tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the the no, i'm elizabeth put on and this is the news, our life from the hall coming off for the next 60 minutes. what happened? for me you, as president, donald trump survives an assassination attempt to the valley in the state of pennsylvania. the f b identifies the government, has plenty of old thomas mathew, croaks. as most of us still not clear
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the many people are still missing onto the bubble off to israel form to capt shelton house to me and some southern gaza. 90 people have been killed and south korea celebrates its 1st edit effective de, highlighting those fleeting from the north. on far as small with the sports as we build down to the arrows final, it's a one and space finding it out for the trophy at berlin's big stadium. the beginning in the united states where the f b, i has named 20 year old thomas matthew cooks as the government and the attempted assassination of donald trump. there was panic when the shots rang out with the rally and the state of pennsylvania secret service agents quickly swarmed. trump form and the protective shield the full president, imaged with
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a bloody it before leaving the stage. john henry begins coverage from the rally and butler, pennsylvania. the, the attempted assassination of an american president non folded minutes after he began to speak. if you want to really see something this said, take a look what happens. it is, donald trump spoke to the friendly pennsylvania crowd, shots rang out, and the former president hit the ground lift prison slip visits and says, i want to get my shoes. and i heard that directly from him. they must have fallen off when we pushed him down on his right cheek was a tear drop of blood right here. then when he turned, you could see the right here,
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from the top of the year to the bottom. blood wasn't pouring blood, but it was blood secret service gunman responded within seconds, killing the shooter. as other agents swarmed truck. one man in the crowd was killed and 2 men were critically wounded. this video shows the gunman on a nearby rooftop. the f. b. i has identified the shooter is 20 year old, thomas, mathew crooks. police still have many questions including whether the man acted alone. we do not currently have an identified motive. although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was. one other person in the crowd was also killed when he were coming up after the secret service as far as with uh, retreating him and putting him into a secure vehicle and bring him off. the president is hit or nick right here,
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according to other my photos. he was bleeding here and down in this area here as far as on the right side of his face. trump offered more detail in his own statement, saying i was shot with a bullet, the peers, the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong when i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening to president joe biden locked in a heated campaign against trumpet, condemned the attack. there's no place in america with this kind of violence. it's sick. it sick? it's one of the reason why we have to unite this country. we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. what began is a cheerful event with thousands of the supporters or former president donald trump lining up to see his last rally before his nomination for president,
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ended in gunshots with people fleeing in fear. left unexplained is how a gunman was able to get so close to the former president in an area that had been swept by secret service agents were backpacks were banned, inspector screened individuals. the secret service is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. john henry and l. g 0, butler, pennsylvania. well more people that the trump riley have been describing what they sole. when i was up at the fence line, i saw the guy move from roof the roof talk told an officer that he was on the roof and the officer come look. i went back to where i was standing. i heard that there was somebody that could see the person, so i went back to where they were standing. so the person went back and told the officer again that if he goes back to that particular spot, you can see the person figuring that he was going to radio. and when i turned
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around to go back to where i was, when the gunshot started, and then it was just k awesome. we all came running away. when i was sitting there, a guy said, oh god, you had a gun. i looked up, there's a guy on top of the building right over there and with an m. 16 with a blanket point and that the president he started shooting. wow about about about about $4.00 to $5.00 shots rang out. all right, so i threw the guy with jim on the ground. i jumped to the ground, i look up, and then i see it. his head gets split open by the shop front of the secret service out the cops started flying over, pushing us out. they pushed me off to the side cuz i was right there and i was able to see everything they took my name, my within the support and everything like that. um my cellphone number just to get in touch with me to go over what happened. but i was off with the assassination attempt. donald trump landed in an air force in new jersey. he's spending the 9th is his goals comp there. as he gets off the plane,
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you can see him raising his hand to wave to those. looking on the whole area surrounded by secret service agents and all the heavily armed offices as well. president joe biden was breached by law enforcement agencies, and it's reported to have spoken to donald trump and the often off of that attack that having reactions to the shooting from prominent politicians on both sides of the aisle for the us president brock obama issued a statement saying there's no place for political bonding. so non democracy, we should all be relieved. the trump wasn't seriously hush. james davis is a republican political strategist and he says, such events will help trump during the us selection. and i think that it gives trump another boost in this selection overall. um, you know, he was be really presented as a victim overall in some of the, the prosecution cases earlier this year. and uh, and then, you know, obviously this ratchets some things up quite a bit. uh, the eye clinic,
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uh photo and the footage of him. but the secret service was covering him. his shots were still being fired. he had already been struck in the, in, in the side of the year and the head. and then, and you can hear the footage and him saying, no hold on, hold on. it's gotta any stands up and punched his fist in the air with blood trickling down the side of his head in the flag just to right, right there in the back for him as you would have it draped for any kind of presidential speech. and it is that, that, that photos is going to be the shot scene around the world. it's gonna travel fast and it already has. and i think, you know, i think the opportunity here really is to, for president trump, to come out and say, you know, this is an american democracy, joe biden, and i are going to continue to battle it out. and, but this is a,
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this isn't what american politics is about. and he can, he can actually take a higher stage here and say, i wouldn't, you know, i wouldn't, i wouldn't want to condemn any activity that would target job. i'm, we're going to take the fight, so we're going to take bite to them to the ballot box. and i think that would be a very strong moment for him. and if he doesn't speak much until the convention, i think you're going to have a bonanza of ratings for the convention. i would just let the image stand for itself for now in a couple of press statements and its air gets going out to a will lead to something reacting to what happened in pennsylvania. the european union foreign policy chief joseph bought a condemned the attack saying once again, we are witnessing unacceptable acts of violence against political representatives versus prime minister k. as thomas said, he was appalled by the shocking scenes at the valley. french president emanuel mack calling cold is using a tragedy for on democracies and the statement from the kremlin. so the us must
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take stock of policies and slicing hatred. well the f b, i is investigating the incident as an assassination attempt. this is what we know sofa. trump appeared on stage at his riley in western pennsylvania on saturday at around 23 g m t. the gunman was set to be on the roof of a manufacturing plant, just north of the butler show grounds. according to the secret service, he fired multiple shots using an a r 15 and type of semi automatic rifle. thomas matthew cooks was on a rooftop across the way about a 120 to a 150 meters from trump stage. bought a is a form, a c i a officer and an international security analyst, and he's joining us live now from to walton in the united kingdom. thank you very much for your time. firstly, what's your assessment of this incident? ok,
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well let's start with the security vice the federal president. whenever the president travels, there are 2 components of the secret service that are pro responsible for his protection. one are what we call the clothes protection people, which are those people right around the present. real, very close to and the other before they get there is called in advance party. the advanced party goes into the area where the president will be the day before 2 days before they go through the entire area. they steal a manhole covers. they locked doors, they look for places wherever a sniper might be, they look for places where a person may have an shot that the president and then they cielo lose off. but what happened in pennsylvania clearly is the advanced party, didn't do a very good job in simple terms. they screwed up. and if you listen to people from the fbi i in the security service talking, you'll hear them praising the people on seen the ones that protected the president
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jumped on him, took the risk of taking a bullet. but you won't hear many comments about the advanced party because the advanced party really did screw this one up. that should never have been left open like that. and there should've been any possibility that a person armed with a rifle to climb right up on a building and shoot at the president. so that's 1st tact. the next observation that i have based on what's been happening is the political response. very fascinating. some of the republican cell, it's are claiming that at least one is claimed that the assassination attempt for something executed in order by joseph, by the president, which is insane. just absolutely insight. so you're going to have different policy, political parties taking different positions to emphasize that either it was a democratic initiative or the republicans have been slighted by the democrats. what you don't have, interestingly enough,
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is anybody in leadership position in the democratic party saying anything other than condemning the activity and demonstrating concerning compassion for donald trump, which was very interesting. that one, what's the impact of that on the election? having those, your, your former guessed to as a republican staff or was saying this is going to benefit trump. well, it may, it may also benefit by, because by and this is demonstrating he's a kind, caring, and compassionate math. but the thing that is going to be, yeah, sorry, mr. as you've given us so much to pick up on the, i want to start with a very important security distinction that you made there. those that were around trump and that you know, swarmed around him to protect him when we had the gunshots. but also the team that you say should have swept the area, check the area the day before. just to be clear. are you saying that the area that the shooter was in that would have been checked and should have been swept before the event? ok, let's be very,
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very careful in terminology. sweeping an area means you to go through it and you look for something that shouldn't be there. that's not the way you prevent a sniper from assuming a position on a building top and then shooting the prison. if you believe that the building represents a venue for shooting the president, you don't walk through it and sweep it and then walk away. you position somebody on top of the rooftop to make sure nobody can come up there and shoot the prison. so when people talk about sweeping the area, that's the wrong term to use a sweep doesn't prevent somebody from coming in after the sleep and shooting the president. so do you then think that this was a security failure that they should have been political security agent standing on those roof tops? yes, clearly and why didn't that happen as well? there's a couple of explanations for that. if you read history this secret service, you'll see that there had been instances in the past for the advanced party, went out and didn't do a very good job. they went out and they went to
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a bar that night beforehand that they didn't do their job very well. so one explanation for why they didn't do it could be malfeasance or in confidence. the other reason could be they just never planned on it, which is really, really bad because the purpose of the advanced team is just go through the area. look at all of the places that represent the danger, the president either neutralize the place or position somebody there to make sure that it can't be used by an assess. and they didn't do that. they clearly didn't do that. and this is, this is a very large critical failure. and then of course, gives those republicans some of whom we've already heard from that ammunition, you know, to say things like, they've been saying that this is the fact that this is something that has been planned by the democrats, even though there is no evidence. and even though that is going to prove incredibly problematic for the campaign as to, as we have unfortunately,
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been out of time. but we really appreciate your expertise, your insights on this. thank you so much. sure, you're welcome. but all of this is happening, as republicans gather in wisconsin for the national convention, and that's raising more questions about security for the launch event. patty called haines, begin taking a look at the preparations which were being made before the attempted assassination of donald trump, or the block after block after block bare occasion fences assembled in a large ring around the arena, where the republican national convention will be held. the trump campaign insisted the event will go ahead, even before the assassination attempt to former president donald trump. authorities were preparing for worst case scenarios. this team installing the simple box as a tier to sniffer chemical weapons in the air. thousands of police from all over the region called in
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a secret service announced 3 charter planes. full of agents was headed to wisconsin on sunday. the barriers meant to keep the attendees separated from everyone else. what's going on america right now is now some very sad policies. you're trying to yourself to be picked out coming down. but the people of justice will be served in trump will be back. we're doing this because we don't want the republicans here. we don't want them anywhere and we're going to run the amount of anywhere that they try to be. why? oh, well, we're fighting against a racist and reactionary agenda. we're fighting for immigrant rights for reproductive rates for palestine. and ultimately, they're just the opposite of everything that we want to see in this country. the convention will take place inside that secure perimeter of secret service is in charge of that there are no guns allowed in the venue, not the case here. this is one of 2 parks we're milwaukee says people can legally protest because of a state law. guns are allowed here. but to milwaukee police chief jeffrey norman insist that doesn't pose
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a unique threat. and so when we are dealing with the those type of, uh, protected door, those customers, right? is that about the actual caring? so i'll be 8. do you have any behavior that's outside of what we deem as a responsible behavior? then there will be, again, there is going to be a reaction that is going to be response and we will take appropriate action, political tension. now, actual violence. the republican convention will take place in an atmosphere. unlike any other particle hanging al jazeera, milwaukee wisconscin. the at least 17 palestinians have been code of the night strikes on gauze city. that phone is an attack on my wifi in southern gaza on saturday and which at least
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90 palestinians accountants, people they have described it as a visit master to many of a pleasure to be still missing under the rumble. thousands of displaced people of seeking shelter and on the wasi since his riley forces had designated the area a safe so well that's bringing my correspondence out of was and he's joining us live from the law and central garza and they have been more deadly attacks overnight and today and gaza said he thought it of the yeah, that's right. it was quite to the stats at the minute 3 had talking to them for residential houses in the neighborhood. some dollars on central area is what we do . notice that at least 16 palestinians have to report killed what move them. 16 of those ones that the majority of where young children twins and, and so innocent civilians who was at did not get any thoughts of, of the dry up morning when the attack has been carried out by yes, if there is. so i'm going corporations being done by the magistrate why?
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cuz in order to rescue people who were trapped under the debrief of the disjoint houses as we've been hearing from them, they have managed to recover at least 10 palestinian bodies who have been found to be composed in tell of how one neighbor who displays had been previously stormed by the username and a true, and we simply they have with a trone from that area. and this is actually indicating, talk about what was happening is that the area in terms of what the crime scene to the method where people have been filed, choose under buddies with a completely to compose. and this also gives police signs act as well is still slipping. out the military attacks on these areas, we're kind of things have been moving from neighborhoods to another odette to look for proper places that can happen. that kinda has a sense of safety on the ground. yes, as the bombing continues in the north of district intelligence operations are long diving in the central area. i'm can see it on the ground. the sound of these when
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trains continue to hold, but has been since at the hours of this morning, volumes over the space of the central areas of history about in particular endeavor . thoughts on policy is believe that with every time we hear the sound of the tribes, there's going to be more potential danger will take place within the coming hours. and generally, the are some also ongoing compartments in depa, south of the cost of especially in con, you, in a city where at least $10.00 palestinians have been report singers, and the mobile knowledge of slides and of a song village and the pos south of the city of san eunice, and that definitely will lead to an increase in terms of the casualties amongst the values as the minnesota holes with the common dollars will announce how many people were killed. we didn't deposit 24 hours, especially in light of the very solar and numbers of palestinians being killed in a most the area that has reached to be about 90 palestinian springfield. we moved on 300 tavis before the sofa started. thank you very much for that. that static of
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was in with the laces, live and data obama in central gaza. well, the city is across the occupied westbank have declared a general strike to denounce as well as one, gaza. the license protest was triggered by as well as the attack on on the wasi on saturday. palestinians also demonstrated on saturday nights and officials of jeanine, hebron, and 2 of us to condemn the war. no to day is joining as some of them i let in the occupied westbank. and so what's happening across the territory noticed the strike underway. now the strike is underway in most cities in the occupied west bank. it is presented by the factions that agreed on it and by the general unions and general public opinion as the least palestinians can do to express. not just saw it there at t, but the fact that they want to be able to contribute to ending this floor, to stopping at that the, to express thing that they to understand and feel the pain of their fellow
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palestinians and gaza. facing this on slots for 9 months? no, no that. thank you for that update for now that is load or they live in for my law as well. and the lebanese um group has of all i have traded near daily strikes ins as well. no one is just one golf and last year has boneless has it's open the front against israel on october, 8th, and solidarity with palestinians. and this trip, however, tens of thousands of civilians instead of 11 on have been since the fleet due to the, is rarely strikes that as a big met. some people who remained in the village of color home on the sound of rocket fire can be heard and the way to cover him up, the village with mountain views was once a sort of the retreat. few remained here. there. the streets are empty, houses damaged or destroyed, even possible means of escape have been crushed. the conflict between his blood and
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is ready for it is as long delivered on the southern border as forced tens of thousands from the homes and the hudson. and let's assume we suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them in my head was injured in the 2nd. do i held my sister's hand? the smoke obscured our view. we couldn't move afterwards. we had to go to my grandfather's house. they have nowhere else to go. is where you made a few positions, overlook the homes. they used to sit on the balcony and enjoyed the view. now they live in fair there, i've seen lots of things and let them know i should love life, not as happy as it was before. my older sister used to bake and we were earning money. i own godson, chickens. some of the goats died because of the shelling only the chickens were lifeless last week and he's ready drone who to has in the village. there were no injuries. is ready um he has also used white phosphorus on the health writing for
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a month. the story of this village is one of many along this folder. almost everything within 5 cuz i'm because of his ready positions having targeted tends like food and art. the shop have been hardest hit, making it has it just put those who remain is when you visit villages along the board to the spring head. there's one thing that striking as the silence, there's no signs of movement of people's talking of children. pink people have been forced from the homes and the 2 scared to attend. and they still don't know whether this conflict with turning to an or that tool. i started big, i just say to cover her mom sideslip and maybe i was on sean as a senior. i was covering israel palestine of the international crisis group, and she's joining us my from tennessee. thank you very much for your time. as well said, if we focused 1st one on that deadly attack that people in gaza still very much recovering from israel. so the target of that attack will see him on some other truly dom home
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a day. if there's no indication he's been killed. 90 people have so what has israel achieved with this attack, which has been condemned internationally and will no doubt be used in the ongoing genocide case at the international court of justice as well. i think both prime minister netanyahu and the is really a military solution believe that if i'm a death was actually killed and i think they have a high probability that he was as far as what they are saying. and that would, for them would be a very big strategic game. that's how they see it. they see him not only as a symbol of a mouse and the post and into resistance, but also somebody who on the ground ran the military plans, was an architect of october 7th attack and was also key and re arming and re, as you know, refer me to come us is the power in the strip, so they see it as a big strategic game, whether or not if he has been killed, it actually is a strategic game is another question. and i'm not sure that either targeted assassinations in gaza strip or 11 off for that matter. have really handed israel
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a strategic position in both of these wars. and again, there's no indication that bass has been killed. i'm off said shortly after the attack that the attack showed that nothing yahoo wasn't serious about the seas fund negotiations. i know that you have a different view on why nathan, y'all who would use going off to high profile targets to keep the fall of rise in his coalition. happy while pursuing sees find negotiations which the far right delta and find the right. well, i think that's a possibility that people should take into account because a lot of the reactions yesterday were, especially by people it is or else who wants to hostage deals within yahoo is did this to do rail detox. and i think that in yahoo has done a lot of action is to do rail detox from the very beginning regardless of this. and i do think that the is really approach has been from the very beginning. but whenever there is a possibility of a operational possibility to take out of how much official or to rescue a hostage, that this is something that they do and they do it irrespective of the context or the, you know,
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they obviously made their decision that this would far outweigh the costs or the price, whether on the hostage towards whether on their international legitimacy. so this is something that they decided to do. and i think as far as the ceasefire talks, if you listen to his really officials, they'll tell you that this actually is even beneficial to the talks. and so far we haven't seen him, us actually pull out of the talks and i think they even deny that there was such a pause. so as far as israel is concerned, this is part of its line of military pressure that they can, the more that they pressure the leadership, the more that they bomb the strip. the more interest from us will happen to cease fire. you know yet i don't think that that's been proven the case over 9 months, but that's how is real season and have said that you know nothing. y'all has done things in the past to develop the talks. does he want a says fine. now that is a good question that i don't have an answer to, but what i can say is, but a lot of the security defense establishment including a majority of the public do want it. and i think that it's in yahoo wants it to be
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extend. but she could still remaining power. so if you can find a way to convince as far, right, so listen to stay or if the far right ministers who threatened to leave would not make good on that threat. but it's very possible that we could see a deal happen at him still remain in power. but if it means that he'll lose his coalition, i find it very difficult to believe that he will go ahead with that man. so i'm showing, it's been great to get your analysis on this. thank you so much for your time. thank you. still head on the news. allah. a revolutionary, also some feminist. on the anniversary of the day, we look at the global appeal of mexico's free to carlos. uninstalled was you from argentina and columbia had a fee cost america final the
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probably wait, it's a beautiful summer day in file in warm sunshine, clear skies blue skies the and it sets up a lovely evening as well. we'd like wins decisively warm, as the football funnel takes place here on either side of that. we've got some rod one set of whether this was assisting to producing some lively showers. well, a big storm coming in here. when, when the weather out into the north sea, affecting scandinavia next system also set to bring some, evaluate whether into the northwest of europe as we go one through monday. so that you guys got some west. so whether they're just making his way across denmark, scandinavia, sweden, to no, i think some very unsettled with that live be shy. was there just around that western side of russia? pushing through uh, battle rose, using a little federation, was still a few showers just coming down across australia, down to the south is still pretty hot. 41 celsius, a possibility and book rest could be a woman. as we go on into mondays has the lots of hayes across the eastern side of get let's go. so let's see degrees celsius west to whether that will make its way
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into crossing them. wells across the low countries pushing across the bronze. as we go on, the pots of next week may well halt sunshine, across the north of africa, a 42 in tripoli, and plenty of showers for west africa. the us city of milwaukee will be an important storm and the race for the white folks. it will force the republican national convention from july, the 15th to the 18th. donald trump will be confirmed is the policies presidential money approval. he picked as his vice presidential running mate, lab coverage. and then alice, what i'll do is either i am very delighted to speak to the all the confidence, brightest legal students, putting minds against them. this means in africa would really be interesting to see how we miss uh, gather together for tournament. unlike any other than what has happened me
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expressing meaning. the apps we can cut on the human and people slide is now in session with new applicant move on to 0. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here to 0. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the the what challenges the problem in the mind of on top stores the saw as being an assassination attempt on donald trump. the presumptive republican presidential nominee was speaking at a campaign rally in the state of pennsylvania. when shots right now,
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a bullet grazed his rice, e a. u. s. president joe biden has condemned the attack a picture of the suspected. sure, so it has been released. the guy has identified the 20 year old thomas matthew cooks as the subject involved. the gunman was shot dead at the scene. investigators don't notice as much yet. at least 17 palestinians have been killed an overnight stripes and guards, especially at farmers. an attack on a washington southern gauze on saturday in which at least 90 palestinians were killed. thousands of displays, people was taking shelter in milwaukee since as many forces has designated the area a safe sun, we're going to bring in months will show on now policy engine and those 2 amount of terry and who witnessed the rules this hand and draft con units of the places as well months what i know you've been speaking to people that you know in milwaukee. what do they, what are they telling you? how have they been affected?
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in addition to them physically being affected when it comes to losing loved ones, not finding water, food and the safe place to stay. i also want to emphasize the mental health aspect of things. um, unfortunately a lot of people have auto suffering now from trauma and people death. i know personally had southern heart attacks or even strokes just because of what they are seeing and they have with been with missing over the last 9 months. so it's very important for us to realize that the mental health aspects of the other students, when the ground needs to be looked at and needs to be cared about in addition to the physical side to humanitarian sites. yeah, if you're talking about people who kind of deal with the trauma that's happening because they have to go through a continuous live or die situation. so i think that's something that's being overlooked by now. and dement that has aspect to something that's we need to focus on moving forward. and it's so hard to focus on the mental health aspect isn't it? when people are literally fighting for their life,
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whether it's escaping fun is rarely attacked. so just trying to find enough food and to, to get by you're saying that, you know, people who have had heart attacks and strokes because of what they've seen. and that correlates with the lens that report which says the actual death toll since october is over a $180000.00 because of people dying. you know, some other things from things rather other than is why the attacks themselves. again, how can you even get to the mental health support with people just trying to survive? you've lived in the wasi as well. tell us about the conditions there. so a multi is 15 colombia to buy one to them with a stretch of land. mostly it's beach, it's empty. right now, it's a huge 10 city filled with hundreds of thousands of people. when i was living there, i remember seeing them sometimes some age being dropped down to us from the sky.
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and to people were just wandering around, wondering what they're going to do next in terms of trying to feed and take care of their families. and that definitely doesn't help when these really is also thought to get too many tearing workers as they have done most of the last few days. i think the head of hair foundation over the leaving you teach out it is on the ground, was killed together with his colleagues. this last almost 4. and this continues in other places in the us, the strip. something else that we need to talk about, the lack of clean water and it goes on right now. and the targeting of these areas of many water was in the very center of the region. and the north right now for the students are lying on water was that's out. i'm not clean 100 percent and they tried to filter it. but when these ladies forget to over a dozen wells over the last few days, they are not allowing people to stay in the line beside water. and people then have to move where there was a decided nation plant or wherever this clean motivated but without water that
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there is no life. but the palestinians remain strong on the ground. they remain optimistic feet optimistic about the future because they are strong. they are faithful. they have a very strong stomach face and they know that they are on the lights. in addition to that, they have very strong support for, for the 1st union leave. that is that they have with them. and they are looking forward to the outcome of the negotiations, the thought of being supported by the mediators in egypt, and caught, and even by the united states, the believe that and the only way out right now is that the right negotiations happen. and the outcome will fits to bring up what is needed for the other students on the grounds. okay. and in the meantime, again, if we go back to the optim, off of one of the deadliest attacks and ones that we've seen in, in milwaukee, the people that you know what they're, what are they going to do in terms of the, are they going to stay in the wasi there's already some evacuation orders in place,
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so they're not everyone that the most he doesn't consider the most. it could be that hometown to consider to be a safe place until this massacre of the genocide ends. and then they will have turned back to their homes. most of these people have lost their homes, their homes are in the open, but they are willing to rebuild it together with into the national community, wants the boarders open. and the genocide pets puts a stops for now i'm off, is that safe zone? if we can call the if it, if we can still call it that. but it's really a temporary home until they go back to the origin of the homes that have been destroyed by these ratings. but for now they have no option but to stay them right because they homes have been destroyed. malia mos around the center of the reason, that's it. thank you. as always for your insightful of this month, so really appreciate it. i'm on social months. this we're going to move on to the muse now. and police and kenya have 5 gas, have crowds near
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a disused quarry in nairobi from where the retrieve the bodies and mutilated body pots of 8 women since friday, as target outrage after weeks of anti government protests during which wants group say 41, people were killed in thousands of doctors by security agencies, malcolm web reports from nairobi. it started with a young woman searching for her missing sister. 10 bags of mutilated bodies kept coming. they've been retrieved from this disused korean mccurry, a neighborhood of slums in my baby, is triggered outrage among kenyans following protests last month against the government of president william recheck. holden, 40 people were killed rights groups say thousands of protesters have been abducted and several are still missing. so i do enjoy. we don't know whether they are among the people who were abducted because of the protest. since most of them are ladies, we are not sure if it could be some side or in securities that have been happening to get it to the crowd, wanted the police to open the bags at the same place,
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refused to 15 and 10 years. police are frequently accused of extra judicial killings, including in this community activists say offices of rarely convicted piece of said they'll investigate the bodies and rights groups can participate in place both ends . but skepticism and anger run deep. i think it is now the work of the pathologist and the forensic investigators to tell us and to tell the nation what is happening . because if you put those videos together, you're talking about 13 bodies being recovered in about 24 hours. that is not a normal thing for any nation. please have our firing gossett crowds that angry residents down the street. they've been retaliation by serving signs. is it the mistrust in this community of the police on
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the government? they've been taunting roots a must go and their grief, not least because the buddies, the phones just meets is from the call re police station many and retailers, deputy president for 9 years before he was elected president 2 years ago. then he said he didn't, kenya is long history disappearances and extra judicial killings. people here at the quarry side along with many canyons, say they no longer believe what he says. the truth must be found so that those who are involved in this kenya act must be punished and must be taken to court and must be the little must be applied to its fullest extent. president said the police might disappear the bodies to the school to pick up carrying them all the way to the city moultrie. act to this say the entire flooded quarry would need to be told to find out how many more parties could be the weather. oh no to any one is
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held to account. it's clear in this community to have almost no face in that government. malcolm web out to 09, maybe 9000 people in northeast in canada had been forced to leave their homes because of wall finds people elaborate though city and while bush were ordered to move over 800 kilometers east were the only vote available. local authorities sent the intensity of the place makes it difficult to use was a bomb, is of south korea as mocking its 1st defect as day. and so full of, of thousands of north koreans who made their way south. in the past 50 years. president, you and so few met, some of them catching his support. it says his country will spin or different magic effort to prevent the falls for patrician of north korean defect is total budrum is all south. korea will never forget the suffering of those who lost
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their lives during their escape from north korea and we will do everything in our power to ensure that our competitor has 2 of escaped from north korea. can safely be embraced by our country. while many animals korean defect does have encountered difficulties rebuilding their lives, one of them has recently been elected to parliament. his success has been an inspiration to others, as from the fried reports from sold. taking his seat in south korea is national assembly is the latest milestone for north korean defect. to talk to him kwan having studied that's in a late university supporting north korea's nuclear weapons development. he says he used the excitement surrounding the 2009 launch of what p on young claims was a satellite as a distraction to make his escape. in the 15 years since he has seen those missiles developed greatly antonio video and they started testing hospice on ms. silas for the 1st time in 2021. and recently there are
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a signs of testing multiple warhead messiahs. and that says park should worry north korea's neighbors to the north korea, china and russia, a roll nuclear, and if they form a strong alliance, then south korea, which does not possess nuclear weapons, becomes vulnerable. then tie, one could be next followed by japan, steel. he's up beat about south korea's future, wanting his success to be an example to others of the mold and $30000.00 north korean defectors who made it to the south. punctual quantity is one of only for ever to serve on the national assembly. and it comes at a time when into korean relations all the worse they've been in years making relations more complicated. a recent moves by russian president vladimir putin to forge close the ties with the north korean leader kim jong, going to help with the war and ukraine. as i'm from told me that kim jong own
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stands to benefit the most. if the condition is russia transfers k technical help, instead of lights, nuclear powered submarines and re entry rocket technology to north korea. and then there's the possible return of donald trump to the white house in november as us presidential election to the printer. you will get the form of president trump return scheme. johnwooten sees a chance to re open dialogue with the us potentially dining recognition as a nuclear state. that could be used into solomon negotiations to ease sanctions, but ultimately with all of the uncertainty, he says he wants to use his new found position to help the human rights situation of the citizens he left behind. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so and fond celebrations of the national de, known as the best deal they underway president emanuel mack, holland, is attending the traditional military parade and powers. the arrival of the olympic
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torch in the capital meant the parade was unable to take its usual roads on be shown standing say the de marks the beginning of the french revolution in 1789. the celebrations of taking place while fonts remains in the political on the search and to following snap elections. and which in most of the political blocks, one a majority to the head on the news outlet history on the line at wimbledon. as we look ahead to of a piece of last year as men's final, the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's held on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in
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a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0 of the grand olympic games are coming to from. and along with the unprecedented surveillance systems, limited tries ation of communities. the displacement of people and resistance to what many seen as a destructive people empower, explores where the fronts can deliver on promises me and what the outcome can meet for future games. francis olympic gamble on a jersey to the
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friends tom says 40 as far as starting with the big football match to not fight. yes, it will be a nerve. he won tonight. thank you very much. elizabeth. after a month of competition were just hours away from the euro's find them between england and spring. both teams have arrived at their respective hotels in berlin, spring beach front and the semi finals to make it 6 wins from 6 so far as they looked to win the trophy for a record. 4th time england beat the netherlands in their last game and remain on beaten in the tournaments, looking to end their $58.00. your wait for major trophy. dominic cane has the latest from the german capital. the 1st thing where she's from his teammates and yet the spain, 17 year old. i mean, yeah my, the best present would be to win the yours is goal against fronts and the semi finals lifts up the competition and made him the youngest score in major, told him in history and his team hop favorites the when the final nobody has given them anything for free. this team is and it, and they have
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a right to fail. we have the right to feel very proud of what we have done. the spaniards have beaten every team they faced in this competition with a new generation of players aiming to win the title for the 1st time in 12 years. i think it could be the start of another winning periods for spain. we don't know because some football sometimes luck has a lot to see. but i think the seats of a good team is billed so i think that's why spring whatever happens in the final, the people the fund base will be happy because you can feel that he needs to start being a winning project. england does young stalls have its own with guarantee southgate scroll through to a 2nd. your final and 3 is. but a 1st ever title decided on foreign soil. its significance is clear to the team captain at the opportunity to win. you know, one of the biggest you, for that will win and my history with my nation, which i'm extremely proud to be english. so. um yeah, no question,
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not so if everything you know during my career to have a special night, i'm not a believer in fairy tales. but i am a believer in dreams and we've had big dreams. we felt the need and the importance of that more than 2 and a half 1000000 friends of watch the games held in 10 stadiums across this country, making it the biggest sporting event that's been staged here since world cup 20061 leading football, right so told me that a d zero's the fine and so the science is being a happy one. the, the dot com was health site. this is what they have felt comfortable. the ultimately that's one of the purposes of this. we were piano championship. the people come with and they say, hey, we liked them and so off to 50 games and 114 goals, it's come down to this ingle and all one went away from the 1st european title.
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last, spain hoping to lift the trophy for record full time. but when it came out, dra 0 bullet and just a few hours after the euro. so we can look forward to another continental final as argentine on colombia face each other for the co america title. we know massey and argentine are the defending champions and also the current world champions. they've won 10 games in a row and if they win again, they'll lift the cope america trophy for a record 16th time. final takes place of the hard rock stadium in miami, which is home to the miami dolphins nfl team. and this was columbia taking a look around the venue. they are on beaten in 28th games, which is a long as current street in mens international football columbia. i have only one the copa once before as house back in 2001 to me directly. we need to be at our best to beat the champions of everything if we hadn't before. well, we wouldn't be hit competing with argentina. it's
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a wind against argentina. you need the best version of each player and then multiply it. instead of going to be on the door and nothing if you're not being a champion of everything doesn't mean i'm not being motivated or more motivated today than i was last copa america. that's why when they say that being champions makes us more relaxed, they're totally router. i see it. so something i'm doing in your why be canada and the 3rd place, a play off luis flores forward in the 92nd minute for your wife to make it to, to enforce extra time. it eventually went to penalties. and suarez ford has penalty in canada is kept in, alfonso demis chipped his against across bar chatted your why the with 37 year old suarez was honored by his teammates after the final well, history is on the line as carlos alcaraz attempts to defend his wimbledon title against no bad jock image in a repeat of last year's final 21 year old outcries is on beaten and major finals
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and is immune to when his 4th grand slam job, which is aiming for a 25th major title, which would move him top of the all time list ahead of margaret courts. he would also match roger federer won wimbledon 8 times. but he's yet so i'm going to title in 2024. it says we're start with season since 2006 and wimbledon historically. uh there's been seasons where i was maybe playing on the desired level. uh but then when the windows and title and then things would change . i'm thinking that they have to, to play. i'm of my best any. see if i will want to keep going. and honestly says the tool and i'm gonna be gone and i didn't thing that i'm that if ending something . it barbara christie cove, as she changed her childhood dream by becoming a women's champion. she b. jasmine probably needs when the final grades of cobra who was targeting her 2nd grand slam title after winning the french open in 2021. took the 1st set 6 to how we need, who would never want
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a match at wimbledon until this here fall back in the 2nd set to take it to a decider. but the real number 30 to help offer italian opponent to win the title and the reset. well, i think this, i think nobody really believe it. i think the that i go through the final and i think nobody's going to believe that that i, that i, that i won't be good on. i mean, i still, i mean i, i still cannot believe it. it's, it's, i mean, a victory for another check player at wimbledon. katarina sent a cobra, one her 3rd women's doubles title summit cova, along with her american partner. taylor, townsend, beaten gabriella de breski. and aaron, with this strange sense to win the crown and japanese baseball sensation, show how tiny a score does 200 the home run and major league baseball daily dodgers, header and pitcher score 3 runs for his team. but they were beaten by the detroit
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tigers. 3200. okay. and that is all you support for now? elizabeth talk to you. thank you very much for that. finally, this bulletin this week. i'm ok 70. yes since next week, and i'll just for you to carlo. died since then. she's gone from being a little known painted to an international icon. julia got iana, takes a look at how color transform to misfortunes into works of vivid self expression. for image is instantly recognizable, a symbol with mexican identity and culture. her story is a jail of overcoming adversity and openly sharing it through her art. these are just 70 years ago. the mexican artist frida kahlo has exploded into an internationally recognized figure embrace, especially by women. she gave it important to her feelings in that, in a way that are going to move and are not able to do because we're always stalled to keep our personal lives quiet. and like the things that we, you know,
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the pain that we go through or even this piece of car experiences that we got through. we just need to kind of like, contain it within ourselves and keep moving forward and, you know, support everybody else. that level this is directed the recent documentary freedom which aims to gift carlo greater agency and her own story so often told by others did his use colors own journals to narrate the film bandwidth in the hollow, painted, and wrote extensive me about her experiences with and fidelity heartbreak, chronic illness and miscarriage. during a time when society rarely heard about such issues, much less from women. mississippi. that while she was relatively unknown as an artist during her lifetime global fame, since her death has generated a debate about whether frida kahlo should be harold as a feminist icon. she was a woman. and that, that, you know, actually chose, gave from, from
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a 1st self permission, not to be silent. i me for me, she is a feminist icon, but it's 10 minutes. i'm also is not perfect. i see that i said thing are the complexities. and the way that we lost, and sometimes the block is very complicated, right? we will be as little confused here in the home. and studio that's read a shared with her husband deal of the beta, her life, an art continue to draw a large crowd. scene for a glimpse into some of her 200 words, but mostly curious about the life of this woman. what times that seems to have become larger than life. above all else, paula was mexican passionate about the country she loved and in more to lives in her arts. a 2nd. but at the though in this a corner, the reason she has become an icon away from museums, galleries, and art critics. but rather for everyday people that adore frida is because her work was a narration of her life. it means we can connect with her beyond the bloom and frida kahlo iconography for many and her homeland. she's still there for you to
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call of the mexican woman who broke the mold julia ago. yeah, no, i'll just euro mexico city, all that stuff in the end. is it a put on them for this news out of it, stay with us on alger 0. need sancho is back in just a few minutes with all the latest updates. thank you for watching the the african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean, that rock band i do have pluck. and so my thing to show documentary is by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya, serenade of this kind and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra us city of milwaukee will be in,
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in port is still in the race for the white text. it will force the republican national convention from july, the 15th, to the 18th. donald trump will be confirmed as the proxies presidential money. but who will be picked as his vice presidential running the live coverage and the knowledge? what i'll do, so you or the streets of con, units in central colors are offloaded with on $32.00 ways to, to from piles of protein crawfish. months of these very bombardments have closed, extensive damage to see resistance, diesel, a nation thoughts and water supplying it works. even before october, the summit house, the news being done was a faced shortage of clean drinking water. re going on various aid agencies as well . school has intensifying the don't running crisis. hepatitis is spreading among children as well as adults is the results of mound nutrition and the like a couple of healthy food view and has one's of the to
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a rating and spin human living conditions. it says that even if an immediate cease fires into the man said it will take kids to repass the damage close to the destination of plants, sewage systems, and networks of water supplies the what happens for us president donald trump survives an assassination attempt to the rally in the state of pennsylvania, beyond identifies the government is the 20 year old thomas matthew cooks. his motive remains unclear. the funny bulk of this is, i'll just say what life will. so coming up,
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