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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international insight. corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now. the the hello of somebody, the miller. this is the news, our life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. these really all me continues to talk good residential buildings across cause. these 27 palestinians are killed in attacks across the strip injured in solving we need some of those forced to slay northern cause. the end of this would search for food and treatment. you as president job,
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i didn't campaigns in the battle ground state of nevada ways trying to quote it to you know, voters unfortunately, well, trust and people smugglers we hear from west african migrants has made the dangerous journeys to escape poverty and peace of statements. sports means they'll just 9 days to go now until the olympic games and the matter of paris, one is in the sense of proof, it is safe for the we we get in gaza way as well is once again targeting palestinian homes, places of shelter and medical facilities the attacks right across cause i have killed at least 27 palestinians and stone on wednesday is where the drifts attacked them. all scanned the house and almost a rug refugee camp. at least 11 people were killed in civil attacks in the area. in garza city, in the north of the strip palestinians were talkative as they ran, to seek shelter inside a school. the children were among those killed in
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a remote and neighborhood on tuesday. a strike on no, you wouldn't run school kills 20 feet of space. palestinians sheltering in the facility. name of mood has moved from darrow bella and central garza. in the past 24 hours have been quite difficult for palestinians across the gauze trip. these is rated monetary, committed for atrocities against entire families, whether inside their residential homes or evacuation centers. these are backdoors and sensors are manage and operated by on or what international organization, but they're not protected inside these facilities. people were murdered, were killed, were maimed inside these uh facilities. the took them as a citizen for the past 9 months and more recently from areas like a rough activity and fun unit as is really military. expand it. it's military maneuvers. we're looking at least $81.00 people have been killed, so far more concentrated in the central area as this really monitor is stepped up
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in the area less talks across that refuge account and the western part of the city, including these trends, part of the central area the, the integration refugee can $27.00 of those $81.00 killed within the past 24 hours only in the past at 10 hours just causing further civilian casualties and to your level of destruction. that is a quite a bit of a right now. any area across the garza's tribunal where you go, there are those rubble sold rhodes rhodes as well as the many devastations trails of devastation to public facilities and old means of life. we lived in reading military continues to block the land of crossings. any prevent injury of basic necessities and supplies, including, if you will, that is representing a lifeline for hospitals as well as for other necessities and services, including water wells and waste treatment management plans,
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including definitely nation the water system anymore. more how does your vida, central area garza's trip audio? we spoke with up to a job of them a name he's the goal is a medical team leader for doctors without borders. he told us about the mass numbers of casualties. the emergency room has been dealing with since his way the attacks on saturday. and we would just putting in plot at the end of the 1st case i saw was a 3 year old go with her side. i peeled off her by. uh, the 2nd case i saw was a woman covered in dust. uh, she looked at me. she was breathing it and i did. she's globally okay. but i took down the dressing on her belly and had a piece of abdomen. a piece of the bottle was out. and then suddenly a rush of healthcare work cuz fully dressed. uh, 1st aid responders in the uniform o injured. it was so shocking to see health care workers interested in this way.
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and then i looked across the nurse and they were helping manage the ad way of the boy that looked about 13 or 14. and she looked at me and, and in a mass casualty, if you have to manage the highway, you have to call that person that it was a boy. none of us had the heart to call him dad. and then the next one came in and the next one came in and they wouldn't know beds and you'll need anything on the floor. and you can, serial knee is wet with blogs. and you have to quickly decide who's more urgent and who's not just mine looks like he has a brain injury. he has to be left for dead. this woman has had me almost blown off . take her straight to operate and catches very quickly at all h or pricing fits as enough, sir. medical complex were full. all the surgeons that were available. what operating i still have 2 critical cases and they were supposed to patients. i'm
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still surrounded by hundreds of patients in the yellow and green so and we had to try and send these patients somewhere. one we kept with us waiting to go to the or t, the other we sent to one of the local fields. hospitals, even though he was on stay, but it shouldn't be moved. i know that both those patients died. this is in the context of looking up can i just say looking up in middle of managing all these patients. and i saw my any success, colleagues that and i was, i said, why are you in here? what's happened? and he said, i've just found out my house got destroyed and my families didn't hear somewhere. so the whites for destruction in the north and garza and the suite of famine is forcing people to make the dangerous journey cells injured palestinians in desperate need of medical treatments are among those leading cause. a city journalist, the ramo committee, spoke to some of them as they left many of them, you have a strong desire to stay in their homes despite the ongoing tags and of starvation
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in the north of gaza. however, the severe lack of access to basic necessities, lightford water and the treatment has left many feeling. they have no choice, but the leave of a stand up for the motion would have to be huh. i was injured when the school was sheltering in was targeted by d 3 and i have rod implants in my leg this shortage of medical treatment in northern gaza. so my lead gutting victim. it's been 18 days since i was in jail. i'm moving south to seek treatment like that allows you to have good. we have food . we have had enough of the sliced heading stuff because there is no food like what? no life you told me. we are going to the south to be with the people's. the journey is full of suffering is families face dangers like violence and harsh travel conditions as the, as they have trouble walking forward, distance is gary and heavy packages by these hardships,
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the help of meeting up with their families and getting into a treatment of for months of a border war keeps them going, evacuating families in yorba physical and emotional pain as the lead behind their homes and communities. this mass movements highlights the immense suffering and the discrete need for solutions to address these challenges. their strength and determination and such tough times underscore the cvt on their p like. and the urgent need for for relief. the donald trump's choice for vice president, dominique said to introduce himself late to at the republican national convention. on day 3 of the meeting, the focus is also expected to turn to foreign policy, including biden's handling of the goals and will, outside the venue. people have been protesting to show this sort of directly with
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palestinians, job retention reports from milwaukee, with the conventions being held. it goes, it has been central to the approach. as south side, the republican national actors see the us back was a result of a corrupt political system. deeply linked to other issues like economic inequality and civil rights and israel's genocide, against the pals and people. because this is the primary issue in the world today. our generations, vietnam war, hunt them over their heads, the us posted in community network. it goes involved and helping organize the mileage on the r n. c a year ago because of fears of a 2nd, trump presidency. it was important because we knew that the trump was going to be the nominee that you know, we had seen for pretty brutal years from him when he was president. but after 9 months of jo, biden's unconditional support for israel,
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this mobilization of thousands outside the r n. c is no longer his groups, big political protest of the campaign season. that will be the democratic national convention next month against the mandate goal genocide. just now. the mass mobilization is going to be chicago in august. now it's going to be tens of thousands that are there with the r n. c, on the way the democrats are trying to make the case, the they remain the lesser of 2 evils for the power citizens. joe biden expanded on that beam in an interview release this week. i'm the guy who's done more from the housing community, but we watched the interview with some published in americans and milwaukee and asked for that reaction with such a great friend who needs enemies, right? like or is that how do you say it? i am obviously, it has to be like that, you know, if he has been so grateful that opinions why are you know, 40 close to 40 minutes, 40000. but the thing is now most of you to hear this type of
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a lack of nuances. the nicest way i can say it bordering on buildings and it, it breaks my heart and infuriates me at the same time. for those who want to stop us, as rows are sold on garza, this election isn't the choice between a great uh, lesser of 2 evils. but simply between the evils and having made goes with the focus of demonstrations here at the r n c protections problem to regroup at the democratic national convention in chicago and next month to try and stop for kim if she ever times the elder 0 you as president joe biden's campaigning and the best on the ground state of nevada ways, trying to quote latino voters bite has been meeting people ahead of his speech at the annual conference of a hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization. immigration is one of the cornerstone issues he's expected to speak about. well, let's now go to rob rentals. he's live in las vegas rob. when we last spoke,
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you mentioned that the president barton would likely speak about policy that or fix the latino community. this is an important constituency for him. is it a very important part of the foundation that allowed the go button in 2020 uh, in a very narrow victory. uh and uh, he needs them here in the, in nevada, which is the swing states as he mentioned, 6 electrical votes against the intel in, in arizona, another swing state. he needs some, uh, everywhere he can get them. uh, but the polling shows that support for binding among latino adults. hes dropped a now only 36 percent have a highly or slight, somewhat favorable view of the president. and he's running behind here in nevada and in arizona trailing donald trump. so he's hoping that the members of this
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group, you need us usa, go back to their home communities and spread the word that the jo biden's, the policies with regards to the economy, student debt, housing available, affordability, and immigration policy. you have the benefit of the latino community a rob, no by does troubles with in these party also haven't in that hit. another voice has come out. one thing president biden, to end his re election campaign. and this time, adams give so far. the highest profile democrats, yes, and the datum ship is, is a very high profile democrat. you're right. he, as a congressman, member of the house from california a lead the 1st impeachment of donald trump successfully in the house, failed in the senate. that was, as you recall over ukraine policy and trump, uh,
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excuse me, shift has since run for the vacant seats in of the uh, california in the senate from california suite that's temporarily occupied. i should say. he is a favorite to win that seat. so he's going to be a senator pretty soon in november, bye bye. most would most likely. so he has come out and said in an interview that the he has severe doubts that the president can win in november. that would have an impact down the ballot cetera. and he says it's time to pass towards so after a small, a flight height is after the assassination attempt. and the president from a, when the halls provide the side of the candidate sort of east. now they've begun again. and this is an important one. and we'll see if president biden
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does address that. i should point out that in an interview that was reported yesterday and it's going to be a play today on the black entertainment network. the president of shifted his story slightly about what might make him decide to step aside previously, as you will call, he said, only if god almighty co came down and told him to now he says that if his doctors approached him and said he had a condition or would seriously ill or something of that nature physically, he would step down, i should point out as well that the president's position at the white house as he is fit, uh, and healthy and able to discharge his duties. he's passed a physical exam in february and there's no indication that he's going to drop out, but the voices and the drip drip drip of the calls for him to step aside continue. i'd rather thank you very much for back updating us from las vegas. we were expecting
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a president biden to speak to latino voters there. let's move to patty cole head and she's at the republican convention in wisconsin. apache j. do. vance is going to introduce himself. most likely, the biggest speech will make so far off these nomination as vice president. what are we expecting to hear from him as well? he really needs to introduce himself to the american public. keep, keep in mind, he's very well known and beg a circles because he is such a vocal proponent of a former president donald trump's policies. but he's only been in the us senate for 2 years though. he is an author, his book, his memoir was made into a movie, but that was awhile ago. so he, this is his chance to really say to the american people are watching on tv, and it is covered by all the networks to say what he stands for, who he is. so that's going to be the keynote speech. the conference is going to get underway. the 3rd day of the convention is going to get into worried about 45
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minutes. 30 minutes, and that's why you see the getting less, but it's practicing. but really, i think the bigger issue is the theme that we're going to see as a speech to start in a half an hour. and today's name is make american strong again. and you can tell a lot about what the focus is going to be by looking at the speakers list. we do know that capt of parents, of the captives in guys are going to be giving a speech. and then we will likely republicans will likely tie that to their policy proposals. how talk toting the fact that there is almost no decide in the republican party when it comes to unlimited support for israel. they're also going to have a student speak. i do or students speak about the anti semitism, they believe they face a college campuses and that ties into the platform because it is written in there that if there's a for national on a student visa and that student decides to protest over the war and gaza that their
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visa will be immediately revoked. we also know immigration is going to be a huge here. and you know, a former president trump, he has said that he will d port millions of undocumented immigrants, including children. that's new for the republican party, including children and the policies that that ties into is he wants to take us troops that overseas and put them in the southern border. now technically, under a long standing at the plastic on the top is act that's tied into the constitution . you actually can't do that. but that is one of the problems is he's going to be making ukraine might come up. and this is a really huge policy difference between the democrats and republicans, especially when it comes to j. d. that he led the martin moving the senate to just cut off all age the ukraine afghanistan from they didn't say this when they were briefing reporters buffer. listen to the sound check of one of the tapes. it sounds like they're going to bring up the withdrawal of us troops from ukraine. that was
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so chaotic. and that's politically very savvy because it was during that time the president jo biden's approval rate and started the plummet and they really have never recovered sits. so we're good here, lots of speeches, but again, what everyone's going to be watching is the very last speech of the night. and that is when now the republican nominee, vice president d vance, introduces himself to america all per se. thanks so much for that reporting of form from the republican convention, and we will speak to you again through the evening. now, joining us live from sandy springs, georgia is janelle jones king. she's a republican analyst and former deputy state director of the georgia republican party. thanks very much for speaking to us and alta 0 is j. d. vaughn's known well enough. or does he have a hit of in the task of still having to win over great is support especially given some of the statements made in the past which weigh heavily critical of donald
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trump to no, i don't think he has to win over the republican party i think the republican party was on board with whatever the president use it considering it's not something that's extremely polarizing, which he is not. you know, journeyman speech to a subset of our republican bays that as our blue collar workers. he speaks to our younger voters and with his wife being a minority, he also can share some of his concerns on those issues as well. so he has a variety of of areas so you can go in to a variety of backgrounds. his story is very, very compelling, and we've all seen any, we all know it. so i think that this, this pick was extremely strategic and i think it's going to be good, particularly looking at our opponent who has a lower approval ready than we've ever seen before. so i think it's important to note that j d b, it doesn't have a lot to have. he has to overcome in order to show that he could be a strong vice president to know the issue of immigration remains very important. no
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matter which side of the political spectrum one comes from. and j. d events being married to a woman whose family were immigrants. how is it going to navigate republican policy and perhaps is previously how believes that might have changed. you know, you know, immigration is a topic that we embrace, we're in america, america's the melting pot. so we have a lot of immigrants here in a lot of immigrants that we love a door and we well however we welcome you legally. the issue that we have in a republican partner, hardy, is that we're not in support of illegal immigration. and the reason being is because there's no compassion behind legal immigration. if you look at what's happening with our migrants, right now, they're sleeping on the streets in some cases or in the, in, during school. and if they're not at home, they're not comfortable, they're not actually able to pursue the american dream. you can't pursue the american dream here in america unless you're an american citizen. so you have to go
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through the proper channels. that's what we advocate for doing it the correct way, like his wife and his wife's family, to them at this point. how much do you think the republicans would continue as some skeptics would say to benefit from the attempted assassination? a on from a president. donald trump is that still something that may be benefited from in the coming day or 2 as a convention wraps up or what they focus entirely on criticism and dealing with policy issues and bite. and specifically, it's, you know, it's only been a few days this, the president has a life was attempted to be taken and we're talking about him benefiting from it. i don't think there's any benefits from him being in a position where he almost lost his life. that's the position and no one wants to be in and we're grateful that he is still with us. so i don't consider anything bit
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of benefits. what i will say is that president, trump is a unique position right now where he can unit 5, not just the republican party, but the country. it can unify as on our foundational principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. and i think that's where he should focus, been not. i know tonight is let's make america strong again. but i'm excited to see if it's going to be let's make america unified again because that's where we are. that i believe it's something that he's going to be able to do for a very long time. but let's be clear, there's no benefit to him, almost losing his life. the only gracious thing that we can say is that we're how or we're happy that he is not lot lot, he has not lost his life and that he is still with us. but i would not by any means say that he's benefiting from such a tragedy. bit of the issue of unity a remains very important um and it appears on the sofas that the republican party has his act together for, for lack of a better phrase. where is on the opposite side. you have
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a president biden dealing with internal challenges, yet another voice coming out saying he should step aside in terms of, of his re election campaign at him shift a very important democratic voice. how does that potentially play into the position the republicans would hold as well? you know, it looks like the democrat party could take a lesson from our book right in order to unify our party. but we were able to do was to put or put some of our emotions to the side, put our positions to the side, and stand and unit uniformity. and that's what i see at this are in the convention, i be very different aspect of our party being represented. you have mcnaly on the stage and she's someone who's strongly opponent, opponent again, president trust. you have a governor. the stance is speaking. so i think that the democrat party, the reason why they're in a position there in is because joe, by the, has the new hijacked is it clearly shows that he doesn't have the capability to
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continue be running for office. and if he tries to, the may obtaining, maintaining his case his, his speech maintaining as a vicious, maintaining is energy is a struggle. so it is a party is selling and we want something different and he's refusing to do with that, right? there is the reason why they're having major issues. this starts from the top down, whereas i look at president trump and i looks like he's listening to us just seems like he hears that there are a lot of republicans who are a little bit more moderate and they want to be president. trump kind of balance that out a little bit and not just kind of late to hit so to our base, and that's what we're seeing him do. so i feel like present it by and can take a less than a 100 from the book. janelle jones king, thank you very much for your insights here and i'll just share a janelle jones king is a republican analyst, a joining us this evening. thank you. the number of people making the pictures boat trip from the gambia to the canary islands has been
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a breaking records. it's due to the tightening of border controls unlimited to reading and routes to europe. i'm gonna address as well from car tongue in the gambia. it's been 8 months, says a traumatized boy does the se last. so why nephew? as it left on a migrant boat to speed toward route locus, called the backward, it never reached its destination. mm hm. end of last week because of i'm still fighting to isn't and i have her duty from her from the fishing community of cock told me in the got be a is less different state assessor that brought you up that quote print to 7 of the $200.00 pressing get on board, while young men and women from the village. a few months later, another vessel left the coastal community. but what could it by g, was one of the migrants. he used his life savings for the trip money he said could
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help help set up a small business in the gambia. that money is lost and he is likely to be alive. the key i wasn't gonna pay for a lot of people that killed it, says the smugglers turned back the boat. when so my grandson both threatened to report the motors for the spanish police when they reached sho much sooner general or attempted to my great ones, but for you is willing to try again. i expect to get better lives in music and offer everything. what's my kid's needs? because since i could diverse the mom and was not less conscious of to for what she's supposed to do, that's across the case. i see, i think pressure on west africa's a crypt and under funded met attempts to kill changes the going to be a navy says it's deploying the fuel resources that has of the telling just continue to grow. we got information recently that someone be switching customers to for some of these microns that wait for the board of boards. that thing them they think
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about and then say loud. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. and it looks set to get worse by the end of the year. as harsh living conditions pushed more young men and women to make the dangerous journey across the atlantic, capitalizing on the dispersion, us walk looks like most by shows us the next pick of point of the journey to europe . taking 200 migrants on wooden boats. this rather, it isn't for the buck waiting. what only one person pays in a day is more than what fishing gibson a month. partnerships with the european union had helped to stem the tide for a while. with a matter of time agents of struggling with logistics and the rising property that concerns even more people will attempt to reach you don't by see how many degrees i just did. i got all the gum. yeah. the still ahead on al jazeera, he was military announced as an intimate floating age and the repeal of calls of
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coast and rough $100.00 on the march and the singles as well as douglas competitions at the swedish open action coming off of the hello 1st, let's start with the bad news, i suppose. good to see by the way. so we've got the system unwinding across the northwest that spreading rain into scandinavia, it's leaving the baltic states pushing into western russia and bel roosevelt. let's get to the good stuff that he wave in central and eastern europe. we've got some big storms rolling across ukraine. that rain will catch up to romania by the time we head toward thursday. watch what happens on friday. a certainly a much pressure feel bucharest for the 1st time in a few days. you're out of the 40 spot. let's go back to the here and now it's
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dialing up the temperature in spain. i mean seville, 40 degrees court above in the forty's, madrid, closing on. forty's and same goes for the other side of the mid of training for this northwest slice of africa. look at merit catch. 43, of course, that continuing heat wave in central algeria also. how do you know for greece and turkey are looking at 36 and is stumble and still rain locked into turkey? is black sea coast where there has been some flooding likely to see funding as a result of this rain and getting the south denny and see, or the big pulses here. and we'll land in south africa where we've got another rain and wind combo pulling into the western cape providence. 14 degrees in cape town on thursday. that's a catch up later. the, the latest news, as it breaks the process you are in the, bring up lots with details, coverage. elizabeth facilities are 400 of 1000. more people are at risk of
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contracting, painful and dangerous. infection from the hearts of the story goes is economy is in ruins. israel hospital gifted and destroyed industrial that employed tens of thousands of people. the lines of ethnic groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with the exclusive access to remote camps in front bind battles. people in power shops, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble history on the phones, the and mall on the, on the ropes on al jazeera of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching all to 0 a reminder of our top story is this our is way to jets attack a mosque and a house in gauze is own, is there a refugee camp? the attacks right across the strip of killed at least $27.00 palestinians is thrown on wednesday. he was presidential biden's, campaigning in the battleground state of nevada, where he's trying to quote latino voters immigrations on of a cornerstone issues. he's expected to speak about of the annual conference of a hispanic civil rights organization. there's a growing and the ad is really prime minister and it's a now wafting, allegedly said, kept us housing garza a suffering but not dying demonstrations have gathered until the day following
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those comments. they are demanding these really government to finalize the seas by a bill which would see the release of the captives. it's and y'all were reported they made the comments on tuesday during a cabinet meeting. there was ministries analysis into its floating peel off causes coast, just months of to it was constructed. the pay was designed to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into the besieged trip, but its repeatedly being detached from gauze a show because of severe weather conditions. 8 groups criticized the multi $1000000.00 project, saying the us should have pressure israel to allow aid to land food is a dave audience, a former us age mission direct, so full, the west bank and gaza. he's coming to the, the managing director of the crisis consultancy in georgetown strategy group. he's with us live from westminster in maryland. thanks very much for your time. on now to 0. know at a cost of, of $300000000.00. this was an expensive failure and some may say ill conceived to
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begin with so it was a failure. it was interesting in theory, but in practice an absolute failure. and my concern is who will be held accountable? because i don't think anybody will be held accountable in the meantime. the guy who's themselves continue to suffer. so this was a tragedy compound in a tragedy. shown at this point a more needs to be done in terms of a pressure on israel to open those land borders and to bring in that age of very briefly said a tragedy upon tragedy. but i also want to add in 2 parts. tell us about just how bad the situation is because that aid is not getting through or yeah, i mean, let me begin by just saying that appear in concept for is an interesting idea from my perspective because it, it created some potential facts on the ground. so that the guidelines for wants
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good actually have something in their favor where they could import basic commodities either now or in the future. but the fact that matter is the peer wasn't, you know, an utter failure. and in the meantime, what we have not seen is really a robust opening of all the crossings and the ability to, to move the any that is on the gods inside of the crossings to the people that need it. as a result of, of lawlessness and kind of chaos. and this is where in the, on the ground. and i think all of this goes 1st to those rallies. and then secondly to the americans. i think many may argue that it isn't necessarily lawlessness people a disparate and this is the side type of outcome you'd have when people have very few options. isn't that some of the realities of 8 organizations of dealing with yes, a 100 percent. 100 percent. that's true, i mean, if you have a desperate, terrific situation and you're bringing in one basket or so,
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then you're trying to go to the mother who was a, you know, a baby that she has is, are it gets diverted or stolen or, or does it get to the intended beneficiary just because of the desperation of the, of the situation. yeah. on the other hand, there was just the water made going ended, there wouldn't be such lawlessness. there is lawlessness. so let's be clear about that. but it's because of a lack of supply for that's getting into the marketplace or how would you then respond to the issue of famine that would also speak to the desperation wouldn't that. and the restrictive board is the lack of access only making that was unless, increasingly what we're hearing that aside from the talkative strikes people are dealing with not being able to survive simply because they don't have food. so interesting why, you know, just a few miles of kilometers north of gaza is arshad and asked or there's no for them
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. and they're right. and reason is because there's markets on the access and the ability to import and export in this in gaza. we just have a desperate situation because for all intents and purposes, those crossings are actively closed. they're effectively unable to allow the throughput does not necessary to impart a family. i will make one other note to the usa administrator samantha power where she just in the region and she didn't walk away with anything she did. so we're still in the same situation that we have now for many, many months. we've also heard of from the deputy to come onto the of the us central command and and when announcing the issues around the p a, he had said that the ash dog, that cargo would be more sustainable. and it's already been used to get more than
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a 1000000 pounds of age into gaza. is that accurate? and then again, sarah, yes, right, because our daughter is a real sport. and so the, the fluctuations on the stay as little as a result of storms or, and material. but it, but the see, i mean, after i, there's always been more, i still has been working for decades. and, and so, you know, pretty good, which is october 7th. and after the mazda taught on israel, does crossings have been really close down. and the d confliction mechanism to they'll allow the imaginary and workers to move to the fluid from point a to point a has generally failed. and so, you know, the fact that i start is available. yes, it always has been so is already. so is uh you know, the land court orders uh important from jordan, can shalom and rock by narrow they're all, they're all there. the question is will they were and that really rest i think 1st
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and foremost is rose. and also in the press briefing, a brad cooper that the deputy come on to after the us central come on. and he said, and to quote him the pure achieved its intended effect in what he called an unprecedented operation. that sounds like a bit of face saving at this point a given that it's a failure given that there's a lack of cooperation from israel in terms of getting age through. and so the bulk of the beer was to make some people feel good about themselves. but it was a success perhaps right? the same with the air drops to meet affectively meetings and appear. and by the way, again, i actually supported appear at the outset as one additional channel into gaza. but it, it, it, it never materialized, it didn't, it didn't turn out to be an effective shuttle. and the gaza, there was, it was on
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a, the food i did get in from the pier was, you know, hard to distribute. and it was a $400000000.00 colossal mistake. so it's really hard to understand why that would be considered, you know, a success in the eyes of some of the central command hi dave origin. thank you so much for speaking to us. you know to 0 dave out and a full usaid mission director for the west bank and gaza. thank you. thanks for having that. many palestinians displaced by israel's war and gaza. i've seen the life change dramatically. all the 0 followed one palestinian who lost his business and those had to find another way to make a living. this is his story on us of a 100 and called knows that i'm going to somebody to give them a gun, the gun, and you must not sure that'd be good. even looked at us to make them, instead of most popular bundle it would have gotten it shows can grab it, how much of
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a c of the amazon gift for the how much shorter and it kind of like i suggested were still in the i still have to be on the contingency though heavy. so it's not that hard, most of the machine now try to get to try the hard to tell you, assist good. but yeah, sure, almost as well. so. so i'm not the issue. what kind of took the time to say, you know how to take a, how to think of a actually, i don't know. most of my brother the cabinet. one of the yes, definitely gotta be by serious and a big you gotta be do what it's me and also that secure though. i think how government team think you live suited is that and i'm asking you about, you know, something i not about to you. i'm from us, do you have a ton of some gift degree? hope i didn't get a job. they put a target on it. they put the put together a little bit of a minus here. what does it say that a dental put together? not a how do you want us to man, the committee can go ahead benefit him, especially. oh, sure. yeah. what's the deal? none of us. i'm going to so, but i'm going to sit down and start. oh wow. yeah,
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i mean i've done a sober bus fire. you owe me the my, you know, the kind of feel bad. yeah. and about assuming that all the media has a morning to them. oh boy, learn lot of updates. a be a sure on a list. yeah, we're the only way i have i have time to time and basically given my china in the philippines, i've agreed to set up an emergency hotline to prevent future escalations in the south trying to see is the 1st time the 2 countries are setting up
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a direct line at the presidential level to handle such disputes when the legs accuse china's coast guard of hostile maneuvers in the contested waters. they james's philippine ships have been in the past. encroached on a chinese territory are up to 200000 display. so then these people have flooded into the east and city of good are. if to escape fighting between the army and paramilitary rapid support forces most flayed from the neighboring states of senna, mom, and well visited, the displacement camps in the area. you brought him our is the least likely person to the cost of 3 on the move. he's poor with a large family including city disabled children. i want a wheel chair, a bed and a cushion because sand and stones are hurting my back. they have to go from place to place, starting from cup to flee, a conflict of to one yet, and send off state the fighting,
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caught up with them and force them to move to the by the, by the rapid support forces tend to hurt people when they attack since yet everyone was leaving, they could take people's prophecy and at times kill them. well, they might take the goals, i have these children with disabilities and had to do something. this woman also edited himself come to see me. that fee is for the we were in heart to him and went to center. then one problem started. i had to sleep again in order to protect my daughters with 3 girls. i'm in a special situation. they need to be in a place that's safe for them. but if it is paid for a loss, must be even more agonizing to leave it, i mean, well, go to the hospital. what was in my uncle's high since in jo, when the attack began, i'll have 2 children, one less than 2 years old. the other 3 and a off, up to now i can't find them, my husband mohamed, how my game with all his family and my own kind of de la. also,
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i've no idea where they're going. the stories like this one and even worse, a bone during this temporary comp for the displaced. it's one of the separate. i'm in the city of good body with people to us, the schools on a public facilities. despite the relief aid being provided by different organizations. these people are traumatized and been living off conditions. they are more than 200 the cells and i do these get out if we are actually need for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the foot, which is a seizure and we the house house equipment house medicines. this is very station for us to be here. on monday you 6 new families are like this school which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. many have to sleep in the open until
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a most suitable place is found. they all full of anger and exasperation and all they was for ease and immediate and to the war and to be able to return home. how much the fund. i'm just, you know, the city of divided to that still had allowed his era england to set to begin a new era without false voting. stalwart james anderson pito who left one back to the this business uptake these votes and by the bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use
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the this business uptake these me to try to see rose talk know bundle dash before he is the the it's time to support his peter with the latest for me to thank you very much. in 9 days disposing, will,
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will gathering patters for this use and then pick games. but there are concerns besetting sin river won't be clean enough for athletes to compete in the matter and hidalgo swim in the was a way to prove it is clean. the passion about the reports from paris may, can you splash unfulfilling a promise? paris may need to go taking the plunge in the river, send to prove its clean and ready for the olympic games. it was to be here and that somebody was injury. and let me know it's really messed up . and the reason i don't know is it was if i originally restarted so long side, the man was the heads of the power skins organizing committee. 3 time olympic gold medal. when a canoe is tonia stone gay, what a great symbol to make sure that 10 days before the games it's, it's ready to die,
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please. it can be sure to be the same mistake to be the style of the powers games. the opening ceremony will be held on the river and athletes will swim in each during offense, including the tract alone and swimming barrison sheet on seasonal rain, push up pollution levels. organizers say swimming defense can be delayed a few days. cleaning up the senate has taken more than a decade and cost $1500000000.00. there are now new water treatment facilities and the whole sewage system has had to be improved. this environmental campaign says the benefits of the clean since the wellbeing bill impacts for health and yes for the system to. so it's interesting to, to, to, to do all those west and to be able find any to swing because no way with the climate change, the city is going longer and longer. the french president is, will say, promised to swim in the same box with the manual might cross much to the political
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crisis of to this month's paul elementary election. it seems i'm likely he'll be taking a deep any time soon. natasha butler, ultra 0 paris, a long jump. i'm a how many i mean, also allow me will compete in paris for the ios these refugee team. if lead syria for germany nearly a decade ago, then all but he's happy to feature at the olympics. he wishes he could represent, he's home country, david states, reports. mohammed, i'm in of salami arrived in berlin in 2015. the promising young athlete at escaped war and syria crushed the mediterranean in a rubber boat. and then we'll the rest of the way to germany. one of his 1st goal is on arrival was to find a gym, so you could practice long jump again. my leaving of reasons why we had support for me is really be my life, especially here in germany. i'm all alone. life in germany is not easy. it's really not easy when i'm in training, especially when i perform well, all this joy, it's such
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a great feeling. 29 year old out salami has been granted asylum in germany. and he's one of the 36 athletes in the i've sees refugee team for power is 2024. benefiting from a scholarship program which helps fund that training. assisting steve out to miss special germany and the refugee team has given me a lots of support to get that. that's not an issue. when we say for which country offers whom i compete. of course i would like to compete the syria stuff else allow me was 15 when he discovered long jump and one city is national schools championships. it's been a grueling jenny since but last year in budapest he competed at the world athletics championships. this came from because i've been fighting with myself really hard to improve my performance for the lympics and want to at least make it to the final to show that we have that because we have competitive athletes and not just refugees. where the syrian colors in paris by achieving his dream of competing it's in the
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lympics else allow me, will present more than a 100000000 full should be displaced. people around the world. david stokes, don't you 0. a rough outlet all was in action again at the swedish opened on wednesday. but this time he teamed up with caspar route on the doubles quotes, the dollars aiming to be fixed and ready for the olympic games in paris of the single fuel in both sun in the singles the bay area is now also advanced in the double section. the dell en route, making they way into the semi finals with the wind of a tire. i advise and roman stuff you remedied. cancer new commodities assigned a one year contract extension with the european champions. the 38 year old will continue at the been about until june 2025. mortgage arrived at railing 2012 and a half the cub when 26 trophies anytime in the spanish capital. england are preparing to play the 1st cricket test match since the time is a false, but a james anderson bowed out after the 1st test against the west indies last week.
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and now for the 2nd phase, they will be an opportunity for someone else to take his place in the boning lineup . captain ben stokes says anderson is still part of the overall setup. and the young about is or absorbing as much of anderson's knowledge as they can be standing there. and you can just see the lads or dislike just drones awards and the one that's pick his brains about, well he thinks how we hold certain deliveries and, and yeah, i think has been a very, very smooth transition. but there's no doubt in the still the motion with jimmy, cuz it's only been a week meanwhile, but wasting the. so i'm looking for an improved showing off of a performance in the 1st test bed loans that were humbled in less than 3 days. kept some craig breath way high school for a place, a bad thing performance engulfing him. i think it's pretty simple to do um to go to about better obviously the find a way that she has some discussion of their own little different things we can do best with as a team. you know, there are still
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a bit of positives in all of this by the was in our the said before 5060 runs to many but it was a positive to get 10. we get by the by, we just got to put runs on the board as a symbol. and that is all the supposed to be useful tonight for me to. all right, thanks very much. and peter o, a ceremony is being held in the netherlands to commemorate 10 years since malaysia, a line slide image 17 was shut down over east and ukraine. community 300 people south of us and was there. it's been a decade since the judy of their loved ones abruptly ended in this guy over ukraine and 298 trees were planted to remember them. the size of the trees may show a decade has passed to many here with feels like it was only yesterday that the russian book miss. i was shut down the passenger play as it travels from am. so them to quite a little more i done called the last his eldest son, daughter in law and 6 year old grandson,
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traveling to bali for vacation. since that moment he has been fighting for justice . a lot of questions has been as big on the table and we have no answers. who pushed the button? well, gave the order. what was the cool member of the book taylor? we want to know this, and we know that information has to come from russia. and we also know that they won't say anything about it. they deny everything that should prosecute. this remain interested in the case because the flight originated here and 193 of the passengers would dodge that strong indications president vladimir put in gave the order to transport the missile system to separate this in a still ukraine. but they've never been able to prove that, conclusively. the case is now at the european human rights court and the international aviation organization. are you still hopeful that will be something comfortable? we are always hoping for it. uh, we also want to offer the uh, decisions and did this, of course, the heck. uh, we hope of course,
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to speak of people in detention as well. but it's fair to say that uh, russia is not helping. um, so we're hoping that it's going to be fairly difficult relative say, especially rush us denial. and this information campaign has made it hard to find closure. the i made 17 and its best and just fell in the field and ukraine comforts with sun flowers. these flowers have now become an important symbol for their relatives, especially because they are unable to visit the war zone with their loved ones died 10 years on this memorial park. the escape of airport hopes to keep the stories alive. but the main hope here is that those responsible will be sent to prison for their crimes. while a journey of 298 people ended that day 10 years ago, many at the memorial fox said they won't rest until their journey for justice is completed. stepped fast and l just sierra to them to do you guys can charles is
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a full many open fall event in a traditional ceremony. he laid out the new labor government's priorities for the young. they include strengthening, which is borders, and a commitment to a 2 state solution for palestine and israel. the labor party won a mass of majority in general elections 2 weeks ago. my government will govern in service to the country. my governments legislative program will be mission lead based upon the principles of security fan is an opportunity for all stability will be the cornerstone of my government's economic policy. every decision will be consistent with its fiscal rules. it will legislate to ensure that all significant tax and spending changes are subject to an independent assessment by the office for budget responsibility. well, that's it for me for me to my left for this news hour and you can find more
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information on a website. i'll do 0 dot com. i'll be back in a moment with more of the days news and the latest updates, the unique perspectives. i sent the i really not them because the i left and nothing is coming your way on heard voices. but we are committed to getting the best i can. all of you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, typically with all of the medical facilities and all of that would be preventable. that's the horror of what's the stream on our, just the or a $150.00 is a gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. this remarkable treasure trove shows how well photographers captured key military
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historical moments from the earliest british occupation to the arab israeli, who was the 20th century and the contrast and emotions in 6th street and defeats egypt through the lens. conflicts on al jazeera, these comp choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we become about to on we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be truth and equally we are false.
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that's our officers. whatever has been done before can be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is you to the the hello on somebody. the miller, this is the news, our line from dela, coming up in the next 60 minutes. it was president joe biden campaigns in the background, state of nevada ways, trying coordinates universes. these ready all make continues to target residential buildings across cause of at least 27. so as soon as i killed and
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attacks across the strip injured and starving, we made some of those falls to a fleet and all of them gaza in


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