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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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ministry described them as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in person, some like so the house on the cd will continue working to see how to use. unless it's raining, somebody i think the we have to go with donald trump. a strong show of solidarity. so donald trump's on us republican so they convention just stays off that he survived in assassination attendance. the de donovan. this is l. just a live from joe ha. also coming up is wally met if he kills at least 13 palestinians across the gaza strip. residential building was targeted china and
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the fed opinions agreed to set up a crisis hotline to tackle a dispute in the south china sea. and the travel watches the and the trouble, most of the send the mails power sets out to prove it's ready for the olympics, outdoor swimming events. the who begins in the united states where there's been a show of, you'll see on the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee to form arrivals of donald trump have endorsed him for president. one of his family members shared her experience of staff. today's assassination attempt island official has moved from milwaukee the president's daughter 3 days as to the attempt to kill him. the theme of the republican national convention make america safer again. the former president was back in the whole
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once more enjoying the deletion of a supporter. mike johnson of louisiana elliot. the convention had from the leader of the house. we confirmed a congressional inquiry into the events in pennsylvania is under way the american people deserve to know the truth and we will ensure accountability. i promise you that under 2 button, millions of illegal aliens flood our borders. speaking after speaking, criticize the bike and white haze and cry, border security and immigration will not always being sold on the facts from the stage. lucy, to trump had to be the place to run against them for the nomination. good is surprisingly warm. welcome. but both know, bending the need, pledging their support and loyalty. i'm here tonight because we have a country to say no unified republican party is this central for saving or donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued. he's been
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prosecuted any nearly lost his life. we cannot let him down and we cannot let america down the go through me noticing you figuring the republican party is the 1st family member to address the convention since the assassination attempt. and admitted she wrote some of the speech because of it. there's no doubt that saturday was one of the most frightening moments of my father in law's life. millimeters separated him from life. the delegates here are blinds in the last few weeks. it seems you might lose the president to be tony. tom secured a number of important port victories and survive and assassination attempts, so they believe that on the target for a clean the house and the wife. oh, how did you know what the problem with the national convention in milwaukee?
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meanwhile, president joy bottom is back on the campaign trail for the 1st time since trump's attempted assassination. he addressed the annual convention of the n, w a. c, p, one of the oldest civil rights organizations, rob reynolds reports from las vegas, the receiving a warm welcome from any a c p members. us president, joe by acknowledge is enormous political debt to black voters. because of, you know, i present a couple hours with vice president biden spoke about the assassination attempt on his rival, donald trump, and the threat of political violence responsible to lower the temperature temperature and condemn violence in any form. but he also took some jabs at trump to start the record growth of watchable business. like i said, as again, because dropped his line like gel about what the poor did
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a record low over by. there's immunization bite in mock trump's reference during the debate last month, 2 black jobs, which many people thought he implied were on skilled. well try. the job is a vice president of states. in the aftermath of that debate, some democrats urged biden to drop out of the race over concerns about his age and mental stamina. but black officials and voters have largely stood by him. he's a proven track record of being. it's a portal for the initiative for what blacks are facing today. and so we are looking for him to do that again to continue to do that. but some recent polls suggest some black voters are drifting away from bite bite and will need every last measure of support enthusiasm and turn out from black voters. if he is to have any
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chance of winning a 2nd term in the white house, rob reynolds, l g 0, las vegas. awesome huffman is a democratic political strategist and the founder of convey communications. he says biden's domestic policies have helped him retain the support from blackboard. his as we start with the blackboard itself, although not model with big is over well being. we've pro democratic candidate whoever the democratic candidate is. so when we're talking about losing support, we're talking about losing something like 9394 percent down to something like 8384 percent. just to be clear about what the context is for that. and that's something that's in flux. i think there still opportunity for bite in to get some of these wavering voters back and we know what one of the reasons is for this. one of the biggest areas of concern among voters of color, not just black voters, is a biting, is handled positive to it is as long as bite and continues to support these really,
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militaries campaigns and causes. there will be some skepticism on our side that said, i was just into the same debate that you were in and listening to that crowd. the support is still strong because of everything else that bided has done domestically . and that certainly affects african americans and other people in this country, disproportionately from the inflation reduction act and infrastructure investments to non working non discrimination and labor protections. all of this has got a long way to keep a lot of the coalition together. the and god. so that is why the military has killed at least 13 palace demand since don't want across the strip is ready for, for the target. have several areas in the side of the camp and central gaza coming 11 people and injuring others to all the palestinians were killed and they sell them at alpha area. is where the forces have released 13 palestinian prisoners
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detained from gaza. they arrived at all like the hospital and central gauze, which was the treatment they say that were held and difficult conditions that they experienced torture. a sold humiliation since the beginning of the war. multiple reports and testimonies have detailed the abuse of palestinian prisoners in as rainy jails. that's bringing our correspondence out of a boy's room. he's joining us lie from the bala and central gaza. those people have been brought to the hospital behind you thought it. what do we know about them and the condition that they're in elizabeth uh, i've managed to get some really upsetting details about circumstances that were going through and is running detention as they were quoting about. a rough experience being practiced by the is very administrative regarding the big blank for the time cost. and basically they are deprived from getting the basic rights
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and these ready detention caps. they're talking about the i've been deprived also from getting i've been exposed to the sun and heat for a long time, but that's negatively impacted on there. it's like it's kind of even a visit kind of health. as we can see that are visibly send dark substances with different sign up to show in the buddies and some of them really left to visually retentions best for some without getting even a couple of shoes in order to use it for the king. and this is that includes the belief, very difficult scenes that we really watched and the palestinians will have really we're lucky to be released today by these very close to some of them have group has, has we have reported generally that the situation inside the east where the detention is inquisitively on believable that these but um, existing physical and psychological prussia on them. they were asked about the place of costs as they were aust abbas. different uh, targets on the ground is like golf and strip,
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and some of them said that they were beats in full day and night, 5 east valley intelligence offices during the periods of investigation with this is betty offices. but generally, it's quite obvious and reminding us every time there is a batch of pilot sitting captives being released by the army that been witnessing the same condition with a wide range. busy and a very aggressive procedures being taken by the for the all making sense. yes. public. and we have to remember that of course, subjecting prisoners to such treatment amounts to will crimes. and that the fact that they have been released means that they are not suspected of being being fighters in any way. meanwhile, topic, they have be more deadly as rainy as tracks on people's homes, refugee camps, displacement cans. so this is the daily scenario that palestinians are witnessing impact, elizabeth especially in the central area which seemingly to be
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a what the new focus of a use. but especially as, as a rock refuge account, we're talking about as an inch of house that being targeted. allison has at least been killed a most also was hate in that area. a were a number of casualties also being recruited. so people generally, you know, it's all inclusively terrified to do to the scale of fear and panic resulted from such attacks on areas that supposed to be saves, humanitarian zones. who's that more? there recently haven't been taking it as the rest of utah didn't really receive that at all. so there is a want escalation on you on run. so says where's the vast majority of display, some of these have been living in such areas with that very partial sense. of safety pot recently we're talking about 6. the schools have been targeted in a very short periods of time where it's just about 10 things only. and that is a significant indicating size as each bed is exhausting military pressure. when the boss, the majority of the most densely populated areas,
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especially in the central areas of mr. far as were fighting a button and continues elsewhere involved, especially in the summer part. well at least 2 palestinians have refused to choose . and they managed to be recovered by the civil defense and the majesty it was in the western areas of brooklyn, with their reporting about a very president of the state of disruption being connected to that area close by these, by the ongoing area, land blonde from boston the vice verify that constant it continues how much also, sol, residential took some of them side with the central settlement for us. talk to the elizabeth started. thank you very much for your reporting on that destruction. thought a couple of them live in bed on my lot in central gaza. so many palestinians keeping the keys of places they've been forced to flee, has become an involuntary tradition. and both the gaza strip and the occupied westbank new or they have a pull for the janine refugee temp garza hello, send me an spleen,
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death and destruction. exhausted by the trauma of war and overtaken by grief. this is the most brutal chapter of the palestinians. not about or catastrophe that begun. ones on this malicious, expelled the majority of palestinians from their homes. in 1948 of today's tragedy has revived, and that's the best most poignant symbol. the key goes, is it the money all day when people were exposed in 1948, they kept their home keys were just likes them. we hold on to our keys in the hope that we will return to israel has so far obliterated, upwards of 70 percent of homes in gaza and the ongoing war, most of these families will have no home to return to the city. i need the key to present hold for me that god willing we will return home to rebuild. the key would remain as a better my money,
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whether it's in gaza in exile or here in the occupied westbank. stories of homes stolen a lives crushed and of keys bearing witness, or a common thread in the palestinians experience of dispossession. the scars of repeated destructive is rarely, military campaigns are inescapable in the jeanine refuge account of the salons home was damaged by is really a sold in 2002 and twice after that. a 2nd home he bought nearby is also gone. only the rubble remains and he's hesitant to rebuild again. it's like gaza here. we knows even safe and now homes. my brother's home nearby was struck while he and his family went inside generations of refugees here experienced repeated displacement and loss in their lifetime. the was 10 when he became a refugee in 1948. he holds onto the key to his original home,
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which i mean what, what do you know? the key of oaks enduring, bitter memories. but it is also a way to challenge the occupation. it's material evidence of my land and home in the alleys of jeanine's, comp known here, a small gaza. the promise of return and rebuilding lives on kept to live by patients for assistance. not all day i just need a janine refuge account palestine and the, as randy military has stormed the talent of a zone in the occupied westbank. locals also say it related to the home of a palestinian wanted by the as randy military, family members was a perfectly detained. as ready, ami is preparing to demolish the house. this is where the air defenses have shut down. several missiles fired from southern level video show the moment the missiles were intercepted, as well as in the lebanese group as well. i have tried as near daily strikes since
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the one goes up again. has wallace has its attacking as well and solid hours even palestinians and gaza to the head on knowledge as they are we hear from west africans, has made desperate journeys to escape poverty. despite the dangers involved, the, we're running a fever in terms of the toasts temperatures across central and eastern europe. they have for one. so diving into those details today on wednesday. some showers in storms. but watch what this does. let's focus on keep going from 36 down to 20 eights on thursday. the storms and the winds are shifting around this rain. we'll catch up to romania on thursday. so book or a sue to will feel attached cooler in the days to come and things are heating up though, across spain. many spots will be in the forty's over the next 24 hours or so. and
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for the other side of the mit, it's raining in the northwest slice of africa like this head away from the coast merrick cache, 39 degrees, and you're going to get hotter by the date now for the other end of the mediterranean, also hots greece and turkey temperatures here too, we'll push into the forty's, still a few scattered showers across the 30th today on wednesday. and then we've got rounds of rain coming in, particularly around suite and not too far away from stockholm. so just wanted to put that on your radar. and let's go back to africa. their pain is quite intense through guinea be so. and guinea, same goes for see, are the own that will in this weather, reports in south africa, enjoy wednesday because we've got another rain and wind condo moving in for cape town on thursday with a height of 14 degree c. that was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative,
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a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to submit an extra re designed redesigns, luxury leasing, trusting else future. today we create the the, you're watching, i'll just say off of me elizabeth put on and i have a mind to of on top stories, the ssl and there was a show of unity on the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee.
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donald trump's former rivals nikki haley and rhonda scientists have both endorsed his nomination for president and gaza. that is why the management has killed at least 13 pallets finance and storm cost. this trend is very full, has targeted several areas in the state of captain central golf. kenning, 11 people, and injuring others to all the palestinians were killed and the southern alpha area . and saddam, the un says at least 50000 people have fled when you'd hostilities in these central some nice days. there's been an escalation in fighting and recent weeks between the army and power military rapid support forces. many of the internally displaced people have crossed into the neighboring gets out of state, maybe 13 many uncertainties having display since the conference began more than a year ago. and finding in the city of and fashion of the capital of nor that full state has forced about $3000.00 civilians, to flee to the exams and come to the south with the city altogether. the un says the fighting of fashion alone has led to
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a 134000 civilians being false from the home since april. we've reached another green milestone and our colleagues said, the international organization for migration now says more than $10000000.00 men, women and children have been displaced since the fighting broke out in april of last year. this means a 20 percent of students population. that's one in 5 people living in the country have been forced to flee in the span of just 15 months. the majority of those displaced are inside. so inside the country, that's almost 8000000 human beings. and over half of those are children. meanwhile, more than 2000000 people have crossed into neighboring countries. countries that often facing their own humanitarian challenges to west africa. now it has been a shop horizon, undocumented migraines trying to reach year of so far the sea and more than 5000 people have di trying to right reach spain by sea. that's according to
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a spanish charity coming on. the from fed as the, despite the dangers, many continued to make the crossing and the hopes of a better life off. but there is reports from cot, hong, and began via it's been 8 months, says a traumatized body to see say last. so why nephew left on a migrant boat to speed through our root locus called the back way. it never reached its destination. mm hm. the end of last week because of i'm still fighting to isn't and i have for the, for the fishing community of car calling in the got be a is less different state assess of that part. you have that quote, bring to 7 of the $200.00 pressing get on board, while young men and women from the village. a few months later, another vessel left, the coastal community. by g was one of the migrants. he used his life savings for the trip money he said, could have helped set up
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a small business in the gambia. that money is lost and he is likely to be alive to keep our gun been paid for lots of people that killed it. says the smugglers turned back the boat. when some my grandson boat threatened to report the motors for the spanish police when they reached sho, what's the general or attempted to migrate once but for you is willing to try again . i expect to get better lives in music and offer everything. what's my kid's needs? because since i could diverse demand most not less, consequently for what is supposed to do that's across the case. i see, i think pressure on west africa's a crypt and under funded matter terms of guilty just as the company and navy says it's deploying the fuel resources that has the challenges continue to grow. we got information recently that someone dispensing customers to for some of these, my grandson, waiting for the board of boards that bring them i think up board and then say loud
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. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. and it looked set to get worse by the end of the year. as harsh living conditions pushed more young men and women to make that dangerous journey across the atlantic capitalizing on the dispersion, us walk looks like most of the shows us the next pick of point of the journey to europe. taking 200 migrants on wooden boats. this rather isn't for the back way. what only one person pays in a day is more than what fishing gibson a month. partnerships with the european union had helped to stem the tide for a while. with the matter of time agents of struggling with logistics and the rising poverty that concerns even more people will attempt to reach. you don't by see how many degrees i just did. i got all the gum. yeah. is trying to understand opinions have agreed to set up an emergency hotline to prevent future escalation in the
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south china sea. it's the 1st time the 2 countries are setting up a direct line and the presidential level to handle such disputes mennonite has a choose. china is called scott of hostile maneuvers in the contested waters. badging says for the pain ships have in the past, encroached on chinese territory. despise repeated warnings. bottom below, has moved from manila who shall details of an agreement signed by philippine and chinese foreign ministry officials during their meeting here in manila on july. second, have now come to light. we now know that the 2 sides have agreed to establish a new emergency hotline to manage and prevent patients in the south. china sea was spiraling out of control. but it is important to note that a similar communication mechanism has been available to both sides. so is january 2023, when philippine president for the then marcus junior, and the chinese presidents being met each other inmate, james. but that mechanism was only available to officials in the lower bureaucracy
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of both governments. now this new agreement would involve higher level officials as high as chinese foreign minister, one g and philippine foreign affairs secretary and became another even as high as representatives of the offices of presidents of both countries. now the july, 2nd reading came just weeks after the most violent confrontation between philippine and chinese forces in the south china sea. in recent memory, where a philippine sailor lost his finger and a philippine military hold was punctured by chinese coast guard personnel. these actions where described by china as law enforcement measures. but these are the kinds of incidents that these new agreement which seek to avoid. course this needs to be seen. the fact that it was that we did a re supply mission to strips treats station at the 2nd pull machine in the south.
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china sea is july. second. what would that be? what the philippine military can see is that they have monitors your chinese specials within the philippines, exclusive. we cannot zone area the philippines planes and just trying to find out is 0. 9 days these children will we gather in paris for this is and then pick games. but they're all concerns at the cities senra the won't be clean enough for athletes to compete in the mail on. it. algo has found that the was a way to prove it. is clean the river is due to play a key part of the opening ceremony and during the games, but only if it's safe for not try a loan and math. and so the competition, so scheduled to take place and the said it's amazing. you know, it was a dream for us we, we work a lot and very hard for that. and it is, um,
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not just for a be here today in sweden to guess or it's a very lucky and happy day. it's also for the plan that's, you know, and for the river and for the ocean we, we did it, we did it because we are very connected with the as the challenges of climate change and how we have to do we are, we are the big city and we have to work for the plan that's in for the next generation. well, let's bring in our friends correspondent natasha butler. she's joining us live from paris, an adult i was suppose to some last month. she didn't because of what test found to leave it to you to choose to elaborate on that natasha. but there's been some good news in recent test. yes. and the dog good. the barrack paris has been promising to swim in the sand before the big games for many months now,
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and she has finally kept that promise by plunging into sports as we understand it was about 19 degrees. it's a beautiful, sunny day here. she's farm about a 100 meters putting a head under water and she came out looking a delighted saying that this is obviously a big day for paris. also swimming was a 3 times a gold lin pick metal. when a canoe is turn east on gay, he's also president of the 2024 game. so the organizing committee here in paris, all the games and look this and is a key part of these powers games. the sauce in less than 2 weeks, you're gonna have the opening ceremony on the sand is the 1st time that the noise makes are many is being held outside of the staging in and then big side street and also a number of events including the swimming mouse in the neck of the draft alone and a number of events during the power of the big stays that was absolutely essential that the said was going to be ready. and they've spent more than a $1000000000.00 to try and get it ready. just how big a job has it be?
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natasha. it's been a massive job. it has taken more than a decade to clean up the site. and as you said, one of the off a $1000000000.00 in cost, the sewage treatment facilities of have to be improve new will to treatment facilities of being built and installed. and scientists and researches ornamental needs any faces have been looking at e co light levels in the rivers. the. those are the levels that can tell whether or not there's any dangerous fecal matter in the river. it was essential that this river was going to be clean and ready for the lympics. lots of cause you called predict what the weather will be. and they all suck up times if we have heavy rains just before somebody swimming defense, they're all back up as will be organized as the saying is that they could delay some of those whizzing, swimming events for a few days until those water pollution levels might stabilize oh, it saves just simply too much pollution on a given day. they can actually move the event to outside of powers,
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but of course the organizes the powers may lympics funds of really hoping that the sand is use lastley's not please all swimming is natasha. thank you. very much for that. and the tasha butler live in paris. the bodies of 6 people have been found to the luxury hotel room and thailand's capital bank called the victims were all vietnamese nationals. and to had june american citizenship. as wayne have a quote from van, call the police. now believe cyanide poisoning was behind the desk. the 6 bodies were found inside one room here at the grand quiet air one a 5 star luxury hotel, right in the heart of bank called busy tourist and shopping district when they were found on tuesday by a hotel stop noon. but police believe that they have been inside the room for around 24 hours. attention quickly tends to cause all the tip given that the police said there was no sign of a struggle inside the hotel room and no sign.


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