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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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i hear it as a 0. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing the the low, i'm sammy say then this is the news live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes is ready for this target. another school housing this place, palestinians this time in southern gaza at least 20 people have been killed. a rocket 5 by has the law heads. vehicles in the occupied golden heights is very media say 2 sacks was being killed. the samoans, russian. this, i'll say the children's hospital un security council holds an emergency meeting of the attack and you find a nice have lead is
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a gathering in washington with the us presidents is hoping to show he's paid for a 2nd. i'm trying to get a real sco with the school, it's just an hour to go to kick off in the 1st 70 find that you raise between spain and from will be nice in germany for the filled up the and is there any attack on a school housing displace, palestinians is killed at least 20 people. it happened in the town of ab assigned a. so con eunice in southern gaza. the attack takes the death toll from the past day, across the strip to at least 6 be full size. get more on this now with him to put a she joins us on the line from data that are in central garzon. him, extremely grisly pictures were coming in from that attack in knob assigned with
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people. but even body parts of kids was the off them off. what do you hearing about the off them off now? and so tell me this is jake was on the gate of this school and i guess on in, from eunice. and we know that now schools are over packed over when the palestinians chattering and those school, especially after the vision and especially after the is ready for it, says us all the people who were living in rough, i to is that to wait us as to the area, this is not the 1st time the is there any forces target the school in the past couple of days, at least targeted 3 scores, one in mislead on the other one was in the cause of city. and this has something we have been seeing every single day and reporting about it's, it's very hard to find some images. we're seeing a children's culture into pieces the head of babies. and this is a school,
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it's centering policy and saw me it's, it's a place where policy means enough houses left everything behind them chose to shut their in those schools. because or i have people say for the building and that's why they chose at it is schools, you know, and, and talking to those palestinians who are struggling in schools. they're terrified . they don't know what they have to do, but they're feeling that there's a risk because the is really forces in targeting a lot of schools the past couple of days and kind of thing is, are telling us that they do not know where to go. should they need some schools that if they, if they leave, where should they go? there is no place safe and where every they go and being displayed more over and over again. people believe that there is no play safe and know where they go is out of it, like every single place people are going to go would be targeted by those resources
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. so, i mean, obviously a school as well, contains a lot of children from what you're hearing, talking to people, do they? did they get any kind of warning, telling them to evacuate to leave the full. this school was a tax and so many children were killed. when you saw me, the thing about calling people and not defying them about the target is something that doesn't re hop and nowadays is really voices when they target the school and they target the building. when they target a shelter, they do not call people to these because they, they, they, they want to yeah, you know what, we're talking about palestinians who have been killed. we're talking about more than $38000.00 palestinians, 9 months. and most of these college the news were killed in their shelters in the residential houses in hospitals, inmates just come in residential areas. and none of them receive any warning
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before the is there any forces? i targeted them. it happened in a couple of incidents where that is where the forces us the policy needs to evacuate. but most of the times they target what they want to target without calling at those palestinians. it's, it's very hard to breaking because a school or a shelter is where a policy needs play, where they're walking and uh, fetching for food and fetching for walter, playing with each other, palestinian children have been witnessing a lot of ours these days. and now we see this car in the eyes of these policy, new children always as scared of air strikes, always scared of explosions. and they, their families are trying to protect them as much as possible. but families are and parents are left hopeless because as much as they're trying to hide their children,
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there is no play safe and got the right hands on hold the visa with the latest on that attack, the school and novice on has the law has launched about faulty rockets, it is right, the positions in the occupied golden heights is right. the media say 2 sacks, those were killed when the call was hit by missile. so now the sign of growing cross for the tensions between israel and governance has the law raising phase of a wind, a conflict earlier has the law release drone video is where the minute 3 sites in the occupied goes and hides the on group appear to be highlighting his ability to read sensitive is why the science last month, it posted a video of a ministry base in northern israel. i said bike has this update from out of tell you of his, with a husband these, this drawn swift. it's the 2nd of its kind, but this time over occupied goes in heights, and now they have highlighted a number of sites in this video. now the highlighted barracks for various different
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battalions, training and readiness attempts for troops. the headquarters for various battalions, i'm brigades locations of i to re batteries radar sites, as well as medical centers for troops. now, the message that has blah is sending is one of its capabilities that it can access is rated as best over the sensitive sites. but knowing that they can collect intelligence and highlights if these sites are full. so it's when it gets real bad, it composite to these sensitive ministry sites. in fact, it did. so last week i was standing right here when his beloved launched rockets tools as well over a head and we saw the make impact and the occupied goes on heights even as i speak . now we can hear artillery, fire taking golf, and landing, and that's the situation here. it's tense and the is a real fear that that could be an escalation. what it takes is one miscalculation for this conflict to escalate aside big just data mojdeh. you set that up and
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now egypt president, the fact that has ccs hosting c i a director william buttons in cairo, egypt, sion presidency says they discussed efforts to reach a ceasefire. and garza, during the main thing, cc refund, these countries position against the continuation of military operations. the president is also stressed the importance of implementing a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding the mind to all of you. is that these right? the government has banned algae 0 from reporting from the so and this also joins us now from a mine in jordan. so was come out of this meeting between the gyptian president and the c i a chief will source. so speaking anonymously to media have said that there was agreement on a wide variety of points, but there are still
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a lot of gaps left to bridge. and it comes as there will be continued discussions tomorrow on wednesday in the godaddy capital. doha, followed by more meetings in cairo on thursday. now it comes after is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. you'll recall on sunday release the statement with a list of non negotiable. and in fact, this statement was slammed by several is really lawmakers and anonymous officials who said that this is not the way to go into negotiations. how must release their own statements thing, but continued military action and northern garza is going to the rail the talks. but also that israel is not willing to be flexible, but after all of this, we heard from the white house, the us national security council spokesperson, john kirby has said that despite the statements that are given to the media by both sides, there is significant progress in these negotiations, but even with that said, we are still nowhere closer to a deal. as mediators are still trying their best behind the scenes to fill the gaps
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in the areas where there are heavy disagreements and sticking points. well, given what you said about new is ready conditions, what is the feeling going into these meetings in doha and cairo? is it is a feeling that these could, this can be the round to wrap it off. is this even still the same deal that the american president outlined on may the 31st, when he said it's time for this whole to end as well. look, initially we heard from us president joe biden on may 31st outlining a 3 phase deal that would ultimately see an end to the war. and in that it was stipulated. zip the grid is really had agreed to this deal, but then we heard from nets and yahoo just a couple of weeks later, who said that he's only open to a partial deal, but we'll see the release of only some captive. this did not go over well with his really officials and the families of his really captives who say they've had enough with netanyahu's leadership. but then we are to back track from nothing. y'all,
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who's saying that his plan is in fact supported by the by did administration, but in his list of non negotiable. the 1st one said that even if there is a pause in the fighting, the war is going to continue. and i want to point to some recent pulling done by these real democracy institute, but found that nearly 60 percent of his really respondents said that a deal is critical. but they support a deal if it means ending the war. and similar polling done by israel's channel 12 found that nearly 70 percent of people said that securing a deal to release the remaining captives is more important than the other goals of the war. but nothing yahoo maintains that military pressure is going to be the only way for the war to end. the only way to bring the captives back. and he says that is still one of his non negotiable. all right, good stuff from him. the son who just to remind everyone that ben, you mean that now is government has banned al, deserves and reporting in israel, which is why i was speaking to him. the tonight from
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a mind enjoys and the incognito. attacks in southern russia have killed at least 5 people. they follow a series of strikes by rushes, ministry on monday, that killed at least 41 people in ukraine and destroyed a children's hospital to meet him. but then co reports to the fire this oil depot could be seen from several kilometers away in the bulk of drug region of southern russia to power substations butting near the neighboring city. over most of these strikes inside rushes territory come off to moscow, launched a barrage of missiles on ukrainian cities killing thousands. the capital key of shaken as this happens as though hitting the country's most
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important pediatric hospital is because we have 7 from the 20 beds and fit in a time. when the most our thought in the hospital was around 675, around the legs that must go reiterated it doesn't targets civilian infrastructure and that it was a ukrainian defensive missile which destroyed the hospital. the u. n's envoy disagrees analysis of the video footage and assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the children's hospital suffered a direct hit rather than receiving damages due to an intercepted lesson. and in russia, in the next crimea, which has been a step away from the war, results of building bomb shelters right at the beaches. last month for people including 2 children were killed in the ukrainian strike on
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a beach that came in with everything that's been happening recently. yes, i'd say having shelters. yeah. makes sense. as rescue work as continue clean up operations in both countries, nato was holding a summit in washington saying it will continue to ukraine to meet you meant that and go out to 0. you and security counselors, how that emergency session to discuss the life this russian strikes. you're trying to announce the national day of morning following the series of the tanks across the country you and condemned the russian strikes, calling them deplorable. gabriel, others on the joins us live from the united nation. so i mentioned that the description of the condemnation is deplorable. anything else? uh tangible come out of the security council meeting as
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well. i think it was an opportunity for all the security council members, quite frankly, to voice their opinions and views on this. and clearly you saw from russia, sam baset or to the un him repeat what we've heard out of moscow as well. and basically saying, yes, russia we were operating in the area, we were trying to take out a military infrastructure by ukraine, but there was ukrainian air defense missiles that hit this school according r c, at the hospital, excuse me, according to the russian ambassador. we also heard from the ukrainian investors, well held up photos and other things that he said, prove it very much, was a direct hit from russia. so you got conflicting views here, of course, but i think this was a chance for the security council. we heard from many of the members, particularly allies of ukraine, such as france, who said that they will use this as an opportunity to again appeal for more aid for ukraine. we're from the united states as well as the u. k or voicing support for
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ukraine and combination of what they call this russian attack on a hospital. we did also hear from joyce masvie of the, acting under secretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator. who reminded the international community really the hospitals must be protected. and anybody that breaches that uh is considered to be uh they acting in a word crime. so there's no action being taken at this meeting that is already concluded. that wasn't really the point of it. the point was really for this issue to be front and center in front of the security council and for countries to really yeah, the majority of them on the council to condemn what they say was russia's actions. here. i think somebody is gabriel, that lives on the the leaders of the north atlantic treaty organization, known as nato, a meeting in the us to mock it's 75th anniversary roches. wore a new crime roll top. the agenda in washington dc. make co secretary general in
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stone to above is addressed the meeting of defense industry leaders. the alliance is expected to finalize in a to appliances supply weapons to ukraine, november's us presidential election, also in shop focus that nato summit. president joe bivens and 8th those supposed to donald trump. on the other hand, well, these skeptical over your lines, my kind of takes a look at how the us is play the dominant role in nato. foreign ministers gather the nato headquarters in brussels, in april, marking the 70 percent of the 3 of the alliance. but the major celebration will be in washington d. c. this week. the city in which it will began in the optimize of world war 2 liters of 12 countries came together on april the 4th 1949 and signed the treaty pitching collective self defense across europe and north america. the call of the
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tact article 5, the consult together. when ever the territory, our independence of any of them is rep and the looming strength for decades was the soviet union. but even following its dissolution, the russian invasion of crimea 10 years ago signalled that the threat had not diminished in fact, it escalated as russia in faded ukraine in february, 2 years ago. last month, president biden reiterate to total us support in a meeting with, i'll going nato secretary general jim stocum book. but biden's previous test that was not as supportive. donald comes praise of russian president vladimir putin ringing alarm bells, which would allow the when trump called into question us support for article 5. but one of the hedge and the countries that up and said, does that mean that if we don't pay the bills, then you're not going to protect us. i said,
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that's exactly what it means. exactly. i'm not going to protect nato operates on the suggestion of demand, but each member advocates, 2 percent of its gross national product to defense. donald trump's claim 1st made while in office that the us what's the bill and that the contribution from other members were shrinking was and remains a lie. the defense spending of night to members has increased each year since the russian invasion of crime. yeah. a decade ago, appropriate to motion, the liberal, i'm the one, but the fact that even the crisis there, we always be the president biden. the stumbling performance in his 1st presidential debate with donald trump and dramatic dropping polling could have a major impact on they to. the question of us election results will not be on the anniversary agenda. but it will be the one most privately discussed. mind kinda,
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i'll just sierra washington white house correspondent, kimberly how good is joining us for more on this. and this is also being portrayed as an opportunity for biden, to show that he is a capable leader. is he pulling it off of the? well, all eyes are going to be on joe biden as he delivers his address to nato leaders that's happening at $21.00 g m t. and it won't just be the g 7 leaders in the world that will be watching this address. but it will also be members of his own democratic party and even the american public will be watching after his poor debate performer to that presidential debate that really rattled the american public who were concerned whether or not he's still have the fitness for office. so this is an opportunity for the president to shine and to show the world around the american public that he still can lead. and there have been discussions that have
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been ongoing with in the democratic party. in fact, there been 2 critical meetings that have occurred today with the house and senate democrats. the house meeting has wrapped up and we are told that there were a number of the room faces following that meeting, both 5 and supporters and doubters. and it doesn't appear that there has been any resolution as to whether or not there has been a solution as to whether they believe that the president should continue on the ticket or whether he should step aside the still seems to be a result. we know that the senate democrats are also meeting to discuss that issue of the general feeling is here in washington that these next 72 hours are really critical. if the president can demonstrate to the party and also to the world leaders that he can perform well. and we do know that it when it comes to nato. but this is something that is near and dear to his heart. and mary works well on the
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world stage and that diplomacy is one of his forte, if he can really demonstrate and hit a home run. so this is something that will really strengthen his candidacy. and the most believe that this will ensure his political survival when it comes to the political nomination at the 2nd run at the white house. right, thanks to kimberly how it gets outside the white house. continue this heading over to boston, the u. k. patrick billy, he's a former nato analyst and a defense and security on list at the university of bhaskar to have you with us. so 1st of all, via credit in president we know is going to be attending and he's been calling for what he says is strong steps on social media. what. what do you think is going to get out of this native gathering? good evening. i think what we've seen already movements on, on one of the major things are not as native funding for ukraine, where the member states are put in their 40000000000 dollars rituals. how are you
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praying over at least till the end of next year? i think that's very important. of course the as you installed the verb you're going secretary general wanted it to be longer. um, probably more, but uh, it's still important not indicates that the window of opportunity that russia has at the moment you to delays and the failure of ukraine to mobilize earlier will likely close as long as that political support stays in place to get the ukranian officials a, they'd be, they want the things beyond that, like loose thing of restrictions on how they use west and weapons restrictions on what targets they can hit and russia. so yeah, there is vast and we've had the losing certain restrictions to the us. so they have on their attack comes miss on the costs are very, and i ran and the bordering hurricane as being uh, also wise. and then i think quite, quite step by step where any tools or targets as far as i'm aware books, you know, in that case what we, what you can really need is that heavier munitions,
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heavier or more handed attack comes uh, whether that will come or not i'm not sure the us of being with testing so far to do so. there's also, there's well known split in nato between the eastern nations facing what they do is an existential crisis. and i'm very close to you plan and supporting them to the health and the ones that are more in the middle or even a bit less concerned and see what is the last binary issue. i can see the russian perspective. so i think that's the only thing i also think, you know, one of the pressing things we've seen with this, our rhetoric, deliberate targeting of a hospital ad by russian precision guided munitions is, is the need for air defense. it's all sizes. ukraine has about 3 to 5 patriot systems, their, their rights and in the, in the country at the moment. and it needs more on this, on any of the missiles which are causing damages, the cheap drive bones said more patriot systems would be able to target and push back the strategic palmers, which are launching them and having
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a devastating effect on the ukrainian and infrastructure. so i think that's what that we don't have our as well, whether they get everything they want, you know, to do sort of the pathway to nato membership. i don't see that happening. i think still that the, the basics, the hydra is while flights and they told me i should just yeah. what about measures to contain ra, show we likely to see that come out of this knife gathering? i mean, we've seen it for the range of, of sanctions. i think the other thing is going to be an emphasis on increasing our ukraine's defense industrial capacity. not only, you know, europe, but also europe in the us helping ukraine are with them, trying to develop them and give them an parts to get their defense industry going again. but again, that's a good point us. and if, if you can protect them from the air, so the real blazing thing is going to be air defense in terms of the wider
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containment of rush. i mean, there's a really interesting thing going on at the moment. i don't know so that china is conducting business, redone drills and batteries on the power border for, for, you know, it's almost unbelievable, but there is a whitening of the certain ages contain mission, security, focus on, on russia. but you've got the japanese size korean, using it as an australian prime ministers, all arriving. and they've got a nice force on what's going on in the, in the, in the pacific. so i think the containment strategy is also a apartment to places like china. of course, right, instead of a bit of a u. s. presidential elephant in the room that might not be on the official agenda, but it is on everybody's mind when it comes to nathan's future. the question of who wins the next us presidential election and what that will mean for night to yeah, we, i mean we said that before in 2016 i think, yeah, of course the media are going to be looking very carefully. turbines,
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physical and cognitive performance during this. i think other leaders will be to the phone. i also think that, you know, of a trump presidency wouldn't be terrible for nato. that's how the organization is going to, you know, try to, to complete the underwhelming. but the real problem is what, what his policy beach was ukraine and that is, and you know, through sources close at his party said he, you will, ended on day one to us or, or you can, obviously, they've had the security box with the us finding agreements trying to tie in a funding military a course. nevertheless, the president has executive powers and you can slow wrong something, even if he doesn't actually guy complete the crossover and agreement. so i think you certainly want to watch. and then of course, you know, the stakes are pretty high in terms of the us presidency most of the time, but particularly at the moment i've given that vast difference in support for you brain on us. all right, thanks for your analysis on that one. patrick theory from the university of off i
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said i had an al jazeera was hampering rescue effort software land slide barry's. mine is digging for gold and engineers here. the new u. k. parliament sits under a label majority for the 1st time. in 14 years. we'll have the details probably like this appointment. and then this will number one. yeah. and extend that knocks down to one of them. so what happened is the, israel's war on god becoming a forever war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why, despite they insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, a lot of the stories that we cover
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a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as i was just a real correspondence, that's what we strive to do. sears from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your fingertips. okay, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st over $300.00 on luis heavens. it goes through the roof,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the, plug them back. you're watching out just 0 time to recap on headlines now. spinning is right, the attack on a school, housing displaced, palestinians in southern gaza. at least 29 palestinians have been killed in the attack. happens in the town of office on east of con unit. 76. palestinians have been killed. why is very forces across the street the past day 7. and this has the
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laws launched around full 2 rockets. it is right. the positions in the occupied goes and hides to is right of the sites as was killed in the attack. when that call was hit by missile as well. also released phones, video of his right, the minutes besides the occupied go in and find you. finding the tax in southern russia has killed at least 5 people. follow a series of strikes, 5 rushes military on monday. the attacks destroy the children's hospital in ukraine's capital, key of death toll from those attacks has risen to 40 for the process . president says, thank the indian prime minister for his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ukraine. conflicts that'd be opposed and presented in that under moody, with the roches highest living in the world as they pies. the strength of relations between the 2 countries, ukraine's president brought him is that in sky is criticized moody's visit russia
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remains. india is major defense in oil supply, despite international pressure to you this of, of all of a has mall for moscow neurons, america has made a strong anti roll states when saying a solution to the new crane kind of be found on the bottle field and piece should descend through towards the engine delegation, has signed several very lucrative contracts, including a long term agreement on the supply of oil from russia to india as a discount of price. let's say in today's using a window of what's here and see which opened for us as to the beginning of the ukranian complex. and the 2 countries goal now is to reach a trait turnover in 20, said to of up to $100000000000.00 rushes rolls. awesome corporation which runs and you can always break it's fleets. has a propos to supply and to resources to india, it through the northern see, read as well as the construction of 6 more high power and you play unit settings.
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yes. while for russia, this visit is more about politics rather than the economy. the global south needs cheap russian resources where russia is, teen to retain is triplets. coal states has an influence adult. swim full since, according to indian sources, those indians who were you into the russian army will go home. and the rent for moody was promised that the russian side would facilitate their return to the homeland your national pop. oliver alters the rent most fair. if he of his prime minister has made his 1st visit to sedan. since the conflict began the in april last year, i'll be asking to admit the head of the armed forces of just a 1000 foot hon and pulled. so then in december, the prime minister hosted the leader of the rapids support forces in the home with him done the gallo folks broke receives fire, so fall failed. i'm involved has more from pulled so that
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a prime minister documents, but a secretary delays. so you'll be told of this, you know what he's come to help achieve peace and stability and so that it's not clear what specific proposal has presented. visit comes nbc, the false facial thoughts to be whole. so then you've got that. aside from that, that is, must serve as a breath of fresh air for this with is going to need as well feel being cut the by most of the outside. well, that is the highest profile for a need to visit. suzanne, so it's the beginning of the war. 15 months ago is visit mocks attorney points, and he's sized with this then he's military hold during the fund that helps with that. it's neighboring countries helped him. kyle: in july last year. he's over there and good. when he thought of apollo a bunch of them and tempted us any administrative fees keeping integration in december for months of creating the belief in so that
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a piece fighting with out of that. and i'll submit these forces closer to the board that pulls the eastern states up to not just a deep concerning folks who done that. you might be able to receive supplies by job . you may need to dispel all those b as, as to present himself as a good neighbor in order to be able to meet the 4 piece. how much fun i just yeah for to them. and the u. k. is new lead. the customer is due to join nato latest shortly earlier on tuesday, members of his new labor government attended parliament for the 1st time label on the historic lands liability of this week. the new house of commons has the largest number of women ever elected with 263, and the most minorities at 90 funding guy ego has this update from outside westminster, cray columns and beams, and it was account for the policy leave is to be able to make those addresses also
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for problems as well, but the whole day started off with the choosing up to speed up the house of commons . the previous speaker lindsey oil was chosen again and often thoughts and statements were made by those costs. you need to sourcing fast with the minnesota casala. he spoke about how he intends to make a program of national renewals in britain. he was then followed up by the foot of prime minister, which you see not heading up the conservative policies. we also offer this commiseration, so those, i'm please let me go to the conservative m p 's that were advised us with those seats. and also said that the prime minister faced the for middle task with his target goal of national renewal. that message was echoed by the leader of the liberal democrats as well that the prime minister has his work cut out for it as well. but uh, i'm interested in
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a new face inside that chamber was that of nigel fire, arch of the reform policy. the populace right when policy that campaigns on immigration, he, jo, can you said that he has taken quite a few goes to get in there, but he is one of the new faces that is going to make politics altogether more interesting. inside that chamber, the newly elected m. p 's for fraud. this is new popular front left wing alliance of arrives in pa them at the off the winning. busy seats and sundays election. traditionally, the french president, the points of prime minister from the winning politics, left wing and peas. and i'll find for the job. that's your boss law. reports of the marine to him to yeah, it could be from says next prime minister, the head of the greens is likely to be one of the poker. the front left wing and lines. there's tons of dates for the job. 20 a 100 and type in musical skills and straight talking style blackening the fall, right as a counsellor. you know, hometown of an upper mo, bring the pins,
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constituency. measure. basically, i believe that the best method is consensus arriving at intelligence solutions by working intelligently together of a young, well toner that is widely regarded as charismatic. only peaceful is not the socialist lead. as no key approach could be an advantage when you call them and the political storm arriving it, parliament full looked relaxed. just okay, i'm ready to take the job. that was the kev, yet it will be done in constant dialogue without partners. those are, you know what to me, and then this cost wise, we found a well known personality and from suite on some outspoken and b who's made defending workers' rights. he's cause he was re elected for 3rd time off to controversially, quitting the hard left policy. i'm showing these mental show just days before the 2nd round. 6 will y'all do is i don't oh you see and here is middle initial or middle initial or middle. and sean is an obstacle for voted on
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a working class and places like this in the region it's, it's a turn off what we've just seen, a middle shall arriving. he's hauled left parking dominate, select when a line is not a problem for present micro centers. they might be prepared to work with the left in a coalition, but not if it includes middle shaw at his in peace. even without mental show, a sense of less coalition wouldn't be easy. the 2 sides have brand new agreed. traditionally, the present most pick a prime minister from the biggest policy. in this case the left, the macro may surprise voters once the game will search and is whoever gets the job she or he will have to run a government that can compromise. one that will be unable to govern, unlikely to survive. natasha butler, i'll do 0 power searches on for thousands fade data off to an illegal gold. mine was buried by a landslide in indonesia. at least $23.00 people died for whether difficult during
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a humphrey rescue efforts barnaby though low. now with this update, search and rescue teams deployed to a remote village on sort of whiskey island. after a landslide buried the pit or $79.00 miners were sticking for gold on sunday night, but they're having to walk 20 kilometers to reach the site and are being slowed down further for the 6 month in ring. mid done, done. so i'm going to look at them uh, victory and is extreme that was normally used by the miners and the motorcycle are cut off because of all the bridge along the roads collapsed. so it is a difficult to get to the mines and the only way is by foot. they are hoping to be able to find more survivors to racial rings since saturday, broken and embankment and triggered floods of up to 3 meters, sending more than $1000.00 people leading to safety. but not the miners who genuine busy investing in the mine and spoke to vibration. and then within the matter of
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seconds, the area was buried and that it all happened so fast. not even teens of sick unless indonesia is one of the most minimal rich countries in the world. but there are more than $8600.00 unlicensed, small scale mining operations throughout the archipelago, quarter of which are gold mines workers there off and operate in unsafe conditions that go in and got to get and get that was done. but when the excavations i made with that in the proper supporting structures and then it rains, had the slo could easily fall apart, especially if there's no way to taishan above the mining tunnels to absorb the water. the last sunday's last light is the latest of what have been recurring accidents in the legal gold mines in indonesia. and it's not just dreams that are to blame in 2019 support beams of a mind site collapse because of loose toilet holes killing more than 40 people. and with doesn't still missing official spirit to death toll. from this most recent
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catastrophe could be higher barn to below l. g 0. i said i had an i'll just say era, precious was a how that signs of power ops supplies for people in central garza photo for a charity calendar images off to 16 years. and it turns out the baby being held by layer now, mfc is making his own headlines to the years that will tell you who we grew up to be in school. the business like this, this brought to you believe, i guess is i live slowly on one of your this makes modern pleads. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates the
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find out what's going on in the world, the football with joe a lot going on. so i mean, yes, we all just minutes away from take all from the 1st european championships, semi final of 2024 spain taking on frogs in munich, shortly the spanish friends have been getting behind the same as $15.00 games out to 5 at this tournament. on the french and failed score. goal in open play, but it's still made this fall despite much christmases and they've been boring to watch. well, let's go live to a correspondent, dominant cane, who's in berlin, dominate too heavy weights of european football. but which one do you think will come mountaintop a well, let's look at the form guide, shall we, over the course of this competition. the spanish team has been the most potent and attack scoring 11 goals. in the 5 games they played, conceding only 2 french had this thing g as defense, conceding just the one go lots on the other side of the ledger only getting 3 goals
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and non in open play. both teams are being forced into change, making changes to defenders for, for spain not being able to be picked for this game because of yellow pods. so that accumulates in the course of the conversation, the french resting on swine, please man, because of the perception that he hasn't really been playing as well as he could have done or have done as a young the player. so who is going to win? while it's the phone book is to be believed, then perhaps spain for there are certain steps, but the spanish of one, the 5 games in this tournament, no team has ever won 6 euro games in the tool much itself in a row. so in order to go through, they will have to establish or rec towards will they do it? we'll find that soon enough. yes, we certainly will. um, domain gemini, would not south of the tournament by spain. so who is the german funds backing now? well that's the question, isn't there?
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this funds are now quite as full as the last time that that the german team were planning spain, when it was absolutely fine thing with german fans at once, happy and then dejected as the thing was eliminated. and so from the german perspective, there is that residual sense of did not who could have a good idea handle the bowl in his own penalty area should have been a penalty for germany. would that have changed the game? could they have gone through that full? is less, there is also the thoughts that's positive football should be rewarded. many friends saying they want to see it seeing that plays well. schools, lots of goals, winning on the french, on not stocks in this throne. i'm not sure it is hard to tell. certainly for the front. yeah. well, one of 2 choices here they go with the french, the alley, blue function. all that's all systems go for spain. and as i said before, we don't have to wait too long to find that who is going to play the the england oven. evelyn's in the final here in bowie. and on sunday, all right,
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dominic came the life for us invited. i'm going find yourself a spot now because we're just moments away from kick off. a 16 year old spanish plan, let me an hmo is becoming something of a household name. offices, impressive performances of the year is so far now. functions of a much showing he was a star even before he could play football. this is woke up when a little messy holding a baby in a photo shoot for charity calendar almost 17 years ago. well that baby it turns out, was in fact, your mo, the shots has gone viral of to install the posted it. and here's the photographer who took this next flight. if you see if he's here it was difficult. betsy's very introverted and shy guy, and he was about 18 or 20 years of age. at the time he entered the changing room to find a plastic bath tubs filled with water and a baby inside was it was complicated by the beginning. he didn't know how to hold the baby. yeah, not at all. messy will be back and his comfort zone later as he's been declared fit
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to play for argentine or in that co put america, send me finally gets canada messy. if indeed he has been dealing with a leg injury for much of the tournaments you missed origin tina's final group game, but play the entire much against equitable in the quotes funnels' argentina, the defending champions. but a list are in here. leo is fine. you've finished your last game, fine, but you're going to be part of the next much better than we have relaxed about that to learn a new way to be in his level has been good. and so these fundamental for us, cuz that's all i need to say, you know, this is canada's 1st ever copa america. the semi final in new jersey is actually the 2nd time they're facing argentina at the tournament. having lost to them to know in the group stage, they haven't seen our best yet. and obviously that was our 1st game and the tournament. and like, like we said, we're the same team is big 1st game and we just developed mentally, physically and, and we've grown over those days and, and um yeah,
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they know what we have. we be at those speed and power. but i think over those days we've been together when we're, we've been growing onto tennis now. amends. well, number one, again extend that has been knock south of wimbledon in the quote to finals by donald method as center one, the opening section, a tie break before the russian hit that to levels a mass. it's highly in need of the lengthy medical time mountain. this 3rd due to illness, met if it, as took advantage to go to says to one up the center didn't give up winning the full, the 4th of the cider. but it was the 52 k mounts on top, gaining revenge for his defeat just in a, in the straight you know, from the final in january. maybe that will face defending champion, call us alcaraz in somebody's world, number 3, got the best of american 12. see, tell me, pull in the quotas across the draw up the 1st set that took control after that went in full, the spaniards, the step place, the 2 2nd grand sometimes would be also winning last month. franchise
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in the women's role. atrocious. don't have becket choosing to have 1st grandson, semi final 11 and a half years of making heads. they do in a major tournament. the world numbers 37 last the opening set to qualify legally son. i came back to take the next 26261 beckett's will face just been totally nice for a place in the final, probably any brushed aside american m a navarro winning 661 in a match. we just lost it under and our finally becomes the 1st a tele and since 1926, 370 find is the new singles at symbols in cricket, captain penn state says the decision to end james anderson's international career is driven by the focus on regaining the ashes just and is preparing for his final test much as england take on west indies at loads from wednesday. this 41 year old false bullet is english oldtime leading wickets. i took,
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the stock says they now wants to concentrate on preparing the younger bowlers and of next use ashes series in australia. he's an amazing bowler. there's no doubt that he could still um, you know, go out there and play test cricket because it is good enough. but, you know, when we spoke with jimmy, we laid it out with him and, and gave him the reasons any totally understood it. it's obviously a very hard thing for someone like jimmy talk to listen to you look away, we got to go in, in 18 months time to, to afraid to we want to in the end. but we've got a incredibly talented and exciting group for the 1st of all is coming through the moment. so given then, the experience of playing international cricket get into as much as under the about will put us into much stronger position. all right, that is all useful for now. we'll have more for you like to send me. thanks so much though. oh, garza's, anna g facilities, the face down price that on to destruction and israel's months long roll. millions
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of palestinians is struggling with little or no electrical powers since israel cut off its supply. recently reconnect to the power line to one the sound, a nation and sewage plant and con eunice. launch date to prevent disease outbreak for its own troops and the area garza heavily relies on this route for its electricity and diesel supply. before the war, about half of its power came from tenants. right. the power lines delivering a $120.00 megawatts gaza strip had a single diesel power plant, generating an additional $765.00 to $75.00 megawatts. but this power station ran out of fuel last october. as a new project aiming to restore pallets one the sound, a nation plants in central garza, with the hopes of providing both a to displace families. product got basel reports from data by a desperate for the palestinians to the school,
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and managed diesel, a nation prolonged in hon. eunice, every day, for what little that is to dest took huge mess with the city, the diss, and i'm, it's been a long time since i drink cold water. there's no electricity at all. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we drink here is not properly filtered. it's a mix of salty and fresh water before the will. this punch provides you to 20000000 liters of a fresh water every day, around 250000 people. now, the facility can produce only a fraction of death to just 15 percent of the original outputs. and now also serves more than 1000000 people. full time, so what's designed for most of them displaced by as well as both of to these very only destroyed power links to the plant. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuel,
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which is radically running out soon on the same day. because of like us to be in a box or having noted this is, you know, he says it was designed to from the very beginning to realize this done. but never able to. we things that was very easy to point to the plans for us when it wasn't all the things that could suit change palestinian work. cuz in coordination with these very forces on now attempting to connect an external poem line to the prompt . also, you saw it on the amount we've received or requested to restore lines to reconnect the diesel, a nation fonts and darrow by law. we started working with what we have available resources we have and we were in contact for the relevant organizations to provide the components needed for this line event. first, the supply is restored. it's not until once again, be able to run at full capacity. even then it will be far from enough to provide
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the population of gone. so what it for sure. what's up off with these palestinians? it will provide at least some really sorry. come by soon. i will just be around there that i kind of sorry. several coal fired power stations in south africa is set to close in the next 6 years, automates transition to green energy because of its heavy reliance on coal for electricity. the country is africa's biggest to mr. of greenhouse gases, but it will main more jump losses. hold on with us, the reports from commodity, the commodity, coal fired power station is a really quiet. it's one of the oldest in south africa and the 1st one to be de commissioned parts of the government's plan to use less fossil fuels. most workers will it go in 2022 with everything that is happening. it's like they're focusing more on the environment. why they don't care about the people who are stuffing and everything. so these things they need to be balanced so that that goes to get
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the government says it's just in the transition program is training people in other skills, community leaders and assist very few here earning a living of us. the government knew at some stage the power station had to be shot because of the life space. but there was no such session plan put in place to ensure that once the post vision is stopped, life sustenance continues. oh, economic video change. it continues. transitioning to renewable energy, willing to be easy, as because most developed economy has an energy crisis. it still needs it's call, but i forget generates most of the electricity from coal. it's secure to international loans, to help with the transition to green sources. but adding this one, switching from coal to renewable energy,
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could take tickets while so that's what k is not the world's biggest image of greenhouse gas emissions. the international push on all countries to reduce the use of fossil fuel. i think what happens, we all going to see some sort of the growth in, in the move from cold towards renewables. it, i think a positive what's happened because many of these copeland's on old and they have seen breaking down quite often of keeping them going is going to probably cost more than then building something new as to think that it could. i'll make realities also come in, but it's going to be a slower process. and a lot of people would like more coal power stations are scheduled to be di, commissioned in the coming years. that will mean more job losses in all sectors along the cold, out how to monetize out of their commodity, south africa as well. that brings us to the end of this news out of us. 40 bucks to vote is back in a couple of minutes. so stay with us scale now this here, the
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african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean, that rock band, i do have plucking on things too short documentary, by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya. serenade of this kind and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0 on counting the cost by them versus trump who confess, what manage the us economy will heavy i realize radical reforms fix argentina's economic crisis plus the chinese mega for the quote helps on through, it's a lot of america's hub for trade with asia. counting the cost on elders 0, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now, the knowledge is here. with the
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29 people have been killed jobs, so he's really forces a top to not as cool housing displays, palestinians in gaza, at least 76 pilot students have been killed in attacks across the street since tuesday morning. the hello. this is out you 0 live from the time for these bad people. also coming up is rally intensifies a tongue attacks across guys as these fine negotiators had to contact the following discuss.


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