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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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and jeff, lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the the clubs, the whole rahman, you're watching the, i'll just it renews our lives. my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes off country has voted decisively full change for national renewal, 100 ton of politics. public sub case salma takes over as the u. k is new prime minister to the labor policies with in the general election,
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you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change quickly. so next steps down, accepting responsibility for the conservative policies was elect told to speak at least 7 palestinians have been killed in this way. the rate that you need refugee camp in the occupied westbank also wants to bring me to folks with the nation heading to the polls for a presidential run up, plus a rob mcbride on site a while in japan that wants to come member, right, the legacy of its mines up to somebody's your neighbors. that's a memory too painful. in sport origin, seen a through to the semi finals of the copper america legal messing, missing a penalty in the sheets that when of ecuador as a c. h. 3 to the last, the
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welcome to the new use case stop has become the u. k is new prime minister, and i have to delete the policy of the code. a starting victory in the general election. the new position ita made his 1st speech outside dining street a short time ago. stomach told the nation, a work is urgent and we begin it today. the labor with ended 14 years of conservative rule. andrew simmons begins our coverage from london nations the keystone. he only became leader 4 years ago. no, no, no. the neighbor had one of the fewest election defeats and it's history. now his penalty has won a landslide victory, and the conservative party has suffered because defeats for a century trying to serve out. so that was sent to the mothers and reset, so we did it the
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company board, you pay for it, you voted for, it's a now it was a ride change, but it is now movement. certainly. i wish you soon. i conceded defeat. you may have one in his own constituency, but as he and others expected, the conservative policy was decimated. he arrived back in london to make an apology to his party. i have heard your hangup to your disappointment, and i take responsibility for this loss. to all the conservative candidates and campaign as who worked tirelessly. but without success, i'm sorry that we could not deliver all your assets deserves. oh, it had been a long night for the conservatives exit poll projections set the tone. the map of britain was turning red for labor introduction gatherings. it wasn't long before
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the pulsing stuff among high profile conserves of loses was loose. trust britain's shortest. subbing prime minister ever power actions lead to a market and meltdown the collapse. instead of the liberal democrats, the most successful election on record taking many conservative votes, a. i'd also taking votes from the conservatives was the right wing populace reform u. k. policy of the 7 previous unsuccessful attempts of being elected to parliament reform you case leader module fire arch is now one m p is potty 13 other seats. we're going to come. second in hundreds of constituents is how many things we're going to win. i don't know which we've done this in such a short space of time. says something very fundamental is happening. the labor
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party, the scottish nationalist party, hauled it last most of its $43.00 seats. this is a truly historic election for the united kingdom. yeah, i think, yeah, but investors are basically how come that was and a result and we're going to leave them with a real period of soul searching. and frankly, that call no one to blame but themselves, people who run across the. okay, well it's up to a brand new political landscape, the conservative policy imploded now labor may have a seismic victory, but test alma has to deliver on change. he must deliver quickly. the biggest challenge for him could well be managing expectations. andrew simmons, how much is there? a london that's close over to china, how? who's outside 10 dining street, the official residence of the british prime minister. hi jonah. uh they knew you k prime minister has promising service from the offsets. and to do that, he needs
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a cabinet. yes, that is probably the work of the afternoon. it hasn't begun yet, so i can tell that only because we haven't yet seen they already do. what up to now would it be front batch front bench, shrugged the ministers, making their way here. the dining suite to be a pointed to the cabinet. it is expected that kid just on that will more or less leave. he's the cabinets intact. so we more or less, we know the names of the big cabinet ministers to be confirmed that when they arrive, he's been inside down the street. of course, for about an hour and a half. now he would have been swept in there on a wave of applause from his supporters and been taken into the arms of the civil service. who would have showed me the ropes for a quick look on his feet under the table. he will have had judge and business to get out of the way 1st, not least, writing up next to the commanders of the nuclear deterrent submarines from the
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prime minister in the event that communication is lost at the time of war instructions for what they ought to do the previous premises instructions immediately ceasing to apply and then they'll be close to will leaders of only a world leaders who will be expecting to hear from the new prime minister to offer their congratulations. and they will be much stringent in the media about the order in which those calls are made when they are revealed. and then yes, as you say, the afternoon will be taken up pointing his cabinet. it's expected that he will complete that job during the course of the day on friday, before a cabinet meeting on saturday for the work of government to get underway, as he said his speech here immediately. indeed, and you're with joe know when he spoke to the nation, me that he was just because of an international audience like us, but also, and also to the british public. and he made a lot of promises. he said you'd basically put your face and me and the government to we are here to some of these are words. it will have to resonates investment very quickly with the public in the u. k. through dealing with
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a number of problems that they won't solve thing. yes he did. he made a very broad appeal to the electorate to those who voted for him. and those who did not vote for him. and he said that my government will serve you either way, the public zip politics. he said could be a force for good. and that is how we will govern country 1st party 2nd. and that is the essence of the appeal. and he was making, he wasn't getting a policy that will come later. but the point that i think that he needed to make more urgency in that 1st appearance, outside sounding straight to a country that is voted overwhelmingly to the labor party. and bear in mind that many people feel they don't really know who she is. thelma is many people to vote today. but because they're not the tories. and yes, the way to expect to expectations is upon him the really most urgent points that he needed to make. and he made it in that speech is that he does not step into office
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with the leave is of the economy that he needs to be able to make miraculous change instantly the economy is not growing strongly. a tool is, is nothing like the economy that tony blair inherited in 1997. this is going to be a slow process. he has a vision. he has missions, is talked about 10 years in office that should be given them to try and complete them. and what he said in that speech, there is no flicking of the switch. the world is of all the top place. it will take awhile. and that really is the message that he's going to have. and then goes and lambs with the electric to and a whole lot for us at 10 dining street in london. thanks janet. so let's take a look at the latest polling results. we will but 2 constituencies announce cuz dollars. labor policy has the killed 412000 of the 650 seats in the house of commons. that gives us an absolute parliamentary majority in the lower house. the conservatives of $121.00 states. so far that was performance in more than
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a century, the liberal democrats, 7 side with a total of $71.00 seats, and not as well for our design team of ation. policy reform is come away with full seats on your guy. i agree with the move of hampton, a label stronghold where the reform policy, but home surprisingly well when i, but maybe reflecting on this decisive victory here in wolverhampton box. what is also interesting to note was how well reform also did here in the label stronghold of will, the hampton southeast has been a slave of stronghold since 2005 reform came 2nd to labor. and then the other 2 constituencies where the conservatives came 2nd reform pushed down to the place, but it reflects how much of a disrupt to fiancee, immigration, right? when populous reform policy has been. and we spoke to a number of people here with different opinions about how they voted. a more best hopes for the future would be,
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is good to go 14 years of both of them to government and now things are changing soon. we do expect some positive changes from the neighbor uh, regarding that and it just people validates practically to be honest, the ones that authorities as which i live ago in that they got, well, once i did about to say this paper, vouch elsewhere, think some proportional representation would be nice. i think the whole electro system needs reexamining and looking at lots of what political persuasion, 90 ones from the paper we've outs and should actually be listening. the many apologies of happened today should come to that, should i, one of the issues here that is optimized on people's minds is a cost, the cost of living, and also unemployment. wolverhampton, has won the highest rates of unemployment in the country, especially amongst young people that will be much full the incoming labor policy to
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do if it is going to reverse those opinions. sonya guy eval, i'll just, sarah wolverhampton. non significant challenges awaits thomas labor party. government 1st is a week economy which grew just point 7 percent and the 1st quarter of the a compared with the full cost of 2023, the k as in the group. so the cost of living crisis inflation is slightly from last year. his record highs, but food prices are up 25 percent compared to 2 years ago. the cripple national health service was top of the mines for many votes. as 7600000 people are waiting for treatment. about fig has tripled over the past decade. the shriek under raja is the chief executive all the new economic foundations kind of thing. time joins us now from london, kentucky with us on the program. let me just begin with the fact that the new prime
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minister says he needs to get to work on a government that will serve the people to improve lives. he needs to invest, but where to invest with what funds or. ready all kinds of, hey, it was great to be here. it is certainly use my mentors here. politically, you know, let's not forget, this is i need to paul's time and almost 50 years as a change of government in the u. k. but they're also meant to us economic challenges that we just talked about from your, you know, to a correspondence. and the only way that test dom or is going to have any chance of addressing those challenges is to take care of long term views. but to act now to act and to invest in those public services you've just talked about invest to address the cost of living at the pressures that many people faced. invest in the green transition to reduce energy prices and secure energy supply for, for britain. and so he's going to be asking my mentors, economic challenge for the government in the short term,
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but of cost over the long term as well. yeah. to invest, you need money and tax was always a solely issue with the lead up to the selection. and it seems that the prime minister and whoever is new finance submitted. so we assume it will be by 2. reeves will have to be very clear about where that money is coming from and how it's going to be raised. yeah, absolutely. and tax really did state churn rather on helpful way during debate because it was almost a race to the bottom with the major parties saying how much they were going to context is when in fact, you know, what we really need is lifestyle, public investment. and that started to happen, i think either through growth, which is the government's the new government's plan, a few well that they have, the economy will grow and from it will, you know, they'll raise your revenue if they can then invest or it's got to come from texas for borrowing and taxes, i would argue all that historical levels. if you look at this, a total tax take, but then taxes on the wealthiest people in the u. k. a very, very know i'm at while in a quality used by z,
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we could tax or the government could choose to tax capital gains for example, or implemented a wells, texas governments have done across the world. and of course, borrowing, you know, they're often strange things like cycles. the schools that i suspect, the neutrons, but we'll talk a lot about. but these are also arbitrary rules. they were chosen by the last government and we're in a different way. we really do need lifestyle. public investment and i hope the neutrons level also still enabled with these huge mandate to be able to invest in the green transition in great infrastructure that will not as address climate change. but dr. long term growth. and she can, you know, with a wave of a pen changed those school rules that she wants. and so i think they will have to, it'll be a combination grows of borrowing and of taxes that will give them the room to invest. i mean, the one thing he doesn't want is early disputes rarely with public sector work, because at the start of this premier ship and watching to stop with the opposite
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the building as i did when he sort of the p realize the had become probably ministry was that at the like to speaking to his opponent, as he was talking about, rolling his sleeves up and getting around the table and talking to one large group of public sector workers who adopt is to try and sort out the disputes. he wants to try and get this sold at because if he consoles how the doctors and the u. k, this might be a very major factoring trying to work out how to deal with the n h s. yeah, absolutely. i think that will be very looking for early winds lights exactly about to be able to solve a long running industrial dispute with junior doctors will be fantastic from that point of view. but also fantastic for the health service that needs started. stopped as back at work as quickly as possible, but then also, you know, underlying challenges here. you know, this may look and sound like a political land slide in some ways. it is. but let's not forget to go to turn out was very low. the votes for that reform policy in some ways was
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a reaction to people's frustrations with the 2 main political parties. and so, you know, i would also argue there is a long term political challenge here, which is about restoring, spite in politics, which is that as to the low at old time, low here in the u. k. at the moment. and i hope that his donald would also use the opportunity of this huge majority to refresh and renew the political system to increase people's engagement on trust with politics. and basically it was fighting them at the moment was go 5 yesterday. let's see what he can do. for them, i haven't done any interest. can that all, joe, thanks for joining us from london. still had him all the i'll just ever news out. a family of 5 is live down to this really strong in northern garza will have an upside plus the 10 years politicians, so it's public and they've been but the station over the stage of the economy and government corruption is full of the house space. the children's home team in full
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pools european championships and people have that story and sport the let's turn into another election. polls of open to the wrong and basic is underway in a presidential run of vote, as a choosing between reform is kind of it meant superficial skin and conserve to sign jelly. they're all and supremely the and the human a has cast his ballot. he actually radians to do the same. sam, they love jose luis, it's a good day. this is the day of participating in the election. i heard about the people's enthusiasm. if that is true, that it is a pleasing case, and hopefully we will successfully anticipate the election and choose the right kind of at this stage. people should make more efforts to have a president tomorrow. god bless the nation. and those who make efforts to jessica and came out top in the 1st round was about 42.5 percent of the vote,
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but socials of an outright. when julie was 2nd with 58.7 percent full candidates were approved to contest. and to succeed and brain were you see who died in a helicopter question may result. so that has moved from tyrone a hosted or decor, low turnout in the 1st round of your honest, but essentially election. what time do this have prioritize conducive voters to come out? i guess the ballast, the ronald, they had just full days to tell them the company wasn't contained rallies instead of the provinces. both agree more people should participate in the elections, but different data flows to address and the challenge consistency politicians identity believes relations with us. we're looking through and the international sanctions imposed on iran for this nuclear. the program will not be lift is the solution is just to be still resistance. economy domestic production capacity and
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reach out to non western companies for excess new markets. so forth. is that convinced generally when 3 but on his promises? well, these are our full fortunately because i see that he has a comprehensive plan for the problems that the country is facing. any history, for instance, the economy model is the best to fight again, science. we've seen the 1st round jamie to run a gas mode that goes over to you. and could i speak with problem if the doctor tried the bus, which is usually 15 percent of the who did these tests? it's really cool if he's able to view or what kind of supporters. the middle class has to be that that additional support these $40.00 before miss politician. since the late 1990 is. however, what they're advertising please use is here's kind of the 1st round for miscounted, as mr. business don't fail to mobilize support. this is significant numbers because this company is good on his isolated sections we own the exist would be the economy crisis. this is we negotiating them. usually a deal with west is one way to have sanctions lift your so problem is the social
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justice and you called rights supporters believe your one is ready for change. last friday i voted for present position on tomorrow. i worked for him for position on irish and best luck, but i think the ward is changing now. us a middle east euro, i think there is a reading, reading doc change. but the economy costs its limits as freedoms and electrical officials type control over steve. the fee is lead to hopelessness among many radians failures instead of get out of the irish addictions could bring about change, but the state policies have already been decided. the government just carry out the policies before it decided, but ultimately establishment tradition of the low turnouts have benefited conservative. can't do this, why the high turnout is likely to boost before ms. chance of success for some save that, which is 0 to from having to run day is
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a professor at the university of to ron and joins us now from that. could help you with this, mr. we're on the, on the program. i mean, both candidates bring something very different to the policy table. it just depends what the people actually want right now. i mean, what's your feeling about the needs of the country? what you think the populace will vote for? it is difficult to say where people will turn or who people will turn to at this stage. it seems according to paul's that the 2 candidates are pretty close. the turn out this time round is off compared to last week, but we'll have to see how high it goes. the main issue for people is the economy. uh, 90 percent of you, ryans, of colorado, according to different polls. a few of that, the number one issue is the economy and issues that are linked to the economy. they have different policies, their, their bates, their 2 debates were pretty nasty. and, but some people criticized this aspect of the debate. but uh it
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remains to be seen because i, i, this one with, i really can't tell who's going to, who's going to win, but they do have 2 different visions. yet at the same time, there is continuity. mister president, dr. position has spoken about trying to revive the nuclear deal, but he also said that if americans don't abide by their commitments, if the americans are not willing to make the right step, so we'll have to choose a different road. so both candidates are, uh, i think, uh, kind of we have complicated um, policies of space. let's say policies, they have different proxies, but it's not as if they're completely different one. and sometimes one does when you're watching the story outside of a wrong about how much power a president really has in policy making or the direction of the country or whatever
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direction the country goes domestically or internationally. when she has been vetted by the supreme council and supreme leader would answer to them what lee way does, does the president have any wrong to actually make decisions that matter a while the process for choosing the candidates is not uh, is not, does not involve the leader there was a guardian council, 6 members of the guardian counsellor chosen by the by parliament and the judiciary and 6 are chosen by the leader. and the leader himself is chosen by council of experts that can choose and remove the leader. so it's not as if there is no link to elections, or there is no accountability that the company does have checks and balances. remember, when a president comes to power that the, the west of science is a threat. they will say that he is all powerful. remember when i'm at the need,
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mr. i'm at the new job was the president. they were going, they were saying he's going to that sort of destroy the region in the world. so at that when it suits their purpose, he is all powerful. if it is someone else who's in power, they'll say that he, he is powerless and that the so called the regime is they like to say is deeply divided. so i think we should put a, you know, ignore that sort of rhetoric. the president is very powerful and if he wasn't so powerful that different actions and part parties wouldn't be part of each other's throats to gain access to that uh office. but we shall see who does become the president will get some more insight perhaps on which direction involved. we'll go for the moment and brandy, thanks so much for joining us. some tyrone university. thank you. the us to the attention of the gaza ways, where the forces killed 5 members of one family in the north of the strip of mine,
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his wife and the 3 children died. when shelling struck the house of jamalia and ballade area, the bodies of now being taken to the come on at one hospital flights groups on the us of a q c. i'll be of a peacefully targeting civilians of israel's restrictions on field supplies is not shut down. walter, the celebration funds while hospitals of bakeries are struggling to cope announced less palestinian surviving and the increasingly difficult conditions can hold. 3 of the poles. nothing didn't bella in central gospel, people are having and striving to find drinkable water, where they're searching for any source of water and the lot the fuel is effecting all aspects of life. the hospital, the only hospital that is receiving injuries from alpha and con eunice, and also the hospital is in of severe risk upset down to the lock a few according to the policy. any minute serve house in garza bakeries yesterday,
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only one big 3 out of 7 was facilitating an operating where those bakeries imbedded by the heart surgery, at least 1800000 pilot sinews, where displace from different areas across of the double ship. and we know that after multiple times of displacement, all of those palestinians were squeezed into the middle area and people rely on food and, and decrease a lot those days, especially with the very high prices of the commercial goods in the markets. also up to the hospital has been continuously receiving the same exact threats of setting down to the fuel. but according to that, those palestinians who are relying on big crease these believe that this is a threat. and they really want the bakeries to sale going on because they believe that the wealth of bread means a lot to their children. they're going to continue feeding them. or is there any thoughts of killed at least 7 palestinians that we did several others in the raid
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engineer and the occupied westbank. 14 palestinians have been killed in the past week. michael apple thoughts automatic gunfire, rings out in the haunch, also the area of jeanine refugee camp in the occupied waste bank is ready ground forces move in searching for members of our kids brigades. the ongoing of the palestinian islamic jihad good fighters barricaded themselves in a building for several hours from the ground is really forces fired rockets before pulling in an a strike. more confrontations between his riley soldiers and palestinian fighters and the surrounding area killed and injured dozens of people is really forces reportedly destroyed. several vehicles during their operation during its war on gaza is rarely
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stepped up, the frequency and intensity of its raids and arrests in the occupied west bank. more than $560.00 palestinians had been killed in the territory since october, the 7th. mike leveled elders ever to sit on. the un says more than a $130000.00 people are fed the se after tax by the rapid support forces. more than 9000000 people have been displaced by the 14 month conflict between the army and the power ministry. group mohammed val, set dogs but exclusive was wanting to do with a booth at the end of the, the leader of the suit. and he's on the who began by asking him about the current situation on the ground. i guess what else could be able to do outside of the all aspects of the war on that in the currents military operations, suffering losses in a battle retreating in a certain situation does not mean losing the battle itself and doesn't mean the feat the suit and these people and the suit in these armed forces will never be
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defeated. it's been of 14 months plus now since the beginning of this war, what is the explanation of the fact that this was any time you hasn't yet been able to defeat the routing use of the out of pocket support forces? what are the factors behind it? how does a few tough have to work on this as a great injustice to our nation as the armed forces, we have the responsibility of protecting the suit in a state. it has the rights to obtain weapons to protect the country from collapse and from being preyed upon by some regional countries which have bad intentions to what's done so that the progress of the office both forces to was not in no time. what is your explanation of the fact that they have been able to push sofa from comfortable to with the se? oh, not a lot of the sudden circumstances surrounding the military operations that have enabled them to advance in this direction. but we are able, with all determination,
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all will and the support of the suit and these people to repel them and expelled them completely from so done. so this, this is a time friends can be distinguished from enemies who uh, so that's friends and was with us and that was on the ceiling to an item for smoke . and how's that? many countries remain silent and turn a blind eye to the crimes being committed every day. everyone who remain silent and everyone who supports what the other site is doing on a daily basis is definitely an enemy. everyone who supports the suit in the state and as institutions because a friend of let's move now to the humanities situation is to then you are to pulse, talk about 20000000 people facing hunger and possibly funny incident. what, what do you have to tell us about the situation and how does that mean? yeah, you have an issue and no one wants to say, but this is the rebel rapids support forces walk, causing the family and installing some areas in the for, and destroying the because it
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a scheme that says frankly speaking those who to talk about them and must not talk about its cause is about the militias responsible for it. and what caused the student needs to abandon the land and who destroyed the suit and these agricultural infrastructure. we welcome all support and assistance, but the donors are slow. and you can see moments i'll fall into the with the suit and these all me chief general of the, for the or behind that steering the $1500.00 gmc and use a table. and i'll just there in just a couple of hours from now. well, it's time for the weather now is i have to a how is the williams have already picked top across the golf at the moment lost the clear skies across much of the middle lease. then with best, if we met shamal, we are looking at a fair bit of lifted dust and sand. 40 full celsius here, and uh huh. 37 into by feeling little humid here actually because when it's driving along the gulf, that ones pick up. the psychiatry sunday, the west of the just pushing a little further south, but she has a temperatures hit paid back to around the united celsius. if we can cool that peg
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back, southern or planning a shell is just around the cool cuz there's some lobby showers that into that eastern side of a techie as well. but much of the, somebody these dry and sunny drive, sorry to across the north africa. sadie item car right down on recent days. so it's not as widespread across west africa as they should be. but they all, there may be some heavier ones just coming into liberia into sierra low as we go on into west side today. meanwhile, not too many shots because the eastern side of africa, again, a little disappointing. here's what's the weather. they're up towards. you gone to west deposit. can you perhaps, further south month to southern africa is driving to see what when the weather coming into the western cape on saturday, 21 in cape town, then. but folding away over the next few days. well, still a head hey on to 0. to touch upon or in the power of months i would people say things to go. some fonts in the election would change anything and it's full sized
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practice sense when we the ones position chrome pray, didn't get the time for all of the drivers, and they'll have that story after the break, the a full hails a planet interrogates while i was thinking about climate change, the way we do this, the global issue is abstract, so whatever i do, it doesn't seem to make a dent. alley re reveals how with being and it collated into distancing also from the climate crisis and delaying meaningful action. as faculty reactions have been bored, intentionally and unintentionally quite a few ideas to create confusions. if we're confused with the power of psychology in booking climate action on l. g 0. the latest news as it breaks the capturing of fingerprints enough space, gives the recept control over more territory, but it also increases the number of those displaced intentionally with detailed coverage. the current conservative government wanted to encourage pharmacist as
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garage really start replacing overseas was with versus one from around the world. local politicians that suggested raising his mission price is to control visits. a numbers of putting a daily limits on tourist, the the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you up to up to them and use honest with me. so rahman and how reminder of on top of these stories, case dom that has replaced, but you see that as the case prime minister of to his labor policies crushing electro victory. salma says it is 1st speech outside dining space. all work is
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urgent and we've the kids today is ready for the zip, killed 5 members of one family and all the gusts settings from that house. and finally, i was beloved area human rights groups. i'm the you and have a piece of a tuesday of shoes to these very i'll meet of targeting civilians. just present dr. barton has pressed his id. problem is the benjamin nothing you all have to close a deal with him? off for a see saw in garza that comes up for senior us official said that be the brake fluid. in negotiations now the official set tomas had made a significant adjustment to his position in the tools they wrote records the head of israel's intelligent service will travel to castle to discuss the details, casual and baskets is the middle east director of the n j. the international communities, organized safety, is also a full hostage negotiate east and west jerusalem and joins us live. mr. gosh, mr. asking to help you with this on the program, a ceasefire and release of captives an age in phase to scenario
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a top of the agenda for both. how boss and these re lease. when you mind saying that polls the pox with you on how they want to deliver that, how to where to negotiate to start the conversation. so 1st we need to understand what the spencer's works, the latest version of use, really american proposals. the ends on usual for her last not to actually publish what their positions are and yet in the last days we haven't heard anything new from us. we have heard from different intelligent services around the world that does a breakthrough. and these were the prime ministers agreed to send the head and we'll start to talk to our to continue the negotiations. the big question is, did how boss give in to the idea that they would begin to implement the ceasefire for 6 weeks? releasing is really hostages. and post indian prisoners without being is really obligation to end the war, which is what they have demanded until now, 9 months into the world must be getting the 10 most of the war. and there are lots
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of details if we know that there was a breakthrough. in fact, there is a 6 lead faced by are coming with a release of about 32 of these really hostages. and i'm disclose number of public opinion prisoners. we have the beginning of what could turn into a long term permanency speier and the release of all of these really chopped. and so without knowing really what those priorities off perhaps for you decide what one does, what is, what is priorities. all right, now, because the military have a wish list of the politicians have a wish list. right. it seems that the military and the security establishment is put enough pressure on prominence for nothing. you know, to begin these negotiations once again. and again, the big question is, what kind of commitment is there from israel to end the war? there might be messages coming from the united states to egypt and cut off the fable pressure to 0 to the world. once the ceasefire begins, it's supposed to include a re deployment to this really forces out of the populated areas. i don't know whether and populated areas in the gaza strip. it's supposed to include the copying
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to about $600.00. you mounted during the trips trucks a day. we don't know who will be able to receive them who will be able to distribute them on course, unless somebody is able to take control again on the ground. we also don't know how many posting you pressed is would be released and who they are and whether or not automatic reset, israel would have a veto in the selection of those prisoners. so there's a lot of unknowns here in a lot that needs to be negotiated. it's not an agreement that's going to happen overnight. you know what, i, what, what does, what, how much of a distraction is folder negotiate has to know that while is really negotiates is, or this particular case wouldn't negotiate, who will come to contact. the told is right also has, as i old as northern bolt, because that's the front to the everybody's concerned about. now, the ones like finishing dogs a has belong in southern lebanon is the next target about his spelling was also indicated a just as they acted in the ceasefire. that took place in november. there once the
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war in gaza and such as. but i will stop shooting and israel as well. yes, it was not really in a position to open up another full scale war and to, to live in a knowing that iran is also said that people participate in other rebranding and prophecies will participate. this is not something that is what could undertake right now, eh, what is what needs to do instead of just new elections, to get a new mandate from the people. because it's very clear that the people of israel are not supporting, present us for nothing else. and want him to bring us to new elections, cushion baskin. it's always good to get your insights as to what's happening from your perspective. and thank you very much for your time. thank you. have a good federal. they've done sold a couple of hours ago in mexico, as you can send peninsula, one of the country's most popular tourist areas. it's not a category to store sustaining winds of 160 kilometers per hour. so has left a trail of destruction across the caribbean and the coast is that it's way to kind
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of get least 11 people that's caused by with why lots of america editor, lucy and human, who's in the apply they'll call the area of mexico. let's see it. i think you've got as much protection as you possibly come for now, what's the situation like what you are? well, as you can see, it's still raining here, but the winds have died down and did pass through here. and as you said about 2 hours ago, the wind was his, he was very, very, very strong. the trees have fallen branches. there is no power in many areas, and the telephone cell phone communication is down as well, hopefully will be restored soon. we haven't had heard anything yet about casualties about and anybody dying. however, of course there has been damage to property will be going out soon to seeing just how much. but this sort of thing is now heading towards the gulf of mexico dying down or slowing down as an, as an lose through here,
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dropping water that could cause storm searches and also mud slides. but eventually, once it skips the gulf of mexico, the problem is that the warm water is there, could make it strengthened. yeah. her again as it gets into mexico again to tell my only fuss and hedge we understand towards texas. so we still have heard came barrow for at least a few more days, according to meteorologist and a lot of rain indeed will continue to monitor events with you as barrel progresses across the count or be mislead you. been that far as a latin america editor, the chinese government, just a single, unprecedented backlash. i have to please give that these 39 people during demonstrations against a controversial finance bill. people have been organizing on social media calling on present when they retire on senior officials. to resign. welcome. when possible from nairobi, the heavy deployment of the place and military got the presidential palace. um
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parliament building in nairobi, following weeks of price tests. across the country seems never seen before in can yeah yeah, the ruling party m p is chased away by an angry crowd of constituents in rift valley. province demonstrations against the finance bill would raise taxes become last month. it was dropped off to protest as into parliament. thousands of people were killed by police and demonstrators have since been cooling for the resignation of president william booth to i'm the government. it's prompted at backlash against them. peasy voted for the bill and government officials, especially those who wealthy and why the accused of corruption remains. the ruling policies chief width in parliament told us he's gwen rich from the regional business empire. those were protested on corruption. i didn't mean it is to we have complex corruption,
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the government can blame the cut into g of impact corruption when much of the corruption is deeply rooted on historical my task. and i, for me, dependence just weeks ago, who was normal for politicians to be reviewed at almost any event they attended. and sometimes handout cash with no questions asked about where it came from. meanwhile, who understood if kenyans live in poverty? wages have been stagnant for more than a decade. this is what remains to the office of another ruling policy mt off to an angry crowd button to down. the backlash is visible, not just on the streets, but also online. my campaign is using all sufficient intelligence to help people look up politicians, pos corruption scandals, and the only thing websites to help people to collect signatures to recruit and piece of fissions of stopped posting videos like this one from an m p showing
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office and you've helicopter doing this on guy who's been campaigning against corruption for more than 30 years, says he's never seen anything like it except especially for this younger generation that seems to have a much keener sense of equity. the anger and the disgust we thought we'd view the does was always there. i don't think they're gonna get away from it. i don't think that people are going to forgive him. president route has promised to reforms protests to say that mass arrests, thousands of abductions and violent gangs, turning off at demonstrations, will show that he's government can't be trusted. police in central nairobi, trying to stop any more protest. but many people say something's changed and politicians wouldn't have a quite as easy ever again. malcolm web, i'll just say, well, my baby can. yeah. so any funds, the critics of the writing national riley policy of issue, the warning had all these seconds about the voting and the parliamentary elections
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on sunday. they say the pens policy hasn't moved far enough from its racist roots. this actually buster has moved from paris. a site for um was 9 years old when his moroccan father by him drowned in piracies re of a sense of to being pushed into his waters by a group of far right supporters in 1995 it all from one. it's very painful for me and what was your? i grieved, i didn't hate any want to and justice was served. but it's still so much hateful that thousands joined anti racism protests and the city of to brain's day, you tack itself taking place on the fringes of the made a rally for the fall. right. national front policy founded by marine, the pens, father. the policy is not from the national riley, and could be about to take power in france for the 1st time, but the only so all the people don't realize the gravity of the situation. it
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scares me for the country, for my children, since we're in the pen to k, the fathers party in 2011. she's trying to popular creat distances from its paws. she's giving it a new look on the more main stream image. but those of the far right research and say the new look isn't pulling anyone these activists say the natural rallies of danger. races, policy that will undermine phones, has values by dividing it society. they're trying to move nice people to the, to miss housing estate in a power sub, a difficult task in a place where people say politicians don't care about them. but many things are getting worse in some places, education of health care discrimination. it's here in the parish region, they so much well, but it's not being shared with you issues. i mean, other shadow by an obsessive is i'm a phobic never to, i don't know. so concerns about what the far right to do to from says economy. the policy wants to restrict immigration, but this restaurant, ernest says, immigrant work is essential for the countries grace. the,
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the rules to regulate migrants are cause a title will have problems with recruitment of immigration is a topic. sure. but it kind of like migration is essential in restaurants construction to hospitals that you could shift in all sectors. each year side returns to where his father was killed for an official commemoration by haines become a symbol in front of the deputy. danger a far right finance. violence that some fear. nice. just beneath the surface election, you could take phones into uncharted waters. it's actually about to, to 0 power as well as type of support. and i, we seem to be the pointy end of the us now. yeah, we're down to the last states and it's a rinaldo versus and by the end of the lights are on it for both your opinion, championship points, cool, facing friends in the quarter finals getting frustrating tournament. so fall through the schools. biggest spells and by broke his nose in the opening game in front of get to school smoking play for an hour,
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he's failed to school and the girls missed that penalty in that last 16 match against living. yeah, i found that if it's an on because it everyone know the admiration i have always had for christian for the play over time. i have a chance to know him, the father to speak with him many times and just didn't contact. you always tried to give me advice, consent to full of menus and missile. it's nice playing against them isn't on for everything you've done and footboard, no matter what happened before. what will happen after he will remain the legend of the game. but of course, we hope to win and go to the semi final in today's 1st quarter final it's pain against hosts, germany, spain, if on a little bit games, thoughtful on germany, fine, we have 100 funds believing they can win that 1st yours title in almost 30 years from now and every game is a final, that's why it's called quite a final same final. and then finally, so obviously it's do or die. it's go to the next round or not. so we, i am sure that both teams will say like, it's
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a final what you guys make out of it then it's, it's a different story, obviously. but i think it speaks for both teams when you're saying that these teams are the best team. so find the competition to the quarter fontose to account for on saturday. another thing that huge simpleton gemini k, they faced the netherlands in berlin before about to england against switzerland musket alive now to a correspondent, dominant kangaroos in valid. dominic tell us is belief that rising amongst hung funds that this could be that tournaments certainly they hope this could be that tournament. they look at the fact that that country has always produced or generally, always until recently, reduced teams that were known as tournament teams. that means teams that come back to as the tournaments progressed, they also look at the fact that they've won this competition 3 times and think back could be inspiration, but against them is another team. that's one,
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this competition 3 times in spain. so one of these things is going to go out today . the other will go forward to a potential semi final against differential the portuguese, the media here as being saying, certainly one of the newspapers the bid sites on was saying, well, if it goes to penalties, we've got 3 good penalty take is. another newspaper was saying that in mind with noir. uh you have the equivalent of a juror sell funny as a where a dynamo never stops. a play at a goalkeeper in his late thirties but still says he's up full. the challenge facing him is a spanish team that has schooled lots of goals in his competition. hasn't conceded very many ad itself has a great deal of self belief already. so came out penalty shape tests with jim. and he told me that a rinaldo was in phase when he missed about penalty. for 4 children slip in there in the last game. what do we think of friends slowly to upset them again a little later on today?
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well, that's the central question here, isn't that which french team is going to turn up? is it going to be the french team of gallic flat to use the cliche? the one that's possible a great deal to keep track of schools attractive goals? or is it going to be the same? the plays more negative footfall, which gets results and doesn't concede many goals in getting those results and prioritize is getting to the shop and the tournaments that's essential question to you to for ronaldo. well, the reality is for him that he needed the intervention of his goal keeper and that penalty shoot stuff, deal go cost stuff. is he going to have a central role in this game? we'll find that in the course of the next year i was remembering when is of these 2 games will play each other in the semi final. so when it came like, for example, in plenty more from dominic throughout the day, but thanks to now a senior remain on cost the bank so might come from american cycles after they made
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equitable on penalties to reach the semi finals they will not see was it down to a hamstring injury going into this one but most declared fit in time. see that the lights response defendant ascend remote seen escape the world champions to late in the 35th minutes. then united sign read. this will be as much to sign with this competition. 7 straight dependency may see. first the router is done with his 1st let me see this, then the 2nd tendencies. so let me see 22 straight purpose in the side and looking for windows 2016. i think missy was feeling okay. we austin for the last time, 4 minutes before the end. and well, we have reached assemblies and giving a great level of performance. and i think it's
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a great achievement. this is the nature of football. everyone felt we were one of the top content is for the title. but i think every other team has shown a great level. auctions haine is when that means that through to the semi finals that will face the winter of the game between vendors while you're in canada by pilot lights are on in texas. start running, jumping, kind of sound cross is considering his wimbledon signs of defense to spanish, under a bit of pressure. he's just lost the 1st set against francis p. if i were in that 3rd round match the thursday night, there was a line and put the legends on hands to pay tribute to present the memory beat to tom single champion. quite a bit of devils alongside his brother, jamie, the 37 year old wasn't fits enough to compete in the singles, and we'll set to be his final limit that affairs skills should be fine in the mixed doubles with and radical windows. right. first things. first practice of photos, bridge chrome probably didn't go to pump old. the drivers just depends yuki sonata
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spinning out early on in his office. all the plans. alondo norris, when quickest with raining will champion inside the lead max. the stuff in full fastest. right. but it's nice bullets, he's looking for an outside thanks very much and they know the japanese government is pushing full listing on important form of mining complexes and unesco world heritage. science located on sato island off depends north west coast mines state back hundreds of years. but the mines use a full slave from the korean peninsula, has prompted concert from depends neighbors. but private poles from the side of the island, a bolo, beside the island, both below ground and above it, is evidence of the intensive mining. the cofton shaped the landscape. once a source of great wealth, the lost mines close decades ago, with some being preserved full visitors as a record of how the generations of mine is toiled here and also the cause. i
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believe it's important to show not only the positive aspects of the soto minds, but to present all the facets of a complex history to gain a full understanding. at one time, among the largest gold and silver produces in the world, the importance of these mines to japanese, cultural and industrial history is undeniable. but it's how that legacy is remembered. the cause these problems, but many of japan's neighbors, south korea are included. what japan seems to ignore according to activists, representing victims of forced labor and the families of the settled sins of koreans who report to work against a will during the last century. when korea was a japanese colonies, how the one was, how to cut it off. that you had done, we've met directly with the families of the victims who had taken decide minds and forced to work. they testified that off to returning from sada, they suffered from long diseases for their entire lives. south korea says it will
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literally support the unesco bid if the history of forced labor is properly recognized. pointing to the ongoing control vesee surrounding the listing of hashem island. the sight of extensive undersea coal mining. it was given, unesco willed heritage status in 2015. but public exhibits about its history has failed to mention to the use of your time, forced labor, as japan was requested to do all his less things. this lack of action can be seen as a refusal to fully acknowledge and address this part of history could on the button . and you know, rather if such history is properly amended, i think many koreans would visit sato island on. so many campaigns as both korean and japanese, a truthful reckoning with often painful events from the past, from opening old wounds could help hilda rob mcbride, i'll just say right side of the island japan. oh, that's the news from being so robin folded my wits. i'll have to go all the other
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side of the break, then you can follow little stories on a website that out to sarah, talk com for me on the team here. and so thanks very much for your time and your company. the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's held on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 100 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the streams on out to 0 to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct,
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but so is the international community. can we also say that bills the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without examining the headlines, unflinching journalist sharing personal stories with a global audience explode on abundance. well, cos program on ours is here,
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the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award denominator here on now, the outlook is that we did it today century, very much gustavo takes over as the case and you probably minister to the neva parties studying with in the general electric you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change quickly. so that's, that's done. accepting responsibility that the conserves of policies was electronic


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