tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera July 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST
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and uh, but uh, i can tell you that, uh preliminary it appears everything. everything unfolded very quickly. so, uh, you know, again, we'll have more information on that, but it's just too early to start definitively. uh, saying this happened at this exact time. that's correct. uh we'll have that information for you. it was some distance outside of the saw we're following up on those. i will tell you that i am aware of the. ready and i am aware that law enforcement had responded to a number of reports of suspicious activity. this specific response to this will be all part of the after action. but yes, law enforcement was responding to check on several suspicious occurrences that will all be part of the investigation.
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so again, we're not prepared at this time to provide the it's the only thing i'll just say to it is all for gmc, we're bringing you have been bringing you coverage of an f. b, i press conference, which is being held in pennsylvania following the attempted assassination as being called all former president donald trump. we had initially from kevin ro, jacket the agent in charge of the f, b i, pittsburgh, field office. we can return, you know, to the press conference is fine. can you find any extra anything now you're not at this time? no, we're, we're still in the process of an active investigation. so we'd like to reserve releasing any information like that until we have more facts.
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from the guy's perspective, no, we did not have any specific threat information related to this event. absolutely. so i think the credit goes to not only the secret service who was on site, but also the state and local partners who were there on site and were able to react immediately when the incident occurred. i do not really at this point, we're not going to make that assessment there's,
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there's an active investigation, a lot of things need to look for investigative lee to make those determinations of what if any failures that were so really we can't comment on that at this time you get a single shot. i really have to defer the secret service for those questions prior to the police. are you saying the location where the shooter was like yes. i don't have any of any information on that. the doctor preferred to secrets or when, when you say you will release when the when that might happen tomorrow or so that'll be as soon as we've confirmed 100 percent, we're going to release that. so if we have, you know, as far as the contact information for the press will, we should be able to do that within the next few hours. i imagine
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again, right now we're tracking down all leads and doing all interviews and tracking anything that we can regarding suspicious locations, vehicles, locations, interviewing individuals. so it's all related to this event. but i can't confirm or deny anything that's going on the, on the you. and as far as the details of let them know what kind of the you want to come on. okay. again, until we have the confirmation of who the shooter is and were really excited as part of the investigative details liter somewhere is primarily standard procedure of any suspicious packages. in
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this case, there was done of occasions this is suspicious packages around where the shooter was. and so we deployed in an abundance of caution bom, assets to make sure that those were cleared. for investigators safely in the area, we're still working on it's still an active crime scene. so i'm not going to say that the scene is 100 percent clear at this time. it's a secret service wasn't available for the press conference at this time. really anything. i don't have specifics on what they were looking at but, but, but you know, there's people in the crowd will leave bags as they're playing the scene like this . so any suspicious packages we have to treat as it may be an explosive device.
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so it was immediate and it was, we're still trying to figure that out. so we're, we'll wait till we have more definitive information regarding that investigative we my understanding was it was from the shooter. but again, that'll doesn't be details that are released later. or apartments as a part of here. so if, if that's where the leads take us? absolutely. well, i don't, i don't have that specific information as far as the injuries to the form present the
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getting the information that we currently have. we're, we're looking at that obviously very intently. and as we know, that information will release that as well. so we'll, we'll need to plan another time for the follow up press conference. we're looking at all investigative leads and all of everything from. and that's why we ask the public, because i'm sure they'll be cellphone video. they'll be all kinds of information that we'll use to fully flush out exactly what happened here. required. i don't i don't have that information as far as that, that'll come out of the investigation as well. as as far as the civilians they were yeah. and so
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we do have identification on those were not prepared to release it at this time. uh, we have notified a number of family members, but they have not had an opportunity to notify extended family and things. i would to confirm for you that we did have one individual killed. i know i heard somebody say about 2 victims. there were 3 in total besides the former president, so to critically wounded, one killed i don't have their exact seating by individual. again, that will be part of the investigation, but the scott, their shots were scattered somewhat and so they weren't to adjust into one particular location. yes, the shooter one being the shooter plus one feet. oh. so there was one victim of the shooter was killed. and then the shooter was killed. yes,
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now i've heard those reports as well and uh and again, uh we do have a good idea of what the weapon was. but again, that's all part of the, the ongoing investigation i and i'm not trying to be caged. you about that, you know, when the say c talked about the need to be very methodical and to be cautious with that scene. we are doing just that. we don't want anybody else getting hurt. and candidly, there are some concerns that we'll be able to talk more about later on about just what those concerns are and continue to be that's all part of the investigation. a lot of really angry people there been any response where you haven't been any specific. that's certainly
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a can turns and you know, we're monitoring that whole situation. i mentioned that, you know, we're bringing a lot of assets to bear. and so like the f b i utilizing their analysts. we also have the pennsylvania criminal intelligence center. we will utilize the resources of our intelligence division and the criminal intelligence center to be able to monitor for concerns about any threats. regardless of the, the side of the issue or the political spectrum. we want to make sure that we try and avoid a further violence or not on the specifics of them. no, sir. they were adults and they're male. oh yes.
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we have trained investigators and we're partnered hand in hand with the f b i again because we've got some federal violations, some state violations. and so our investigators going out on methodically, we have a large team of investigators, they're going out dividing up these interviews and trying to conduct them as quickly as possible. and then there'll be follow ups, you know, with the, the, the f b i asking for people to call in tips. i have no doubt that we will receive a lot of additional information that will also require follow up. but again, we're working very well together. and so it's only a short matter of time until we get through all of those interviews or there were no police had with voltage from the close because i'm not going to speculate or, or comment on to talk to the president. you know,
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for sure. the secret service always has the lead on the, on securing something like this, but then they work very closely. it's a, it's a hate to use the word routine, but it is a fairly routine matter for all of our agencies to work jointly with the secret service. and it really depends on the venue, on what information is out there, what, what the number of resources are divided devoted to it. and we work with them to provide whatever is requested by the secret service. but there was a lead in that security. you know, i would divert of the secret service to answer that they would have done the initial assessment.
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it's my understanding that was outside of the perimeter. we're not going to comment on anything about a not that i'm aware of. how many already would you have that additional security for this event? is there again secret service as the lead? and i'm not going to comment or speculate on what may or may not be provided at any given point. uh, depending on their status as a, as a candidate, what i will tell you is that i, in my experience, the secret service does an excellent job of maintaining security on protect these. they are very cautious or they don't hesitate to ask for resources. and candidly, we don't hesitate to supply resources what i
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think uh, the videos and photos would be very helpful. and i think that once the shooter is identified, anyone that has specific information on that shooter, that would be very helpful as well. to help us assess motive. and uh and, and again, as i mentioned earlier, we are absolutely not taken for granted that this was a long move attack. and so we would be looking for any additional information that might point us toward anybody else that may have had a hand in this was the focus of the investigation. what's the most important thing for you right now? a few hours? well there's, there's not any one single focus. i mean, certainly the immediate focus was flight safety, getting the former president out of there and to care, getting care to the other victims and trying to secure the scene as quickly as possible. it shifted then from a life safety priority to then a,
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an investigative priority. and so our, i guess i had the point to where we are right now. the, the single greatest priority would be to identifying a motive. and whether there was anyone else involved with that happen and how they're set out in g. c. and then use again, i wouldn't, i would refer you to the secret service in terms of what they work out with the campaigns. we will continue to supply resources as i'm sure the f, b, i will, and the local workers as well. i suppose, but there's a balance. i would think that any of the campaigns on either side to try to weigh. i mean, that's the point of them analysing, i suspect, is because they want the crowds. and so it's not up to us in law enforcement to
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tell them when they should announce, or how they should announce or how they should conduct, that we offer our best advice. again, working hand in hand with the secret service, offer our best advice of how best to secure and protect that venue circuit center. how, how many people were there, and you have somebody potentially talking about the call. well, we're certainly grateful that we don't have even more victims. and again, in terms of how this could occur, that it will be part of this after action report and an investigation that occurs so that we can hopefully ensure that something like this doesn't happen again. it has not been conducted yet. i do not.
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so we have the 1800, call f b i. if you have audio tubs and then we set up a specific tip line for audio and video and that's f. b, i dot go slash butler emission center, just like any video, anything that anyone has that is related to this incident that they think may be of assistance investigated. we will take anything and we'll analyze it and we'll make a determination of this or investigative go ahead. so from what sounds like they're in sol shots for fire. so that that is the assessment. this time though, for you is i was able to fire off shot the full pressure again, we're still still working through the security apparatus that the secret service had in place. what potentially happened that there's going to be
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a long investigation into exactly what took place and how the individual was able to get access to the location. what type of weapon he had. all that is really days, weeks and months of investigation or for shot. it is, it is surprising, but again, to get the truth to all the details of that will come out later and investigate so again, the secret service really needs to answer that question. they conduct the initial side survey. they do the initial security assessment and determine where the different security locations should be. and they're the ones who are in charge of securing the scene. we, along with the other state and local assets,
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are there to support the secret service and their mission. so i don't have the specific numbers i don't need to as well. no, i can speak just for p. s p. we had to physically onsite. there are probably 30 to 40 numbers of p s p. but we also have additional resources in the area. we utilize aviation, for example, and in a variety of other resources, dogs to sweep beforehand that really aren't counted in, in that and, and, and again, the number is driven by what the request is from the secret service. you know, just in their defiance. i mean, i, what i would want to say is it is incredibly difficult to have a venue open to the public and to secure that, against any possible threat against a very determined attack or uh that's, that's a huge list to try and do it. and,
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you know, again, the investigation will really give us an opportunity to take a look at where any failures occurred and what can be done better in the future. you know, we don't have one scheduled, but i would tell you we will. we will let you know, i'll give you plenty of notice. certainly as, as soon as additional things develop, that would be nowhere the are of interest to you. we'll get that scheduled and seem to have another wizard locally worked in residential is. this is the best case. what's gonna be going on there? well again, the interviews will all be occurring and so they may see law enforcement in their communities. people came from a wide area to come to this rally. i'm to so you know, there's going to be law enforcement finding out and, and, and as, as additional calls, photos, videos come in. um, you know,
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there was additional air views will result in law enforcement being not the community conducting those interviews, but otherwise they really shouldn't see any other significant impact. and that's a male male. yes. the our lives from, from the whole. and then i'm already getting text messages from, you know, people are asking how this happened. what's going on in america? i know that is a little difficult question, but how, how could you talk to the people outside the united states? what happened? well again, what i would say is, is a tragic incident that occurred and we're not in a position to start 2nd guessing how or why or anything else at this point. just know that it will be thoroughly investigated if there is any one to prosecute,
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that will be done and will move forward. but i don't have a good answer for you. we'll just take one last question. and one. no, no, there was no additional request for security that was ever denied by the so we are we, we showed up after the facts, we were monitoring the event. but it was once the incident occurred that we come and we take the primary jurisdiction for the investigation. thank you, but we'll, we'll, as we have additional information, we'll provided thanks a are you watching? i'll just say to we've been bringing your live coverage of
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a press conference that's being held by the f. b. i in the local police in boss of pennsylvania following the attempt to choosing of former president and donald trump at a raleigh that was being held in the tongue. butler is a republican stronghold. we heard there for about 22 minutes. essentially, they all the agencies being represented, they're saying very little. and the reason for that is primarily because the investigations as be kept repeating, still ongoing. i think it is, was me just illustrating to you what this kind of structure is. the secret service which was not represented at this meeting, but was referred to, is always responsible for the security of former presidents, presidential candidates. and presidents, as well as security and venue is that they might be attending that is their primary area of responsibility. the secret service will have carried out the necessary checks prior to the meeting that was being held by former president donald trump, the f b i is the local of federal law enforcement and is therefore coordinating the investigation
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that is going on at the moment. we heard, you can see there, kevin wrote jackie's the agent in charge of the f. b. i pittsburgh field office out here long. and the press conference ceased talked about bringing in intelligence on the list, and specialists from quantico and virginia. quantico is a big military base. it's a town in virginia, but it's also a military base, but it's also home to the f b i academy, and the f b i laboratory and that's what he was referring to there. we also so representatives of the pittsburgh state police, particularly the founding tunnel, george devons, who has been for the most part in this press conference, trying to outline the role that the police have been playing. and this what happened on the, the, during the, the shooting attempt, but also the nature of the investigation that they are going to be carrying out. they are also going to be playing a crucial part within the investigation and cells. i want to go to john hensley because john was just outside the area for the volume was taking place. he's
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joining us now live from pittsburgh in pennsylvania, video. so the, the key thing that most people are trying to be trying to find out is who is responsible for this at this uh, shooting one shooter. they say in the press conference has been tentatively identified. what more did we learn from this update? because i know you've been listening in this, right? we know that it was a, there was a one male who was identified they, they said that you had some complications in identifying that male. so they're not ready to tell us who it is. it sounds like they have a preliminary identification. this was an interesting news conference because in a case like this where it involves a former president under secret service protection, holding an event like that. the secret service is the lead agency. and as you pointed out, they were not represented here. so a lot of the questions were deferred until they could answer those questions. we
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learned 11 or 2 critical pieces of information to people. both of them males were critically injured. and this incident, one spectator was also killed and the gunman was killed. that was something that had been reported before, but the i, the, the number of wounded had not been reported. and really of, there are a lot more questions than answers here. we don't know what the motive is. we don't know what weapon was use. we don't really have an id for the gunman. so. busy a lot of the questions that you would, you would expect to get answers to in the coming days and hours. we just don't have now either police don't know that. or it sounds like they're really trying to firm up their information about things like the identity of that government. but they were trying to give out as much information as they good in the short time they had, but were handicapped by the fact that the secret service was not involved in so
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many questions had to be left to them whenever they will answer. yeah, there's a lot of speculation going on the social media moment about the identity of the shooter and the weapon that was used. but if you were just pointing out, none of the organizations represented, they're prepared to make any sort of commitment towards an identity, identification, or even to identify the nature of the weapon until they are, i believe, as kevin rhodes. i said earlier on the band, 100 percent confident about that identification that you were in pittsburgh at the moment. but as i mentioned before, you were outside that riley and buffy when the shooting occurred. just take us back a few hours, walk us through what happened from what you so well . this attempted assassination occurred about 4 minutes after donald trump began his address. this with his last rally before the republican national convention, which begins on monday when trump would be nominated as his parties representative
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running for president for the republican party. and everyone we talked to outside was, was very excited about that. there were thousands of them lined up for nearly a kilometer. and when we heard those pops, there was immediately within seconds, a few answering pops and people in the audience said, not only did they get down, but the secret service agents left up on the stage swarmed. the president need apparently been nick in the ear and he did confirm that that was from a bullet. and that they were, he was spirited away into a vehicle on his way pumping his fist. and then as we were standing just outside that venue, the crowd came rushing out hundreds and then thousands of them, some of them screaming that there had been
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a shooting and obviously concerned that there might be some continued wretched crowd eventually dissipated. but there was real concern, we talked to people who said they were very much shaken out. so it was a chaotic scene. but one that really could have been considerably worse, had the government not been shot by the secret service as quickly as he was. we put together a story on exactly what happened earlier with all the information we have. take a look the the attempted assassination of an american president unfolded minutes after he began to speak. if you want to really see something, this said, take a look, what happens? it is, donald trump spoke to the friendly pennsylvania crowd, shots rang out and the former president hit the ground.
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the list president said his name is it 10 says i want to get my shoes and i heard that directly from him. they must have fallen off when he pushed him down on his right cheek was a tear drop of blood right here. then when he turned, you could see the right here, from the top of the year to the bottom. blood wasn't pouring blood, but it was blood secret service gunman responded within seconds, killing the shooter as other agents swarmed truck. one other person in the crowd was also killed when he were coming up after the secret service as far as with retreating, him and putting it into a secure vehicle and bring him up. the president is hit or nick right here. according to the my photos he was bleeding here and down in this area here as far
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