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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the most important key is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here as a theater. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the these rarely minute trick spends evacuation orders in northern garza forcing thousands of palestinians and parts of kansas city to meet the carriage. austin, this is i'll just say right, well, nice. and also in the program, a mass says is ready a tax and moving, gone so will affect negotiations to reach a ceasefire. deal accusing israel's prime minister of creating obstacles,
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emergency crews sift through robert and ukraine's capital. often. russian s tri kits. the countries not just childrens hospital stuffs, has the president being treated for parking says no, is he being treated for parking since? no, he's not. the white house goes on the defensive as concerns mounting the president chose binds cognitive helps the several palestinians have been injured and is very striking to you and run school in a central gauze. a strip attack happened on the monday evening in this route. the injured with taken to the exit hospital, you and officials have reported summit 450 incidents involving you in buildings since october the 7th. this is rob has stepped. toughest bombardments of several neighborhoods in garza city. at least 40 people across the strip have been killed in the past. the 24 has asked,
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has condemned the latest evacuation orders from these very ami, which forced thousands of palestinians to these charles struck budget poles. the young and old, the sick and injured many of the homes already destroyed the order to evacuate and then told to move again is really full. she's dropped leaflets, telling thousands of palestinians to leave neighborhoods in east gulf of city. most of these people have played, he's really ministry operations, hunting time, spices many times before. they have displaced us and made us leave our homes. what could we do? may they suffer like they made us suffer? where the, where are the, are of some of the are leaders. no one is helping us are we not humans. this is inside a medical facility trying to treat malnourished children and then old and goes to
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strip you and says that more than 50000 children and golda require an urgent medical treatment for acute malnutrition. c u. n. n. international rights groups accuses rental blocking fuel and medical supplies of to move a 1000000 months. so what the palestinian health ministry says, or robust search gates 1000 palestinians killed. international prussia is building on israel and have us to agree to a usc spawn proposal backed by the un negotiations through country and egyptian mediators that was stored for weeks have restored it to her most israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's main goal is non negotiable. and that is to destroy on us. well, my says it has no shortage. main willing to fight. well, i mean, i don't know what the mind power of the cosign per gauge is in very good shape. during the war. we're able to recruit thousands of new fighters into the support,
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right. and there are thousands more who are willing ready and extremely motivated to join when necessary. 2 2 israel's booming, pointing the destruction of guns that goes on the deceased and believe population. still, trent with no was safe to go. charles langford, i'm just 0. i'm asked as issued a statement saying it's offering flexibility and positivity and tools to reach a deal to end israel's 9 months war on garza. massachusetts is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu, of placing more obstacles on the negotiations, an escalating crimes against the palestinian people. they called on mediators to intervene and put pressure on these, right, the leader, the group also close on the international community and the un to fulfill that humanitarian and legal responsibilities. and to put pressure to stop the crime of genocide and mass wound up this off to
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a strip of cushions because of what is happening in gaza. it says the occupations threats to launch neighborhoods in gauze and the requests to evacuate them with a ton of negotiating process to point 0 from the cell who has more now from a much and how much has released to different statements on monday, the 1st thing that is real under prime minister benjamin netanyahu is not willing to show any flexibility in these negotiations, and the mediators should intervene. and all of this comes after nathan young's office released the statement on sunday, explaining for non negotiable items that israel is going into these negotiations with. now this list in the statement was slammed by several is really official speaking anonymously. saying that this is something that is going to deter that. it goes, she ations. meanwhile, him as the 2nd statement has said that continued his really military action in northern gaza is going to plummet these talks. but when we heard from the white house,
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the us national security council spokesperson john kirby earlier on monday. he did say that the statements released by both sides do not actually reflect how the talks are going, saying that there are still a lot of gaps to bridge, but that mediators are trying to do just that. and all of this comes as there's been a lot of internal discourse within that's and y'all whose coalition lawmakers from the far right, like you to me are ben gear and bits on it, smelt rich known ultra national as to say that israel should not be entering a deal to release the remaining captive saying that it would deter them from an absolute victory and that it would be a win for him us. and then you have other members of the coalition exchanging verbal jobs with the far right. saying that if there is going to be a demise and fall of the government, it's going to be because of ben beer and smelt rich. honda said who it was just, you know, i'm a and a reminder that benjamin netanyahu government has band alex's here from reporting in israel. so we're covering developments from outside the country.
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the search and rescue efforts to continue in teeth of ukraine's largest children's hospital who was hit by russian missiles, emergency responders had been working throughout the night. the city's mess says it's one of the worst attacks on the capital since the war began. at least 36 people were killed in russian attacks across the crate on monday. sorry to hear their reports. this is what remains of your budget children's hospital and keys for deadly by roger. miss south struck the building in broad daylight smoke below, down to the destruction and the horror of yet another attack. what a medical facility became apparent. we came here to the hospital 5 minutes before the thought happened. we manage to get to the pediatric ward. i
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don't know. it is a nightmare. i both even know if it was a miss size hits or the fragments of a messiah. not a moment to lose in the frontage, efforts to save as many lives possible as rescue as remove debris as quickly as they could to search for survivors. this is ukraine's largest pediatric hospital and the leading center in the country for treating children with cancer. parts of it now reduced to rubble up to rush up on board at the site and what appeared to be an attack on civilian targets. nearby, a pop of blogs also damaged there's been a massive attack targeting districts, upkeep, city. they have been missed all hits, like hearing off my feet. and fragments of missiles, people have been killed. details are being confirmed soon, we will be able to provide more information about the wounded. the attack happened as the cranium president followed him,
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is the lensky was visiting the polish capital also ahead of the nato summit in washington. and he called for russia to be held accountable for their actions. but at the humid time, it will not the 1st of all, i expect very concrete, announces and steps from our apartments at the nato summit size will have a meeting dedicated to reinforcing ukraine's ad defenses. cutting costs of an infrastructure towards the supplies and the energy grid. and then the system, what is the attack was not limited to the capital. industrial facilities, as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hits in the pro come a towards the landscape hometown of cvd, among other locations in the kremlin, responded by blaming ukraine for the attack. saying that it's military did not attack civilian infrastructure, putting more pressure on ukraine's allies to send more defense systems defend the further attacks on his people. so anybody ever outta 0 us president joe biden is
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told a fellow democrats. he's firmly committed to his re election campaign, and alexa biden promised politicians he would stay in the presidential race to beat republican challenger. donald trump, bottom is on the mounting pressure from democrats, right, that he may not be fit for office. kimberly, how could reports from the whitehouse? a defiant joe biden says he's in the presidential race until the end. and he's striking back at members of his party who are calling on him to step aside emotionally. what i've done in my, the way, in terms of my neurological capacity, i had a physical, logical physical as well on february. it's really, really all my record. all at least half a dozen house democrats have publicly called for vive end to end. his re election bid more than a dozen incurred,
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as former top democrats raised concerns about the president's fitness to serve in the office. a bargain is old. he's not as articulate as he once was. i wish we could jump up the steps on air force one he kept. what we, i've got to focus on is policy whose policies have and will benefit the vast majority of the people in this country. it's a personal wait for the president on tuesday house and senate democrats are expected to hold meetings that could determine just how much support the president has on capitol hill. democrats are reportedly favoring to possible option pushing president biden's side using private intervention. it's a tactic not seen since 1974 when richard nixon was president, or democrats could shoes the nuclear option, calling for 5 and to step aside with
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a public statements for now by the end remains on the off in reaching out to members of congress. he's already called thousands by phone, and this week we'll call dustin's more voiding them to a band and him now could propel former president donald trump back into the white house. kimberly, how could al jazeera, the white house for more questions of being raised about the president biden's health. that's all for us. media reports have the parkinson's disease specialist visits at the white house 8 times of the past year. that's prompted buttons doctor to release a statement saying the president ernest, or a new roland, just as part of their regular annual physical exam. hardy drug castro has more from washington dc under intense pressure from the press. the white house has now reversed course, after initially refusing to answer questions about why a nation's leading parkinson's disease expert had visited the white house 8 times
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in the past year. now in a late letter from biden's personal physician, we've learned that this disease expert was there to host and your logical clinic for staffers at the white house. but that he indeed was in fact, the neurologist who also gave the president the neurological exam 3 times as part of the president's standard annual physicals. and his letter from the president's personal doctor. he was clear in saying that after these, my new and detailed examination of the president's neurological state, there was no concern for disease. and that his last physical, which was given to bite in, in february, showed that he wasn't a relatively clean bill of health and fit to serve in the office. however, that was several months ago, february was the last time the president was examined. he has said he has not gone
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any cognitive exams since, and people are still concerned about his fitness for office currently, after what some would say seeing him deteriorates before the very eyes in these past few months. and the white house and dividing campaign having already undertaken heated criticism after biden's a terrible debate performance a few a week ago and not putting the president for work to show him with more vigor more immediately. now the white house, apparently reversing course, try to be more transparent in quelling fears about biden's fitness for office. heidi joe castro al jazeera washington from suffice is a prospect of a longer period of political paralysis a day off. the parliamentary elections discussions are on the way to form the next government off to the left wing alliance, one the most seats, the 2nd round a voting,
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but not enough for an outright majority. but it smith reports from past. frances newly elected assembly members run the gauntlet of june list as they arrive to stop the new jobs. but to a few definitive answers to questions about what the new government will look like when it will take shape. although i'm along with a know, i think it'll be a period of a transitional government where immediate concerns will be managed by the administer is already in place. especially if a really big games off to that it will take as long as it takes you shouldn't be in a hurry when it comes to democracy. so he's the most popular lead as well. now start negotiations to see if a governing coalition come before the surprise. when is all the left wing aligns the new popular front with the largest number of seats but well show to the majority. it's fractious, made up of parties from the fall left to send to left. it wants to repeal the rise in the retirement age and increase the minimum wage. use of more that is when we
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have the responsibility of the new popular front to not disappoint the french people, we must hear the end of the disappointment, but also the mistrust of a certain number of voters. those who did not come to the polls, including those who, cuz they vote for the far right. gabriella towel will stay on his prime minister for now. president emmanuel macro on turned down his offer to resign to the left wing. the lines will be tested by who they want to succeed. a tile as prime minister leads or if the fall left from about john luc mellow, shall cast his eye on that prize. but many on the scent of left would find that unacceptable. one of the leaders of the life as well as i said, it's perfectly well. he said, the french gave us another chance, which means that if, if there is no improvement in the political climate in the next few months, then it would be by the end of end winning the following time. and that's a very serious. it's right on the 4 digit goals that i mentioned cross go to the far right. national riley is down,
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but not out. it's now the 3rd largest group in the assembly. it's parliamentary, lead a marine. the pen could seek to capitalize on any political instability, and money will knock on cold is not collections to provide clarification from the opposite happened. the french people showed what they are against, but not what they are for. the presidency is weakened, a months perhaps longer of unstable government, lies ahead. and it's all just era pars still ahead on the eldest there, the president of origin seen and makes his 1st visit to brazil to attend the far right convention. office being seen as a political snap on the stock warning from scientists as a new appliances from the east to novice states of outcomes. the same depth analysis of the days headlines he's right, is like his res,
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accusing that i was looking upon them since informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to northridge in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america. inside story massachuset, the group was fine to send on out jersey around even if you look up rich countries which are now being infected, but climate change, almost invariably, the most vulnerable of people who are suffering now are poor people. in the us, for example, it's one of the richest comes in the world and the 25 percent of the populations live in substandard housing. but it's important to understand that. so that's climate change is an issue that a shot through with any policy in multiple respects. and we see it in class terms. first and foremost, i guess the most obvious way we know that it's the rich us that are overwhelming
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and responsible for, for accessing machines. and so there is a very big disparity amongst who was the problem and who suffers the consequences. the, [000:00:00;00] the without just reminder about type stores. now this time goes as the spot tool. so set to resume in car latex, but a mass has a choose these very prime minister facing obstacles i headed to negotiations. and mass has warned that the latest attacks of moving guns on helping the tools search and rescue efforts. so continuing and keep off
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a children's hospital was hit by russian. miss hans the cities mess says it's one of the worst attacks on the company since the war began. and us present, joe biden says he's firmly committed to his re election campaign, despite really quotes from within his pockets with bands and his big for the more times the president is under mounting pressure from the democrats. right, that he may not be fit for office buttons. doctor says the president, so enrolled, which is to call him an annual event security council. it has been a wound of wes thing, violets and eastern democratic republic of congo. the head of the un submission told members of the m 23 level group is rapidly expanding its control. but the very real risk of why the original conflict fighting between the group and government forces broke out again this week, just days off to us where it could for monetary interest india as prime minister in the range of moody will meet russian president vladimir putin in the coming us
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boots and received most of the seas official residents just outside moscow. on monday, the latest are expected to discuss energy, the treat relations and regional issues. during official talks, a new case, new a prime minister, i met the leaders of northern ireland on monday and health talks with the pro issued a t 1st minister and republic and to show a new guest on it says his visits has a push to improve working relationships that's a strength the previous government. he also met the welsh and scottish 1st ministers as part of his pull of united kingdom. the quotes in new york has heard the closing arguments, electronic bub menendez. the us senator has been charged with 16 criminal accounts including bribery and for the time of the alleged crimes. menendez was chairman of the powerful us senate foreign relations committee. and then this has pleaded not
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guilty existing cause to resign. from this last month, the filed papers to run for re election as an independent senate candidates not to the american leaders are attending a key trade meeting and power required, but origin seen as president. yeah, knew the is absent. instead, he's in brazil where he attended the rally for a former presidential impulse in all right, and movie seen as a snob, it's also not a successful. the reason i say the silver is that the original trade summit in since june teresa by reports not from what us ours or it was have you had a release 1st trip to brazil after taking over a surgeon tina's precedent. but he did not visit president, let us the law, but former leaders aid also not of course under investigation for an alleged cool attempt and corruption relay travel to participate in that conservative meeting known as feedback where he said, well, so now to was
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a victim of political persecution and once again attacked socialism. socialism is the ideology of resentment, envy, and hatred. in addition to all of that, socialism is the idea of saying the nobody knows more about that the we, latin american brothers and sisters in the past really has referred to let us the last corrupt and a thief and has attacked the other center left leaders around the world who's taking off have you ever mean a has prioritized ties with ideological allies? so i don't know trump been, i mean not when you have one even last over 2 additional relations with counterparts like joe biden and spain a little sanchez. the strategy has helped turn me into an icon of the global life, but at the same time and as an good many argentina's allies on monday, leaders from the region i mircle so try block, met him, but our wife, capitalize on see on pressing their whispers is pressing and let us see, well, we like as you pull from uruguay and others, it would mean
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a was the only head of state who did not attend, falls to demo throughout the faults. democrats are trying to undermine institutions and put them at the service of reactionary interests by close, by noting the victory progressive forces in the recent elections and u. k. i'm from both a fundamental to the defense of democracy and social justice against the threats of extreme is that many argentina are concerned about me, lays sharp turn in foreign policy. argentina is moving away from that tradition of 10 points on the boats from the traditional but i know that when it comes to social issues when it comes to values when it comes to climate change origin, tina is changing the way it is. boating at the u. n a the, the human rights come see that the un for instance, we used to come damn ease, ryan, the human rights violations, westbank. we are not doing that any more. these are in certain times for item
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tina ask have you had really implements he so cold chain? so plan to reduce budget deficit. there are concerns no totally about the economy but also about the role argentina will play on the global stage base. i will, as a feed up with a site is, are assigned to say global warming is leading to most severe feats weighs more intense forest fires and stronger americans, all of which the us is having to deal with right now. well bring those reports from essentially these unbearable heat relentless buyers and a dangerous storm. severe weather is battering the u. s. hurricane barrel slammed into the texas gulf coast near galveston with strong wind and drenching rain, causing heavy damage in some areas as well as widespread flooding. it's pretty bad
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. down power line, street expenses, just letter and stuff. debris, everywhere. at least 2 people were killed by folding trees. others had a narrow escape. that 3 land right there could have been through the roof of our house instead of our ship. that one could have done on our house, instead of this way now downgraded to a tropical storm barrel, has knocked out power to more than a 1000000 households and disrupted airline traffic. near santa barbara, california is biggest fire of the year, has burned, more than $8000.00 hector's and forest evacuations. other fires are burning across the state. firefighters bought back a blaze threatening homes in place or bill when we seem it right there is so close and we seen it and it was like, oh wow. fighting the fires is made more difficult by an intense heat wave enveloping the west temperatures broke records in death valley national park. typically one of the hottest places on earth,
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at least one visitor died of heat related causes. when the temperature near the all time planted wide record of 54.4 degrees are saying these temperatures that we're seeing will likely challenge current records if not break them. despite the blistering sun towards came out to be part of the experience, ha, 8. how? the intense heat wave is forecast to continue in california and other western states till the end of the week. extreme heat kills more people globally in an average year than any other weather event, including hurricanes and floods. rob reynolds, l, g, 0, los angeles. and these 2 people have been killed, the storm barrels rips through the us state of texas businesses and at least 2000000 people have been left without heavy rain and this wind gusts of damaged buildings. the storm was downgraded from a hurricane,
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but it's still been powerful enough to knock down hundreds of trees. the more information on our website, i'll just say a dot com and all of your devices. the weather is next then inside story examines the implications of the french election results, 3 tunes, and thanks for watching by the the hello, things are about to heat up across the radium peninsula. let's go with those details right here right now. but for us, the story of the wind, it started down but still spinning around the sand in depths for the eastern province of saudi arabia. okay, so you've probably seen some hints of this heat, right. great. 49, southern iraq basra also 49 degrees but we take a look at the 3 day forecast for kuwait while you should up to 52 degrees on
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thursday while the above, where you should be at this point in the year or so. by definition, this is a heat wave once it rains, filling in through bucket style. and that includes karachi, what day on tuesday ask about at $41.00. that seems talk, but it's actually pretty well where you should be. for this time of year, there's been some flooding in turkey as ne black sea coast just to the west of tribes on or rain falling over a top of this area on tuesday. and our seasonal rain, summer rains, really picking up for guinea be south guinea and sierra the own. you know what for that western slice of nigeria, a heavy rainfall alerts in play on tuesday, and then wind alerts up and down the coast of tanza near could see got sup to 40 kilometers per hour. but that's nothing compared to what's going on in south africa . blast it with more wind and rain. could see those winds in cape town get up to about 80 kilometers per hour, so that will cause some more damage. on tuesday, the
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when denmark connex controversial, those targeting communities of known western descendants and reclassifying, the neighborhoods as guesses one young most living rises to defend his time. speaking out in a box on a journey to the close of power questioning his place in the country of his band and my danish, a witness documentary on our of inconclusive election. him from spoke with one certain things the far right what lead the next government left . his blow came out on top, had to present my call centrist with the far right national valley base and interest the place. so what does that result me? this is inside store


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