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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, let's all body to a letter. i don't as long as you buy it to the revised quote, i like the color that i'm associated in this is and use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes from the space as a political deadlock. off the left when the lines one the most, the seats and parliamentary elections, no policy game. it could be a majority approximate virus where people are waking up to a new fresh man to pull it to the landscape. thousands of palestinians fleet as randy attacks, with reports of the new about creation order for the eastern concept. because
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essentially, post tubby then times for boeing, it accept a pre the loan, a criminal pro charge produces a 2 faithful crushes of its 737 months to the killed 300 and 46th street. the whole a high stakes parliamentary elections and phones has left no tale, winna, in the surprise outcome, the left during the lions, one of the most seats, but it is still for them sort of an absolute majority. now this means that funds is facing the prospect and the hung column and the left $182.00 seats. but that's not even close to the 289 seats that's needed to control the national assembly. present the manual microns centrist on some lines, came a 2nd with a 168 seats. now with 3 is the left, and this time a chrome will have to form alliances in order to run the country. on the far right,
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national riley, which did so well in the 1st round, came inside with a 143 states. the republicans had finished forth with $45.00, well done in smith begins out coverage now from parents that they expected the worst. but frances hastily arranged left wing coalition beat the offs and the tension of the last week evaporated. so so i don't know. so i'm showing that this evening the national riley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators have predicted, guess me a week ago. in fact, it's totally the opposite. it's an immense relief for an overwhelming majority of people in our country. those who make up the new fronts, as well as those have always loved the country with the republican passions. the far right national riley president had hoped to lead his party to a majority in the national assembly. they felt well short. manual was no. unfortunately, the alliance of dis, toner,
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and of the dangerous to look toral arrangements made by emanuel mat cronum with the fall lift formations to night. depriving the french people of a policy of recovery that none the less over whelming least sided for by putting us in the lead in the european elections. and then last sunday, bought that was both marine la pen seems once again to have been faulted by a republic, confront. that's where a majority of french people vote for any party that opposes the file. right. a prime minister gabriella towel appointed by president emanuel micron has offered to resign. let me guess, mamma said companion. from the start of this campaign, i've been alerted of 3 risks. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far left. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far right and the risk of disappearance for the movement that represents our ideas in our values. today.
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these 3 risks have been eliminated by the french. but what that means is no one party will have an absolute majority in the assembly. the popular from the left wing coalition says they have a mandate that priorities to reverse microns blackshoe policy, increasing the retirement age to $64.00. and they want to increase the minimum wage and to recognize a palestinian state. the lymphoma is one of the popular latest present, the manual maximum will have to negotiate with the price of the new government. there is little love lost between the 2. and the only thing i now politically was the desire to stop in the fall, right? so you're getting into but i'll just say right. a while we have to correspondence standing by for us on this story, if to some again. so it is in must say in southern france, but for us to speak to step boss and that she is outside defense, national assembly for us. right now. step one actually happens now how far away
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away from a new government well, face with this very unclear political reality. it looks like president mcfall, we'll take his time to form a new government done to appoint a new 5 minutes. we've heard already from the day the presidential office, that he will wait until this whole new reality will assess him in a today. the new parliament member, 577, newly elected, but also re elected will come here to the national assembly to stop their work. but the 1st real meeting will be only on the 18th, and then we can fill and see how this new political lab landscape looks like. meanwhile, the preparations for the olympics are in full swing here in power. isn't that something that the call might want to wait for as well? and also he may want to see how this whole new popular from the left wing alliance . that's actually one the election. how that's going to the fact that because we
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have seen already some wrecks inside this left wing rope, which is a very loos alliance. and we know that the fairly far left stuff showing this my la shaw is very controversial. he may want to see more cracks, maybe even splits appearing so it might be easier to form a correlation. but it's, it's at the moment it looks very much a mission impossible to create a stable government from the realities happening last night. so step, you talked a little bit there about the list, where does this leave the fall? right? so after the 1st round, there was even a suggestion that they can take an absolute majority in the national assembly. it will be under the great disappointments, but also great frustration on the sides of the far right. the national riley vice president has said that they are very much frustrated by the fact that they have been blocked by this republic in front of the left and the central center as the parties. and also the spokesman said that they are actually looking at the
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candidates that they hurriedly had to find in this very short period of time when the election was called. that maybe the i had not the right quantity. but on the other hand, we see of course, that the national valley has gained a lot of seats in the national assembly more than 60. so they have growing steadily, they have not reached what they wanted to become the, the biggest one. and as no absolute majority for sure. so no a far right government, but they are growing and what that means for the future. what that means, for example, for the presidential election in 2020 south, it's all still remains to be seen is a war and a from the french public that they really are against a file rights document. that's what all the signs are right now. or could this field change, and they used to come step us and then the french capital this morning for us. thank you step. well, let's get the view now from southern fonts and speak to it just i'm getting put to
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joins us now from all say, it just i'm can you talk us through the reaction you've been seeing that especially on, on the relatively poor showing of the fall right. compared to expectations of your i'm sorry, sorry about that. we're having some audio issues that we'll try to resolve that later on for you here on now to 0. but let's move on to now. the, the israeli attacks have killed at least 50 for palestinians across the gaza strip and a 24 hour period. take a look at some of the scenes. this is gaza. city and the north, thousands of palestinians were forced to leave their homes that need a complete darkness. now this followed and is really about to ation or to found.
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these were forced to search for a place to setup tents with gun fine. i'll tell her we were selling going on nearby . and these are some of the latest images were getting from gauze the city without heavy bombardments, discontinuing. israeli forces say they're turning out strikes on her last targets, but civilians are saying they have no way safe to go. well that's beat to have correspondence on the ground honeymoon when he joins us from darrow bala in central garza honey. what is exactly happening and office to see the will as a barely hours of this morning. more disturbing news rather concerning the what's going on in northern part of this for merely in golf, in the city old parts of golf city, the eastern part where we have to show you a neighborhood for the past 10 days now under the military, aggression by these really, occupying forces on the ground and largely destroying the vast majority of the next
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neighborhood for forcing it further of its population just in front of the place, displayed the why the major part of the population, the trapped inside the neighborhood. but as of the a, the past hours is really military expand, it is incursions of multiple areas that included at some kind of neighborhood. those as the eastern and northern part of the java city, as well as the western side of the southern western part of delphi, that's still in how us and around the center part of golf city, where this place population's literally found themselves right now between a and pretty much spike it in a sandwich of military actions, of from both sides of the northern parts and the southern western part of the gauze . and for many of these civilian populations have really been displaced more than one times as we work full by eye witnesses and those who would manage to be whether
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you have many of them coming from different parts of the northern part of this trip ended up in these neighborhoods within the past 9 months seeking shelters, whether inside is that question centers. these are, as honor was run schools for inside residential homes or of their relatives. but right now there is in the states the place for them to go to. and the fact that these so hold on going evacuation orders when the in fact they're not evacuation. they're not happening at the normal time here to avoid danger and rest of the are happening was heavy art calories are taking place, the relentless hawks. they across these across district, people are literally running for their life and from one place to another, from one neighborhood to another. the other is disturbing news that we're getting it from the city is the fact that there's so many people have been killed in the past. few, these are still in the streets with the inability and the difficulty of paramedics and civil defense members in this volunteer to help removing these bodies. find it
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very difficult to take these bodies to the hospital. and the only remaining health facilities in god's to be is a highly baptist hospital or every hospital in the center of garza, that is running get a very low capacity right now. we're really overwhelmed with the many cases going on van dominican, rockdale, or in the early days. you mentioned some people making it down to, to one because a from the south from kansas city. but given the amount of people under these about creation, what is now, can you actually get out of garza city if you want to leave, you talked about people being sandwich to people actually have any way to go of the absolutely negative. then there is no safe place to go to. we know from past experience, people who evacuated through areas seeking children, though there is designated
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a safe yours by this very military ended up being killed and maimed and bombed inside the residential homes. in the very area they were told to evacuate right now . the one thing that we are certain about the gaza strip has evolved into more of the killing box every where you go, there is a leading. there are there, there is a bombing going on. there's destruction of fraser, destruction or are everywhere, and the, the trauma that is these themes of destruction and log in and an injuries everywhere . and did they re weigh? people have no place to go and what's worse, there is no escape out of this genocide going and it's literally a genocide. there's been a broadcast to live taking place right now, but people have no, no other options. quite honestly. they don't know how they're they don't have a big library of seeking safety in areas of trust because there's no safe areas at all. honey, my, what they're reporting for us from the ground from general dollar and central goal
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is to thank you. at least 10 palestinians of also have been killed by is really forces in the targeted is riley strike on a home in jabante. and that's also in northern garza. we understand most of those killed her women and children. yet again, aus is here is honestly i sharif has more on that attack from you by on the firewall and how to be uh, this is really aircraft talked to the house and by the gene family in jamalia, northern cause a close the and the cemetery. a number of people were killed and ended inside the house as a result of the striking medical cruise of attempting to extract the bodies from under the rubble of the destroyed house. how many members have said the 15 individuals were living in the house, including several people who were already displaced. a number of injured have been pulled out and a such as ongoing for people still missing under the rubble. but that's a bit, i know was there was a home with my wife and children suddenly and me south fell in smoke filled the house. my daughters started screaming and praying and we realized that all hygiene
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family home had been bombed and everyone had been killed, including women and children. absolutely been the ones that i thought they were all children, all of them, most of the people living in the house for children. they pulled them out in pieces . what have they done? their children, what they've done to deserve having their house brought down on their heads. i'm in the middle of the civil defense cruise and local residents are continuing this. a medical cruise appear to have found body parts belonging to children who have been killed. these really occupation forces are ramping up their attack, the last of which is this attack on the alleging family home. we should have to have 10 people that mostly women and children. a number of people are still missing under the rubble. the end of the city is a good deal. you're better than the thousands of demonstrations of riley's and television for a 2nd day on sunday, and they've been doing prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree on a deal for the release of his ran the captives being held in gaza. public pressure
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has been mounting on less than yahoo and his cabinet. his office has released a statement saying any potential deal should allow israel to resume its attacks on these are in the government has bound up to 0 from a forcing in his round. so understanding that has this update for us from alon and neighboring jordan, it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office releasing a statement with several non negotiable, is when it comes to securing a deal for a ceasefire. the 1st thing on that list, he says, is that israel, we'll continue the war until all of the objectives are met. even if a deal is secured. the list went on to say that there will be no sort of weapons smuggling from egypt for him. us and that israel will try to maximize the number of captives that are released as part of the deal. and finally quotes. he says, no thousands of armed terrorist will be returning to northern cause it's not really clear exactly what he meant by that. but we do know, one of the things that i'm asked and the palestinian people themselves have been
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asking for, is to return to what's left of northern garza in a deal after much of it was destroyed by these really military notice. and y'all, who has maintained that military pressure and drop off is one of the reasons why him asked, was willing to come to the table and restart these negotiations for a deal. but remember that nothing yahoo is under immense pressure both domestically and internationally domestically these really public se, but he should resign. there should be new elections because he is neither capable nor willing to secure a deal. and in fact, recent polling shows that 70 percent of respondents say that's be bringing back up . the captive is more important than the rest of the war objectives. and we're seeing this in continued protests across israel, in places like west russo. i'm tell a vive and heifer right outside of netanyahu's whole, but nonetheless, these really premier says with military pressure is the only way to bring about their release time to send who it's just eat all. i'm a well, is there any forces?
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have 5 tea, a gas and life bullets of palestinian fighters during confrontations, novice and the occupied westbank. the the so happened of to the minute recess of the security code and to allow is really such as to enter josephs to and the cities east. it's a monument that's important to jews and muslims and christians and has regularly been assigned to attention. needless to say, the set turn passion for good violence between the palestinians and his randy forces. the moving on and bowing has accepted a plea deal on a criminal fraud charge related to 2 faithful crashes of it's 737 max jets the times and 2 to find more than 243 $1000000.00. at least 346 people were killed and crashes and indonesia. and if you,
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if you between 2018. 2019 the justice department found being guilty of violating the settlement in which the company had avoided criminal charges. the company was accused of repeated safety fail is relatives of the victims has criticized the steel saying it means that boeing avoids criminal charges in court and billions more and compensation for that spring and todd cost us. he's the ceo of the consultant. c. s a dot com, he's also a former safety engineer at full boeing and he's runs us now from san francisco. and also this presumably avoids very public court trial, but it is still a guilty plea, right. just how damaging is this for buying? what was damaging to the reputation of the company, no doubt, and this is a guilty play, not if any individual in the company, but of the company itself. and why this might be important is that there are many laws and united states that says a company that has been convicted of the kind of, of infraction that boeing has been convicted of, may not be able to get no contracts the government. and of course boeing is
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a major defense and civilian contractor for the government. so it'd be interesting, interesting to see if this is just the 1st of several economic and financial impact . so the company is interesting. you say that because i understand something like nearly 40 percent of buildings revenue actually comes from us government contracts that has been speculation that there is a deal being done outside of this one to make sure that's not affected. well, i'm certain that the people are the ones who do this sort of thing and negotiate, but the government in washington dc is working hard at at this moment because are smaller companies certainly a, a, an infraction like this. a guilty plea like this usually spells a disaster for their government contracts going forward. but as you mentioned, boeing is a very, very large contractor, not just with the defense but even with the spacecraft. and there's one of their spacecraft, the international space station as we speak. so again, this could have wide ranging repercussions, although immediately,
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nowhere professions against any individuals, especially against any managers or ceos going well, let me ask you that about accountability because i see the families of victims didn't get something that they wanted very badly. i'm meeting with boeing's board of directors, but they clearly do not feel like this has gone far enough. well, this is gone to an extent that is unusual in the united states. the amount of the fine that they have is approximately the same amount they would have spent have going originally provided proper training for the pilots. and so the 737 maxim say this is a very same amount that was a liberty against boeing 3 years ago. when the 1st agreement was met, they valued by live in that agreement. as result, they were convicted of defrauding the united states government and a double defined another $243000000.00. also, as you alluding to the sounds like it was a very, very limited play do. there are obviously a number of other ongoing investigations,
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the boeing phases on, on all the accounts of safety. could we still see public criminal prosecution as a company who of course uh, because of the limited nature of this is only accounts for what happened up to the crashes if there had been anything that happened afterwards. for example, this past january, a door plug, blew out of a 737 maxim, and they're ongoing investigations as to what caused that. and whether or not the company's management for the company itself had a role to play. and certainly there could be several and even criminal charges coming out of the doors, and that's unaffected by the play plea, bargain that happened this week. told, as you were saying, i mean boeing's reputation has taken a huge, battering for recent is just done now trying to restructure to, to change things as someone who has been on the inside. is that likely to what, what kind of scale do we need to see here as well? some of the moves are being made are slow and that they are very large. for example,
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there was a large division of boeing that was responsible for manufacturing, a major portion of the 737, and 2005 that became an independent company. but just in the last few weeks boeing has announced they will buy the company back. it will be a wholly owned subsidiary. boeing, which means the kind of management structure that exist now will be tighter. that is, the managers of boeing will be directly responsible for the manufacturing of the 737 . fuselage not indirectly as the case is. now, while we'll see if that changes perceptions of the company, indeed todd cost us the, the ceo of safe don't comment or form a safety engineer for boeing. thank you so much for joining us on the 0. tom. thank you for having all you as president joe biden has been campaigning and the critical swing state of pennsylvania, where he focused his attention and a message on black versus 5 and has reaffirmed his intention to run for re election despite a growing number of voices for him to step aside. how does your customer reports
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from the state capital philadelphia? don't let anybody talk about your age. you are young whippersnapper introduced as a young whippersnapper and only and often genario and by a church bishop in his ninety's. joe biden age. 81 embraced the opportunity to be the younger man for once during the make or break moment in his campaign. i know with every fiber in my brain, i know i will look on 40 years old, but i've been around the bush of our we're talking about that check turn 40. okay. decide. you know, i've been doing this a long time and i, honest to god, have never been more optimistic about america's future. if we stick together by then glanced down at notes and spoke for less than 10 minutes before an african american congregation and mount airy church in philadelphia, the crowd was mostly adoring. i thought it was a wonderful start when we're looking for 4 more years. but there were also cracks.
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did you watch the debate last we? yes, i was very disappointed in the debate, but like you said, when you try it out, you get up with a growing number of democrats. have called for biden to step aside for someone else to lead the ticket, but the president has vowed to stay put. that's despite a recent poll showing donald trump now leading biden by 9 points among registered voters. alicia, here smoking occurs to come out before the several parishioners we spoke to said they would be happy as vice president, cala harris became the party nominee for president. this woman says she is undecided between trump the invited. are you at all disappointed in his 1st term? kind of yes. yes, i am. by what i mean. i mean look at the academy is, is like everything is seemed like everything is all messed up. everything is high,
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it is, is crazy. it's been argued that black voters in the swing state of pennsylvania helped deliver by them to the white house in 2020. but ever since support for him among african americans has been eroding. they seem to think that they did better on the truck, and i don't know why i didn't under biden unemployment is down in household wells is up among black americans. yes, his campaign has struggled to energize this for group of voters, compounded by doubts about his age. the heidi joe castro, alj, a zebra, philadelphia austin. i had hit on al jazeera allegations of war crimes and northwest and me on my wait a minute tree is accused of bombing schools and churches and tensions rise in the south china sea. in japan signs it's fast defense packed in agent with the philippines. the
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how are we should start to see things happening, a little suicide, less sunset, a little less cold across northwestern parts of europe. as we go to the next couple of days for the time being, i'm afraid is they still rather disappointing area of low pressure just around scatter may have. yeah. and we got another one that will make his way and over the next couple of days. so yet more rain coming into parts of england, whilst pushing across the fronts into the low countries. this system here just around norway, sweden, you can follow that cold front. so all the way down into the out behind that that's where the corner arrows in place and disappointing 19 celsius for london, 24 for paris and also for revel ballad and getting up to about 2526. but as we got wanted to choose, they can see that size of warm weather started to push this way, 331 invalid. by the end of that stage, they used to buy lots of red showing up samples that lots of right showing up. so
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can you walk around, all right, cold problem, that's the boundary as i said. and you'll see that line of live, the showers long, dispels of rights slipping a little further east was. it comes to next to every apply pressure we spoke about in the atlantic, swelling away, wet weather, just making its way into southwest approaches of england through northern pumps. of frogs stretching up across a good part of england. only to scotland. the, the latest news, the renewed bombardment and intense pointing show that in north goes like it was what and the strip this with this fall from over with detailed coverage given the lack of international up for it would be up to a residence, a 5 been to defend their very existence in their land from the hoss of the story were not passion for through this something that helped her through vive the daily life. it's
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a distraction and from what she has witnessed the challenges with unique perspectives. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to the guys that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0 the the
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. ringback the, the welcome back to watching l g 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound. thousands of palestinians fled to their homes and gardens between the hours of monday morning. during an intense is riley from boston, and that families were forced to search for places to setup tens with gun fine and artillery. setting me by boeing has accepted a plea, deal on a criminal,
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full charge related to 2 crashes of its 737 max, jess, $346.00 people were killed, one to max and cross went down and indonesia, on your 20182019 the terms of his claim to you to find for over $243000000.00 engineer left wing alliance has one of the most states in the 2nd round, a french parliamentary elections. but it's still full in charge of an absolute majority. raising the prospect of a 100 commons for more on those election results, let's speak to interest him again, which she joins us now from all. say in the south. it just, i'm, can you explain that the reaction you've been saying, especially given the, showing with a fall rise off to all the expectations that we're going to do much specify of the just in fact here in central must say some people came out to celebrate and they separated throughout the night, thousands of people took to the street. they participated in an n t fall right raleigh. just up the peer here and we spoke to some of them and they
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express their relief. they said that there were a surprise by default, right? a result, a week or worse than expected. they felt that it would become the 1st political force in parliament turns out they are only the 3rd after the new popular front and the next one is coalition, also at but there are also many people. many folks here in my state who are disappointed as well by the national results, and they didn't come out on the street, but they did show up and numbers to vote yesterday and they gave 3 seats out of the 7 here in my say to the fall right, that's less than the results that they had in the 1st round where you had them in the lead and 5 out of those 7 constituencies. so it shows that this strategy of building this republican front to keep the full right from getting seeds has worked here to a degree. however, those results are interesting as well because they do show the steady rise in popularity of default, right in this region. just to give you an idea,
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3 seats out of 7 this time that was only one seats 2 years ago. so they've doubled more than doubled the number of seats that they got here and must say, and that's actually a push that's even clearer in the wider region where we are the boost hill. and so not just must say, but all the cities around us where we've seen that they've got 11 seats this time. that's uh, compared to 6 feet of back in 2022. so that's, that's up. i sort of a contrast, it reactions here, the relief on the one side from the left wing and centrist of voters. that default, right, did not become the 1st political force in the parliament, but on the other side, a strong, a proof and confirmation that the fall rights of popularity is growing. i here in the beginning, the southern france, if there's any, you say the results for a surprise, mean these electrons themselves were a surprise and they happened very quickly. how did turn out look they usually people came out the numbers just in fact,
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the 2nd round has confirmed that this election has brought more people to the polls than usual. i hear and must say to give you an idea for the you and your elections . they was at 51 percent of expansion. so percentage of voters that did not show up to the pools. but for this 2nd round, it's jump to 64 percent. and what's been interesting, as well as to see the turnouts and the 4 and neighborhoods of my say, these, i don't usually, i show up for these boats, much of these areas usually give seats to the left. and so there's been a concerted effort of over the past month by, by the last to try and get these people from the for neighborhoods with a strong, a demographic as of migrant communities to come out and vote. they organized a rally last month in the northern neighborhoods of my say, these are areas where politicians don't often go to the they talk to crime
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education and, and the recognition of the state of palestine, which is a big strong issue here and must say. and so that strategy has somewhat worked in the is you elections particularly works well here in the fall of mentor elections? 2 seats out of those 7 have gone to the left are right right off the bat after the 2nd round, showing a strong support there. a for the last. it just, i'm going for the, the, with all the very nice just for us. following the selections from, i'll say thank you, i have to say, i'm, well, that's bringing bruno quotes as he's a reception at this, at the center for political science research at saint field. suppose you're doing this now from paris, bruno, it looks like the republican from the strategy, what we saw a remarkable turn out to across the country. should we then be reading this as a rejection of the fall right from now? yes, this is clearly the 1st message or the 2nd round of these villages. becky reduction don't have to be can stop us work mother. unexpectedly. i actually was clear
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rejection of the sonata and bought t crowley between the 2 rows. there was a big issue which is, was doing some of them on us and that it would do, it would go in and with that many, many results showing that they will not see any brandy's ways of. but he said that was not paid with some 20 days. that seems to be sort of big, you know, some politics. so the idea of the full, the consultants work a lot including phones is the desk of the majority of the presidential and that majority, that's fine. is heading to the event. bruno culture's rosetta at the center for political science research. it still says po, thank you, been panama hasn't closed. it's boarded with columbia is a block, the flow of migrants trying to reach the us. the route is used by tens of thousands of people from central america. the crossing and the dar in jungle is now blocked
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off by barbed wire fences. the move has fox control, the sea and the region. with many cooling on the panamanian government to guarantee the rights of migrants a record 520000 people use that route last year. it's the number no good. becky sidney, this transferred us here means that migrants kind of pos, nor can we is a local population that historically 2 different things. other than migration, the situation is going to generate a serious problem for us. on top is that the migrants will be stuck here. they will try to pass through another sector of the 260 kilometer border with kind of a they're going to try to pass through the sea and they're going to face the panamanian guard. there could be a tragedy, but they could run the risk of dying volume put in the summit of west african leaders has ended, and then i jerry and capital with fish increasing about the organizations future as well. so the minute people as of new jet molly and mccain and also set up a new alliance to rival the regional block eckel was addressed. has this report for us from the future. echoes leaders arrived at the summit to nevada,
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aware that the future of the 50 year old organization is under effect waiting. what's talk, today's meeting of its 3 break away members in neighboring the chair. but the strongest position of the board just i'm, it wasn't from echoes, it came from the african union. the withdrawal by 3 countries is unacceptable to the african, you know, we believe in one echo us brick, universal, malia and this year. and also they would go on from a course earlier this year, after being suspended in the week of the recent military course. now formed their own secure to block, called the alliance of the health states. it's not clear how much that costs can do to address the challenge post by the departure of the 3 states, but says that withdrawal could be costly. so their plans are ha, ha, ha, this withdrawal will also affect the travel and immigration conditions of citizens
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. these 3 countries, because they'll now have to take steps to obtain a visa before traveling to the sub region. citizens of these countries may no longer be able to reside or freely established businesses under the facilities put in place by echo us and may be subject to various national laws. you says echo is, is concerned about how the region has been turned into a theater, helping you with your political libraries and this information, of course, on the alliance of the health to essentially lose. if not, i'm going to switch soon. the regional block could lose phase and credibility as a group that keeps its members in check for its poppy alliance of the health state, mental condo fee, market access, travel, and regional support on the local and global stage, which is complicated to desire for a free and vibrant association to rival that course. but the break and we country seem to have made up their mind at the summit, initiate the amount of programs i remain convinced that in the current of geopolitical context, the alliance of the health states is the only grouping,
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especially a regional one that is effective in the fight against terrorism as eco us is conspicuous by its lack of involvement and this fight depending on how it goes and then use a whole alliance proceed. the next few months would be critical to not only regional stability, but also the future of democracy in west africa. how many degrees i would use, either i would you or how does the international has released a report revealing what it calls the reckless shipments of jet fuel to me on law? the human rights organizations have supplies in china, single pool, and the united arab emirates of old channel deliveries through vietnam in order to avoid detection, international sanctions on jet fuel to me and last minute we were introduced in order to stop ariel attacks on civilian populations. but as tony china reports, they seem to have had initial impact the ruins of some piece of the baptist church and connecting village going north west to me. and it's been on touch since january
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. on the 1st sunday of the year, the ministry found it. and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family. but immediately they bubble from the sky. and then they die. much of the village was also destroyed and several other rates that day over several hours. most military did nice responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place where they knew people would be gathering, with no military target. nearby. is clear evidence of a crime where the term war crime comes in. it's just the the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the they have to know that civilians will die when they are launching is attacks. the militarist,
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used its power to terrible ascent in april last year. composites, you village also in this the going region fight to jets and how do you cope the gun ships, protect? they killed a 165 people. it was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military to, well, the willows, responsible, ever faced justice. that is certainly, i think a hot topic or, or, or topic of discussion among them are people who feel let down by international mechanisms of international bodies. however, they do exist and, and they have been effective in the past a semblance of normal life has returned. can the area is now under control of resistance forces. opposed to military rule in school has started again, but the children still wear the danger from the sky. toni chang out to 0. well, the philippines and japan have signed
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a landmarked defense pat that would allow their forces to take pause and training and military exercises together. this new agreement will also give reciprocal access to the millet trees. torture has shed many others concerns about patients actions in the south china sea. we have engaged each other in key areas, especially if you can all make and development the cooperation, security defense as well as amount of time for operation. japan is a trusted friend in the said passed partner in promoting overall it would be in development, especially in the know a free and open international order based on the rule of law is the foundation of regional peace and prosperity. we would like to work closely with your country to maintain and strengthen this. how does he respond to the low has more for us from the law, the 70s for administer your full stomach, our end defense minister minority hire. us are in manila for the 2nd round up 2
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plus 2 meetings between japan and the philippines. the 1st one having been held in tokyo last year. but more importantly, here for the reciprocal access agreement, which was signed in the presence of going to be president burden and barclays junior at the presidential palace. now the reciprocal access agreement is similar to the visiting forces agreement between the united states and the philippines. so whereas before, japanese troops would only be in the philippines as of servers, military exercises between the united states and the philippines, and to provide humanitarian assistance. now they can come to the philippines to train with philippine troops and in a similar way philippine troops 10. now visit japan to train with the japanese troops, the 2 countries, the 2 countries have been elevating their military ties with japan, providing the filipino with radar systems and the newest coast guard vessels of the
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philippines. but china has criticized washington for worse. we're heading these alliances in the region. it has called these alliances between washington and japan, south korea, the philippines and us trail. yeah. a sort of an asian nato and says that this raises pensions in the region between the philippines perspective. officials say that it needs all the help that it can get from its allies, be able to build a minimum credible defense force, and to be able to show a united front in the face of what is called growing chinese suppression in the south china sea. and from the japanese perspective, it is in their interest to maintain the balance of power in the region as well as freedom of navigation. in the south. china sea winds below is 0 as well. still ahead here on alta 0. find out why one of the world's biggest small thing
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companies is facing industrial unrest. and you guys need prime minister heads to stop loans full. the thoughts of his nationwide told the
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the millions of people to cherish the american dream of owning the whole has slipped out of reach. mike, price and accountant, and his wife had spent years searching for an affordable home. things are just so priced above what we can actually afford that we're constantly searching for something i feel for those people who are struggling, who need to get out before it's too late. i mean, i would say it's just the money in chicago, like many us cities, former working class holes now cost millions and there's a yawning racial gap in home ownership. the home ownership rates between black and latino households wide households in chicago and even nationally is as much as 30
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percent. yeah. lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the welcome back. now britain's new prime minister cast on that has begun his tour of the united kingdom with the stuff in scotland. while his foreign minister has been dispatched to europe to strengthen ties, the will the best of the best one of which has on the phone to mr. president. so
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it's been a long night a room. welcome to the world stage for the new british prime minister. it is the best phone call with the us presidents, one of a string of conversations with liters and allies for his 1st day in downing street chase. the difference to the support that you will see. a kiss tom at once to show that i'm a depressing domestic issues for him. policy is also a priority dispatching his foreign minister on a tour of germany, poland and sweden on his 2nd day in the job. diving straight into the issue of gaza . the only for neva, so its initial refusal to back a ceasefire, which has since been reversed. we've been very clear that we want to see a see saw. we have been calling the for that since the end of last year. we want to see those hostages out, but when we see the tremendous,
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lots of like $30000.00 people, women and children fighting has to stop the age of scots to get to the trip. part of the new administration's efforts to make its presence known in his 1st 2 weeks in office case pharma is due to attend a nato summit in washington. i need your pin need is in the u. k. or part of his government's drive. he says to reset the u. k. foreign policy, but one thing he's adamant he won't do is rejoined the european union. we're not open to the free free movement of people. there will be no reverse of breasts that the business minister says, but that could be place a ties to the you cost where it's and the mutual interest of both your opinion on the u. k. to work together by good faith, the relationship is going to make sense to home, the new prime minister headed to edinburgh. i can't tell you how important it is to me to be here in scotland with you. full jay towels off to of the
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10 invited me to full of a government stop on his trip or on the u. k. part of the pledge to kick stalled grace. nationwide. case sluggish economy could limit its influence on the world stage with new plans by labor to reverse costs to the overseas a budget. but the intention at least is so brandon is new leda to swiftly establish himself as a global statesman. lender was to lead to reach out to 0 london. well, samsung was in south korea have gone on strike demanding best of pay and working conditions. thousands of union members took pos and a rally in the city of las young. that's the assumptions headquarters. and not the start of a 3 day strike from the pride reports from the classroom in the south. coney, a defiant display, in spite of the rain and the size of the chip making julia and the striking against
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a 3 day general will count against samsung. electronics was called by the union, representing the quotes, or whether it's work is your budget. it's an honor to be here with union members at this historic moment. while there may be negative views from outside and even from within. we stand here with the urgent belief that it must be now or never. as positive south korea is largest conglomerate. samsung electronics has always been regarded as providing among the best pagan conditions, in spite of samsung sized trade union influence over which has traditionally remain small. but in 2020, the company dropped this policy of discouraging the union. a union membership has risen rapidly. the other unions that samsung have criticize this union for taking strike action while these workers took a hit to the bonuses last year afterward, downtown and the chip businesses of the south koreans still because,
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well treated temper delivered the samsung has, has provide the best to benefit to the employees that that's the property of perception. as a significant producer of specialized semi conduct is especially high band with memory chips for the budgeting, artificial intelligence sector. it's still not knowing what impact the strike will have, but the union has threatened more action if it's the months. nope, that's real mcbride, l g 0 plus on south korea. now at least 66 people have died and land slides in floods. and india is northeastern state is awesome. the region has a number of monsoon lanes, 42 year olds and me, a con, is a resident of co talley village, and by petra district explains how he's struggling to survive in a camp while he waits for the waters. they had to recede and i wonder what her tardies was. my name is, i mean to find my house and got the leaves on the water. that is why i am here. the
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it was out raising my house. when i got back, i saw my house was under water, we are poor. we are living by farming on the sand, but all my to the plantation was a motion and it would only save some which i brought to the camp. i swam to the camp but make out or when it came here to the camp. nobody has a game with my wife and 3 children, but did not have food or water anything. me and my children slip hungry that night . i am now living in the 10th, but my caused it out and i still have no access to thinking what i'm drinking water . i don't want to even then i have to bring something to keep myself for life. how nobody the nearly everyone here is facing the same problem. what of the crops are planted all into flag waters? some houses are fully so most within the roof and the water. many houses have been
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swept away by the fact. this is why people are living elderly scam, these flux of cause a lot of damage. i planted 3 acres of ju, it is now all model and equal to the farm is also damaged by the sex. i could only see one sec of tv, which i got with myself to begin. i am trying to, it's many 15, you know, i have not seen any organization of the government here, honestly what i line and then how do i see that they have have the government will have to help us. it will have to compensate for the loss of across the government should also compensate with the houses that have been damaged. there's no other option for us. if the don't compensate, then what would be to where would it be live? well, the us state of texas. meanwhile, is bracing the hurricane barrel, which has now been upgraded from the tropical storm. ports have been closed and people told to leave their homes in some towns that now there are had previously
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been downgraded but then gain strength. and the one more says that the gulf of mexico previously reached category 5 in the caribbean, where at least 11 people were killed and be seen use corresponding gauge holding has moved from the vaca in texas. yeah, we're here is the only open hardware store in port lavaca and i wanna show you they still have some wood left, but they'll come on down because all of this has already been bought and paid for people paying for this. going home, delivering what they need, coming back with trailers to pick up the remainder of the what is they prepare the the last preparations truly last minute preparations. i'm here with the manager of this is our partner here. tony. i appreciate you. you're still having people flooding in the doors today, right? yeah, we, i mean we had people waiting on the doors 1st thing this morning. still hoping for generators, power cords, you know, there's something to get prepared with, but, i mean, it's, it's, we have some stuff left, but not all, not a lot to get go in. i mean, when it comes to, you know, i need what i need something to cover up my windows and some of these things that,
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you know, you're running out of, are you able to offer, you know, maybe like home remedies are alternatives or is it kind of just the yeah, i mean keep your fingers cause we gotta do. we've had people buying the pens, pickets, and one by 6 is something that at least black branches, things like that. but yeah, if you're not ready, now you're, you're really going to keep your fingers crossed. tony, i appreciate it. i will show you, they do have some other supply of wood here, but certainly not what you might need to cover up one is if you could imagine trying to, you know, cover up or board windows with pieces of wood like this final preparations underway here in portland walk up with those supplies that people desperately need to stay safe through their dwindling to say the least common port lavaca keeps going. so your opinion, whether observation agency says that last month was the was hottest, june on record and says the average global temperature in the past year has been around $1.00 degrees celsius. above average, the agency says human costs climate change, and i mean you have contributed to the rep for
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a lot of that for me and installs us, hey, for this new zones don't go and it will be back in a couple of minutes. it's much more here on the i am very delighted to speak to the all the other continents, brightest legal students. putting minds against the best means in africa would really be interesting to see how we miss uh gather together for tournament. unlike any other happy, medium expressing maybe the apps we can cut on a human and people. that's why it's now invest in weakness for couldn't move on out . is there a unique perspective? one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to does that this is not a rough, it looks like we're off. it looks like it's held on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the
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past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0. in the streets of con, units in central garza offloaded with on 3 to twice to, to from piles of protein rotation. months of these very bombardments have caused extensive damage to see resistance, diesel, a nation thoughts and water supplying it works even before told that the summit, how study is being done as a faced shortage of a clean drinking water. re going on various aid agencies as well. school has intensified the don't running crisis. hepatitis is spreading among children as well as adults is the results of mound nutrition, and the like a couple of healthy food view and has one's of the to a rating and spin human living conditions. it says that even if an immediate cease
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fires into the meant that it will take kids to repass, the damage close to the destination of plants, sewage systems, and networks of water supplies the front spaces, political and deadlock, off to our left wing alliance, one the most states and parliamentary elections, but no policy games. i came and darcy, i'm step 5. so then cyrus, we have people have broken off the when you fragmented political landscape, the hello there, i'm associated, hey, this is alex's here at life. and also kind of thousands of how the syrians fee is really a tax with reports of and.


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