tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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pretty much we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the the hello on elizabeth, put ottoman this is the news, our life from door. how coming off in the next 60 minutes, russell was candidates. the suit possess, key on windsor runs presidential election in the 2nd round, of course and will be live from pet on. is rarely strikes target civilians and gaza . please 27000 units have been killed and all alone, hospitals have been pushed of breaking point so you guys
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knew prominence to cancel the previous governments. controversial piles to the port asylum seekers to rolanda. also ahead. i'm to enrich of the, i'll bring you the latest updates on the floods situation in the bangladesh as not this region is full. the semi final lineup of the you're always will be completed in the coming hours, switzerland taking on england, and then it's a k, a versus the netherlands, the we begin this news, ella and yvonne, we have a foremost candidate must possess. john has won the presidential runnels, possess can got 53.7 percent of the vote between his conservative rival size delevie. yvonne's interior ministry says to amount was 49.8 percent. that's nearly 10 percent high. then the 1st round, which sort of record lows to announce that is go now to
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a correspondence with one says that he's joining us live fund, ronnie and capital invest. what we have been waiting for president elect possessed john to make his speech, but he's already posted on social media, appealing to all iranians indeed. so if to cheese old presidential campaign and also the debates, it was quite clear that in case of his elect, that is not only going to represent that the form is bought, all the different segments and that you're writing is that they're coming from different background. aetna, cities and on the standings will leave. so in his 1st post on social media after being the present elect, he also mediates rated that, that he says that's going to be the present for home. so, how for you, rodney, i'm still more than half of your engines, didn't go to the the, the, the ballot boxes. they didn't attend the election. some of them have have protested at the elections. some of them simply didn't go to the amount of boxes because they
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were trying to show this content with the governments that they had been bidding with the companies, steve affairs. but when it comes to something that is specifically on support, there's 2, they were not being forward talking to them and they weren't quite optimistic having great expectations from position beyond the particular he's going to deliver on his promises regarding the social rights at battery economy, opened up the company to the world, however, they would very much cautious as well because they know the difficulties at particularly regarding the, the, the problems that the around is facing domestically and internationally. but on the other hand, this attempt off because this guy i'm trying to make sure that he's going to be representing every segments in your run is also an at times trying to avoid that received with the power for particular establishment and elected officials in iran . and had the task ahead of him is not going to be easy because on one hand to open
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up your arm to the world, she has to convince the west that to around is ready for the normalization. but on the other hand, she has to ensure the poor thinking it is in iran that his policies are not going to disrupt the system and the rest. so the interesting that perhaps not on surprising is which world leaders have congratulations possessed can already. and so he hasn't heard from so it's so that'd be lots of conversations we, uh, phone calls to him from russia truck. he got that and several other companies as well. so one thing must be clear here, so that the, the, the late presidency. but i embrace it was i think i had to go up the car crash. last main thing was focusing more on reaching out to non western countries for the different and ties with these non western countries. and mr. business can also say that she is going to continue with that policy. you want to further improve the
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ties with them both. she's insisting that there's, there's not enough for you, right? if we want to put an end to your mom's isolation, this is nice to reconnect with the west and companies and also to be negotiate a nuclear deal that by this way around. can you move the sections because she sees the sections as the main problem that you're on, is facing your comically, and also regarding the company's admissions with the rest of the world. however, as i say, there are some constraint here. first, she has to be in line with the portico establishment here that she can really exit crude and implement these policies by the previous president. several of them found themselves in a quite difficult position, usually even more frequently finding themselves in the with, with the, with the particular establishment. but that's why he's pretty much meticulously
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careful not to have that to believe that's why she's messages a gun again, that she is loyal to the revolutionary principals that she's going to follow the, the, the, the, the principal is that the set by the supreme leaders are being regarded as an attempt to avoid that route. so thank you very much for that. so now that's rachel said via joining us live from head on. and we are looking at pictures. we're keeping a very close eye on pictures from the head on where we are expecting president elect most of the possessed john to speak. and we will bring you that address when he takes the podium off. but let's stay with the story because we're joined by to have a saw the he's a political analyst, an adjunct professor at at on university is joining us from the evolving and capital to put to have you with us. so participation in the 2nd round as will be mentioning was 10 percent higher than the 1st and possessions on one. can we semis
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from that? that the possibility of a full got people out to vote a hello. this is a true assumption. of course. the know that it's that it's sort of phenomenal of historical events because of the fact that it's just for the 2nd time and the history that we have a run off in our presidential election. and it's also interesting that in the previous rounds, that'd be had this, this, this run out actually that the turn out rate compared to the 1st problem but nor so it's quite a nominal. but the fact is that people are very well told about the reformers. canada is coming and taking the office speech, football test, results and shifts, and domestic and foreign policy is that these 9 through call think to a certain extent. and that's what people are looking for. so we come to keep in mind doing roles. all it takes is for me listen, sit in
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a highly dying i mean and complex make cameras and yeah, in this there are several sensors and factors. passport, including the supreme leader, is moving to credit them to parliament. and other factors people are very much there and that up to that view is the fact that part of this entire calculation is based on our determinants. it is just based upon who comes to the office in the united states, part of the subject to the you foreign policy, you have mr solver. that's exactly what i want to ask you about possessed. john has said he wants to renew the iran. you can do with the west and exchange for sanctions relief. we know that the state of the economy is one of the biggest and long standing problems for iranians, but how much roles possessed john's desire to renew that nuclear did with the west will depend on who becomes the next us president. oh certainly when it comes to the clear talks,
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we have to keep in mind that you wrong isn't part of that it has been already or is commitments based upon jason po a or no we are deal that was fine. i think 2015 and later on and also not the security called the resolution. or are you ready to start? i have, i have repeatedly said that things go crazy model, crystal clear. and the only demand or more the only precondition from the right hand side, either on the leg press x rays to use that st garment or the new garment or any on the car is that the united states under register no lives should get back to the dealership on their commitment and then things are going to be buried. you, ron, it will take down on the fact that it's ready to get back to the deal then it has not that the deal under just call soft circumstance behalf to see you. i'm
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sure it's bill or it's fine to deal button big to it's received nothing but additional function, more pressure and other negative consequences as it came to the conclusion that and the end of the day, the, the western side is not ready to pull its commitments. bill for this, the trajectory of talks, but the words have been tested was and now there is this political consensus along uranium political and also along to call me that the west is not the partner to be easily trusted. so you're wrong about certainly go, oh, that's reject 3. let's say boasting the tires, but the west and it's going to put some effort in order to extend the possibility of cost. but the thing just done, uh, the quote is going to be a simple was going to be in the corner of the united states and the west. if they
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come on to the conclusion that they are taking a pragmatic approach, then i think on this young president be we can have this done as a patient and this is yours and should be saw. i was, i think nuclear issue is car garage politics, grab a strategy, we don't expect to beach calls because of the fact that it was put together just on the peaceful national of the program. you can see there is a, the rise. therefore, if the west decides to recognize this, right, well, it just doesn't find this functions and yeah, in a normal way things are going to be as we saw. and we know that the deal is a very important step to grace or engagement with the west. at least possessed count has called for an and he said an end to yvonne's isolation from the world. no west, indeed is have cooled him yet, though he has received calls as well
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a hearing from our correspondence from the leaders of russia, china, india. and just before we continue talking, i do want to bring our viewers attention to the top top rise of the screen we, i believe we have seen pictures of president elect method possess dion and to enter that room will not show up. we, we thought that he would be making his 1st page. we're not sure if that's going to happen, but he certainly greeted his supporters and we are watching very closely to see if we will hear from him. but going back to the question of grace or engagement with the world and when i say, well i, i mean western world because iran has not been isolated from much of the world. but how do you think the west will be looking at this? moderate this before my who is being elected and yvonne will they be happy? oh well what, what is going to take place on the grounds from the west side of the road to be nice to be seen but my strong arm?
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yeah, mine is strong. lease is done, it is just considering a very simple opportunity to meet needs because of the fact that and now the important candidate is part of the job is the higher the support from the people. and if there's the patient, any interest, stop the problem. now there is this huge opportunity to be seen and i'm sure if there was no, they're going to use it. but imagine to be mentioned, do that the nature of the bar policy. i'm not going to publish. as you, you maybe they might fit, should envision, or stall as become a matter of concern relation and benchmark tribes and trying not increasingly on the verge of a that's a huge developments. and at the same time, your art has opened news across most importantly, including international bodies, back shanghai, and briggs and also regional neighboring muslim pharmacy has been the focus.
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i'm sure that's been revenged. draven as a position i'm calling to the office this past day, a foreign policy is going to be continued. it's going what's on the, on the, on the west side on 2nd to sleep. we expect, let's say among the rest of tomorrow, the east and global saw that as political analyst to hit the savvy joining us live from the iranian capital. thank you very much for that. and we will be keeping a very close eye on organizations. developments from that on the that'd be more is riley strikes and gaza. kevin, at least 27 palestinians, including 5 join unless 6 people were killed in strikes on a home and
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a warehouse belonging to the un agency for palestinian refugees. north of the magazine, refugee camp and central gaza. hospital officials have 2 children and 2 un workers are among the dead. and another attack killed a woman and 3 children in the bush refugee tab. and to all the palestinians died in a separate strike. and that all belong let's go down to our correspondents and to further issues live for us in the light in central guys, a tens of people killed and strikes across the strip so far today it's been particularly deadly hand of the the late this era strike happened a couple of minutes ago on a school and they'll say that it's a jar when it's school and it has hundreds of palestinian families that are displaced in this school. here, as you see behind me,
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humans his heart and are transferring more injuries from that incident. we still don't know the number of the sinews that have been killed or injured. but we saw some of those policy names were that were bobby's words captured in 2 pieces. some of them were not recognized due to the huge damage that happened to their bodies. ambulances are saying that's more casualties are exactly what we're talking about. injuries we're talking about children time in these mothers, fathers that were seeking shelter in this hobby, were thinking that this school was safe because kind of thing in some different areas. the principal has a strip, we're talking about people from the sounds people from the north, evacuated to the middle area after the is there any forces? told them that the middle area is a safe zone where is stuck to more ambulances, to come and transfer more bodies from this incident. but this is not only happening in the middle area. there has been no wind up houses where residential house areas,
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and this is also the same exact thing in the house. so it's escalating from north south middle area, despite the fact that there is these qual, it, these fire types going on negotiations. but on the ground, it's still intensifying and is there any forces in the past couple of hours targeted you and workers targeted police man targeted turn him is now the target, another owner risk war, and this is not the 1st incident for a target of up up a school which has a hundreds of families, hundreds of palestinian displays. people this incident happened more than one time in the past 9 months. 10. thank you very much for that. that is hen holiday, with the latest live in the line, central gaza as the
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that you guys knew, prime minister has addressed a news conference off the holding his 1st cabinet meeting k, as donna detailed his priorities, including reviving the economy and reforming the national health service he said he'll scrap the conservative governments plan to send on documented migraines to rolanda cleaning at a gimmick style in his labor policy. want a landslide victory on thursday, and then 14 years of conservative room. the 11th scheme was that and better before a stall to the depth of pain, a deterrent look at the numbers that have come over in the 1st 6 months of this year. the record numbers of thought is the problem that we are inheriting. it has never acted as a tyrant who must be opposite because everybody has worked out particularly the guidance that run this. that's the chance of april cuttings were one that was so slim less than one percent, but it was never to tired. the chances were not going and not being processed and
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stag here that full and paid for accommodation for a very, very long time does have the complete opposite effect. and i'm not prepared to continue with gimmicks that don't act as a deterrent and or challenge reports from westminster and london. a lot to talk about change the, the change the, the labor government is going to bring to produce life. and british politics case, dom a is, i think often criticized as being someone who is big own vibes and quite a vase of often on actual policy and off to this 1st cabinet meeting and off to this fast news conference that he's given as prime minister. i think those criticisms are still going to stand because apart from the talk of change and apart from that the announcement that the rolanda policy was that and very we still don't really have much of an idea about what the details of
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a labor government see is actually going to look like journalists, they try to pin them down on various things off the, move out, see what he's going to do about that child poverty and various things to do with schools and prisons, etc. and he wouldn't be putting down his main theme is main topic was that the use of a conservative t molds done that the stability of labor is going to be the change that ends for the 1st time in a long time. the country is going to be treated 1st by the, the, the government's in power rather than the policy that it comes from. let's, let's take a closer look at the previous government's controversial plan to send the solemn c because to rolanda. in april, the bill was approve of declaring lawanda, a safe fed country, bypassing an earlier u. k. supreme court ruling that said the scheme was unlawful. the conservative
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government wanted to port the 52000 decide them see because it deemed had entered the u. k. and legally, off in january 2022, but only to failed asylum seekers have gone to rolanda. and this was on the set foot vaulted tree agreement where they were given $3800.00 as an incentive to leave . sonya skates as chief executive of freedom from torture that so you guys house that has supported campaigns and legal challenges against the rolanda scheme and she's joining us live from london. thank you very much for your time. so labor always said that they was crap. this policy, but what might it's alternative look like? because labor has also said that it wants to reduce migration even legal cycle, legal migration. if it says it's proposed best and migration controls, any indication of what that means, a good afternoon. so let's, let's just stop by remembering the people who we are talking about here. freedom
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from torture is one of the largest store, treatable in taishan centers in the world. and everyday now therapy rooms. we are working with men, women, and children, slaying countries like a dentist on syria. iran, iraq, we have, i have been tortured. these are the people we are talking about here who the previous document was proposing to send the pines to in a tory is torturing state itself for one law. and today we've had him a minute just announcement from the prime minister on the 1st day of his new premier ship. but the scheme is, is no longer going to be part of britain's response to refugees. this is a tremendous victory for campaigners for refugees, for the way is for hundreds of thousands of people across this country who joined the 5. i've dialed space terribly cold cash for human scale. you are asking about alternatives and clearly that the most pressing challenge facing the government is to begin processing the asylum claims for the 100000 people who are languishing in
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the asylum system. because instead of getting down to the business, all considering asylum finds, the previous government was pursuing this terrible co wouldn't clinic. so that's the most important thing that needs to happen. and i have no doubt that the timing time secretary will be turning her attention to that from next. wait. and do you think that those outstanding, you know, those thousands of a solemn class instead of outstanding that they will be processed that everyone will be allowed to remain in the u. k. while the apple process, because the migrants rights mentor has said that david might consider all the countries to send people to and that by, that's what agreements are already taken place between the u. k. and bond division in the us a hey. so i said for a saw the processing of these plans. um it was certainly going to result just looking at the nationalities of the people we're talking about in the situations in the countries that they're playing from in the. * majority of them being recognized
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as refugees and being granted protection this country. we are definitely looking for the new government to commit very early on to ruling out what we refer to as externalization or a refugee policy. and this is really, really important because um, if we go back to the origins of refugee law during that period following all the calls, the great achievement was i kind of promised to humanity that never again, would people playing persecution be forced to run by any who that will indeed start came down trees where they were on size, pending authorization by a 3rd stage for them to be able to arrive before they could find a sign. and this was the principal, but was at stake in relation to the cool were wanting to catch the human scheme in the asylum band of the previous government he implemented. we are looking for this
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new government to ponder its pledge as well to restore the right to be able to claim to sign him here and for the claims to be processed here in britain. because otherwise the entire refugee protection scheme globally will on road. and how closely do is have a new government. we'll be looking at what happens and funds on sunday, visa v. assigned and see because because labor also propose more cooperation with fonts and a bit to tackle the people smuggling networks that traffic people over the channel . but that, that cooperation will depend on who's elected in funds wanted. and yeah, and i think, you know, freedom from to travel. why says that if you're really serious about tackling the, the issue of migration and especially forced migration that to get, as i said at the beginning, the people we're talking about the people who we are concerned about our freedom from fort for our people who have sled receipt can be use of the hands of
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repressive regimes across across the well, we've always said the global cooperation has got to be part of the solution to avoid people having to put a lots of risk in noticing he's in the english channel. one of the busiest shipping mines in the world, it is, i ran the situation now. everybody wants people putting a loss in rid of the risk in that way. and so it is really important that there is some full cooperation. you know, i'm sure the government will be following very closely to political developments in france. but it's so much be given that at the moment we have a, a sort of a race to the bottom with countries in the global trying to issue the organizations that they've been talking to solely to make sure that people playing, torturing persecution are protected. and to. 1 and to out do themselves with anti refugee policies. but when we're turn off to, you know, a terrible sur pre will to situations and organizations like house working together
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with refugees. we'll find that every step of the way sonya skates has been great to get to your perspective on this. thank you very much for your time. you're welcome . thank you as well to fonts. valve is what is will be heading to the poles on sunday in randolph parliamentary elections, attentions have been high since the 1st round, a voice of last month in which the father lives made big games, left wing and centres groups of trying to prevent mowing. the offense, national valley, partially from winning an absolute majority, the policies carlita jordan, but the aims to become the next prime minister. but let's bring in brand a smith that costs bonded and power. so tell us what's happened in the last week that could affect the 2nd round that the so the fall and national riley when the logic of the votes in last, sunday's 1st round of voting and it will hope to pick up men. so i'm going into the 2nd round because it's seeking this absolute majority in the national,
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in the national assembly to make it the 1st far right policy, history to be governing front standing in the way is this coalition of left to fall less policies, manual microns, most centrist grouping, now, in the last week, those 2 groupings. how withdrawal and candidates are more than $200.00 constituencies across france to create 2 horse races, either between, between the fall, right? and another candidate whether that be the centrist, the fall line level, the sense of the fall left coalition going into the polling. those policies will have also to pick up my mind to, to stop the fall, right? getting the absolute majority of the polls open tomorrow, open all day sunday, and as soon as those polls close, we'll get an exit poll, and we'll get to very quickly indication as of a strength of the vote, are the whether the national riley get not absolute majority or whether that would be some sort of coalition building necessary and not to go on for weeks if not even
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months of present. my money will my chrome will essentially have to try and persuade the policies and somehow to come together in some sort of coalition grouping. it's a full minute scope and the national riley says, if they don't get an absolute majority, bob della will not be the prime minister. they will not. absolutely, johnson, i'm doing this is fall from the for this time to the far right has made it to the 2nd round and phone. so what's different this time? why are people move worried about the prospect this prospect and perhaps in the past? well, it's not the 1st time, but they've never been this close to power. they've been gradually increasing that shares. but as in past, the presidential unparliamentary elections, 30000 extra police on duty across the front on sunday, on indication of the concerns that are off of files, the outcome of the vote and the concern. so trouble if this vote goes in favor of
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the national riley are also concerns from immigrant groups because the national riley, one of his major, a, one of his major policies has been a promise to crack down on immigration to preserve particularly high a susceptible jumps or significant sensitive jump to french citizens only of all of this concerning marriage, the immigrant groups of pharmacies, muslim community role. so feeling that really that target is they all the talk is of the national rather than effect you for that. but a smith with all the nations joining us live from paris. still ahead on the news allah. let me say is i can 5 state and a race to buy them and says he's moving capable of taking on donald trump in november's election. i'm john 100 in chicago, where this weekend, nascar drivers will be hurdling through the streets at high speeds for the 2nd time
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ever the a. hi, somebody of a north south space and the weather across south america. the moment place cause any of warm sunshine. here with this band of cloud here, that's the balance between that wants and the call was improper waiting for you whether across the southern, off of south america 9. so she said for points as well below the seasonal average by the cloud. we've got some rain on that into associated temperatures, overall, 70 degrees celsius. all right, coming in here across the south east and coming up for sale as we go one through sunday until then all of that more of a silo showers, of course they run the way up into the carrot band, then that kind of just shows now making the way to central parts of the caribbean, this looks not just booms here, but let's just take
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a check on what is now tropical storm bear. well, as you can see, it has made its way across the tom peninsula was around 95 kilometers per hour. it's moving still quite swiftly and it will run its way up towards the southern texas as we go through the next couple of days. i lost i was in the central pos of the carpet quads, one place to say for the care of operation across the eastern not is that will the same as sick i wanted to sunday, but me a shout was a into central america even what the weather will make its way into the southern tip of us within the next couple of days. this is the expected track bedroom, the french lawyer, 6, just this for a combat troops sentenced to death in the rock for his alleged involvement. and i. so despite the challenges of this controversial case is determined to oppose the principles of compassion,
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to manage the defending french justice. to witness documentary on a jersey to hearing the facts, we're not going to be determined by 4 in negative understanding. the reality human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against syrians to force them to return to their country with the latest global news. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15 in alonda, an insightful document to ease out as it was, teens across the world. when you place a to the house of the story, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the watching the news out and me. and that's because of a mind to of on top stories, the solemn yvonne's performance candidates mostly possessed. john has won the presidential final. conservative side ged, possess can got 52.7 percent of the vote. 83000000 ahead of deleting. go 44.3 percent. the new versus prime minister keeps tom a has the detail of his priorities, including surviving the economy and reforming the national health for this. he said in his class, the conservative government plan to send, i'm documented, my goal is to lawanda and at least $1.00 to $7.00 palestinians have entailed in the latest this way and strikes from gaza, including 5 journalists to aid workers have died on the bottom of the un warehouse near the magazine refugee camp in central casa a well
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infectious diseases is fighting at an unprecedented rage in gaza, 9 months of as well as was decimated medical facilities and sanitation systems across the strip. a lack of clean water coupled with the scarcity base that includes like, so, is worsening on hygiene it conditions. honey. my food has the support from that all of a lot in central gaza destroying tiles of garbage and rivers of roll sewage. these conditions are breeding ground for disease and throughout the densely populated gaza strip. after 9 months of war, many government surfaces have collapse, clean water essential to life is hard to come by. dr. hand in sleep is the head of the do you have tricks of deluxe a hospital? he says the consequences of living in such conditions are clear. come and pick up in a lot of diseases such escaping measles and chicken pox are spreading at high rates
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. diseases we didn't see at such levels before the will the difficulty in accessing treatments for skin diseases exacerbates the spread of infection of israel's blockade has also let the shortage of many basic goods. unfortunately there is no shampoo read this sign outside of shopping there and but i'm gonna put the why live i'm looking for shampoo or any other cleaning supplies so we can be but we can't find any and if we do find them they are sold out of exorbitant prices, i don't know why a hormone someones therapy, no supplies for the past 8 months. everything you see here is from the stock. we had all the borders are closed. if they were open, we'd have larger quantities of cleaning supplies. un agencies called the sanitation and crisis across garza asylum through the palestinians. the goodness, oh my yeah, we get one tank of water every 3 or 4 days, but the soap is very expensive. the price of
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a bar of soap can reach up to $8.00 and the sewage runs in the streets and children walk around in it barefoot and add to this hot weather. we're in a state of complete destruction that most palestinians are living in overcrowded, 10 pounds or make shift shelter with no clean water and sanitation, which means disease is free to quickly enlist. facilities are restored. hundreds of 1000 more people are a trask of contracting, painful and dangerous inspections. honeymoon more varied by from central garza house dine. so that the head on. now yvonne's president elect message possess kiana speaking that's listed in your presence is i appreciate it ladies and gentlemen. i thank you very much for on the bottom of my heart. thank
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yet. and this process which was carried out peacefully and transparency i say that out loud and i seize this opportunity to thank his eminence, the supreme leader. but for his bro dense and wisdom, we wouldn't be standing here today. as we bought our protein holy month, i would like to address you on the philosophy of observing got sold. i day that incident that took place back in history. the, you know,
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very reasons behind that incident. it was a problem is made to at jose, and yet that promise was broken. and that is that is all the unfortunate incident of god. but that took place simply for breaking brom. it says for breaking promises and jose and said back, i didn't medina. and then he was given a false promise these prom, it says where broken and as that is all about the unfortunate incident of god blatt took place and from that they tell they some moment it is still there is an aids in our history,
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allow me to read this text and the name of a law, the omit bitten, the most full o. my people that great the iranian people. i can do that today too. as you have taking that giant leap, culminating this, they look like the process go to a thing yet another milestone that's event from the bottom of my heart, it's saying to you. thank you for creating this big hope. you the great people of a run. it was you
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who caused me to try and you are my fellow iranians, men and women. we are a head of a big dry as dry as of hot tips and challenges simply to provide the prosperous life to our people. we are going to on luck of the ties one of the, the others. we will lose the knots. one of the i extend, thanks to is that glad demon professors, teachers, doctors, notices government, staff,
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security, personnel, craftsman and the families of the folding monitors. i extend, thanks to all the iranians who voted domestically and abroad, and i sang old lowe's home made it possible for us to come out and vote. i thank you for this big, effective role and the ad, let's say, are you provided for the iranians to have their say you have by your turn would throw of in that to the right and people are capable of achieving what they intended and all the upcoming old obstacles today, we are sort of into
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a new chapter. it started by you take into this 3, it's demonstrating your series and raising your demands and he'd. 7 a pledge that your voice is way lot go down the drain, they will remain added sponsibility around my neck. and all my soul does, and i hear record the words of to be at the moment in that no one is infallible, yet, but i am add them in to do what it takes to work under
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these die out. in addition, i am in need of god's guidance and your head as well as that of the supreme leadership i, when i step into all the domains, political, economic, cultural, and beyond. and i the cold, the words of the ma'am that we are own. that said in all one nation, people of one country i pray i pray that the counselor will be acting in harmony with the upcoming government. i extend old respect to the daughters. i really am own other candidates.
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we have reached harmony and friendship. armando, a sales, we must ser into a new chapter in our history and join hands in order to continue to build. they scanned today. i did not come to live yet, your pains, but i have come to make our country prosperous, one and fulfill olds of promises i had made i do not want to hold a deal and it further, this is the message i will stop here and my statement will be published and you will be able to read it. it is still paid.
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allow me to say more few words. my countrymen, country women, my friends, my beloved people, may god help you may god's grand to triumph. what else could they say? i am the slime of late in the whole day and am from this spot. i make my promise. i pledge to continue on this path. the straight path without straying away from this bath. i am dust
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under the fee before the iranian people. we are here to serve the people and we are the 7th of the buttons. we are the servants of this great people. thank you. thank you. my con 3 men, my country women, may god help you. and may god's peace and blessings be upon you all. have been listening to 2 rounds, president elect must who would possess keion. he has been thanking his supporters. he's one yvonne's election. in the 2nd round, he said back that he sent all of those who came to vote and said that and talked about the importance of floating around. so a black hole drove to announce from the 1st round of just 39 percent and 10 percent . it was hot, it was hired by 10 percent in the 2nd round. he acknowledged that and again thanked
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everyone for their participation. let's bring in a correspondence restful so that he has been listening to that address by yvonne's president elect. and he's joining us live from that on dressel method possessed. can this said that he was there to alleviate around problems to make the country prosperous. and he really stressed that he's there to serve the people and that's something that he can pay. and he that he really campaigned on and indeed indeed throughout sees his whole presidential campaign through the presidential debates. kept being promising a lot of his promising the social justice, the eco rise to put an end to the gender discrimination by their function and the economy around being offered to be in the they've been opened up to the world a several sort. so through his 1st peach, his 1st public speech up to being elected as the president or iran,
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he has once again emphasized that all of this promises will not just falls. she's determined to deliberate on his promises and wildly. and so he also says that they've, without the guidance and abuse them off the supreme leader of the you're on come on a, she won't be able to stress them there. this is quite important to us. she's campaign . she has also repeatedly said that she is a reformist, but she believes in the principles of the revolution and she will follow the ribbon usually, principles and the guidelines that are set by the supreme leader or comments that's quite important because when they ask about that, what she is repeat and start statements so frequently that being told that she is afraid of me if between him stuff and the particular establishment. i'm just concerned that that particular publish moment mots combined create problems,
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and that will paralyze his policies. that's why she is by doing that but, but, but v 3 to me is commitment to the revolution to the system in the run. she's trying to avoid that. so on the other hand, to once again repeated that she is not the price the only for the should the reform is but also for every year any and who did awards for the human as well. that is also very much important because they run the socially is quite a divided the country now and bid for this, for the agility is a great concept for the public, an establishment. so now he's promising to be a get to be a bridge between the state and the people to connect to, to reconnect people and the state. yeah, he said a different time, some of the country need to join hands to improve it. stressful. thank you very much. for that, the rest of the sort of that live in pitt on all right. it's time for sport to now . his and the thanks so much was with will spain and friends. so already through
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and over the next few hours will find out which 2 teams will join them in the last 4 of the your eyes. first stuff, it's england versus switzerland in desoto and lights are on the netherlands will fight for kit in berlin, switzerland and bates, and so forth. i know, so it's in the, in the last 16. well, england needed a late late equalized and an extra time when to get through the previous match against slid i q. yeah, there's been a lot of expect taishan on, on the team in the already part of the tournament, especially. so i feel that the team, even in training now look in a different placement, so they, they look more fluid and i'm expecting us to play. well, it will kick off a night game, just a few minutes away. i'll correspond to dominant kind is in bellingers. well, that's the question that the english media, or should i say the british media was poking off the johnson's of the english football team. price of the sauce, if it's the only thing they were favorites. and yet they have not really played in
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a manner which is justified that one of the best offices being too pending and, and he's come to the attention of the german media today. they have this 1st service smiling through banning and, and then in one of the games and it says here, sonny, boy photo zoomed in box. i mean, sonny boy study disposition for they got the questions that for him and putting and face time, z as it will play up to the high willy english team writ large, not play so well. and then contrast that with this picture, this is drawn it shaka from the swiss football team, also he's the captain of the team, but also like a dynamo of the champions in this country, domestically by a leave of who's in the says here, he's a man, a switch for all seasons, as it were, a man around whom that team has been built and which has matters really given them the drive to play very well in the groups. they just to eliminate the italians in a particularly efficient way. and many people say the swiss,
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if i don't quite dock whole face because they've gone so far and very much considered to be quite possibly candidates to go through and go further into the tournament. a quick reminder of what gemini founds, witnessed in the home tournaments on friday, germany's exploring this, got a late fee closet that quote, a final with spain. it's simply gained to extra time. in the months you look to be heading for penalties. for me, for marina school, the winter, the, the spring to when it finished the variance of a 7, someone has to spain right too much. i sense in that send me a for goal is to for stealing on our porch, goofy independent. so she sent france and when this console for the 1st time moving 2 decades for america will depend on to see to kind of a set up a sent me with workshop is college and seen that i couldn't find the kindest way to finish. going to 11261 event that'd be since progressing that was victory in that.
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and also sheets of chicago as hosting it's 2nd mess. go street races this 4 times to attract new funds. $5000000.00 students to watch it last year. and organizers are expecting to beat that number. this time around 100 ripples. the drivers of nascar are rubbing their engines here for the 2nd time. rolling through the concrete canyons of chicago for money. glory and a broader fan base. the normal right. of course it go off in the grass a little bit. that'd be fine. but here there's a, there's a wall and it always wins. your card number wins. so yeah, if you make the slightest mistake, you could be your day over in 2 races on independence day weekend, some of the world's best drivers to usually turn left in a loop squeal around, a 3 and a half kilometers, city escape of 12 turns navigating sidewalks medians in manhole covers. i don't care right. i grew up pretty well. it says a lot of left and right terms and then you added the unknown at the street. right
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the day before we get on track night someone could make some oil. maybe a little blake or fluid and you know, it could be really slick when we get out. and they're doing into a sound track of live performances by the black cheese, the chain smokers and teeth per stretch. the 1st time, the 1st nascar chicago street race weekend last year was a trial by water with life threatening flash flood conditions. at times, turning into slow motion bumper cars. both races cut short by 2 original reins on the but for 1st time, nascar tough drivers change in galesburg suite for chicago. this re grace has an opportunity to showcase the city to $15000.00
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ticket holders a day, plus millions more on television. for nascar, it's an opportunity to broaden its audience. it's about showcasing the city. what makes the city great telling the stories of the city, and we have that with our national broadcast. and then also, from an attendee perspective, we have over 10 days from over $23.00 different countries this year. whoever crosses the finish line 1st when it is all over the real winter. she says is the city that hosts nascar 2nd ever street rings. john henry and l. u 0, chicago qualifying the british phone and one girl and praise being dominated by home drive is george russell's in po position where there's necessities. they make lu assignments and in 2nd tires on the north round. no, british top 3, which i'm sure made a much the stuff and will be full on the grid. on the chrome forgets underway, went on some nice to all right, that i saw your sports who's looking for now and do. thank you very much for that. and that's it for me, elizabeth put on them for this news. our do stay with us on out there. we have back
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in just a few minutes with all the latest updates, and you can always keep up to date on our website. the address for that is algebra dot com the on examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explode on abundance. well cos program on ours is here. needed services can be the difference between life and death. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who are detained. he says his rescue team was if actuating to inject from the hospitals and they were stopped. remnants as we intercepted despite coordination with the palestinians with present they stripped us of our clothes,
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treated us women's terrific way of the war was supposed to prove him deadly for those attempting to say it twice. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of i'm getting an emergency. he was killed during a strike on the clinic. in the cities, the house ministry described him as a solid model of the bosses and determination put the high chips and presumably some like so they have signed the cd will continue working to see pallets, 2 wheels and list is written by st.
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the states, the mean summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now for the advanced president and that must be possessed, kion vows to serve water on it. and from his 1st page of to winning the vinyl flight, the bottom of this is out of your life some to how so coming up is really strikes target civilians and gaza at least 20 palestinians have been killed at all as well
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