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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the, the the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, in delphi. i'm telling you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. frances, less wing leaders as his coalition is ready to govern. officer, unexpectedly emerging as the largest political block in parliament is really forces killed at least 15 palestinians across scars us since the early hours of mondays. thousands of people in the north say they have nowhere safe to go. renewed fighting between government forces and the m 23 on group in the eastern democratic republic
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of congo. we speak with the countries foreign minister, and this is our a children's hospital is hidden keys at least 28 people are killed by russian. this all attacks across ukraine and on piece of staples with your school know that junk of which is preparing for these last 16 mentioned wimbledon later. but it's all these lorenzo mistakes. he has already made it into the course of finals for the 1st time. the latest action coming up, this is our, the how do we begin in france where president, to evaluate my crawl has asked be prime minister a gabrielle, a child to stay on following his offer to resign. so it follows the 2nd round us not parliamentary elections were less during alliance, one the most seats. it's a stunning results and the shoes set back for the far right. but his left ron's and political deadlock with no party reaching a clear majority. so the left coalition won a 182 seats,
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but that's not even close to the 289 seats needed to control the national assembly . but its leaders all new credit and shaw says that the left is ready to govern. presidents, a manual micros centrist on song alliance, came seconds with a $168.00 seats, and was 3 years less than his term across. well now have to form alliances to run the countries the far right. national riley, which did well in the 1st round, came in 3rd with a 143 seats, and the republicans have finished for us with 45 seats. bernard smith begins our cover. it's now from paris. late expected, the worst with friends is hastily arranged left wing coalition beat the offs and the tension of the last week evaporated. so so i don't know. so this evening the national riley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators have
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predicted scarcely a week ago. in fact, it's totally the opposite. it's an immense relief for an overwhelming majority of people in all countries. those who make up the new fronts, as well as those have always loved the country with the republican passions. the far right national riley president had hoped to lead his party to a majority in the national assembly. they felt well short manual was no. unfortunately the alliance of dishonor and of the dangerous to look toral arrangements made by emanuel mac cronies. with the far left formations to not depriving the french people of a policy of recovery that they none the less over whelming li, sided for by putting us in the lead in the european elections. and then last sunday bought that was boss maureen le pen seems once again to have been floated by a republican front. that's where a majority of french people vote for any party that opposes the fall. right. a
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prime minister gabriella, how appointed by president emmanuel mack, chrome has offered to resign. let me guess, mamma said companion. from the start of this campaign, i've been alerted of 3 risk spending. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far left, the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far right and the risk of disappearance for the movement that represents our ideas in our values. today, these 3 risks have been eliminated by the french. but what that means is no one party will have an absolute majority in the assembly. the popular from the left wing coalition says they have a mandate that priorities to reverse microns blackshoe policy, increasing the retirement age to $64.00. and they want to increase the minimum wage and to recognize a palestinian state. the lymphoma is one of the pocket latest presence of mind. you will not going to have to negotiate with your try. a new government. there is
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little love lost between the 2 and the only thing i know, but literally was the desire to store follow right. getting into power. but it's all just, it really will not get an update with our correspondence. natasha butler who has joining us from here. so natasha, what are we to read into the fact that the president's macro has asked the prime minister to remain temporarily in his post? well, this was one of the scenarios. so was expect, said the president to my new michael, would all scarborough a child to remain a prime minister while everything else in palm that is being worked out. in other words, what will happen next? will that be sent to centrist left wing alliance? will that be a coalition? what will happen in parliament is still not clear and the manual michael wants to make sure that the country go through now. imperative stability,
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particular because you go to the big games on him, paris in just a few weeks time. it's likely you might even off, i to also stay on throughout that period just so we don't have disruption during the games such an important international vend. but one of the big topics of calls from this selection, one of the big results was that the far right a national riley policy of marine defend, did not do as well as they would have expected. so just to talk about base with me is do step on the tape on her. she is a vice a and an activist. thank you very much for joining us. the far right policy of marine the pen, they would projected to possibly take power to do very well in the selection, at least to have the most and peace. but in the end, they didn't do quite as well. it's not because the frauds we know the fonts rallied round the center and the less try and built them. but do you read anything else into it? oh yeah, maybe it's um,
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i think it's the victory. it's also because we have a wonderful campaign. we've left and the working class district also because we made out of the ration frustration anxiety and you know, sierra mostly, but we in free waves. we one because we were all a behind the scenes or people from poplar and i think it's wonderful. but now we usually have to stay focused, because now the biggest issue is in 3 years about the election of the presidential election. how we can stay uh, we can gather around of a new from popular and, and also because i am and that's just about the black toner and a poor woman. i see, i see also the n a c as in political appointments because in the last we are also biases, recipes and classes. viruses. so we demands also in the interface of the interface to put on the rest of them around our demand,
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a run the programs of what it took our program of, of, of them. so it's, it's wonderful to win. it's wonderful to have these relief and to re well, but yeah, we have to stay focused because from now to the, for years next to us, we have to be very focused and very serious about our domains to your size, saying it's a relief. it's really the far, i didn't dare say because there was a lot of concern amongst less wing and voters than others and centers. many others about what a fall, right? government would mean for from so it would be very a device if however, the fall right nearly doubled the number of n p as in paul mix. so in many respects they still have done for you. well, are you worried about that? yeah, of course, because this victoria is just a reprieve. you know, so now we can, you know, celebrate, assess raw. but if we constitute by seats,
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we can see that the national red laser aaron is the biggest party. now in friends, there's like 10 millions of people who, what's it for them so we can see. yeah, we can see that there is a lot of file writes of more and more presence and powerful ideas rescue sizes among the societies. and this is a, i think that the media or plays a role of the bigger the biggest uh yes, richmond started to see about this normalization of the ideas. so we, we are here to say yes, it's a victory for now. what we can do. and i think that's we've untie, rest is up to this. we can teach how to um, to defense. our sales we've educational political interest is in program we've uh, we have to talk about the quarter in the past of france. we have to talk about race issues in the life because it's like the type who we can talk about this,
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but it's some dimensions are in this society. so we have to put some words to after make some really, really actions really grips and shrink actions. thank you very much. thank you. 0 to thank you very much for our rights or inactive as to when do cis exits, the national body policy is the biggest policy in parliament in terms of numbers, the less the way he lives in terms of the next is lions, as actually one of the most states of right interested uh, front vintage political scenarios, concerns on all sides of the public schools spectrum is you had that back to you. thank you so much. latasha butler reporting from paris a if to so i'm going food has more of the reaction to the results for my say in southern france. well here in central must say some people are celebrated throughout the night as they gathered in the streets. uh, they took part in an n t for rights, a rally just up to peer, thousands of them and we spoke to some of them and they told us of their release.
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and their surprise at the far right scores weaker than expected a coming in. as the 3rd political, of course, not as this 1st, political force impala meant like some for diction suggested. however, there are also many folks here in my state that are disappointed by the national results. they did not come out on the street, but they didn't show up in numbers yesterday in the voting booth. in the 2nd round, they gave us 3 seats out of the 7 here in my say to the national riley party. that is a slightly less then the lead that they had in the 1st round. they were leading in 5 out of those 7 constituencies and contrasted reactions and results. here on the one hand, you have the relief from left wing and centrist voters, that the fall right, did not become the 1st political force and parliament. on the other hand,
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you're seeing a strong confirmation that the fluoride is slowly but surely rising in popularity. here in this region in southern france, is i'm getting food for all to 0 and my son, 2 more head on the l to 0 news our including this allegations are for crimes in north western me in mar, where the military is accused of bombing schools. and churches and hurricane barrow makes landfall in texas. it was upgraded to a category one storm after gaining strength over the gulf of mexico. the the fighting has resumed between government forces and m. 23 fighters and the eastern democratic republic of congo. it comes only 2 days after a us brokerage to monetary interest fell through our in groups have in recent months, sees more towns and now they control large parts to the east. and our white county
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has the latest from boots on both. that's in the eastern democratic republic of congress. this is something we'll custom public of course, or do you want to turn it on to the us government? that's called the 1st of all, let's just do the updates. if you go into officially on sunday, i'm 22 tables. i can use the d r c on the call. you still have quite different courses for launching a new one is for this one. if it is $130.00 till the off a little bit will come to the re, centrally, even though does he have to be up from the ground up to have to between the 2 sides. because included and the long terms of this one is the featured option well before position 3. 1 3rd one, sufficient enough people and the neighboring 4 of us will be to reconcile with more than $6.00 new and some of the distress people now leaving the icpc for the pro
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fees for the you. i am 22 here, which is now on a new wireless elizabeth, 4000000 on the form. i be honestly left total for this instrument as because he's got more people fighting on the ground by affecting even though we do have the forces from start to before we talk through this a couple more videos including some areas of which in a minute it was white on the throne, into your office for you, and for some of the able to stop bouncing. see if i can go up to despite the united nation for direct sales between where both president philly, switch you to be honest. everything negotiated with them for the people at the conference. many people are wondering right now if they will be any sort of sort of discourse us, we don't do that, you know, an icon. i would just deal with them with the democratic republic of school. well, we can now speak to to, or is kind of cut one, bob wagner, who's administer of state and minister of foreign affairs for the democratic republic of the congo. she's joining us from contrasts. administer,
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welcome to alger 0. we appreciate your time. let's talk about what's happening on the ground. first of all, the i'm 23 levels of gains more and more ground recently they've reportedly completely in circles go month, the capital of north key bu, province. and as you're aware, they recently took control. if you had another strategic town in north keybo, what's going wrong with the security services and why are they failing to take control of this area? between all and uh, i think it's very important that we give more visibility to the situation in eastern dear. see right. now, as you rightly say, we have had a deterioration of the situation over the past weeks. i think it's very important to highlight the fact that this is due to the presence, the significant presence of london defense force military on our territory in violation of our territorial integrity. if you refer to the latest report of the group of experts of the, in a sense we are facing as account,
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treat an influx of over 4000 troops from rwanda. a quick the gun metal, the d r c is doing its utmost to ensure the protection of the civilians. excuse me, can you hear me administer? we're having some trouble hearing you, but do continue. yes. your con a yes. exactly. and so the situation that we're looking at is one where we are faced with an influx and an aggression from our neighboring country rhonda that has sent over $4000.00 troops that have fueled massive displacement crisis in eastern d r. c. and as you mentioned, but the, you know, these allegations regulation is, are just allow me for a 2nd. i mean these allegations that you make towards around that we must say that the rolanda and governments and can golly, has consistently denied any involvement when it comes to yours. the in the m 23
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rebels. but, but, but, but from your end, i mean, i'd like you to just address the points about to your own security services and why they haven't been able to get a handle on the situation. and the em towards the 3 levels is gain more and more ground is a failure on your government's part as well. no, it isn't a failure. now government, our government is fetched fast or government is at the side of our population. again, even if wanda is denying its presence, i refer you to the last report of the group of experts. i refer you to all of the statements of the security council members that have been expected or have demanded from randa to withdraw from the d. r. c. now, i want to be very clear on this. the capacity of an army over armed forces is no law is not an issue that's puts up to debate. whether it's our territorial integrity should be me is doing it up most of our government the population. but again,
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the 1st section of the armies performance is not an entry way to say that we are not entitled to the same protection and the same respects of our submarine boundaries by rhonda. so the question we should be asking ourselves here is being sanctioned for this violation this egregious and repetitive violation of our territorial integrity. and i would like to refer also to the upcoming meeting of the un security council to date, which we'll be discussing, precise. the minister, are you still with us? all right, unfortunately, we have lost our connection with the administer to arrest kaycie lumber. wagner, who was the minister of state administer for an affairs for the democratic republic of the congo. so we'll move away from that story for the time being. the
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now is really for us as have killed at least 15 palestinians across garza since the early hours of monday. and they've also ordered thousands of people out of several neighborhoods in gaza. city that's in the north. the is really military has intensified it's bombardment of the area. charles stratford reports the young and old. the sick and injured many of the homes already destroyed the order to evacuate and then told to move again is really full. she's dropped leaflets, telling thousands of palestinians to leave neighborhoods in east garza city. most of these people have played he's really ministry operations, hunting homeless spices many times before. they have displaced us and made us leave our homes. what could we do? maybe software like they made us suffer. where the, where are the,
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are of some be our leaders. no one is helping us are we not humans. this is inside a medical facility trying to treat malnourished children and then open goals a strip. the u. n says that more than 50000 children and goals are required. urgent medical treatment for acute malnutrition. a. do you in an international rights groups accuses rental blocking fuel and medical supplies? of to move a 1000000 months of what the palestinian health ministry says. a robust city, 8000 palestinians killed. international prussia is building on these will and time us to agree to us see spawn proposal backed by the un negotiations through country and egyptian mediators that was stored for weeks have restarted it to her most israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's main goal is no negotiable and that it should destroy on us. oh, how nice is it?
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has no shortage. main, willing to fight mean hold on a 2nd then what could the mind power of assemblage agents in very good shape during the world were able to recruit thousands of new fights into the support. right. and there are thousands more who are willing ready and extremely motivated to join when necessary. 2 israel is bullying to fighting the destruction of guns that goes on. seized, deleted population, still trapped with no was safe to go. charleston on foot, which is 0. and is really striking at a farm and is in district of southern lebanon in the early hours of monday. morning, several homes were damaged and this strike and dozens of live stock were killed on sunday, has been the launch the garage of rockets from lebanon into northern israel, as well as the occupied go on heights and with the group described as one of its
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most sophisticated attacks against israel since early october. we have our correspondence as a big who's joining us now from what amazed us in southern lebanon. so i sense we see the exchange is a fire continuing between has by law and israel. how tense is the situation in the south and where you are? well, the pattern since the start of this conflict last october has been one of sporadic escalations as being attached to the touch across the border. this morning has been relatively quiet, although behind me if i step aside and i will come and ride consuming, the 3 is ready to re strikes. we believe just between where we are remission and the turn of the shall be should be able to see that smoke rising from the that's being the this morning. now though this conflict has been contained mainly to the board, the board, the areas that have been strikes deeper inside lebanon,
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know that it will carry that a, a strike against his beloved member on a motorcycle, kidding him in the district of tire. so there is this for tact and as you said, his beloved lowest a barrels of missile strikes and one of which. busy was a 1st in fact i'm as talk to mind to mirror on in the occupied goes in heights hitting a strategic location. this is ready surveillance location. now that's the message 20. 1 is to show his blog capabilities. and the 2nd one is a warning against any further widening of this conflicts. now you've also mentioned before that the negotiation is taking place about unable randazzo to reach a possible ceasefire. and that will, is linked to what's been taking place here in southern lebanon on his will have made it very clear that they will not be a stop to the fight thing here. they will not stop talking is waiting positions as long as there isn't a ceasefire. in gaza, that's agreed upon by resistance groups and is what it has made it clear that they would want his block to move further back from the,
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from the border so that it's through tens of thousands of it's residents can return to the home. so both sides of sending messages and warning speech of the i'm strengthening that positions in case over and that is a ceasefire. or if there's a whitening of this conflict. but so far this morning it's been relatively relative . being the operative word, relatively quiet here in southern lebanon. all right, thank you. as a bank reporting from a managed thank you. a miss. the international has released a report revealing what it calls radcliff shipments of jet fuel to me and more. the human rights organizations have suppliers in china, singapore, and the united arab emirates of oil chinle deliveries through vietnam to avoid detection, international sanctions on jet fuel to me and mars military were introduced to stop ariel attacks on civilian populations. but it's tony chang reports, they've had little impact the ruins of some peach of the baptist church and
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connecting village, so gang northwest to me and it's been on touch since january. on the 1st sunday of the year, the ministry bombed it and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children. that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family. but immediately the bottom from the sky. and then they die. much of the village was also destroyed and several other rates that day over several hours. most military denies responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place where they knew people would be gathering with no military target nearby. is clear evidence of a crime where the term war crime comes in. it's just the the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the they have to know that civilians will die with their launching is attacks. the militarist,
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used its power to terrible effect in april last year. composite, you village also in this the going region fight to jets and a helicopter gunship attacked. they killed a 165 people. it was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military to, oh, willows, responsible, ever faced justice. that is certainly, i think, a hot topic or, or, or a topic of discussion among them are people who feel, let down by international mechanisms. international bodies. however, they do exist and they have been effective in the past assemblies of normal life has returned to them. the area is now under control of resistance force, as opposed to military rule. in school has started again, but the children still where the danger from the sky. tony chang out is there a hurricane barrel has made land fall hitting the texas coast. some ports have been
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closed and people have been told to leave their homes and some towns burial had been downgraded, but gain strengthened the warm waters of the gulf of mexico and is now a category one storm. and previously it reads category 5 in the caribbean, where at least 11 people were killed. nbc news correspondent gaze golding has more from port lava caught in texas. yeah, we're here is the only open hardware store in port lavaca and i wanna show you they still have some buy with less, but they'll come on down because all of this has already been bought and paid for people paying for this. going home, delivering what they need, coming back with trailers to pick up the remainder of the what is they prepare the the last preparations truly last minute preparations. i'm here with the manager of this is our partner here. tony. i appreciate and you, you're still having people flooding and the doors today, right? yeah, we, i mean we had people waiting of the doors 1st thing this morning. still hoping to
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generator's power cords. you know, there's something to get prepared with, but i mean it's, it's, we have some stuff left but not, not a lot to get go in. i mean, when it comes to, you know, i need what i need something to cover up my windows and some of these things that, you know, you're running out of, are you able to offer, you know, maybe like home remedies are alternatives or is it kind of just the yeah, i mean keep your fingers cause we gotta do. we've had people buying pounds pickets and one by 6 or something there at least black branches, things like that. but yeah, if you're not ready, now you're, you're really going to keep your fingers crossed. tony, i appreciate it, i will show you they do have some other supply of wood here, but certainly not what you might need to cover up windows if you could imagine trying to, you know, cover up or board windows with pieces of wood like this final preparations underway here in portland walk up, but those supplies that people desperately need to stay safe. they're all there dwindling to say the least common port lavaca keeps going. here's what's coming up on the news. our and just leader in the ring, promot e, as in moscow to meet president vladimir putin. his 1st since russell's full scale
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invasion, a few frame, and one of the world's biggest smartphone companies, spaces, industrial unrest. that's a samsung workers go on strike. they're demanding better wages coming up as for to world records fall in terrace here just a few weeks ago until the olympics. that's coming up with peter. literally, the african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean, that rock band. i do have pluck and so many things to short documentary use by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya. serenade of this kind and canyon society of
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a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0. the latest news, the renewed bombardment and intense flight. think show that in north goes like elsewhere and the strip this will this fall from over with detailed coverage, given the lack of international up for it would be up to a residence if they've been to defend their very existence in their land from the hoss of the story were not passion for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life. it's a distraction of, from what she has witness. the news the here with the news. our analogies there are here are the top stories. francis
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presidents in 91. my cro has asked me centrist prime minister, and gabriella talked to remain in his posts for the time being to ensure the stability of the country. the leader of the left us coalition is on luke mendez. shaw says that the left is ready to govern. officer a surprise when sundays election, but has ruled out a coalition with suntrust. thousands of palestinians have fled their homes in garza city. during intense, is really bombardments because where the forces have killed these 15 power spans across cause us since the early hours of monday and fighting has resumed between government forces and m. $23.00 rebels and the eastern democratic republic of congo becomes only 2 days after a us brokerage humanitarian truce. collab please 28. people have been killed across ukraine following russian missile attacks. and this includes this strikes that hit as children's hospital in chief of police. 17 people were killed
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there. he's may or said it was one of the worst attacks. and the 2 year russian invasion started, russia has fired more than 40 massages that ukrainian cities on monday. all exams are crap as the director of the north america program that ukrainian prism, she says ukrainian defense systems couldn't switch down rushes miss all the tax on monday. and basically this was one of the, the biggest the tax for the last 2 years. some key of, especially again the key or as one of the biggest in the air protection system. however, 0, it's mandy got through it because the russians use several advanced techniques of getting our energy arrow systems, the sewer by small the tar him and the providing for caliber rock. it seems to foss this one russian arsenal. they were able to get through our defenses and keep federal target q a lower as received, not for the 1st time, but in the dozens of
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a dense rush. and once it gives you some medical facility is a children's hospital last month, it edition is a seed center residential buildings in nearly 20 apartments for destroyed, but can keep a little well basically gets here. we'll face the doctor. you. i saw several smoke smoke a columns to right and above the city. in russia, president vladimir putin, san, we'll be hosting in just prime minister and the rings remote e. he's arrived in moscow for a 2 day visit his 1st since russia invaded ukraine. and moody is expected to hold talks with one reference and later on choose day. you'll yes, up of all of a has more from moscow on the story. so why is this visit so significant and what's on the agenda you'll yeah, the, well, this visit to most gary's mode is 1st for and trip off to being re elected for a set. so which is significant and speaks for itself. his previous visit to russia was back in 2019 when he came to the far eastern economic form and let the bus stop
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during the visit, according to indian officials, both sides will discuss issues of global and regional significance and the country's mutual relations. and it's worth mentioning that somebody was most at the recent shanghai corporation organization summit and asked to know, and this visit to russia, gets the indian prime minister trunks to discuss important issues face to face with relating to patients. and tonight is that we'll see each of that to that. d body is also expected to meet with indian national was living in russia and also the topic of ukraine, of course, will be addressed during the tools between murphy and peyton. and you have maintains and you chose tases and the config, but it could play a mediation vote and resolving as unlike china. india sent a representative to the summit on ukraine in switzerland last year and, but it did not sign the final documents that i also,
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according to the reuters news agency. the issue is 5, sitting in ukraine on the russian side is also to be res. at the merger, pacing, leasing, as well, at least for international, according to reuters have been killed in the conflict. so fall on that prompted notice government to coal for release of engines biasing and the russian army. now india estimates around full share of assistance could be subbing in the russian armed forces. so quite a number of things that are out for discussion. and of course we have pulling the tools here in most scary. yeah, and we'll cross back to uh, throughout the day, i'm sure you'll, yes, thank you so much for the time being for that reporting from moscow. so, our defense editor alix gets off the list, takes a look at the arms trade between india and russia. even before the ranger moody arrived in moscow, russia had already signed the major deal to make alma pacing tank shells in india. india works closely with the russian companies on we sell technology and owns more
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than 3672 and teen 90 russian made tanks. india is a prime candidate to help russia such as fights, insatiable need for artillery, and time shells put them. there's already petition north korea and vietnam football or i munition rush of 5 around a staggering $8000.00 artillery shows a day in his war and ukraine at an average cost of $4000.00 for each show. mosca spending roughly $52000000.00 a day. just still not telling me, i munition is economy is unable for thing, but it's on forces me to continue supply homes if it was to break, it still makes would ukraine and when the war and that's where india can make an impact. it's growing homes industries, ideally place to support russia as a to lead is media most go to discuss just how they can help each other. okay, well i'll speak to people fault in our who is the defense on that list. and also calling this for new via guys that's joining us from moscow as well. welcome back
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to elgin 0. so who needs uh, who more here the most to meet the driver. and that's my believe this is the visit is going to be declared the success because the for russia and some for huge that we do world we need your comes from us to, to talk to jim from the mold is also very important to demonstrate in independence. a special kind of position in the world. so both sides are heading for success and the social discussing different important issues. issues that are not as easy or course to solve and just one so much right to the payments pressure is so so in the weapons and is brushed of selling india a lot of oil right now. but there are problems of time to get payments for the because campaign dollars, simply because the american sanctions in russia's page is rubies. and there's no
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work in most cases. what to do with those will be so that would be problems manner which have to be resolved. and there may be some additional progress in some military deals too. yeah, so along along side i mean that, that issue of the payments that you just pointed out um, but i suppose that that will be into detail after this trip and what comes out of it. but um, what, what do you expect them to, to discuss and come up with at the end of the trip? and again, the, these are really complicated. they should say, russia said being the major supplier and deer, for many decades of india now. and we still have lots of russian soviet hardware times the jets everything. but then raise your years. it began to increasingly your buy from other countries, diversified to purchases and began buying
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a lot from the united states. so it should business during the cold war to all of the russia right now is being a big side wind. but that's the kind of slow process and rushes very so better and has a lot of influence inside the grid and the indian military and your best wish man. so. ready push it for, is it india for russian? russia for india are very important. bought those that's not going to change and they're trying to keep the relationship on an even keel. is there a message? i think the bottom recruits and wants to send out by meeting and arrange remoted in moscow considering that russia has been isolated by western countries to push the rush to be changed to swing by fast away just there's and yeah, there's, yeah, there bridge countries at the time and so another countries that are where we are ready to talk and ready to deal with moscow and so the west should also consider
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a phasing down it stand off with the rush. all right, thank you. panel falls in our thanks for joining us from moscow. and yes, britons no probably minister has begin a tour of the united kingdom and had made his 1st visit since taking office to northern ireland. on monday, after visiting scotland on sunday, cheer stormer met the leaders of northern islands and hell talks and pro iris unity . first minister and republican, michel, o'neills, the prime minister says his visit to the devil's nations is a push to improve working relationships that were strange under the previous governments. on the board, as for administer, david, allow me, it has been dispatched to europe to improve ties damaged by brooks. it's me one of us, a little bit shows more from london on the phone to mr. president. so it's been a long night and i a room welcome to the world stage for the new british prime
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minister. it is the best phone call with the us presidents, one of a string of conversations with leaders and allies for his 1st day in downing street chase. the difference to the support of human a kiss tom at once to show that i made pressing domestic issues for him. policy is also a priority. we're not going to be able to get a better relationship unless we demonstrate to commitment to the relationship of the agreements. that already been put in place, she'll be doing both of those things, but we do that. we do that with advice from mandate. now i'm a very strong mandate for change, for a different relationship with the you a different way of doing politics. and we go forward in that spirit dispatching his foreign minister on a tour of germany, poland, and sweden on his 2nd day and the job diving straight into the issue of garza, the only for labor for its initial refusal to back a ceasefire,
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which has since been reversed, we've been very clear that we want to see a see saw. we have been calling the for that since the end of last year. we want to see those hostages out. but when we see the tremendous, lots of like $30000.00 people, women and children fighting has to stop the age of scots to get to the trip. part of the new administration's efforts to make its presence known in his 1st 2 weeks in office keys, pharma is due to attend a nato summit in washington. i need your opinion leaders in the u. k. all part of his government's drive. he says to reset the u. k. foreign policy, but one thing he's adamant he won't do is rejoined the european union. we're not open to the for you free movement. the voltage there will be no reverse of, of bracket. the business minister says, but that could be flows, the ties to the you cost where it's and the mutual interest of both the your opinion on the u. k. to work together. but good faith relationship is going to make
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sense to home. the new prime minister headed to edinburgh. i can't tell you how important it is to me to be here in scotland with you. 48 hours off to for 10 invited me to full of a government stop on his trip around the u. k. part of the pledge to kick stalled grace nationwide. k sluggish economy could limit its influence on the world stage with new plans by labor to reverse costs to the overseas a budget. but the intention at least is so buttons new leda to swiftly establish himself as a global statesman lender as need to reach out to 0. london. boeing has accepted a plea, deal on a criminal fraud, charge related to faithful crashes. if it's 737 max stress and the terms include
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a fine of more than $243000000.00. at least 346 people were killed in crashes and indonesia. and if you appeal between 20182019 the justice department found boeing guilty of violating a settlement and which the company avoided the criminal charges, the company was accused of repeated safety failures. relatives with the victims have criticized the deals, saying it means boeing avoids criminal charges and courts and billions and compensation. the samsung workers themselves, korea have gone on strike their demands in better pay on working conditions. thousands of union members took part in a riley in the city of las young, near samsung's headquarters. it marked the starts of a 3 day strike roughness. ride reports from south korea, a defiant display, in spite of the rain and the size of the ship making julia and the striking against
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a 3 day general will count against samsung. electronics was called by the union, representing the quotes or rivets workers, your budget. it's an honor to be here with union members at this historic moment. while there may be negative views from outside and even from within. we stand here with urgent belief that it must be now or never as positive says careers largest conglomerates. samsung electronics has always been regarded as providing among the best pagan conditions, in spite of samsung sized prey. junior, the influence overlays has traditionally, renee smoke, for the 2020, the company dropped this policy of discouraging the union and union membership has risen rapidly. other unions at samsung have criticize this union for taking strike action while these workers took a hit to that bonuses last year after a down to and the chip businesses of the south koreans still because,
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well treated people that live with that song. so how has provide the best to benefit to the employees that desktop property of perception as a significant producer of specialized semi conduct is especially high band with memory chips for the budgeting, artificial intelligence sector. it's still not known what impact the strike will have. but the union has threatened more action if it's the months. nope, batch. rob mcbride. oh, jeez, era. west on the south korea. the south korean government says it will withdraw plans to suspend the licenses of striking doctors. since february, thousands of doctors have walked off the job over plans to boost medical school admissions, and they say, universities won't be able to handle the increased flow. and the quality of medical services will suffer south korea as health and welfare ministers as the government will no longer take administrative action against for testers. to when we are open
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yet, tell you something to do a 100 miles to training you doctors. i urge you to stop hesitating and make decision, and also the government will help those who chose a central health services, despite poor conditions, to focus on the training roots, training doctors who are the future of the nation's medical services to come back to the hospitals and participate in the discussion to improve your training conditions soon. have an overnight curfew has been ordered for australia is out by tourist town of alice springs after a spade of violent attacks. and that 3 day measure comes after 4 off duty police officers for a sultan's a 2 week youth curfew was also declared in the town in march. after mass bro involving a 150 people. community leaders say that alcohol abuse is a major factor behind the violence. the intent of these declaration is disrupt, disrupt the behaviors associated with the home way. so you can all of springs and a whole a government approach to make sure we can look off the people the night off week,
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safely look at the yellow springs community and make a difference. so we don't say anything fresh, kindly in this fall. it's a place 6 people have been injured in the spanish city of tempe, low and during the annual running of the bulls on monday. the $800.00 me to run as hell daily for one week during the city's annual sun for men festival, and 6 purpose. fred fighting bows are released into the narrow streets, the cities old quarter during the event. here's what's coming up on the news. our, the sports news and the sports team that got a royal welcome from the king of england's details coming up in a moment with either the the,
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the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the color again, time for the sports, those years peter, the ring. thank you so much. $20.00 to $80.00 to wimbledon champion, elena rebecca is 3. so this is cause the finals, rebecca to prove to good for rushes and come in sky on since the cold in may. 4th round match the conflicts donnie winning, the 1st 863600 sky. i struggled with an injury and had to take a medical timeouts, even though she was even play. she could only continue for so long. rebecca was 3 love up in the 2nd. when come inside, retired on the inside, it's an easy lorenzo. i'm gonna say to you through to the close of finals. that's the 1st time he's managed to do that. any scripts you took care of frenchman, giovanni and pitchy perry called me 546636362 playing well as a team rather than having superstars could prove to be the key to winning the
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european championship. that's according to spain defend democracy. they're spending take on funds for a place in the final on tuesday, spain to be one of the most impressive cheese at the tournaments. they knocked out the host nation to many in the previous round sunday. while i've been on the course, sometimes it's much more valuable to have a great team and i'm happy to be better of the whole band to have stones. and i think we're proving that may be seen on we don't have those stand out names will superstar, but as a team, we're very good, which if we play good football and so far, one of the things are going very well for austell audience, you know, looking to retain the copper america title, they've trained for the 1st time since arriving in new jersey full day send the final against canada on tuesday. the origin times eliminated equipped to in the last round columbia have arrived in charlotte full the 2nd semi final they take on the team, knocked out brazil uruguay for a place in the final columbia on be sending 27 games,
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but they sold carpet title came in 2001. it's just a few weeks before she attempts to defend it. it's hard to let the olympics embarrass by. 50 gone, has broken her own world record in the 1500 meters and she did it in paris at the latest time and leave meeting. the 50 year old canyon had only run twice in 2024 and said she just wanted to see what shape she was in. she had seemed to be olympics as a to time defending champion of the winning goals in v a and so to and there was another will record at the same events. you frames you had a slot of mine who checks, setting a new mark of 2 inches and same same to me says in the women's high jump. that the correct code which i did for close to sol decades. randy will, champions will be a mean so the and has this and then pick type lean paris again. so if you're less than 3 weeks time the defending means olympic high jump champion, expects parents to be his final games because boots as bushing famously shade. and i kind of go with the teddy and jen mazda somebody last time in tokyo,
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in 2021. but he says, that's what happened. the game is no, definitely, it would never happen again. you know, it's, it's, it's for me, i feel like it's a one moment thing. it was the history and the story behind it. but no, no, we support people, you know, very aggressive. you know, we are hungry for more. i want to be the best they want to be the best he wants to be the best. everyone wants to class and, and that's the sports, you know, so for me knows us will never happen again. so we'll fight to the end. a front rugby, full back melvin gemini, has been suspended from national team dc following the racist and maki made in a video that went viral and social media. gemini, can be heard in the video saying he will hate about the 1st arab. he meets on the streets, french rugby federation of content comments. gemini, has apologized, but has been sent home from argentina with fonts, a currently playing a to match series. american davis thompson is wanting to it's p j to a title, and he did it in some style to the 25 year old daughter in the shop and the price
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of 7 on the past. 64 on sunday to ensure a win by full shots. but he also said a new record at the john deere classic for the lowest score costs for rounds. thompson, finish 20 item, the po for the tournament. it also means he qualifies automatically for the next 3 majors. i guess in may, my goal was, you know, to make the playoffs and then the next thing i know i'll finish 2nd in myrtle beach and the 9th of us opened and 2nd last week and this week my goal is to just take the door down and get a wind honestly and i was just able to play really well. and thankfully, i'm in a, i'm in a good spot for the rest of the year. also saving the seats in a row at the stadium, the milwaukee brewers a fine. you want a baseball game at the famous los angeles venue, so we can, milwaukee basses hit home runs as the prove is down the i'm a dodge is 92, it means milwaukee avoid a sweep in a series against los angeles. despite this results or judges are still
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a hate of the brewers in the national league spending this. newest hamilton said they would, daisy thought he would never waiting for me to one again. but he picked up the 1st victory and nearly 3 years at the grocery store and pre winning the race for record extending 9th time. david stokes reports the 955 days since these last victory. louise hamilton is celebrating once again. the 131 year old took the check. it's like it's so this didn't for the 1st time since the saudi arabian go on pre in 2021. it extends his reco to a 100 and full career wins. but few of them have been his emotion. elizabeth sees nobody is allowed to get this one. i think that you feel defensive. you guys have 164000 fans and attendance conductive hype for but to race with 3 british drive is slipping. the lead early on,
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it was george russell who started on pole for the cities, but his teammate hamilton, passed him on the 18th or the hamilton himself to be taken by my car in slander. norris, the closest challenge you to mex, but stopping in the thoughts of rice, the rustle was supposed to retire with the water pressure issue and then approached pit stop by norris handed the lead back to hamilton with just i've a 10 laps remaining. this step and close the gap, but i don't he managed to writing norris which was good enough to finish 2nd and therefore extend this overall championships lead harvest. 7 the outsides for the day belong to the 7th time will champion ahead of him is the 9th time that hamilton is one. it's so boston the 1st drive it to in that many races that any one for me to one track. and there's definitely been days between 2021 and here where i didn't feel like i was good enough for whether i was going to get back to where i am today
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. but the important thing is that great people around me. the important thing is just how you continue to get up in this. and so you're going to continue to dig deep, even when you feel like you're at the bottom of the barrel up to 56, right? he's without to win hamilton. he's back on top of the podium and still forced to be reckoned with. and if he's moved to ferrari next season, they've been states. oh geez era. the wasting these crickets even have been given a royal welcome, as they prepared for bates as series in england. craig graduates, any single hosted by king charles at buckingham palace, the english monarch took the opportunity to express these can concerns to those affected by hurricane barrel, which sprayed destruction in jamaica, barbados, as well as saint vincent and the trinity ins as. so that's what it's supposed to be, so the time be 3. thank you so much, peter, and thanks for watching the news. our on out a 0. that's it from myself and peter for the time being 1st. and we'll be back in just a moment, but much more of the day's news and all the latest headlines stuff coming up right after the break. so to stay with us,
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the nature of mine made catastrophes, and the rate was by severe weather events or resulting an adult was think devastation. the variety of human factors means their intensity and impact is a purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate changes was effect, as opposed to be seen as normal. but if that's something that should have to happen to any one, is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera,
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how to 0. government shut off access to social media. the from says left wing leader says this can listen is ready to govern. officer unexpectedly emerging is a largest political blog and find them in the you're watching all to 0 life from a headquarters and don't find any navigate. also coming up is really forces to at least 15 palestinians across the us and see early hours of monday. thousands of


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