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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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was model of successes and determination put the high chips in prison based on like so the house on the cd will continue working to see how this to use and list is running from by sent the across phones. polls are open to the 2nd round of version and crucial parliamentary elections. the file ride made huge gains and a fast from the kind of the stalls. the tell you this is all to 0 life from the also coming up. hospital struggling to deal with the wounded in gaza. and now that is really strikes on a un run school kills move in 16 people. 9 months of displacement for the fighting between israel and has been lost as far as moving 19000 people to leave the
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villages and sell them that are not going to lead us from molly news in between a faucet for me in the lines severing ties with the west african economics on the but we begin in france way polls have opened in a critical election that could change the country's political landscape. but it does have been costing you a balance on the 2nd and final round of snap parliamentary elections. the far right national riley is hoping for a historic victory after making shoot games in the 1st round last month. left wing and central scripts hoping to prevent it from winning an absolute majority. well, certainly we'll be hearing from interest. i'm getting put cheese and i'll say in southern fonts but fast. let's find out what's happening on the ground and the french capital with step boss and now joins us from upholding station in paris. the step is we've been saying this is a huge,
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pivotal moment for from so we saw that very strong progression of the far right. and the 1st round last week focused through what we should be expecting today. a while look at the 2. so here behind me at the school in the powers at a vote and station people are really flocking to phone here today. it's a crucial day. that's what many of photos are telling us. and one word that stands out also today is concerned. people are really concerned about the future friends, they are concerned about and stability, especially looking at the choices they have today. and what choices do they have? we can see now that's also the 1st round. when the far right national riley came out 1st. a lot has happened. there's a lot of tactical voting happening right now. so in many constituencies are rolled around the country. this now is to horse race between a candidate, often national riley and also candidates, which is a combined force between the left and the center of president emanuel elements. we
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call this a rep, the republican front to block the basically the file right from coming to power. it has happened here in front, in the past. and now today we're going to see if this strategy is going to be successful again today. and we'll see how strategies it was a kid gamble from up on an even cooling the small selection. is it likely not pays off of him as well? that's also crucial question the today he definitely gambled by calling the snap elections 4 weeks ago, after a dramatic loss of office parked in new york in election, we saw of crossing the 1st round of his party. his central alliance really did very poorly. they came in for we haven't seen much of my call in the last week heading up to this very important seconds route. we have to see now how this republic confronted this block against the far right is going to be happening today. what is
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going to be the outcome and then we can see if his gamble has paid off or not. we could see a coalition as a result of it between the center and the last, which is also fairly unusual in france. but they don't do coalitions here. it's basically always a very strong majority of one party backed by the president of a same party. so it's going to be a fairly different situation. what our for us, the gamble of my call is doing a 2 day stance on that. keeping an eye on version for us today in the fence capital will speak to her, but nice sense to now thank you step. let's now get the view from the south from and speak to edison again, which is in law say for us. it just something you were telling us earlier. i just have divisive campaigning has been down there. and we saw a fairly diverse outcomes. i fired for them fast problem. yes, that's right. in fact, the city is a sort of snapshot of what is happening in white or francis fracturing of the
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french electorate into 2 camps at very much at odds. the far right and left for the 1st time here, they will be sending no empties from the presidential cam from the center and the traditional rights to the national assembly instead. and most constituencies, you're seeing duels between us for a candidate and the left candidate. and that's the case here in the 1st constituency of my stay where the far right has made the highest score and all of my say that's 45 percent of those compared to 27 percent for the less candidate. and so now what's happened is that the state secretary herself, she's part of the president amendment my close government, she's decided to withdraw in favor of the left candidate in order to give him more chance at winning and keeping the far right from getting back to speed. and in fact, one key factor for this strategy to work will be folders, turn out and i want to show you something here. this is the board where they are no changes of participation every hour, right? now we're saying 27 percent at this hour and pulling officers tell us that that's
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roughly the same as last week in the 1st round. but remember, last week we saw the highest participation in a problem entry election since 1997. so that shows us that this might be the case again, we might see a high voltage turn out again today. so many people feel like there is a huge amount of the sake of just, i'm going to put that in last day for us. thank you. up to send the whole 15 people have been killed by is riley strikes on gauze that since dawn, not photos the targeting of another you and run school on saturday, sheltering the space palestinians, which itself killed 16 people and wounded at least 50 of those that attack happened at the other sarah refugee camp in central garza. the number of victims is overwhelming. the strips launches from any health facility alex, the hospital homeless has rejected as well as claims that it's all we talk is it's
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fights is operating the of the school. well out of there is honeywell would spoke to a doctor, i'm a jew, so if he's a pediatrician at accent, he described the impact of israel's attacks on families and protect the children. the currently, the health care system is completely overwhelmed because of what appears to be a, a complete targeting of all the health care for structure in the small strip of land with 2 and a half 1000000 people in it. um the, the few hospitals, west functioning are a, in a, in a state of chaos right? every few hours, we are regarded with, with ambulances bring in people in pieces and, and, you know, women with their abdomen eviscerated little children with shrapnel injuries, man that on arrival we, we have a environment where alarm with this, the chaos of emotional families who have just pulled their families from the rubble coming in emotionally withdraw traumatized emotionally and psychologically what
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they just experience. and then beyond this, you have medical staff who are part of this community who, who the 1st question they ask is, where was the body and my family member, which neighborhood is the 1st question you here? i and often because of how small the community feels that they're shooting their family, this every, everybody here has family. so, so beyond the physical impact to me and the physical trauma, we're seeing a component of emotional distress that i could've imagined. romulus took more specifically about cases that you had been dealing with since your arrival to the hospital, to volunteer inside the roommate. all the remaining health facilities like walk us through some of the cases are experiencing front of ties and condition, particularly among children of women. this is especially poignant and hard to speak about, you know, given what happened yesterday. there was a bombing of one of the schools and we had a child about the child that the child get bought into the association with
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different expenses of dramatic injury. standing over one child integrated with this depress golf, fracture. another with a shot, the injury, probably 10 years old, a so severe that we could see an expose kidney, and likely transacted spinal cord, a trying to rush into your to, to salvage what we could. and then in the backdrop is as a pediatrician, i see small children sitting in the corner with lesser physical, traumatic injuries, but no doubt witnessing death and destruction and dying in a way that, that their little brains and could never be capable of coping with. and so we spoke about this briefly, but the psychological impact, the on the physical impact will be will be generational. well, as you've just been hearing these ongoing, is there any attacks across causa, pushing health care facilities to breaking point, include already reports on how that is rarely strike on that un run school and
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folders. panic after and is really is tre kits into gaza. people rushed to look for survivors as to bond. it's an annual school and then it's late on the residential area has become unrecognizable. buildings lyons is demolished by another, is really talk just hours before the and what this was home to us. if john saw many, we should, not only for them, other families had sought refuge here after being displaced by is there any bomb bings? i swear, including women and children, have got these riders continued to slaughter. all people. 15 members of my family were killed and one lot, 20 members of another is a crime of law. because of course we recovered some of the bodies, the wrist still buried under the debris, speech and of the destruction stretches for kilometers.
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this is the aftermath of that. is there any attack in the, in the south a police car meant as a group property became a target getting 6 palestinians. their bodies are taken to the nearby locks. a hospital inside the hospital bodies are collected for a funeral. these policy means were killed in bond, shrink down. and then as a new role warehouse in the central must see, come, the dog has ministry, has another warning you functioning hospitals across the street are in the brink of collapse. they say a lifeline to keep generators up. and running is and the chronic shortage is hovering efforts to save lives in the hospital with these, where the ministry has also bombed a residential building and central garza can at least 6 palestinians that, that striking as a way to area also injured. several people, again,
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including women and children. civil defense crews are trying to find survivors under the rubble of the wounded have also been taken to the all acts the hospital and people sheltering the should i it area say the violence that has ripped from these apart palestinian journalist. abraham actually spoke to some of the families that and this is the 10th day of the ongoing ground invasion and neighborhoods. the situation remains by are many people that are trapped in the area with ongoing air strikes when the neighborhood leaves the suffering of civilians each day. we witness the growing ditch fellatio families is trying to survive off part of the square live. this assault just handle the destruction is immense. suites are filled with a diverse bombed out buildings and the sound of explosions and on fire are instance reminder of death violence that surrounds us. despite the dire conditions, some people have managers in their traps situations up for beans. for several days
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. there are stories of survival after such archie and are both part of brake and aspiring to ship. i was the i was trying to the cutoff. there was no way i could get in touch with my family a tool. it was a 7th day, i think when one of on a does not and said these way. these had 2 dogs when we came out how to run for our lives. because these way the stuff it's showing up. it was a miracle we survived because of the time we reached the street corner, there were cold cups of chasing. while some have managed to escape. many other families, we mean trapped. there's no way to reach safety. communication lines are down, so we have very little information about the full extent of the casualties. ramos indicated that many have been killed. an ambulance is a medical teams are still on able to reach those who will need urgent treatments. or 5 people have been arrested. an anti government protests that are being held across israel,
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demonstrations of the amount of new elections and the deal for the return of kept as still being held in gaza. crowds of riding outside the homes of government, ministers, and members of parliament protest as you see, their full so abrupt major highways. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been facing mounting prussia for his handling of the war on garza sundays, purchase order, mach 9 months since this will began. so meanwhile, hezbollah has launched a barrels of rockets from lebanon into northern israel. israel's army said that the attack stops and fires in the city of type various, at least 19 has been injured. on saturday is rarely strikes at the ton of my room and the attire in southern lebanon. now, no casualties were reported. that still the violence between israel and hezbollah has displaced will the 90000 people in southern devon, on many of hoping that this will will end soon so they can return. hon then hold on . has this report from time in southern avenue trophy i do now mean that his life
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has been put on hold for the past 9 months. he's from bleed to one of the villages along lebanon's border with israel, the front line, and the latest conflict between has beloved and is really army. that's nothing out of c, i mission left the hey my husband of the. no one can be happy and comfortable away from that home. on the land, we are suffocating as much as i try to explain that though you wouldn't know how difficult it has been for us. all the time is more than 90000 people have been displaced. the less fortunate are staying in schools and relying on whatever health is offered. united nations peacekeeping troops may not have the power to stop the confrontations that have been largely confined to the border region, but they are providing much needed. 8 lebanese were already reeling from a dire economic crisis. the same as the dean says, he spent all his savings, the few $1000.00 that he was hoping to use for his children's education. that's all
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i know i've heard of it for now. house has been destroyed, if and when this is over, we will return to nothing. many people have lost their homes and many other thoughts into trying to rebuild their lives elsewhere, actually made to even if the conflict and it could take months. if not 2 years before homes are rebuilt, us or to say, up to 3000 have been destroyed. and another 12000 damaged days turned into weeks, weeks and 2 months. but the revival of diplomatic efforts towards a cease fire in gaza as a deal to release is really captive has brought some hope. hezbollah has sent an end to the war on cause it is the only way to end the confrontations, but it's not clear if that will be enough for israel, which wants the arm to group, to pull back from the border. marion, like many others here, wants to be optimistic, but she says so much has already been lost. she wondered what had to be? yes, people say we will rebuild whatever stone every wall. even the soil is full of memories
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and that can't be replaced. there's also little sense of security. western nations have been trying to prevent the cross border exchange of fire from becoming a wider war that would bring with it yet more suffering for many an end to what has been the worst confrontation in 18 years can't come soon enough, and they're anxious either tire southern lebanon, so still a head hit on out. on the same bus route of you in your canyons or marking, solve a sub central to the civil rights in the backdrop of recent debt to the by the ok. welcome to your world's weather update. this one started off in australia,
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had some showers and purse we've shaken those. so back into the sunshine monday afternoon at 21 degrees. most of the showers contain to that southeast corner and our area of high pressure around tasmania beginning to break down. so some showers will dance in here. i'd say probably midway through the week for hobart still is cool breeze for new zealand tay, at least it's mostly sending across both islands. but yeah, feeling a little cool. on monday, i've been some verse of rain for what's do you have a providence that included to carter? there has been some funding there. but so this rain just sort of swirling around this area, but it is pushing in to borneo island and look at this. the winds have turned around, so it's hot and sticky for china is hunting island, or they're in vietnam and southern china. but we've had some pretty dangerous storms in northern china. this is and she had and shun dung. providence also tornadoes in this province as well. but look at this flash flooding. students have been locked over this area. these are a summer rains here over the yellow river valley. look at the shanghai 38 degrees. the storms will move in to here. that's going to knock out the heat and humidity.
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i'd say midway through the week and the number of heat stroke alerts in play across japan, not hard to see why when tokyo's up to 37 degrees on monday, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories this out. the 2nd round of hosting and from so snap parliamentary elections as on the way to vote, could knock a significant change in the political landscape. that's all right. national riley is hoping for us to start victory off to making sure his games in the past from last month in central gaza at least 16 people have been chosen 50 on his interest. and then his reading, the bombing of the only sarah refuge account. because the health ministry described these strikes as odious anti government protests all beheld across the israel, demanding new elections, and deal for the return of captives held in gaza. crowds of rallying outside the
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homes of government, ministers and members of now the economic community of west african states begins the to day summit on sunday, but that meeting is being overshadowed by 3 full members. assessing off a rival organization created back in 1975 as the last names to strengthen economic ties, prevent military cruise and protect democracy. since then, it's become the main political authority in the region, but also in recent years, echo ross has faced difficulties and maintaining peace and order over the policy as it has been military cruise. and molly became us also and the jazz so in response to brock suspended all 3 nations and imposed sanctions on each and molly, the 3 west african nations and announced their withdrawal from echo wasn't informed to their own regional grouping. coordinate the alliance of the house space. well, let's speak to our correspondent on the address. he joins us now from a breach of where the echo ass summit is being held on the took us through the
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state of echo last of the mileage, especially as we see these ministry run states strengthen their lines. so they're right. the necessity of the events of the last 3 years, how we can be it cannot be community of west african states. and lots of people are question whether people ever recover right now. members, 3 members of this organization, molly burkina, faso, and does your have formed in the lines of the set in the production? and it looks like despite overtures by, from a cause in the past few weeks. so so that by the senegalese president to bring them back into the fold, these military leaders, i insisted that they want to go their own separate way of space, have renounced their membership. i of course says, or course insisted that they needed one year to do it. they said they are going to do it anyway. so basically it looks like i lost the case already unless something
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dramatic happens and whatever happens then suddenly it will have to be on the time . so based military leaders, i mean, what kind of fossil might be a new set of complex right now? they seem to have momentum on their way and they are counting the global community for support, basically media. and the last for one week or so was able to gather a millions of dollars from the world bank to find those products inside the country . which seeing fossil and molly shopping for military hardware from russia, china and other countries. and they have a launch, a diploma offensive to warm their way into the hearts of several countries. so basically echo is has a lot of work before it before it brings back basically countries back into the forward. these are all they will agree to do that. and they've been taking some pictures of the summit that, that alliance of the 3 countries held literally before this one so on. and i understand that the echo us on that is, is about to start know, given the we can state that we're talking about of the blog. what does actually on
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the agenda, what they hoping to achieve the alliance. so we'd still insist on going their own way, but they will face difficult as a cause member states, but all of them agreed to enforce measures. i guess this 3 countries, 2 countries in particular, molly and broken up fossil with stuff like terribly money and that is the populace of terribly because of these i looked countries right now most of this applies most of the exports and imports go through the ports of norman norma, by the way, is a member of the kind of a community of west african state, and by extension, by a cause particles. it was supposed to impose those senses. $9.00 by the leaders. i'm thinking i'm a community of west african states unfortunately, which they know may which same countries like molly burkina, faso, i miss you importing not consignments of goods and exporting, same through the low my ports in uh to go. so basically it looks like the members of the academy community to of west african states on the,
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on the same page in terms of implementing resolutions or functions and post by that can be coming to, to avoid certificates. and that shows some weakness somehow, which of course, the countries led by the military need has been exploding over the past one year or so. i'm address watching that's on that for us. that 2 day somebody which kicks off . and in the next few minutes we understand and a bridge, i thank you very much on that. oh kenyans marketing the such a force anniversary of solve a solve a day when people stage nationwide protests demanding free and fair elections. now it was a pivotal moments that ended single potty role in kenya, active as the natural and power allows between those events of 1990 and the recent demonstrations which left $39.00 people dead and a violent police crackdown. same as robbie reports from, i wrote the visit the on the go meetings,
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bullets and tear gas attacks and arbitrary arrest reverend timothy. enjoy you have seen it all before. not and still bears the scars from fighting for constitutional reform in kenya, in the 19 ninety's succession. got to do it. is not a power is going to, is it not, or is you know, what does that ring? and if i continue with it, or what we redid, that time to pretty solve the gates over the course here. sure. this did then please my gratitude into them for them. my thoughts on while the reverend was taking a rubber bullets to the head, president william utah was working as a youth leader in the rift valley for then presidents daniel, a rock boy. the violent tactics received used on kenya, streets, and recent weeks to deal with the civil unrest are strikingly similar to the disproportionate and heavy handed tactics that people normally associate with
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president moines. some of the scenes bordering on the absurd protesters passing out flowers, police responding with tear gas, some seems more sinister, active a say these images show subs, hired to infiltrate peaceful demonstrations and instigate and rest. police of also been accused of ignoring instances of looting all to a road public support for the protests. president rudo denies any wrong doing, saying it was all to preserve the rules of law. if you see the rule of no, then you must also be the who no, no. and so extrajudicial killings cannot continue to happen. abductions cannot continue to happen in the country. that is governed by the rule of law. faced with the own bull represented some of the 185 people, including children, forced to appear in court this week, many to with the stand and showing signs of abuse. a police refused to release them
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despite the courts throwing out their cases. this was a wanton refusal of the on both sides to obey the laws by which police are bound rebecca, his personal museum, reverend enjoy, says there is reason for optimism and things aren't as bad as they used to be. struggle is part of the democratic process. and what is happening in kenya, he says, is the same as everywhere else. oppressed people fighting for freedom, the same bus for avi. 00. not roby. yeah, laws, military genta is facing fish resistance from um, troops determined to topple the government. fighting has been especially for us and the town of to day in which is in western sion state. both sides have been taken prisoners of war. tony chang has more now and a warning. his report does contain some disturbing images. resistance forces pushed back against government troops on the outskirts of to the
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west. a memo fighting is the 5th and the town battles ranging from house to house, slowly that pushing him in the trio into deem township alone. there at least one or 2 groups of resistance scientists, we're confident we control at least 70 percent of to dim township from the city itself. we think we now control about 40 percent of it is the military withdrawals, homes and businesses. the 2nd line here on both sides take prisoners of will. and most military is notoriously brutal with the resistance, probably because it catches in february. so just posted videos on social media. a fight has been beaten and found in chains. then they were burned to live. in to them, however, soldiers taken captive by resistance forces a given access to basic medical aid. and in some instances released in the absence
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of any formal judicial system. they have little choice but memo shadow government says it needs international support to rebuild civil society. we capture the people in the criminal way when, but without the good of presence and without the good judges, how can we do that that does that so and that those are the small but very important stuff. the internship, i mean it's kind of help to the soldiers. it's the end of the line. but if nothing else, the secure and well fed them. yeah. and most bits of civil war that can be counted as a when tony chang, elders are one bonder, this 8 people have died because of flooding. as far as he's the one that was the levels will continue to rise to 1000000 people are affected of the heavy rains cause major rivers to bus the banks of the country is in the middle of it. some of them on soon. but scientists say that climate change has made the reigns stronger and more rustic. meanwhile,


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