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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm AST

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and make a difference the the notes on board the boeing style line that's tell us all about the image. in sports with kathy down to the erie 2020 both semi final between netherlands and england. i don't think that's problems to and don't mind. orange will be live in germany for the build up to the big game. the it's not happened by chance, but by choice. right now, russia is on a war time 40. with regard to defense production,
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they have their significantly wrapping up their production of weapons, emissions, and vehicles. and they're doing it with double china, north korea, and iran. we cannot, in my view, we cannot allow the lions to fall behind. we will increase our support for ukraine by establishing a nate to coordination on the security of assistance and training for ukraine on by ensuring a sustained support for the long term support to ukraine is they'll try to do this in our own security. the interest on we will reinforce our partnerships in the, in the pacific to push against the growing alignment of russia, china, they're all north cordell on a level we'll go live to a, usually a couple of all of a who's standing by, with reaction from moscow. but 1st, let's go over to our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how coach she's covering the summit for us in washington dc. so kimberly, we've heard 2 phrases, sustained support for ukraine and a pot i irreversible pos to membership breakdown. some of these terms. what exactly is nato committing to ukraine? well, in terms of committing to ukraine, what that means is making sure that you pray have support in terms of security for the long term. to make sure that they would stay on the winds of political change in the united states and without naming names. what they're talking about is perhaps a 2nd, donald trump presidency, given the fact that he's been very vocal about the fact that he believes in the past and potentially in the future, shouldn't have
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a 2nd terminal office. he's not entirely sure that you praise should have the money that it's been given or get it in the future. and so that's what this is about in terms of the commitments that have already been made. well, you felt like there's all going to be further analysis of what we made it for the secretary general, the fact that there is going to be a substantial package for you for you and you as president the intimate and some of that already. and we've had a bit of an outline already into the air defense package, which would include f sixteens that will be flying by the end of the summer. over you pray, the west or nation supplies that we already know that some of them are being transferred. all right, and we cannot also overlook the fact that there's a lot of focus on the performance of joseph biden. this issue, the coming of them all, being revised by nancy pelosi is a nato dina statements dropping from one of the democratic fundraisers act. so
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george clooney brings up to speed with how that remains an issue, even the in the native gathering the yeah. and well, we're not hearing any sort of public statements. the diplomacy has been somewhat predictable in terms of the leaders very much the smiles when the hand shakes in the family photo behind the scenes. what we're hearing is that they're fat or not to lose she, the former speaker in the us congress. but she's also a heavy weight and the democratic party, a long time friend of joe biden, a party loyalists talking about the reaction to the nato summit, according to russian deputy for administrative or den code mosca does not expect anything from dayton day. so summit in washington, all deadlines as decisions will only be aimed at escalating the ukrainian crisis. those were the, was of the official. russia follows the news under pools coming from the west. a
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nature among the laces of the united states is going to deploy at long range weapons into germany in 2026 to to, to russia. and no doubt, the reaction will fuller bridges from ministers was about to cranes, right? to use revision storm shadow missiles to potentially strike rushes, taylor tree, or cold, it was possible by crammed in sparks pass. and the news that a number of nato countries astonishing supplying ukraine with the f ops carry out attacks against russia. right, and that's to the shop of all about for us from moscow of the . oh is there any forces dropped leaflets, ordering palestinians in gaza, city to move south saying the enemy remains dangerous. combat zone is riley snipers with targeting. people try to leave. the central guys are a strong kind of home in the side on the refugee camp,
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killed full palestinians. the injured was taken to the already overwhelmed deluxe, the hospital in debt, and by at least 14 policy in a release. the statements saying that they are continuing operations in northern garza specifically in gaza. city saying that they quote, created what they called safe core doors for palestinians to evacuate from there as they had what they also called quote targeted operations and northern guides us. but the lease slips that were dropped to residents in the north clearly say to the residents of gauze, the city in its entirety on the map and its maps them out, telling them where to go. where are these so called safe passages and corridors are heading south to data, but not this is the 2nd time a notice like this has been dropped on. does the city previously was in october? but now we're hearing from is really military sources for saying, but this in fact was not in evacuating order for all of gods, the city,
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but rather specific areas where these really army is still operating and where they do want to conduct what they're calling targeted and precise operations. now let's talk about what the interior ministry in gaza is saying, they're saying that if anyone is in any sort of immediate danger to go to an area where perhaps is less dangerous, but they're stressing. but there's still no safe place for palestinians in gaza. time and time again, these palestinians have been displaced with simply know where to go. the is really army continuously dropping these leaflets with so really vacuum ration orders planned for them to go to designated save areas that we have seen. also repeatedly bombarded in the last 9 months. so, well, all of the headlines have been saying that these really army has issued an evacuation order for all of gauze the city. now these sources are coming out and saying, it's actually just these small particular areas that these really military is still
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going to operate in. but the leaflet again, was quite clear saying to all of the residents have gone to the city. in addition to that, at the end of it, it says, because the city is a dangerous combat zone and no one should be there anyway. so mixed messaging here for me is really are me and sources that are coming out against that messaging entirely. all right, i'm the thank you for clarifying that, but let's take that we just should mention that i'm the is in fact you're not mind . jordan, reporting what he's writing ministry, saying because israel has band, i'll do 0 from reporting inside as well. but we're gonna keep this going and we can go now live to 10 that ahold of a who's indebted by in central garza. and i understand it's, it's a black how the right just to add to the confusion and token of confusion given all these as have the said mix signals, do palestinians have a clear idea on what these really been a tree is telling them to do with that those palestinians decided to say,
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since they want, since the 1st week of work and they went to severe starvation, you're actually re sending ground in ages and also as rated air strikes. so those kind of thing in shows to stay in the cause of safety and they are not willing to leave because they're seeing the people in the another in parts of the gaza strip are suffering to go back to the another in parts of the gods. and correct, you can also clarify us for us, the reports that those, those, some of those who did, trying to leave goals the city off the receiving this pamphlet that ends with garza city is a danger zone. some of them got subjects, it's a small i for file, right. so i mean, you can imagine the system own these that have been circulating on line earlier today. we have been reading a lot of close by kind of send you some large trucks in the gods or 50 now where
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some people mentioned that through family members were killed in front of their eyes. executed was trying to evacuate to a safe area or a safe place. they also said that the is where the forces suddenly invaded their houses, started executing them. the snipers were everywhere. what the cops is with everywhere . so palestinians were less high, less, not knowing where to go. some said to chose traps in their houses, wait, sims, to get killed. and let me also remind you that there is no civil defense. do. there is no red cross. no one is there to evaluate those policies in use, and that's why palestinians were resisting all the weapons. that is right, has been using against them. so now kind of can use our trusts. if they try to evacuate and listen to is risk order, they're being. a are being shots, so kind of sinews are left, has this not knowing where to do, and not knowing what to do, and stuck in the middle of death and extracts and live the munitions from all over
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a all the areas. very difficult situation in the, from the butler, mediators here in don't how well that getting into the life is round. all those garza's phase 5 folks followed will that chaos is going on actually in gaza and they're expected to discuss the 3 phase plan. you might remember us president joe biden outlined phase one would be a 6 week sci fi, during which from us would release women and the elderly and wounded captives in exchange for palestinians being held in his ready presence. the 2nd phase would include a permanent end tossed. the seas and the release of all remaining is ready. the captive, and the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of gaza and the return of all the remains of any deceased captives to his route. child strive for this following developments of those talks,
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even though of these talks in doha happening behind closed doors. but we understand, according to reports being made in these rating media, that there are some fundamental sticking points that need to be overcome. and certainly, according to us officials being quoted in these writing media, these could take days, if not weeks. these talks are happening in the wake of comments made by these ready prime minister benjamin issue now, who over the last couple of days demands that he is making that he says, all non negotiable chief of which is a want by him for israel to potentially be able to was you fighting in order for israel to achieve what he describes as being the main goal, which is the destruction of how much. we also understand, according to reports that some of the other hurdles include just how many palestinian prisoners will be released by his ro to every single is ready
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captive there. around a 116 is ready, the captive still being held in to push for a read ceasefire. but over the past several weeks, the united states rather agree by that as ministration has began to change its stone. and it stands on the questionnaire. bessie's fire, even stating, i think you're not the initial security council of interpreter one. and clearly there is a push on the part of the, by the ministration for something to materialize. this is new. what's whole seed you is that these really made 30 is taking a bit of a nuance position of late spence, the offensive that kinda stuff was not exactly been working. they also would like to see a ceasefire. the only obstacle today to cease fire is nothing the whole and whose government everyone else, including the categories and age actions. and as i said, the americans, even the arrangements and all the auto mall. and today we heard from has been laws
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. chief has on the solar side, that certainly is organization. once to cease fire and garza. so again, we don't want to cease fire but not nothing. and we'll government model on the, which begs the question, because we know the negotiators are in del ha all they discussing the same deal, the seas file that was outlined by the us president. let's listen and remind ourselves of what joe biden said on the 31st of may when he outlined what he said was and is writing the proposal is time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home for israel to be secure, the suffering to stop. it's time for this war 2 and for the day after to begin. so you can hear very clearly that model one.
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what do you as president was talking about was time for the will to end the end to the will not oppose. however, we've heard repeatedly from nothing. yeah. when the latest of which was on july, the 7th, the prime minister is very prime minister. and is your company about more vocal about adulthood lines because he thinks his government, his own political future is at stake. he thinks his government might implode and hang fees, continue to procrastinate, to the aggravation of the mediators to the different regional players. and certainly to the united states gauge meant and any violations. there are exceptions to the rule which are investigated from your understanding of speaking to sold is always talking about a few isolated incidents. are we talking about a general standing? shall we say operating procedure that is prevalent in the army, a wall having to be processed before. it's important to say that, you know,
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in an investigation on 97209, we spoke to just testified that there was a red zone around the area. and the soldiers were positions inside, they got the street between the house and the neighborhood. and everybody, any kind of being armed or not, the armed who crossed the line, it was allowed to shoot in order to kill you said every man between the age 15 and 50. what's considered a fighter, even though, if he was in civilian clothes or would follow the weapon, he was going to see the fight for a potential fighter and to was allowed to shoot in order to, to you. i think the general feeling of disorder, describing that there was a big sense of to adapt over 7 at the top of prevention. we heard it also if somebody is very efficient, it's on the pay minister and senior minister and dish approach went down to the
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commanders on the ground. and also to the 1st people soldiers to just felt they couldn't do anything good, a sense of revenge. and they told they they had statements out there no way. you did some deeper and got the everyone involved. did we come up with everybody celebrated bit october 7? not dock. and therefore they wanted to punish them. let me jump in order and then you said the feeling of revenge. some of what's quoted in your article, quotes, soul just saying it is permissible to shoot to the center of the body mass. nothing the, it's the midst of all to shoot everyone. a young girl, an old woman from speaking with a sold this, did you get the idea of that? shooting at young girls or old women might result sometimes investigation or repercussions or being cold or held to account in any way. so
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one soldier mentioned that although we said he was trying to avoid that, and he said that that might cause tom into another question or investigation. but on the very low level of the combined commanders inside got they wouldn't go out and higher up. and in general, the other soldiers told us that they felt that everything is committed. so sometimes when things happen, commanders would investigate it. but again, it wouldn't get that to a car to drop drop or investigation from what the i understand and part of the south calls that have some disturbing accounts about blowing off and destroying palestinian civilian property off the these re, the army who prevent connecting it to go back to the house. this was done at the commodity, looked at the private initiative and also other things like vandalizing. how says
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the graffiti dealing and looking. this was done with commanders on the ground noticing that any been already been not taking any action on this matters or in our role. so many other questions to ask you about. i think we're going to have to save it for another day. thanks so much orleans these john list and commentator at plus $97.00 to magazine so to have them out to 0, we need the palestinian body bill to last. a shadow of himself. southie was beaten and tortured inside and his right to jail. we have to do whatever it is, so that'd be kind of the roof of all. hey, we have nothing sons washed away by flogs in gale force winds in south africa's western cape province. leah now nicely gives an update on it's due to is often seen also sending them into the cop on attic of final size coming up in
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school with gemma. the maybe 300 people died. one flight time age 17 for shut down of ukraine. but a decade later, have to fight for justice continues. must go, refuses to hand over 3 men convicted of maxima, john 12 prosecutions believe. russia's president was directly involved, 101 east investigates. the case against platinum, includes in on algebra. 2 weeks into protests against a controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of can you police accused of disproportionate violets showed no signs of backing down. president william retail may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands, as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights. there's still
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a great deal of anger against the government protesters here, say their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand. they're coming out and protests. the, the, you're watching out, is there a time to recap on headlines now? nato late is set to pledge and reversible pos to membership for ukraine. as late as me. this is summit. the alliance has promised sustained, long term support for kids in its defense against russia. it's very forces have dropped the leaflets, ordering palestinians in gaza city to move south saying he every remains
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a dangerous combat. so this way, the snipers, the targeting people who try to leave 6 is ready, sol, just say that combined as authorize them to open fire on palestinians indiscriminately. they told as well as $97.00 plus $97.00 to magazine. they had exit cubes and civilians to straight into so cold, no goes of is ready forces of arrested will $9700.00 pounds of citizens in the occupied westbank since the war and gauze assaulted in october. numerous detainees have recounted the abuse and torture they enjoyed in this riley jails that abraham met mazda 0 by a palestinian who spent 9 months in his right. the prison. so this report from best buy, how many the occupied westbank behind these disoriented looks, is a man who doesn't recognize his harmony or knew where he dad went from
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the few words he's able to say. and the scars on his body was his family. try to understand a thing of torture. my eyes hurt. i was blindfolded. doctors, i run a test to see if there's brain damage. that is nurses are trying to put them all as the inside i'm or why. i'm just trying to explain to him the process that he's going to go under to make him calmer, and this scares what the scan is interrupted several times. you're safe, the technician says, but not as a screen inches. every time he hears a new he's. he's in a palestinian hospital, but in his mind, he's still in his really present it keeps saying, can we think this is the unit that tortured him in jail?
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he said, don't let them come in and beat me up. because i'm going to look at my legs as he's the legs on them. a star comparison from 9 months ago when he was a regular edition was when hopefully he gets better in time and realize he's no longer a captive. what he is to in the occupied with the bank, which is often described as one the prison need i. but i mean, i just eat on palestine and doctors without borders, life gods have rescued. a group of on documented migrants of the libyan coast. the group says migrants and jump tougher all the boats. and so the magistrate in trying to escape and approaching coast called vessel humanitarian agency saved a could be a surge of dangerous attempts to reach your during warm summer months. the largest union that samsung in south korea is declared and in depth. and that strike those
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taking part say the company's management shows no sign of winning this to negotiate . samsung is not commented on the extension that says the industrial action is not disruptive. production union is asking for 3 and a half percent pay rise. it represents about $30000.00 samsung employees, a quotes or if it's workers in south korea. at least 6 people have died in south korea. also rec, hold rang for the weather agency says because every 200 years some rivers bus, the banks pro it's flooded and houses of collapse. the city of gooden sand receive 10 percent of its total average annual rainfall in just one hour. a strong winds and heavy rain is damaged buildings and less thousands of people homeless in south africa's western cape province. full cost is a warning more bad weather is expected in the region. hold on with us and now with
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this update when able to storm hits. so that's because wisdom k province is usually families in poor areas who suffer the most of the parts of cape time, experienced flooding and power outages. so that's what can with the authorities, a warning of multiple cold fronts this week. that means more rain and strong winds in the coming days. how do we tasa out there? to american ass so it also bins dot com, the international space station for more than a month. that's spoken to media for the 1st time. very well more and so need to, williams blasted off on june the 5th and boeing's 1st migration tool. but it was supposed to be that for a day for the space craft has been having technical issues. we're learning now to make to optimize our specific situation. and make sure that we know everything about it. you know, if we just came home, we'd lose the them. and then we wouldn't be able to go through all this testing and understand about our spacecraft. i envision that we'll still do testing when we on
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doc and mix before we on doc actually 1st opened the helium valves. and then secondly, once we on doc to make sure everything is working correctly. as we, as, as planned from what they found out during the semester testing. o'connell, terry votes is a full, my international star line or is an emergency. so if there's a problem on the station they need to jump in the capsule, shut the hatch and come back to her. if they could do that today, what about those? don't want to do any of the normal or that. what about the, what about the reports of helium legs as that being fixed then on the stall on? yeah, so the helium, there's 2 problems they have. there's this has the capsule and this is the service module and then the service module. there's helium and that's used for the per pallet. they did have some leaks, they close the valve and it's not leaking anymore. they have something like 10 times as much helium as they need, so the healing and then i'll take that problem. there's also some small, they're called r c s jet skis. can you see the dog houses, terry,
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can you hold that up a little bit so we can see what we'd like. the props here now. yeah. so, so yeah, there we go. a go on, explain it to us. yeah, so this is the capsule and it comes apart from the service module. the capsule has a pair shoes and a heat shield and the astronaut them turned back on again. but they did have some problems with them. and the helium tanks are in here also that pressure eyes that per pallet. so they don't think they have a big problem. but once they separate and this thing burns up, they're never going to be able to test it again or have it again. so they want to spend as much time on the space station with the 2 parts together like this so that they can analyze it. like i said, the goal is to get certified. and unless they get certified on this flight, they have to fly another test measuring that will be expensive. and henry lane, terry, holding an asset don't want that said, what exactly, do you mean when you say so what do they certifying? is it the actual style? lima, and what, what difference does it make?
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been space for each and it's the whole thing. so the, the capsule and the service module and probably the rocket launcher and in the space also the whole system needs to be certified. and once they have that, you know, big stamp of approval on the star line or contract, then boeing can launch astronauts. they'll be for astronauts in the capsule the next time and they can just launch them out. they'll spend 6 months on the station and come back to earth, but they have to pass in the think of it as a final exam in school. they have to pass this final exam before they can move on to the next grade level. um, so before they can graduate from high school to get to college, if you will. that's what boeing is trying to do right now. fascinating. hopefully that means that ultimately people like me will be able to go up into space. so wherever it's going tags, how about it's kind of terry foot staff for coming and talking to us commander and retied nasa astronaut. it's been great having you. thanks for having me. on the
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still ahead on al jazeera dont' fans take of adult linda say get ready to watch the side facing been for a place in the euros final the live in germany coming up next business like this. this brought to you believe, i guess is i live my on one of your lives makes more than please thank you. something we saw so that your eyes will kick off is fast approaching between netherlands and england with a place in the final at stake. i don't think that spans have tons of st. orange ahead of the game for the say around $8000.00. the netherlands support is expected enrollment, which is a relatively short drive from the dutch florida. that seems manager expects it to be a close game. we know that it's not the big difference between the nation is really 5050 my opinion. then we have to play go to we have to do the perfect game to win
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and we know they have a lot of individual qualities. i think we have both themes are really strong and it will be a good fight. at the beginning of the tournament, the expectation weights quite heavily, and of course the external noise was louder than it's ever being in the end. what was impressive plays ground out. think the ground results out and found ways to win . this is now the chance to make history jobs to get to the 1st final no, no held in england 1st time in global. i've ever done that. so we're, we're trying to break new ground this difficult and it's complicated. but the players have responded brentley. thank our south gate optimistic on the bottom that london's bucking impala is also guessing behind the team the, the
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. well, that was that condition of the 3 lines. the england song made poppy that during the 1996 years is best known to other ext is coming high. just as they live now to a correspondent dominant kind. he's in a very wet spelling, so don't make the bomb the planning is coming home. but doing wind farms really believe that's also that seems performance is so far, it is yours. they might believe that they might even think facts. but if they do things that then perhaps they know something that we who are new charles, who owns english from the world's media, who's been analyzing the toner. what i'm going going full back to back your eyes finals, but it's been a long time since the netherlands have been in the final 1988. in fact, when they won the tournament, you speak with the actual pharmacy that chances well, certainly, the dutch funds absolutely front see that john says he was saying that's a 100000 dollars funds endorsement. there are many here to. i was one of the games
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which was played in valley and very recently, tens of thousands of them. they from father one of the live interviews i did. and when i asked them in from to, are you going to be english? oh yes, of course we all set the bands for the players. many of them fly that trades in the premier league or have experience of playing in the premier league so they know what english football is the parts. and that's why when ronald truman says that he believes the 2 teams relatively similar, will have the same sort of chauncey's fits because he knows the english game pretty well. so what we have here is, as it were 2 countries who have a prior history, the one that says the actual, the netherlands having won this tournament a long time ago in the old. now this incident, continuing to the 2026, woke up, missing, hasn't moved it out. see the as i've said before, i intend to continue an attempt to keep living day by day without thinking about
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what will come in the future or whether all continue or not. it's something i just live every day. i'm 37 years old under god knows when the end will be a mess. he did reply from international football often to 2016 corporate america, the reverse this decision 7 weeks late to since then, he schooled 50 full goals and 73 games and guided them to the carpet and woke up trophies like a catalog at the end of the day or a 7 time limit and champion and about joking. it's just 3 to the semi finals without breaking a sweat. so off to his last days of violence, alex, the middle withdrew with a hip injury. drug of its will face that lorenzo. it means that t for a place in the final blog number 25 beat. so i think see to tell you to fritz and slice that's in a match. lofting least 3 and a half hours. 22 year old italian and his fuss from 70 find england's cricket to lead the west to these by 68 runs off a day one of assess testing tools. while this has meant to be james anderson's
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farewell moment, they be told gus atkinson's stone was the line lights taken. 7 wickets and the city did they get the wind. these finally hit the 700 and fast in his career as the village was out for a 121, and a little over 2 weeks until the power. so then fixed again. organizers have been putting the finishing touches to the beach volleyball venue, which is at the foot just the eiffel tower. the temporary stadium which can hold many fussing 1000 spect sites as is about 95 percent complete. what a great view, the egypt through the lens. leaders on the.


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