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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the price tag on this lady atrocities against the policy and, and, and this getting aside the war as has been on for the 9 months. and we can see it really international stands against it. i mean, there are some we can, we can talk about the civil society at the, in, on an international level of the global south and figure out we can see there's some western capital bossing there, critique against isn't. but israel is not punished by by what the my, it's, it's, it's these in gaza. awesome buddy, thank you so much for your analysis for now. as we continue with the extended coverage of this development story from gaza, if you are joining us here on alger 0, we have been reporting on some breaking news from gauze or what is where the strikes have killed at least 50 people in the milwaukee area. that's west of con eunice medical sol, so some told elders the are that thousands of injured is where the planes were supposedly 5 missiles at this place,
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palestinians living in tents. they also targeted civil defense personnel responding to the attacks. dozens of injured palestinians have been taken to the nearby, nicer hospital in con eunice when earlier in the world is really military designated on the wasi, a so called safe stone, an old palestinians to move there for this safety. at one point, as many as 1800000 people were crammed into the balance strip of land in the hall, some a some on the wasi spencer. 6.5 square academies is, as well as writing media says the target of the attack was a high profile. how most come on the home a days. this has not been confirmed in the past. israel has claimed to have targeted homeless come on does whenever they have carried out such big attacks. let's go straight to our correspondent, static upper wisdom. he's joining us live from the law in central gaza and just to
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update any of us who might be joining us now. thought it there is a mass of death. total reported following is really will planes targeting the 10th of this place people in out of milwaukee. yes, that's wrong. it's. we've been hearing from guns is government media office saying an official segment. that's more than $100.00 palestinians have been reported killed and injured off top the milwaukee area. the place that has been designated by these women 3 to be as a safe zone was targeted with an impact of strikes that had been described by the use of any media reports to be p. v. farms folding in that area. and now the seems that are incredibly, very tough as taking a disturbing as the those who have been wounded. what transferred to the field hospitals, including no, quite the ongoing side to no sir medical facilities. some of them had been pro to the hospital due to the overwhelming capacities all such hospitals in the area of
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the compartment. now, as we've been hearing from the civil defense cruise, that a number of the teams on the grounds have been targeted as we were trying to rush to risk you are looking for survive as a result of the, from the attack of the director of the civil defense in con unice has been killed in the attack. according to the initial information that we managed to get from civil defense in garza, at the same time the scenes that had been destruct by witnesses on the ground in finding this apparently looking to be very devastating as the attack had been carried up without any sort of a pro morning and basically had linked to a very set high search of casualties amongst themselves. we have been also hearing from, from us in a, from come us at movement as well that the tech shows that is read as much so interested in doing a to assist and in order to arrive to supply a deal with us as the is very mandatory up spending the attacks on areas and also
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on civilians across the strip of junior we have been reporting before that isabel's repeated attacks on saves owens much fixed negatively on the impact on, on the cost of negotiation that we had come off on is broke. while the is wait a minute, true from this side, saying that the attack is aiming to eliminate one from us for professional spots. what palestinians have been experiencing is ultimate, harder and the station because the are no longer can feel safe in such areas off till they have been told to go, then we'll have to seek refuge in thought, thought a come off of also told us attack a grave escalation saying that the people killed were civilians and this was something that we see with each and every attack that is carried out and gaza. it is women, it is children, and it is innocent. men who are being killed and injured. yes,
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that's why it's women, children, an elderly people, what killed a from that attack. usually you spend a minute to re carry out such heavy contents hope bombing campaign on such areas without giving any sort of a free warning for do civilians. and they buys a israel, says that they are trying to take ultimate precautions in order to avoid casualties amongst civilians. but that's contradictory to what we saw was solutions on the ground and condiments have confirmed that the vast majority of them were innocent civilians. so clearly as well as, as ocean violating the principles of international humanitarian law of light, it's up stating attacks on civilians and even they did not attack civilians. they've been attacking areas that they themselves have informed people to go the order to see. so you see, and this is a clean reflection and indicator that is real, has a very controversial military structure to, has been adopted on the ground. just the main interest is to attack palestinians
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a tropic them and destroy all sorts of meetings of the area. in fact, that was targeted, that was a very tiny trickle down that is absolutely overwhelmed with display. somebody's will have floods from the military's encouraging and roughly they were told to go that in order to be away from that active who was owned by today, there were hits. and one of the areas that wed designated a safe. so palestinians, as we've been hearing from them repeatedly saying that there was no new safe place in garza as this notion of from the palestinian perspective has been up here, has been up yet to be a truck in order to kill statement to increase the casualties among innocent civilians and thought it as being the poll saying, as you've said, we know that mossey is a wary, a very small strip of land that has a massive number of people trying to take refuge there. you have made many trips to velocity. you tell us more about the conditions that people are living in of
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the it's quite literally very difficult to defect how people that are really loving. and stephen spends things like days i've been touring with my team in order to feel different reports and such areas. i just have well i really just because i just thought people are living in the very, for just flimsy times. that not cool kinds of essential humanitarian mississippi's, including a very pop up past crews. and even as we've been hearing from them, they said that we are leaving a daily struggle in order to find food, to find who to and even to be say each time it's all fluids, protection for our families. we. so how many children, what fix it from the suppression of in fixtures, diseases are due to the lack of food, ascension, hygiene conditions, and the collapse of sending taishan and facilities. the especially that there are unimproved cases have been recruited to be infected with a different kinds of infect. you is. this isn't especially among children. and they
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are suffering also from having contaminated to do to the east where the destruction of the vast majority of what to wells in that area. and basically people that are living also in their re flimsy tents that tend to be opens in a day time, specially due to the high heat waves that has been recorded in the past couple of weeks, especially with the beginning of the summer season. but believe me it's, it's going towards the blue grim how they are experiencing. if you look to people, dark visibly send you to the level of starvation and dehydration that they've been going through. and the art, despite all of their challenges that they are coming through. they are trying to have some sort to risk pipe by these, but the ongoing and constant compartment has deprived drugs, deprived them from getting that, especially today with a very incredible high rates of death, full of casualties among dues. we're trying to secure worker's invest area and fabric. i believe that we have some the videos of the attack on,
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on wasi all set to tact that we have been reporting over the last hour now. so let's take a look at the latest video where we can see lodge loons of smoke going all the way up into the air into the sky after those is really will planes. i think on the left of the screen day you can see the 10s that people have been staying in in uh, milwaukee and what looks like the estimates very large plumes. small low cost to is really will pains. targeted, make shift shelters tens that displaced people have been staying and product you were talking earlier about the conditions in milwaukee and the, you know, the spread of disease because of just how incredibly populated on the wasi is. i was reading that there are more than 70000 people in gaza now who have bible
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advertises because of these living conditions. so not only are they having to endure the injuries of the aftermath of such attacks as if they survive such attacks, but also all of the diseases that are spreading because of these living conditions you was saying that the injured are going to be taken to naso hospital we know that and also it was the largest hospital in the south. it's in con eunice and the nation's attack has taken place in the con unice area of out in the wasi. you'll standing, i believe outside of the hospital, in, in that, out of the law. so thought of what is going to happen to the end. you're just going to be brought to these hospitals, but what is the state of the hospitals that they are being brought to well, this is 3 a problem right now that every time resulted from these by that tax, which is the journey for the treatment. now what we do know, as we've been hearing from medical sources as, as the medical center in gaza strip,
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is near collapse. they are trying to continue with every single possible capacity they have in order to continue to provide medical treatments for this one to people . not forget tact today that very highly number, a very high number of casualties that had proved to hospitals is now making the medical situation is getting much more less, especially especially that the hospitals that are struggling in order to get essential medical supplies due to the east but ongoing prevention for such supplies to get into the gaza strip in that very common sense, not a despite this is that they are struggling full so that the few crisis that can be very essentially requires in order to keep providing medical cap, especially for the critically wounded people, some of the injured today's are in a very desperate need for an advanced searchers that cannot be carried off in such very overwhelmed hospitals. and they are now very desperate need to be transferred through to in order to have
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a new change of treatments. and one of the most and well developed a hospitals outside cons about now as well as controlling board is preventing i don't want to from getting outside goes on under the same time. you are not allowing for essential humanitarian or medical supplies to get into that procedure in place or how we come to pick the situation as we'll be hearing from medical sources. it's getting much more dia. yeah, i'll be the medical situation especially to as has been described by the medical sources, different things that book says all exhausted there are absolutely been watching within the past over 9 months in a very intense uh, rate in order to keep providing medical treatment. some of them have been watching 24 hours in order to do as a humanitarian job. but basically there are not a big enough to continue to work, especially with the very limited medical capabilities that they have. they are holding for an immediate international intervention and pre opening of old crossing fluid isn't order to allow for the contest them to smoke of medical supplies that
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come so partially the medical sector to cope with the off to match will be used by the ongoing offensive and detached resource law. got it. thank you very much for that for now. is that a static of was in with all the latency is joining us live from van. i was a lot in central gaza and we will no doubt be going back to product for further developments on the story. but for now, let's go to another one of our correspondence from the son who's she's joining us live from amman in georgia in honda. what are you hearing from israel about this attack as well? we are just getting news in that israel's defense minister jo a go on to is currently holding a situational assessment. quote, based on the events that are currently taking place in the gaza strip alongside him in this meeting were looking at the heads of mission bet. that's the internal security service. and it's worth mentioning, this is one of the people who was just in doha and cairo for talk. but let's talk about is really strategy in this war on gaza. that is now entering. it's 10 months
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the is really official. and these really are me a like use a justification of targeting what they're calling a significant 6 figure. they're saying is really mediators thing, but it's, i'm how much of the, the military commander of a mass is uncle sam are gauge. but again, we cannot confirm this at this time, but these really are me off and it does this tactic where they are justifying the killing of dozens of civilians in order to what they say is achieve their goals of the war we see to time and time again in several, in the last several months, we saw it in the same area and from the last, the back in may. and it's a tactic these really army is continuously using. but at this time, we are hearing from army radio that the target was very significant, including that it could be. and how of the way of saying that there is perhaps another home as commander who was with him as well. still, information that has not been confirmed, but at this hour,
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israel defense minister is holding a meeting about the events that are still transpiring and home that we have heard from him. us who have said that there is no truth to that is why the allegations that they would target st mohammed they come off. so said that it is civilians who have been killed in um wasi, calling this a grave escalation. and this is something we have been touching on this, but this is something we hear every time. there was a very large scale attack and gaza with a number of civilians killed. it doesn't matter if it's in the jamalia refugee can for in the wasi. that is why did he say that they were going off to come on? does him off come on to is or other faces? this has been the is really rhetoric since the beginning of the war they have claimed for so long that how much is quotes using civilians as human shields. they say that they are conducting targeted and precise operations. they say that they
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have taken every step in measure to ensure that there are no civilian casualties. but the reality on the ground shows a much different story. and we talked about this time and time again. but these really armies targeting areas where there is a heavy civilian population, and these are areas that were designated a safe zones by these really military. and if you look at what's there, you can see these displacement camps build with tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had been forcibly displaced time and time again. but what these really armies saying is that they are just applying these types of a box and strikes saying that they are targeting him as spiders. they're targeting him as a visual when the outcome is we have seen in the past is civilian casualties. we are talking about nearly 39000 palestinians who been killed in israel's war on gaza, a majority of them, women and children,
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and not to mention the near 90000 others who have been injured. the near 10000 who are still missing and presumed dead under the rubble. but again, is really officials and the army a life maintained. but their position is that they are targeting how mass spiders, and how much the food shows. they have often time clean, but how much is using certain areas like school un facilities for military purposes, but they have failed to provide their own intelligence and findings. they often say that we have our own intelligence and fact finding, which is why we conducted this type of strikes. but they never released that information to justify the attacks that they are committing against palestinians in the gaza strip. so again, this is really military strategy and we've seen it since the beginning of the war. and all of this comes on the backdrop of negotiations that have just been occurring and both the objection capital and the cost of the capital. doha, where officials are trying to come to some sort of consensus where there can be
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a ceasefire deal to pause the war. but is really officials like netanyahu himself have maintained. that military pressure is the only way to achieve what they still call an absolute victory. i'm the thank you very much for that from now. that is on the son who's joining us from amman in neighboring jordan. and just to update you on the death toll from those as rarely strikes on milwaukee in southern gaza. and con eunice because a health ministry saying that at least 71 palestinians have been killed in that attacked 289 others injured house on buddies, the professor of international affairs of the content university. and he has been with us while we cover this latest attack and gaza and bassist and particularly deadly attack in gaza. he's also joined it. he's also in the jordanian capital amman. good to see mr. bodies. so i'm off has said that the latest attack shows that israel isn't interested in reaching
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a ceasefire agreement. we know that over the past week they have been efforts by the americans and the is really internal intelligence service, the head of israel sion batch as it's called have being in the culture we capital doha, they'd beat into egypt and capital along with the americans with the latest efforts to reach a cease fire, and i'm also saying that this attack, protection of the deadly attack shows that as well well, that nothing yahoo isn't serious about the cease fire agreement just to both have a point are absolutely. i agree with how much that is folks parsons, who argue that so this indicates that the israel is not interested in the c span. and we all know this. we don't actually need this kind of atrocity to know the proper entry and intention of the nothing you a whole and person and the fall, right? member of his government. and they've been in the public publicly saying that against the view. and that if the default right, hold on, i'm from national this member likes about your should have been if you were
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threatening that any or that the moment you signed bill, they would work out to the government. meaning that they would bring down the government and nothing you know is very well and that the deal at the beginning mean the end of his government. and this is the last thing that he wanted. this is a nightmare political nightmare because you know that you're going to be, you know, headed to accountable for the filters, but also other cases like corruptions, etc. that might lead him to, to the gen. uh so the continuation of the war is the only card for nathaniel right now. and i think this is popular with these ladies strategy to perpetuate the miserable scenes, but also to perpetuate the war and to discourage how much from even responding positively to the american propose him. and how is this war and this perpetuation being allowed to continue the last time that they was a really deadly attack? and on the wasi at the end of may, it's shock the world after the israelis attacked. and that led to those attacks
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lead to those files and the rest of the pictures that we've seen. and it's not even 2 months later. and we're seeing a lodge of death toll this time 71 people killed in all the wasi. again, this is an area of the israel designate has a safe sun as we this is really the, you know, this is the irony, this is designated by them by design. is that any but a senior step in this area going to be saved. but at the same time, we know that this is a kind of a trap with it, but i've seen that they've been looking for coming any have asked me to treat the commander and grab this of the what they call the collateral damage. even the, the $1700.00 or tens or whatever that is stand. but we have to understand the is and his mindset when it comes to the international outcry, even since 1948 been going on, it was, you know, it was that made it perfectly clear saying that, you know,
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they wouldn't really pay attention to what the united nation was going to do or what the international community is going to do because they're gonna forget. so they believe that the international committee has a short memory spam and then can you go back to doing business as usual. so now is rarely seen as the pie estate is ready to isolated in the international level. but there's really, there's one to continue simply because they know that, or they believe that the world will change immediately after the end of the war. so they want to continue to be the goddess of the international committee outcry or critique or condemnations. so this has, this has been as the passion over the last 20 years since the lock, something above it is page 0, attention to the international community and forcing fig. and it's, it's can pay very little attention to the international community because of the support that it gets from the united states. there is
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a lot of tools now that how the united states is very distracted with that upcoming us selection. and many questions around us president joe biden, and whether he should remain the democratic nominee. and whereas the united states is one of the key mediators and these, these fine negotiations. do you think that what's happening domestically in the us is going to have an impact to the detriment of the sci fi tools that are taking place and, and, and any hello. so i'll talk to you of ending this bloodshed and also as well as the hope is there. and you know the question with a visual is negotiating in a good faith or in the backseat. i think they're doing this and the backdate in a bad shape and nothing. you know, i think he's buying time and he assume that my dad is not going to make it. and we know that there are a lot of schools on the democratic party for by going to step down. and if he continues, probably he would do the elections and this is what, nothing. you know, once he wants to see trump coming again. and he understand that the binding is so
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preoccupied a, in, in his own political party, that part of part of it is quoting for his giving down, but also, and then the elections you want to get for your next it. and the last thing that he wants, i mean i'm talking about like the last thing he wants is to put more pressure on in his room when election is like if, if you months to come and we know the into the once the influence over the is a lobby and did you wish vote and emory collection? so why didn't and probably is more interested in his own political survival dennis, he's fam. but he also at the same time, he's trying to $100.00 disagreement because he want to present that as an achievement. and so the, he's trying to balance between been 10 the pressure on him and also the need to have that and add to the work. but he e classes with an attorney who has a really strong position at that could that boils down to one point, the perpetuation of the war, and can trump comes as
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a president. so let's do body. thank you very much for your analysis. so now that his house on buddy joining us life on beach with danny and capital amman, we are going to go back to our correspondence and dos on outside of wisdom. he's joining us live from the law that cen, central garza and product. we have had an update to that desk told, with the health ministry in gaza saying 71 people have been killed and those as rarely strikes and nearly 300 injured. yeah, that's why this is the latest conformation and up to tell you that we managed to get from the ministry of hills that at least 71. how sentience have been reported killed from the attack on a mossy area. now civil defense crews, alongside with medicare teams, with whacking to recover people with kills and injured in the tank as we've been hearing from them that the attack has resulted of the entries. lots of civilian
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specially do so we're in just why children and women right now receiving good treatment into our region, overwhelms medical facilities and full certificates hospitals that were a generously established after the minute trading coaching in a rough off. now we've been hearing from some of the i, this is on survivors on the phone that they were managed to. luckily, just sit by, especially after the waves of fresh air strikes that talking to the area in that attack, different things that the loud explosions resulted had caused a wide spread of frustration in caea among boost palestinian civilians where trying to take a profession to in a most area and by the way, this is what elizabeth palestinians have been told just expressed which seems inside the hospitals have been just part to be the west of and i palestinians who have been one to the right now receiving a treatment outside the departments and the building of nasir midco come down because of the overwhelmed capacity of the hospital and some of them in fox has
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been practically transferred to unlocks the hospital to get medical treatment. the is very military till now has not even provided a proper justification for the military strike on the milwaukee area. far from from us movement site, we have been saying that the tide that was carried out today in o my watch the shows the is fairly intention as also they are not so interested in order to get us these fly up to you can enable them to bring back captives to their homes and to the some of these on this is beyond the station because this is caleb, the attacks and the south and in the north has been defined imagination. elizabeth thought it, thank she very much for that product of was own monitoring on the latest developments, the aftermath of the deadly attack in on the wasi for as a keep a elder as a political analyst and contributed it to the hearts newspaper. and he's joining us live from tennessee. thank you. as always, for your time,
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mr. elder. so as well has said that they will is really on the radio is saying that they were going off to high profile target. and on the la scene, what 71 people have been to nearly 300 injured. what is it that you think? what does this rel strategy here? call? unfortunately if you look at the number of the folks that these and uh, the homeless people and the distractions, oh god, uh you know, you're talking to this to another 70 list, 70 people that in the nice all the way government now. and i went to the they use writing, but like a premier, it's was the desk of, uh, someone, a senior person to come a dad or usually just, you know, because this will allow me to turn to go to the, the big jury. and you have the biggest during the metro,
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so dish and read me the sickly. this will be the next is way that they actually describe it the i don't believe that there is a strategy. and regardless of what the, my, uh, 4 words i guess said, i don't give the, the, is really gonna do much rather useful. just writing this and too busy because the, these really only has got a place and the there. and they haven't called blanche to know how much. yeah. oh, seeing wow, no matter what, because i don't know if there is a consensus in the military or perhaps it was a and the military. and is the war against come us is come to it. so i makes, every day we are using another soldier,
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the war in the nose is continuing and who is looking for a way before it gets to washington and to do the congress. he has to be able to declare a song quickly jury. and maybe this was on the lease, and the assignment was in the timeline, the completely different agendas, military agenda and political, the method kitchen at the south side. just saying this to elder, that the israeli government and nothing yahoo, don't actually have a strategy. we know that the military has said that as well cannot win this war. they can't defeat him off because him off is more than a military group in, in gaza. and it sounds like you're saying that as well as just looking for, for wins in terms of this hit list that they have including the home a day if, who is the head of a mouse is military when all cassandra gates who have they have tried to most
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assess base multiple times have him succeeded him also saying they haven't succeeded this time this time either. but do you think that this would be, what is it that nothing you all who wants to achieve before you mentioned that they go on to congress. he is going to congress the u. s. congress. he's been invited to speak in front of on the 24th of july. isn't that he wants to achieve something before he goes to the us congress. it's actually a very complicated uh, dining. ready cuz he wants to go to the united states and he is going to the 1st time the meeting at the white house was president by that. but while head, he would like to appear next to president by the and being able to give him something not to at least not the embarrassing. you know, he's got many cases of embarrassment. he doesn't need another one. on the other side, nathaniel is looking at the tools and he knows that president of the drum,
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still the president and kathy the bidding for him, for calling by the after it was a few weeks, it stops there. he was a notarized to present in 2020. so he has to be very careful to go on a very thin strip and to give him by and you know, uh, we need to re image. so i am not, you're always going to and that was before july 24th when he reaches the american congress and the white house. but there is a consensus in my, the meeting jerry leadership, including minnesota, the french guy. oh, really able to israel has the commitment to get the hostages back and they want to
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remind you that the american citizens, the people who are holding american vessels and my the guy takes what i'm gonna say next week. the international call. the justice is going to release this, we bought on the page and what happens today? where did they give me just coming from god that is not going to help is where the you're still waiting to see what the an actual oh i'll call these going to say that balls are rest. floyd straight goose nathaniel and god. and i'm sure that they watch the just so you have today. oh, i didn't networks and you know, it is the don't see the images on god, but i'm sure that they are. what are you going to 0? kennedy would have something to say about mr. elder, thank you very much for your analysis, that is a keep a elda joining us life on saturday. the still ahead on the
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algebra, more off, the break on that story from gaza and, and the occupied westbank. palestinians tries electronic, vicious voltages as well reduces supplies by said the have a lot of that. we've got contrasts in the weather across the europe at the moment. unsettled conditions across from a western and northern areas. it is west to and cool a hip down across the south and east betty. a cloud in the sky searing heat across the prices paces like the balkans, and it was a story of fans and fountains in bucharest, remain yet as people fly to escape those of very high temperatures. we have got red
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warnings here over the next few days. wed warnings as well for croatia, bosnia and herzegovina, and warnings for those high temperatures across the pots of grease. red warnings exist and remain across the southern positivity that'll take us through the weekend . those temperatures sitting very high up to 10 degrees above the average, across more eastern areas of europe. and we are expecting it to see the temperature hit 42 degrees celsius in bucharest on monday. now in contrast to this, within cooler conditions, lower temperatures from london down to lisbon this more of the way of weather and windy weather here with some very heavy falls to comical southern parts of scandinavia, stormy weather as well across those baltic states, which i was rushing down across central areas and it's going to get wet to across the north on sunday. the,
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the the of the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you watching on just the out of me and as a put on and don't have a mind to about breaking news. the sour, 71 palestinians have him killed in his way. the s drive on on milwaukee refugee camp. west of con, eunice is where the will panes reported to have 5 massages internally displaced people and tense. near almost a roundabout golf societies, say the area had been designated a safe sun by it's really sisters. it's costs to all correspondent thought of was him. he's joining us live from then on the law in central garza and just in the last half, an outside of the guys,
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a house ministry saying that 71 people have been killed in 8300 having injured. i know that you've been speaking to your contacts in, in velocity. what have they been telling you? yeah, so that's why this is the latest update that we managed to get from the upheld a city administrative health run by how much government that at least 71 palestinians have been reported killed from the attack on the utmost that area. and we need to remind all of us that the attack has been carried out earlier today with a series of strikes that talk because one of the most populated areas in gauze of what people that have been to seek for us to use as we have been seeing the place that was targeted contains also a lot souls important facilities, including chargeable organizations that causes alongside with guys and also humanitarian centers in almo mosley. so generally, a wide range of devastation had been closed from the used by that tech, especially among the several different who's who what targeted as they were trying
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to rush to their location in order to look for survivors. and in order to get more information about what happens exactly in that area and what happened in particular for the civil defense crews, we are joined now by look to him, come with the director of the just the co supplies. again, i think. and as you took some time, a little hold on to the mama, you know, you know, if you have the, it's actually and i still have not a mink melody job the few months to cut a 100 a few months. if i'm on seats of the land and what happened to the display space, the police on it immediately off. so we receive the peas directly. the attacks from the is really drones in. can you and this and this is wally of 16. we moved already and quickly to the place of the incident and why are moving the why is going to the target to the, to the vehicle?
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is it with target the directly? and this has led to the depth of 2 of our colleagues, the 6 of those were wounded jet and the 3 of them were critically wounded. then the teens of a little bit at a certain defense, then a 7 defense units. what i'll get that happens is with targeted and this is happening video, probably only mid december then on pause, and then to valid filters multiple working anymore because they have been targeted . and trad units gavin rate is really hot and the defense, a civilian, and some rough wind to rescue the people and to recover the above is we have recovered them to know 360 martha's. and one of the
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people, most of them are kids. i'm the, it's really a drawer and the, the, the web was the allowed as an estimate are being used. i get into the other thing is here. and the, you just, we have noticed that the remaining of gpu, 13 lying messiah is being used. but there's a need for the last few days. the maids in the u. s. americans have been designed to kill. it bothers sending people that you have the check that i'm tied. the menu seem very tired because you are the target the area. now, how do you think the threats are increasing? again this, the civil defense within that business unit spend a minute in the future? how can you work? uh, do you have any precautions? the mazda of a, we on the one the in the app is through the last 7 days
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where 3 centers had been, and that is no money out of old, not somebody was able to serve anymore because they had been talking to the of the, the saw of this event defense of being targeted. so we need to get the head full of the units that are near to the place of the end. so then we suffer too much because we can't do maintenance to our vehicles and we can't have the tools and equipment that we don't have spare parts for the maintenance of the vehicles. and we are doing the best as much as we can to go. the less organizations with the hope that they can behave in a minute, terry, and wait and support us with the sort of sped box and the some equipment. we need the pets or we need pencil, lee needs bits on the nation, and in this case,
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will be part of the occupation in preventing the civil defense and is from doing the humanitarian job. and that's what i use. good. you do feel it's fear but continually and you have been this domain because of the at that i use good to the oh no, no, i'm not good. we don't have any hesitation. we have been targeted more than once the mike lee, good. most is life one be or mission. we will continue, although we will tell the people that we are doing the best for them. we told the families that we can go out to work and we might never came back again. we know that we might be targeted and uh, we have seen the last few days. we have seen how the occupation falls is uh uh, put the seed on the, on the civic defense paper that but those paper we have seen was happening this morning in san eunice. it seems that the condition of photos is the defendant.
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don't want us to offer our services to the people, which is a violation to the ends of most of the low. we need to save people and we need to risk you people. we need to save and rescue the civilians. we need to continue our services to the citizens. even if we can use cards, we will do whatever it takes. i mean, thank you very much for being with us. uh, that is the grim reality. civil defense crews are risking their lives some older to continue. it provides and any kind of humanitarian rest corporations for people who have been to talk to the especially from apartments on areas that supposed to be safe. but today it has been widely talk. it says um its a very staggering rates of casualties amongst civilians. yeah, absolutely. products 71, people killed that fallacious number. thank. she was always topic. we will come back to you for all developments on the story for now. that has started of was him . he's joining us live from that out of
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a lot in central guys us. that's bringing another one of our correspondence, following the story very closely for us from the sound of ruth. she's joining us live from amman in, in jordan and math and yahoo is also saying that he'll be holding security talks throughout the day home. the that's right is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office releasing a statement saying that he's going to meet with security officials about the events that are still transpiring in the gaza strip. but the statement as that it was, quote, the directive of these really prime minister to target him, us officials, where ever they are. this has been his policy since the beginning of the war. we heard it from him repeatedly, but he is going to target until all have massive figures, both in the gaza strip and outside of it. i also want to point to some lines from the statement from these really military who did confirm that i'm having a blast was the targets of this right. but they are still trying to assess what
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actually happened. they say in the statement themselves, but m o s c was a designated area of a safe zone by these really forces. and they say that it was targeted in, quote, a targeted and precise attack. but they didn't target to be tens of displaced palestinians who were there. we have to say that these really military has said this time and time again about targeted and precise attacks when we see the results of them on the ground. dozens of palestinians killed dozens of others injured, civil defense, and medical crews who are also casualties among them. and this is the policy of these really military using this justification of targeting both m. s fighters and thomas figures as reason to target civilians in a densely populated area. we do also know that these really defense minister you'll have the launch within the last hour has met with top security officials,
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both in the army and the shouldn't bet the internal security services right after this strike on my way. i see took place several strikes rather. so look, we're still waiting to hear confirmation about what exactly happened with the military has now confirmed that it wasn't just of how much the best they're saying . it was also how message commander of the con eunice for gauge. and they're saying that these 2 were the target of the strikes, and that it was precise and targeted with minimal damage otherwise. but again, the images and the facts on the ground speak for themselves in contradiction to what the army has been saying. i'm the fact too very much for that for now. that is on this level who joining his life. i'm, i'm on well, we are going to keep a very close eye on all the developments from that breaking news story of the deadly attack on, on the last day. but we're going to move on for now. and 3 palestinians have been arrested and is ready rate on the city of the cut in,
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in the occupied westbank. palestinian fighters confronted, as rarely troops knew the neutrons. refugee camp in the city is very forces have increased frequency and intensity of their rates in the past. 9 months since the war and gaza began as ready for us as an settlers have killed at least $570.00 full palestinians in the occupied west bank. the us and the u. k. of the only countries not to resume funding to the u. one agency for palestinian refugees. officer suspending support earlier this year over 60 countries have pledged donations to on what as it's known as a conference in new york. gabriel. and he's on the reports from the united nations on the 1st floor as it was announced. 100 countries signed the pledge re affirming un relief and work agency for posting in refugees known as unreal as being the backbone of humanitarian response in gaza.
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and the announcement took place on the sidelines of the annual unreal pledge in conference in new york, where the secretary general surge nations to donate. thank those that did and also again called for an end to the war. just when we saw, if you couldn't get any worse in gaza, somehow appallingly civilians are being pushed into ever deeper circles of hell. is real, has killed 195 unrest staff and bond dozens of un run schools and hospitals during its war on gaza. and roe was facing financial ruin after a campaign by israel to discredit. shut the organization down. but investigators, for more than 60 countries, said enough, is enough, endowed to support and run, and close the funding gap to keep it operating. means the lifeline for personal and refugees, saving lives and safeguarding the lights, dignity,
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and identity. it serves as it crushes, stabilizing force indonesian. it is the clear conclusion of everyone who has studied and thought through this subject that no one can do the work. that unreal is currently doing. no one else can substitute for andrea. and no one else could make up for what would be a humanitarian catastrophe. if unreal were to cease doing the work that it is doing, the un said it will not have the total donation amount from the conference until next week. but felipe eliza renewed, the commissioner general of unrra said in a press conference that he now believes under it has enough money to pay it, staff to, to the end of september of for many years and row has come to the aid of palestinians in need. now it's the vast majority of member states of the un coming to the aid of unreal injecting the organization with desperately needed funds. so it can continue
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to do its work for as long as possible under the most difficult of circumstances. gabriel is on to address it at the united nations in new york palestinians and the occupied westbank are struggling with chronic water shortages as well controls or water resources and detach hurry and has reduced the palestinian shared by foot. so the worsening the crisis, illegal is rarely session. those however enjoy unfettered access to water and consume 6 times the volume available to palestinians. know that has this report from the village of ed, fast, ne, a, bethlehem escaping the july heat. these kids enjoy the humble offerings of the towns. dwindling spring, nestled in the valleys of bethlehem and the occupied west bank. if thoughts relies on the water that used to dust through these roman canals are now the enduring
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trickle is barely enough to irrigate the few fields that remain hired by this water estate gets lost and it's the source of life without it. and none of us can clump, i remember that a bit of some, it has the cultural center in their thoughts. he runs a nursery cooperative with friends. here to discuss some of the we take to us to use the water among the farmers. and every year the water supply dwindles, i get to watch every $12.00 to $14.00 days. like everything else in the west bank, israel has total control over water. 30 years ago, israel cap the palestinians share of their own water. the population has grown 75 percent since then. i'm standing at the bottom of one of 3 historic bulls that used to supply bethlehem on jerusalem with water for a 1000 years, as well as control over the west banks. resources has completely changed that. and
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now the pools are all dried up recently, israel announced it was cutting water supply to palestinians in the occupied westbank by a 3rd making an already chronic crisis. almost unbearable. yeah, well, i do often. you feel like there's a war going on. you don't know if it's a soldier or a settler, but they can do anything they want and not route you to plant a settlement. the legal supplement spreading here are unaffected by the restrictions. they consume 6 times the volume of water available to palestinians. rights groups say water deprivation is an effective weapon and is rarely land grabs . as israel's wall and supplements increasingly encroach on towns and cities across the west bank. the fight for every drop of water is about a lot more and quenching thirst for palestinians. not all day i'll just eat
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a bethlehem palestine that spring in. i'm on robbie. he is the executive director of the palestinian hydrology group. that's a non governmental organizations which focuses on water and resource development is joining us live from my la. thank you very much for your time mr. robbie. the agreement made in the oslo accords in 1993, giving israel control overboard for resources was only designed as a 5 year transitional agreement. so why does it possessed? why doesn't the palestinian associate consoles the access to the palestinians? well, unfortunately, and of course most likely minutes should have ended on 1999. and of course the signature that resume the for southern and the over the most sources. but unfortunately this the didn't happen and of course this, that the school and it has continued. and then as of course, as mentioned the new vehicle is i've still got
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a new dentist control and all the resources in the span. of course, the better sources more than 90 percent of the resources seem to have access to a very limited let's see, a bought of these resources, a sense postwar. i'm thinking about us. uh, you know, that the very last one that purchase from israeli company has increase, of course, but a scene that resources are diminishing because of the funding from those are in the windows. and of course from like a, a level aspects as well. as soon as are facing cities and what the shortage upstairs thoughts is one of these like villages that this i didn't get quoting from your report, but there are many other places will leave you still suffering. come there are suffering because of the subtler violence. as you know, something that has been straightened more than 90 springs in the us bank and they've tried being done as soon as some reaching bull springs. i'm getting benefiting from these voters. in addition to that, of course,
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pollution from those really supplements waste with that that to just knowing been the bodies which reaching some of these things i'm from using that. what that making it. i'm use up in port that assume that so the problem is actually get, think about it, cost i'm getting very difficult. the side of this, this makes spend a scene and lives is very, very difficult. it is a problem. the last of was a 2 palestinians. and to the advantage rather of settlers whose very presence is in legal under international law. the report mentioned that settlers have access to 6 times as much for both the as palestinians, the indigenous population, the situation rights groups a cooling most upon page. do you agree? indeed, of course, this is, this is something that we are witnessing almost every summer. they are cutting like
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the supply that goes to the student and communities and villages for we know, love to supply. those early settlers instructors are enjoying even swimming pools in the supplements. what about a sting ends on the finding that they're getting bought abroad in the villages and this is indeed a horse. what they're advertising in those think and is it? is it legal? mister bobby, as well as an occupying power, has legal obligations, does it not to provide the people under its occupation? what lives essentials as of course, as that a good buy bought it test off vacation to provide better stadiums. the people under probation with the basic services, especially with that and what type is that human right now as a compromised by united nation. and of course, this adds to the obligation of doctor buying for not really to use the natural resources exist on the, on through the so the so sorry,
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i'm afraid that we have run out of time. but we thank you very much for joining us on this and portion of jewelry and do stay with us on out as they are. we're back in a few minutes the, the millions of people to cherish the american dream of owning a home has slipped out of reach. mike, price and accountant, and his wife had spent years searching for an affordable home. things are just so priced above what we can actually afford that we're constantly searching for something i feel for those people who are struggling, who need to get out before it's too late. i mean, i would say it's just the money in chicago, like many us cities, former working class holes now cost millions and there's a yawning racial gap in home ownership. the home ownership rates between black and latino households and whitehouse holes in chicago and even nationally is as much as
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30 percent. yeah. lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the football enjoyed by funds across the world. but it also plays an important role in challenging colonial rule in oh jerry and suit on the mission of the clock. what's
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the point out is there a well tells the powerful story of how football became more than just to support and the fight against the french and purchase colonial authorities against the initial executive. and one thing actually the rebel game out, jerry and so dawn on al jazeera, the israel counties as a master cut west through calling you this in gaza, at least 71 palestinians have been killed or were injured with the so cool sites. i'm a watching, this is really on the radio says the target was a senior. i'm ask the lovely bulk of this is i'll just say what life was still coming up in the occupied
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westbank house to meet the struggle with chronic water shortages is where i would use


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