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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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this and the questions they use and abuse of power around because one out just there, the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of that i'm just don't have time. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any force as attack? yes, and now the you and run the school in garza where palestinians have been seeking shelter, thousands accounts, hundreds of thousands in the central gauze. i can no longer access drinking water because of a shortage. a few. the thousands of people
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protest across kenya demanding the president william router steps down on the price of how i'm a senior and us senate was found guilty of bribery, corruption, and expulsion and piece of same. it was only a sports, muse q. and above a fulfills a childhood dream. $85000.00 friends welcomed him on the 1st scary and re over the whole. we begin in central garzo. israel has struck and now the un run school and the only sarah refuge account this time can at least 23 people. now this facility with sheltering the space palestinians and was also in an as rainy designation. so who would say so on sunday, 17 palestinians hotels and a strike on a school in central garza over the past 10 days, 6 schools affiliated with the you and, and it's agencies have been hit. is there any attacks across the strip have killed
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at least 50 palestinians since tuesday morning? all these folks pass on for the un secretary general's hasn't has really as trifles . okay. just a few 100 meters away from a joint humanitarian operation center. and they're all by now that center is being used by the un and, and yours to coordinate, humanitarian walks around, garza, the operations are continuing, but i think one can only imagine how much it impacts our humanitarian colleagues. we're actually working in that place, right. they are already under tremendous stress. they already continue to work in inactive war zone. and if you know, if there was a striking, a 100 meters away from the place where you, where you work a, it's a, it just adds to an already over whelming level of, of stress for a colleagues. not to mention the impact it has on the, on the civilians who are routinely killed in the strikes. meanwhile,
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and the southern part of the strip is really army struck in the area west of con eunice, getting these to 7 teen palestinians and entering 26 others. we understand that 4 children are among the dead. bodies have been taken to the city is not the hospital without springing hunting. the one who joins us live now from there all by law in central garza honey. these attacks on schools and all the un buildings. it feels like they have an escalation over the last few days and weeks. yes, on the fact that we're seeing more of the honor with facilities being targeted deliberately and directly across the gaza strip statement by believe that as originated either the director of operations of united nations. we're looking at $230.00 to view and facilities in the process of being either severely damaged or completely destroyed since the beginning of this genocide or, or including evacuation centers. and just to make it clear for our viewers
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evacuation centers are in spot you on school. these are on or was a run schools that are the owner was schools that are manage and operated by, by the united nations for palo city and a refugee just the just the fact that we have people who have been displaced into these areas. uh for the past 9 months to reduce price going on daily basis. so we're seeing on top of that the attack, deliberate attacks have passed, and these do not believe in these 6 is supposed to be in targeted by is really the air at cox. going to close to a 100 people. and 6, this school just did a one to 3 people were killed in one single attack. and in addition to we have 70 plus plus the critically injured here at the hospital or allow the hospital and on the site. i reckon as you can all of the just increasing and exacerbating but
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really difficult living and visions any problems that people are experiencing as a result of these attacks being one is really monitor and a separate attack. they targeted an area, the western part of hon. noon is getting 17 people. and again, we're looking at the same uh horrific patterns of killing women and children make the vast majority of casualties. honey, i do want to ask you as well about where you are and they're all about. then municipalities now saying they can no longer provide drinking water to the 700000 people. that what are the options that people have right now? how many options would would whatever available, is it quite limited right now what we're talking about like basic necessities, including water, water stores that are required by the essential for a, for the people who are scattered everywhere the, the there, but i city alone accommodates up to 700 displays the people here at the they are
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close to 1.7 displaced people across the central area, but the vast majority are concentrated here and do balance to be on and the site off refugee camp with a few more in other rep is you can to be a spring part of the central air, but the fact that the water was right now according to do a statement by a municipality of just ringing a bell. the risk right now, because what we're seeing is entire wells in water system been shut down due to the lack of if you, we have another problem. you do the disorder you with you. and in fact, like who lives, where is the, uh, the uh, the sewage spill drones here. and there are threatening a public health and the sprite of diseases as the ponds and all the ways to treatment plans and the water desolation. destination implants are not functioning right now, just increasing the, the difficulty of living condition and, and we're really seeing people are viewing for longer hours. right now,
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just do because the source is, is quite a squares right now, but the demands of the great, honeywell, once they are pushing for us, of all the very latest from the ground and they're all violent and central garza, thank you hon. it's the $910.00. yeah. at least 3 people has been killed and renewed and t government protests. so how's your say, please find to get us to discuss problems gathering in the capital. i wrote the demonstrations that have been taking place in several cities across the country, old calling to president william richard to resign. moving, stacy, people have been killed and purchased a big down back injury off the proposal to raise taxes. and present years have has since scraps not bill and find most of his cabinets, but that has not appeased protesters. i'm just curious,
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catherine story was at some of those protests in my writing. this is a situation on this model as well. some of them are using stones to tap either for news this and they sometimes are got to lot um, you know, we have in this concern before taxes here are saying that this is the right cost and then you should be here because i was the president we're here 94, and the ones that do nice to be not. so and the street um we have the process as well. and then we have here from this on this side. um as well and uh we are not just talking about uh the city we are talking about car testing on the costs of the countries. so it's not just about the
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young people are talking about the tires. he said, that's what this young people of feeling they named crazy. so to me, oh, this truth not the phrase and how to make the passenger side on the 0, narrow to write scripts and kenya having to use the police of illegal the tensions and abduction since those protests began. and some people have been released. but the whereabouts of others remain unknown. not from lab reports to from my review of the lease joshua acquire says he just left his home when men bundled him into a call, i'm coughed him and puts it back over his head. it was the day off, the protesters in nairobi entered parliament 2 weeks ago. joshua was that we need to make an individual who is a student leader at kenny as law school. he says he doesn't know where he was
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detained, but he was interrogated and beaten. they're asking me questions, identifies as he says, they asked him who was organizing and funding the protests, then experience and then like to remember because every time i remember, i guess the lead to this demonstrations were initially against the finance bill would have raised taxes and widespread corruption of the police killed thousands of protesters. many started cooling for president william russo in his government to resign. police of arrested hundreds of people. more than a 180 of them were brought here. the money, little quotes and charged with various crimes, including loosing and destruction of property. it will since been released them fail. defense lawyers say they were arrested for exercising that constitutional rights to protest. well,
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police that the looters will free the rights groups say that's happened alongside the campaign, have at least $34.00 adoptions an arbitrary detentions this. cctv for these shows permanent social media right to this child can leave being bundled into a call days before protest. the people who have been or abducted and then released have said that they've been in the company of police officers. no, you know there's no higher authority than the deputy president has declared to the nation about 2 weeks ago that the intelligence and the security services have been abducting people. and therefore, we have been very concerned that they seems to be, this seems to be part of a policing strategy that has no basis on the law. president russo who said the abductions will be investigated. and those responsible held to account for come over here. that hasn't reassured activists like bill using them like he says he was abducted last month. i'm forced to sit and make you do the room flooded with cold
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water for 24 hours. after he was released, he fled my baby, destiny's home, and i person on the feeling. so i'm, i'm ready for g mon country. bill says he took part in the protests to defend kennedy as constitution. many of the demonstrate to say whether it's policing pro test. so managing public funds will they ask is for a government that follows the law malcolm web out to 0, maybe wholesale adara is a governance and security analyst. she says kenyans have lost confidence and presidents were to his leadership the so you just design and um and we are going to be seeing these kinds of purchase for an attempt to come based on the reactions with the president with the purchase and based on some of the actions that she's taking. so initially was with this company and i reject the finance bill purchased and had to put that into the subject 2 different months bill. and of course making
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the provisions be easy, did not listen. and then i went to my will kind of put this up to one for pistol was cute at the beginning of the purchase of the call. so he might have the ongoing for some time, the continued cooling or, or for testers, the bridge in into the ship, the national assembly, all the if the, the, the, the police abductions in please have not been able to do because i'm calling from you guys. no confidence in his covenant. they have no confidence in the limits that i've looked at for he's, he's, he's the, he's the position on defense. and the know he's ability to deliver kind of out of the situation that he's having. and he's proving it really didn't want that to speak over the weekend. people did the cover, some clarity, some leading there will be that's me,
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something claims to be about the what to from the process. the have given an explanation of whether this book is came from, i'm going to be trying to see what is the thinking of the 2 focused by that explanation. unfortunately, also over and above all these he has not been confirmed. can the whole student protests of bangladesh have also tons violent with at least 6 people killed? the thousands were injured in the fighting between rival groups and police students having demonstrating now for 2 weeks calling for an end to what they say are discriminatory quarters for public service jobs. they say it favorites the horses of the ruling party. they want a merit base system instead. tanya chandry has moved from the back. somebody goes university around the outside of the doctor university campus. now the product is going on near the language. modern memorial, the large number of students have gathered. yes. there's also some gather in many
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parts of the city in different answer section, the not staying very long, but testing and then leaving the area they've been re pods a balance in different parts of the country. i feel that as a student we should all take part in these proteins. we are taking a risk and violence against protest is messed up immediately. we read continued the movement and now we have new d months. aside from a bush make up the quote, the system. we also want the withdrawal of home expression, i see not stopping old violence against us. the city by signing the continued to protest, they are to protest against that proto as well as the government, heavy and effective. and the pro government elements attacking government, the buckeye university campus, and the other campuses across the country with different browser than hundreds of
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injuries across the country. they're afraid they'll continue to protest unless the demands are not. and their one just is as well for what happened yesterday in the back i university, camper and other parts of the country. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just read off doc out bangladesh or 8 soldiers haven't killed an attack by on demand. and we'll switch them packaged on 10 telephone fight, as will also killed these baffles again on monday, off to a suicide on that drive a vehicle with explosives and to him, electric and cave and the kinds of pension cor province gun. and then stormed the premises, leading to gun baffled at last, at some 26 hours. passed on, has seen an increase and attacks against its security forces, as well as chinese engineers working in the country. the instability has rustled, fund investors and allies who say the government needs to tighten security. come on how to report some token on the pockets. donnie f can border
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this is the latest video from did you get the bon focused on warning of intensified attacks before digit periods to show up police going toward being ambushed to the group in increasingly targeting focused on the security forces and chinese nation of many of whom are engineers working on major projects? as part of the china progress on economic quarter goal for the interested and chinese government, calling for more protection for the workers. china is very concerned that fucker song has failed to protect chinese projects and personnel in foxes funds. the buckets on the prime minister court on neighboring a bonus dawn to crack down on on groups in dunham around government must date concrete and effective measures. didn't show it so i did not use for
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terrorism by any entity against other states. however, this worthington increase of in a long, focused on 2600 kilometer, mostly mountainous and borders. florida, where the furnace dawn focused on melodrama as boys to launch a new nation wide, congregated them offensive guard arguments that com or as all that get it a great number of attacks against the security forces. but the plan is facing criticism, as well as public all position invested in swat, riley have rallied against the plan thing there will be on the front lines of any military operation to the be off. whether we have concerns about the new military operation for that not to be displeased again, as we are displeased and previous operations manager come on to say that a, mr. insured and jordan stability, an economic prosperity, while analysts goal and the government to do more focused on itself has
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a very serious domestic terrorism problems which needs to become. and then also focused on, frankly, has no effective, suitable counter terrorist strategies for the last few years. despite focused on efforts to reinforce this border, i'm groups are still able to launch attack previous operations of only forced by did back into a for honest on and redoubt head from the dollar bond government. many happy needs . a script solution would likely remain in new to come. i like that. i just the all door home focused on of one is done bordeaux. well, let's move on to new york now with a jury has found senior us centers above hernandez, guilty on old charges and his corruption trial. and then those faced 16 charges and creating bribery as instruction of justice. and even i think is a foreign agent that was all dates back to when he was chairman of the powerful
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u. s. senate foreign relations committee. this case is always hundreds of thousands of dollars. cash mercedes benz hello, corresponding christian. so maybe joins us now from outside the courthouse in new york, christine tell us a little bit more about what he did and what kind of sentence he now faces. yeah, so the illegal activity that he was convicted of involves 3 business men from his home state of new jersey. and the prosecutors made the case that he was helping them in exchange for money from gold bars. and in one case, even a mercedes benz that was given to his wife some of the things that he did for them
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and include intervening important cases and legal affairs. and as you mentioned, serving as a foreign agent for the government of egypt. so one of these business man was from egypt and didn't business in egypt. prosecutor said that bob melendez steered sensitive information to some of these officials. that he also help them when a military aid by his role through his role on the senate foreign relations commission. he was the chairman of that very powerful committee and was able to help them in that way. and he has denied those charges. and even just a short time ago, outside of the court house here, said that he plans to appeal to charges that he didn't do anything that he wouldn't do for constituents that what he did was legal. here's a little bit more of what we heard outside of the court house. obviously, i'm deeply,
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deeply disappointed by the jury's decision. i have every faith that the law and the facts did not sustain that decision and that we will be successful upon. i pos, i have never violated my public out. i have never been anything but a patriot off my country. and for my, i have never ever been a for an agent customer. and what does this now will mean for his constituents? not to mention the democrats on the senate. of the yeah, well, his term uh, is in its last year he's facing re election in november. democrats have been calling for him to step down, even before the verdict came out. now there redoubling those calls for him to step down. everyone from the governor of new jersey, a democrat to the top ranking democrat and the senate general senator chuck schumer . so far, menendez is showing no remorse,
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no signs of stepping down. i should point out that he was dark. he, he was tried one other time. this is the 2nd trial that he's based on bribery charges . the 1st one back in 2017 ended in a mis trial because the jury couldn't agree and was accused of taking inappropriate gifts from a wealthy donor slash crime. he had argued it was a friend that was just normal friendship type exchanges, and the jury didn't convict him. and it was only a year later that the alleged activities now proven activity in the support case and helping these 3 other man started with the health of his wife. a woman by the name of nadine who was also facing charges in his case. so it is nothing in the law here prevents him from running for office again, but clearly now he is a convicted felon whose facing present time. he couldn't get
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a sentence of up to the decades behind bars. the prosecutor has declined to say how much time they'll be asking for when the sentencing is takes place later this later this summer. but he is technically up for re election and it has bound to run as an independent without the support democrats, which he clearly does not have at this time. kristen salumi, the keeping it on all of those developments for us outside courthouse in new york. thank you. the whole stay in the u. s. and it's now the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee, assuming us and boss to, to the un, nikki haley and the for the government run desantis expected to speak. now, not pat, both contested donald trump is huge of the republican presidential nomination. trump has also now revealed ohio senate and j, the venice as his running mate. he made a surprise appearance and you can see that terms of right. it was bandaged after he's survived. so say, is assassination attempt. what space or project all hands use out the convention
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center in wisconsin for us as you were telling us, all of that one of the themes of today is republican unity. right. and the speaker lineup certainly looks like i'm not to that. i know, i'm sorry, i didn't quite hear that, but i think you asked if it was a lot to ask. uh no, actually this is the clearly donald trump's report, republican party, you all, everyone who read against the basically is getting a speaking turn. the 1st we're going to hear from nikki haley. she's the former governor of south carolina. she was his ambassador to the united nations and proved to be the toughest challenge for him in the primary. she was pretty scathing in her comments about him. and criticism is really something that the republican party does any more when it comes to donald trump. who is now officially there now many. but we're also gonna hear from governor of florida, governor rhonda santas. he was a guy that opponent, that i think the trunk campaign was actually more afraid of in the primary. but
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nikki haley, even though she was getting to wouldn't say she would vote for him, she came around. she's going to get a prime time speech. it's a little quiet here now you can see they're just basically running through sound checks and things like that. the big events are about 5 hours away when the big speaker start talking. the other theme of the day is to keep, make america safe again. and you can get a sense just by sitting here during the soundtracks of exactly what they're going to be talking about. they just ran a video where they like into the search and undocumented immigrants at the southern border to a search and crime rates. so i think it's important that we put some of the stacks out there. first. there has been a search of in the. busy document migrants and the southern border that has come down now. but if you look at studies and again, you have to look at the facts, the gold standard on this as a stanford professor. and he has said since 1960 immigrants, immigrants are 60 percent less likely to end up in prison, the native born citizens. so we're going to hear a lot of heated rhetoric again and
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a to is the convention. we're also going to see for president donald trump and his new vice president, judy vance. very be here. there's like a speech level that's certainly watching all these events close to me as they happen to be kind of hearing that for us at c, r and c. thanks so much. kasey. a postal, a head here on out as well, but it's still uncertainty and phones as the prime minister, once again tends in his resignation. negotiations continue about who should fill that part of 5 minutes or don forces thousands more to flee that 100 square. one of the times when many on our sheltering tiger woods, his hip pocket criticism as he prepares for another major details on not coming up shortly with pizza, the
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hello. any way you look at it, it's been a washer in the western cape province in south africa. states of disaster declared there has been flooding. look at the provinces, capital cape town, and the $200.00 millimeters of rain for the 1st part of this month. all of that to say you blown past the july average rainfall. and guess what? there's more rain and wind coming out, you another combo rolling in here on wednesday. so we'll see those winds turn out over the next little bits. gusts of about 60 kilometers per hour and cooler than you should be. central africa looks like this as we'd expect it's something showers in storms around shad dropping down into central african republic. so bungie you'll get into some pretty socket conditions and look at all this rain. moving out of molly pushing into senegal. it's meeting up with the wet weather and equitorial, jenny guinea and sierra leo, and there's going to be some funding here. alerts issue for northern nigeria for how much rain you're about to see had been some flooding along turkey as ne black sea coast. still some showers falling around shrubs on for example,
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on wednesday into the middle east. we go things once again heating up here. so here's the forecast on wednesday. let's go in for a closer look because great. i like about 50 degrees on thursday and looking pretty good in central asia. not a whole lot to report bye for now. it was a journey through every story. every step is in there to the celebration of what we can achieve when to reach the welcome to cities and exclude does the redesigns fluctuate, losing crusty know future? today we create the latest news as it breaks. the process are in the bring up
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a lot with detail coverage. elizabeth facilities are 400 of 1000. more people are at risk of contracting, painful and dangerous infection from the hearts of the story goes, is it come to me, is in ruins. israel hospital gifted and destroyed industrial that employed tens of thousands of people, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching now to 0. let's remind you of on top stories here, the phone and is rarely strike on or around the school and the on this era refuge
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account has killed at least 23 palestinians. just based palestinians had been sheltering at that facility. it is now the 6th. you want to familiarize with school targeted by israeli forces in the last 10 days. these 3 people have been killed and renewed and take government protests in kenya. police confronted demonstrates as demanding that present when we were to step down. nationwide demonstrations. it broke out a month ago against a proposed bill to raise taxes. a jury in new york has found senior us senate above hernandez guilty on all charges and has corruption trial, fernandez the face, 16 charges and creating bribery and obstruction of justice. the case dates back to when he was the chairman of the house or senate foreign relations could not gabriel atalla has resigned as fonts as prime minister, but we'll stay on in the can take a roll. french present in mind. you lack on accepted at the house resignation, but the government is paying and pays for the time being attacked as part of my
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from suntrust coalition, which one the 2nd largest number of seats and the last election signs of politics. there has been indented august since the present. cool. that's not the election earlier this month and talks about the has moved from power of the big question for most people in phones is who is going to be the next 5 minutes to the left. when the lions one the most seats in the election, so they believe it should be someone from the wrong spot. the problem is in the past days, they have not been able to unite behind the candidate and come up with a candidate they will agree on in the left of the lines. you have a number of policies, you've got communists called left socialist and greens. and they're finding it very difficult to agree on. one can't stay now on the face, of course is playing into the hands of presidency manual my goals, centrist policy that came seconds if you like, in this election present. my goal might be hoping that the left wing in line simply in close, we already seeing
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a number of divisions on fractures within another lines. he might be hoping that perhaps in a few weeks time, he will be in a position to propose one of his centuries as a possible prime minister, if the less unable to perform a name for the last 20 lines. this is an opportunity, but it could be one that they failed to take latasha buckler. i'll just sarah power as well as bringing here go draw showing. he's an associate professor of politics of university of nursing. and he also writes on french politics for projects and the good. he joins us now from london. here's the national assembly, i understand this set to convince for the 1st time on thursday, right? this set to be a power struggle that to when they try to elect the national assembly president, to sort of speaker of the house. all we liked you to see more decisiveness from the left there than so far when it comes to the prime minister that they have just an as actually that they will have a unity candidates from the last coefficients for speaker of the highest. so they haven't reveals, and that is yet,
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but it just the mass that they're not going to be a bit of a struggle between the different parties because as being pointed, i know i lastly lines nor to sandra's, or the far rice kind of majority. so how is that the task is going to work out? it is going to be very, very challenging for the prime minister. is quite interesting. the as was said by your journalist, or just being as a power struggle with into that are being alliance between middle size. busy or far last group and the socialist party, the socialist with the communist dentist and the greens hop before a candidates last 2 by 2 john now who's known for having worked on coke 21 of the environmental conference. and she's being put forward and looks like she's quite a on my home compatible. it's hard because kind of that apparently she hadn't read
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enough twice to be minister for the environment that refused. so the social is the greens, the communists, perhaps seem ready to cut out more of a deal with the sentries that the far, that the refusing jerome is, was saying earlier on what it coalition holes now. mm hm. in terms of trying to get a minister together is, is the big pressing piece. right. and our french politics. well, fonts doesn't exactly have a historical culture of co election politics. and as we've been reporting instruction pretty fractious, what's your assessment of how this is all going so far beyond the department of serial candidate beyond what we're saying in the house. it all these coalitions, particularly the left, are they going to be able to actually tries to put together unified policies and government? it's a bit close to front. it's a very good point that it's true. it's not part of francis recent contribution. go back a few years of this is the state of public for public affairs or public was much more coordinator and much more coalition so, so it is, there is
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a history involved. but in france and also we had a 1000 own government was a minority government. so really there was some kind of coalition building centered center, but it's true. the big person right now has new blogs. and actually you notice the left wing alliance is the one that came out 1st. the big question is whether to view the whole camera, there's more and more tension, as was mentioned again by or by your turn is not only between the socialist and it's on your middle 1st party, but certainly deputies who work hard previously is on an office party have a nice slips and they've created their own route. so there's a lot of times they're, they're the ones who are most likely to break. if they do break them. because the only approved conditions i could actually where would be a center left, a center, right? otherwise or since aren't enough deputies to do it. so if there's going to be some kind of not necessarily a mastering, usually government or something like a policy program, that's a number different partners can get behind. it would have to come at the expense of
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on the left, show me the middle of the 1st party on the rights task, the moment less, and it just reference the it doesn't work. and there's a lot of pressure in my costs. and it again today says no to his own troops. besides, you got to make this work. and i think we, we, we, we started seeing that it is moving in a certain direction. and it's the o. c. french politics drops off during analytics, but soon something will come there. something will come through. well, the phrase that's been used since the election has been ungovernable. what are the risks of ongoing political dialogue for funds? yes, that is a good point and this is one of the reasons done by cost that he wants it actually has a dissolution in the 1st place and the pair take. a government can still expedite states as a business. the mother likes to propose new types of policies, and in fact some of the more controversial policies they have to put on pause as a way of getting time and space for this combination to cover. but if the worth of
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the se, unfortunately, something like a terrorist attack or something, then the most of the 2 would be able to, to step in and take on some emergency methods. i think, yeah, and you said on my course that there's no give, give a bit of time at the moment. there's a number of policies that are already there that are coming through is obviously the lengthy gains which are started and that's a big thing. so that's going to be a big focus, is the key to view the gauge can come from, can go through that with any big take ups. then as september and of august and september, i think that will be really the pressure really will be all studies find the following policy. you can service certainly a lot of pressure on and last on the line right now, if you guys are showing that an associate professor of publishing for you invest, if nothing was great to get your insights around to 0. thank you for joining us again. you can see how it least for indian soldiers have been killed. and i've done last with an identified on demand. an indian administered cash man. a series of
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back to back attacks have been reported since june, raising concern along security officials, child stripes, and reports. and the army is on file. it's in the mountains of indian administered kashmir. full indian soldiers were killed in the latest attack, targeting a foot patrol in this decades long contested immolate and regions. the soldiers were ambushed by revels fighting against indian who in the forest to go to a district late on monday. now the how to get a board post from the senior that i thought to uh, this uh, being pointed out to 80, i'm one question with the how it changed the started do we have to use those started to them and then go to my security forces they have to discharge the same as it gets without enemies, because they don't want to piece nicholas. we divide the, they don't want to piece in the, in that again. since 1947, india and pockets still don't have full tools for the most of the majority
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territory, which both countries claim in full control and paul. on resistance, the indian rule began in 1989 thousands of people being killed since then. but the violence had subsided in recent years. the roof is that may not be changing. at least 8 reported attack since june with at least 11 indian soldiers killed this year. that is discontent meant that is and that is hopelessness. maybe that the situation provide us some support, go those pull, want to in dollars, insights activities and don't want to catch me previous attacks that focus mostly on crushing me. you'll sort to say the central violence has now shifted to the jump move region in the regional capital. sure. in a golf protest is burned in effigy pocket stones point minister shift buzz should be india, blames pakistan for training funding and pushing on groups across a c spar into the positive catch me on the deadliest control focused on the noise.
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these are the people working with the militants who prevent shouts when food should be arrested. until then, we won't be able to find any solutions, renew tension, and killing a cost region. a permanent political solution remains elusive. that's best. call strap it down to 0. will you and says at least $50000.00 people have now fled, renewed hostilities and sit on the central sanaa stage and comes up to an escalation and slicing last month on the leasing of homes and shop. spite of habit for your reference for forces, many displays people have crossed into neighbor and got a rest state. the pricing between the r assess on the on the began moving a year ago and has operations. millions of people. long as all went to a camp and got a ref, annette some of the display spec. this is one of several accounts for the displays in the city of nevada. for people who fled the fighting is a state of snob. despite a being provided by several organizations, these people are traumatized. sunday, i'll be thinking of off conditions,
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the lights out, stories of the and lost lots of homes of belongings and even of loved ones who we are actually needs for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food food is essential and we the health help us uh, equipment house, uh medicines. this is very station for us to be here. actually. yeah, for these 5 is very hard. think about it still because you're out in the room for room full is very home for variety, these the facing probably year they'll send them both offers at 6 people here as many cases of missing family members. this, the school alone receive a pregnant women. 10 of them gave best policies, they didn't sound during during the last few weeks, up to 200000 people arrived in. think about it states, according to local authorities. oh,
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so if this number 70 thousands left for other areas, you could do it because of that and that it's the states on monday you 6 new families, i live in this school which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. some of them have been moved elsewhere to reduce the quality of the school is a total capacity. many have to sleep in the open until a more suitable place is found. they all full of anger and exasperation and all day was full. he's an immediate end to the war and to be able to return home. how much fun. i'm just yeah. the city of go about it. so that 6 bodies have been found in the luxury hotel room and thailand's capital, bangkok, the victims were all getting me as nationals to us and had dual american citizenship. with ours use of opened an investigation to the incident and are awaiting autopsy results. when hey, has worn out from bank home. this is the hotel way of the 6 bodies were discovered
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earlier on tuesday. police confirming that the bodies were found inside just one hotel room. the whole set confirmed that they were all foreign nationals, 4 of them being amazed and to the means americans and had been in thailand for just a few days. they also believe that the bodies had been inside the room for around 24 hours before they were discovered by a hotel look up. they say there was no sign of any struggle inside the room and no sign of any wounds on the bodies. and then not ruling out that this was a case of poisoning, but they will wait for the results of all the top seas and toxicology reports. well, this is a 5 star hotel. the grand class right in the hospital bank helps very busy shopping into his district and just happens to be a you meet is from one of the bank hawks most popular tourist destinations. the arrow one shrine, which was the scene of a bombing in 2015, that sold the depth of 20 people. it will still have here on, under their profile at all findings, the former head of a lympics facing the son of
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a sudden tennis legend that's coming up shortly. and for repeated the business like this, this brought to you believe, i guess as i live slowly on,
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one of your rooms makes more than plates. the business life just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the welcome back and it's time for sport and his visa spells are. thank you very much. karen and buffy says he's full funding. a childhood dream by signing for rail madrid. the 25 year old french super still receive a huge welcome on the 1st day at the been about a stadium as 85000 fans to watch these official presentation. really investigate post a medical and signed a 5 year contract. having joined the european club champions on
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a free transfer from paris central man, he will waive the number 9, choose the missing document to the left here, and i still so privileged to be able to save them to that. i am, mary, i'm a good plan. it's been my dream you since i was a kid that i've been waiting for this moment for so so long. then being of the on the to 10 today is really agreeable when you're in dreams, a priceless. i was close to signing for the on madrid 2 years ago and pretty as it goes, well, that's part of the life of the football player. the past is behind. many things happened in the past, but that's behind it. but i only think about the present. they mean this day, i want to enjoy every 2nd because i'm thinking them, but this day for the rest of my life, what i mean, i'll tell him my children about today. who am i send them an e, today's history formula. let's take a look at what bought pay brings to royal. he was p histories, highest score with 256 goals. in the 7 seasons he spent with fame. he also picked
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up 17 trophies of p. a street including 6 springs sneak titles on the international stage and thought they won the world cup with fonts in 2018 and was a runner up to a 100 and seen it 2 years ago. well that this is yours. he's team last 3 vengeful champions. spain the team that of co, speeding in the final and a manager kind of southgate has not resigned in a statement. southgate roads as a proud englishman, it is being the owner of my life to play full and manage england. it is made to everything to me and i have given it my own, but it's time to change and a new chapter. and these 10 you england reach 2 consecutive euros, finals. dakota finds that because of woke up 2 years ago. i'm a semi finals of the 2018 woke up what he means, congress, spain held a victory parade in madrid on monday, following they 21 victory in berlin. but the spanish football association could find themselves in trouble
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who they accounting gibraltar is spanish during the celebrations that you're both. if it has taken issue with that they're making an official complaint to european for tools governing body. you a for st. football has no place for behavior of this nature. person to control the enclave. all of job role to on the southern tip of spain. through the 18th century, spain has a long cold. it's for 2 oceans hills. so back home, off of a couple america times over columbia and a contest that was delayed for over an hour to defend trouble. so say, minutes of columbia football president and the son of being charged with the battery of the allegedly fighting with security guards off to the game. 71 year old ramon system and 43 year old. i'm on a move here soon. we're rest of the to often altercation in the play is tunnel. colombian football federation has declined to comment. paris 2024 officials are putting the finishing touches to the olympic village, which opens and stores to athletes on thursday. well,
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the 14000 baskets will be welcome to the vintage for the games, which stretches the size of 70 football pictures. it will eventually be refurbished into $3000.00 new flats. village will offer launch for the center training grounds and the empty doping center. a. speaking of which chinese slim is nice, being drug test twice as often as other competitors at the parents and then fixed the united states and see doping agency. so it's only a cover up allowed, a number of chinese athens take part at the last games in tokyo and the richardson reports the mucky, walters of doping in school to thing. so the money to head of the power. so lympics 11 show any swim is, will be at the games. tested positive for a banned substance. shortly before the last bill and fixing tokyo this point this, they were allowed to compete in japan. the field tests only became public knowledge
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early this year, prompting some of the schools all time greats to voice, long health concerns. i out worked at any single human on this planet. that's a fact. that's why i got the results that i got. and for me, i don't want kids growing up thinking that it's only doping and cheating where you're able to do these unfathomable things. a showing as anti doping agency had ruled the band, hall medicine was accidentally taken by 23. johnnie. swim is a few months before the tokyo olympics and the world, and he thought of being agency said it wasn't in a position to disprove that conclusion. this is cynthia fine. she, when did you go to the united states continues to high pop in a tech, international organizations with the name of discrediting outstanding chinese athletes. and affecting that participation in the parts. and then picks, trying to believe that the united states isn't qualified to make these comments or interfere in the global anti doping system. the interim findings of an independent report commission point,
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the world empty doping agency says there was no bias shown in favor of showing a swim is it hasn't stopped the us government from opening its own criminal investigation into the case. what else don't we know cause unfortunately when there's not transparency, then that just raises a lot of questions. because now people are questioning a bunch of things because it appears like the rules weren't applied consistently and this case that they had been previously. thousands of athletes will be tested during the parents olympics as organizes and to convince competitors they all doing all they can to be a drug sheets on the richardson algae, 0 or press all. it all is stepping up. these preparations, the head of the olympic seas through to the 2nd round of the swedish open of the defeating lee, a bold son of 11 time grand slam champion bloomberg. the dogs skipped wimbledon to focus on the clay quotes ahead of the paris games. and the one here in straight
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fits against these 21 year old apartments. the tucson gulf med list is also in the doubles with tests for route. and this ends at both events in the olympics along side recently, problems wimbledon champion, carlos alco. raz tiger woods is gearing up for the open at royal troon and the zip packets, suggestions you should the tire form in europe, a ride a cup kept them color montgomery as question why? tiger is continuing to competes. the 15 to a major champion has completed 72 holes just full time since he's called crash. in february 2021 and woods has made the costs in just one of these last 6 majors. as a pass ship and i'm exempt on 60 comments, not united pass champions so he's not exempt so he doesn't get the opportunity to make that decision. i do, i'll play as long as i can play and feel like i can still win the event. and as a police waiver to in the, in the last 2 units that you can still with no french or i'd be president, florian girl says it's governing body will take
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a 0 tolerance approach to misbehavior. also 2 of us plays were charged with aggravated rape. the 2 players concerned google auto and oscars jake who have yet to respond to allegations that they rate to women in the hotel room 3 phones as to emergency 9. mendoza girl said that the incident is tragic for french rugby. it follows the suspension of fullback melvin gemini, who was saying to him last week, following the racist comment made on social media. or does anyone see a pretty c? we're going to step up a training and awareness rising works. and we're also going to step up the sanctions, the point of the streets we says there will be 0, tell her. and so that will be financial penalties and penalties that could go as far as the permanent exclusion from the french team. and we'll finish with some baseball is taska and then days became the 1st los angeles dodges plants. when the home run derby, this is an annual home run hitting competition held the day before the mobiles style game. and then those manage the live in home is plus 3 more in a bonus round,
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which junior was on 13 and then fell short with these last swing. and that left an end is to send a bite victory, and the $1000000.00 prize eating a total of $49.00 home is over the 3 euro and that's what was full of things with the time being a little bit late and the stuff here, thanks so much for your time. now, one of the fast problems has made by the u. k. is me a prime minister was to make tackling knife crime his moral mission. life docks have been on the rise across the england. but it's the west in the west midlands, where campaign is according to the government to do to keep young people the safe. we live as an individual, it's now from dining. oh tanya was a very happy go lucky. the jalen san daniel was killed. he was celebrating a new job. the 26 year old was out with friends when he was stabbed, and black to death, the attack ending a bright future that was just on the horizon on that day. he was really,
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really happy. and davis planning is where they was planning a mortgage. so it was probably the one of the happiest days of his life. and i never saw him again. we missed him when we seemed constantly to and which we still look for in the day. and so it can feel like it only happened just today. you know, we've never really moved on for the what keeps lane going now is promoting these medical kits that can still pleading several have been installed in padding and her son died. and in other cities, across the case assigned perhaps of a white problem. nice crime, a rule has been rising in england and it's this area of the west midlands that's being the most effective with the biggest rate of life crime, a census in the country. nice time is something that liam smith experienced 1st hand when i was full say no stopped in the back roy to violence was part of his difficult task, but now he can pains against it, char, am only friends,
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have gone northwards, the subject. right? and that's women as well. women have been stopped. nitty law stands. there's not just one person, a witnesses to fly out. it's not regularized. yeah. and i'm scared for all the science. all insurance give off a positive law and get into the heads of these young kids that this was the lowest on a and i'm showing them that the results are lost and don't give up on your goals. youth clubs like this one are often key to that refuge with trouble, teenagers, but the closing overlay, the person i made the costs to youth services. i think everyone agrees that it has no way to go. the young people going to be on the streets. next thing that the young people get stereotyped into being the trouble might cause, which is not always necessarily true. so they've got to have somebody to go back to an a structured environment such as a youth center or a youth provision is just giving them that platform that positive platform to work
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from. and that platform needs investments in young people that compete as well. the new government to commit to the lender as need to reach out to 0 diving in u k. well, that's it for me. so i'm going to mila will have more than just the one and stay with the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war and ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence, award,
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denominator hero. now, this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers how the news is cut the bold and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on out which is 0. the israeli forces attack, it's another you in one school in garza where palestinians have been seeking shelter. dozens, i killed the


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