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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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that's why this is the possibility to see how the system works. it is the 1st place of regeneration from the . ready 17 people are killed, the test on the dash is demonstrate, is clear for it completely shut down the country. the main site, this is alex, is there a life and demo also coming up. j barton is an installation physically, politically off to testing positive because of 19 fired obama questions. the vonda bit liability of the campaign carrying on red cross ones,
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hospitals and southern guns that pushed and breaking points by israel's relentless from bottom. it's somebody because new parliament opened itself to historic elections. the president is set to layouts his priorities for the next 5 years. the at least 17 purchases have been killed in bangladesh, demonstrations a cooling for a complete shut down across the country lot. and it's broke down between police and students and several locations around the counter seat and saw the non thing of a form to quotas and government jobs. at least 1500 people have been ended over the past week. now, early a group of students broke through the main gates of the state tv station off to entering the building. they set it on fire. the networks as a number of stalls all still trumped inside the facility to the bottom. that that's just quote, a system for government jobs is out because of these protests. it was established
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in 1972 to help those who 4th in the liberation will the year before today. 30 percent of government positions are reserved for the children. now the 26 percent off of women, disabled people, ethnic minorities on people from disadvantaged areas. each year, nearly full 100000 graduates compete for $3000.00 positions in the civil service exam. the critics say the system sometimes excludes qualified applicants and leaves positions on failed ton vitality such as this update. i am spending just about a quarter mile from where i am. there's about 6 universities who are demonstrating since morning and we can still hear gunfire, song grenades, and all kind of noise coming from that area. because the student refused to leave that area. there's been a lot of casualties among the students in the morning and the dynamics for the demand has been changing by, as we spoke to the protests and they said, look,
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the code is one aspect of it. the government has been conciliatory that for the law i'm going to start your day and i was at the prime minister. they instructed him to come to a compromise and sit down with the court. i protest stuff and not a coder per, dressed as an antique caught up at the start of saying that look at this is good, but boy is going to do back home for the number of students to during the last few days. i know as of today that so many kids were killed in different parts of the country. i close the capital city and said, we want justice. we want to go police on pro government student when men by brought to justice before even consider sitting with the government. so they have a different attitude towards the whole thing. i said, we'll continue this movement. this is totally unacceptable killing young children, even high school kids, right in the protest is just, just not acceptable. we want to sit with the government and to make things watch since morning. the entire network internet network was down, there was jamming. you couldn't access the social media,
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some weren't able to get in using vpn. and now the main server station, the base station for the internet service provider that has been burned. and as you mentioned, and you already put the bundle dash government around tv station is on fire. we don't run the latest situation there. but even some studio rooms have caught fire, we don't have those casualties there. so everything remains very volatile, intense, and it's very critical right now, because last to the broad, we saw the number of depth to electrically reason, since then, and the injuries as well, and they're still clash is going on. this is 3 days in a row. there's been collections in buying the best donald trump is sent to accept his policies presidential nomination later on thursday, at the republican convention. it comes 5 days on, so he survived an assassination attempt is running made ohio senate said jay, the violence except to be vice presidential nomination on wednesday, april mas, jobs and pledge, defiance for working class americans. official reports from the venue in milwaukee
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. it was his introduction to american demand. it could be just a heart beat away from the presidency defiance as a relative unknown. and total comes choice as his vice presidential running mate the open with praise for the man he wants to heavily criticized competing to hitler to night. we celebrate. he is our once and future president of the united states of america. a relatively new sent it to from ohio. he needed the trump endorsement to win his election to of any future in republican politics. a former marine a best selling author funds is an abortion absolutist bond, with no exceptions even for reporting says he's opposed to continued military support for ukraine and believes china as a matter of fact, he claims washington has cost too many hardships for too many ordinary americans for my racks, wrapped in a stand from the financial crisis to the great recession from open borders to
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stagnating wages, the people who govern this country have failed and failed again. he was introduced to the convention by his wife to show the daughter of indian immigrants, his goals, and this new role are the same. but he is pursued for our family to keep people safe, to create opportunities, to build a better life. and to solve problems with an open mind. the theme of nice the was make america strong again. this because told for the security, the audience we've scions calling from us deportation upon documented migrants. no mention the donald trump effectively blocked possible bipartisan immigration legislation. he wanted it as an issue to the one the one to use at his convention payroll. and course the immigration laws, he will find the mexican drug cartel and he will arrest the criminal
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field label address and put them behind. the truck team says the selection of g d, binds is about the long term future. but no attention tons to donald trump himself . you'll close the convention with his speech on thursday. the 1st time you've spoken in public, really, since the attempt on his life at the we to do a line. so the question, it's up for us with the means a different kind of donald trump all the for sure. i'll just need a public. a national convention in milwaukee. oh can speak now is about to go and she joins us from that convention in milwaukee in wisconsin. so patsy, the spotlight will be on donald trump tonight when he makes his speech at the final day of the republican policy convention. what can we expect a well, we're good hearing from republican officials really trying to set a pretty high expectation, one telling journalist it'll be one of the most to store speeches ever give it. and
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that's a pretty shy bard and said it's going to be a deeply personal message of unity. and so what we've heard since that attempted assassination attempt is a donald trump wants to be a very different candidate. he wants to try and unify the country. that is not something that this person has ever been able to do. he's very been able to completely unify the republican party in his image, but the rest of the country is probably as divided as it's been in decades. so we'll see if he's able to moderate his tone. the speakers that have come before him, definitely have not. they have made some very incendiary claims. as you just heard from alan's story. there, we do know that it's going to be 55 minutes. it'll probably go longer because it'll be so many different applause lines for told the former president is writing it himself, making changes throughout the day. busy i think we're going to have a very big i think the theme is going to start shifting a little bit. they just put up a side outside of the arena. and it's that picture of donald trump flooded raising
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his hands raising his fist. and it said it's right, huge sign. god saved trump, trump save america. so we're starting here that more and more we heard from his vice president as the face and freedom breakfast that it's a no one will ever be able to convince him that it wasn't a miracle that trump turned his head at just the exact right moment of her in but could have been a disastrous ad. so worse, and we hear this from the delicate that god is a, trump is almost protected by god himself. obviously the republican party leads very heavily into christian religion. uh so you will see donald trump, so he's going to be a different candidate, but he's going to try and unify the country. but if you look at the platform that the party has really run on it as adopted here, it's things like deport millions of undocumented immigrants, including children using us army soldiers and the southern border to round up migrants, which is actually against
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a longstanding law. but he says he's going to turn it down. well know, in just a couple of hours. okay, looking forward to it. pretty cool. hearing that for us in milwaukee in wisconsin, where you as president joe buttons re election campaign is on hold off the he tested positive type of 19 he is now isolating his home state of delaware. wednesday's diagnosis leaves by then increasingly politically isolated, as well as the one year old has been forced off the campaign trail at a time when a growing number of senior democrats, according firm to step aside because of concerns about his health and his age, to speak to our white house correspondent to me, how could she joins us from washington, d. c. so it can be, let's start with the coven diagnosis. what exactly have we heard about it? and how is it long case impact his campaign so close to the election of the white house and the binding campaign insisted the president really just has
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nothing more than a general malays. in other words, that it's just not feeling well and that he should be able to recuperate and get back on the campaign trail. but the fact that there was nobody masking around the president when he was getting in and out of his vehicle. and yeah, on his way to his beach house and wrote with beach delaware, really has left many americans wondering if there's more to the story than what americans are being told. but the truth is that covered cases in the us are off 11 percent. that's almost up one percent and so many people are watching to see what the president does, whether or not after 5 days as a recommended self isolation, if he will be back on the campaign trail or if there is more to the story. in the meantime, this is certainly a blow to biden's campaign, given the fact that he said just about a week ago when he was giving a press conference following the nato summit meetings that he really wanted to
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assure the american public city was fine and physically fine. and mentally fine, but all you have to do is get back out on the campaign trail or the late fears. and now he's having to do just the opposite. but the campaign itself and says the president is going to be okay and that he's going to remain at the top of the tickets. the president is still in 5, himself isolating and delaware, he's continuing to make calls into work. you have some official meetings today, a lot of campaign calls that he's getting through. i think some of them calls that he's hopping on potentially. and that's what the 2nd question, look. the vice president is a part of the button here is ticket. our campaign is not working through any scenarios where president biden is not the top of the ticket. he is and will be the democratic nominee. i think when it comes to, if he is open or being receptive to any of that. but the president has said it several times of his staying in this rise and company. all this as the number of voices within his own policy, continue to grow on uh, cooling him to step down,
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including former president barack obama. that's right. the latest is the former president himself, as brock obama, and what he's saying is that essentially the path to victory has greatly diminished for joe biden. and that he should seriously consider the viability of his cabinet to see add to that we've heard from nancy pelosi, we've heard from the top democratic leadership in the us congress. he's basically lost the confidence of all senior democratic leaders in the party. and so i expect what has been a private sort of as coming a realization is now becoming very public and evidenced by the comments we've just heard from brock obama. and we only expect that course to grow louder and louder. it seems to have a mental event in the nurse that is moving towards the weekend, some speculating that by sunday the president will no longer be able to resist
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these calls to step aside and may ultimately have to make that choice by the weekend. and we should points out the polls are indicating something similar. 65 percent of democrats say they want the president to make that choice. okay, thank you for that and can the whole cut all by test correspondent, still ahead on alex's era, the reco breaking dinosaurs sale that has museums wondering if they will have to change how they acquire also the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the
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cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best, produces the best spaces. and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching out is there a mind that's all top stories based our local media in found a dish, all reporting at least 17 people have been killed in process across the country. that demonstrates a set fire to the headquarters of the state full costa students have been running for weeks against a contest system. and government jones us president joe biden is in isolation onto he tested positive the kinds of 19, well on the campaign trail in nevada, council of speech at latino civil rights organization on this now f, as in dunaway, intensified as riley attacks across guns. i have killed over 500 pound of students
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in the past 10 days. some of the latest strikes when central casa an attack on the town of all of the white killed, at least age palestinians, and injured all those women and children were among the victims. is there any forces of also attacked and is there it's an outbreak? refugee comes the international committee of the red cross as hospitals and southern gaza. awesome breaking point. the influx of palestinians wounded by israel's bombardment, has led to over the crown waiting rooms. and patients being treated on the floor, charge of boys whom is on here today inside the departments of ups, the hospice, and which is one of the fairly functional costs with so in district. and you can plan to see the capacity of the hospitals overwhelmed, wounded, and patients are getting medical treatment overseas due to the overwhelming capacity of the vast majority of the departments of the hospital. so we can see that there is a very severe shortage of bits that are necessarily required for palestinians in
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order to get medical treatment. and what clearly kind of stuff is that medical services are struggling with that to keep providing this number of people with a central medical care. we'll be hearing from the international committee of the red cross. that's at least the vast majority of hospitals in southern garza are suffering and also have been incredibly pushed to be forced it to take a very critical decisions and who can really get treatment to us as the vast majority of these hospitals are no, it's a very dangerous pritchens points. now we can see that lean towards a bu increase of the air strikes from the central area imposes move it medical pressure to do is talk to an even medical team on the ground to keep up the ration as it has been struggling with a few crisis. alongside with distribution which is over central medical supplies to our company, which is 0. there's been a kind of fine. now is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu is made and on announced
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a visit to southern gaza. he visits and soldiers in rough as city which has been on the constant is riley bombardments in recent weeks. shortly, media reports that nothing you know, told soldiers that ultra orthodox jews will show a be recruited into the ministry. because obviously above enough stuff, the customer is ready to control over the philadelphia car during the rest of the crossing is important. so continuity the ministry pressure existing here on this relative to how much movement helps us with us and safety moans, the progress in the kidnapping. deal, especially without the moments for the release of the largest number of kitten men and women in the 1st stage of the agreement. double pressure does not hinder the deal. it contributes to his progress, so to speak. now to all correspond to him, wrong call and just remind to the reason he is here on sessions because he's really government has found out as a rep from reporting from within israel. so iran, uh,
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the, the south is where we've had a, the is really ami focused for quite a long time. now along the philadelphia car, it will remind us why this corduroy is so important to the is where it is and why we soul this visit today. i promise to let you know, will the philadelphia car doors, i see these riley code named for the border between garza and idiots. now there's been several agreements between egypt and israel. like the is come, david in 1979 being one of the key ones. it's supposed to be demilitarized, it's supposed to be in control of the egyptians on egypt, inside the palestinians, on the palestinian side. that's clearly know what's happening. now. this is very controversial because these riley's are saying they want complete control permanently of the philadelphia card or so by their prime minister visiting that site. it's a power plant. it's a very, very visible symbol to his support is that he is going to stay these right. he's
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going to stay in that area. now, of course, that has an impact on the sci fi tools. i must have been very clear that they don't want any is where the presence in any part of the goals are stripped. also, the addictions have been talking saying that they do not want these remedies to control that vote. they always say, but they are very capable of doing it themselves. the big thing for these writers is that they want to stop the weapons smuggling and coming in the they say is coming in from egypt. now the americans are also involved in this as well. they've actually said to the palestinians, according to is ready to tell them 12 that they will help control the philadelphia car don't with the is way to use the palestinians of said not. we don't want that to happen. we want to control the buddha. also with the egyptians. there's been seized by tools going on in egypt focused adjust on this, this, the idea of this control all the philadelphia access who's going to control the indian these right,
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these are very clear about this. they are not going to withdrawal that troops from the chord over so the seatbar tools are stolen, particularly in cairo and egypt with the objections of this particular issue. okay, thank you for that. and ron kon, here in the studio with us. now in south africa, presidents here around the pose, it says inclusive economic growth will talk. the agenda of his new government was as delivering an address of the official opening of parliament in cape town. and you coalition administration was foamed following elections in may, off to the governing african national congress failed to secure a majority in parliament. was good to harm it's hostage. she's live for us from cape town. so let's start with the ministerial purse, 7 divided among the 11 parties in the government of national units. and you tell us more about that on the well, the amc managed to retain 7 key portfolios like finance and trade,
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but it had to make some compromises. for example, portfolios like homeless phase of communications when to add the political parties, perhaps president sort of course of the way of compromising managing competing interest and agendas with in this got the government of national unity. he's kindly speaking 90. spinning a large part of the speech to you, but you need to tell him parliamentarians that they need to be able to work together for the good of the country and for decides they've differences because of applicants have high expectations, they need things to work in this country, they're worried about jobs. they say the unemployment rate is more than 50 percent higher when it comes to the youth. they're worried about price corruption and the $1.00 services like education to improve and some of the poor it's problems is off the country. some schools don't have funding toilets or these issues that the organization that can ask you once the parliamentarians, a j. so the people, the n p. s a, have
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a lot of exploitation for needs. and i mean, there's a lot of political policies trying to work together. i mean, are they going to be able to do this? well, these are parties are in the cost of taking each other to cost, have criticized each other. so will they be able to work together? they have different ideas like use a different policy ideas. for example, the amc believes in black impala and policies parties that parties like a da are against this. this is not the french government, national unity for what, that's what this was. it was in 1994 when awesome and did a was present that over the last 3 years, when if the club pulled out in that t n, you find the positive people way to see if this one is going to work. thank you for that time. it's also that for us in take time, it's a false as newly elected parliament has met for the 1st time since now,
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collections earlier this month being well members of trade unions and some forces of the left wing alliance, protesting in the capital they want to president emanuel mark from to a point, a prime minister from the left is coalition new port pete of front one, the may seats, but still has an agreed on a candidate our read dinosaur skeleton has sold for record $44000000.00 in new york. christian salumi has more what makes this type of source so valuable? a meat apax, a 161000000 year olds, data source standing nearly 3 and a half meters tall and 6 meters in length. it's built as the most complete and best preserved fossil of its kind with 79 percent of its skeleton intact. just how rare is it. it's sold at auction for a staggering record price in terms of stages sources. this is an incredibly rare
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animal. there were only 8 or 9 known in the world. the fossil was discovered in colorado, in 2020 to may of 2022. my birthday and i was with one of my best friends at the time and he was my head excavator. and he said, well jason, what do i do for your birthday? and i said i wanted to find a dentist. sotheby's auction house closely collaborated with the owner, renowned commercial, paleontologist jason cooper, to document the entire process and this video from its discovery and the excavation to its restoration preparation. and mounting evidence of arthritis suggests the state of stores had lived to old age, found with the tail curled up underneath the body, which is a common dest pose. for animals, you know, your dogs, cats, when they're gonna die, they're gonna grow up. let's say it was a big win for sotheby's in the fossil zone or put some paleontologist are worried. it's a loss to science when a fossil like 8 packs ends up in the hands of
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a wealthy private collector. i'll do 0, spoke to polly ontologies, terry woodruff, who worries, museums won't be able to compete. what is the, are concerned about the state as far as going up for sale in the us? you know, a lot of times, museums, we work on private land. so, you know, we might get permission from the land owner, they may donate the fossils, allow the museum on. well now the landowner flipping on the news and seeing a dinosaur headset, you know, record prices. thanks. i. well, i'm letting them using, i'm just have them. sotheby's says the buyer intends to explore loaning apex to a us institution. kristin salumi algebra, new york and a passenger train has the railed in northern india killing at least 2 people. dozens of passengers have been injured, as at least 10 coaches, if an express train of tons in the states of as a protest rescue team is on the site. officials say the cause of the accident has
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been investigated. ok, that's it for me, molly. inside lots more information on web sign out, is there a dell come to check it out, whether it's next and inside story mississippi olympics and why russia is bound for it? when he prayed the the as hello the hot and dry weather continues to dominate across the vans and the middle east. we have got some shower cause you can see that from the satellite image across most southern areas, bringing some rain to the likes of e m and a month. but it is launch the hot and dry, but a little bit on settled across the gulf. thanks to shamal window, it's kicking up some dust,
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reading windy conditions across the region as we head into the weekend of temperatures have been sitting very high in the likes of to wait. we've been up into the fifty's, but they will be coming down slightly as we go into fat today. not temperature is all set to come down as well across the north, west of africa with places like morocco suffering under a heat wave. but rebecca comes down to 26 degrees celsius that on saturday, the temperatures will continue to sit very high. however, in the north east of egypt for cities like kyra for the south of this, it's a wet story. in particular for nigeria, you can see those spoons bubbling away, pushing their way out from east to west, as long as you drive across large areas of southern africa. wildfire threats continuing for parts of south africa, but it's looking much way to the cape town. we will see things cool down through to sunday. the latest news, the lounge, roads, the could supply,
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the people of calls of what are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them with detailed coverage. make sure if the school sub asked from this direction to from the ongoing contest in plumbing, um, displacements of like in garza, from the house of the story, is really military claim. the target of the attack was a funeral. i'm a military commander, but how much is the claim falls? in the summer olympics, the world's biggest sporting events opens in paris next week. russia is found for it's for a new crane, but not israel, for it's for on dollars on top of your role. the politics on business play in the game and come to the costs be justified business inside story. the


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