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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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take this voltage by the 6 designed gross partner of bung the dashboard to use the the pedal um and those are put on them. and this is the news. our live from dog hawk coming out for the next 16 minutes. organizing smiley strikes, target palestinians in gaza. witnesses say that they were heads in an area, israel designated a space on the us sections of fall vices, riley group, provide them to tax against palestinians in the occupied west banks do as president joe biden. defense has re election bit of the makes her summit with a speeches are the shadowed by gas political to a more than can yeah. the president finds most of those cabinets off of weeks of
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demonstrations against plan tax hikes. i'm, i'm far as small with this. ford is lean on massy targets. a 3rd and major trophy in 3 years. teen is argentina, teen named, turn miami, preparing to defend their cover america. title again columbia. the we begin this news outlet and gaza, as well as unrelenting bombardment continues across the strip and attack on con, units in the south killed at least 7 palestinians. witnesses say that is where the army targeted an area that had been designated a so called save. so the ongoing has come off is released footage of what it says is flashing, and all the cities should j. e, a neighborhood. it appears to show attacks on his really military vehicles and soldiers lead one of the occupied westbank is ready for us as a carried out
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a series of raids. they killed a 17 year old palestinian boy and shot a child in the back elsewhere and the occupied westbank is where the settlers have set fire to palestinian property. comes as a us imposes sanctions on a fall. rise is really good. and for illegal outposts. well at the moment we will be speaking to a correspondent in the, in the occupied westbank, new road, a standing by for us there. but 1st, let's go to honey met with he's joining us from the law and central gaza and honey that has been his riley strikes and the south putting even more pressure on barely functioning hospitals. of the yes, that is correct in the past 9 months has evolved into much more complex situation, particularly for the health care facilities and medical care. in general in the
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golf strip. as of today we can safely see right now it is a quite a tragic but there's, there's no health care system across the golf driven what i mean by that in terms of a being functioning terms, beautiful operational, we're talking about the vast majority of health care facilities of either being pushed out of service completed or at a point at a very crippling point right now a here with the only remaining health facilities in the central air, for example, is this facility behind me right here on the hospital or mid sized hospital that that is a really struggling on daily basis with the large influx, the injuries here, and patients and evacuated in this place. individuals inside the hospital for the past 9 months. there's an office space over a crowded rooms here, an operating theatre that is not functioning very well in terms of medical supplies or is it cute short as your medical supply? then the just put things in context here where the, the past a 50 days or a little over 50 days, the voters had been closed,
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completed by these really military, where they're in nor humanitarian aid, nor medical supplies being allowed to enter the gas or so here a hospital as a representative sample of what's going on the are we using materials and supplies and equipment that in normal function in a different environment would be thrown into the trash because they're not suitable to intervene and properly and save life themes. so situations apply to lots of hospitals that has been already destroyed by these really mandatory and for the past few weeks has been going through re hobbs process. that's now only a like a few parts of the heart of the facility being back on track. but again, 2 major departments are not functioning properly and is just making it very difficult for the already exhausted medical staff to intervene and save life. many of the diseases and the injuries here as doctor describes the retreat of all. but
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the fact of the matter is the lack of medical supplies in admitted and pain medicine here. the, the shortage acute of these important materials make it very difficult. and 1st, the doctor is the medical staff entirely to make the decision to prioritize which cases to look after and to save unfortunately, unless the bleeding is stopped as one doctor is put in, the situation will keep evolving into much more difficult in the coming days. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey. my phone with the lasers, live in the line and central gaza was my name in the field and everyone and gauze associates evacuated on tuesday, displays, palestinians were forced to flee, yet again, lost on color and spoke to those seeking shelter at a school within jabante, a northern godsa, this is an evacuation, since i knew fidget campbell, how many companies have arrived, you know, looking for a shift to optimize why the forces older they took evacuated to many time. and
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these have arrived to the schools looking for a show. so they live that houses without any available language. so they have nothing of these families here. have a ride and don't have anything till the end. when they asked us to leave, they didn't give us any time to gather our belongings or take some food for our young children to look at my young ones. the oldest is in 4th grade and the youngest is 3 months. everyone only had a few personal items, no food or drink nothing, not even flour back. so it was very difficult. we were walking along the road and saw shrapnel and scattered budget par. it's, can you imagine the situation and i was walking and seeing that people, if my son had slipped from my hand, i wouldn't have been able to find him in addition to those people have been displaced too many times. and each time they have to risk
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a product interval journey looking for a shelter, not knowing what they will arrive to we will be found that we should go to western garza and we will be assured that we would resign thing in a safe place. however, after 11 30 pm, we were surprised by the presence of compet warming directed to was the industrial area and the u. n. agents and there was intense shooting. it was extremely painful and difficult because we've left all our belongings. i wouldn't mattresses our close our luggage and we'd have to play without any food or drink. i can't feed my children have escaped from the seat which included an aerial siege from the sky and tanks on the ground. some of most a children forgot their belongings and trying to return to workshop and could interest to their children or family members. this is your bad ever heard you can,
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which is has too many destroyed buildings and too many display palestinians this evacuation since i met, provide them a place to sleep. yeah. they will not know how low return fee before they all start was to flee again. why, because you just need a nothing does a spread talestine of the united states has announced another round of sanctions against 3 as railways and 5 entities and the occupied westbank. they include the fall right group la hava, which the us state department describes is the largest violent extremist organization and israel, the non profit, as opposed to any interaction between jews and non jews. is accused of acts of violence against palestinians. washington has also blacklisted full and legal outposts and the occupied westbank. it says they have been weaponized and used as
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basis for attacking palestinians disrupting grazing lands, unlimited access to water. so this is 2 of the 3 individual sanctions, a latest of south 9 last month the us band to go from blocking and attacking humanitarian, a truck's heading to gaza. the 3rd is a farmer who owns one of the legal outposts. well, that's bringing our correspondents new to the issues. joining us live from the my land occupied westbank road. as we mentioned, these are the latest us sanctions. how significant are they in the context of the previous sanctions and have those previous sections had any impact as well? as the the, you know, the reason why perhaps we haven't seen a lot of a fact is what many palestinians point to as doing half the job. the have of course, is a notorious group, but it's also closely associated with a some of the ministers in the is really government. like if that might have been cleared to administer of national security. the policies that allow these
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organizations and these outposts to be created happen in the government. and so sanctioning individuals 1st of all, as well as not respecting those sections. so it is not carrying out any financial sections against them. and 2nd of all, the policies of the government itself, which bolster these organizations and individuals consists consider this in the past 6 years, about half a $1000000.00 were spent on some of those outposts on about 34 illegal supplements out post by the is really government now, the same amount is in the pipelines for those outposts including sounds that were sanctioned by the americans. so the policy per says, some individuals might be, you know, constrained by it, including, you know, not being able to receive some funding, some donations from the united states. but beyond that, the policy that allows all of that to continue is top of the agenda for the israeli
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government. yes. know, would we mention that some of the legal outposts that have been sanctioned have been limiting a war for palestinians, but that is where the government itself is limits and also to palestinians in the occupied west. back new house demands where you are facing violence, not just from settlers, which is why they've been sanctioned by the us, but also security forces on a ne, a daily basis. tell us about the latest as rainy raids their or yeah, in many ways they work hand in glove if you will. so you have overnight, subtler attacks against palestinian properties in the the law and novelist area cars were towards a one shop was torched as well. and then you have rates by the is really forces where at least for palestinians were detained in those happened across the occupied west bank. of course the nightly rates by is really occupation forces are regular. they happen every not night. they are
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a hallmark of the way that is world maintains control over the occupied was fine. but coupled with that, there are those subtler attacks that also are happening at you know, increasing rates and, and, and ferocity. and what we have is a combination that makes living, especially in the villages and towns outside the city center is a very risky endeavor for palestinians. and so they begin thinking about how to leave those areas in effect. vacating them for more land grab by the is really government knows. thank you very much for that. that is not old. a knowledge in a mama. meanwhile, the south african jobs says that hardly anything will stop as well from this offensive on gaza. now i'm based on them because i added that south africa's case against is rather the international court of justice remains important. south africa brought the case in december of last year alleging that as well breach the un genocide convention and it's assault on gaza. i suppose because of that,
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the state consent desire is so deep and they are convinced that they are on the right. and they know that they, they, there's hardly anything that's going to happen if they continue with their conduct . so accountability can be a choice among states. and um, i'm not saying all the states are the same, some more uh sensitive to pressure and the much um, i guess they are conduct accordingly. but others will not. for pen timor have them is all included with the economy, service and expensive for the rest of the city of santa and fighting domestic violence. and because of stones we speak to survive is about to move all
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of the strengths, protections for women. the us president joe biden has defended his political rank, hold, pushing back at his critics who say he's not fit to run for re election in november . so by didn't made his case during the hon. anticipate of news conference of the nation was thomas, where he mistakenly referred to donald trump as his vice president. despite close to him to drop out of the presidential res biden's has, he's the most qualified person to big trump a white house correspondent company. how could reports from washington, dc he spelled for nearly an hour by adding away questions about whether he's capable of running for another 4 years. i'm a terminal and running, but i think it's important and i real. i am a few years. i see, let them see me ask questions about us president biden's mental fitness and calls
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for him to a band in his run for another term. and the white house had been escalating for weeks. so when the 81 year old president was asked had he reduced his schedule following his poor debate performance last month against his rival, donald trump talking biden scoff. uh, have you looked at my schedule since i've, since i made that stupid mistake? i just kind of just paste myself a pace myself. in the next debate, i'm not going to be traveling in this 15th time zones. why did it says his successful presidency is proof? he's still strong, physically and mentally. as he spoke at the end of 3 days of natal meetings in washington, he told reporters, nato leaders are urging him to keep running fearful his rival, former president, donald trump, will return to the white house. when i hear them say, is kind of weird. but nato leaders were visibly uncomfortable. referendum,
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audibly gas, when biting at the end of the nato summit introduced ukrainian president vladimir zalinski as russian president vladimir put clear. and now i want to hand it over to the president, ukraine who has as much courage as he has a determination based gentleman, president, president booth present list binding quickly corrected himself. others in attendance also defended, bided post, play to proceed with them on slips of the tongue happen. and if you always monitor everyone, you will find enough for them. still at least 14 democratic lawmakers have called on president 5 and to drop his bid for re election. some democratic donors are also pausing donations until a presumptive nominee is declared. button 5 and says he's not leaving the
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presidential race. despite his blunders, he insists. he still has a chance to win kimberly healthcare algebra 0 washington every time as a political out of the list in the us and he says biden's closing address at that nature summit proved his competency for the top job. as we saw the job, i didn't that many of us are used to seeing over the last 50 years. this was a president who was comfortable in the setting. he was comfortable with the issues and when he discussed and talked about and also to i thought and he was very spirited and engaged and i think, well, this pressure certainly did not assuaged some people. we know that there are those who steadfastly stand behind by and i think tonight they got a preview of what to expect. and also we saw the very stark contrast between bite and, and donald trump, which is something that many people didn't get to see frankly on that debate stage
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of last month. i think what the democratic voters want to see if they want to see someone who is going to uphold the law, someone who is going to operate with in the confines and the guidelines of the presidency. and i think that's what they see from joe biting love. we know that there is a very stark battle taking place within the democratic party. right now you have democratic leech and the owners on one side and you have the rank and file on the other. i think what we are going to see going forward is that the battle is going to become even more intense between those 2 facts and inside president biden has, has actually had less media availability then the last 7 president. so this is a man who, quite frankly, just has not in do and endeared himself to engaging with depressed. and so while he has certainly done any norm as of mount throughout his presidency, the disdain that this administration shows towards actually communicating that
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message with the american public is what is damaging. i think the president so far and now given that his, his, his administration and his candidacy is in crisis. now we're seeing him do far more than he's done over the last 3 and a half years combined. and now he asked to continue to do this. now through election day, can he at 81 years old, do that only time will tell as to kenya now with the president as promising a nina more efficient government off the 2nd, almost all of his cabinet with him rouge. his decision follows weeks of protests against a finance bill. that was a raise, taxes on items such as breads and fuel. malcolm lab reports from nairobi and after how old lipstick, appraisal of the kenyans have been waiting to see how president williams retail would react on to swelling discontent with his government. i have today decided
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to dismissed with immediate effect or the company took studies on the attorney general of the public of can you open the government of can demonstrations began last month against the controversial finance failed to raise taxes. they started peacefully, the 10 fine, and please kill thousands of people of the protest. this don't call them building credit. and we say we through the bill that didn't stop growing cools the hint to step down the streets of most keeping come for the last week. but many of those who protested say a new cabinet has a small stock. bhutto has a long way to go to make real change when we come to a pointing the new company 6, i think because we need some union, then you have to jump the president mazda, to ensure that there is, they've got it as visiting for these individuals. vision or the petitions division of these friends visually be taken across people. we are from a professional,
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all those key level that key to the people. we want them all to go home. we want the president, what does the issues of all those people walk you the formulas really route to when elections 2 years ago, when not very much in turn out was like he'd promised to help wouldn't read people since then the cost of living is going up and this being growing criticism of his government, several of his appointees who were implicated impost corruption scandals and crimes have that charges dropped off the he took office critic say his government is the most corrupt and incompetent that kenya is ever had before the process. some of his ministers is now being fired, scathingly dismissed mostly young, social media critics, as a privilege to minority. certainly, when tens of thousands came mount industries around 60 towns and cities, that it became clear that the senses function was widespread. politicians and
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officials have since been ejected from public meetings or excesses and corruptions . can those of being exposed home. and these offices within the several remaining. 7 hiding the process and go express towards politicians and officials online and on the streets have revealed. the crisis of legitimacy for president b says government canyons and now waiting to see how far the appointments of a new cabinet will go to addresses malcolm web out to 0. my baby when it's bringing on correspondence. catherine. so why she's lived for us in julia that's outside the capital and i really be. and catherine, people there protesting over the death of a fellow student. what are they telling you of the yes are these are students and they've been watching off and down the street. this is a very busy highway. and the reason why they're yeah,
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is because of that human or the college of the 23 year old. oh, who was, i am the par test and the new one sounds in florida. so the students are variable that yeah. and they're saying that they want to just go ahead and hi uh how are you? i'm very fine. so what, what's happening in the order is happening here. here is the people, the people, the people, the people to marry the people to marry the most church that people pub outraged to seek ourselves from the government they chose. so we've lost one of us, but the name denzil, but you know, a young will do all the 4 digits of barrel and he died on me studio circumstances. so you have to ask the government, what happened to doesn't do the job. you still have to
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do this about just this is about just one of us will do your phone to them, you know, done, don't bill and all the want. our answer that we all talk to the present the president has the it has made some concessions. for example, he has fired some of his, he's a couple more seconds. sorry, the interventions, usually not all the the about the top and cannot bring both of them the still be not bigger cellphone but people most mostly what we're doing well all those people kind of thing for they've got to is the. c the cubic cases, the drama,
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the also our i. 7 we have the they are friendly. yeah. and what do you want, especially when it comes to this, josh is, are you going to the news? the police song, monday. the people on the people are really only live one. they get the answer. so you, i don't live in your, on the deluxe, the, we, we are not, we are not said do you want also say to keep the 1st to investigate the, on the good use of
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the room. as you can hear me. thank you very much for that that. so i called was born on catherine solely from a, a very loud and lively protest near the canyon capital my road b. let's move on to saddam now, where the army says it's falls off and offensive launched by the power military rapids support forces and the city of san nod. stubblefield specials on thursday after our suffice has attacked the city from multiple sides. the audience has inflicted heavy losses on the group. within 10000000 people have been displaced since the conference again and april last year . i'm a vol. has the latest on this from port saddam in it for us at least on its social media platform x. the general comments of this with these armed forces says they have succeeded in gushing under voting. a number of attempts by the front of me to
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set it off. it's for forces to take the city of. so now it says that it's active, but the out of tools had slipped off the sustaining heavy muscles and perhaps one of equipment a face. even part of the was one of the biggest of the talk on predictions with large numbers of troops. obviously, statements also mation, another unsuccessful attack on me. i can one of the few remaining on these phone calls and the just the other states just switched off to now, 2 weeks ago, out of south to the city of single, the administrative costs to us in all states biking and seemed to find that out. so now, course up to $140000.00 civilians took me to the neighboring states of nevada. the city of atrocity north south florida is also on the seed by us with ongoing fighting and reports of property. i'm on disability and population just comes out of these efforts, continue on multiple levels, negations from the to water and sides. pop arrived in geneva for talks about how
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being called forth by the you and, and a number of so then these groups um, using an audi settlement to try to throw a full of clothes about for national become sedation. how much fun does your 4th through the it's setting the font style with the result. so sundays that parliamentary elections of put the country in a political deadlock, president demand your met calling this amazing style of his cabinet ministers on friday to discuss the formation of the next government. he's urged major policies to find common ground and agreed to accomplish is often known as a managed to secure a majority. that's bringing that corresponding ben as smith. he's joining us live from power. so what it's in the hands of the negotiations to form a government said well, friends remains in a political limbo. there are 3 books in parliament, none of them have a large enough majority to form a government. the largest block is this sort of sense of left to fall left,
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coalition the new popular problems, and then the other 2 blocks are manual microns, most centers grouping, and then the far right national riley. now, until a government is formed, the existing government remains in place currently with prime minister manual atala . and then it's up to the president really, to a point, a prime minister that remains in these gifts that could take uh, several weeks or several months. the financial markets are a little bit nervous. the bank of france, a governor without naming the new popular from the other day. he said that the record that he said the wound of the economic program of the last uh because the not the new popular from sadly increased the minimum wage race tax on companies on the wealthy, enroll back pension reforms that included an increase to the right time and age, so this period of political, the unusual in france because last several weeks, several months. um but, and certainly there's a government in place to see funds uh through the olympics. we start in
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a couple of weeks. thank you very much, ben. and that's been a smith live in paris. the still ahead on the news out is that and the in japan spoken our prefecture over the ledge, sexual assault of mine, and by a member of the us. some of the tree we have from some of the 10s of thousands of people losing the jobs in argentina and a force attention to. so the men, semi finals at wimbledon on friday is the number one novak chunk of that slips for his 1st ties for the season. the had a lot of that. we've got a split the picture weatherwise across here of as we end the week and go into the we can, we've got something of a cooler field and west to weather, splashing into weston and most central areas. but down across the south and into
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eastern areas, it is a story of dry weather, lots of heat, with some exceptionally high temperatures. in places like serbia where we have had read warnings out, people in belgrade have been doing what they tend to cool off as temperature is touch up into the high a. thirty's, they'll remain so on. friday will come up to 40 degrees in belgrade on saturday to some of the story in bucharest, romania, that heat extends all the way from western pots of russia down across into greece and into italy, with southern areas, seeing red warnings on saturday. but things are set to cool down slightly in the north west as far down as lisbon, although as well in norway will see those lower figures. not as the wet weather that you can see. working its way across from the central areas stretches up into the southern parts of scan today. it scan today that we've read warnings out for switzerland on friday as we go into such a day. the west of that weather works its way into southern parts of sweden and
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norway will see that rain in oslo. a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the miller tri, jason and the police over the past 100 years connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0 on examining the headlines is really the soldiers. when they came to see fox, they started attacking the machines unflinching john lewis. and what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you a minute, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make
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always explode on a funded law class. progress on ours is the, [000:00:00;00] the watching the news, our me elizabeth put on them to have a mind to about top stories, the seller and gaza. at least kevin palestinians have been killed in his ready attack on con eunice in the south with his trip. witnesses savings where the army targeted an area it has designated a safe stone job item has reaffirmed his intention to stay in the event as
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presidential face. but us president is under pressure from fellow democrats and how to join us to let someone else challenge. presumptive republican nominate donald trump and saddam, the army says it's most often offensive launch by the time and the trees rapid support, francis and the city of some not fist fighting took place on thursday. the armies has inflicted heavy losses on the us. this cause of stone has passed and new little criminalizing domestic violence. at least 1200 killings related to abuse at home have been recorded in the past 6 years. the true number, maybe 400, as many cases go unreported, a warning that some of the images and a salma been jobs report from us, donna disturbing. a 3rd of the women and the self defense close also by virtue of domestic abuse. the biggest joke has of police receive more than $99000.00 complaints related to family bodies last year. but he was like,
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these are coming on social media authority than right group. see the upgrade has usually been an often known to the victim. the human estimates only one in for addresses is ever brought to justice poverty because of the law which did not classified domestic violence as a crime. after b, things like this. the only legal option available to women was a civil suit. but one case has changed that in plain sight, at a restaurant, the former economy minister beat his wife, salt enough, looking over. she later died from her. injuries of the politician was sentenced to 24 years in prison. and after the public outcry explained by itself in it as a new law named doctor, that's towards administrative defense. and that's why the need to adopt the law was so urgent because the victims can not be protected from perpetrators from abusers. this is the spot reconvene. his husband used to hit her
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every time in the beginning to hear she was in an abusive marriage for more than a decade. she remembers dramatic days, weeks, months and years. the good news put in the interest. her husband was a diplomats and she says, one of the most painful episodes has been they lived in the united at of immigrants and only now is she beat me to sleep. my sister says, my sister shouted carina, run and call for help. i don't have the finances to rent. and then apartment, the crisis center keeps me here at here. and they provide me with psychological support and lawyers, human rights. what says the government must do more to ensure women and children are protected in line with international standards. the new law has been in the books for 4 years, and although the number of abuse cases has risen up to 35 percent, there are still people who believe that this law would be detrimental to construct society. when you might, you have pretty nothing changes with the adoption of this role is just as the victim have the right to contact no enforcement before. no,
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it's the same to the nova law is not required. this legislation criminalize is between a minor hall, which is open to manipulation. that's not what these women believe who have to leave homes and live in the end of your shelter to protect themselves. the children will stay at home with greenness as you only feel safe when her ex husband is behind buzz. when other women choose instead to prepare their own self defense. so i'm, i'm driving down to 0. i started for a hearing is being held in japan against an american soldier accused of sexually assaulting a minor in okinawa locals and good advice hope. here's a power suppression of the crime. in this kim explains fury has gripped oak, you know, and beyond another case involving sexual assault. this time on christmas eve, a japanese minor taken to the home of
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a 25 year old us senior airman and allegedly assaulted. sorry to say, michael, that i can never forgive such incidents. i learned the end of posts, so to use nearly so 2 cases of sexual violence, hubble code, we have about half of them going under, reported. there's also shock over to a fuse, restrain stance, keeping the oak in our government in the dark for months when we, when i g on the hug, fish that it is extremely regretable that such an incident occurred. i am aware that the us side also takes the semester extremely seriously. where it's that fall on deaf ears for many ok now, once traumatized by a gang rape of a 12 year old school girl in 1995 by 3 us soldiers. faced with fierce calls to ajax us spaces, then washington pledge to close the key air field located in a residential area. a plan deferred and now revised to move it's operations further north. but she got it underneath these incidents have shown that the presence of
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bases jeopardizes the human rights and dignity of okinawans. japan hosts the largest overseas u. s. military contingent with 70 percent of the facilities on ok. noah. the base is on the tiny island are kit out with the latest military hardware as there is to teach it importance grows with their close proximity to tie one, a mid washington's rising competition with being still. analysts say tokyo needs to be more transparent with local governments whose duty is to protect their residency, z as security. does it take to jo, hope to you i just, i do need uh, it is crucial for the national government and local governments to share information smoothly allowing local governments to protest to the us military. i let residents, i'm conduct patrols tokyo, acknowledge this month. there were at least 3 other cases of suspect, of sexual assault, committed by us personnel in oak, you know, since last year, adding that they did not lead to indictments unit skim. oh,
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to 0. your clients president has told nato late of as his troops need to hit targets inside russia in order to win the war. load them is the landscape was asked about restrictions on some u. s. and western supplied weapons. during the news conference in washington, he set the limits on your client's ability to carry out a long way and strikes on russia needs to be lifted. if you have a one to win for one to be for one to save our country and to defend it, we need to leave a mutation. we understand where the see when to see from what communities are based and be a tech cost. and even the text and to valid sure. in the hospital, that is crazy question why we come to answer and detect vc, especially these person. these communities are based well from the bible was from
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jazz or miss how talented us the 32 nice remembers how to choose china of enabling rushes warn you claim the speaking at the summit and washington the nations secretary general is head of aging, provides the tools moscow use us to build weapons for its military offensive. mike had a spoke to the german foreign minister, adelaide and a bad bulk. nato has released the statement of defining china as a decisive element in russia's will on ukraine. this is unprecedented for nato, which has avoided direct criticism of china because of the fact that many of its members have close economic ties with that country. now one of those is germany, and i'm joined by germans ain't germany's foreign minister and the end of america. thank you very much for joining us. germany is china is because creating boston in europe. is this an example of germany putting nato's interest ahead of time?
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not at all. we're formulated a common european at china strategy, which is in line obviously with our german china strategy. making clear that the china, one of the biggest, the countries in the world was strong economic a how, why is obviously a pop not in many kluso feels like climate, but we've seen lately also that it's a competitor, speaking about the economy and also a systematic, a rival is speaking about the question, self or challenging old. so our democratic values. now there's a moving election in the united states to what extent is a possible change in the us administration, a threat to native and also of course, to germany, which has a close relationship with the incumbent president. i believe that not only in europe, but also over the uh, atlantics in the united states,
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wherever it currently are. all people have seen that made so common life insurance . it is the strongest defense alliance the on this planet for 75 years. it has guaranteed peace in europe and over the fence implanted are you saying that regardless of who runs the united states, it will not pick native. i've met to many congress or persons in last 2 months and also 2 and a half. that is yes. and the question of the principal antic alliance, the alternator was always a bipartisan, an issue as before. 75 for yes. the and so therefore, what ikea also for many congress uh people and also from the people uh, in the united states that in these times uh where the credo, of, uh, the nato one for all and all, for one really counts the business. the most important thing that you can trust on your friends, on gary and communist of, of to old on met former us president donald trump on thursday off to attending that
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nation was summer's in washington. they might have promised results in florida and discuss the warranty crane and the run up to the summits opened met with the russian ukrainian and chinese leaders. and while he described as a piece mission, hunger, we took over the 6 months, rotating presidency of the e. u. in july, but some members say he has the official mandates for negotiations with the crime. then a pulse can do to the decision team. it was as the prime minister of hungry and that he chose to make that trip. that was his choice as representative of a phone nation, but he didn't inform us of this before hand and he did not receive any mandate from us to do so because you don't. so this is only hung through his choice. and of course, this is important and wholly respectable, but he doesn't go any further than hungry. your premiums, you know, i to include in his position nature as well. and i say this with a great deal to respect from our counterparts and a great deal of respect for hungry as well as training. and the police have
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detained a russian bull and couple on charges of spying, saying they obtained class of 5 defense documents. the woman previously worked as a technician in the australian army. she's accused of attempting to access sensitive defense material and share it with russian officials, the capital, hold astray and citizenship and have been living in the country for over a decade. they appeared in culture on friday and were charged with one county, each of preparing for an espionage defense. the payroll allege the individuals work together to excess astride defense for some material that related to a strides national security interest relates. the woman was undertaking non declared travel to russia, whilst she was on long term leave from the strain defense force will age. that while she was in russia, she instructed her husband who remained in australia on how to log into her
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official work account. from the present time. at least 4 people have died trying to cross the english channel from funds to russian. the french coast guard says 63 people were rescued after the boat capsized. the incident happened in the early hours of friday. its origin taken us economic crisis has led to tens of thousands of people losing their jones president, how the internet hasn't bought on. and i'll stay with the drive since taking paul last year. he wants to comp, government spending and loosen labor laws. today's the boy reports from one side is an energy plant outside when a site is, is an example of the ongoing economic crisis in argentina. will spell organ yes, he's one of his 7 employees who have lost their jobs in may. he's 34 years old. like there's so much uncertainty with what's going on because there is no luck. so
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many people are losing jobs. we are organized on the company. we are trying to be hired. i mean, this was an operator, out of a small gland that turns decompose trash into gas. t and the others were notified. the plant is expected to be shut down. so the lives that have occurred here are happening all across argentine. and public and private companies, as there's a know, cannot make crises. there's no store pro in consumption. and precedents have you had any leg continues to implement. a harsh or scary to plan to reduce government spending. tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs. the protest like these have become a regulatory ceiling argentina, as official unemployment has gone up at least 2 points, the 1st months of the year. this is april set as hospital. it's one of the largest one upside is more than 80. people work up the hospitals, including doctors and nurses, have been fired this month, money eval, if these one of them are outside and sometimes it's hard to work with
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a public hospital. you need to have control more besides all the things you're ready to. i'm yes, i think it's unfair. no one told me why i was fired. so i consider with on fact, the government says it's moving forward with a plan to modernize the state to and reduce the number of employees me producing muscle. no ceiling that loves him and to meet with that, if i would like a phrase is to be rename it. but internationally, my most recognized phrase is our shuttle single. today, people are making campaigns, world wide, using outlook for the out. didn't mean to reducing the number of government ministries by hoff this reduce the government structure, but also local. that was not free because obviously we 5 people know we are going 257-5000 people. $25000.00 have already being fired for them. i mean, i mean, they says the government is doing what's necessary to resolve argentina's endemic economic troubles. those who have lost their job say it's happening at their
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expense 80. so we'll just see that when a site is still ahead on the news out loud for parents of paris, we'll hear from before something major heard on champion even to defense as to why sort of deal impact the business. latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the time before his father and starting with football action. that's right. thank you so much. elizabeth. lean on massey and argentina had been training in miami and had to sundays cobra america. final argentina are looking to defend the trophy and win the tournament for record 16th time. they won their last 10 matches,
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but standing in their way or another in from 5 columbia who were on beaten and 28 games. football broadcaster warner, i go says this will be the toughest test yet for the world champions. it's been origin tina sites upon this tournament that really haven't the stiff competition until now. the final is basically when the tournament begins, and it will be interesting to see the intensity that this argentina's i will have against the team that's going to be able to put up a lot more effort and is a much more solid site in columbia. and to be honest with you, it's going to be a very, very interesting match down in miami, especially keeping in mind the humidity and the heat that's been going on this term . it is been intense. so keeping in mind all these factors to me, this is going to be art into the biggest task and biggest match up to now, especially knowing that it's on to the money is less matches and argentina, blair, a former couple america winner, filipe casino has returned to his boyhood a club of that's the gamma and rio de janeiro,
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the x result midfielder use employee for liver pul entered barcelona. an environmental now joins on a season long loan from austin. so as after the euros, as england and spain prepare for sundays final in berlin, england have one day less to recover. so the starting players had a full session on thursday, while the subs trained as normal. and ones went over the netherlands, put them into their 1st major final on foreign soil. both a previous times were at wembley. they won the 1966 world cup and lost the euro 2020 final on penalties to italy. the 2 sided spain had been the better in the tournaments so far. they've won 6 games from 6. the 1st time that's been done out of single euro's there are also the top scores with 13 goals out this tournament. to 30 people, they put the diffusion coming this on on england is very powerful physically, but we will try to impose our own style, which is to have more ball possession. we can also play on the counter attack, but there are other elements to a final,
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like not making mistakes and knowing there's little margin for error. there are many psychological aspects that can have an effect on the games, but and so when will the now in defending champion? carlos alvarez takes on daniel met with devin, the semi finals later springs, 3 time grand slam champion. alvarez is the favor of having beaten med with dive in . the sammy's last year, a method of only major title came up to 20. 21 us open and he's also lost alvarez and they're only meeting the season at indian wells. have to serve better. that's still the most important thing across the surveys. as you serve in the line, you're less than traveling, you feel better and that's where you can put pressure on his sir. um yeah, and then he is the top there and all he can hit strong, he can slice, he can drop short, he can while he knows how to play tennis. uh, and just need to be at my best. and also on fridays, 7 time chevy, nova and jocks,
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ridge continues his bid for record extending 25th grand slam title when he faces a tale and lauren was studying a 37 year old serbian who had knee surgery after the french open. does not want to title the season. meanwhile, mazetti has never won a major before an only beaten junk, which once in the previous 5 me read to the women's drawn jasmine police. i shall remember her semi final victory forever. she fought from, sat down to meet don advantage and the lawless women semi final in wimbledon history. after 2 hours 51 minutes to 70, became the 1st to tally and to reach the final. so hope to go one better than her one years out, finish up friendship in just enjoying what i'm doing because i love clinton is you know it's, it's amazing tool to be here playing on the stage. it's a dream, you know, i'm, i was watching finals when i was a kid, them this rambler, then, so i'm enjoying it and just leaving the present. that's. that's what i'm thinking
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about the last month. had been crazy for me and how lenient voice a former friendship in winner barbara because of cobra, for the title, which i clear also have to fight some set downs be 2022 women champion elena vicki . the chance to explain what i'm feeling right now about his little little of joy, a little emotions. also a lot of really send things for you today. now 2 weeks ago until the parents olympics were carsten rural home and in to defend his 400 meter her title. he holds a world record but admits he's not unbeatable. david stokes reports are we the full 100 make the hurdles? no one has ever on stuffs to us and cost involved on the 28 year old from no way
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broke his own world right cold when he went to live, pick gold in tokyo, 3 years ago, a victory which he says eases the prussia heading into his total defense in paris, i have the big oh my love, great. that leads never one deal in big gold because it's so it's so difficult to get. i'm lucky enough to have it in my collection already. and now it's, you know, the joy of winning and other, but the others have the pressure to, you know, this is also their moment to get their 1st fun home is also a 3 time world champion, but faces some tough competition by right benjamin from the united states and brazil is allison defense us both seats and even the last 12 months. i gotta get that well that they have a lot of opponents that are really, really easy to beat me. and i haven't beaten before, so i know that i'm not, i'm beatable that my job is to make sure that it's as difficult as possible to, to beat me. no way is 9 more for it's winter olympics success. but vol. home is
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button that trends as the countries 1st of a sprint world and a live pick med list, the credit. so lots of it success to his coach life, all of our lives. he's worked with him since 2015. i like that one was given. when you have success, think what you lose, you lose 1st. this isn't gripped to the ground and just make sure that you have people around you. that was always in your life the most you and cease you for, for who you are and also hold you down to the are home is already defended these european title this year. but no one has one back to back him and pick golds and the 400 me to hurdles since glen davis. 64 years ago. david stokes, which is era to okay, that is all your support for now. back to you. elizabeth. thank you very much for that and that set for me, elizabeth, hold on and for this news, albert stay with us. so hed rahman is back in just a few minutes before the nicest updated. thanks for watching
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the nature. 9 made catastrophes. alley rate excludes by severe weather events are resulting in other words, think devastation. the variety of human factors means their intensity and impact. is it purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate change as was to fact if i was suppose to be seen as normal. but if that's something that should have to happen to any one, is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera didn't services couldn't be the defense between life and death. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was actuating to inject from the hospitals and they were stopped around balances. we intercepted despite coordination with the
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palestinian with present. they stripped us, of our clothes, treated us women's terrific way of the war, was supposed to prove him deadly for those attempting to say it twice. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of i'm getting an emergency. he was killed during a strike on the clinic. in the cities, the house ministry described them as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in person, some like so they have son is he would continue working to see how this to use. and list is written by sent a 150 is a gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. telling the story of egypt truly, from the earliest recorded photos of the royal family in 18. 36 to the country's fest presidents. and i'm showing how those in power have always gone to great
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lengths to control the public image. egypt through the lens. leaders on al jazeera, the overnight is rarely strikes target palestinians. in garza, witnesses say they were hits in an area. israel had designated a site, so the site is the overall. but what you know is, is there a lot of my headquarters here in the also coming up the us sanctions a fall right?


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