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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the the, you watching, i'll just here, i'm carry johnston and moments will bring you us present. joe biden's address to the nation from the oval office in the wake of the assassination attempt on his republican opponents. donald trump. he was shot at during a rally in the state of pennsylvania on saturday. but at 5 the gunman on the roof of building by grace the former president's right in trump was rushed off stage and bundled by his security features. and for a way to come see to it was killed by a security person. later police discovered explosives and the 20 rolls vehicle. one
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person attending their body was killed 2 others on a critical condition. let's go now to mike kinda enjoys this slide from washington, dc. mike, what kind of tone and messaging might we expect to try it by? what we did hear from him early on in the day when he brief reporters in a short address about the briefing that he received from homeland security and the f b. i. and all of the agencies investigating this attempt to assess the nation. and in those particular moxie sounded a note of caution, asking for people to stay calm. as saying that the level of the debate should be lowered expressing concern to and commiseration to the family. of the attendee upset to the rally, who was shocked by the sniper, while the rally was going on. so here we expect to hear more. busy of this but
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most important reveal can inspire us printing certified is speaking right now. the way we could be for us to lower the temperature in our politics, remember, or may disagree, we are not enemies. we're neighbors or friends, co workers, citizens. most importantly, we're a fellow americans. we must stand together yesterday shooting and donald trump trolling pennsylvania calls on all of us to take a step back. take stock of where we are, how we go forward from here. thankfully, farmer job is not seriously leisure. i spoke to him last night, i'm grateful. he's doing well in july, keep him and his family and our prayers were also extend our deepest condolences to the family, the victims who was kill. cory was a husband, father, a volunteer firefighter, a hero, shelter and his family from those bullets. we should all hold his family and all
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those injured in our prayers. earlier today, i spoke about an ongoing investigation. we do not know the motive of the shooter, yet. we don't know is opinions or affiliations. we don't know whether you have help or support or if you communicate with anyone else, a law enforcement professionals, as i speaker investigating those questions tonight, i want to speak to what we do now. a former president was shot, an american citizen, killed, or simply exercises freedom to support the candidates of his choosing. we cannot, we must not go down this road in america. it travels before throughout our history . violence has never been to use whether it's with members of congress and both party being targeted and shot or violent mob attacking the capitol on january 6th or brutal attack on the spouse or former speaker of the house. nancy force or information intimidation and election officials are the cannot be plot against the
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city governor or the attempted assassination on donald trump. there's no place in america, this kind of violence for any violence, ever period or exceptions. we can't allow this violence to be normalized. the political record of this country has gotten very heated time to cool down. we all have responsibility to do that. yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements. the states in this selection are normally high. i said it many times that the choice of this likes to be making the selection is going to shape the future of america and the world for decades to come. i believe that all my soul, i know that millions of my fellow americans believe as well. and some have a different view as to direction our country should disagree with this inevitable americans and marks part of human nature. a politics must never be
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a little battle from a god from good. can we feel, i believe politics ought to be in a reading for a peaceful debate, to pursue justice, to make decisions guided by the declaration of independence in our constitution. as we stand for an american outage stream is interfering with decency and grace. all of us now face the time of testing as the election to purchase. the higher the stakes, more firm into passions because this price is an added burden of each of us to ensure that no matter how strong our convictions rushed, never descend into violence. republican convention will start tomorrow. i've no doubt they'll criticize my record and offer their own vision for this country. i'll be travelling this way, it's making the case for our record and vision. my vision is to come to our vision . i'll continue to speak out strongly for our new marks. stand up for our constitution, nor war. call for action at the ballot box,
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no violence on our street. that's how democracy should work. the debate and disagree, we compare and contrast the character of the candidates, the records of the issues, the general vision for america. in america. we resolve or difference at the bible box. you know, that's how we do it at the battle box, not with bullets. the power to change americans, you always rest in the hands of the people who use would be assessed. you know, the past for through a competing visions with the campaign should always be resolved peacefully after acts of violence. you know, we're blessed to live in the greatest country nurse. i believe that every so many power might be so tonight i'm asking every american to re commit to make america. so make america whether you know, so think about what's made america, especially here in america. everyone's be treated with dignity, the respect it hate must have no safe harbor here in america. mean to get out of
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our silos, we only listen to those with whom we agree. misinformation is ramping for, for it actors. fan, the flames of our division to shape the outcomes consistent with very interest, not ours is actually a member here in america, or use the most elusive goal goals right now. nothing is more than more important for us now. in standing together. we can do this. you know, i'm beginning, our foreigners understood the power passion. so we create a democracy that gave reason and balance of jazz to prevail over proof force patch . the american we must be american marks. your arguments are made in good faith, american democracy, or the rule laws, respect, american democracy or decency dignity fair play aren't just quite and notions, but living breathing realities. real that those have come before us. those who gave
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her life in this country. that's what it was that to ourselves. we owe it to our children and our grandchild. lot must never lose sight of who we are. let's remember, we are the united states of america. there is nothing, nothing, nothing beyond the capacity. when we do it together, god bless you all. big god, protect our troops. while they were having us present, sorry button, making an address to the nation the from the over the office. he said we must lower the temperature, not politics. we must stand together. while the take should never be, god forbid a chilling field and the added, we resolve all differences on the ballot box, not the bullets. let's go back to mike hunting now, joins this knife from washington dc. mike, what can we make about present but not to say that of the well, it was statements that were expected. it's an impassioned plea for unity. i mean,
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passionately to lower the level of the political debate as the country news these november elections now, recent months have been very toxic in terms of political disclose. so indeed of times, the lack of any despair, respectful political discourse. the president, tim, making a cool full the people of america to conduct the political proceedings with a degree of dignity and with the degree of carrying for others. he made very clear the statement that the power to change america must be in the hands of the people, not in the hands of would be assassins. making a very, very strong coal against ongoing political violence in terms of which he included events like the attack on the capital. on january, the 6th of the attack on the spouse of the former speaker of the house, as well as a tax on election officials. not significant,
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but he uses these as examples of the violence that is played the political discourse. so once again, you book the president, coming up speaking to the nation at prime time from a place the oval office, which is used for announcements of national importance. making a call for com, making a call for the country to stay united, even though they have these political differences. and even though expressing their believes fervently will become the norm in the months ahead leading to the election . but to do this with a dignity and a care for others, a very strong message that from president biden in the wake up, the attempt to assess the nation of his challenge in the election might kind of thank you and that's cost. now to a white house correspondent, kimberly how gets a, kimberly present by that king to put announced an image of unity that off to all these dramatic events. it's yeah, it's not, it's certainly not
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a surprise that the president is calling for unity. this is something that presidents do in a time of crisis, and he has chosen the location of the oval office behind the resolute desk as a form for doing this. it is the gravitas that is necessary for this moment, and that the moment demands, he's speaking on behalf, and to all americans, even those that will not vote for him and a, it is a heartfelt call for national unity. he's condemning political violence as a time to be presidential. but i think the president is also going to be criticized at the same time because many are keenly aware and is being widely reported here in the united states. but back on july 8th, the president himself was heard using language that was highly incendiary and a private phone call to political donors. he was captured,
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saying that it's time to put a bull's eye on president trump or former president trump. so well, the president himself is saying that this type of language and cindy or a language has no place in american politics. there are recorded calls of him using this in his own campaigns. so he is human just like the american boat, or perhaps he is being contrite, saying he himself is also guilty and needs to set this aside. it's time to bring the temperature down. but he certainly didn't express that in that speech. and it's often the president that needs to lead by example, and this would have been an opportunity for president biden to do that. he did not take that. having said that, what he didn't do is something that he has not done in the past, and that is humanize his political oppose. busy don on the truck, typically what we see in his speeches is he will refer to donald trump as the other
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guy, or try to make him less than a human. what he did in this case is he did refer to his opponent as donald trump, to say that his heartfelt prayers have gone out that he reached out to him. certainly this is something that he feels and we're told by uh our contacts that in fact he is devastated by what has happened. he feels that this is a level of violence that has occurred, but it's contrary to every thing he believes that america stands for and that he feels is now something, but he has a responsibility to turn around. i just wanted to quickly make one more point that in the president's speech, she did say that we cannot go down this road we've been here before. that seemed to me to be an indication, the president realizes that america has a violent history. one that has deep roots in revolution, even a civil war. and he recognizes that even as there has been
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a spate of recent violent political acts, he recognizes that the history of the united states has a track record. that means that these things could escalate to the point of great conflict, and he, himself, as president wants to pump the brakes. so what we know is the democratic party has pulled all of its political ads, is going to hold back on any sort of negative campaigning. but given the fact, the republican national convention kicks off on monday, we know that that is likely to change in the coming days and, and the president himself will resume campaigning later in the week. i want to ask corresponds in that, kimberly how could thank you for that official joins us life a milwaukee wisconsin where republicans will gather for that convention for monday . i didn't know we've heard what the us president had to say. how is this lucky to play out of the coming republican national convention as well,
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let me tell you just looking through social media in the last couple of minutes that people who would be considered quite influential with lots followings in those silos. the joe biden was talking about, don't see, this is a unifying speech. essentially. they're saying that joe biden talked about political violence. he talked about the shooting of a congressman. he was a republican steve. scully sees very high up in the republican hierarchy in the house, but then talked about the attack on pope lucy, nancy for lucy's husband. what happened on january the 6th, the kidnapped plot of the for the michigan governor, who is a democrats, essentially these republicans are suggesting that joe biden is seeing in that vesting play. what happened to donald trump as a result of some of the things that donald trump has been saying, and some of the claims that donald trump has been still king up. so they don't see . this is a unifying speech, a tall. but we are told that i'm told by a number of republicans that they think there might be a different phone from the stage of the republican national convention,
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which gets under way on monday. the donald trump would like to see people talk about unity talking about taking the temperature done. and certainly that's the message that has been passed out by the trump campaign in the last 24 hours. but we've often had this sort of message from republicans before. how did there was going to be a shift, a change, something different, and what donald trump does, i maybe this is a different moment for donald trump because he came so close to losing his life. but it'll be interesting to see if what i'm getting from a number of republicans is actually different from what we're here on the states. and certainly from what we've seen on social media from big supporters of donald trump, like marjorie taylor green, a congresswoman from georgia who's openly blamed joe biden for what happened from other congress. people who have said that joe bike needs to be charged because of language. he is used in the last 10 days or so. if that makes its way onto the stage. i def by extension,
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that's how the delegates feel as well. donald trump will very much set the tone of what happens here. over the next 4 days he arrived here in the last hour or so. it is possible he will make some sort of video message to the delegates on monday, just reassuring them he's well, he's in the tide and he's looking forward to what happens over the next 4 days. but he will set the tone. and if he decides that this is a time for unity and to cool temperatures, it me will make its way onto the stage. but we wait to see what happens when it gets under way on monday. so thank you for staying with this. steve clemens is the host about just the it was a show, the bottom line, and he joins us now live from washington dc. so steve, what do you make of what present button has the same? the last payment? it's nicole for unity, but will it be heated? it will look timing. i mean, president biden had no choice, but to do this, i think it was a ritual lipstick. it was a call for unity. when everyone watching knows that this was an inadequate band aid
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over a growing volcanic pension in the united states between joe biden and the democrats and, and donald trump, the republicans. both of them have use language. we saw it in the last debate calling each other criminals. we've heard donald trump preferred to his enemies as vermin, saying that if he wasn't to win, that would be blood in the streets. so both of them had been very, very high level. i would say the trump a team and some of the people around him. heavy had been even more graphic and talking about and even embracing the prospect of political violence. but we've been going out to 0 for quite a long time, talking about the us political scene is one that is brewing political violence. you can feel it in the air. and we saw this, and i think joe biden had no choice but to do what he did today in a call for unity. but going into this season of conventions and seeing what will go
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on there is going to be a lot of mudslinging and invective that i don't think this speech tonight by president bite and comes anywhere near solving. given what you say that, i mean, will trump the using this to further galvanize his supporters and go on the attack as a would you expect a different tone of the republican national convention? now a look, i don't know. donald trump has shown with strain lately in a couple of moments like during the debate and even today in his comments. but you also saw in that i chronic picture now of is bist res, defiantly blood splattered across his face. and now, part of fundraising campaigns throughout the united states that there is a, there is a, an embrace of this moment of donald trump being able to take on anything and to come out as unstoppable. and in that sense, i don't expect you're going to see any munition of that message or the energy of it . and while donald trump, i don't know what he himself will do,
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we see others around him like senators, ged vance, and others, you know, directly blaming bite and for that shooter today. and i think that's something we have to keep in mind. it's not only the individual and that individuals comments, it's whether or not be rain in the people around them from making very incendiary and dangerous comments. and with an election coming, i mean politically, how to the democrats balance, the need to show of statesmanship against violence. but also maintained criticism that we've been trumps, styling methods you know, i think it's a tough line to, to walk. i think that on one hand, i think the democrats who have gone through a kind of a interesting convulsion over whether joe biden is the right person at his age to lead this ticket. and i think even tonight, you're heard a couple of stumbles. you heard him rather than talking about the ballot box. you heard him several times talking about the babel box. i'm sure that will hit the
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press tomorrow. and when you sort of see that discomfort inside the democratic party there's, there's going to be tension over the bite. and the leadership still, i think, even though people are trying to say that it's been reconciled by all, by that for a moment. and at the same time, there is a real fear that donald trump, who said he wants to be a dictator only on the 1st day that he wants to pardon all of those that have been indicted and convicted for crimes during january 6th and an assault on the us capital and on the democratic process where people died that day as well, that he is willing to pardon all of those kinds of things are going to continue to draw incredible condemnation from democrats who are running for office in this country. no matter what joe biden does, so i don't sense that the heat is going to be turned down for long on either side. save comments. thanks very much for joining us. my pleasure. carrie. what so the
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head on out to say i will have all the is there any forces target, displace palestinians yet again, at least 17 people were killed in a striking un run school central gulf. the, the same depths analysis of the day sidelines is right. is like, is ray is accusing that i was looking upon them, sense informed opinions, this a person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around i am very delighted to participate in the all the confidence,
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brightest legal students putting minds against them. this means in africa would really be interesting to see how we miss uh gather together for tournament. unlike any other property, ma'am, expressing meaning the apps we can cod on human and people's lives is now in session with new africa. new on out is era. hearing this, they don't want to lose their dignity being displays and makes it comes and not being able to get access to food to see regions across the world. you closer to the house of the story. the of the
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reminder about top stores is us present turbine has reiterate to the need to know the temperature. that's who rhetoric following the attempted assassination of president trump 5 votes as a whole, physical persuasions to resolve. it's not an event. trump has arrived in milwaukee wisconscin of the start of national convention, monday. the eventually set to be officially confirmed as the policies cons, preston, secret services security mentions very tight. operational changes on the nothing use these very minute treat has conducted strikes on the heavily populated areas across gauze that the palestinians are living on the deteriorating conditions, trying to seek shelter at least
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17 people have been killed in the latest is very striking. central cost for these all scattered on the ground, israel talking to them. when was school housing, they should be displaced. the user asked mr. j. u. n. run schools are meant to be protected on the international monetary and the they are targeting civilians inside schools. look like the whole world. see, these are the remains of a human being. we was searching and suddenly they hit the school. this is a shelter. we are a non civilians, guardian, and this all came crashing down that the whole world see, this is a human beings hand. and upon the dozens of injured palestinians had been taken to the nearby accessed, hospital amenities and children. medical facilities overwhelmed with number of
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patients and it's going to cover the severe shortage of supplies. doctors of being forced to treat is what a police say. at least 4 people have an interest in a double rounding and shooting attack. it happened that it sits around that near the junction. 2 of the images are in a serious condition for to say the suspect was neutralized. smalley, police say at least 5 people have been killed and 20 more injured to follow an explosion. a comp on went off outside a busy cafe in the capital. one condition people have thoughts of gathered to watch to european football championship final. but just put this on myself. career is mocking its 1st defect to stay in support of the thousands of north koreans has made sideway south in the past 50 years, presence of units of yo, and met some of them. i think a support. he says he's country will spend no diplomatic effort to prevent before
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some punctuation. north korean defects is there. i mean when total budrum is all south, korea will never forget the suffering of those who lost their lives during their escape from north korea. and we will do everything in our power to ensure that our competitor, we have 2 of escapes from north korea, can safely be embraced by our country over in front says mots its national day celebration less than 2 weeks before the power. so then picks is set to begin. the full title was the top with a huge fireworks show the and then put rings on display, but still day marks to stall to the french revolution in $17189.00, which led to the founding of the countries best. and spanish football fans of celebrating winning the european championship the whole spring beats england to bond the findings in it's a full time. they've won. that's awful. england fans meanwhile were left hot,
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broken down to kind of southgate congratulations, his opponents same thing to say to what the weather is next. then inside story would examine the full that smells and they just got to stay with us. no, just the the hello. here's an update on the mountain range across india. hardy sit areas i think on monday will be rates up and down that west coast, including for them by it's buys, what it's months of the year. so this is to be expected, but certainly running the risk of seeing some flooding. same goes for on trip protests and or dish of states. just know that the dark of the blue and the yellow, that is the more intense rounds of rain that we can expect on monday. different story though, for indonesia yet much more dry as we'd expect to see at this time. you're so
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looking good here, but we start to run into some problems in the south china sea with something spinning around. so it's flipping right into that western side of the philippine central and southern vietnam. so look at today, over the next 24 to 48 hours, could see a months worth of rain. and all this moisture is injecting a lot of humidity into the atmosphere. so thursday is $33.00, but it's feeling about $42.00 and that will continue for the next several days. summer reins in china had broken apart, less organized. so we are getting some dry spells in there, including frequency, profit and squared lin at $37.00 degrees. and for japan, it's looking like a soaker for the west coast, especially for cues you could see some land sites there and we'll lend this weather report and focused on where the month to reins taking a bit of a break. 35 degrees and correct you of the, with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era?
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the us once to keep the war in ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line global outcry after israel committed yet another massacre in gaza. its army killed at least 90 palestinians in an area designated as a so called safe zone. israel planes, it was targeting. how much leaders? what is that justification for killing so many civilians? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much room a risk massacre. that's how palestinians are describing. one of the worst is really a tax on gaza. so.


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