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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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to face with these palestinians, it will provide at least some really the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm signing these. i them. this is the news out live from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready. minutes. we killed at least $27.00 palestinians across garza, residential buildings and the mosque is targeted as african migrants continued to risk their lives crossing the mediterranean summit to interpret late aims to tackle the christ relatives of those killed one's life. m 8. 17 was shot down mach 10 years since the tragedy. my lords and members of the house of commons,
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my government will govern in service to the country. you case king charles opens parliament and lays out the new british governments plans for the year ahead. i'm driving us with the sports with 9 days to go until the olympics. the mattress swims and the river said to prove it safe fasting the way. begin the news hour and gaza, where these riley met a tree is killed at least $27.00 palestinian since dawn is rarely wall plane struck a mosque and the houses and the site on the refugee camp based 11 people have been killed in several attacks in the area, as in the west of gauze and cities, ready bombings near a school, and none of them on neighborhood killed at least 9 palestinians. 3 of them with children on tuesday, a strong kind of un run school killed,
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23 displaced palestinians sheltering in the facility. felipe black city, the underwood chief, is once again condemned the targeting of schools and gaza. you posted on social media saying it's almost a daily occurrence at least 8 schools hit in the last 10 days, including 6 unruh, a schools, the wall, rob, the goals and boys of gals are of that childhood and education. schools must never be used for fighting on military purposes by any policy to the conflict schools and also target the plates in constant disregard of international humanitarian law continues unabated or rules of war. i've been broken in garza losing our common humanity, must not become the new norm. a tiny, my mood joins us live now from that and back in central garza. and these are the minutes here today. they've been saying highly 25 strikes and just 24 hours. what does that look like on the ground?
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the yes savion and those air strikes and the attacks and unit for the past 24 hours have killed close to $81.00 policy areas across the gust of the vast majority of these people happen to be displaced. california and from every corner of the gulf has to be including the northern part gods and city more reason the front by city and a lot of the evaluations on in find you in a city as i knew this right now. the we're looking at a whole city that has to be the blood traded and being a, deprived of any of the social services for 80, the ends of life. and it's 27 of these people are being killed at since early hours of this morning at about 5 at 5 30 in the morning till the preparation of this report inside the residential home is really mother terry has increased its attack than what looks like a search on, on the attacks, not only on residential buildings,
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but also in public facilities including those who are under these are protected by inter humanitarian international laws. we're looking at honor with schools, facilities being major targets of this really monetary for the past 10 days. there are 6 of the schools and just within the past few hours of public schooling, dogs and city were, we were told by eye witness inside the school, the displaced individuals inside this school. this is tyra school or a fire school in the, in the remote neighborhood. at the center of jobs and city where hundreds of displays, families coming from to your neighborhood and other densely populated area taken shelters inside this the school. and the fact that we see the schools that will be in targeted and destroyed or severely damaged. something that feeds into a permanent depravation of education for the thousands of students who are really lacking a proper opportunity and access to education. there's an entire generation right now that doesn't have
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a proper active duty cation of the learning gap keeps widening as the war keeps raising in the genocide keeps taking place on every single day. earlier this morning here this the use was fab cnn tragic, you know, remaining family members here at the, for you out of the hospital taking bodies, removing them from the more performing prayers and taking them to find a resting place. this has become a daily normal for an already traumatized, displaced population is struggling daily basis, not only to stay in protected and safe, but also with all the other difficulties been created by the intense bombing campaign. and jaime, we heard from sleep, that's really the underwood. she's talking about 8 schools hit in 10 days. what does that mean for displace palestinians? you know,
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sammy is things have been evolving into much more complexity of since the one of this word is let's just put a context here for our viewers. this work or this finding has been one sided. it dominated by presence of, of the presence of his rating minutes or using a kind of arsenal kind of weapon re since p one of this genocide the word. and we're seeing that the, the kind of targets that are being destroyed so far, it feeds into something that gauze as soon it's not a really is uninhabitable. and as old means of life have been destroyed. and the fact we're seeing people who ran to these, the schools seeking protection and safety being targeted inside the school, just shattered any remaining a sense of safety and security for them. and it's also part of a psychological warfare. it's not all the schools that have been targeted and destroyed, not all the people displaced individuals and families inside these as food being traumatized, more than one time being killed inside. these are schools that also has been
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hospitalized within the past month. being the major target of is really a relentless air of parts and we're seeing here the reading, the psychological impact that there is no safe to play something that is consistent with what we've been reporting about. but there's no safe, it's ways of the entire golf and stuff has evolved into more of a killing box right now, the workforce. and this is the fact that there's no escape. there's no guarantee or ross here being saved at this hospital right now. thanks so much the honey. my mood that reporting from that is about a time garza and this was war and gaza has destroyed the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of palestinians. one displaced palestinian has been telling l. just sarah, how he lost his entire business to the conflicts. this is his story on us and a 100 coated knows that i'm going to somebody would give a 7 a gun, the gun and you must,
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i'm not sure i'd be good even with just to make them into the most pop up on it. what else with johnny says can government have them to show us the of the amazon gift, but the homeless ortho. and that kind of thing that i suggested were still in the i still have to be, i don't know what the contingency to heavy for some sort of hardship. now what all of us here now, try to get to try to get to the, to the room i secured, but yeah, sherry almost as well. so some of the issue will kind of take the time to say you feel more comfortable like i had to think of a actually well, i don't know most of my well, what about chubby? what about the yes, definitely gotta be best suited and a bit you gotta be do what it's me and also that secure though i have that in between. think you live suited and is that, and i'm asking you about, you know, something i not about to you, i'm from us. do you have a ton of some gift degree? hope i didn't get a job. they put a target and they put me on the site. so you have a little bit of a minus here. what does this guy the dental the how do you want us to man,
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the committee can go to atlanta for the most extra. sure. yeah. what's the deal? none of us, i'm going to so, but i'm going to sit down and say, oh wow, yeah, i mean, i've done a sober the bus hire, you will make the my, you mean the kind of feel bad, you know, bounce some of the jazz or more it to them or more and then not above days of the issue on the list. yeah, we're the only way to him, but i have time to time and basically give them to them right now, these are the manager. you're still in the town,
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the wazoo. and in the occupied westbank, local sources say rated the hope of a palestinian wanted by these ready ministry. family members were reportedly detained. is ready, occupation armies preparing to demolish the house. so many palestinians keeping the keys of places they've been forced to flee, is becoming involved and see tradition in both garza and the occupied west bank. note all of the reports from jeanine refugee camp, gaza. hello, cindy and spleen, death and destruction. exhausted by the trauma of war and overtaken by greece. this is the most brutal chapter of the palestinians. nothing about or catastrophe that begun. ones on this militias expelled the majority of palestinians from their homes in 1948 of today's tragedy has revived. and that's the best most
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poignant symbol the key cause is that the money all day when people were exposed in 1948, they kept their home keys. we're just like them. we hold on to our keys in the hope that we will return to israel has so far obliterated, upwards of 70 percent of homes in gaza in the ongoing war. most of these families will have no home to return to the city on the key to presents hold for me that god willing we will retain home to rebuild the key, would remain as a better memory whether it's in gaza in exile or here in the occupied westbank stories of homes stolen a lives crushed and of keys bearing witness, or a common thread in the palestinians experience of dispossession. the scars of repeated destructive is rarely, military campaigns are inescapable in the jeanine refuge account of the salons home was damaged by is really
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a sold in 2002 and twice after that. a 2nd home he bought nearby is also gone. only the rubble remains and he's hesitant to rebuild again. it's like god's the here we knows even safe and now homes. my brother's home nearby was struck while he and his family went inside generations of refugees here experienced repeated displacement and loss in their lifetime. the was 10 when he became a refugee in 1948. he holds onto the key to his original home, which i mean, what do you know? the key of oaks in during bitter memories. but it is also a way to challenge the occupation. it's material evidence of my land and home in the alleys of janine's, comp known here, a small gaza, the promise of return and rebuilding lives on kept to live by patience for
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assistance. no to all the data janine refuge account, palestine. nobody has the law side a barrel issue of rockets from 11 and towards is ready towns and cities across the board and defensive shut down several missiles find from southern lebanon. those rockets triggered 5 and is ready rescue teams are trying to put out the flames. israel and the lebanese group has the law has traded near daily strikes, is the world gone? so it began, as the law says, it's attacking is riley and solidarity with palestinians. in garza, the representatives from 28 countries, amazing and the libyan capital to address dangerous migrant crossings across the mediterranean sea. most european union countries will be attending, as well as many african nations. take a look at the journey migrants make from north africa to europe. then last year, at least
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a 160000 people tried to make the crossing with nearly 2000 either drowning or going missing. in the 1st quarter of the it's $39650.00 migrants have crossed the mediterranean. that have been $656.00 were full to death. so missing persons in that period with nearly 10 and a half 1000 migrants intercepted at sea and return to libya. but despite the 59 percent decrease in crossings compared to last year, you and says the central mediterranean remains one of the world's most dangerous migration routes. i lived down my country for file size so many years ago. so i'm looking are maybe yeah, yeah, right now they have a very, very dangerous to how people go to see what's across to see. so they'll have to
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store pause. so i know everybody is going back right now to dial country says one from yes i was. yeah. i don't find like 200 denying my poor kids. so i'm thinking to move forward all to go back. it will not make sign that joins us now from the libyan capital, aaa. so mad a con country is coming to a more of a common understanding on how to shape policy and come back the problem, the crisis of migrants and refugees crossing the mediterranean. well i think there's a lot of stakeholders here. i mean look to level of representation. i don't think was at the levels that the libyans wanted it to be. we have the prime minister of tunisia here, the prime minister of malta, and natalia and italy and the president of chat for as far as the other you an african countries is much more lower representation, which i think of, you know,
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what? we want it to see much more senior officials attends you. but, you know, libya has a huge migration issue. you know, according to the you and there's more than 725000 migrants in libya. living officials say it's much higher than that. some official say to this is, are currently in the country. we were able to speak to prime minister of the for me today, but just a short while ago. and here's what you have, say we as a country are under pressure, the north prices from the in, and the south prices from this. we started having a problem here. we told them, let's sit and talk. instead of you spending money fighting immigration, and searching for them as monumental expenses, ours is the most tom's country. we said, why don't we sit together and build strategic projects,
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and you provide the funds as partners to stop the influx. our country would benefit from this. the immigration journey starts here and we have struggling our country, lex, the resources to take in all these numbers of immigrants. also law has because she is a political analyst and former advise that are the libyan government of national accord . it joins us from trip to the good to have you with us so, so we know the african countries like libya, one great to ownership of policy tools, migrants and refugees. the thing that likely to get through this gathering. no, not at all this gathering, gathering guns in the capital of a country that has 2 governments. a 50 to none of these uh, governments can do anything about the migration proper. what the money, the you on some other countries on the forwarding and libya to stop the migration is going to uh,
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corrupt individuals and criminal games. so uh, i suppose that they can meet and they have that photo op. but actually the, the source of the problem and the route of cause of these migration problem is not being addressed. because you have to address, for example, corruption in the countries of origin as well as the countries where the migraines take off to europe. that's not being done the european that migration policies using that those uh today you so uh, maloney uh for a change realize that her uh, rhetoric during the campaign is not practical. it doesn't work. so she's changing tact then talking about their countries of origin and how we can help them that can i jump in?
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because the migration roots in the central mediterranean have seen us almost 60 percent decrease in the volume of migrants and refugees trying to make that crossing. is that not a sign of some degree of success for these e programs? despite the problems you mentioned of corruption, instability, or one fault for now. yeah, certainly at 60 percent reduction is a respectable but is it gonna continue? we've seen at drop a, i mean highs and lows in the migration through all the past 2030 years. but nothing has been established as a constant, a reduction that the. busy uh, we can build on the problem is that the u. k. that and uh, and you get somebody induction and then you don't pay. and the. busy levels go back
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as they were right now. for example, in libya, we have a new migration, not a problem. that's a coming from being godaddy where uh, libyan airlines. uh, some of the private good company is sending get a migrant student garage so they can go to the us. right. 1 to be a big go to the airport. and here was the same thing. good and tripoli and uh, and in other places in libya and the microsoft coming. and then they find people that can send them to you or, or at, at least into the mid threes. all right, thank you. so off the course, the for your thoughts on that. so i'm going to be in government of national afford advisor. oh it's been 10 years since malaysian airlines wind m 8. 17 was down the eastern new crime,
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killing nearly 300 people. the flight had been on its way from amsterdam to qualify them for the dots that investigation in 2018, concluded that across the shot down by a russian saw moscow and russian backed rebels denying any involvement. let's take a look at what happened to flight am a 17 then? well, a deposit from amsterdam, skip pole. polt on july 17th, 2014. about 3 hours into the journey. it was shot down using a book miss all over eastern ukraine's stone. yet screech and 298 people on board were killed, including 80 children and 15 crew members. the victims included $29.00 australians and a $196.00 thought nationals. step boston joins us live now for memorial. for those who were killed near i'm sedan, so a decade may have passed,
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but the wounds are still very fresh for families of the victims. right? yes, they absolutely are. and we're actually now in the moment of silence, it's exactly the moment, 18 minutes past the hour when the plane was hit by a mis file over the sky in the sky over at eastern ukraine. and we heard also very emotionally just now the names of all the 298 people on board were mention siding relatives, also mentioning the ages or a 2 children. also on board of that plane, the prime minister often that lance dix grove said we are united here in grief. but we are also united in a fight for justice which is still continuing. and also this freely and prosecute to mont dreyfus that we are determined to continue to fight for accountability and um here joint now by michael by secure he was a former spokesman of the organization for security and cooperation. and you were
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based in chief and you were one of the 1st to go to the location where the claim came down. and you described it as a, the biggest, open a crime scene in the world that you know, immediately it was a crime. what i'll tell you in the weeks leading up to this tragic incidents, we were warning i did in my press briefings, that the skies above ukraine at that time were becoming more dangerous. why? because russian, back rob us. we're in possession of shoulder fired missiles. and we, we said that and then when we arrived at the scene, we quickly noticed these very unusual kind of pock marks and the fuselage of the our craft to fast forward a few days or weeks later. it turns out that there's these exact signature of the russian book miss. so it went up to 3633000 feet with our cop was exploded, sent all of this shopped onto the aircraft, and that was a big, big piece of navigate developments of criminality. of course, but 10 years on uh, the people here are still waiting for answers right. we had of course,
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the verdict of adult score, 10th of think, treat people to prison in absentia, nobody is in prison right now. how much trust do you have set? the ones who are responsible have given the orders to bring that miss. i have a system to eastern your brain will ever go to prison. well, you know, people like me like top trust in the international roles based order that infrastructure. but it's looking a bit from general at the moment to be honest with you, especially here in europe. but i think come what the relative has definitely are looking for as an apology from russia. also the one that made the decision to deploy the booklet. so, um, it suggested that went all the way up to mr. brewton and things like compensation. i can tell you people here, their relatives are really suffering even financially having to travel here, having to pay for many other things, in some cases, multiple burials because they get remains in separate kind of from deliveries if we
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can use that word. so, you know, the pain is really, really written on their face and whatever you speak to them at the south side, the o n n. also, the eu has also called again on russia today to take its responsibility and follow the course of justice. right. do you think that's because that's exactly what people are telling here as well. we don't give up hope, even though you know the investigation is, is sort of close that con, find any more evidence. if russia is not cooperating, you think they will get this whole this, this i think could be best chance for hope for justice is a change in resume. there will be coming. there will come a day. um that mr. put. then we'll move on naturally or politically, and that, and your resume will come in perhaps one that is more responsible. that does follow the rules of the international based community. we have seen that in previous crashes where jurisdictions have taken responsibility. they've apologized and or they've paid compensation, it will be a matter of time, but hopefully it will come in time. you know,
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while these grieving relatives are still around. thank you so much for sharing this with us. so the ceremony is about to, to finish here at this memorial park, they basically planned to $298.00 threes each for every victim for every last one. last and later on, the dutch king will come here and also speak to the relatives. he was also attending the memorial today. all right, thanks so much that fosten forcing to us at least 25 people have been killed off through a bus skidded off a mountain road in southern pedo. as far as they say, the crash occurred in the early hours of tuesday morning. government spokesman says the response was slow and disorganized. more than 3000 people died in po to is the results of traffic accidents lost the a heavy rain in eastern afghanistan is killed at least 40 people,
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and injured nearly 350 of us. thought of unofficial said tuesday, that at least $400.00 houses of also being destroyed. rain and hail lashed east and none of the hot monday evening, tanya, bon guffman, civic, chad and emergency maintenance, a scramble, local informed agencies to provide necessary assistance. and many villages have complained they receive little help. i'm a jump joomla thoughts in eastern afghanistan after the rain storms and amid the devastation residents and then go our province tried to salvage what they can oh, recalling the neighbors and loved ones who did not survive. praying for them as well, so that it will take it as usual, but all of them to shut down one room. the rain and storm go down, pens, the 100 noise and the little girl came and said the roof collapsed. i ran and
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screamed and asked for him. nobody was here with flooding here, having killed dozens. maybe maria has no idea what her family will do next, the sub by the them that i was thinking, i don't have any house. and i have an old father in law. what would he do for me? and i have some more children and a disabled mother in law. what should i do? local officials say hundreds of houses have been destroyed as a result of the latest round of flooding. and the power has been cut in many areas . the scale of the devastation, also clear to see in the rooms and corps doors at this hospital. so those in mega how regional hospital we've received 29 bodies and around 230 wounded people from sucrose district floods. and this is a preliminary number. the exceptionally heavy rains in afghanistan have since may alone, killed over $400.00 people, being among the poorest countries in the world means afghanistan is also particularly exposed to the effects of climate change, which after decades of war,
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has left these residents of mango har province. even more vulnerable than they already were. how much in june i just needed, is now starting to rain produced flooding the swamps. one canadian city is jeff with a check of whether a number of rescue is had to be carried out in canada is largest city. so here's why, let me show you good to see by the way. okay, this is one of the main highways in and out of downtown toronto. what does that clogged with water when you consider it was a 5th, whether it stay on record of birth, about a 100 millimeters of rain within a short period of time. so here's where the storms are going today. on wednesday, marching into the mid atlantic and the us, ne, this is going to stomp out the heat. so look new york's down to 27 on thursday. look a tron of just 22 back to the here. and now the storms also pressing down into missouri, kentucky, tennessee, as well. and arkansas are really rate to the us gulf coast could be some severe
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storm. secure. all of those heat alerts have been dropped in the us southwest pretty average day and allays sunny and 29, but still a heat alerts for the pacific northwest temperatures in the low thirties. let's go to central america and i gotta take you to dominican republic, some pretty solid bands of rain setting up here around central domingo and come to kinda could see some flooding. and it is unusually dry for brazil and northern brazil. really. most of brazil is dr. but if we go to patagonia, the winds are shifting around, so that's going to pop up temperatures over the next little bit. so yeah, so i had on al jazeera that we have to go with donald trump, a show of solid balance. they've gone from, from us republicans and the convention just stays on. so he survived in this fascination attempt for boys governing body, investigating 1000, seen as flyers on saturdays of races,
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jobs during the call upon america celebrations. that's coming up in school the a week. the look at the world still placing the stores, what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the back of the markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed to may be fixed to understand how it affects d, 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost? oh no, just the era was a journey through every story. every step is in there, which is a separation of what we can achieve when to reach
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the welcome to send me an extra re designer redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create of the welcome back to watching out just the time. to recap the headlines these right, the mid threes killed, at least $27.00 palestinians across gauze us in store is right. the plane struck a mosque and the house and the silence refugee camp. at least 11 people have been killed in several attacks in the area. it's been 10 years since my agent, airlines flight i made 70,
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was down the reason ukraine killing nearly 300 people. the flight had been on its way from adams to them, calling them for don site investigation in 2018 concluded the cross was shot down by a russian this song from moscow. russian fact rebels deny any involvement represents the 728 countries. amazing and the libyan capital to address dangerous migrant crossings across the mediterranean. most of the countries will be attending, as well as many african nations. the number of people making the treacherous boat trip from the gambia to the canary islands has been breaking records due to the tightening of border controls in the mediterranean routes to your i'm is reese as moth. i'm kind of tongue good, the gambia it's been 8 months, says a traumatized body to see say last. so one nephew, he left on
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a migrant boat to speed through i root locus called the back way. it never reached its destination the end of last week because of i'm still fighting for my. so isn't i have reduced the fishing community of cock told me in the gotta be a is less deaf, a state assess the departure of that quote. print to 7 of the 200 passengers on board, while young men and women from the village. a few months later, another vessel left the coastal community. but what could it by g, was one of the migrants. he used his life savings for the trip money. he said could help help set up a small business in the gum. yeah. that money is lost and he is likely to be alive . the key i was gonna pay for a lot of people that killed it, says the smugglers turned back the boat. when so my grandson both threatened to report the murders for the spanish police when they reached sho much sooner general or attempted to my great ones,
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but for you is willing to try again. i expect to get better lives and maybe i can offer everything. what's my kid's needs? because since i could diverse the model most not less, consequently for what you're supposed to do, that's an acrostic use. i see, i think pressure on west africa's like crypt and under funded matter terms of guilty just as the company and navy says it's deploying the fuel resources that has a lot of challenges continue to grow. we got information recently that someone be switching customers to for some of these, my grandson waiting for the board of boards. that thing them, if they go forward and then say loud, irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. and it looked set to get worse by the end of the year, as harsh living conditions pushed more young men and women to make that dangerous journey across the atlantic capitalizing on the dispersion, us walk looks like most of the shows us the next pick
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a point of the journey to europe, taking $200.00 migrants on wooden boats. this roughly it isn't for the buck waiting . what only one person pays in a day is more than what fishing gibson a month. partnerships with the european union had helped to stem the tide for a while. with a matter of time, ages is struggling with logistics and the rising poverty that concerns even more people will attempt to reach. you don't by see how many degrees i just did a capital the gum. yeah. they okay, is king. charles is formerly opened parliament in a traditional ceremony. the king laid out the new labor government's priorities for the year. included strengthening britons borders and the commitment to a 2 state solution from palestine and israel. the labor policy want a massive majority in the case general election on july. the 4th, as my government on john hall is outside the houses of parliament and london joins us lie from this that we saw quite
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a bit of pageantry take us through what was the sense of peace of the opening of parliament. well this is sort of pique pushed parliament meats, royal pageantry, pomp cetera. many symbolism cake ritual, but not without real substance as well as king charles. the 3rd came here to parliament and inside the lord's chamber, delivered the king speech written for him. of course by the lady, but prophecy couple of the one that landslide victory less than 2 weeks ago, setting out its new legislative agenda. and in so doing that, kicking off the new section of parliament teats said broad at the top. that stability would be the cornerstone of my government before setting up a range of measures aimed at sustainable economic growth. the idea being to generate revenue so that the government can go about tackling versus breaking public services. things like, relaxing,
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planning reforms that will house building can take place investments in industry skills and new technology, job creation, workers' rights, reforming the railway and tackling illegal immigration among a great many other things and opportunity here. so keeps tom of the new prime minister and these new data policy government to set out their priorities and got but the 1st steps drew and from the manifesto that helped them with that election towards what stop me sees as real change in this country delivered. he says by a government rededicate to get self to public services in the hope that he will be given to times to carry out what he describes as a decade of rebuilding and renew. also something all of a historic day john and i because of the composition of this palmer being so different this is a radically different part of it moving forward a radically different. so the style of politics,
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as well as case tom is to be believes that if he's vision is to be played out fall, let's come back to fall as divisive fall this culture truly divisive as well. they fall them into course, completely turned on its head. the labor party has the majority now a $172.00, that he's twice the majority that for us, johnson for contacts one for the conservatives in 20. 19 the conservatives. by contrast, the 2nd very much, the 2nd largest party and government now much, much reduce that will be a rump of a m p. 's, on the far right of the party. the reform party led by knoxville firewalls, who of course will be placing the drum over immigration and trying to hold the government to account the greens in there as well. it is a very different style, as i say, different propositions, different style of governance towards a really quite different and as well change and renew. all right,
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thanks so much to jona. how about joining us from outside parliament in the okay. now in the united states, there's been a show of unity on the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee to form arrivals of donald trump induced him for president, one of his family members chad, hair experience on the site. today's assassination attempts, an official has moved from milwaukee a president 3 days after the attempt to kill him, the theme of the republican national convention make america safer again. the former president was back in the whole once more enjoying the deletion of his supporters. mike johnson of louisiana elliot, the convention had from the leader of the house, confirmed a congressional inquiry into the events in pennsylvania is under way the american people deserve to know the truth. and we will ensure accountability. i promise you that under 2 button, millions of illegal aliens flood our borders speak. you'd have to speak and
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criticize the bike and white haze and cry, border security and immigration. well, not always being solely done the facts. from the stage lucy to trump had to be the place to run against them for the nomination. quite a surprisingly warm welcome. but both, no bending, the knee clutching their support and loyalty. i'm here tonight because we have a country to say in a unified republican party, is this central for saving her? donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued. he's been prosecuted and he nearly lost his life. we cannot let him down and we cannot let america down the go through me noticing you figure in the republican party is the 1st family member to address the convention since the assassination attempt. and admitted she wrote some of the speech because of it. there's no doubt that saturday
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was one of the most frightening moments of my father in law's life. millimeters separated him from life. the delegates here are blinds in the last few weeks of seem to bite and lose the presidential debate. tony, tom security, a number of important port victories and survive and assassination attempts, so they believe they don't clean the house. and the wife. oh, how did you know? i think i probably can national convention in milwaukee. meanwhile, president joe biden is banking on the campaign trial. for the 1st time since trump's attempted assassination, he addressed the annual convention of the national association for the advancement of colored people of the country's oldest civil rights organizations. reynolds for faults from las vegas receiving
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a warm welcome from any a c. p members, us president joe, by an acknowledge, is enormous political death to black voters because of, you know, i present a couple hours with vice. president biden spoke about the assassination attempt on his rival, donald trump, and the threat of political violence. no response to go to lower temperatures, temperature, and condemn violence in any form. but he also took some jabs that trump started to go to florida to record growth of watchable business. let me say this again because dropped his line like jail about what the poor hit on record low over by. there's immunization bite in mock trump's reference during the debate last month, 2 black jobs, which many people thought he implied were on skilled. well,
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try the job is to the states. in the aftermath of that debate, some democrats urged biting to drop out of the race over concerns about his age and mental stamina. but black officials and voters have largely stood by him. he's a proven track record a b as a portal for the initiative for what blacks are facing today. and so we are looking towards him to do that again to continue to do that. but some recent polls suggest some black voters are drifting away from bite bite and will need every last measure of support enthusiasm and turn out from black voters. if he is to have any chance of winning a 2nd term in the white house, roberts, l g 0, las vegas. torrential rain is caused severe flooding across the canadian city of toronto for deluge north south power to a number of areas. fund roles is rose quickly in the central city,
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leaving many vehicles of much emergency services, hence the rest of them over a 1000 people from the cost. now china and the philippines have agreed to set up an emergency hotline to prevent future escalation in the south. china sea is the 1st time the 2 countries are setting up a direct line that the presidential level to handle such disputes. now there is accused china as coast guard of hostile maneuvers in the contested waters. a king size for the pain ships have in the past, encroached on chinese territory despite repeated warnings bottom below his mole. for me in a the social details of an agreement signed by philippine and chinese foreign ministry officials during their meeting here in manila on july. second, have now come to light. we now know that the 2 sides have agreed to establish a new emergency hotline to manage and prevent parking patients in the south. china
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sea was fairly out of control, but it is important to note that a similar communication mechanism has been available to both sides. so this january 2023. when philippine president for the been marcus junior, and the chinese presidents being met each other inmate james. but that mechanism was only available to officials in the lower bureaucracy of both governments. now this new agreement would involve higher level officials as high as chinese, or administer wong e and philippine foreign affairs secretary and became another even as high as representatives of the offices of presidents of both countries. now the july, 2nd meeting came districts after the most violent confrontation between philippine and chinese forces in the south china sea. in recent memory, where a philippine sailor lost his finger and a philippine military pulled was punctured by chinese coast guard personnel. these
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actions where described by china as law enforcement measures. but these are the kinds of incidents that these new agreement will seek to avoid. course fisher needs to be seen because the thing douglas says that it was bad who conducted a re supply emission street streets stations at the 2nd publishing into south china sea since july. second, what would that be? what the philippine military could see is that they have monitors fewer chinese vessels within the philippines, exclusive. we cannot zone area the philippines plains and just trying to find out is there a to those that i had on al jazeera, installed the long jump from refugee to competing of the power. so the big screw here from one of the athletes representing millions, it's a slice people at the game,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, i find out what's happening in sports news with gemma. thank you. send me the matter of power. this is taking a depth and the river send to show the capitals of all toys clean and after high school and pick competitions. the city is spend billions to clean the river in time for this is games or correspond to natasha butler was that as well for months the matter is powers and the doctor be promising to swim in riverside and to prove it is clean enough for the limpid games, well, she has finally taken the plunge, swimming about a 100 meters of water temperature,
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about 19 degrees. we understand lovely sunny day here in paris and it go, came out to the water off to it, saying that it was a wonderful joyful day. not a need for the olympics, he said, but also if a power is because the idea is in the future, the prisons might be able to swim in certain parts of the senses. it's amazing. you know, it was a dream for us. we, we work a lot and very hard for that and it is not just for a be here today in sweden to guess or it's a very lucky and happy day. it's also for the planet now. the saying is playing a role in the olympics, it will be used for the next so many the 1st time. and so many is being held outside the stadium. but also they'll be various assuming events including the swimming mouse and taking place in the sense it has cost $1500000000.00. the clean up this river, it is taken over a decade. there are new water treatment facilities. sewage system has to be
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improved, but of course you can predict what will happen with weather and if it's we have heavy rain in the days before some of those swimming events. what will happen is backup plans will come into play. those backup plans arrive to delaying some of those. so make events by a few days or so. it's not possible because the pollution levels are simply too high. then those swimming events will be moved to a location outside of power. but of course everyone. and then pick find the power smet, i knew what the noise is, the inputs have very much hoping that the same will also keep its promise and be swimming pool. latasha popular out does aero star as a long jump mohammed um and also allow me will compete in power. so the i is he's refugee team, he fled syria for gemini nearly a decade ago. i know that he's happy defeat treutlen pixie wishes he could represent his home country. david strikes reports. mohammed, i'm in i'll salami arrived in berlin in 2015. the promising young athlete at escape
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war in syria, across the mediterranean and a rubber boat. and then will the rest of the way to germany. one of his 1st goal is on arrival, was to find a gym, so he could practice long jump again. my leaving of reasons why the spot for me is really be my life, especially here in germany. i'm all alone. life in germany is not easy. it's really not easy. when i'm in training, especially when i perform well, all this joy, it's such a great feeling. 29 you out. salami has been granted asylum in germany, and he's one of the 36 athletes, and the i've sees refugee team for power is 2024, benefiting from a scholarship program which helps fund that training. the 1st thing steve about them is special. germany in the refugee team have given me a lots of support to get that. that's not an issue. when we say for which country are for whom i compete. of course i would like to compete for syria stuff else allow me was 15 when he discovered long jump and when serious national schools
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championships. it's been a grueling jenny since but last year in budapest he competed at the world athletics championships. this came from me because i've been fine too with myself really hard to improve my performance for the lympics and want to at least make it to the final to show that we have that because we are competitive athletes and not just refugees, where the syrian colors in paris, by achieving his dream of competing, it's in the lympics else allow me will represent more than a 100000000 full should be displaced people around the world. david stokes l g 0 of ogden, tina and chelsea plant insights nowadays has apologize for taking pots and racist chums. as this team celebrates the corporate america victory, a video of him and his teammates, making a derogatory comments, was posted the to son on his is social media chance to talk it french class with african heritage. the french football federation filed a complaint with welcoming body fee for us doing now investigating the chance chelsea of all site begun disciplinary proceedings while fernandez is chelsea
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teammates in french defend. that was the for fonda, is quoted uninhibited racism as tiger woods prepared for the open and mid criticism about his form in fitness. one of his fellow prizes come out in support of the 15 time major champion, more than $1000.00 inspect taste has followed woods during his final practice round at willow tree and scotland on wednesday. familiar upfront a cup, captain clay montgomery has suggested tigers should retire. this is p j championship with us and to show se types which plays on it for many years to come . he's still all to great to me. you know, he's still are in the right on sunday and uh, he, uh, yeah, i just heard some of his comments that were said uh by conn. and you know, whether it's his honest opinion or not. i mean, i became a cough needs and need some desperately. uh, you know, selfishly, i want him to play as long as possible. it just helps all the guys out here just
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with the my boss and when like, tiger was, brings golf. so he's still got a lot of fighting them really, my car is the thing to in the open championship for a 2nd time. the know the dollars and just miss out on victory the us open last month. which should have ended a 10 year major drought about number 2 doesn't sound too concerned about today? i know that i'm in a good spot and like i, you know, if i think about 2015 through a 2020, that 5 years stretch. i. i seldom had a a realistic chance to win a major championship. so i'd much rather have these post calls. that means that i'm, that i'm getting closer. but yeah, absolutely. i'd love to be able to, you know, play the golfing and get one over the line. but as soon as i do that, people are going to say, well, when you're gonna, when you're 6. and finally some of the biggest names and base for an action of dishes. and i'll be all star game in texas. essentially, such as the show has finally opened the scoring to the nationally side of the huge rerun, high run, hit the boat, full 100 things after the 1st time run from adult during this contest,
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since 1996 spots, the american lead team riley's sweet down the round of the boston red sox to run home i from the east on save you to help the american, the team to a 53 with and also onto the types of most valuable plastics us in the sacramento. second, when he gets on, that is all you'll support from me for now, but pizza will have more later. thanks so much, sarah. now the buddies of 6 april are being found in the luxury hotel room in thailand's capital, bangkok. the victims were all of it and amazed nationals to have jewel american citizenship. and this why inhaler pulls from bank called the police. now, believe cyanide poisoning was behind the depths. the 6 bodies were found inside one room here at the grand quiet air one a 5 star luxury hotel, right in the heart of bank called busy tourist and shopping district. when they were found on tuesday, by a hotel stop noon,
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but police believe that they have been inside the room for around 24 hours. attention quickly tends to cause all the tip given that the police said there was no sign of a struggle inside the hotel room and no sign of any wounds on the bodies. there was also a lot of attention placed on meals that were discovered inside the hotel room that had been left largely untouched. however, tasting on tops that we used by the deceased have tested positive for traces of sine eyes. and the police believe that one of the deceased was responsible for the poisoning and other words, they believed this was a murder suicide. carried out because of a business disputes. wayne. hey, i'll just err on the bank on you can find much more now website. the address for you is l g 0 dot com. you can see on the front page that was on leave story. right? this is randy sykes gone. so back to the show,
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top 3 also to stay with us the the latest news as it breaks the process, you are in the, bring up a lot with detail coverage. elizabeth facilities are for hundreds of 1000. more people are at risk of contracting, painful and dangerous infection from the hearts of the story goes, is it come to me as in ruins. israel hospital gifted and destroyed industries that employed tens of thousands of people in india's remote tribal areas, hope to use depression. so get selected for the national team, play for the country. that's my 3 tribal athletes, a contributing to introduce international healthy research and, and the support is transforming that communities one. 0,
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one east reveals india is tribal, healthy trans. on al jazeera, the colleges here with the
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states that even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominated your hero. now the, this is, randy man kills at least $27.00 palestinians across garza, residential buildings and the mosque is targeted the times. that means a then this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up as african migrants continued to risk their


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