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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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is the the color that uninstalled the attain. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 16 and take a look. what happened the dog chapter and a divided nation and attempt to kill a former us president and republican front front of donald trump. since shock waves across america, m y, from the 20 year old government was killed on site, but they all still questions about how us presidential candidates could face functional time. also, the is really
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full. cisco displaced how to send into yes, it is 15. people were killed in a stripes on a un run the school in central and police. and can you find more? take us a crowds, you are assigned to a new solution with all the possible is for allies are on the gym and capsule. berlin, as tens of thousands of spain and england finds gather, the much anticipated final of which is yours. the only be in this new saw with alignment of reckoning for divided nation, that confronting the threat of political violence and what that means for its democracy. the attempted assassination of format us president and republican front, front us donald trump. let's look at the moment when
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a government opened fire on child who was speaking at a campaign valley in the state of pennsylvania. take a look what happened. the secret service agents then quickly swarmed. trump is you see the shielding him from the gunshots and i misplaced the armed officers wisdom away to of wasting by the case about attack and killed one person in the crowd and severely injured to others. while the f b. i has named 20 year old thomas matthew cooks as the gunman. he's reportedly fired multiple shots using a semi automatic rifle within seconds. secret service agents had show some dead. but there are questions about how close to you got to the full meet us president with heavy security detail. have a look at this aerial shots taken of the riley meant choice. just how close he was . cooks was that on the roof of the manufacturing plant. just about a 120 to a 150 meters from from the stage. some of his support is even say they saw him and
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tried to one law enforcement officers before the shooting began. i was up at the fence line. i saw the guy move from roof the roof talk, told an officer that he was on the roof and the officer come look. i went back to where i was standing. i heard that there was somebody that could see the person. so i went back to where they were standing, so the person went back and told the officer again that if he goes back to that particular spot, he can see the person figuring that he would go with radio. and when i turned around to go back to where i was, when the gunshot started and, and then it was just k awesome. we all came running away. when i was sitting there, a guy said, oh god, you had a gun. i looked up, there's a guy on top of the building right over there and with an m. 16 with a blanket point and that the president, he started shooting about about, about,
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about, about $4.00 to $5.00 shots rang out. all right, so i threw the guy out with jim on the ground. i jumped to the ground, i look up, and then i see it. his head gets split open by the shot front of the secret service of the cops. started flying over, pushing us out. they pushed me off to the side because i was right there and i was able to see everything they took my name. i with the support and everything like that, my cellphone number just to get in touch with me to go over what happened all for the 2nd time. now since that attack, trump has been posting messages on his own social media platform truth social. now in his latest post, he has caught the unity. he said it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening, adding, we will fit not, but instead remain resilient. and i'll face and defined in the face of wickedness. we pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and hold and i'll hold to the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. he finished by saying, it's more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as
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americans. well, we have several correspondents across the united states covering these developments for us can be how good is that at the white house project? how haden is in the walk you? well, republican candidates will be missing on mondays or pick the a presidential nominee. and we also have kristin, so leave me then and betterments to new jersey where the former president spent the night. but before we hear from them, his john had been recopying. exactly. just what happened in buck, the pennsylvania, on that funny saturday afternoon, the, the, the attempted assassination of an american president unfolded minutes after he began to speak. if you want to really see something this said, take a look, what happens is donald trump spoke to the friendly pennsylvania crowd, shots rang out in the former president hit the ground,
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he lift. president said his name is it time says i want to get my shoes and i heard that directly from him. they must have fallen off when he'd be pushed them down on his right cheek was a tear drop of blood right here. then when he turned, you could see the right here from the top of the year to the bottom. blood wasn't pouring blood, but it was blood secret service gunman responded within seconds, killing the shooter. as other agents swarmed truck. one man and the crowd was killed and 2 men were critically wounded. this video shows the gunman on a nearby rooftop guy, the f. b i has identified the shooter is 20 year old. thomas, mathew crooks. police still have many questions, including whether the man acted alone. we do not currently have an identified
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motive, though our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was to one other person in the crowd was also killed. when you are coming up after the secret service as far as with retreating him and putting him into a secure vehicle and bring him off. the president is hit or nick right here. according to the my photos. he was bleeding here and down in this area here as far as on the right side of his face. trump offered more detail in his own statement saying, i was shot with a bullet, the pierce, the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong when i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening? president joe biden locked in a heated campaign against trump condemned the attack. there's no place in america for this kind of violence. it's sick. it's sick. it's one of the reason why we have
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to unite this country. we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. what begin is a cheerful event with thousands of the supporters, a former president, donald trump lining up to see his last rally before his nomination for president, ended in gunshots with people fleeing in fear. left unexplained is how a gunman was able to get so close to the former president in an area that had been swept by secret service agents were backpacks were banned, inspector screened individuals. the secret service is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. john henry l. g 0, butler, pennsylvania. well, that's all by speaking to kristen salumi and betterments to new jersey. whereas i was saying the former president spent his evening off to the attack. christine i. so when you go to the plane, he was amazing. what if we've been hearing from trump and his team as
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well? very little from trump himself. he's put out a couple of post on social media one this morning. after arriving here at bed minster. by all accounts, from his staff and his family, he was in good spirits. he arrived here in the early morning hours, 6 hours after that shooting took place for about an hour outside of manhattan. this is his fault resort in the town here. a bed minister where he likes to spend time in the summer. in his remarks, he was thankful for all those you've been thinking about him and praying for him. uh, he said that uh uh, god alone prevented the unthinkable from happening. and we will fear not in his remarks, and he expressed his sympathy for those who were injured and the man who was killed in the shooting and said that is more important than ever for americans to stand united and that he is looking forward. in fact, to speaking at the republican convention in milwaukee wisconsin this week,
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he's due to speak on thursday. we do expect them to be heading there sooner than that. exactly when we're not sure yet until then. we expect them to be here. relaxing under very, very tight security as the investigation into who shot him continues. and do we have the latest on those investigations? and i'm just wondering where we are right now. we have see, know who shows him. do we have any sense of motors yet? the only little bits of information are coming out at this time. we know that the government's name is thomas mathew crooks. new reporting from the wall street journal's suggest that the gun used in this shooting on a r styled assault rifle was purchased legally by crooks. father, we know from that reporting that the investigators in the case have spoken to
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kirk's family already. and also that explosive devices were found in his vehicle. and investigators went deep into the night into the early morning hours at the site to try to make sure that all of those explosives were found and did not go off and cause any more harm than already has been done. but we will be waiting for updates from the pennsylvania state police who are leading the investigation as far as local officials go. and of course, the secret service as well, were eagerly waiting to hear more on what they have to say on this investigation that happened under their watch. i should point out that donald trump was very thankful to 1st responders in his 1st post on social media after the incident occurred, as was maloney, a trump who's also been posting and expressing her sincere thanks to the 1st responders who saved her husband. and they're also calling for unity among americans at this time. i'm sure christian,
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so they meet their investments to new jersey for us with all the very latest. thank you very much, kristen. well, let's now head to the capital washington dc and speak to our white house correspondent can be how good kimberly unsurprising. the deep shock across the u. s . on and beyond to how is the new thinking in today of the and there's a lot of shock in the united states and also height security here in washington given what has occurred and the fear that it could happen again, right now the us president joe, by the here at the white house, along with his vice president campbell, a harris. we know that there will be an updated security briefing. they will be provided the official briefing by the department of homeland security and also other law enforcement officials, including the federal bureau of investigation. now taking the lead on this investigation from the secret service. what we should also point out, so is in the midst of all this,
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you'll remember that the major story prior to the assassination attempt on donald trump's life was the call for potentially joe biden to step down from the top of the ticket for the presidential nomination. for democratic party, that is no longer the case. now this party has unified around in joe biden, and that is also the case when it comes to generally the case around donald trump. there really seems to be a call for unity in the united states. that there seems to be a general consensus, but the rhetoric in the united states has become so hot. that is one of the things that has led to this incident. in fact, that's what the speaker mike johnson in the house of representatives has also noted that the temperature has become so hot and so vitriol all like that. there is a real need for america to come together and bring a cooling down of the vitriol like, hey,
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that may have led to the attack on donald trump's life. take a listen. i have already announced that congress will do a full investigation of the tragedy yesterday to determine where they relapsed isn't security, and anything else that the american people need to know and deserve the no. but in the meantime, we've got to turn to rhetoric down. we've got to turn the temperature down in this country. we need leaders all parties on both sides to call that out and make sure that happens so that we can go forward and then maintain our free society that we all are blessed to have. kimberly kelly many, many questions being honest, as you mentioned, investigations around security around donald trump for that very much in the spotlight as these investigations continue. obviously we still got what 4 months of company ahead of us. that's right and all ready to be proactive. what we know is the biding campaign out of the utmost respect and
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also precaution has taken the attack ads off the air for uh to ensure that there is no more danger that is put toward donald trump. uh, typically those can be pretty hot in terms of the accusations towards donald trump . and so right now those have been removed from the airwaves. and what you're hearing from both pamela harris, the vice president, and joe biden. the us presidents are things like we're praying for his family. we are relieved to know that he is okay. there is no place for this sort of violence in our nation, and we need to do more to stop this type of violence. all the kinds of soothing things that you would hear from the console or in sheets, the role of a us president in times of prices. and very quickly what i should point out is the last time we saw some sort of prices like this would be the september 11th attacks
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when the temperature was also very polarized. there were questions about whether or not george w bush was the legitimate president after there had been a very disputed election and be a question about whether or not he had won the election fairly. but then those attacks happened. the country unified around the presidency of george w bush. we're seeing a similar sort of effect right now around joe biden. given the fact that many people are feeling, but this is very tumultuous time. they're looking towards his leadership, they are looking for his unified comments. so we're watching carefully to see if he will have more to say, and if that happens we of course will bring it to live. we will indeed for now, i was correspondent, can we help it? the thank you company. well that's now there is a milwaukee in wisconsin and speak to a corresponding the apache call. have had a wet, less than 48 hours from, from the kick off of the republican national convention. trump is obviously going
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to be speaking that too. i imagine there's plenty of scrutiny of security pounds, especially in a state with gun time is fairly common place. exactly . and that we spoke to the chief of police involved of milwaukee about that. and he really down slight any concerns. but you're right, the republican national convention is going to be happening here. the stadium is going to be packed with delegates in journalists. we got here about 6 30 in the morning, and there was a pretty sizable police presence, a lot of secret service agents. one said that he was going to work a 16 hour shift because they rushed to the arena just to provide backup after the assassination attempt. but you can see they're getting the arena ready. that's the stage where on thursday the donald trump is expected to once again. take the nomination for the republican party, the bands getting setup. if you see some flashing lights, it's because they're testing the light system. but yes, the question is going to be, are they going to try and push back to the perimeter that was already fairly
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sizeable? and are they going to try to do anything about what you mentioned, which is the common use of carrying guns up in public here in wisconsin, a block after block after block bare occasion fence is assembled in a large ring around the arena, where the republican national convention will be held, the trump campaign insisting the event will go ahead even before the assassination attempt to former president donald trump. authorities were preparing for worst case scenarios. this team installing the simple box as a tier to sniffer chemical weapons in the air. thousands of police from all over the region called in a secret service announced 3 charter plains full of agents was headed to wisconsin on sunday. the barriers meant to keep the attendees separated from everyone else. what's going on america right now? it's very sad policies you're trying to yourself to take down, come down, but the people of justice will be served in trump will be back. we're doing this
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because we don't want the republicans here. we don't want them anywhere and we're going to run the amount of funding where they try to be. why? oh, well, we're fighting against a racist and reactionary agenda. we're fighting for immigrant rights for reproductive rights for palestine. and ultimately, they're just the opposite of everything that we want to see on this country. the convention will take place inside does that secure perimeter of secret service is in charge of that there are no guns allowed in the venue, not the case here. this is one of 2 parts we're milwaukee says people can legally protest because of a state law. guns are allowed here. but to milwaukee police chief jeffrey norman insist that doesn't pose a unique threat. and so when we are dealing with the those type of, uh, protected door, those customers, right? is that about the actual caring? so that'd be a, do you have any behavior that's outside of what we deemed as a responsible behavior?
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then there will be, again, there is going to be a reaction that is going to be response and we will take appropriate action, political tension. now, actual violence, the republican convention will take place in an atmosphere unlike any other just to give you a sense of just how structured it is just getting in here, you have to have one of these passes. we showed about southern people on our way in and it wasn't that far of a walk and they have a list of all the things that are banned, obviously weapons but also laser pointers, selfie sticks, and any kind of drink container. so a lot of restrictions here in place, i know they're even taking people's lighters. so definitely increase security here and it has even started. i think i'll hand keep an eye on the convention for us and we'll walk you with wisconsin. thank you very much, kathy. well, let's not bringing steve comments. he is the host of elders, here's weekly sure of the bus line. he joins us now from washington dc. steve, i want to ask you about the moments that we've been seeing just off to the shooting
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. let's see if we can bring out that. that image, it's becoming an iconic image in this campaign. now, after being shot was remodeled comes 1st, instinct is to rather tell the security detail to wait and to address the crowd, yet is all not the telling them to fight. mean that's remarkable. given that his life is potentially, it's a the photo is now with defining photo of this era, this era of extreme one political toxicity. but donald trump's just has a main shifts of energy and muscularity in taking on those. he feels are challenging him and trying to victimize him, enrolled him down. it is an incredible photo, his hand in the air, blood spat spider on his face. it's already on t shirts being sold throughout the internet. it is an amazing shot at that at that moment and it does show something about him about him as a man. is it as opposed to, you know,
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a franchise of people running for the presidency? he is, he is in many ways just just unafraid of this moment and i think it has changed the electron map and i, i think it, his, we saw after ronald reagan was nearly assassinated in, in uh, you know, over 20 years ago, 40 years ago, i should say that that his points, his popularity went up by more than 20 points. after that, we'll have to see what happens with trauma. but that photo captures at all. steve. i mean, that has been a bit of a victim narrative around from that he himself has played into, especially when you look at all the cases that he's in products use it in. but this is also a moment, an opportunity, perhaps for trump to sound presidential and from the looks of his, his most recent statement he has chosen to do just that, at least for now. how much do you think this could actually help them? you mentioned 20 points for ronald reagan, of the 22 points for ronald reagan after the assassination attempt against him in
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1981 low. donald trump has been restrained. he has said he's calling for unity. at the same time, we see many people around him blaming biting, blaming the democrats, blinking left liberals for this violence and, and we'll have to see if he can get control of those people and try to inject a greater message of unity so. so i think we're in a fragile moment. we don't know which way it will go. but certainly i think that this broadside, uh, that of the movement be assigned donald from feeling is if it has been challenged, i'm gonna try to assassinate him. but he is valuable and achieving, you know, way you know, breaks down there and walking right into milwaukee in the public and national conventions where this would certainly be a theme is a huge deal. save as you say, i'd say others and the republican policy like possible v p candidate j b events,
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accusing democratic rhetoric specifically and of causing this. i'm wondering how much this is going to change the nature of campaigning, as we've been saying still 4 months ago and will ready for instance, the bible campaign is pulling attack ads. does this change the, the 10, the 10 of the toners of campaigning going forward for everyone? you know, it's a, it's a really interesting question. i mean, i mean, on out to 0, many, you know, over these many, many, many months in the past. you know, one of the things, including on my show, the bottom line we've been looking at is how close are we to an era of much more serious political violence. i've been worried for months about this kind of incident, either against the president, by the world or a president, trump, or a supreme court justice. are we going to see more additions of what we're seeing now? and my, my assessment. it's very hard to kind of pin, you know, pick those pin trick moments is that we are entering an era of, of greater political violence that,
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that we saw in one form on january 6th. we're now seeing in other forms of assault and harassment of judges of you know, and there is this, this french here would be out there right now. and, and one has to ask, is that going to now change and get better or get worse? and unfortunately, i have to say that i fear about it worsening, and that will have impacts on the election and how the election is conducted. steve, you mentioned bivens, security the to given the fidelity of this moment, all the heightened concerns to the hipaa security, especially if some of those come small, extreme, a support has decided they want to retaliate. so i think absolutely look. i mean, you can't, we can't deny the fact that there are white nationalist groups, the proud voice, other people, you know, who have been engaged in violent accent, who carries a guns into rallies and whatnot. and, and the threats are really dramatic. if you spend fine either, i know uh president trump trump senior people,
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but also president biden senior people. and when you talk to them about the threats, not only the candidates are receiving but people around them are receiving. it's very, very serious. and i think that, uh, you know, one of the things we have to ask separate from this is, how did this young man get on a roof? you look at the aerial shot, you see him right there. and in this era of wrong, some aerial surveillance, a football field, a way or less. and, and this guy is that there and people saw him. it said encrypt mean people are celebrating the secret service for the protection. they provided president ross, there's also a major indictment of the secret service for how this condition happened. and so i think you're going to see a review of that. and then each tightening of everything, probably as we proceed forward, around boulevard and, and from and the other week getting high profile candidates. honestly, i'm sure, steve, as kimberly was just saying earlier today, we've had much less focus on bivens age and whether or not he's gonna stay on the
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ticket. do we now have out to nominate probably, but i have learned that not to predict on that front. there is a deep division still, i think kimberly has different sources, but there is a lot of serious discomfort with providing ticket and imagining, you know, when you saw president fraud with his arm in the air after having just been shot in the your blood splattered on his face, you see a president biting in that debate and you imagine yourself, is he going to be able to walk up? it's 20000 steps that lie ahead of him before. uh the election. is he going to be able to do days out on the campaign trail, giving 5 speeches and 5 different cities on one day. and that, that is the thing that is puncturing a lot of people right now. not about what they saw, but what they know are the, you know, incredible stresses of physical stresses of
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a campaign. ahead and you get these palatable images of donald trump, resilient and strong in the midst of such an assault. and, and just basically living with normal campaign president binding on the other. so there's structural doubt inside the demographic. maybe this is this part of the page right now, but i think it's still a serious issue for the democrats to wrestle with. steve clemens, the host of elders here as we can be sure, the bottom line absolutely. due to an end to more of steve's thoughts and conversations. thanks for joining us on news as to as well as steve was just saying that attack on top was the fast such as estimation attempting just over 40 is. but for us, presidents have been successfully assassinated while in office, in 1865, abraham lincoln was the 1st sitting president to be killed in the nation's history . thinking with shots in the back of the head while watching a play just days off to the end of the civil war. a few. his license president james goldfields was shot at a railway station in july 18,
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81. he died 3 months. lisa, in 19 o, one that president william mckinley was shot twice at a musical event in buffalo, new york. and then of course, president john f. kennedy was the most recently to be assassination. he was killed in dallas in 1963 was traveling in his medicaid will that spring in salt lucas? he's a professor of the us and international politics and university college dublin. he joins us now from the scots, as we've been saying that had been assassination attempts since j of k reagan. most recently, when we look back at us history, how is these incidents change the political landscape of the way that campaigns around as wow, in the past, in a much slower era, all they do become i time outlets. but they're sort of frozen in time because remember that of all those events that you've talking about, the legends like role around them, none of that happened during a political campaign. the last time the,
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the us presidential candidate were shot during campaign was managed george wallace, who was running for the democratic nomination in 1972. he was shot and paralyzed in a shopping mall in the merrill. so the question here is, we're on new ground floor, i think framers. so i think the 1st is because the shooting happened during a presidential campaign. secondly, because it's in the 21st century or of social media. and certainly, most importantly, because the target of political violence is a candidate who has made his political career on the politics of violence. dislike of donald trump or someone on his behalf is treating today. trump has made his way by actually encouraging violence against those who were coaches on his advocated violence, against headquarters of the travelers. he is called for violence against demonstrators including black lives matter. he's called for violence against migrants and asylum
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seekers. he is called for violence against other politicians and he's called for violence against people in the media and those on the suppose left. so what we have seen is what happens when a candidate who is sort of width division, sometimes with all the threats against others, what happens when he's targeted himself? that's the charter territory. that takes us not only into the election in november, but it to, i think, very serious questions about the future of the american political system. when we say a tax like this, even for instance, the one on nancy pelosi is family. for instance, the storming of the capital, you're talking about a change doing, heightening level of political violence, of the mind in the united states is obviously very different compared to the previous decades where all we are right now. moving forward. are you concerned about what's going to happen after the selection, for instance? watch, literally because and again, let's break it down 2 reasons. the 1st reason is those cases that you side in the
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case of the car, what time on january, the 6 point, 21. you had a man who was president who was trying to overturn the election, who yelled at his supporters fight, fight, fight. that same man yesterday. beyond that, i can't photograph that you talked about. stood up and pointed to the supporters put a fist into the air and said, fight fight, fight. in the case of nancy pelosi, that's equally interesting because far from calling for a cold but from political violence. when nancy plus his husband talked was the show for the fractured scope from an attacker to one of the main or show his wife. trump did not condemn that file. instead, he actually mocks nancy and paul closely saying, well, she had a haul around her house, but i guess it didn't work too well. so the question is, what type of truck do we get going forward? one who sees that this celebration of violence is not the way to go for, or one who has flush. if i get back to the white house in january 2025 on day one,
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i will act like a dictator. and i will speak retribution against my supposed sounds. scott me says the speaking to us from dublin. thank you very much, scott. well, this is katie. a powerless moment for the us. it's now just a $113.00 days ahead of the presidential elections. could this be an incident that opens campaigning or its outcomes? we will have lots more analysis on the coming hours, but still had few here on this out of here and use on to several villages. and so don had been cut off foster with a vast its bank following torrential rains and neighboring our trail. and then for supporting rivalry makes its way onto the golf course ahead of the roads final, between england and spain. and we will be here with that sort of the,
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how are the weather is looking for 2 clients with the mileage, of course, a good parts of south america. we have a silly larry or a cloud here for it, i central pots. and that really does mock the boundary between some womack and the relatively cool that nice area of high pressure just to the south, the around one of service hangs, the light weight incentive brought it to become conditions 12 celsius. want to say i was touched below the breaking bull mouse with the next dial to just now just some way, whether on those uh, whether friends to the know all says that, but even these will creep a little further east with as we go through monday, brightening up quite nicely, 1st thing celsius and point of service as about wherever it should be. so the whole lot of drive by the lot of sunshine you push out towards the camera, paid, and usual scattering the showers, coming through here have used as, which will be around the curricular, costa rica, pushing across cuba. wanted to show us to the east of that, but so what, what does that ring to central america as a repeat performance?
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as we go on into monday nights as a post, a fairly heavy right across the west side of the caribbean. as we go on into monday, some law, the chavez, lingering around the great lakes, scattering his house across north america. truth be told, it will change as we go on in some money, more rain just around the northern place. wherever you are, it is looking very hot again. of the african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean, the rock band. i do have pluck and so many things to show documentary, by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya. serenade of this guy and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0 in 2021. the to
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the security surfaces. the rest of the 15 suspected spies allegedly, between 2 bodies, really intelligence the most that to report on our college student and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a while to explore the doc surveillance underwhelmed beneath the diplomatic surface most that is done on the the, to on watching algebra to mind you about top stories for some, an attempt to kill a former us president and republican frontrunner donald trump has sent shock waves
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around america on the west. trump of sean while holding a campaign rally in the state of pennsylvania on saturday. a picture of the suspects government has been released. the f. b. i has identified a 20 year old thomas now to crux, as to some reason self was shocked at the scene investigation. i do not know his name to the all these really minutes he is conducting strikes again on heavily populated areas across casa, where palestinians are living under the teary raising conditions. still trying to seek shelter at least 15 people have been killed. and the latest is really stripe in central 1000 bodies . all this gases on the ground is really again targeted in unrest. school that was housing for somebody in the space. people in the new server refugee can to and,
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and schools are meant to be protective on the international humanitarian who is you see that thousands of innocent palestinians were taken to the nearby opposite hospital, many of them children that medical facility is overwhelmed with a number of patients and his trying to cope with a severe shortage of supplies and has been for a while stopped, has been forced to treat the wounded yes again on the floor. but all these lights and strengths came as funerals were being held literally every 15 minutes in casa. that's all so these really minute she killed at least 90 palestinians on saturday and then attacked. that it said was targeting a nice another tribute. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there is no certainty there that he was killed. israel's army says it did kill the brigade to come on from us on eunice, roughest alone. i'm off sir. is yet to consent. well, in a moment we'll speak to him to so which he's in amman for us, but does not speak to him to a honeymoon when he's outside the opposite hospital in there all. by the way,
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a number of the injured have been taken as we have been reporting honeys tossing with that nicest attack on the, on our school. can you tell us a little bit how the coping locks that we've been hearing thousands and thousands of wounded with taking their of the yes. well as of this moment, there is more chaotic situations that can inflict inside the hospital. it's already over crowded with many of the injuries are from the pos fees at the very monetary continue to pound across this trip. many of the injuries arriving to the hospital ended up literally on the floor of the hospital without the proper intervention by the medical staff just given how overcrowded the space right now and the kind of injuries are transferred to the hospital. here we managed to get inside and seen some of the cases on the, on the floor of the hospital. these are the, all the victims of these bonds that are packed with the trap. no the nails. so here are the best majority of the children inside,
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and those who are adults are facing amputation in the coming hours is giving the kind of leading severe leading was with as the ones that they are sustaining. are quite very difficult. all of this happen when it really to air strikes multiple areas, right? targeted on or was school in a new site, right, right. you come in a very busy location. it happens to be near a mosque and near a busy market at a very busy hour. throughout the day, it could be described as a rush hour throughout the day as many of the people, particularly at this time, the out and try to re supplies and restart from whatever is available at the market of the 1st bomb fill on the school where people to try to save those who were injured the as soon as they got to part of the school where the bonds was targeted at the facility another bond and was fired at the same location. it just causing
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further civilian a casual gives looking at a confirmed number of did right now 15 people again the majority women and children. as we see in here at the hospital, the majority of them were transferred to allow the hospital as in nearby, at small size health facilities. but the majority of injuries, those who write critically when they transferred to a lock. so hospital, it just van those of the brutality of what happened to kind of burns that those children are standing. they are in agony. they are, they are in so much pain and the lack of a, of medical supplies and pain medicine make it very difficult for the medical staff to intervene and, and save lives right now is the majority of them are, are being uh, put on, on a waiting list and tell them medical staff tries and a check from them. honeywell, one of the on the ground for us outside the locks the hospital under obama. thank you, honey. what we can now speak to him to so which he joins us from amman and jordan
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because these really government has found out is 0 from reporting from inside israel. honda is he is what is claiming a minute to victory saying it's killed the brigade commander from awesome con eunice, but most is not concerning. has that death and verify the the well, the is really military along with the shouldn't bet. that's the internal security services releasing a joint statement saying above the head of how masses brigade in hon. unice has been killed as a result of that air strike in the l y. c was supposed to be a humanitarian quote, safe zone designated by these really. 2 me, the armies now saying he was killed in that strike, but still no confirmation on him. how much the lay of the commander of from us is that a percept brigades? these really are me said that this was a potential targeted assassination and that's and you all who himself had said that just to the attempt to loan sends that message to the world. now it comes after 90
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palestinians were killed as a result of this era strife involving the images of women and children that were killed as a result of this as well as aid workers were also killed and injured as a result. but we are hearing at this hour, that is real defense minister jo, up the launch is speaking ad it is really air base saying that all of the leaders within him us will be targeted for years to come. and that the actions by israel's military yesterday will allow for that to continue happening. but we have to mention again that these really military regularly uses this justification to target palestinians in gaza. and us on the for us reporting from a non thank you very much. honda or remind him that is reporting from jordan because israel has band i'll just hear from a pushing in country once again, you know where people who have been injured and an intent to stand off between the police and angry residents, hands off to bodies and mutilations body pods were found that and the disused, acquiring nothing. lab reports from the capital not ready as it
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started with a young woman searching for her missing sister. 10 bags of mutilated bodies kept coming. they've been retrieved from this disused corey, and because the neighborhood of slums in my baby is triggered outrage among kenyans following protests last month against the government of president william recheck. holden, 40 people were killed rights groups say thousands of protesters have been abducted and several are still missing. so i do enjoy. we don't know whether they are among the people who were abducted because of the protest. since most of them are ladies, we are not sure if it could be some aside or in securities that have been happening . security to crowd wanted the police to open the bags at the same police, refused any 10 violent kenya is police are frequently accused of extra judicial killings, including in this community. activists say offices of rarely convicted the subset.
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they'll investigate the bodies and rights groups can participate in post bolton's skepticism and, and run deep. i think it is now the work of the pathologist and the forensic investigators to tell us and to tell the nation what is happening. because if you put those, because together, you're talking about 13 bodies being recovered in about 24 hours. that is not a normal thing for any nation. please have hours and firing to gossett crowds of angry residents down the streets have been without a swing by throbbing science. is it the mistrust in this community of the place on the government? they've been challenging router, you must go in their graves not least because the bodies, the found just meets, is from the cooperate police station many and retailers, deputy president for 9 years before he was elected president 2 years ago. and then
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he said he didn't, kenya is long history to disappear. and susan, extrajudicial killings, people here at the quarry side along with many canyons, say they no longer believe what he says, the truths must be found. so that those who are involved in this community of act must be punished and must be taken to court and must be the law must be applied to its fullest extent. president said the police might disappear the bodies to the school to pick up carrying them all the way to the city. moultrie activists say the entire flooded quarry would need to be told to find out how many more bodies could be de whether or not any one is held to account. it's clear in this community to have almost no face in that government. malcolm web out to 0, maybe for villages ensued on the eastern side of the solid, remain isolated by floodwaters days off to the river gash,
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past its banks. this flooding was caused by torrential rains and neighboring or trail costs on the home of all reports from the town of a room a. this is a slice of life of what's going on here. ok. city if a gosh delta area that has been flooded. a few days ago, for villages at least, besieged behind these trees, besieged by water, and were told that so few people can actually wait through this month. you want to go out and bring them supplies. they can't escape onto them. no. and only some individual volunteers come and bring them if you're thinks they need. but no international or locally relief agencies have been able to go and help them out. even for people living on a slightly higher ground. the impacts is visible. the waters have swept across a section of the out on the town. when most of the families live in month houses. they've seen their homes meltdown in the flooding. so the families that have
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managed to escape are now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, their family land, as well as their homes, half old being some, most local authorities believe that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected. and they are afraid this might only be the beginning. flushed lodgings normally stopped in august and this early incident as well as predictions of heavier things this summer, out of sorts of video concern here. how much fun does he all the tone of arrow my car. so lets states is from so that it will still a head here on the 0. tell us all garage has just made it to batch wimbledon titles, details of his victory coming up in your school very shortly on the serious, darkest days with one man leading the country through
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a present of us out as loss of legitimacy. he needs to step down. how did he retain control to over a decade of war? we examined the global power games of president bush auto saw. we believe aside, simply carrying out a ronnie and orders. what keeps you awake at night? many a reason that could effect any human i saw most of of chaos on audra 0. in examining the headlines these really soldiers, when they came to say fox, they started attacking the, in that i machines, unflinching journalism. what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you a minute, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's, you will determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on abundance. law class. progress on ours is here on the
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the welcome back and it's time to support him and he has a very lysis from level than yet. a final is just finished. plenty of yours build up to give you shortly. but 1st, call a sound causes just to face and have a joke. eviction straight sets the when the title for the 2nd year running on the eve of the mass. joe, because it's cold out across the grades is 21 year old. the support of tennessee and the spanish set looks on early on. right. 27, 1st game dr. fulton minutes is joking, which is 1st final of the year and the 37 year old is struggling for the break. so loose 1st that 6 to, to the 2nd was to follow a similar pass. the seed across the sea. much did you all could which i reco 2050
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grand slam cycle of steps the fall. so joe correct. on base occasion. full grandson's final style across full grandson's sizes, only 3 other plays in history of tennis at one as many of this as well, that could be part one of a famous sporting double sustain this sunday. tens of thousands of spain in england finds a gathering in berlin for the final of the your rose spain be front send the semi finals to make it 6 wins from 6 so far that looking to win the trophy for record full time england. will they be in the netherlands in the semi and remain on bates and in the tournament? looking to when this is d h e, a white from major trophy, dominic k as the latest from the hostage booth thing where she's from his teammates. and yet the spain, 17 year old, i mean, yeah, my best present would be to win the yours is gold against fronts and the semi finals lifts up the competition and made him the youngest score in major tournament
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history and his team hop favorites the when the final, nobody has given them anything for free. this team is and it, and they have a right to fail. we have the right to feel very proud of what we have done. the spaniards have beaten every team they faced in this competition with a new generation of players aiming to win the title for the 1st time in 12 years. i think it could be this type of, uh, another waiting periods for spain with a know because some football sometimes like has a lot to see. but i think the seats of a good team is bill. so i think that's why the spain, whatever happens in the final, the people, the fundraising. would it be happy because you can feel that here. it's a starting a winning project. england does young stalls have its own with guarantee southgate scroll through to a 2nd year for the final in 3 years. but the 1st ever title decided on foreign soil
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. i'm not a believer in fairy tales. and i'm a believer injuries. and, and we've had big dreams, we felt the need and the importance of that so often 50 games and 114 goals. it's come down to this english. the one went away from the 1st europe and title, while spain hoping to lift the trophy for record full time. the last spring in dominic now live from bell and dominic, not long to go now, spain appears to be the favorites heading into this final how do you say it's certainly from the stance point of view and they, they the spanish team as female folks instead of attacks and as the most engine defense in english and spanish, same sort of thing and my article 106 games in the early cycle. that's the record. they want to make it a 7 game. they believe they have the talent,
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the players to do is the english while they believe that in a, in the match that's coming up in a couple of hours. they have an equal chance. the media here, the print media, well say feed reporting on it course over the course of the last 4 weeks this tournament. and they set it up. this is the bed time zone talk saying that goals to tom, the great dream of that you have your model on one side of the hurricane on the other, the heights of saying he's at the start of his career dreaming of one does over the next 20 years he is towards the end of his career and it's never won anything, a club level or national internationally. chinese go one back to the county when something now and then this other newspaper here, which is the pitts. i'm phone tag as a 2 page spread finalizing, they play us and buy things and effectively saying the steps favor this finance. but of course, it's a game between 2 things. first, if you have got something to play for the spanish, one awareness for heroes, that would be a restful by any nation english once or in that $58.00. yeah. who do such
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a long time since they one they're only trying face in the ones that are post 1966 the world cup. so many count. obviously millions of fans has passed through gym and here over the last few weeks. how is the country coach with this this influx of supports as well? you can see here around me now, this is the friends that runs the stadium area that i'm reporting for on. it's a small stadium loads of people in the o mingling way in different countries. to as ease and that sort of thing drinking he's saying in joining via but he's here and not suicide. expand is the like motif for this entire told him that to watch would for this entire tournament, the predictions of the potential for hooliganism for violence is generally speaking, that hasn't seen that much of that. maybe in one gaming, 2 step being rarity, friends, but generally speaking, that is not being a real problem. and the police presence made friends and it's like this around the stadiums has to be met, but very rarely has it been the full on riot. yeah. and that sort of thing to
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intimidate friends, generally speaking of by the not happy one. certainly that's why says here things heading may i don't know that country was eliminated earlier on that still happy that that sold him to the house? yes. dominic left side of the continues for the next few hours we've had. so it was not final told me that tenure posting life was that from poland just a few hours after the you are, as we can look forward to another continental final as origin. cnn colombia, face each other for the call for america cycle. they will mess, you know, as you can see now. all the defending champions also have closed. the current will champions by phone 10 games in a row. if i went again, they will lift the co america trophy for a record 16th time. the final taking place at the hard rock stadium in miami, which is times the miami dolphins nfl team. and this was columbia taking a look around the venue in atlanta. yep. they were, are in basin in $28.00 games, which is the longest current street in mens international football columbia. have
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anyone a couple once before and that was this house back in 2000. and one a year ago i beat canada in the 3rd place, file flu slice, quoted me 9 c 2nd minutes for your voice, and my kids that suits you in full. it's extra time. when's the penalties? suarez scored his kind of discount sent off. once i tell you these, the putting his against across $400.00, you're going to win 30 several floors and on it's by his teammates after the final whistle, the alright plan cmo build up to the yours coming up. but so that, as i suppose, looking for that, thanks so much ending well concept from me in the stalls you pay for this news and he's always find much more on al jazeera dot com. but i'll also be back in just a couple of minutes with much more in the
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viagra culture revolution promised abundance put pieces. damaging the planet to this system is destroying the habitat that allow trying leeway explore with how sacrificing by the best, the t for maximum view is leading to feed and security and threatening of very existence. leaving me any se, on able to adapt to climate change. the need to retain what we so full hail the plan is on out is the era thing. what is happening to gaza since october 7 has been writing? i'm sorry with shame. i'm so a shame because it's being done in my name, a leading jewish voice speaks out against israel bruce to own gaza. until palestinians are safe and secure. ease riley's nipple will be and use no,
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no to my name. witness on l g 0. investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on alex's here, the states them even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award nominator here on now
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the that's what happened the adult chapter and it divided nation an attempt to kill a former us president and republican front front of donald trump since shock waves across america. the 20 year old gunman was killed on the sites, but they are still questions about how us presidential candidates could face the.


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