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tv   Witness Cine- Guerillas  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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the challenge is here with the camera about us and, and don't have the top stories. and obviously the chair stomach is the new british 5 minutes following a meeting with king charles at buckingham palace. the labor policy won a lunch slide victoria and thursdays generally election emphatically ending 14 years of conservative. i have just returned from buckingham palace where i accepted the invitation from his majesty the king to pull the next couple months of this great nation.
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to fine. don't go in 5 minutes to receive his achievements as the 1st british ation prime minister of all countries. the extra effort that will have required should not be underestimated by anyone. we pay tribute to that today. we also recognize that dedication on hall walk the rules to haste leadership to the country. i would like to say, 1st and foremost, i am sorry i have given this job my own. but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change, and yours is the only judgment that matters. i have heard your anger, your disappointment, and i take responsibility for this loss. both things all the way in a presidential run off in a run, voters are choosing between reform, misconduct,
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the domestic possession and conservative site. you genuinely investigate and came out on top. and the 1st one was about 42.5 percent. and the 1st time the body falls short on our dried when jelly was 2nd, was around 58.7 percent. muscle cell has more into fine. yeah, that's one of the stations. is that right? and this is a $1040.00 supporting stations that goes to concert. this is saying here, shot for this patient is, is in the 6th which is regarded as a school, or if the form is what the base. so people here in the queue trying to cast the pallets plus one things that we don't see here, or the what do who are. so there are not good things. usually we'll see people way behind the curtains and then writing the names of the candidates that they have supporting. but that no is not the case. they are being given to balance and they're both. those are writing the one name and of course the candidate they have
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supporting in an open area. and is there any forces of killed 5 members of one family in the north, the gaza strip of mine, his wife and their 3 children died when shutting struck their house in giovanni all bod area. the bodies have been taken to come up on one hospital wide scripts on the un. i've accused the army of repeatedly targeting civilians. a us president joe biden has pressed is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to close a deal is hom, us for the cx 5 in johnson. it comes off to a senior us official said that had been quote, a brakes in negotiations, reports the head of israel's intelligence surfaces of the top of the call talk to discuss the details. meanwhile, israel's restrictions and fuel supplies is shutting down water dee salvation. dissemination plants or hospitals are struggling to cope and hydrated reports some demo. obama is central gas fee for having and striving to find
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income of water where they're searching for any source of water and the lot the fuel is effecting all aspects of life. the hospital, the only hospital that is receiving injuries from alpha. and can you in this announce that hospital is in of severe risk upsets on to the lack of you according to the policy, the minister of house in gaza is where the forces of killed the southern palestinians and wounded several others envisioning refugee camp in the occupied westbank haven't gotten far as being housed in the hospital saw the area on the on friday. the authorities in buying the, the actual warning of dangerous blood levels in the northeast. more than 2 people have affected some remote rural communities. a stranded surrounded by wise in both of those of the headlines and he's just going to continue here on alta 0 after witness stay with us the
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turn nobel cool. yeah. or that sir. no, this, so friends, but i'm to my, me a the reserve for new drugs are here the, the whole
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adds up to some ferry road pelham road or on foot pool. our goal here. our goal here. what are certain social 2 drugs heard of story or story over in the score drug. see the one that they ask you that woman to cut the comment as i've been as though i don't i tell you that. were you thinking that the about the whole as is complete,
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then your rent is coming out. that would be like that will just leave with this with the of these young you to the stuff as you that we're looking to see a lot of francis get what the francis give us when it's going out to you that are some of the houses will beat on you, but that's all that's i was just cannot afford to go no center of the building, but i figure that is looking up at this, which is a think what the next group, almost any thoughts would you like to rush me so the east coast and yeah, we send that to bid us out whatever with the type of house master to attend the trip. see out of the name of the nose from drugs and this year a buyer, but still cheated out of the police. this email is what molly, to cancel this waste as an email as well. now, the dyess meeting usually is with natalie. usually there's room hours. billy sapir
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double familiar arrived about charles are from underneath the pl cargo top purple satch k or greater but it's the civic for the phone. if you do the, if you do speak to the on yeah, the sound of need that dental policy, what a closet, you gotta do new and have the is the deep cleaning, that's your, that's your by this thing like us. you don't want the i am is your mom keeps you want to be getting the, the zip code. we know what the west so it was really close as people if you felt just so i lived well just a couple of some users and so done. i need to to go to that meeting id. yep. sort of business. now, these are all very so you don't to, yes, very difficult to say that once you're getting, you know, the left you left the, the field of unusual st. failed issue like that. they did it is i'm gonna put you
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on the se. let me show you the the page really so yeah, i totally get personal phone to the from their computer. learn of patient because of the suzanne room. all right, cool. cool. blocked on a bit less. yeah. got that moved through the traffic call. got go. got pretty fucked on a bridge organized fritz. uh file open up um selling closer to real pleasure. as for what was the quote on this, it just toner's door out or or
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toners. oh, well here, doors of of, to cut off, all of them, but kill them at the mass respirator granted. by my elder arrow to the po, box design screwed up the front, those screwed up order. but if audrey barry buffer jumpstart, a comes from our roof trillion dollar co op by my shot cable from through the file is the one of the big crow new crow. this point or the film is just very large enough to walk through. and in addition to show my read the know through stream show and you get out
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even though sterile literature on a c k on those are great. so think we must a trick. is there anything on this? some people should be, does have done about it used to all day i set them as i'm 50. gotcha. and the distribution island of the island, new distribution. the problem is indeed that as soon as you know, appetite voice can county health, we need to call you about total cost with us on the policy manual on i scott goes to scott, your best travel neck of the
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city, to my uh, bill. uh for the 1st uh pause and for coastal surg davidson's bridge. oh wow. well very well today we'll be glad to fuss. nagle,
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you like they want you to these ducks. this is the time but you also saw usually there was a bubble tad. yeah. the check that get added to, to the site, you know, she's up to for very capital. i need 1st today view. so it'd be noisy, but so both of those i yeah, the those that email out of the service that goes for so does do is the $24.00 just to feel yet that it's gonna be very key of provide to actually folks for tools a nice what a totally arch it does for you called, you know, i'll shoot you a bill though for that just for them to it's got 30 dougherty, i guess the level which is to make that they can do that. they'll drop it on just
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to be, i mean, there's ways that the $5050.00 on the desk is you've got these trees or stab already. yeah. as you see that, that'd be so easily. fitzcray reduce the fee to buy g i b seems skimmed almost the, the stuff just a bit of practice. that quiet is l g and i get ball your data. the partially a day coca, that'd be the be a, that'd be probably a don't go back up to the top pocket. you all day. the top buswell, laboratory, smoke, diabolic adobe josh. because he was interested to know what the deal was for the,
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the the gosh. subjects is that the ability to see but 2 sides of the a blessed a of the from soldiers. so clearly america for core tie group plus here of the corporate office. yeah. that's part of powers that the world really rock throughout the a for a sure. i got it wrapped up very cool throughout the module, but story itself quite a lot. fear a room over. it's great to poke holes truck that goes there a little bit to that. the amount would be, you know, people that bought the boat in for a month to start them and want to move them theater them there. so if there were
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some failure so that all that made it through my on the some of their own. also in the midst of the most part, the drawing room bone board drip fall on i agree guards are the ones that are all on the bottom. the power just from home from was nice for result, dot dot across the
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all the disrupt be sure, focuses on pacific this summer and i have come here. it's a quiet setting at satisfactory. dia, lumnick chrome, right? the company own had a history. a bill has a daughter who was a part of our grand or on the golf pretty crowd 0 for drive time of the but i the name of my own not are all due to the wire and, and put it andre, or got to go through the uh the
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what was yours, mr. said that the susie no need to step on the the state of any of this stuff. was you pretty lucky? jimmy didn't have all the targeted. there's a come on that is all events and colors. you know what is most up and even the time i started in and i've been say go, i went to set boundaries, you did for some time. what do you guys said like the fall semester and shit. you engineered us are unique in that us. your nick ever can anybody's make
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the feel like a coming up really for those a la carte restaurants they say to you 7 zip code. so the move on for on say say they've gone through to the arkansas sounds that hold on to those that will be like what i'll show you is that gross on that i blah i've actually, i'm going to publish it and it shouldn't be turned on. what the graphic folks, anytime you sacrifice like simon, i do need you to so be a little if you knew it was a little more to get it on with the front of the different the guess or there were standing actual dogs on thoughts and for the move and 3rd, what i'll do is on the interface over here in the program and then res, adage,
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dennis you too well manage it. i mean if you do wish love you closer, let them know that you just thought it was enough. we just have a video to book who did this before too, too far. screen book, which means you don't have to do that. it just all should reflect on countries. i'm choosing to introduce you to the met for the swat if you had a more money. but ultimately, if i don't say a lot of sort of most, you know, it'd be much more, the more welcomes decorative on the
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terminal menu that appear on the printer for the, for photos like c o, c,
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to from company to sort of 4 phones from the mostly phone says most of the easy of the home on the i guess the photos must mean of cons. the moment of foster concert. uh hello, is this your cell phone? a little bit cleared to the lots are considered less frontier to a living vehicle key. so please go to the mo, who preventive explication cuz he says, the, the most uh system intervene. oh,
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so some great new offers come over to history for the the the
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was that we all different i'm i should keep that today is i can then do to put his aunt on a move on 3 appears on do she came home visit or york will she be underneath the piece that i've done, the piece will share these done if you're going to for yeah, the only getting much saturday, they're getting it and they put them on hold for just hung up and i need you to call me said your 4 digit a veto, which is about to the different the ability to be separated. the cool
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thing was i won't that of are you sure that's what am i show that does that for them? i show for the 1st time i got a few, what was external? it says, look for them, i shall, i cannot present them. assume that the easy need to, to t bone to you. what if you end up, i don't need policies. you don't need to pay those. you must be met in detail, meaning actual cookie condition, q, 60, for the money she bought for the most money. that is please, because i need to validate the don't get it because who public, you know, shut to particular he to interview the, assess on his own the doing so. so i'm not talking to them about this. i don't think, i mean, did you need to move it these, you know, if you get some things done in the community and it's really cool putting function that should be subject to the portal for the skis up to look into st. can do the
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2nd boudoir center and i mean, most dental showed you mall. this is equal to he's in the sample. who is that is there, there's like showing the can you mean that the bone digits, if we do it and you've already pulled it up to show you do the communities you mind, you're going to send, i'm a productivity and who's eval ruesch under the age. lizzie, most cases you may, if i love to be able quit for the drug dealer, some of the been giving us giving you
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a nice dose of these open ended asylums on these vs csa. familiar come finalize of tuesday in yugoslavia according to the to the of mountain village. that's the they've been, i'll me, i was good size and that, that often it is the is to, is allowed us. yeah. they will come out over a 100 or less months. the pc less going to the ceiling is better, meet your tomatoes processing. i mean, you know where to set it up. you end up with the disabled in pueblo puddle. sleep at a time foot be enjoyed by funds across the world. but it also plays an important role in challenging colonial rule. and no jury, i can sit on the mission of the clock. what's the point out, is there a well told the powerful story of how the came more than just a sport and the fight against the french and british colonial authorities against
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the initial executive and one thing action the rebel game out, jerry and so dawn on al, jazeera taxes, we've seen this journalism and in depth coverage. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15, little on the out to 0 is teams on the ground. when you get closer to the closet, the story, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the challenges there with me so around and in the mind of all the top new stories castaneda is the new british prime minister. following a meeting with king charles with the buckingham palace. the light of the policy when the landslide victory and thursday's general election, emphatically ending 14 years of conservative room i have just returned from buckingham palace, where i accepted the invitation from his majesty the king to full the next couple months of this great nation. the
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6939, going 5 minutes to receive his achievements. as the 1st british ation prime minister of all countries. the extra effort that will have required should not be underestimated by anyone. a we pay tribute to that today as we may so recognize that education and hauled what he brought to his leadership basic is also in the way in a presidential run off in the wrong. my life is that you're using between reform is candidate and the soup of just skim. i'm conservative sides really just can came out on top in the 1st round with about 42.5 percent, but socials of an outright. when julie was 2nd with around 38.7 percent, he's right, the force of killed 5 members of one family in the north of the strength of 9,
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his wife and the 3 children 5. when shutting struck the house in jamalia as beloved area, the bodies of not being taken to the come all antoine hospital rights groups. i'm the you and have accused the army of repeatedly targeting civilians. is there any forces? the holes are completely separate cost to be wounded. several others in the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. heavy gun 5 was heard in the horses stopped the abbey, early on friday. the army has killed at least 12 hours and he is in that trough. he comes in the past week. look forward. he's in bung mother shaw warning of dangerous luck levels in the northeast of the country. more than 2000000 people are affected . some roommates, rural communities, a stranded, surrounded by rising waters. thousands of people in low lying areas of being moved to temporary shelters. those with the headlines will be back with more news in hoffman. we went to witness to stay with us. it's the
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full force good enough to reach zillow able to go by area. i'm gonna show you a couple i should see that similar to the national sort of i should contact the thought as most of those, you know, most history, the history of that. i think i'm a luxury of drawing onto allowing me to be able to satisfy that. i mean, they're soliciting concrete development event as hell. i owe you informed us. you know, the few, she calls this ones. they're going to cut this, the concept of what was your chapter, she uh, i guess i'm gonna show how your book or know done, you know, associated with this. this is us it though, because you know is you can use up with the reach. she have
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a town way and it both bound to abolish actually to offer. well, we'll be sure to put all the next week to ski. so bussey, unless you have to reach to the village on us on the see if i need to present you real quick, he is, i see commodities of that. i don't know, but down a left tooth on the for the shelf offices, valuable bothered, her position. i know you could best be that he always has to. she don't, could assist the cost of his for the bill. i said, okay, so enough i you to pay out of the to those reports you show or employees of to you on the postcard of all the new office. so let me choose united to oh boy, upon to self interest. we show up on to him and that's on the 5 bus. the duties is a 2nd, the a that coming out of
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a all or the spa. will he made a pretty huge confess to we we literally day the bus will receive that are the same warranty to shut up us could do a such as your box seats, not by dude 0 be getting, feels please he actually was concerning my people for him is because it is just, you know, this isn't the passion me to assist you. i can go to my products or services on different offers. uh, a good deal for us on the appliances. and once i place you got the uh the,
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the, the pull could the judge show to move the bill issue of a co p, q for the boxes, special media to both of gwinnett that good set your books it to show to. and i've had you as the what the unity key, mickey sup, let's hear the phone j o v go by somebody, a huge not to
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do a see me says this meeting national sync up on the she did the can she do increase up in south carolina i don't want anybody to tell me who knows. she can't do the drawing on tv who shall not cute the cold. oh so yeah. but the key to panama, i'm for, i'm not prevent, don't keep me falling. she laura jewel in from a visual and they can kind of show me on the mid fairly quick level of
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the the see. so that when i come in, so don't worry about the assault of desire. you don't want me to either jelly be shot because a lot of people have some more of them on the corner that love was some born a me alright. wait, say, i guess i'm sure o d u c level to getting you me but of what the love, what do phone did you better assume us, you know, if the detailing, you could say fremont union city in the firm to buy, you know, you know,
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for the shit disruption of you know was off was know the easy to do the problem you have going on see initial phone popular a didn't issue. it's home phone for 3. just assume i'm on the boat for the be for these girls, jimmy shoot, shoot. usual colonial, i'm going to give us a leave the key. now do you go through this whole thing?
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so you do on a cruise root cause somebody you make a bottle of homes that they can, she can eat or so. so you can the gcs, they can always use them all. so the is the the the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the mom,
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the, the, the, the awesome. now to go to school all the god got so many of our goals for that. sure. as of the answer by nashville from the fire service. ok now that'd be for adult for 3rd score. calculus for flavor portfolio at the the actors i suggested in the
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area for is pretty turn go for an awful
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lot from bill. i don't know what, but for me to do it, we're now to more. are you going to competitive to full? come at on bread. said the a man i bought full price. is our land now. they're out the same on the power of a no. it's the nobody to go take any send that to me. my pleasure. you have a nice a large you know these different number which the in
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the most the most drifter? the 0. yes. yes. yes. you know, the mentors of good florida probably the know june, june 3rd so. so now be a door where the new not our car for full drilling or game of to 3 show codes. i'm here for the demo. crowds room was real motor move was tossed, concert eyes via is photographed quite well. no, no, probably more says i'm sitting on saturday is are on the
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assembly. but i have done more than enough to pass on a full hour while they're talk for say, i don't know of the i desire on i saw here to the doctor that got plus here to florida and without a pause for yeah, my friends are doing this car yeah, cover for 65 just stripped me bill was from last summer. 0 will fail. so straight from actually from like all nations of the, well, the people about the area have the right to freedom and independence of people
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looking for more than a century in england. and electricity is hungry for an educational culture and technology. young and old children and veterans lounge readings and writes each year for 5 years fail. julian, the problem has been raised in the united nations in the last 5. yes, the world has changed. africa has changed. great powers of l. nations must choose between our stages colonialism, friendship, whether young nations i saw those film 19161960, the year when something like 16 new country entered in other nations. and most of
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them are french colonies. this is congo brazil, ivory coast approvals, the niger, the home a. so this is kind of one of the congo levels, mills, metal gasket, arm togo, kind of gamble, job. they're all french colonies. france let go 20 colonies and. 5 in order to keep out julia into the had to give it up, they had to give it up with united nations. the french were for bidding any kind of discussion about the tried the charges. and so in the beginning years, uh, they were quite successful. they walked out of the general assembly when the
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discussion took place, the representatives would not attend the this is the sessions. the realize the color of what's on the, what's it, it is up please the. so now the filling out the, i am seeing the injustice i'd say in the way that they all insurance were treated by the french. it was simply wrong. i don't remember one morning going to work and finding out that they had been in tremendous demonstrations. and l chairs and we know that we know then that there was no holding back that the united nations and everything. and everyone else, including france, had to come to the assembly. not
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a proceed to vote in connection with the item entitled decoration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and the service your name. yes. a amber founding s. and i came in now and at a stage. now i provided it. sorry guys. 10 ban on the phones and 910, draft western national as accordingly been adopted by the
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of the thank you the
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ones that i fell off here. i got landlord really owner as well to both
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the from selective plus 4 dot 005. smith for you see a fabulous symbol and we saw the del south as solder the the i am very delighted to say to the all the
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confidence, brightest legal students putting minds against them. this means in africa would really be interesting to see how we miss. uh, gather together for tournament, unlike any other than what has happened me expressing meaning the apps we can cut on the human and people slide is now in session with new applicants on tuesday or the color power comparable is now making its way towards the top and then slide, say the system that it is still a may just on this one category to equivalent. so we're looking at the winds of around a 175 kilometers per hour. so maybe fairly quickly, not quite as quickly as it was, making its way further west was that around 25 kilometers per hour, and then it'll punch its way into the gulf of mexico. so we're gonna see that
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what's the weather through the remainder of friday running through probably looking at around 80 maybe 90 millimeters. dufrane is that system runs across the region and continues to the rest of the general west or north west, the direction where the coming back came behind. so we have go further flooding concepts coming back in across the hate to jamaica in particular, of course, to really inform the effects of the hurricane and the shouts to come here over the next couple of days we have got so that was the weather. then as you can see, making its way into the gulf of mexico that will push up towards the southern texas . meanwhile, for south america could rush the showers across the north west of south america, where the system here just pushing up to was power required 18 celsius and a since you on friday, cooling off a little as we go on. it's a saturday as the on counting the cost by them versus trump, who confess or manage the us economy will heavier emulate as radical reforms,
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fix argentina's, economic crisis, plus the chinese mega pool that could help to improve the life of america's hub for trade with a counting the cost on i will to 0 for millions of people to cherish the american dream of owning a home has slipped out of reach mike, price and accountant. and his wife had spent years searching for an affordable home . things are just so priced above what we can actually afford that we're constantly searching for something i feel for those people who are struggling, who need to get out before it's too late. i mean, i would say it's just the money in chicago, like many us cities, former working class holes now cost millions and there's a yawning racial gap in home ownership. the home ownership rates between black and latino households, whitehouse holes in chicago, and even nationally is as much as 30 percent. yeah. lack of affordable housing. is
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one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the, [000:00:00;00] the clouds, the whole rom and you watching the, i'll just, it renews our lives. my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes off country has voted decisively full change for national renewals,


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