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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 10:00am-10:59am AST

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and jeff, lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm so robin the watching out as it was news online from coming up in the next 60 minutes, a president under pressure j. pardon, defends his re election bid as a nato summit for the speech is overshadowed by god's overnight his way the strikes target promised. amusing dogs, a witness to say that they were hit in the area as well. designated as
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a safe so political turmoil in can yeah. the president finds most of his kind of, of this as a weeks of demonstrations against planned attacks heights, fighting domestic violence and conflicts. don't we speak to survive as about as a new role that strengthens protections for with the welcome to the use of we begin in the us where i present. joe biden is defended, his political record pushing back of his critics who say he's all fit to run for re election in november by made his case during a highly anticipated news conference at the nato summit, where he mistakenly refer to donald trump as his vice president despite calls to him to drop out of the presidential race by them says he's the most qualified person to beat trump. a lot of times correspond to simply how get the pulls from washington,
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dc. he spelled for nearly an hour batting away questions about whether he's capable of running for another 4 years. i'm a terminal and running for it. i think it's important and i real i erase. here's i see. let them see. ask questions about us president biden's mental fitness and calls for him to a band in his run for another term. and the white house had been escalating for weeks. so when the 81 year old president was asked had he reduced his schedule, following his poor debate performance last month against his rival, donald trump talking biden scoff. now have you looked at my schedule since i've, since i made that stupid mistake, i just kind of just paste myself a little, paste myself in the next debate. i'm not going to be traveling in the 15th time zones. by david says his successful presidency is proof, he's still strong,
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physically and mentally. as he spoke at the end of 3 days of nato meetings in washington, he told reporters, nato leaders are urging him to keep running fearful. his rival, former president donald trump, will return to the white house. when i hear them say is kind of, we slipped nato leaders were visibly uncomfortable, and audibly gas wouldn't buy them. at the end of the nato summit introduce ukrainian president vladimir zalinski as russian president vladimir put clear. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine, who has as much courage as he has. determination, this gentleman, president, president booth present list wide and quickly corrected himself. others in attendance also defended by that because picking up a c and then the slips of the tongue happened. and if you always monitor everyone,
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you will find enough of them. still at least 14 democratic lawmakers have called on president biden to drop his bid for re election. some democratic donors are also pausing donations until a presumptive nominee is declared. button 5 and says he's not leaving the presidential race. despite his blunders, he insists. he still has a chance to win. kimberly, healthcare algebra 0, washington. the area code is a political analyst in the us. he says biden's closing address on the nato summit proved his competency for the top job. as we saw the job, i didn't that many of us are used to seeing over the last 50 years. this was a president who was comfortable in the setting. he was comfortable with the issues and when he discussed and talked about and also to i thought he was very spirited and engaged and i think, well,
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this pressure certainly did not assuaged some people. we know that there are those who steadfastly stand behind by and i think tonight they got a preview of what to expect. and also we saw the very stark contrast between biting and donald trump, which is something that many people didn't get to see frankly on that debate stage of last month. i think what the democratic voters want to see if they want to see someone who is going to uphold the law, someone who is going to operate with in the confines and the guidelines of the presidency. and i think that's what they see from joe biden, but we know that there is a very stark battle taking place within the democratic party. right now, you have democratic elite and the owners on one side and you have the rank and file on the other. i think what we are going to see going forward is that the battle is going to become even more intense between those 2 facts and inside president biden has,
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has actually had less media availability then the last 7 president. so this is a man who, quite frankly, just has not in do and endeared himself to engaging with depressed. and so while he has certainly done any norm as of mount throughout his presidency, the disdain that this administration shows towards actually communicating that message with the american public is what is damaging. i think the president so far and now given that his is his administration and his candidacy is in crisis, now we're seeing him do far more than he's done over the last 3 and a half years combined. and now he asked to continue to do just now through election day. can he at 81 years old? do that only time will tell the thing goals as well as co down strikes across the strip that are also reports of
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heavy artillery shelling in kansas city at least 7 pallets to these. okay. within the tank on central commuters, in the south and straight with the cities really um we talked to the area, it's designated as a say a circle site. so that leads you to be transferred to massive hospital. meanwhile, the consumer gainesville, bring of the most, has reduced footage of what it says is fighting in garza cities to drive the neighborhood. it appears to show tasks on his reading ability vehicles and souls, as israel says at least $682.00. so it does have been killed since october. the 2nd time of the joys is the line from the ballot in central garza. let's just begin with the overnight strikes of the aftermath of that of the yes. well perhaps to start with the is really tactical withdrawal from western part of ga, the city. this withdrawal is large of parts, steve, by the local residents of western gauze. i mean, we're looking at telling how our neighborhood the sunbrook,
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as well as the area around the united nations headquarter at the university college complex works for the past 3 days. there's really military operated aggressive lead targeting residential homes, killing people inside their, their house. is it giving them as little as a few minutes to evacuate to safety or sometime given them no time at all this morning? these really military started to pull out from these densely populated areas. and by the way, the vast majority of people who are actually ford state or still is staying in these areas are in fact displaced, palestinians coming all the way from a to your neighborhood, as well as the northern part, northern eastern part of, of golf. the city making their way for seeking shelter and safety in these areas. these are not the 1st time we see these maneuvers by these really military and their withdrawal was coupled by heavy artillery the from these trends,
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a part of the gaza strip targeting more residential towers and infrastructure and public facilities across the gall. this to me in the, in the sense from the area of the city of con you and it's just really, it's monetary continued with relentless air strikes in eastern part of pioneer. and it's mainly not on city as people try to make their way back to their homes after this really military, this for the box and you to them to work the targeted by the are deliveries and the fact that there are a talk of drones and o'clock got to dark, really, very intimidating. i was here for people that night time, a cruise in the area, people start to steal the massive level of fear and panic state of credit given the the presence of these a talk is wrong, then surveillance insurance. and these ongoing constant give you our delays of their getting the site out there. yeah, the mother hair and 2 children were killed in an attack on the residential home that included multiple injuries. as a result of this talk for the close honey,
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the pressure continues on the hospitals in the south of because the strip absolutely, the more injured forwarded on a transfer to the hospital. the more pressure with the in happening inside the emergence department. we're, they're here at this only remaining to my functional hoc that there is another turn of a hospital here that's allowed to happen in the new site, right? right. you can, but it's still, it's a mid size, a hospital doesn't have the capacity to intervene and provide medical care for this large number of injuries on right. now what we're seeing is an entire city in the southern part of the 3rd man. the roof of the dates has no health facilities whatsoever, not of the health facility that we know of is functional right now, the vast majority of injuries, the vast majority of bodies selected from the street are either transferred to another hospital in con units, or really uh, auto service hospital doesn't have the capacity to provide
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a proper medical health care whatsoever. the max is separate from the lack of extreme lack of the fuse, just to see any major departments. and also within the past couple weeks, another hospital when completely out of service of the guys are reviewing, has within is more of that expanding to skeleton right now. not only doesn't have any medical stuff, doesn't provide any medical service, but the fact all of it's of properties have to be in either at new or the were take . and given the state of panic that we created, as is really military and sharply ordered people inside the hospital or it's that's facility, do evacuated from. and from there, yes, here the situations are quite difficult. we keep seeing it's happening to have the literally here on the floor of the hospital with tens of people on the floor of the hospital leaving no space for the medical to stop for the paramedics at, for a medical emissions here to do their job. given how it over crowded a, the hospital he,
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many time at the medical the step describe that the opposite hospital is more of more of the more right now given the amount of blood, the number of injuries inside of it. and most of the time, even if they are treatable, injuries or treatable disease in the acute shortage of medical supplies make it very difficult for the medical staff to provide a cover medical care about who the 4th and the with the latest. thank you. well, i was hundreds of those policies continued to flee. the vinyl, as many have been forced to move to alabama. wasi, a narrow strip of land on gauze, a southern cuz that these really i'll meet the kind of safe evacuation zone for the andre is a global gender. advise that with alt simon joins us from that. not good to have you with us, but i'm on the program. can i just begin with your last become where you will just tell us what the conditions are like um, thank you for having me. um,
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to start with a milwaukee area before all of those happened. it was just as trip of lines, as you said earlier on the beach, it was not at his attention area. it's just some of the charts that a way for people to come in the summer. so it didn't have any infrastructure. it didn't have any of these are the trends, buildings, or even any kind of buildings really. so now it was designated as a humanitarian save area by the is there any army for people to evacuate to the overcrowding, like thousands and thousands of people are fleeing here. there's constant attempts everywhere you can. you mean you can't imagine, even right, on the page, you find 3 or 4 rows of tents of idp is like they're, they're reaching the edge of the water is in. so it's very throughout there,
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it likes all of the infrastructure. it doesn't have any water sources drinking or domestic water. there is no um, easy routes for transportation. of course there is no electricity or a supply lines for power. it's very difficult to you for you to condition you've painted the picture for us to think very well just briefly. what sort of a need before i get to talk to you about your job itself? do you just tell us what sort of a you've been getting into that area? if any, a tool has any help come to you? yeah, actually despite all of the challenging circumstances and the restrictions that we're facing as ok, some of my goal of the international and national humanitarian aid organizations, we managed to look up a responsive plan and to actually deliver aid, we've delivered different came walter,
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domestic quarter of hydrogen kits and females kits for the item is a fruit bar says, which is of a bar. so we've done as much as we can, but we remain facing so many challenges. so many instructions to get a to people and to get to all of the people in need of a, in terms of your role as a global gen to advise a what does that entail and what sort of problems are you having to deal with when it comes to fulfilling the roles of your job. actually i'm working as a gender advisor, which has to do with where it can't looking into the difficulties faced by the different gender groups, men, women, boys and girls of dollars, sense, etc. i'm trying to deliver my words as for plans, you know, like, but it's very difficult. for example, if and planning to do is under analysis or a gender needs assessment for research in
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a group of people in the outreach to those people giving to those 3. but listening, so those people actually, to be honest, if i go to a group of women or donaldson guess, and try to understand all of the files that they're going get through, they won't have time to talk to me. they will have to send in line to get some order or they're then be making a fire out of a firewood or even a straps to different mill, or there will be trying to find food to feed their families. so it's like the priority of saving themselves, saving their family's lives, and just to think about their needs. so it's very difficult even to, to get to know what's going on in depths with, with those be. but i mean, i tried to from that trying to, if i, to, on any average day, if, if, if any day could be average way you, uh, what sort of numbers are we talking about? how many people want to see you?
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and how many people are you able to help on any given day? um, actually if you want to talk about numbers and i can talk about um, our park as we were uh through a wide range of uh, partner organizations. and they have the, uh, like services of friends liners who deal with, with people with women. so an average is like, um, a case manager, let's say he has a to, to give you the case loads of 50 persons there a month. like this is the idea of and at least at least they receive those 50 people 3 days seeking for help or even just to up to consult or to debrief or looking for any sort of services that they cannot access. so the numbers of people in need are super high compared to what we have to offer. to be honest, it's very short. it doesn't come that doesn't just talk to compare with the needs
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of people that will have to leave. it is good to get your insight as to the difficulties that you'll facing along with your colleagues for the other arch, the from walk some thank you for joining us then. so the pen to go visit. alice disappeared on the gauze a case which was intended to bring aid into the strip will soon be removed. the project has been hampered by the challenges on controversy since it was launch. does she have a tendency, has more joe biden. amounts of us with construct appear the transport aiden, the gaza. during his stays with the union address in monk, it was a time of growing anger. and the democratic policy base of the us is unconditional support for israel is campaign of bombing and enforced salvation. a temporary peer will enabled a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance getting in gaza every day. that's what it was reported to have taken many in the pentagon by surprise, but the u. s. military valve to construct,
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prepare to have an operational within weeks and over 2 months later on may the 17th, the peer did become operational sense them dependent and says it's, i'm loaded more than $8100.00 metric tons of humanitarian aid to go. so it's a fraction of what goes a needs, and it's, i'm clear when i'm under that 8 ended up in late, may public inspect some pet. right? that was awesome. if any of the, a, it'd been delivered to the people of gauze. this was his response. as of today, i do not believe so. in recent weeks, much of the aid was piling up in a staging area adjacent to prepare humanitarian groups. so i'm willing to transport the supplies out of concern for the safety of the us as long insisted they would be no us boots on the grounds. what's finally been the faithful blake for this project is that it appears the pentagon was surprised by the mediterranean conditions in the summer. conditions of this type of parent is not designed to withstand. the peer have to be dismantled several times due to what the us as well technical and weather related issues. most recently, several days ago. now, due to high c states,
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expected this weekend, central command has removed the temporary pier from its anchored position in gaza and will tow it back to ash dot israel. an attempt to re attach the period was a voted on wednesday, and soon the entire project will be scrapped for $230000000.00 pair was an operation for a total of 20 days. since its construction areas of goals or have officially been declared is entering full blown famine and at the end of may, the u. n said a deliveries and dropped by some 2 thirds is really mid attraction throughout the conception construction, i'm brief operation of the peer, the loud routes that could supply the people of browser with what they need. what are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them for the safe delivery of a she ever trans see out, is there a washer is what was probably been spending me nothing y'all who has told me that he could at the will and gauze will continue until isabel is victorious with
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a ceremony in some of his room. that's what he'll who said that some of us must be defeated before any choice as possible. mediators at the meeting in castle trying to negotiate to see 5 deal. it would include the release of captives. that is what i need to tell occasion returned from the hall on thursday and it's police have been reporting back to these riley prime minister. the color of the live that is on was inside us would never allow us to leave the war without a tv in goal. the goal is to read a good time us from guys and the return of the captives and to our boat. any threat that might be imposed by you guys again as us and to allow the people of the lowest to go back save to their houses in homes that someone cannot continue when this war will go on until victory will see the how about the
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official who somebody has told out, is there a the year is randy probably ministers in the all who is disrupting negotiations to serve his own personal interests. yeah, he did. you know, a deal to shop. listen, yahoo! who chose all people in front of the world, can easily line the seas and give folks intentions. even the policies observing these motives and negotiations, including the united states. a fully aware that nathan yahoo is lying and is the main person from the occupation 10 during any agreement. we have always been positive and fixable and now it's a moms that remains the same since the beginning of the negotiations. but when even newton, yahoo feels quoted by pressure from the policies following the negotiations. he shift the blame to hum us, but does not provide any real information or evidence to support his claims. so spring and benzo schumann, he's a published and engine missed on humanitarian who witnessed the will in russia and con, you this good to have you back on the product from again,
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i mean these talks to being continuing now for the past few days in council, negotiate has gone technical teams is still here, apparently some is wrong discussing whatever they are discussing behind closed tools. where do you see those tools at the moment from your perspective? so i think that the students are looking at, at the cautiously optimistic at this point. so i think there's been a big amount of leniency from the point of staying inside moving forward. i think some demands have been postponed onto the 2nd or the 3rd phase in order to achieve permanent ceasefire. and i think there's a sense that the students on the ground in the, the after over 9 months are softening a lot when it comes to humanitarian point of view. however, there's also a sense of, we're not going anywhere, especially in the north. there's one of the force being put on the front a scene is there to be pushed to the south. and the messages of, i'm guessing is that we've been here for over 9 months and we're not leaving our
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homes. we often have some politicians as we have been having both sides about the red lines, whether it's the israelis, palestinian officials, all the americans. you'll speaking to people on the ground, even gauze at once, at the red lines while they're there and like i said, they're not leaving their homes. they do not want to leave their homes, not only because there's no place to go, but for them, it's now part of their creeds, but part of their daily, not a to a part of their belief. they don't want that piece of 1940 to 1967. they believe that they are the ones who owned the land historically and they are on the right side of this. this is jenna sites, and they believe that at the end, they will be victorious. as one of the deadlines is definitely that has that was it. i mean, united how's the will not be divided into north and south. another red line is that they are looking to open the borders and to continue to hold over the funds. so
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a democratically elected governments moving forward. and the 3rd red line is that they need the, the support of the global community who have been calling for a stop the warning because that to happen to us when a specimen including opening for the borders and allowing a to come in. and so these are some of the things that people on the ground and their leaders are fighting for life. now the certainly the hope for them the, the reality that will to day to day basis is that we continue to hear about these evacuation or does that you can evacuate if you've got some web sites to go to and that is in the west sites in gaza right now because we've had 70 some sions, right? yeah. that as soon as people are given an evacuation order and that total to move snipers around various locations. so it's a dual di situation. yes. to some people, there is no place for them to evacuate to enter. the idea right now has been almost completely destroyed. this now been evacuated by the is really the forces that
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people are going back to find bubbles. and people are starting to slowly build them . but you are right, there is no place safety evacuated. us is a very small and heavy populated strip. and there is no place safe to go to. let's get your opinion on the news. we got think about this p a, that's the americans spend millions of dollars on creating a, a, putting up a on the coast. and now it's being dismantled. it's apparently not bolting or not functioned in the way that they, they had wanted to. what's the general opinion, wasn't of any use the tool, because even the american american spokes persons in washington said, they don't show whether the aid was delivered actually go to the people that they were supposed to get to know? well, i think it was a waste of the us taxpayer money, and i think it has other goals rather than humanitarian. we saw what happened when is there is a commit to the genocide and limited area. and people are witnessed vehicles
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leaving the military vehicles, leaving the p of has been visited is in that assault against the people inside the site off the area. i think that the peer to being there or not being there to want to make a difference when it comes to humanity needs for him, an attorney and they to come in. and we need the borders to be opened as soon as possible to allow the thousands of trucks to come in, filled with 8 for the, for the senior people donated by free people from around the world. but so she was always good to get your insight. thanks very much for joining us. thank you. thank you. i will still head here on the out of the news. i why thailand is a saving banking destination for me and mazda electric june to and that's what the cost. and we have from some of the 10s of thousands of people losing that jobs in argentina to stay with us. the have a lot of that. let's have
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a look at the weather across europe as we end the week and get into the weekend. we've got some settled and summary conditions. articles will eastern areas and down across the south with temperatures really picking up. but that's not the case across the north west into more northern areas and weston areas got an area of low pressure that as it moves its way further east is going to bring down temperatures for cities like london and paris. but they will be on the up for the south of that for places like easily. we've got read warnings out for polio, sicily, and sardinia, red warnings as well across the balkans with that heat extending up towards the north east into places like western russia. so this west of the wet weather, rumbling across the low countries into germany, rushing out across with central areas down into southern fronts as well, with some more heavy rain to come across the baltic states as well. on saturday, you can see that heavy rain intensify moving across denmark pushing up towards a scan today via as well as the southern parts of sweden. seeing some very heavy
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rain. we could see some localized or flooding from that if you showers as well across those central areas, but lots of heat building across the southeast. and we'll see the temperature of 37 in athens on saturday. the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bring good intentions advise that this is not rough and looks like we're off . it looks like it's held on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the miller tri, they some of the police over the past 100 years, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land, the stream on our to 0 heavy pricing and we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's the consequence of war. the human suffering is
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actually the 4th time. we brave bulletin bombs and some of the world's most troubled region. the army fled in the face of idols advance. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence in recent years. in some instances, we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law . and we always include the views from all sides, the book, the back to the news with me. so robin reminder of all 12 stories in gauze or at least 7 palestinians were killed. and it is really a ton of coal. and central con, you this in the south of the strip witnesses say the is ready, the i'll be talking to the area. it's a designated as
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a so called site. so j pardon, has reaffirmed his intention to stay in the best presidential race. the as president is under pressure from the ton of democrats and ponti down is to let someone else challenge. presumptive republican nominee. donald trump, to your credit president has told day to lead as his troops need to hit targets inside roster in order to win the war. he made the comments of the alliance of somebody in washington dc. well, the reason i'd say he was asked about restrictions on some us, on western supplies, weapons, georgia news conference in washington. he said the limits on ukraine's ability to carry out long range strikes on russia. the bose is germany and i'm joined by german st. germany's foreign minister and the best. thank you very much for joining us. germany is china is because crating boston in europe. is this an example of, do you have many putting nato's interests ahead of time?
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not at all. we're formulated to common european china strategy, which is in line obviously with our german china strategy. making clear that the china, one of the biggest, the countries in the world was strong economic a how, why is obviously a pop not in many kluso feels like climate, but we've seen lately also that it's a competitor, speaking about the economy and also a systematic, a rival, as speaking about the question, sofa challenging, also our democratic values. now there's a moving election in the united states to what extent is the possible change in the us administration a threat to native and also of course, to germany, which has a close relationship with the incumbent president. i believe that not only in europe, but also over the uh, atlantics in the united states,
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wherever it currently are. all people have seen that made so common life insurance . it is the strongest defense alliance the on this planet for 75 years. it has guaranteed peace in europe and over the trends implanted are you saying that regardless of who runs the united states, it will not affect night to i've met to many uh, congress as persons uh, in the last 2 months and also 2 and a half uh, yes, and the question of, uh, the principal antic alliance. the alternator was always a bipartisan, an issue as before. 75 for yes. uh and so therefore, what ikea also for many congress uh people. and also from the people uh, in the united states that in these times uh, whether credo, off for the nato, one for all and all for one really collins that this is the most important thing that you can trust on your friends can be as president as promising a leader more efficient government up to sucky all of us,
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all of his cabinet members. when he moved to his decision to follow his weeks of protests against a finance bill with a raise, taxes on items such as bread and su, malcolm, wherever pulls from the capital by ruby. and how old is the appraisal of the kenyans? have been waiting to see how president william retail would react on to swelling discontent with his government. i have today decided to dismiss with the media to effect all that come in at tech studies on the attorney general of the public opinion of the company that of can demonstrations began last month against the controversial finance failed to raise taxes. they started peacefully, the 10 fine and please kill thousands of people off the protest is to call them building credit. and we say we through the bill that didn't stop growing cools the
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hint to step down. so that the streets as most keeping come for the last week, that many of those who protested say a new cabinet has a small stock router, has a long way to go to make. we'll change when we come to a pointing, then you come and fix that because we need some union, then you have to jump the president mazda to ensure that there is, they've got it as visiting for these individuals. vision are the petitions, the vision of these friends visually be taken across people. we are from our professionals, all those key level that key to the people that we want them or to go home. we want the president, what is the issues of all those people walk you the families route to when elections 2 years ago, when not remote in turn out was like he'd promised to help ordinary people since then the cost of living is going up and it's been growing criticism of his government, separate of his appointees who were implicated impost corruption scandals and
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crimes have that charges dropped off the he took office. critics say his government is the most corrupt and incompetent that kenya is ever had a before the process. some of these ministers is now being fired, scathing you, dismissed mostly young, social media critics, as a privilege to minority. you tell anyone, tens of thousands came out with industries around 50 towns and cities. that it became clear that the southeast function was widespread. politicians and officials have since been ejected from public meetings or excesses and corruption scandals are being exposed home and police officers within the several remaining hiding. the process of the anger express towards politicians and officials online and on the streets have revealed a crisis of legitimacy for president vito's government canyons and now waiting to see how far the appointments of
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a new cabinet will go to addresses. malcolm web houses 0. my baby was these are considered so that his life was a jew general side of the capital library bay. hi catherine. a chance read it, i suppose, for the public across the country to drive just the move by the president to dismiss his capital based of the cabinet. how's it being received of the well 1st let me tell you about what's happening now. we are at the university where students are expected to protest against the killing a one of their colleagues who was killed during those protests whose body was found in corey not, not far from here a so the students are demanding just as know back to your question the newspaper say it all, we have the star newspaper which says i listen to you that refers to the president and people who have been saying that he is not hearing them
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. and then we have the new, the daily nation, which says why the hubs before and that refers to the cabinet secretaries who have just been fired. and we have the standards, which says people paola, basically saying that people are taking the power to handle their own affairs. now this me thing, this thing was a very, in kind of came as a surprise because a lot of people was saying that they want these cabinets secretaries to go. some of them are just incompetent, others are embroiled in corruptions. candles and others are just arrow again. so the people say the young generation many canyons are saying that these had to happen. and for that they are happy with the president. but then again,
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going forward, a lot of people also say that the president has to be very careful about how he select the new copy. nice. um for example, the c one. people wants to see, i'm more professional uh, cabinet that wants individuals who are professionals, of people who are not a are not corrupt as well. so a lot of people are looking to see what the president is going to do. he's saying that she's going to consult widely how, but they're saying that they need the president to be very careful about that analysis right now. he's on the lot of pressure to make things right. indeed. and the president's move, and every what he says is we analyzed, as you say, very closely. but he's also said that he's open to dialogue with the younger generation on with civil society. but the logic question would be,
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is there anybody from civil society that really wants to sit down and talk with him right now? yeah, he has been calling of for this dialogue and he has been talking to positions. he does as well. he's a talk about a more to suck for all dialogue, which will involve everyone from police who showed from there we need to see the uh, the use uh we meant to see about society as well. but then we also have had um from the gen z, these young people, the people who have been for testing a lot of canyons as well was saying they do not want to dialogue. they have seen these dialog dialog before and this dialogue do not yield and much. so they say they do not want a dialogue. well, the one the president to address the issue to address corruption, to be,
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to have the presence to be comfortable and to make sure that she's government works because of it. so as far as the into to with that update things katherine know, titans buying. so helping me as well as military by weapons and equipment which is being used against civilians. those, all the findings of reports by the un, special rough, what's the wrong human rights and me and my weight, havior, pulitzer, from bangkok, an error of disinterest mosques. the seriousness of this parliament treat committee meeting in bangkok, the united nation special rep, the 2 a on human rights and me. and mom came to brief officials from thailand's biggest banks. a reports by tom andrews has found, tie banks, and now the main facilitators of transactions and purchases made by me and my us military. we have a responsibility here as, as human beings. to stop this hor, and there's an opportunity to do it. the you in says the military junta i did by foreign banks is increasing attacks on civilians as it finds
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a whitening war against rebel armies. singapore was one of the markets of choice, but me and my ass military when it came to banking transactions and buying equipments, but a government investigation last year. so the numbers dropped dramatically. the un says thailand has stepped in to fill the void according to the report transactions connected to the hunter, handled by ty, banks increased to more than $120000000.00 in the last financial year. money that was used to buy military equipment. we've seen a significant escalation of the tie, bait, tie based weapons suppliers going into into me in more selling weapons. and in may and more, a doubling to be precise, in response to banks where a defensive saying that confidence, they've done nothing illegal, but they'll investigate the repertoire himself said the military would try to
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bid fiction. they wouldn't come to us directly. they would try to hide in the opening an account through a nominee with the individual. andrew says he'll continue to work with banks and the type of government to make it more difficult for me in mazda military to fund and re supply its campaign. wayne, hey, al jazeera, bangkok, as a starting place of detained a russian bold couple of allegations, espionage claiming they obtained classified defense documents for the benefit of most of the women previously worked as a technician in the australian army. she's a case of attempting to access sensitive defense material and transmitted to russian officials a couple of hold of stanley and citizenship. and i'd be living in australia for over decades. they've pays, and course on friday, a were charged with won't count each of preparing for espionage offensive. they could be sentenced to a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. the payroll allege the individuals work
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together to excess astride defense for some material that related to a strides national security interest. we allege the woman was undertaking non declared travel to russia whilst she was on long term leave from the strain defense force will age. that while she was in russia, she instructed her husband who remained in australia on how to log into her official work account. from the present time. we late your husband would excess requested material and would send to his wife in russia. we were alleged, i saw that information with the intention of providing it to russian authorities, whether that information was handed over, reminds a case by case of our investigation. at least 4 people have died to try to close the english channel from problems to present the french coast guards. at 63,
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my grades were rescued after that boat capsized. the incident happened in the area as of friday to the best of families observed another solemn other the straightforward, the victims of the 1995 genocide in jeopardy to on thursday. they held additional burials for some of our loved ones. just a few of the 8000 method boys killed by boasting and sub troops showed a whole report sign from bishop perdita in eastern bosnia herzegovina 29 years after they died in upholding circumstances. 14 for the victims of the shrubbery to genocide or late to arrest. the youngest was fairly small age 17 when he was shot and killed, very beside his brother has him and father or man. this was all the family we had left. we have been told to be designated totally uncles on both sides, cousins,
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brothers, my father and my husband to solve a single model. you know, you know, old, more than 8000 mostly men and boys were killed as they fled. following the fall of the un designated safe zone with shrubbery needs to bosnian serb forces. 20000 people. so safety with you in peace keepers at their base in nearby poto charlie put in the historic failure of peace keeping the winds. don't battalion did not intervene. irritate memorial, send the trait just across the road from that you and base people come each year in . remember and so costs, but also to bury those whose remains have finally been found. and the identified coffins that often contain me of fragments. some bones or a sco holding a 1000 people are still missing. here is new significance to the event this year in may. the un general assembly designated this day, an official memorial to the genocide committees here,
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a controversial move football's name subs who say their own victims of hor, also the a lucky duty as a ser. i can tell you that in a previous words, especially world war one, the people of this area suffered in these photographs, are victims of that's the truth. they died especially civilians. a genocide that divides a nation 3 decades after a war the to this country a part time has not been a great healer. not yet. don't know how else to 0 tribune. it's are still a head. hell all the out is that reduce? it rule falls, the side,
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the sponsors of another cathedral catastrophe the . the talk about concept started this past a new little criminalizing domestic violence, at least 1200 king's related to abuse at home and being recorded in the past 6 years. the turn to maybe fall higher as many cases go unreported. we do, we'll do that. some of the images in a sub of been job. it's report from a started a disturbing so to the women in the self defense close also by virtue of domestic abuse. the biggest joke has of police receive more than $99000.00 complaints related to family mondays last year. but he was like, these are coming on social media to 140 than right group. see the upgrade has usually been and often known to the victim. the human estimates only $1.00 and
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$4.00 addresses is ever brought to justice policy because of the law which did not classify domestic violence as a crime. after b, things like this. the only legal option available to women was a civil suit. but one case has changed that in plain sight and the restaurant, the former economy minister beat his wife, salt, and looking over. she later died from her. injuries of the politician was sentenced to 24 years in prison. and after the public outcry is seen by itself and as a new law named doctor that's towards administrative defense. and that's why the need to adopt the law was so urgent because the victims can not be protected from perpetrators from abusers. this is the spot reconvene. his husband used to hit her every time he began to hear . she was in an abusive marriage for more than a decade. she remembers dramatic days, weeks, months and years,
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a new could in the interest. her husband was the diplomats and she says, one of the most painful episodes was when they lived in the united alabama. it's and domina, isn't it? she beat me to sleep. my sister says, my sister shouted corrina run and call for help. i don't have the finances to, to rent an apartment. the crisis center keeps me here at here. and they provide me with psychological support and lawyers and human rights. what says the government must do more to ensure women and children are protected in line with international standards. the new law has been in the books for 4 years. and although the number of abuse cases has risen up to 35 percent, there are still people who believe that this law would be detrimental to cause that society when you might you absolutely nothing changes with the adoption of this role is just as the victim had the right to contact no enforcement before. no is the same. i didn't know if a law is not required. this legislation criminalize is between a minor hall,
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which is open to manipulation. that's not what these women believe who have to leave homes and living in obscure shelter to protect themselves. the children will stay at home with green this as you only feel safe when her ex husband is behind bus one other women choose instead to prepare their own self defense. so i'm, i'm driving down to 0. i started so i'll just see this equal because this is the 2 tens of thousands of people losing that jobs. because the heavier b like has involved then they'll start to drive since taking power last year. trees of a high school from the capitol point is always as an energy plant outside when a site is. he's an example of the ongoing economic crisis in argentina will spell organ. yes. he's one of the 7 employees who have lost their jobs in may. he's 34 years old. like there's so much uncertainty with what's going on because there is
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no luck. so many people are losing jobs. we are organized on the company. we are trying to be hired. i mean, this was an operator at a small gland that turns decompose, trashing through gas pm. the others were notified, the plant is expected to be shut down. so the lives that have occurred here are happening all across argentine and public and private companies. as there's a know, cannot make crises, there's, you know, store pro in consumption and precedent. have you had any leg continues to implement a harsh of terry to plan to reduce government spending. tens of thousands of people who have lost their jobs. the protest, like these have become a regulatory cdn, argentina. as official unemployment has gone up at least 2 points in the 1st months of the year. this is april set of hospital. it's one of the largest one of site is more than 80 people work up the hospitals, including doctors and nurses, have been fired this month,
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monday of all of these one of them outside. and sometimes it's hard to work at a public hospital. you need to have kind of 2 more besides all the things you're ready to. i'm yes, i think it's unfair. no one told me why i was fired. so i consider with, on fact, the government says it's moving forward with a plan to modernize the state and reduce the number of employees me producing what's going on. seeing that unless you know, meant to me what i would like as a phrase is to be rename it. but internationally, my most recognized phrase is our shuttle single. today, people are making campaigns, world wide, using outlook for the out meant reducing the number of government ministries by hoff. this reduced the government's structure by officer level that was not free because obviously we 5 people know what we are going 257-5000 people. 25000 have already being fired. mean, i mean, a says the government is doing what's necessary to resolve argentina's endemic economic troubles. those who have lost their job say it's happening at their
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expense 80. so we'll just see that one of site is 5 fighters and phones of saves a will for the cathedral from room. and the other line bulk in the city of rule was under repair. when it's going to expire, cold fire falls to get his occupation how he feels that tons of the story once again, fronts looks on is one of its caustic architectural treasures bones. this is the cathedral of rule in normandy. work 1st started here in the 11th century, with additions, damage and rebuilding continuing for the next 800 years. but it was repair work being done on its 19th century iron tower. at one time the wheels tool is building that appears to have spots defiant report. the sort of could always seek your watch more with the entire structure is made up of metal and the already parts that can significantly. but at this time of the work flow was atrocious. so the main post bob operation, this was the, those work flows trust which will then allow us to completely put out the file and
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load it to the buildings. fairly explain shore the stronger, you know, 5 years ago it was powers is not your dom cathedral stresses with destruction then to it's again during renovation work with will thirty's, same discarded cigarettes or electrical field could have sparked the flames. the thing is spying collapsed along with much of the roof. the 5 year restoration project is estimated to close to $760000000.00. with the reopening, scheduled to this to send, it seems to fire and ruwan has be much less devastating with firefighters getting it under control for a couple of hours. a minor incident in the cathedral is long history. are you close it out to 0? are about cities from base to hold rama deductible the other side of the right. so do stay with us here on the
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football enjoyed by funds across the world. but it also plays an important role in challenging colonial rule. and no tyria ensued on the mission of the clock. what's the point out is there a well tells the powerful story of how football became more than just to support and the fight against the french and purchase colonial authorities against the initial executive. and one thing that's the rebel game out, jerry, and so dawn on al jazeera, latin america is a region of wonder, i'm joy tragedy, and yes, of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like,
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and it's my job defense life on how and why the hard hitting intervenes is this round that no scope piece. i think that's the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we can uptake effective use of the present as not that important effective?
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he had the story on talk to how does era the us president joe biden defends his re election beds at the nato summit, but his speech is overshadowed by gas the whole robin to tell of silver life. but headquarters here in the also it could be a village where the strikes target pilots to be using dollars, a witness to say they were hits in an area, israel designated as a site, so political to more than 10. yeah, the president finds most of his cabinet attempts to weeks of demonstrations against planned tex heights. and we have and some of the 10s of thousands of people losing


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