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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the now our country has voted decisively fall, che castanan takes office. he says you case move prime minister and names is cabinets on the a to slice of a next victory for the navy parts of the this is out of your life from to how so coming up as strikes continue to target palestinian homes and garza as well as a mazda prepared for talks about potentially cease funding,
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we speak exclusively that student is on the chief of the honda about the country civil war that since monday, and it's from the home. and how long it runs, connection is being extend. it wants to choosing between conserves and site, and the foremost messed with possess keyah to become the next president, the beginning of the united kingdom look, yes, donna has made his 1st address as prime minister, as labour positive, a quoted, a decisive victory in those days. general election speaking outside 10 downing street, he said, i work as urgent and we begin it today. and are simmons has moved from london a license a keystone. he became labels leader up to one of its worst defeats in history. now in less than 5 years, his policy has his own big majority of his wife victoria. he's greeted in dining
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street has prime minister from now on. you have a government on foot and 5 don't treat guided only by the determination to serve your interest. to define quietly, those who have written a country or invite you to join this government of service in the mission of national renew. i work is urgent as we get it today, century very much storm a had his audience with king chose a short time off to receive sooner. who went on to resign. his conservative party leader. is it being the worst ever election result for the complaints? i am sorry, i have given this jolt smile, but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is
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the only judgment that matches. i have heard your hangup to your disappointment. i take responsibility for this loss. among the high profile, conservative loses was less trust, britain's shortest subbing prime minister ever her actions that to upon market. now let's instead of does the division within the conservative party with some full, a cabinet members expressing anger on fed up for performance out politics. i've watched colleagues in the conservative policy strike policies, right in pharmacy, all fates and say stupid things. they know they no have no evidence full. instead of concentrating on doing the job and they would like to do, how about enough of it? the liberal democrats have the most successful election on record taking many conservative votes and also taking votes from the conservatives was the right wing
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populace reform u. k. policy. it's not just disappointment with the conservative policy. there was a massive gap home, a sense of right of british politics. my job is to say that we will now be targeting lady that lives with coming from labor being that down about about the labor party, the scottish nationalist polity hauled it last. most of it's $43.00 seats. people who run across the u. k. work up to a brand new political landscape, the conservative policy imploded. now labor may have a seismic victory, but test on my hands to deliver on change. he must deliver quickly. the biggest challenge for him could well be managing expectations. andrew simmons, how just they're a london less joined james bay as he's outside 10 downing street, the official residents of the bushes, prime minister. so the cabinets, including the deputies on defense ministers have been announced. james,
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what is the new government looked like on the yeah, the work has started here straight away. it may be raining outside dining street courses, summer here in london, and that's how it is. but inside the work is, while i'm the way with the new prime minister, a new site, he's got his new cabinets, now taking up the jobs. rachel reeves become so charles reached jessica. that's what they called the finance minister. here she is the 1st female child, sir. the stuck in the you case is the street. uh the other key. what i think for us is david lam, a, he is the new phone secretary, the for a minister of the united kingdom and he will be representing the u. k. on the international stage, in fact, for the 1st time in just a couple of days because of all of the t ministers, the defense minister, the foreign minister and the prime minister kissed um i will be going to washington d. c. early next week, because it's the nato summit,
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late 75th anniversary of nato. and of course, the phone because that will be on the wall in the tray. not only will be any big change that you take policy on you train up to a storm has made it clear he strongly supports prisoners, let excuse government and the ongoing more a no shortage of challenges for those ministers. james, not just on the international front with crane with gaza, but also domestically yeah. domestically there are very big challenges. i think everyone's in this election campaign or, you know, the conservatives as well. so that they were really big problems. i think for the public, the issues in this election where the economy, number one, the cost of living a crisis, trying to get business going, trying to get economic growth and the health system here, the national health service, the nationalized health system. everyone that you speak to in the u. k. has a, has a story of a problem with that health system and trying to get that going on. on the international
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stage. i've mentioned ukraine, the war on jobs. so was looking briefly of why this government is likely to change things on gaza. i'm currently it looks like it's not very much the labor policy in the manifesto said they would recognize palestine as a states. but we don't think that any time soon it will be part of a process to was a tooth to state solution. having said that, it is, was pointing out with the labor party traditionally has been a strong supporter of product started. so would i have a $400.00 and piece? there's almost certainly quite a few and p's that who would want the, the government, the new government to be tougher on israel. so maybe some internal pressure on prime minister stomach james, thank you very much for that change base. joining us live from london the
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it's doing the gaza now is really false, have killed 5 members of one family. the know for this trip, a man his wife and the 3 children died when shopping for the house and the jamalia . i'll follow the area rights groups and did you when have accused, as well as on a of repeatedly targeting civilians. a couple of them has the latest on the flashing across the street from the central gaza. the generally they usually strikes across the street continue every single hour. we serve more strikes on the subject part of causes, specifically in con units, whether it's really minutes where you're talking to a group of out of city. and so we're working on secure rings or the commercial troops that are getting into the strip from current upside of increasing while in the central area of causes specifically. and on the rock for a few decals, a palace, palestinians have been hit, the number of casualties have been reported as they were looking for wood in order to be using it like cooking purposes. in light of business, abuse,
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shortage of gas supplies in the strip. but apparently fight thing in the notes of district continues as well. you know, so jenny, for, who would, which has been totally an active role. so what the most military, a wing of cassandra gates has been announced that they managed to attack them for all is valley troops on the ground as direct line to take full control over. she's yeah, yeah, neighborhood, and this is the grim reality that there was 2 families dropped the for over a week. right now they're waiting for a product. which coupon? no one can get close to that location. and due to the high intensity of the abutment as the minutes for you right now was focusing on completely planning golf for residential squads that are so a day since the boat is with as well. that's just for the creation of the cost is a while they are trying to make a kind of military clearance on the ground in order to guarantee that the procedure you impose any sort of quest for days. but the maneuvering troops on the ground to
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us president joe biden has pressed his writing province to benjamin ethan. you all have to agree to a ceasefire. deal with him off the head of as well as intelligent service, has been in cost. us to discuss the details that has reported the now left. on thursday, a senior us official said there's been a breakthrough and negotiations. the officials said how much have made significant adjustment to what's position and the tools. but how mazda has released a statement saying, we reject any plans or proposals that seek to exceed the palestinian will regarding the future of the gaza strip. we also reject any plans for phone services to enter the strip under any name or justification the administration of the gaza strip is actually palestinian mass. it to be agreed upon by a palestinian peopled. is there any forces have killed at least 7 palestinians and wounded several others in a raid and janine and the occupied westbank. 14 palestinians have been killed in the past week while i collapse or reports a it's
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a magic gunfire, rings out, and the harsh also the area of jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank is ready ground forces move in searching for members of our codes brigades, the ongoing of the palestinian islamic jihad good by twos barricaded themselves in a building for several hours from the ground is really forces fired rockets before pulling in an a strike. more confrontations between his riley soldiers and palestinian fighters and the surrounding area killed and injured dozens of people is rarely forces reportedly destroyed. several vehicles during their operation during its war on gaza is rarely stepped up, the frequency and intensity of its raids and arrests in the occupied waste bank. more than $560.00 palestinians had been killed in the territory since october the
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7th. like level elders, there, tens of thousands of avenues have taken polish and weekly protests and the show of support for palestine and these, the scenes from the capital of santa demonstrations. so they will continue to protest until the seas font and gaza to sit down. now, with the power military, rapid support forces have taken control of the in the city that you and says more than a 130000 people have slept the se, off the attacks by the recess. well, the 9000000 people have been displaced by the 14 month conflict between the army and the power of the tree group. i'm involved sat down for an exclusive one on one interview with identify the output hon. the leader of the student is ami. he began my asking about the current situation on the ground. a lot can be able to, that's how many are all aspects of the war on that and the current military operations, suffering losses in a battle retreating in a certain situation,
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does not mean losing the battle itself and doesn't mean the feet. the student needs people and the student needs armed forces will never be defeated. it's been of 14 months plus now since the beginning of this war, what is the explanation of the fact that this with any time you hasn't, you have to be able to defeat the routine use of the out of pocket support forces. what are the factors behind it? how does that for you to have? you have to look on this as a great injustice to a nation as the armed forces, we have the responsibility of protecting the suit in a state. it has the rights to obtain weapons to protect the country from collapse and from being preyed upon by some regional countries which have bad intentions to what's done so that the progress of the office both forces to woodson. now, in no time, what is your explanation of the fact that they have been able to push so far from coming home to woods, the se?
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oh, not come out of the roof. there are certain circumstances surrounding the military operations that have enabled them to advance in this direction. but we are able, without determination, all will and the support of the suit and these people to repel them and expel them completely from so done. so this, this is a time friends can be distinguished from enemies who uh, so dense friends and was with us and that was for the ceiling to an item for smoke and has a many countries remain silent and turn a blind eye to the crimes being committed every day, everyone who remain silent and everyone who supports what the other site is doing on a daily basis is definitely an enemy. everyone who supports the suit in the state and as institutions because a friend of let's move now to the humanities situation. and so then you would have pulse, talk about 20000000 people facing hunger and possibly funding in. so that what, what do you have to tell us about the situation and how does i mean?
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yeah, you're going to she, you know, i'm, and no one wants to say, but this is the rebel rapid support forces while closing the famine and stopping some areas in the for, and destroying the cause. he had a scheme. and frankly speaking, those who would talk about them and must not talk about its cause is about the militias responsible for it. and what caused the student needs to abandon the land and who destroyed the suit in these agricultural infrastructure. we welcome all support and assistance, but the donors are slow to the head of knowledge as a uh, we visit the hotline to support for the left us and funds as a foreman on easy it on for president mcfall. just online success. hyundai selection, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part,
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looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on algebra. the, the challenges here where the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the watching ologist with me, elizabeth put on the other line to of, on top stories seller. guest. um it has replaced commercials through an atkins u. k. 5 minutes to often has labeled the bodies crushing electoral victory. david anatomy has been appointed foreign secretary and rachel readings becomes a person's 1st female finance minister is where the forces have killed 5 members of one family in north and gaza shouting struck the house and beat your body of area,
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human rights groups. and as you, when have a piece of the issues this right of targeting civilians, i didn't. so don, is the power number trivado support have taken then the city in the southeast, the countries army chief has told out as they are the, are assessed as deliberately posing spam and by destroying agriculture to the final opinion polls before the 2nd round of funds has problem entering elections indicate the far right national valley will not win a majority, but look like for you to win the most seats. natasha butler has moved from paris. well, these are the last opinion polls before the 2nd round in phones is snap election. and the very interesting because what they seem to suggest is the fall vide policy offering the pay and the national riley would be the policy that would win the most seeds in parliament. but not enough for a majority that for not enough to be able to form
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a government. now that is very different situation then off to the 1st round and which, you know, does it the national riley could be on track to win a majority in parliament. we're also seeing the new left wing, the lines that come in. second, that's been i expected with large numbers and then in 3rd place in my new michael centuries, renee softball at the box with most states. then the had initially been expected off to the 1st round. now what has happened to what we look as if we, what it looks as if we are saying is that the efforts that have been made by a my new my call center is on the next doing a launch the club together in order to, to, i'm broke the far right from winning a majority may be successful. what they've done in the past few days is with doing some of the candidates from constituencies in order to make them last into a 3 way race was split the boat, but into a 2 way res. but of course, these all just opinion polls will have to wait to see how people decide to vote on sunday. such a bon law. i'll do their power as well. what the national rally heading for
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a possible election when in france on sunday, the left and send to have form to the lines to count to the far right potty. but left us you on the metal shown could be an obstacle to any cooperation. step ross and travel to has support base and my se, as one scene as a symbol of capitalism, and this pull a neighborhood in north my side. now what community runs the restaurant manager come out to get money and his staff occupied the american fast food chain outlet 5 years ago to prevent it from closing and renamed it after am legalized by the city government. the restaurant now stands for social justice and to fight against racism and the file right. we must go and vote. we must come together and look at this party so it can no longer exist. can i'm heard by france assemblies, liberty equality and for $10.00 to $14.00, which only applies to one. the social lesson, for example, we are here, we enrich this country,
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look at the caching and say the clean air like they all the us, the pool working class neighborhoods, in my say, a stronghold of showing the mellow show. the lead of law forms into music. friends about a socialist to run for the presidency 3 times. and is this found support of palestine? he wants a redistribution of wealth to lower the pension age. just don't look melon, sean is a key. the link between the politics and the people among the left wing coalition, and he's the only will link with the work and close days before a crucial 2nd round election. on sunday, she tries to secure muffles for the so called republican front, against the national riley of marine lips, and never before, as a french last, being able to join forces like just your regular election. now are you in the future for now to try and speak with the code for the alliance which disagree on most things? village waste on no file, right? government. but it's mental shows. the most prominent figure of this coalition we
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see as its weakest link. so i'm call it a choice between the peak and calling around the file right on one side and the hotline populous. mental shaw who has been accused of anti semitism on the outer it, we've tried to create conflict, was in your opinion, there were types of so with conflict with, with the companies, private companies, we mean practically a conflict between french people. so despite their reluctance, many like do was still choose to vote for the republican front to block the fall, right? lucky. you mean i shall, they don't strongly, it's fighting for a cause whether we agree or not with this cause he's not a fascist. and that's what counts with often donating food to hundreds of people every week from our only hopes that if the left does well and sundays election, the parties won't forget their promises and put in men to inequality and poverty.
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in france's big cities that find some l g 0 must say, the closing intervals, presidential volume connection has been extended for a 2nd time. divani is a chosen between performance candidates messed with possess kion and conservative side. you need a rental set of valid reports from fed on nbc b. i to see if i put a station in order to wrong this phone call. the form is support because we have suffered from economic hardships in the past years. i think position kion will manage to solve these problems. i and young iranians, both in the country under broad hope things will improve performance candidate missy position can cause she's worked in the town of goods in the southwest. so if there are improvements is hopeful that elected his business. he will be the secretary for miss government of the moment. so i think he's in 2005 however,
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to know is likely to be tax. what's their apathy has increased recent years. last friday's 1st on. so record low turn now, you know, 40 percent on your own so painfully their cost is what? watching your rankings to do the same. i heard about the people using susie as and if that is true, it is a policing case. hopefully, people will successfully participate in the election and choose the right candid at this stage. people should make more effort to have a president tomorrow. god bless the nation and those who make the effort with all their site and most viewed part i'm gonna do is we have come out to catch the balance. i think because it, again, as we're here to vote for the hispanic republic, and we're here to say yes to the supreme leaders quite a lot about him on the town to decide how the subject is solving. this problem is to continue the policies of his fellow to exhibit the late presidency behind the scenes. this runoff is regarded as one of the most
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competitive and unpredictable elections. it is used to be offered as long as the public. pelham was termed with both within the country. um, originally, whoever wins would have numerous challenges to address this. he said there was a 0 dollar campaigning has begun in venezuela ahead of the presidential election on the 28th of july. the main candidates have held big boxes through the capital cut office. president nicholas, my little progress report was that a victory for him would keep late to president hugo chavez as legacy alive, the opposition candidates and window gonzalez was accompanied by muddy equity and m . machado, who was leading an opinion polls before she was banned from standing. they promised the venezuelan people a change of direction. a we want to free venezuela without political prisoners with decent salaries for all. for this reason, i invite all of you present today to turn out on election day on july 28th,
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to go to the voting centers to cast your pallets and to keep a watch over the voting process. i say to imperialism and the opposition, what you saw today in venezuela is that the force of peace, the force of love is on the march. god is with us. i carried the spirit of david and i tell goliath and the opposition. you'd better get ready for the beating that people have been his way. it will give you on july, the 28, hong kong pro democracy activist joshua wong has appeared in court, argue for a life sentence. and a landmark legal case. long appeared in court alongside 47 other pro democracy activists that were arrested in 2021 for participating in an unofficial poll. select candidates for hong kong 2020 legislative council election. the challenge with conspiracy to commit some version on the national security and don't impose by
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badging in 2020. that for the launch protests a hurricane barrel has made landfall in mexico. is that you can time convention of one of the country's most popular tourist areas. it's now a category, one storm sustaining one's of $160.00 calories as an our mexican authority was evacuated from to us and residents. the 10s of thousands of people named bell has left with try of destruction of costs per se, caribbean coming at least $11.00 people me through all the just the one in the united states is in the grip of a rec, hold breaking and dangerous h, waive firefighters, line rose to keep flames from reaching homes. of helicopters dropped from the on a growing walls. fine in northern california. the walls far has fullest at least 26000 people to evacuate the area on wall 5 and rush. as far as continue to rage of
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a vast areas of several regions. the state of emergency is still in place and the stock of a public, local authorities say more than a 120 want 5 active cover. and at least $3000.00 square kind of means has hundreds of file size of and deployed to tackle the fi as well. that's it for me, elizabeth, put on them for this half of news. weather was next. and then type story examines the major parties when and the u. k. election. thank you for watching the highlight of the wait list. they've already picked up across the golf at the moment, lost the clear skies across much of the middle lease. then with best, if we met shamal, we are looking at a fair bit of lifted dust and sand. 40 full celsius here, and uh huh. 37 into by feeling little humid here actually because when is driving along the gulf, that ones pick up? the psychiatry sunday, the west side of the just pushing
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a little further stop it and she has a temperatures here paid back to around. so as united celsius, if we can cool that peg back, southern or planning a shout, let's just around the cool cuz there's some lobby shows and so that eastern side of a techie as well. but much of the, somebody, these dry and sunny drive, sorry to across the north africa sadie item car right down on recent days. so it's not as widespread across west africa as they should be. but they all, there may be some heavier ones just coming into liberia, into sierra, loud as we go on into west side today. meanwhile, not too many shouts across the eastern side of africa. again, a little disappointing. here's what's the weather. they're up towards. you gone to west deposit? can you perhaps, further south month to southern africa is driving to see what when the weather coming into the western cape on saturday, 21 in cape town,
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then. but folding away over the next few days a week. the look of the world still pleasantly stories of what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the global markets and economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects d 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that counting the cost? oh no jew sierra are predicted by the electorate. the conservative policy stuff is this was defeats in decades and the u. k. general electric label is taking kind of a promising change, but is it a watershed moment and you pay politics and how will it shape the way the country is government? this is inside store,


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