is growing about what's to come in. this situation is now very disturbing because we now sleep all night with fear of what may happen. we don't feel safe, we don't know what is happening on the front line because rebels are advancing towards here. and our soldiers can't even stop them. the latest around the fighting between the commodities. call me on the m 23 group just talked to 2 years ago. the new york c accuses wonder of backing the fight is an occupation gone to nice, but it's not just m $23.00. the both the presidents in both temple are contending width. it's also a huge militia that's patrolling the area, checking people's identification and lynching anyone. they suspect of being an m
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$23.00 fight to the army confirms that since sunday, 6 of its soldiers were killed by the group. the what's happening now and with him was very wary and people are leaving in real panic. this is all because of what's going on in the territory of the barrow with rebels are advancing towards the city . but we can't continue to see people killed because of their identity or lack of id will faces without asking any questions. this is too much and must stop. in ireland bungle holes are located in north cable. come police forces patrols a show force as they prepare for more buckles. but with more than 2700000 people are displaced within the province. any escalation and fighting would only deepen already die of security on humanitarian crisis. in north people. state nixon, your apology, 0 you can find more information on our website that's i'll just say,
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i don't think one of your most for the weather is next and inside story would examine if joe biden will step aside as democratic candidates, and he would replace them to take on donald trump. may 2020 for us presidential election. stay with us. send. thanks so much the, the, the hello, the weather's company quads, because southern parts of china. now the met your front. so let's take this while a little further north would say, which was the yellow sea. i'm not going to just run some wester weather written across the korean peninsula as we go through friday. like what's the weather eventually easing up into northern parts of the city of japan, west in japan, sing some way to weather this is i'm next patch of really heavy right now. that's going to feed us wayne friday into staff day riding up towards the north east. of
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china and north caressing some heavy right south of that. it's going to be pretty sure, but it's going to be pretty nasty day there because moving past the south career for the i celsius, the install by the end of the day 35 celsius theft. take care, so lots of hot sunshine around here, and hot sunshine continuing across southern china. so i'm showing in the chavez as per usual across a good pop of south east asia. some live the showers, just running it across the gulf of pod and into a in the charter. scattering the showers, the across much of the region that it gets got through the shower as long as both of right. it costs a good pop up and the other month. so now has encompass all parts of india. so what to whether just not to feed into northern areas of pakistan, temperatures into the mit is up towards delhi add also into the whole i'm not right really stretching in for the other planes. the heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s,
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many remains on scene until now. our moral is high. now the brothers die every day to the trade. our country 0 to 0 world reveals the long lost personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for all cheering independence. i'm writing to you, not knowing if this could be my last letter. letters of love, letters of for analogies, 0 as the us democratic party in disarray, overt joe biden future as his presidential nominees after his debased performance on warranty. and out of the race for the president is digging his heels. so will he stay or will these goals and who could replace 5 and if he were to step aside, this is inside the .


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