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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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to industry described them as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in person, some like so the house on the cd will continue working to see how to use and list is written by. i think the iran has a new president after a 2nd round of fighting must who possess can, has won the race taken to revive the con. the funny part of this is, i'll just say we're licensed though. we'll say coming up noise. ready attacks across the gaza. strip with efforts once again to reach us. these 5 deal between is well, and i'm us also head us
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president joe biden lives. this is more than capable of taking on donald trump in november's election. and with the far right, achieving major results in the 1st round of voting in from many migrant. so worried about the future in the country. the thanks for joining us. we begin with breaking news out of iran reform is kind of that must suit possess can, has won the presidential runoff election between conservative site utility. let's take a closer look at the results because that scan got 53.7 percent of the 5. it'd be 3000000. the had the opportunity who received 44.3 percent. ron's interior ministry says turned out was 49.8 percent. must who possess can will succeed. the late present. abraham receipt was killed in a helicopter crash and may possess gan was the only performance candidate to allow to run by arms. guardian council. the incoming president issued
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a statement on x saying the election is over. this is just the beginning of our opponent, the ship, the difficult part, a headphone won't be paved except with your companionship, empathy and trust. i extend my hand to you and i swear my honor that i will not leave you alone in this pos i stand with. you stand with me right now. instead of being speaking about their expectations from best suited, possess games, leadership. we are very happy that missed the position one. we really needed a little bit president to solve the economic problems of the people. i don't have any feelings. one does not know whether the situation is going to get better or worse. i didn't vote, and i don't have any feelings whether mister possession or anyone else one positive . i am very happy that at least a better candidate was chosen. i think he is more suitable. the rest of a sudden joins as live now from to around the rest of the possess. can the made
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a very clear point about reaching out to those who didn't vote for him and his speech as well as those of course who did a bit. so if you knew one half of people more than half of paper, maybe it didn't go to the amount of boxes, some of them, because they do not have the phase in the elections that will bring about the change. the others didn't go to the, the boxes because they're both within the elections. however, those who suppose this, because this young and both the 1st and the 2nd rounds, are having high expectations. i was talking to some of the dissenters here, the shop owners. they were saying that they have quite the trust in him that he's going to be able to deliver on his promises regarding the social justice. because the court rides, and also a bad or function economy, but internationally as well to you put you around to the world that to negotiate
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a nuclear deal by this way to remove the sanctions. however, the costs could have a few minutes is quite difficult because on one hand, she has to manage the expectations often before ms. waters, but also has to ensure the particular establishment yolanda, these policies are not going to disrupt the the start the establishment. so today is, oh is actually, he's going to deliver his 1st public speech after being elected. and he's speaking a very symbolic place to deliver to that speech the shrine over the phone. the of these law, me for the toddler, i a to lot. so may need, which is a, a poppy, they're based in place for the conservatives. and she is going to deliver the message there. and by picking that place, particularly is trying to show the ronnie is that she's not on the going to be the president of the, the form is but also the conservative segments of the society as well. russell said
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it into around thank you. the, the bean mall is riley strikes and gaza killing at least $27.00 promising ins, including 3 just 6 people were killed and strikes on a home and a winner, a warehouse close to the my gods. the refugee camp hospital officials say 2 children and 2, you and workers are among the dead. another attack killed a women and 3 children. and the boy raised refugee come. and 2 other postings have been killed and a separate strike in their albano. when he's ready, government is sending negotiators to cancel and next week to resume gods to cease fire towards the head of the as ray, the intelligent services being and tell you how to discuss what was the details. i mean, it's the benjamin that the owners office as gaps they remain between the policies.
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well, so as a, a senior us official a set that being a breakthrough and negotiations with them, a little masses release the right statement saying we reject any plans or proposals to seek to exceed the posting exceed the power steering will regarding the future of the gaza. strip, we will say reject any plans for phone forces to enter the strip under any name or justification. the administration of the causes trip is a posting your method to be agreed upon by our posting and people, as well as the war and gaza has damaged or destroyed all universities in the strip forcing many students not to pursue the studies, but presents university in the occupied westbank is offering some gaza students the option to study online, free of charge. the road a us or from a value study is hard for an exam. trying to block out the seemingly endless floor all around her. after being displaced,
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4 times the nursing student and her family returned to their damaged told me not of a son, east of con eunice, seeking some semblance of normalcy. now daily as continuing her education, thanks to an initiative by beauty that university in the occupied westbank. she and more than 3000 others are studying for free. as visiting online students, it's an endeavor that requires determination. valia must find an internet connection and hope it last for the duration of the lecture or test. so the professor imagine us motor and dozens of business 8 that could then mix in administrators volunteer their time to students from gaza. he says this is an act of defiance and commodity. and it's the
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least they can do. it's a formidable task. in the past 9 months, israel has damaged or completely destroyed. all universities in gaza. 88000 students have lost their path to the future. our role is actually to give the chance for the people to actually imagine a different future or other than that. and the decided to sort of by the coordinated power for dahlia studying is about resisting the normalization of war and inspiring others to look to the future. as tuition, and they think that there's no fees and everything study and gives me hope that it tells me it allows me and my family to look past the death and destruction to hold on to hold in gaza is to defy the odds
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shortly after our conversation dalia and her family were forced to flee again in the dead of night. under is really the environment. now in attempting the scorching heat of a mile off is june's dahlia holds onto her notes, the only remaining promise of a different destiny. with all the editors here to my law occupied with bank palestine. just remind you of course, has been an incredibly deadly 24 hours in gauze, or at least $27.00 palestinians, including 3 general is killed in various different locations honey. my mood joins us live from darrow, by law and central guys. as i was saying that honey, another wave of a tax, children and civilians among those killed bring us up to speed with alexis. the yes, we're looking at more civilian being killed and those era talks across the central
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parts of the golf and strip more of it and the funding part within the past hour, where law enforcement 1st, then i'll in charge of securing and go to protect the residential homes and it's very reason is we're pushed into internal and for this place is the same law enforcement in charge of delivering a way to track kind of humanitarian aid in the pos are being targeted again this time. and it's on the full body or the parts of it is not the 1st time we're seeing . this happening happens within the past 9 months, more than one time where law enforcement being the target and being equally attacked and killed similar to other if you have a group of people across the street, including journalists, for example, we're looking at 5 journals, you'd be killed a 3 of them in golf, a city do happen to be from one family, a brother and a sister journalist, and here in the centrally or 2 of the journalist, and then the driver of the cabinet. a talk on the residential home journal, elizabeth becoming a target of these very military either via drawings or by being arrested and taken
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into imprisonment by these really another 3, the past 24 hours. in fact, we're looking at least 10 to 24 hours of this large number of further civilian casualties caused by the length of their a talk. and the movie are tillery that could be heard the clearly along the eastern borders of the central area. and more of the report that we're getting from houston, i han unit and drop off city where 10 people were killed to separate a talking based and part of these do cities eastern the city on eastern tanya is particularly a non area that faced inside of the law had the most of hon. eunice city in attack by the drones and heavy artillery on their residential homes. these is really military seems to be scaling up. do you guys talk? i mean, all the talk solve with dental, a progress made in this, these fire doc. this is also not a winter that there were see this thursday is taking place while there are talks about this, these fire,
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this is part of the terrible experience of policy and out in the pocket returned to our talks about the. 7 air and navigation is being pushed forward with seeing this surge of attacks across the gulf, the honeymoon life, and darrow butler. thank the the, the, the prime minister kits. tom is holding his 1st cabinet meeting. his labor party was elected in a land slide on thursday, ending 14 years of conservative rule style. and this new cabinet includes a record number of 11 women. rachel reeves, this bitterness, 1st female chance little finance minister, arguably the 2nd most powerful position in the government. if at cooper is home secretary david, allow me, has been named as phone secretary. i speak to fully challenge about whose life for us and westminster will re groaning heavy in tray of challenges awaits dom and his
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cabinet took us through this 1st full day in office for labor. yeah, there are no multi month. uh huh. and the periods in versus politics. uh, there's no cap the august, right? to know in organizations that are money is basically buying the day off to you when it election you are sitting around the cabinet office tables holding your 1st cabinet basic is enough to spend you had, particularly if you've spent 14 years is that like to possibly have in the off position, but they have been preparing for this of course, because the poll is pointed towards a landslide victory, which they now have. many of these cabinet ministers, though all too young to have held a cabinet office before many or in the 3040. so mid fourties, this idea, the old ones, people like you've at cooper who's the home secretary, people like david alarm, a piece of the foreign secretary joined the defense minister as well. they have had previous cabinet positions, but most of them happens. there's a growing in tray as the say, i don't thing list of challenges,
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particularly for rachel reeves, who's the new child support at the extract that she's got to try and find some growth in britain's pretty unproductive economy to fund one of the things that the life of policy wants to do in power and difficult challenges ahead for as a wet street thing as well. who's in charge of house? he's got to rescue a believe good national health service. i'm for yvette cooper. who's the, the hired a secretary. she has got to tackle immigration, she's getting rid of the conservatives, why the policy but talking small boats is going to be full based on the minds of many of devices in this country. all right, with the latest on labor as long list of challenges where we chatted, is may. thanks a, the still ahead on. i was just there i'm, i'm gonna say human to where a hurricane farrell has been downgraded to a tropical storm on is expected to pick up again with an interest in the gulf of mexico. and we take a look at the challenges facing
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a new u. k. labor government, to fulfill its campaign, promises the the hello, the crop of live, the showers as per usual across, smoke chilled southeast asia. the latest that's a very heavy, right? just of so i'll, but dang, that's been producing over 200 millimeters. the finest of which is the area as we go through the next couple of dice, i will say that to disturbance just making his way a little further race was bony. i think some big on live use has it? plenty of. so i was coming back in across the much, i could rush, i was so indonesia, malaysia, pushing up into the philippines and a good scattering the shelves to, of course, much of indo china. little to change here as we go through the coming dies. it's
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a little dry, the air into a java location. i was able to watch the console having set that to accomplish that was made monitor essential, positive australia, some on usually wet weather on this the deluxe lot, just stalls that you've been rumbling away. the waves coming around a large area of high pressure quite came easily. wayne's, don't you pack tice, above bumping into this disturbance? that's why we seen some of went to wherever i spent a little mazda here, as well, but that's what the south place, that's where the cold weather was paid. my 2 pets has made me a fast improvement. it's been minus 12 over the last a 3 a morning. so as we go once every sunday that what's the weather will make his way in to new south wells and queensland the the
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. ringback the, the the, you're watching his reminder about told stories this hour. it runs, reform is kind of a suit because our skin has won the presidential run of the team consecutive saw utility possess count 153.7 percent of the vote. nearly 3000000. the head of the lady got 44.3 percent. turn out was just on the stick. least 27
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palestinians have been killed. and the latest this way the strikes on god forbid the past 24 hours among them to do and workers who died in the bombing of a ro warehouse close to them because the refugee cubs can central concept u. k. prime minister keeps tom is holding his 1st cabin. a meeting is late because he was elected in a landslide on thursday, ending 14 years of conservative room. tom is new cabinet. it includes a record number of 11 with us. the president showed bite and says last week's debates against donald trump wasn't his best performance. he made the comment and so the riley in the background state of wisconsin. he's also promised he will still still beat the trump in november's election. it's on 100 reports from the city of madison, or the answering calls for him in his presidential campaign job. i didn't was emphatic and unequivocal.
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he's not going anywhere. but guess what? they're trying to push them out of the race. well, let me say as good as i can. i've stayed at a raise the beginning to learn more. when you get knocked down, you get back. i think he's rambling performance in the 1st presidential debate, biding his face, sinking support in poles and growing calls for him. to see the democratic parties nomination to a younger candidate in an exclusive interview with abc journalist george stephanopoulos bygone said he performed poorly due to illness. our section was shown terrible. matter of fact, the doctor quickly, i asked him if he did a covert test, we were trying to figure out what's wrong to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus, i didn't just had
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a really bad cold. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, will you stand with the friends of the lord almighty comes on several house democrats who have publicly urged biden to exit the race. virginia's mark warner is reportedly assembling his fellow democratic senators to do the same wonders. mason was done. most of the people we talked you here in the democratic leading town of madison. wisconsin said they support the president and they want him to run. it was wonderful. i thought he is spot on, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that man. fantastic. better than i could have ever expected and you want them to stay in. absolutely. but even here among those who attended biden's address, there were doubters things to a 100 percent. um, you know, he, he did pretty wellness speech but you know, he has, he has moments where you just sit and wonder what he's saying with poll showing
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most americans agree with that sentiment. bygone might be determined to run with some other democrats or weighing their options. john henry elders. era madison wisconsin us administration has continued support for israel during its war and gaza has prompted several government employees to design on tuesdays special assistance at the interior department. mariam hassle line resigned in protest against abided administrations, guides and policies. she's among a dozen officials who acquits since october the 7th, where they are. we spoke with marianne hussle night and she said her decision to resign was partly inspired by the student process and support of palestine across the united states. i really think that what i and other officials who have resigned have seen is month after month this really blind destructive support of israel and the israeli occupation even after
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all of the atrocities they have committed, committed and gaza. and really i think that there wasn't necessarily one tipping point. it was, it was a combination of things. alternately, i saw an administration that was really not listening to 2 voices like myself and others who are wanting to see freedom and justice for palestinians. i think that the administration has continuously ignored these voices in order to, to fund in or by funding and, and nibbling this genocide and, and gaza. and i think that the, the policies and choices by president biden and the administration have not only hurt palestinians in palestine, but have hurt palestinians at home by this plot. forming of really d,
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humanizing troops that have fueled violent hank crimes against, against the palestinians in the united states on and really ultimately what uh, what such a, my decision was solidified. my decision was seeing the student movement come to life and seeing the students who really sacrificed or, and are continue to sacrifice a lot in terms of their academic and professional careers in order to fight for, to, to join the fight for palestinian liberation. and i looked at what, what i can sacrifice and i looked at my responsibility as i, as a by then appoint t i to really advocate for for palestinians and for a better approach in alleviating this crisis. i believe change is not gonna come from a, you know, one additional or a one singular movement. i think that it's really about collective voice. i think
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it is about students making their voice heard. i think it's about those of us who have resigned, making our voice heard, and i just the general american population return to the results of the u. k. labeled line slides and in central and northern england, the labor party, we gained many seats at last, and the 2019 genuine election. traditionally a labor heart. i notice a red rule. the reason swung back that way. this time. so i go reports. wolverhampton, overlooking the house of the west midlands on the edge of the black country. there was little sign of will hampton's proud industrial post home to more than a quarter of a 1000000 people. it has reflected the mood of the nation at the ballot box and helped usher in a labor victory. the city is not without its problems. it has some of the highest unemployment rates in the country, especially among young people,
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due to the most poets to the waning of industry and manufacturing in the region. that frustration is also translated into a lower turnouts as well as votes for the right wing populace reform policy. which diversion votes away from the conservatives. the fire mazda b has our own stool in the central market, yet she has little trust in any of the politicians has made promises to make life better for her and her family. they come to your door now they don't come in voltage. but after they don't, then nothing doing well live up maybe up beat about it's decisive victory, but most of the turnouts, and will buy something was down. and that reflects a national trends loose. i have to be dealing with several challenges. now at least the cost of living, the invasion is $8.00 button 7 person. and the vision raise has been 619 percent. so there is a gap there. so you need to increase the wage rise needs to match the inflation and
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actually go up up on most on people's minds, restoring public services. we do expect some photos, the changes from the neighbor regarding that and it just because a miss, a lot of problem with right across the board is problems right across the board about the face. all those was simply relieved. i'll call you some more than a dollar copy. the vs may have banked on change, and the hope is that it will be for the better in a region in need of regeneration. sonya guy, yeah, go out to 0. will the hampton one election to another kind of it's running, i'm from says 2nd round of parliamentary elections. it'd be making that final push for votes. first, as a heading to the polls on sunday intentions have been high since the 1st round of voting last month. and which the far right may shoot games, left wing and centuries, groups of trying to prevent marine la times national body policy for winning an absolute majority. the minister of interior says thousands of police officers will be deployed around posing stations. how many migrants in refugees living in from so
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worried about the future? if the far right wins the fluids, if the some gwen food as this report from us, say in southern france, the less um less we left the room. yes um. this is a refuge for homeless migrants and refugees in my say, 8 live in this cramped space. many were teenagers when they risk the dangerous mediterranean crossing to europe in search of a better future. but after business, we spent the day that fee is been gone. most of us can is because we why last this save the leasing it with support from the mayor. this charity helps migrants and refugees find housing and to enroll in schools under french law. unaccompanied miners are entitled to free shelter and education, no matter where they're from. but with the rising and t migration sentiment in france, charities worry places like this could soon shut down top of most i'd even if it's
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in firstcare, it's becomes harder and harder, more and more shelters are being evacuated, enclosed, they'll always young people sleeping in the train station or just on the streets, the to france, host few or migrants in refugees than germany or spain. but immigration is one of the most debated issues here. proposals to shut the borders prevent on documenting migrants from getting legal status and increase the port stations are becoming more popular is on by just letting me get us on political because they base all the problems of migrants. but it's not the case. well, the construction work that is done here is done by foreigners. the hard work is done by following up with can security deed comes up once to the success. 65 percent of french citizens think the country has welcomed many people from abroad and shouldn't take in any more. while another finds more than 60 percent belief emigrants contribute positively to cultural diversity. you know, may not say the, there are a lot of migrants and must say,
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so i think people were pushed to focus on this. but after role, who isn't a migrant in, from trying to come this week, the south winners, the biggest supporters club for the popular football team or not been domestic, said that waves of immigration has made the city the customer, call it and place it is today. now an opportunity or a problem, the outcome of sunday's vote will indicate which vision voters and breaks if to some good food. alda 0 must say that as well as main presidential candidates of kicked off the campaigns ahead of the election. on the 28th of july, president nicholas venturo told supporters a victory for him would keep lately to go chavez's legacy of life while position cancelled it. and when the gonzales promised a change of direction, he was accompanied by maria carina machado, who was leading an opinion polls before she was borrowed from stem. the us officials a warning that storm barrel could we gain strength. and it takes us as
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a category to how we gain viral was downgraded to a tropical storm after hitting mexico allots in america editor lucy, a new and reports in the mexican city of til the hungry residents of gloom, mainly low income indigenous mines. wait patiently, in line with us soldiers prepare a meal of fish to rice and beans. the only food most would have eaten since before hurricane barrels mexico's, you could ton peninsula, i don't on friday i, in on thursday night that cut off electricity. now there's no way to cook and we're all hungry. power lines are still down and telecommunication shoddy at best aftermath of the category to storm is obvious to the i put these families live hand to miles. having something in their stomachs is a good start on the road to recovery.


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