tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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this business uptake, these makes this try this exact restaurant, no bundle dash before to use the the email i'm elizabeth bottom and this is that means our life from doctor hawk coming out for the next 60 minutes. there's no place in america. this kind of violence survive and cause the com and unity of the assassination attempt on his republican presidential rivals. donald trump lands in milwaukee, a head of the republican national convention where he's due to be officially confirmed as the passions candidates pockets tom's government have plans to find
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the country's largest opposition party led by former prime minister in mon. com a car bomb outside. a busy cafe and some on his capitol kills at least 5 people. all sure, bob claims responsibility. and i'm far as small a with this board as argentina when their 3rd major trophy in 3 years. the world champions the columbia to successfully defend their coca america title. in my, in the beginning, this news all in the united states were president joe biden has coal for unity. after the assassination attempt on the presumptive republican presidential nominate donald trump, the full presidential shows had during the rally and the state of pennsylvania on saturday. the gunman was killed by secret service agents. my kind of begins are
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coverage from washington. us in a prime time address from the oval office. the president made the impression that the po for a less toxic political discourse and the country. violence has never been here. where there is with members of congress and both party being targeted and shot or violent mob attacking the capitol on january 6th or brutal attack on the spouse or former speaker of the house. nancy policy or information intimidation and election officials are the cannot be plot against the city governor or the attempted assassination on donald trump. there is no place in america, this kind of violence. police have identified the shooter as 20 year old thomas crooks. they reportedly also found explosives in crooks, vehicle you're sold whip and he used was legally bought by his father. cooks is reported to be a registered republican, who had made recent small donations to groups aligned with the democrats. something
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that in an early address bite in aust, americans to be cautious about to new. i urge everyone, everyone, please don't make assumptions about his motive or is affiliations. 50 year old quarter. you can put a toner, a, a form, a fire fight to guide at the rally, protecting family members who were with him, while other family members watched on television. to other people in critical condition. the bite and campaign has for now pulled oh, its radio and tv adverts nationwide. this is something that the campaign for the former president donald trump, has not done an image from the shocking failed assess nation attempt has already been posted as a fund raise the by the trump campaign of the picture of a candidate with bloody face likely to feature locked in the months leading to the november election. the investigation into such a day shooting continues with
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a political temperature's will cool. remains to be seen. mike kinda, oh, just sierra washington law and one of the most important events and then the next and then american election, yet again, later on monday, donald trump has arrived in milwaukee, a head of the republican national convention. he said to be officially confirmed as the policy is candidate for the presidential election. the secret service says security measures where he ties in and around the venue and problems due to analysis choice of running made at the convention. and it will make the key note speech when he accepts the nominations. island official has more on that from the walk in wisconsin. this republican convention will be different to be attempted. assassination of donald trump will dominate conversations, proceedings, and speeches from the platform. who years ago came from accepted the nomination as
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president that was at the white house of the corporate district to defend. i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united at this time to be in front of those. instead of doing delegates from across the country, people who we could and what we can information if it's donation of one of america's filters, political party to party has been re made a couple times in the image of trump. but as it stands right now, the party is completely his. he has not only got his done print on the party platform. he has managed to get people to see things his way. republican c, milwaukee is growing 0 and reclaiming the white house of prime time show. extolling the virtues of the 45th president anticipated a 6. it is a ford, a commercial for the party. it allows them to make their affirmative case for what they do. it allows them to attack the other side. it allows them to introduce new
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talents to be american people in prime time. and it gives them a chance to try to shore up excitement amongst the base. republicans tend to pick swing states for the convention states that are so close. they could decide the election. donald trump 1st one, the policies nomination. the event was in ohio. he's not the 1st former president to run again after losing an election. he is the 1st to run as a convicted felon. expect delegates to argue with those evidence. the 2020 election was stolen. the donald trump was the best president in history. the people one change it won't be talked about lately will be the parties platform. it's election manifesto just 16 pages long. it's limited in detail to avoid giving democrats written to criticize comes plans. if you were to win the language that trump uh, or any of the republican candidates should use to try to get that centrist vote. it's simply not there for so it is, it is a very accurate statement to make this republican party is more far right than ever
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before. in modern history, there will be protests here, but nothing that will stop donald trump excepting the claim of his pocket for his thought presidential run any year. i would say sure, i'll just see them at the republican national convention in milwaukee. while the attempt on donald trump's life has re ignited debates around gun access and the united states and how it contributes to political violence, the weapon used in the attack has been described as an a r, 50 install samuels, magic rifle that was recovered near the attack his body and was reportedly purchased legally by his father. the 5 arm is one of the most popular rifles in the us. it's the even being billed as america's rifle by the national rifle association . the assets being has been used in the number of recent mat shoots things including the las vegas attack in october 2017. that this had killed the late 60
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people and ended hundreds more. that's broken. jonathan met so he's the professor of sociology and psychiatry at vanderbilt. university in nashville, he is joining us from london today. thank you very much for your time this to met. so do you see this incident having any impact on the conversation on gun control of my research has shown for a few decades that there is a moment of shock really that happens after shootings, mass shootings, or political shootings like this. where as president biden was saying, people call for unity, people want to be on the same page for and used to be for a few days now, it's just a few moments. but ultimately these become very polarizing events. and half the people really will say we need more guns that have to people will see what we need more laws. and so in a way, we're living almost 2 different realities in this country. and this, this political shooting, i think, is almost like a mass shooting on steroids. i think it's going to push people farther partner.
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unfortunately, even as the president is calling for unity. yeah, and that's really interesting, isn't it? that donald trump was the target of this choosing, and it is the republicans who want less control, why the democrats want more. if we talk about a little bit more about this weapon itself, how easy is it to get your hands on the gun that was used in this using as i just had a book come out called what we'd become, that looks at the history of mass shootings and guns in america that i showed that even a few decades ago, it would have been unimaginable somebody walking toward a political event with an a r 15, a semi automatic weapon. basically, a modified military rifle would have been stopped just because he had a guy, but now we have 40 states in the country including pennsylvania, where you can open cherry. people can very, very easily purchase scans, but more importantly, they can carry them in public. and so there's really nothing that authorities can
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do because if they stop somebody and say, hey, you're carrying a gun and next 40 states and counting there, they're able to do so. i wonder, really limits the abilities of law enforcement and other people. just stop people who might be, who might be looking suspicious. we see this in mass shootings and i think it was the case on the shooting as well. but why is this god? i understand that, you know, it's, it's used, it can kill a lot of people quickly. so why is it sold to civilians that whole and that's a great question that makes no sense to the rest of the world. and it's unfortunately our reality in the united states, these guns used to be regulated. there was a assault weapons ban a few decades ago that reduced gun that for from that shooting of us. there's no real purpose for these guns other than, i mean, it felt like people are gonna shoot, you know, 25 bullets and just something that they're going to eat later. so it's not like
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it's a hunting rifle or anything like that. but it's gotten manufacturers have been very savvy, casting this gun as a mark of sportsmanship or masculinity or other kinds of ideologies. and so in a way this guy comes to symbolize all the things that guns symbolize in politics, liberty, power authority. and now we have millions of them in circulation and just getting them off the street would be difficult if we had a functioning political system around this. and now it feels impossible. and what about the political climate in which the attack took place? donald trump, again, he was the target of the attack. but what role has he played and the political tensions, and the polarization that exist today? it is, it's really honestly a terrifying moment for us because it does feel like i've, we've had political attacks before. we've had a shooting. congress people have been shot previously. there was an attack on nancy policies has been there was an armed person outside of a supreme court,
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judges house. but this, this feels a just given that timing, given the symbolism given the imagery that came out of the shooting. it does really feel like we've just gone to another level that we haven't filled out for, for regarding political violence or retribution. and i really, really urgent and support people who are trying to call for unity and calm. but unfortunately, as i've seen with so much kind of violence, because of the polarization, it's really a tool that's used by both sides of a political debate to ratchet up authorization. so it really is a scary moment and i hope we can come to reason, but we'll have to see what happens mr. met. so thank you so much for your insights on the story that's jonathan met. so live in london, the the,
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the central dogs are malware at least 5 palestinians have been code and is really a tax on the, on my gods, the refugee camp. 3 of the victims with children strikes hutch residential buildings and the early hours of monday. they also have a pet, so if it's rarely helicopters opening, find me a date on, on a well, let's bring in our correspondent sonic of wisdom. he's joining us live from the central gaza thought exist. what more you tell us about these helicopters, opening, fire close to way you? why? yes, elizabeth, in fact is why they look up to this. and sadly, hours of this morning have been whole bring you in a very low altitude, seemed to close the line of dirt by that they've been opening. fire on that on these areas is specifically that we can upset. that is why the headquarters have been intensively used, especially in every morning were policies are wait to, i could wake up everyday with the sound of these gun fire. that's good because at
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least overhead also from a ground forces on the ground, especially in another part of on is that raj refugee camp on planning. elizabeth in the past couple of minutes. the a is rarely a 5 digit top target to a place in there in front of head start. you'll be as a known which it is. is it a residential house or it's mid shift and spot a bunch of casualties have arrived to ok. so hospital at least what we are talking about, one, palestinian has been killed while at least 5 others have been wounded and they have been pro to, to ok so hospitable to get medical treatment. we show impedances that rush to the location of the are so ambulances and dedication of the book abutment waiting to bring casualties back to up to the hospital. there was a state of chaos, and there is by the head, due to the attack. and we need also to remind you that there is a house of elsewhere more than 800000 palestinians who are unable to feel safe. because this is where it is recommended to we have for them to seek refuge. and we
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can see that there is a very, also mounting pressure on the medical sector regarding dealing with if i restart the number of casualties, especially at night and overnight strikes to night. well at least 5 palestinians have a roku field including 3 children as well. fox, the situation is incredibly grim and all the pots of the strip, as bombardment did not witness a new source of la top sofa, elizabeth, and thought it now also concerns about voice uh, being how often some parts of gaza yes, uh there are just this, this is what we have been informed uh with the, by the usability of the drivers by that it hasn't bounced that it's a cruise on the ground would, wouldn't be able to keep revising with the services for thousands of palestinian best place families in denver about a head due to the fact that the vast majority of the white houses have run out of it, you will, that is hardly required in order to provide generates as the fuel and also to
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provide useful to wealth with a central ex choice. it's in light of the ongoing 5 of these, but if you increase to the strip, i'm that he's the grim reality. i that we've been hearing from informed sources and uh different by municipality. these said that it will bring serious implications on that. you many times especially news palestinians, and it's up to you in order to afford them with the sanction few just in order to get appropriate access to water sources on the ground. elizabeth thought it thank you very much for that. that is, that a couple of the nation situation. he's live in the, in central casa, in northern gaza. heaps of rubbish, and waste have reached a long and levels 9 months of will have crippled a waste disposal systems. and this is leading to disease is spreading rapidly, pushing even more pressure on hospitalized malott. the color with has more from jabante, a refugee camp. the situation here is the terrier waiting day to day. as the
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shortage of a few was food and water is aggravating. the situation here, as you can see, i'm talking to and a phone, so i younger was cool in the center of japan, there could you can, which is all the delay to this reaction related garbage defense runs all the younger was told this could spread the season increasingly, and that shows you the as the person so wish to select a z and z in this area and my daddy and on altima, how soon is overflowing in every house on every street which is causing an environmental disaster. it's leading to the spread of serious diseases, and it's putting more pressure on hospitals which already have limited medical supplies and capabilities. and people are still waiting to roll because the
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guidelines on this school was the guy with the people have to walk a really long way to get to this area for water. there are no other water stations in the camp. and the water resignedly turned on once a week on fridays between 10 am and 2 pm, or sometimes it's even turned off at 1 pm. this is the situation. yeah, nothing does spread. and as it can see, they are struggling every day to adapt to this new law. i was a big issue. i just need uh, nothing does a thread crowd assign of hundreds of protest as have gathered south of tel aviv demanding israel's government, finalize the fish finding that would see the return of captives held in gaza. there was a glowing impression on comments to benjamin netanyahu to secure the release salacious demonstration in the city of the whole lot. so hundreds of people join the family of one captive, the
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focused on the government and said it's moving to bad form a prime minister and long cons potty the p t i. the document has a choosing the potty of participating in anti stays activities. last week, a course awarded p t i most seats in parliament. the potty says the plan to the plan to bad. it is a sign of panic from the government. well let's go now to our pockets. don correspondence come on high that he's joining us live from as lama by. so how does why the government has decided to band p t. i now come up of the well, as you mentioned, that particular word data from the actual bream card which was configured. it could be a major registry for the project on study can solve party. there's a dim ron con sparky waste by what you all that judgement and now the largest party
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in parliament, and therefore the government now under tremendous pressure like what the information minister said was that this one because of the reasons congratulated read the news during which demanded the rig a probing to the rigging, i would say february election. i know it said the fact that the killed them and that type of case many of the cases, these are cases pertaining to a deal fisher, a secret act. and of course, had already been given a clearance from that. so the government that appeared at the b d i, it's a, as acted days delay because now what really happened is the government will have to sort of the meeting of the cabinet. the cabinet written doesn't have 14 day, then rates to go to the supreme court. but because the supreme court has already stated that the buckets on derek and stuff was the political party and the political party was the main one. it is going to be very difficult for the
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government to prove its case, but this of course will create a lot of political instability and not all go right of football gift on regulating democracy. a lot of political instability because p t is so immensely popular as inputs. come on, what does it mean? not just for the policy, but the many people who supported or indeed, and sideboards. the video has been saying that the mandate of the paper left being and being stolen. if at the election commission, everyone buys the core dollars, the fact that the actions of the election commissioners against the constitution are denied the progress on teddy can solve a dead particular assemble in the elections. and those are the fact that it was to be considered a major partner to go to the party, although they contested the elections and independents regard. the election commission had denied that. so now that their minds by the opposition did the allied parties already now be in working with the b
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d i to protest. but it should also be their member that tomorrow, which is tuesday and read next day. focus on really be commemorating day i showed them a higher i'm in the country where they've got to be closed for 2 days. so we don't expect any immediate reaction, but the party had said that they would continue this drug. good uh, within the aspect of the constitution, within the legal framework and also think that the government, what's panicking? come on. thank you very much for that. that's come on. hi, the latest live and his mom about possible. it's an angel, wanda, for presidential end parliamentary connections. president full gone, a is running against 2 rivals, including an independent onto all the opponents with bond from contesting for donna who's been in office for 24 years, seeking a full tub. the state of the economy and security of some of the major issues
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weighing on versus as well. there are more than 9000000 people eligible to vote. and the 3 dipole that elect the president, an 18 members of parliament, a constitutional amendment, boston 2015 has allowed president full gone me to bypass the consecutive to, to him limits. and one for 2 additional 5 you tubs. he's lead lawanda since the end of the 1994 jetta saw it often when a more than 90 percent of the vote and this is will press freedom in the extra wanda racked a $140.00 full lot of the 180 countries. the report indicates, decades of oppression have significantly, we come to the nations media landscape. the other 2 candidates, a frank happiness of the democratic green party and independent felipe and piety mana, both had to be approved by the electoral commission. well, let's bring in phil clark. she's a professor of international politics at the university of london, and he's joining us live from cape town. thank you so much for your time. so
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election with the results seems to be a full long conclusion. what are the things to look out for? elizabeth, i think the biggest thing about this election is that it's been very clear statement from domini that you know, hardly intends to rule out for the next 2 times, but you probably intend to be president for life. so i think it's an indication that he believes that the long term strategy that the ruling party is pretty place to try to rebuild the country. the genocide really depends on q. oscar to dominate is not the leaves of political, say 80 sciences eastern to be a speech during all one of them politics outlook for as long as it is a law isn't dangerous to have so much power. so scented so central to one person. i mean, canada is will, it has been criticized by human rights groups. he's accused of muslim free speech and press, but he has popular support. what was it to it now is incredibly high in a wanda. i think the story be stealing about the
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dominey and the really part of the research in the countries i've pulled it 20 years now. i have a full time job. mexico for one. the under the yes. i'm all interviewed. hundreds of for one. the furniture to multiple sites would be used by the various groups of printing, alter dogs, but they've really confronted him with disability, never one that has enjoyed. since the genocide is a country, we must have a whole welfare safety net in the regions of people through provided for in terms of health care and education. people's are worried about the control that the government has. and this is what i'm down on. the freedom of expression is something that every time i wanted something to do really worried about. and so these 2 varies of different perspectives. i think i like most for one to it's about to nami, a at exactly the same as are you that's really interesting. the var just being held . if we look at the, um, the international environment that the voice is being held in, escalating tensions between lawanda neighbor and democratic republic of congo can
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shots of a chooses canolli of sponsoring the m $23.00 rebel group, which is waging one, the east and the see the golly denies this called gama. his re election have an impact on the instability in the biase. as i don't think the geometry election will change what's happening, to least in colorado. but certainly this is one of the biggest challenges mr. domino, and the audience needs to deal with it in the box to tell them, is that a very concerning escalation of violence happening? eastern, call me with the monuments. i don't think any of us that are really dallas, the one that has a major issue with reprises all over the border, the color and the rest of it. but for me to call me ask them the president, she said e m a d c has pretty vicious and has been escalated. a recent boston concerning the region is that that is totally into the kind of regional conflict that we saw or an eastern call during the 1990. so the situation is starting to wonder is very peaceful and very stable. but the picture in the wider region is farming concerning
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. mr. clark. thank you so much for your insights on the story. we really appreciate that fellow clock joining us from cape town to sylvia. now, with people in government held areas of losing in their full parliamentary elections since civil war opted in 2011. well, the 1500 people are standing for 250 seats and the long actually robust parliament, president bush are substituting boss policy and its allies are running virtually unopposed. so he is exiled. opposition has cool the election of stood saying, the voters only represents the ruling authority to the head on the news hour. a suspect of serial killer has been arrested by kenyan police officer confessing to kidding 42 people. several villages. and so donovan cash all soft and for the 1st of the bags front of them to venture reins of neighboring and betray us. and
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a support ticket was fast close k also because that math final in miami the, the holloway have yet more of that very hot sunshine. the wrinkled braking heat continuing across the eastern and south eastern positive europe in particular or warm sunshine coming through here. but up towards the northwest, very different story. areas of life pressure running in once again. more unsettled with rollings for here. the system here that's going to bring some, evaluate whether you're going across the scandinavia, pulling away from scotland, a few showers come back in behind. island swells deposits, southern england, seeing some live examples as we go through the remainder of monday. not about whether to just running across from see using across into the low countries. i'm that will spin up eastern. yeah. eastern positive england,
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seeing some pretty white weather as we go on 3 tuesday. more disappointing weather coming through here. and that will roll this way across denmark, towards the sweden and the baltic states by the south. look at the temperatures. hey, we're into the forty's the bell. great, 42 celsius for book rest. lots a very hot sun china right across the southern europe, joining up with a hot sunshine that we have across northern africa. some live the shower has now show me my hand. across much of west africa shows extend to fairway north and just kind of go into mahdi some west the weather to once again, the southern sudan, the the the,
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the latest news as it breaks the bell. and sean is one of the party latest presidency. money will not come, we'll have to negotiate with the only thing right now, but literally was a desire to stop in the fall, right with detailed coverage, well, live up, maybe up beats about its decisive victory for the verge of turnouts. and we'll buy something that was down from around the world who's taking offers. have you ever seen a have prioritized ties with ideological allies? the strategy has helped turn me into an icon of the global right. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the what challenges we are with me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to of, on top stories, casella to us. president joe biden has once again quote for com and unity following the attempted. assassination of donald trump fight and urge portions to resolve the differences of the ballot. fox in november, a fall, the phones, governments, as it's moving to bad form of findings and mon cons policy, the p t i, the government accusing the policy of participating. an anti stays activities, the p t, i says, applying to band, it is a sign of panel of the government and does write it strikes of code, at least 5 palestinians and all my dogs, the refugee camps and central dasa. 3 is the victims for children. there are also reports of israeli had a comp this opening find me a bid on fall off. well this follows the cutting of at least 17 palestinians,
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and this really strikes targeting a you, when one school housing displays people in the side of the cab, honey muscle. it has this report from the bottom central gaza the air is thick with the smoke and dust, and they'll say right after is ready bombs, hate to you and run school. and then and you panic and scenes of horror. those initially running to help the wounded force to sleep the it's a raise to get to those very, to live like this young boy, the force of the explosion was catastrophic for the hundreds of people's children within the walls of the school. 6 they are targeting civilians inside schools look like the whole world. see, these are the remains of a human being. this is a shelter and we are a non civilians. the buildings are blue and white colors. remove any doubt that
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this was the united nations facility. but shouldering there did not, and has not protected palestinians in gauze on a mouse, has released the statement. calling the tok barberic we will sitting in the building and some cooking. when the building collapsed on top of us, many people were injured some seriously. just look at the blog. this is the plot of a child. of our man or dead, our man or do dead. our children are gone. there's no one left, no one. this is no way to live. the number of casualties is pushing dogs, a crippled health care system to a breaking point in the wake of this late is a time on our way ahead to leave your legs a really has cold on the world 3 gain. it's common to humanity. the men, women, and children of god, he says, have a right to life any more mode as you see it,
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a central gauze or palestine is where the settlers have set fire to palestinian agricultural land, south of nablus and the occupied westbank resident se fitness around in the area and attacked people and farms been and olive trees and all the crops circles also say this isn't the 1st attack to kenya. now we're a suspect of serial kind of has been arrested by police officer reportedly confessing to kidding 42 people. police detained collins, jamaica, kelly c a on monday and connection to the non neutralizing bodies that were recently recovered at a dump size of nairobi. as long as you say, the suspect admitted to killing dozens of victims, including his wife since 2022. a lot of web has been following these developments for us. he's joining us live from my road. be malcolm, what more have police said and how people react to this?
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police describe the suspect that they said that they were arrested as a serial killer. as he mentioned that they said that he confess to kidding 42 women over the last 2 years and something that bodies not disuse. corey, in my baby from which, uh, at least a 4 digit being retrieved uh, since friday. uh, they presented some items at a press conference that they said to be confiscated at the suspects home, including a rusting michelle. this has been met with a great deal of skepticism on social media and by rights groups. people are asking how it is that one mind could dismember so many parties, possibly using or support, allegedly using just a mission. it is home without his neighbors noticing how could he carry them alone to the corey when one of the bags, for example, had 2 sources. and it was well as
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a stones upon the intended to make it sink. there are seeing how this could have happened. you just, mrs. from a playstation the hallway police station is, is right next to the hoary in some side where the parties are being retrieved and right speak. so, you know, asking where the missing persons registers that much uh, this account. so there's a great deal of skepticism about the place account coming at a time when there is a very low level of trust in the government and the police following reasons, obviously government protests and the site to the court you've seen on rest on friday, saturday on sunday and angry crowds who didn't trust the police to take the bodies away were broken up by place using gas and the local rights group from there is just told us that they did since themselves from this place, accounts of events. and that, that needs to be a full of independence investigation, including independent right scripts before they can establish what's uh,
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what they say is really been getting on. it will be really interesting to see, want at malcolm. what impact if any, one of those has on those on going nationwide protests against the government and the police for the handling of those protests campaign? is it being comparing online uh this uh uh they from police investigation that produced a suspect within just a couple of days of these for these being found much is that the account is being widely questions, comparing it to the killings of processes in those demonstrations and started last month, does ease of protests has been shot dead by police rights groups for the thousands more of being the duct said many of them interrogated in release. and then in recent days to uh for these of people who went missing around the time of the process have been found. it's on some of these signs just to chat,
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but he's still in the country side. another one found in the city move and several people are still missing now, demonstrations to be cooling for people, the people responsible for this was that police or other security agents or whoever they may be to the house. so accounts and expressing frustration that is uh, found the no effort to uh, to hold those responsible to account even though president william root so has said that will happen. so that is causing some frustration at the same time as a suspect, being very quickly produced by the place for the bodies found in the course. nelson . thank you very much for that. now can web of all the latest live and library b, the police and somebody, i say at least 5 people have been killed and 20 injured off to an explosion in the capital. because on one top, outside of busy cafe in mogadishu, alex bed has more it was supposed to be a nice of football,
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but ended like this. a couple of them caused a huge fire at this popular mortgage issue. cafe tax with football fans watching the euro. 2024. find that? i think i think i got down there looking. i had stepped away when the attack happened here. i called my colleagues and they told me that a suicide ta bomb exploded in front of the box. people were just watching the football match, the group, i'll sure bob has claimed responsibility for the attack, which caused extensive damage to nearby buildings and cons. it happened in a well gutted area near the presidential palace frequented by government wickets. my soul, i again, i fell down on the ground and was shocked when i heard that there was a suicide attack at the bar. i lost my beloved colleagues and customers. i pray for them, or else you bob has been fighting the government for control of somalia for more than 17 years. it launches frequent attacks against government targets and is
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carried out many daily bombings like this across the country. the somalis president has vowed all out war against the group, but the tex like this in the center of the capital, prove that the war is far from over. alex bid, which is their full vintages near aroma, talent, and saddam's eastern stage of cassandra, remain isolated by flooding, bushes, days off to the river. gosh, 1st it's bags, villages, so they're still unable to leave and receive an email from assistance. well, i'm involved has this report from the town of i don't mind without a single drop of rain falling here. that if a gosh, how surprised everyone have feelings and edits a from wait flows have caused it to burst? it sparks hundreds of kilometers away, for the tone of auto mas sits in the revised delta, some 60 kilometers north of the ctf casela. how so that in more, what happened was that the water arrived at 1 o'clock in the morning when people
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were sleep. it wasn't raining mazda the gash, and when it comes, the gash takes away with it. every thing, people, animals, and crops, due to the high level of its water, are you how you can w. c, mom, we have a seat. small villages in the delta hemmed in by sick must keep bushels with a fast will suffer for villages off to cut off. these women have decided to take various they need to go to town and look for help for the families to start the one. everyone's there is time for me to just inside the others. the people is that i don't know mentally. they need tense for and just about everything else and they need to educate. even those living on higher ground affected that was swept across the section of our old town. when most families lived in my houses, they seen their homes washed away by flood water. what children may find to be
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a source of fun is raising fears of water born diseases. some of the families that have managed to escape. i'm now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, their family land, as well as their homes off or being something most local authorities believe that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected. afraid this might only be the beginning, flush flooding of this area. it usually happens in august and september. but these are the floods and forecasts. so have you had to use this summer on every of source of consent? how much the funds to 0 are all the towns because of the state east. i'm so that to china and russia undertaking, joined to military drills in the west and, and northern pacific ocean. while she says the girls would include a defense, as well as anti submarine exercises, they were expected to continue until wednesday. which one is one and communist
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party has been gone full days of high level talks strategies to help us travel, the economy are expected to be a priority. the planning we session takes place every 5 years and it's a platform to discuss crucial economic reforms and long term policies. foreign investors are keeping a close eye on us, especially since the chinese economy is seeing slower than expected growth. there were low a job numbers of real estate prices and weak consumer demand, trade pensions with western countries of another issue. and the analysts have want of a lack in investor confidence. to unwind is the chief economist with hank sang bank china. she says the government will have to consider watts for tax reforms to help the economy. the chinese government decided that it's important to, to true the housing crisis. because one way or another, if china is going to have a financial crisis, is going to be linked with the housing and reflects it in the banking sector. so in
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2022 chinese government started to start as the leveraging campaign among the property developers. as a result, the housing sales housing in bossman contract, it's sharply a comparing to the peak in 2021. the housing prices in china. you major cities has declined by 30 percent. and that also dropped down to consumption as well. we're expecting more of a long term approach because in the short term, it seems that the monetary policy and the fiscal policy are both having great constraints. the central bank has very little room to cut interest rates because they value more of the stability of r, n b. and for fiscal stimulus, they are in the way expanding on by the local governments are constrained in terms of tax revenue. so we're expecting more talks in his final about the tax reform and how to resolve local government the finances. it was not a problem. so for 2021 because housing market was good on among all the local governments, about
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a one 3rd of their revenue was coming from the land sales. when the housing market was good, then it was not a problem for them to auction off those land. but now the landfill was the basically crashed and for a lot of local governments, they also have to pay more during kobe to, for all the cobra child. so taking care of patients. and now they are basically delaying their payments for a lot of the suppliers. so we are in desperate need to fraud and attack space and also to prevent more tax evasion along the private sector. all tax evasion was quite per basis. it was one of the common practice for my pro and midsize a chinese firms. because it's quite easy to evade taxes and chinese government has tried a lot of different ways in the past, but it was not successful or now they have more measures to tackle this problem. one way to tackle it is through the online transaction on because most of the small sailors are small sellers would have online account. and then the government is
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also quite keen to collect more of the tax and the non tax revenue in terms of non test revenue is targeting those companies that have a beta tax in the past. so they're trying to recruit some of those laws. and as a result of people are, are in a way quite anxious to look forward to more of similar measures. men as late as opposition candidate had wonder, gonzalez held riley at the central university and the capital to cut off because on sunday this comes ahead of the presidential election on the 28th of july. gonzalez was accompanied by an officer shanita. maria could either machado whose band, from public causes she's backing gonzales. the head of the university had initially denied permission to hold the valley, but hundreds of students attend to the event to show their support. girlfriend's family, i'm moving with this. i'm still a little much that is not thick, that they are going to tie on us because we are going to solve it. any obstacles,
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the place is an obstacle we overcome. we are doing this for you. we are going to give you as an as weight that will make you proud to be venezuelan, a venezuela. that is going to be an example for the whole world. and that starts on july 28th. we need to see you there with the motion, with firmness. we logged in as well and presidents nicholas, my google has attended the premier of a film about his life. he was welcomed by his the purchase of the screening and cut office. the phone price, which has live from childhood to becoming a trade union needed before being an extra to the national assembly in 2000. it's released as seen as an attempt by policy in the wireless to boost the president's popularity. just 2 weeks ahead of elections. but 1st, it's most easy to watch the film of one's life and especially when life is still the 17th and we have so much live to live, to the head on the news. allah ends for spain's, but the celebration that has started when to the country. far as here with that story.
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global, your real estate destination into by the size of port and his file is more of an awesome team is winning street. uh yes, i do very excited argentina fans because they've been in columbia to successfully defend their cobra. america title, lena mfc, injured his ankle in the final in miami. he tried to keep playing but was eventually forced to go off. the captain was in tears on the bench and it was clear,
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his injury was pretty bad, was despite losing him, his teammates were able to get the job done like during martinez was the hero during the winning goal and extra time it's urgency in his 3rd major trophy in 3 years, they won the cobra in 2021 and lifted the world cup at tad's far as 2022 mess these international teacher remains unclear, but angled. the maria has played his final game in an argentine issue. the only thing that we're going to, once we got to win, it's a messy to make him happy. and that's for me. i dreamed of this that my last couple of america would end here in the final a dream that we would win and i would retire like this. i'm a totally grateful to have been parts of this generation. well that in the final was delayed by over an hour in miami because of thousands of take a ticket list fans trying to get into the stadium. david stokes reports
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sent out crowd of $65000.00 was expected at the hardware stadium in miami, but far more than that turned up to get this funds. try to post the way in security . close to gates, meeting styles in the stranded outside in the south florida. i am 70 years old in my life. i've not seen a stadium one hour before. a kick off with 80000 people, only one gate open. there are people with children, people who are pregnant. it is shameful. some friends required medical treatments and there were multiple arrests at the venue, which is set to host 7 games at the fee for woke up in 2026. the can't organize a world cup. it's impossible. people stuck against the gate for hours unable to breathe. there was a senior citizen, look at him, look at him, left without water. what is going on before getting into the cove america through the ventilation system. what is going on here? well,
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some friends did whatever they could to get in to see the game. there were many supporters who did have tickets left, prostrated outside of the fog. i'm with the, i mean, we've been here for an hour and a half. we paid $10000.00 for 5 tickets and they still don't open the gates. tails . kickoff was the late by one hour with many of the players loved ones who was helping the trouble, you know. yeah. and the deal we had to stop the match without knowing where a family members were. i think the columbia team were going through the same thing . it was very weird for the local government in miami, approached to fully investigate what caused the trouble before. the final saying it should never have happened and cannot happen again. they did stokes out your 0. spain's head coach says there is motor come from his players after winning the european championship for a record or 4th time. this is a team leaving their hotel a little earlier in berlin. they beat england and the final to hand gears southgate,
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another agonizing defeat and the richardson around. so the match action you're paying for the biggest international trophy was up for grabs of buildings, olympic stadium, spain and england. cancel each other out in the opening 45 minutes england. lucky though not to concede a penalty in depth and royce, tangled with heinrich, the prince. things break out still step to the occasion straight after the break. let me about 17 year old. let me in your mouth sitting up mika williams, and spring at the lead. spring could and perhaps should have wraps up the 22 in the minutes. the followed england's goalkeeper children takes it, gets this country in the concepts. it's called and that gave substitute co home of the chance to make it this is the only c contribution for going home alone, right?
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shots to level the final one. 0, most momentum as quickly as the game did. because we have to be schooled. the lights went to the store for the heater. of course everything was then. well i can say now is i feel happy. i feel proud. we have fun, this nobody gave us anything and i'm really happy that we managed to get it and we for it's so hard for it. ultimately we wave off to the back to side and we have to reflect on, you know, and how that happened. but it is very clear in my mind the game. um we, as i said it, somebody the key was possession of the volt tonight and we didn't have enough control the 21st century. england's 6 decade wait for a major trophy goes on spain, a celebrating
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a record full your insights. so i'm the richardson l g 0. i'll just there is done. mccain has more of, from berlin of 51 games, 117 gulls on us. but have to be at the end only one when i and also when a spring would seem that in school more goals than any other country in this tournament conceded fuel than any other country in this tournament 7 winds out of 7 . no other team has ever done the years and it has shown stalls young players like nico williams, who scored in the final but also let me, i'm a who set them up for that go i knew who the self score one the go earlier in the told him is against france, so from the spanish point of view, this was a full tournament when a full euros, when no other nation has one for your eyes. and so for the spanish, there is the sense of real optimism. the question for the spanish is this the start of
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a new generation of winning that yours potentially will cups like say that they underwent from 2000 the next 2012 and for the english? well, they had said chauncey's, they might to equalize right to the end. but the goal byron's had a, was headed out by the spanish defense and consider the captain. hurricane is never want to tournaments as a club play, you know, as an international play. twice he is kept in his team to this, this final and twice he has lost. that's the one that came out. dra 0, i feelings. olympic stadium is. carlos alvarez says he still needs to work harder to be considered to top player after easing to victory in the wimbledon final. he didn't know about jock of it to win the title for the 2nd year in a row. 37 year old jock of edge was playing in his 1st final of the year, which struggling from the get go and lot for set 16. the 2nd set followed a similar path. 3rd seed. alfred. too much for the $24.00 time grand slam champion
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. 21 year old down for us going onto the feet chalk, which in straight sets the punches forth. grandsons, titles, only 3 other players in the history of the tenants had won as many as his h. it's a really good way to start with my career. but i have to keep going, i have to keep bill to my, my boss, uh at the end of my, well my god we, i want you to see the same table as the, you know, the be guy. so that's my, my main goal or that's my, my dream right now. i'm finish golf. sergio garcia. i have the last laugh at the live tour event in boulder. i'm. i'm his date again with american rival. books kept guided reading him on the 1st seat in an angle insured finish with garcia, securing his 1st live title on home soil quite a day for spanish sports. okay, and that is all your sport for now. for elizabeth blackston. yes. for that. and that set for me, it hasn't been put on them for this news hour,
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but stay with us on al jazeera. these baka is back in just a few minutes here and have all the latest updates on the stories we're covering. thank you for watching the the agriculture revolution promised abundance, but it's damaging the planet. this is destroying the habitat that tries leeway explodes. how sacrificing by the best, the teeth, a maximum view, is leading, complete, and security and threatening of very existence. leaving me based on able to adapt to climate change, the need to rethink mode. we so all have the planets on. oh, just the era. in 2021. the toughest security surfaces. the rest, the 15 suspected spies. allegedly we're going to buys rainy intelligence. the must
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have to report on our listed in and just allow me to get in touch you. sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. how does the real world explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface? most that is done on the the rate of temperature increase this without precedent, we're facing a future that we don't understand. we can predict fully a lot of places are simply not going to be comfortable to live in all human settlements. after face this problem, they grew up in climate, which is going to be much different from the climate. we're going to get the you can see the intense range stores. you can see the incredible heat waves where people are dying,
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large population. so we'll have to move all over the world because of sea level rise, we're going to see more categories, 4 and 5. hurricane. so maybe even categories we've never experienced before. we're about to get a brand and find the the, there's no place in america, this kind of violence job. i didn't cause a. com and unity of the assassination attempt on is republican presidential, right? donald trump, lines, and milwaukee the head of the republican national convention, wayne's to, to be officially consensus. the policies constant. the of the bulk of this is obviously a life though. also coming up at least 5 palestinians are killed including 2
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