tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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the what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here. it just here to we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the to the hello. i'm sammy's a them, this has been use live from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes, 11 and based group has the la release is dry and footage of what it says, always ready. the mid 3 sites and the occupied goldens time. riley strikes across gauze can at least full the full palestinian since early tuesday. morning including many children in the rescue. g time rush,
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all those india is prime minister with its highest civilian, the ward reward and ukraine looms over that meeting. plus i'm having the tassel in for my to south africa. this used to be a driving mining community. i tell you why it's now because i'm trying to get him to school with the sports excitement. his building in munich ahead of the year 2024, semi final between spain and from the life of germany to the heads. not much the voice of the news uh with the escalating tension between israel and has the line loving in the group has released drone video of what it says are his writing, the 3 sites and the occupied golden heights now has the law appears to be highlighting its ability to reach sensitive is riley sites. last month it posted a video of a ministry base in northern israel. meanwhile, meanwhile,
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rather as rouse racist attacks on guns that include the boatright refugee camp. that at least 17 palestinians have been killed. most of them children. at least 44 people have died and gone. so since the hours of tuesday, and you are an expert, so wanting famine has now spread tool pots of gone. so because of israel's blockade, and calling on the international community to end the siege, to get more on that in a moment with him, the whole, the in that is better for the 1st. let's go with the asset base. he's joining us for much. are you and in southern lebanon, so i said what message is being sent here with this strong video? or the message has belie sending to his right is one of its capability that it can infiltrate the space over is ready positions. but not telling me that the ability of his, with the to highlights sensitive is ready locations. now,
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part of some of that footage is not listed for you uh barracks, a various different battalions. training and readiness comes for the military headquarters for various battalions and brigades. locations of artillery battery is radar sites, as well as medical centers for troops. now the message has below is sending to is read, is that not only can it highlight these positions, it can strike them. and it's also a warning in the event of an escalation or a whitening of this conflict that his blood can actually strike them. in fact, his blah has hit the occupied go then hypes. previously, just last week i was standing and this very spot. when we had his launch rockets go over our heads and then we saw that make impact at the occupied. go then heights. not just before we came to have you also heard 2 rockets taken off here in southern lebanon towards israel. so again, this is just his, with the showing and warning israel, of its capabilities. and at the same time,
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we know the situation is pretty tenants in the south. tell us what you're seeing and hearing. so yes, the situation has been tensed, has been tit for tat attacks across the board. f generally is being contained to the lebanese southern border is where the has. so the pains sides up and on top of the thing has been on members with drones, strikes and strikes. but many people, the 10s of thousands, in fact, have been displaced. they've had to leave the tons of villages because of the fighting cause of it because of the constant. i totally attacks the air strikes and the drone strikes. this is in the summer half is of the non people tend to come down to this region to enjoy the beautiful 19 to see and reach, enjoy the fresh air. so definitely just the by the funds of fire rockets, i could restrict a strides and people are worried. some don't know when they can return. so some don't know if it can be time and people are concerned if the is an escalation or whether this conflict will turn into an or that tool. and that's the real fear here
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in southern lebanon. all right, thanks so much to acid bag. let's continue this discussion though with elijah mine . yeah. he's a military and political analyst joins us from paris. good to have you with us. so this isn't the 1st video released by has but why, what does this one in particular tell us about that capabilities? a thank you for having me. i think just blah is pointing out the possibility to hit and destroy all these the objectives that are in his bank of objectives. but i think we've gone beyond triple sending messages to is read of the terence messages asking these read is to think property before stopping in or out will because i think has will that is pretty much convinced that it is not is right, that is going to stop an awful, but i think will i sending another message that is
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a warning if the will doesn't stop on guys. and it seemed that there's no going anywhere within that then. yeah. who's constantly changing his mind about the negotiation and then returning to his conditions has more loudly saying with i might do something much more than sending a day. the warning and then showing you my capability because we all know has a lot to be able to do now. and certainly these really ministry, they have highlighted the unit 8209900. that all the intelligence unit responsible for human intelligence, recruiting agent, artificial intelligence monitoring, syria, iran key ends up and then they showing to the syrians that they can talk from the syrian side. and the end, the syrian capital should not be worried about the retaliation because has been locked in in both of the tyrants. so all these indications are indicating something
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much big that has been light, is prepared. i'm glad you mentioned intelligence that because has belonged as lead to a has spoken about a strategy of blinding israel. looking at these videos, do they show that has the law has been able to locate and focus on is really intelligence gathering science? not only that you actually do right, but it's showing all the position that have been improvise off to the 7th of october, which indicates that these drought that are impossible to be deceptive by the i window because they have a complete different way of flying and speed and the iron doing is made for something completely different, full authority to shines and motors and rockets. and it's showing that all the in deception besides on within the reach that we're not going to serve anything to eat right. but the above order is forcing these relays to adult has one dies doctoring
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to go under the ground because it's no longer possible for these relays to behave in the very true buyer. it's like, bank employee is blocking the calls outside and thinking not doing is going to happen to them. so here's one of my is focusing on is red, huge expense to change all these locations, or at least to turn them from above the ground under the ground, which is going to cost billions of dollars from the mini tree approach. and showing how much intelligence information has blah has, and the attempting. these targets is becoming so easy. that is right is forced to change is doctoring to change its approach. an adult, something completely different and yet has, has one lot is sending one, the ultimate warning. i think because it's starting to is ryan, stop the war? i'm guys because i'm going to move to something else and that the end of the pin is
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something more interesting. these rebates have been complaining about living without a tricity. and that's what bush all these really is to leave from the occupied palestine. and at the end of the for an it is showing the electricity stations in high. so the airport, the hob, a, and all the installation that can be hit where these relays are extremely concerned about. this is not only to terrence, it is much more significant warning that something is coming up. and to your pointed module, this being done with a relatively cheap technology, right? drones is technology changing, at least to some degree, the balance of power and deterrence. well, the only thing that is, rand hi, be up behind, is with the air force. now head lice bringing on to air force system. no point is a site to that. we have seen that we have learned that there are other much more
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modern system that we have brought from syria, russia wrong, etc. and that has been a lot a sparing as a surprise. however, we've seen with iran that the, the tyrants has been in those with the messiah capability. this is exactly what test will i, is doing, and showing where this is my massaged capability. it is capable of inflicting heavy pain on his right, and this is why it has more light is not coming out within new weapons because as all the re dos, they leave a trace with the red cross, a selection, a identifying the new object, the food was the way they fly, they speed, etc. and what has wilma is putting on the side to impose more pain on these really is not using specific ministry and what tends to leave it to another role that most probably is not is right, that is going to stop it. i'm also curious to know your thoughts on reports that
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has the law has been switching to low tech to evade surveillance is loans about israel's intelligence gathering capabilities. things like instead of using cell phones using fix land lines using pages, even physical curious and you're absolutely right. the page that has been used in 2006, but hosted 2006 when it has been a lot discovered that the land line that these, the close circuit made or fiber optic was a, was discovered by these really. and they managed to break true to the collaboration with japan because the system comes from japan has, will not change the whole system. yes, it is using the pager, but that done something completely different. it has given the autonomy to every unit in the south, the flap and the big call body. and this dispos that to 380 units along the bolt
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is facing is read to be completely told him, is in case of the beginning of the war of why he's doing well. because we are in the wall where they can act. and they can respond and they have enough to open the commanders who can command these units and they know exactly what they need to do in case of a wall or an attack. and also the pager is extremely useful because it has the numbers and these numbers can be changed in timely and can be distributed or command this, which is impossible for is read to the size of the picking event. if these numbers are changed randomly every 20 full hours. so yes, the command and control, that's what i showed in the video and saying to these really i can follow, get them these all the top of any all me and is it has will lot is very aware of that. this is why it's command and control has been divided in so many units. that
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is right and not crippled at the command of control and has well not because hitting one of the 10 or 20 is not going to make any difference exactly like assessing a thing, one commander or 2 or 10 will not change anything because his block has always on the leadership and not the particular one. okay, thanks so much for your analysis on that a line, jim. i'm yeah, my case is right. the trend strength on the refugee camp in central garza has killed at least 17 palestinians. most of the children, many of those were injured in the shelling of the bridge. come, they've been taken to a log. so hospital in data by let's go to a hinder for 3 who is in data about in central garza for us. so the pictures coming out quite grisly killings of children, the red crescent saying old medical clinics have been shot down reports of israeli forces, destroying buildings. it sounds like goals and cities being well white pals is that
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what's happening of the? well, you won't even recognize the streets, the buildings in gaza, city, it's completely uninhabitable, unlivable and kind of thing you still living in the global strip are not only with missing. endless air strikes are temporary selling and guns and agents, but they're also witnessing severe diseases, malnutrition, and also as to which is everywhere. medical clinics are all destroyed. the infrastructure has been completed, destroyed by the is ready, carpet bomb bang and also university schools, medical. and what's entities, just like uh, for example, as to the hospital, we saw horrifying images for a ship, a hospital. and every time a video comes up from the got the city, people at like question, where is this? they do not recognize the streets due to the amount of miles the massive amounts of
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destruction by that is where the forces were talking about more than 8 months now. and in doing those 8 months, there had been continuous, multiple ground invasion by the is early for this month, building different residential houses in different areas and still now till this moment. so i mean there is a ground in region currently in the gospel city, and specifically in is, are you in how much of a challenge is access to food becoming for people in the north. it's completely disasters wherever for more than a month. now there has been no fresh food palestinian set. the, the only thing they have is, is, is flower and bakeries. but due to the ongoing right now, people even do not even have access to the bakeries because the food organizations were unable to put
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a fuel and to go to the bakeries in the another in parts of the gaza strip. but here in the house, there is a commercial goods, but they're very, very expensive where people could not purchase it. so most of those people complete the rely on hot meals by tapes, age organizations, that where they provide hot meals for displays the sinews in it makes of sense for example. and we see those kind of thing in children every single day searching for walters, searching for food. and also palestinians have been without any income for more than 8 months. now, no one's working properties everywhere. diseases everywhere else, trucks are everywhere, and people are only evacuating from place to one another, leaving everything behind them. this is making the lives of product and use very challenging. and i think a lot of misery to us. sammy, thanks so much him to the whole the egypt as president that does that. the c c is hosting c i a direct to william burns in cairo, egypt,
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sion presidency says they've discussed efforts to reach us these following garza during the meeting. so you see, we have fun, this country's position against the continuation of minute tree operations and garza presidents also stress the importance of implementing a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding in the region. assign how easy is the former assistant followed. the minister of egypt, he outlines the steps that need to be taken as part of sees 5 talks with it is that the is that it isn't have to be the best estimate. and we are unable to share anything with them as a starting from this fine. this is a, this is our starting point. but at we we it, of course we can speak about transitional arrangements and the, the, the city phase approach that president by, by the outline, the last may 31st was ahead of us in negotiating with them. and they of course
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supports from the american administration in order to reach an agreement on these parts of a management. and so hopefully we are to go share anything with the categories and with the americans, with their so that he doesn't have to how much of it possesses we are legal, share anything or do we are preparing to be more precise? yeah, everybody does it on for assumption over the goal changes in order to implement the 3 phase approach a president by the way, the that the ultimately, the 1st thing is it should be the last who immediate supervisor and manage that by crossing. and we'll have that on forces to uh, protect the guys and to prohibit any weapon smuggling or any kind of smuggling is to the gaza strip. so i believe, as long as there is no infringement on,
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is your 1st opportunity. i guess we can work that out with the head of the americans and got a piece from the americans. that is that he just wants to be there at ok station or, or b is that i eat as well. he also by the guy says, a palestinian john les miles, i'm ottoman, has been released from an is ready the prison off the 9 months in detention. it was charged with incitement. officers ready forces arrested him at his home and the hash account, 50 of the palestinian journalist from the occupied westbank of being held in his riley jails. most of the head on the news out, including the moment russian miss, i'll say the children's hospital, the un security council holds an emergency meeting on the attack in ukraine and the warning from climate scientists to find it continues to see rankled breaking
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temperatures. the ukrainian drug and the taxes and rushes of all god region has damage the electrical infrastructure and an oil deco sparking a launch fire. at least 5 people were killed in 2 different attacks. rushes defense ministry says it shot down another associate drones. the number launched by ukraine is unclear as follows. a series of attacks by russian on monday that killed at least 41 people in ukraine, destroyed a children's hospital and kids didn't. but think of as more ukraine's
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capital, shaken by one of the worst strikes, rushes and faces the moments caught on camera. the recovery efforts are still under way of the cities children's hospital. the daytime attack was sadly unprecedented. this is what remains of the building off to the garage of missile strikes. we came here to the hospital 5 minutes before the thought happened. we managed to get to the pediatric ward. i thought i know it is a nightmare. i both even know if it was a mistake, hits or fragments of a miss. sorry. this is ukraine's largest pediatric hospital and the leading center in the country for treating children with cancer. the attack happened as ukrainian president followed him as a lensky was visiting the polish capital. warsaw had a native summit in washington. he called on russia to be held accountable for its actions. us state departments condemned the strike just to be clear. these are sites that serve no military purpose,
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but they're not sheltering ukrainian military assets. they're not shelter and you members of the ukrainian military, these are civilian infrastructure, pure and simple. that cannot, should not, must not be targets of military attacks. but once again, we've seen a pin deliberately attacking civilian infrastructure as part of his bloody oregon secret. the attack was not limited to the capital, industrial facilities, as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hit in the pro and kind of to ask the russian foreign ministry has responded by saying it was a ukrainian miss. so that struck the children's hospital when keith mentioned that they didn't go out to 0 of you and security council is holding an emergency session to discuss the latest brush and strikes. your crane announced national day of morning following the series of attacks across the country view and condemned the russian strikes cooling the deplorable a. mr president,
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i echo the secretary general's you in human rights, high commissioners and others strong condemnations of these deplorable attacks. my heart goes out to all those affected camera that is on the joins us live from the united nation. so where is the security council having on this one as well? they're still meeting at this very moment. we're hearing from different security council members right now, almost universally, we've been hearing combination of this attack and calls for this conflict to and i mean, that's clearly what you're hearing from most members. now we haven't heard from russia yet. it will be interesting to see what the russian ambassador has to say about this. of course they are, they are rotating prep, hold the rotating presidency of the security council this months, or they're essentially sharing a security council meeting that is about russia and these attacks we've heard from,
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as you heard there from the top e u. n. official on uh, we've had it here in an emergency relief coordinator condemning the attacks. also saying that the u. n. has counted more than 1800 attacks on health care facilities since this conflict began. she said it's a war crime and that the perpetrators need to be brought to account. but in terms of this particular security council meeting, it was an emergency meeting. and it was really about this attack on the hospital. i think that's what really caught the attention of france and other security council members. it called for this meeting because of the serious nature of it. but in terms of a security council resolution, you will not be seeing that that is not on the table. there will be no action per se in this meeting. of course, russia has is a permanent member of the security council holds veto power. so in theory, they could block any action by the security counts as we've seen in the past since
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it's conflict again. but clearly watching this meeting close, if be interesting to see what russia says when they speak here in the next few minutes. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much. gabriel. as on the rushes president has thank the indian prime minister for his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ukraine conflict. the name is put in, presented not under moody with russia's highest award, is a pledge to strength and relations between the countries. ukraine's president below them is that ends, k is criticized modi's visit though russia remains. india is major defense of the oil supply. despite international pressure fact, you don't get pushy. i am happy. the india and russian are working side by side to give new energy to global prosperity. this relationship is built on the strong
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foundation of mutual trust and mutual respect to the rules. given the help of all about joins us now from moscow. so 1st of all, the you, the a, the indian prime is, has been talking about how buttons and bullets are not the solution to what extent of the 2 data is on the same page about the ukraine conflict. well, lorenzo murphy has made a very strong on 2 statements, indeed saying a solution to the void ukraine kind of be found in the bottle field. that's piece that should be found only through tools that's solving problems with weapons won't bring any results. that's a big that's outside and it's in children in a conflict is very painful. so when the stands, the engine delegation has scions, several very lucrative contracts, just has a long term agreement on the supply of oil from russia to india, at a discount of price. so the goals of the 2 countries to reach
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a freight channel of up to $100000000000.00 in 20 said states. i also rushes rowse out to him, corporation which possesses a new, clear ice breakers. please have suppose to supply energy resources to india through the northern series, as well as the construction of 6 more high power, new play units in india, and also quite important that according to engine sol says those indians who, what you are doing to the russian on the 8th and found themselves on the bottle field and ukraine will go home and the ranger moody was up from the steps the russian side would facilitate the return to that homeland and find them. a merchant invited such mentation to visit india next year. so kindly for me in your industry, what small sco getting out of this visit i was talking about russia, the visits full russians. let's me person is more about politics around them. the
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cone and me, even though many say that's uh, india helps russia to find to, to funds from brother. it's a ukrainian ministry come pay a buying its energy resources for life event. so logistics in fonts. india is very reluctance to pay russia in dollars. uh, with russian goods and they pay in the national car into the b p, which can be spent only in india. and that's exactly what russia's doing right now . investing in india is infrastructure projects contributing to its boosting economy. so what that, that's visit led to increase and once again is showing that the west is no longer in portions for russia as fast as the countries relatively signing to the so called global styles. and the global south needs cheap, russian resume says while rushes king to retain is triplets, coast spaces and implants. and we saw it last week of the shanghai corporation organization basing in us on our patient. met with technicians. attorneys
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presidents are restored last friday when representative will be used actually hun garron press from yet victor open came to most gates indigo. say to crate on today for you today is hosting the run for movie and actually it may be western news papers have admit, says that also today that many wells countries continue cope racing with russia despite b. u. craig and conflicts and russia. it's still miles away from being isolated as the west. it have hoped. right, that's you the i shop of all of a for us from moscow to sedan. now what you see up here is prime minister, be estimated has made his 1st visit to the country since the conflict began in april last year. at the head of the sudanese um forces up. but that has bought han and pulled sedan in december, the prime minister hosted the leader of the rapid support forces. i'm with him down the gallo folks to bro courtesies. fine a so fall fav. fighting between government forces and they are a staff of force,
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millions of people from the homes and agencies to one of firemen. several coal fired power stations in south africa is set to close in the next 60 is part of is transition to green energy because of its heavy reliance on coal. for electricity, countries africa's biggest and mr. of greenhouse gases. or this will mean more job losses. what types of reports and commodity the commodity, coal fired power station is a really quiet. it's one of the oldest in south africa and the 1st one to be de commissioned part of the government's plan to use list fossil fuels. most workers, will it go in 2022 with everything that that is happening. it's like they're focusing more on the environment. why they don't care about the people who are starving and everything. so these things they need to be balanced so that it goes to get the government says it's just in the transition program is training people
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in other skills, community leaders and assist very few here earning a living of us. the government knew at some stage the power station had to be shut the course of the day life space. but there was no such session plan put in place to ensure that once the post station is stopped, life sustenance continues. oh economic video change. it continues. transitioning to renewable energy, willing to be easy, as because most developed economy has an energy crisis. it still needs it's cold, but i forgot generates most of the electricity from coal. it's secure to international loans, to help with the transition to green sources. but, and this one, switching from coal to renewable energy protect tickets while so that's what k is not the world's biggest image of greenhouse gas emissions, the international pressure on all countries to reduce the use of fossil fuel. i
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think what happens we all going to see some sort of the growth in, in the move from cold towards renewables. it, i think a party what's happened because many of these copeland's all old and they have seen breaking down quite often. of keeping them going is going to probably cost more than then building something new as to things that it could all make realities also come in, but it's going to be a slower process. and a lot of people would like more coal power stations are scheduled to be di, commissioned in the coming years. that will mean more job losses in all sectors along the cold, out how to monetize out of their commodity. south africa, a still, i have the now just say around a day, so the new u. k. paul, them and under a label majority for the 1st time in 14 years, to have the details development like this appointments, search and rescue efforts in india. these are off to a land slide batteries and illegals gold mine on the item to. so the way i see
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these 23 people have been killed as well. number one. yeah. and extend a quote right now. buying for a place in the window. then 75 will show you how he's getting on the hello remnants of what was hurricane barrel continue to move right across the u. s . this is now so can the us states of arkansas and missouri. so for st. louis, you could see a months worth of rain in under 24 hours of that punch. train that fast will certainly give you some flooding. colors are on dark, the red, the hotter this in the us software. it's what we're now seeing this heat move northward. so in idaho boise 41 degrees today on tuesday, if you can believe it. also seen it in the us state of oregon, portland at 40 and that he'd also through canada is alberta. providence,
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once again, we're tracking those remnants of barrels getting pretty close to the midwest and the great lakes that will happen on wednesday. it's going to knock down the temperature in toronto, so prepare for that to central america. most of the action actually along the pacific coast of central america, just the other day, the roads were clogged with water and take us a gal, but because of how much rain had fallen there, top end of south america looking pretty good, lots of dry weather to be found, but if we dip south, wow, it's been cold colors on here, but this time dark, the blue into purple, the colder it is. this is in argentina's wine country, so sub 0, cold. yeah, you certainly get some ice there. and for us the morning waking up on wednesdays, same for chilly sun. see how go my sis 3 stay want to see you later. the interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric?
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[000:00:00;00] the, or come back. you're watching out just 0 time to recap on headlines. the lebanese group has the law has released the video, one of it straightens, documenting what it says are, is riley minutes. we sides to be able to find golden heights both sides of traded near daily cross for the strikes since october last year. and this is randy jones, dry comfortable aids refugee camp in the center of garza has killed at least 9 people. officials say at least 5 of the dead of children. these 44 people have been killed in attacks across scouts of wines ready for in storm and choose the precious presidents as thing. cynthia is 5 minutes for his efforts to find
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a peaceful solution to the war, new crime. that'd be me and thoughts and presented the movie with crushes. highest awards. they pledged to strength and relations between the 2 countries. frame has criticized moody's visit leaders of the north atlantic treaty organization, known as ne talent meeting in the us to mock it's 75th anniversary rushes warren, you cry. and we'll talk to the agenda in washington, dc of these awesome life pictures coming in. the us secretary of state and to the blinking that addressing the public for him on the sidelines of this, somebody told me it was just a moment ago november's us presidential election. also in shop focused there still buttons and nato supposed to. well, donald trump is skeptical of the military alliance. whitehouse correspond to, kimberly how could joins us now. so kimberly, 1st of all,
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this is something of an opportunity for joe biden to that. that's the way it's being portrayed is a showing the well, but he still got it as a leader. well, that's certainly the opportunity for joe biden today. he is going to be making an address at 21. gmc is this meeting, opens up in the eyes of the world as well as world leaders will be on jo 5 and they're going to be watching him very carefully, is what they're watching for. and these meetings come at a welcome time, given the domestic problems that job either this basic right now he has members of his own party at this hour discussing the future of his candidacy as a political presidential nominate. there are 2 cabs, the supporters and the doubters, and given the fact that he had recently a very poor debate performance, he has been looking more and more frail and public appearances. there are questions about his viability. so this is an opportunity,
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a wealth of opportunity for joe biden to show not just his party and those that are questioning his candidacy. but the world that he still can lead in the feeling is, is that he, if he performs well, not just in his opening address, but also in a press conference that will happen in the coming days. that if he does perform well, most people believe that his nomination will be safe and kimberly, how much on these is the right now in nature over the older sunsets and see over the election, the candidates and who might win often november. there's a lot of uncertainty for a couple of reasons. so not only is there uncertainty about joe biden, but there's uncertainty about the former president donald trump, and here's why. oh is your call uh many have worked with donald trump where they remember for president donald trump when he was an office. and donald trump has
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said that if he gets back in office. oh, well, he's got a few things in mind for nato. if he is to return, one of them is that he says that if he is back in office, that is a member countries of nato. we were to come under attack and they were not up to their membership dues. that is 2 percent of the g. d. p and contributions that, that he went to as a sort of data leader would not see that they were to be defended. and that is concerning too many nato members and the other concern is, but he doesn't believe it as a a that has been given to you. frame has been appropriate thus far. so that is making many of the members uncomfortable. so there's that concerned. there's also the concern about the future of joe biden. so many of these members that are here here in washington dc are feeling very and easy. so. 2 many of the leaders that have come to washington dc are here to not only participate the 75th anniversary of
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nato, which by the way, was in its inception size. you're in washington dc, that's what makes the significance. so they're also here to take their own temperature if you will, of joe biden, his performance, and really to see not only his fitness for office, but whether or not he's got the ability to survive this political fall out, that he's facing right now. right. and that is, kimberly how could, thanks so much for that update. and the case newly the care stomach is due to join nato leaders in washington. shortly earlier on tuesday, members of his new the elected labor government attended parliament for the 1st time label on the historic line slides victory. earlier this week, the new house of commons has the largest number of women ever liked. it was $263.00, and the most visible minorities at 90. a sonya guy go is live
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for us from outside, westminster, in london. so this is quite a dramatic change that is taking place in parliament today. how is that so old going on with us suddenly a tone of levity as was said free for the coffin. you see in this additional say where the m p 's reconvene. parliament was recon beans and it was a prompt for the policy leave is to be able to make values addresses also for problems as well. but the whole day started off with the choosing of the speaker of the house of commons. the previous speak to lindsey hall was chosen again. and all of that spend statements were made by those policy leaders sourcing fast with the prime minister casala. he spoke about how he intends to make a program of national renewal in britain. he was then followed up by the full prime minister,
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refuse to not heading up the conservative policy. he also offered his commiseration as to those. i'm pleased with both to the conservative m p 's that we're both adaptive both seats and also said that the prime minister faced a formidable task with his target goal of national renewal. that message was echoed by the leader of the liberal democrats as well that the appointment as the houses, what cut out for it as well. but uh i'm interested in a new face inside that chamber. 6 was that of nigel fire, arch all the reform policy, the populace right. when policy that campaigns on immigration, he, jo, can you said that he had taken quite a few goes to get in there, but he's one of the new faces that is going to make politics altogether more interesting inside that chamber. all right, thanks so much funny guy. i go to a searches on so doesn't say that often illegal gold. mine was buried by a line slide indonesia,
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at least 23 people died for weather and difficult. so right now i'm putting rescue efforts on a be low as this update. search and rescue teams deployed to a remote village on pseudo west island after a landslide buried the pit or 79 miners were sticking for gold on sunday night. but they're having to walk 20 kilometers to reach the site and they're being slowed down for the 1st 6 months in rain. and they've done done. so i've got to live on uh, victory and is extreme best that was normally used by the miners and the motorcycle cut off because of all the bridge along the roads collapsed. so it is a difficult to get to the mines and the only way is by foot. they are hoping to be able to find more survivors. torrential rains since saturday, broken an embankment and triggered floods of up to 3 meters, sending more than $1000.00 people leading to safety. but not the miners could
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gotten inversely investing in the mine and spoke to vibration. and then within the matter of seconds, the area was buried. it all happened so fast, not even teens of sick unless indonesia is one of the most minimal rich countries in the world. but there are more than $8600.00 unlicensed, small scale mining operations throughout the archipelago, quarter of which are gold mines workers there off and operate in unsafe conditions and got to get in and get the work done by when excavations are made without the proper supporting structures and then it rains had the slo could easily fall apart, especially if there's no budget taishan above the mining tunnels to absorb the water. the last sunday's last slide is the latest of what have been recurring accidents in the legal gold mines in indonesia. and it's not just brings that are to blame. 2019 support beams of, of mine site collapse because of loose toilet holes killing more than 40 people. and with dozens still missing,
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official spears to death toll from this most recent catastrophe could be higher. pardon below alj, a 0 said i had an i'll just say era, a photo for a charity counting day analogy is office 16 the is. it turns out the baby being held by the, you know, messy is making his own headlines. at the euro's show for teddy, who we grew up to be that's coming off and the support. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in dubai.
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the arrived full signs, i can't tell from all the action on the green. here's joe. thank you. somebody. yes, defending men's wimbledon champion, call us across as buying for a place in the semi finals the well, number 3 is taking on american 12 seats. tell me pull alcaraz going for a 2nd grandson's high school this year. having already won the french open. the plays exchange break point, so it's currently on subs in assess set for the winter. is that much more place? well, the one again extend the old, the new method of in the semi and it took me the 1st section. the tie break before the freshman, hit fax and levels. a match sooner required to link the medical timeouts. and the 3rd, he was able to play on and struggled initially, but then seemed to improve physically and he broke back to stay in such thoughts menu, that few came out on top and a tie break. so method of leads to set to one in the women's jewel crisis don't advocate, she's in toughest grandson's semi final. well,
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number 37 lost the opening set to qualify really son, but came back to take the next 26461 by 7. see justin, how leaning nicely and just few as now, until kickoff between spain and fronts for the place in the uri 2020 full final at stake. the spaniards been praised for that and staining brand to football. while the french, a file to score golden open play at this tournaments german ash reports she came up just schultz at the well cop 18 months ago, but completing them by in front get the job done at the your race. standing in the way of the fine was a spanish side, that's the least talk the tournament all spain and the 182 of one of size is that games and javi score 11 goals so far. where's goals has been hard to come by for that real position. fronts have made it to the last full with 2 and goals, out of penalty,
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leading to criticism of the team make what they see was on the if you board watching of a game, it's fine. you don't have to watch us, it's a special you right. swear, it's difficult for everyone with the number of goals much lower than it has been in the past. we have the ability to share emotions to make friends people happy, especially in this complicated period and country. one french play hasn't been particularly happy at these. yours is that captain, and by after breaking his nose in the opening game against austria, he's had to weigh protect to face mosque, which he says is horrible, and is limiting his vision. but he still has the backing of his teammates, i'll shoot, say, like, as for antoine greens, when and killing him by the legs may not be as efficient as they could. you know, these are the plays that can change the game didn't point. we're going to need them right up until the end, especially if you want to get to the fine. and when somebody's struggling to make his mock, i'm like spanish sensation to be in your mouth. the 16 year old winner was the 1st teenager to records 3 assists. so yours and will now target becoming the youngest,
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have a goal score and the competition. but it's not all about the boss, lady young stuff, but they don't like or sometimes it's much more valuable to have a great team and i'm happy to be better as a whole band to have stones. and i think we approve me that may be seen. i know we don't have those stand out names will superstar, but as a team, we're very good. we played good football and so far things are going very well for us. it is also good for the spanish to a favorites to win the full european championships. but before they can think about lifting the tracy, they have to get past the french side to aiming for full major. told me that the final in the last 8 is jemma nash alj a 0. well, let's go live to a correspondent dominate. kane, who's in berlin, somebody this came taking place in munich. and what the job and team now outs, because of spain, how much interest is there in tonight's much clearly they reach still the fence amongst many german fans of disappointment. they were
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eliminated at the hands of the spanish and it's the hands of one particular spanish football or mac computer, a place for chelsea in defense, but also for the national teams. this, the subject of this call to name is who thought should sites on responding in a crooked position. it says here, similar to the one that he adopted in the game against germany, where the ball hit his hand that it wasn't give him a zine bull. here is kitty, a non profit asking him in german while you're doing that. and he says, oh and try and make it might not true position because it seems to have worked and then, and by for a system, joking me, there's no need to because we don't shoot to the go anyway. that gives you a sense of the way that the german mediator is looking at the 2 specific teams. the one spanish things scoring. lots of goals with young talents we've been hearing in jim is reports about the young talent playing for spain. and then from the other perspective, the french team that really hasn't set the world on fire. mr. forest, rudy school, any goals in open plays?
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that's what's being commented on by the general media. so just as you mentioned that the media critical of the french team. so here's a to in this one then as well, that is where it comes time to a degree of relax is because you have a particularly attacking team in the spanish and a particularly defensive team in the french. the french are seem to adopt that old post world war french mexico, new festival, but they will not pass. they haven't let many things get through them score and speed them a tool. and so the view here very much is which team is going to turn off, which team is going to bring it to a game which team is going to have its players. as it were, the touchstone event seemed going to provide the emphasis on file instead of p is the people favor the spanish team. but equally, there are those who say the additional has adapted and adopted this defensive minimalist style because he believes it brings results. and this is
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a result space game is when it comes down to it. so some people saying spring of this being more pragmatic thing for months. really $6.00 and $1.00 half a dozen of the, of the, of, and we will know in the course the next few hours who's going to go through to play against thing and all the netherlands info in on sunday. all right, told me that came the life for us in berlin. thank you very much. well, 16 year old spanish play. let me in your model is becoming something of a household name of to is impressive performances of yours. so for now we just have a much showing, he was a stall even before he could play football. this is, woke up, went out and you know, messy holding a baby in a photo shoot for charity calendar almost 17 years ago. and that baby it turns out was in fact, you mo, the show has gone viral officer is fall deposit, and he is the photographer who took the snaps for the fee for the $50.00. or it was difficult message, a very introverted and shy guy. and he was about 18 or 20 years of age. at the time
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he entered the changing room to find a plastic bath tubs filled with water. and a baby inside was it was complicated by the beginning. he didn't know how to hold the baby. you know? yeah, well, messy. we back in his comfort zone later as he's been declared fit to play for argentina or in that couple america, somebody finally gets canada messy. has been dealing with the like injury from much of the tournament. he missed origin. tina's find a group game, but played the entire match against x during the quotes of finals of tina of the defending tompkins. all right, that is your sport for now. i'll have will feel like to somebody. thanks so much joe. now the united states is baffling. multiple natural disasters, heat waves, forest fires in the heart of console happening earlier in the, the normal expos say, then a more intense by global warming. prop reynolds reports the unbearable heat, relentless fires and a dangerous storm. severe weather is battering the us. hurricane barrel slammed
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into the texas gulf coast near galveston with strong wind and drenching rain, causing heavy damage in some areas as well as widespread flooding. that's pretty bad. down power line, st expenses just letter and stuff. debris everywhere. at least 2 people were killed by folding trees. others had a narrow escape. that 3 land right there could have been through the roof of our house instead of our ships. that one could have gone on our house instead of this way. now downgraded to a tropical storm barrel has knocked out power to more than a 1000000 households and disrupted airline traffic. near santa barbara, california is biggest fire of the year, has burned, more than $8000.00 hector's and forrest evacuations. other fires are burning across the state firefighters. bought back a blaze threatening homes in place or bill when we seem it right there is so close and we seen it and it was like,
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oh wow. fighting the fires is made more difficult by an intense heat wave enveloping the west temperatures broke records in death valley national park. typically one of the hottest places on earth, at least one visitor died of heat related causes. when the temperature near the all time planted, why record of 54.4 degrees, you're saying these temperatures that we're seeing will likely challenge current records if not break them. despite the blistering sun towards came out to be part of the experience hall a. it's how the intense heat wave is forecast to continue in california and other western states till the end of the week. extreme heat kills more people globally in an average year than any other weather event, including hurricanes and floods. rob reynolds, l, g, 0,
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los angeles. what i said for this news out one back in just a couple of minutes with another full show. so to stay with us here on out just there, the of israel's war on gossip be coming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for it is real and it's war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line. the grand olympic games are coming to from, along with the unprecedented surveillance systems, limited, tries ation of communities. the displacement of people and resistance to what many c as a destructive people are power explores where the fronts can deliver on promises,
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the challenges with the, the 11 and based on group has the la release is dry and footage of what it says our is riley minutes. we sites and we also have goldens hines, the on semi say then this is al, just here a live from dell hall. so coming up, children not dying in israel, starvation campaign, a stock warning from view and this time in spread sole pods have gone. so because
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