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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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greg, this is our birthright. but as long as our energies are spread, fighting each other, our destiny will remain out of reach. and that's not acceptable. we must instead take that energy and use it to realize our country's true potential and write our own thrilling chapter of the american story. we can do it together. we will unite, we are going to come together at success will bring us together. it is a story of love and sacrifice, and so many other things. and remember the word devotion which unmatched devotion, our american ancestors crushed. the delaware survived the icy winter at valley forge and defeated a mighty empire to establish our chairs republic. they fought so hard. they lost so many, they pushed thousands and thousands of miles across the dangerous frontier,
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taming the wilderness to build a life and a magnificent home for their family. they packed their families into a covered wagon stretched across hazardous strauss, scaled towering mountains and brave rivers and rapids to state their claim on the wide, open, new and very beautiful frontier. when our way of life was threatened, american patriots marched onto the battlefield, raced into enemy strong halls and stared down death, and stared down those enemies to keep alive the flame of freedom. at yorktown, gettysburg, and midway they joined the roll call of immortal heroes. so many whole just so many here are so many great, great people and we have to cherish those people. we can forget those people. we have to cherish those really
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building monuments to those great people is a good thing, not a bad thing. they say there are tons no challenge was too much. no hardship was too great. know and to be was to fears together. these pages sold you at all and endured. and they prevailed because they had faith that each other faith in their country and above all, they had faith in their god. here's my services. we must now come together, rise above past differences, or any disagreements have to be put aside and go forward. united as one people, one nation pledging allegiance to one great, beautiful. i think it's so beautiful american flag
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tonight is for your partnership for your support. and i am humbly asking for your vote, which is great. again, every day i was trying to honor the 2 of us, you a place to me and i will never, ever let you down. i promise that i will never let you to do all of the for a got married, women was been neglected. a bad did and left behind. you will be forgotten. no longer. we will press forward and together we will win win, win the we we, we, we, we, we not,
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we was wise. nothing will slow us and no one will ever stop us. no matter what dangers come away, no matter what obstacles lineup, we will keep striving toward our shared glorious destiny. and we will not fail. we will not fail it together. we will save this country. we will restore the republic and we will usher in the rich and wonderful tomorrow's that our people so truly deserved america's future will be bigger, better boulder, brighter, happier, stronger, free, or greater and more united than ever before. the
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white ship, lee, good. we will very quickly make america great again. thank you. god bless you is going to do god bless the united states of america. a great country. thank you very much. ever. we have been listening to fema president, donald trump and the republican policy presidential candidate for this is election addressing the republican national convention that's taking place in milwaukee, wisconsin. this is the 4th mice of the convention. the 1st life of the convention where we heard from donald trump. and so the 1st time that was heard, donald trump address cloud since his assassination attempt less than
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a week ago. these are live pictures that we are watching from the republican national convention. he is now joined on stage by his wife maloney at trump. we've heard from his family members of the last 4 days, and many other people in the republican policy that's bringing correspondent alan fisher. he is joining us live on the convention and, and listening and to what donald trump has been saying. and alan, it was being such a much anticipated speech because that was the 1st time that we're hearing from donald trump. often what happens in pennsylvania last saturday. and, you know, he, he saw, said we're the fitness, the unity. he said that he wanted to be a president for all americans. it didn't take him long, though to use the speech to attack raw the democrats to attack joe biden. though he only mentioned him 11 by name and said that he was only going to mention him,
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one's fine name. but he did use most of his address to attend the democrats and what they've done over the last 4 years. it was a speech in 2 parts. first of all, he talked about what happened in that field in pennsylvania and such a date. you could hear a pin drop in this house full. he said, you'll never talk about it again because it was too painful to record. and it gave the story with the uniform of the firefighter who died in pennsylvania behind them . the only problem was the name on the uniform was spelled wrong. uh and you said moved on to say that we were told that this would be a different kind of donald trump pretty immediately started going after the same old charges he called nancy pelosi, crazy. that's not a new tool. and that's what we've had before. he said that the prox design criminal proceedings against them to be dropped immediately. i then you would on to pay the
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bed. a picture of the united states saying this is all happened within the last 4 years. now there are many fact to letters of what he said, he talked about how inflation is it. it was not that it's never been in the united states. actually. it was higher in the 19 twenty's, obviously don't the 3 percent for the longest time. we also talked about unemployment being, hi, it's been the other 3 percent for the longest periods in american straight. but those are all minor fights. this was a speech that would probably be better if it have been tim quite significantly by photo trump without much more input. because people wanted to hear about what happened on saturday. how important that was and how it's james, donald trump. but won't we go? was essentially a standard stomach speech which attacked a nancy pelosi. i only mentioned joe by his name a couple of times. the people here obviously locked it up, but the weather number of people who began to leave,
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which is incredibly unusual. but it was a very, very long speech which was short on detail of what he would do. others on whose the board to rebuild the wall. contemplation, a drill b, b drill, all the things that we've had from donald trump before i'd very much in the mood of what we had in 2016 when he painted the dark picture of the united states. i didn't system the key alone could fix it. yeah, it's really interesting allen, but you know, the couple of things that you picked on, but he said, because i've been following one fact checking website that has certainly been very busy with the things that he has been saying. all of those things we heard from donald trump and the 1st us presidential debate against joe biden, which, while most of the criticism of that debate was of job items incredibly weak performance. there was also a lot of criticism that there was so much of what donald trump said and that debate was in truth. and yet we had him repeating all of the same things you mentioned.
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some of the issues that he spoke about, he said, quite frankly, completely shocking things about immigration, for example, where he repeated, you know, that millions of people are being allowed into the country. that's not true. and that they're being in the coming in from prisons, from jails. he said, mental institutions and insane asylums. i mean, at one point he says that 100 percent, 107 percent of the new jobs in america are being taken by immigrants. i mean, that's just simply impossible, but these things go through because it's what you expected from the tunnel be rate . and then he said how he'd watch at this convention that he's been here every single night, which is unusual for donald trump. and he said there was a speaker that he saw or that was good, but this is perhaps the worst part of the convention. it has been very slick,
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very well produced, is managed to appeal to the base of the republican party to the hundreds of hundreds of people, thousands of people because you can see behind me they have responded very well for this. and it has really, boy them up, the honestly believe that the 10 when the house of representatives, the senate and the white house. but it was hoping to reach the on to the undecided voters through the subaru. but mom's this operation, this speech would have failed or not. it is 10 past 11 here in milwaukee on the east coast of the united states. it's after midnight. many people excuse me, would have headed to bed halfway through this speech. so that's another reason why you should have kept it tight. he said, 14 minutes from the end. so in conclusion, there is the very famous story of bill clinton when he addressed the democratic
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convention before he became a candidate he thought on for so long when he said in conclusion, there was a cheer from the floor. donald trump did seem to be one too long. there were many, many uh, back to letters and the but as we've seen before, it doesn't matter as the people here don't care about that. they just want to your thoughts on speaking. they just want to feel that they are in control of who will be the next president and for the democrats who are sitting at home wondering whether to fight the is the body be, will be hosted by this performance because they will think we can beat this guy in november, the only thing they ask to do is very quickly decide on who is the time to get there will actually deliver to victory. because donald trump has many vulnerabilities. it could be exported by it a very good time. does it allen? thank you so much for that for now. that so i'll corresponded allen's special. joining us live from the convention in milwaukee wisconsin. he is inside that arena
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. hold on to bring in another one of our correspondents. now heidi joe cost or she's also joining us from the convention outside heidi you've been speaking to suppose is all the evening. what are you sharing about? what supports us? think of her speech elizabeth, i've been hearing that they loved it. then i've also been hearing that they thought it was rather long, and that kind of explains this rush of people who are now exiting the venue. they're trying to leave this area as quickly as possible. but if you did stop and offer their thoughts to me, saying that they thought it was incredible that he described the moments when he dogs the bullet that was intended to kill him. and they also said they loved how he went into those uh the points that alan was just talking about, which trump usually uses in his political rallies. and then actually we'd like to
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ask you, specifically, you just came out of the speech hearing donald trump, right. what did you think of the points that he made? i thought they were amazing. i'm. i'm so proud of him. i have been all long since he 1st started running his president. for right now he is in the most presidential mode that i've ever seen. the man, i feel that him almost losing his life plus friday is the sad, was an act of god more. so please to know this is still with us. and so his excitement becomes our excitement and our prayers become his prayers. now he is, many people have said now listen to this speech to it. that it almost seemed like 2 different speeches. he started off describing, surviving that he described, bring the country together. but then he went on again to criticize democrats to criticize a fight. and what did you think of those 2 very different deals for this? we think there was
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a different feel. he's only saying what he said right long. we all know that president biden does have difficulties, and it isn't doing a good job. and he probably isn't the man behind the scenes in reality. and so, you know, we pray for him just like we pray for everyone else, including our present. it is, we know that we all have trials to face him right now. the democrats are facing trial. i don't wish any bad on anybody, least of all people in my own country. and one of the things that president trump made sure that he pointed out tonight that he's here for all the people in the country, not half of them, but all of them. i heard that and i hope everybody else did to. yeah, he did say that which was different, a different tone than what we've heard before. but then he also repeated several falls. so it's actually many more than just 7. no, he said a 1070. cycles to that is, is listening to people that have brain was other people about what this truth is.
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president trump speaks the truth. i'm not, i'm not saying he's perfect. we all can say something that we've been told or something that i believe that from the bottom of his heart, he speaks of truth as he knows it, as he sees as we all see it. and i will send him to my desk. and i believe that, you know, people are just trying to find a reason to disagree with him because they've been brainwashed into believing he's some evil man and he's not, you know, until you know him personally, you can't say those things. so i'm, i use that enough and thank you very much. god bless you. thank you so much. thank you so much. so again, your hearing very art in support for president former president trump's words here a little bit push back. when i try to ask about the many false has that he's been documented listing in that speech that alan so eloquently was reminding us about. but that's not what people here want to talk about. elizabeth,
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they want to talk about their support for trump, and they want to talk about how enthusiastic and excited they are and how they think this is the moment that they are going to take back the white house and that the republican party will grow out of the democrats weakness and out of the incredible good fortune in the sense that trump has been lighting these last few weeks from those courts, from the court judgments in his favor to surviving and assassinated assassination attempts to delivering initially this message of unity to the country. they said everything else is just noise and they believe that this man is going to win the white house again. yeah, it's so interesting, heidi i was listening to you talking to your guests and she was saying how donald trump speaks the truth when the facts, when to independently verified facts show that he doesn't. and yet not only is that not what they want to speak about, as he was saying, they actually see it so very differently once again,
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highlighting just how completely polarized the united states is ahead of the social election. heidi, thank you so much for your reporting for now. that is heidi jo. cost or joining us live from outside the republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin. and if you are just joining us, we have been covering that convention in milwaukee with donald trump has just given his speech. it is his 1st public comments since he survived an assassination attempt from the unity and healing it described in great detail. the moment the shoes had tried to take his life during the valley and pennsylvania on saturday. thom has pledged traverse many of job items, policies including on the economy, security and immigration, is also accepted his nomination as the parties. presidential flag vera. the discard and division in our society must be hills. we must deal it quickly as
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americans. we are bound together by a single site and our share destiny. we rise together or we fall apart, says, i am running to be president for all of america, not half of america, because there is no victory in winning for half of them. so tonight, with faith and devotion, i proudly accept your nomination for, for the democratic john test, it has become the 2nd us senate as a quote for president joe biden to drop his re election. but by doing this, taking a break from campaigning office, he tested positive because of 19 my kind of has moved from washington dc. the news
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from president biden's vacation home in delaware, where he's recovering from cobra. it is that he's doing fine. he has some respect, republican says his doctor, but his temperature is said to be normal. but while he is in isolation, imposed by cupboard is also to a degree in a form of political isolation. several reports indicate that the amounting calls for the president to step aside from the upcoming election. the most recent coming from jenny ruskin, a call, a representative from maryland who has released the letter cooling on the president, the step down. the letter was written some 12 days ago, but it was only made public in the course of the day. congressman adam shift has also called for bite and to step down and that was in an editorial. however, one must separate the speculation from the reality here, in all some 20 democratic members of congress, a cold for bite into step down, the vast bulk have remain silent on the issue of party leaders have remained
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actually silent as well. and we've also heard from probably the most powerful democrats, and that is for my president rock obama. he has said that the only person who can decide whether or not joe biden steps down is joe biden himself, mike kinda, i'll just sarah washington with laura brown is a political analyst, and she says, present, and biden's delay in stepping aside as strategic. i don't think there's actually damage being done. i think the that this process is an important part of the party coming together. and in fact, i imagine the president by i'm as unwilling or as, as unlikely as he thought it would be, that he would have to step aside what he is actually doing by delaying his action is ensuring that the party comes together and co,
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less is behind vice president kamala harris. it is, um, usual to think that this would happen, but what is really happening and what has happened over the last few weeks is a recognition that you couldn't have any sort of list primary. and then 5 harris is really the only one who could take over the issue is, is that he had relatively low expectations for the debate in june. he did not need force or pass those expectations. and that revived concerns about his ability to kind of take the campaign to former president trump. there is no question about president biden's governance. the question is really about his energy and vigor to prosecute a case against former president trump and the republican party. the
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2 other news on an unmanned roland has exploded on a street near the us embassy and tennessee have at least 10 people have been injured on. he says the drone entities really s face without being detected. yeah. and then as a whole, people appear to have claimed responsibility posting on social media that it would reveal details about him and the true authoration that target of penalties that have been more as rarely as strikes, targeting you and run schools and central gaza. the facility and does a through neighborhood was being used as a shelter to displace palestinians. at least one person was killed in the attack and several others injured is really false. instead of killed 2005 was in the air raid doctors say 5 of the people who are also killed in northern dasa. when gauze is hospitals of
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a breaking point that's according to an assessment by the international committee of the red cross. the influx of palestinians, wounded by israel's compartment, has led to the crowd of waiting rooms and central garza patients being treated on the floor as topic was in before from then on by the is on here today inside the departments of up to the hospice and which is one of the fairly functional possible so in district or you can plan to see the capacity of the hosp which was overwhelmed wounded and patients are getting medical treatment. but due to the overwhelming capacity of the vast majority of the departments of the hospital. so we can see that there is a very severe shortage of bits that are necessarily required for palestinians in order to get medical treatment. and what clearly kind of stuff is that medical services are struggling with that to keep providing this number of people with a central medical care hope you're hearing from the international committee of the red cross. that's at least the vast majority of hospitals in southern garza are
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suffering and also have been incredibly pushed to be forced a to take a very critical decisions and who can really get treatment such as the vast majority of these hospitals are no, it's a very dangerous pritchens points. now we can see that lean towards a boat increase of air strikes from the central area imposes move it medical pressure to do is talk to an even medical team on the ground to keep up the ration as it has been struggling with a few crisis alongside with distribution which is over central medical supplies to our company, which is 0. there's been a kind of fine and polio has been found and gaza as well continues as well on the besieged strip. the highly infectious disease can cause deformities and paralysis. the palestinian health ministry says if detected the virus of the sewage and contaminated water that flowing between the tents. housing displays palestinians as
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well as dawson's backs and they think it's someone just and also to protect them against the disease. well dr. tania hodge house, it is a pediatric intensive care physician. she was last working in gaza in march. she says the emergence of polio as a sign was to come folio is transmitted through the sequel or oral roots. so if you have a situation where you cannot separate those 2 things, because you have no way of, of processing sewage, you have no clean laboratories. you have no way of isolating suspected cases. because normally, if you have a case of polio, you're going to isolate something, you're going to make sure that they use the bathroom that nobody else uses that they're not in close proximity to other people. that's impossible. you have everybody blustering and refugee caps at the moment without vaccines for, for at least the past 9 months, including children who would have otherwise been vaccinated for polio. and adults who, in and in the setting of an outbreak should receive a booster,
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including health care workers. if health care workers are exposed to high rates of polio and end up contracting disease, that's also catastrophic for a health care system that's already been. i annihilated by direct targeted by adoptions of health care workers like killing of health care workers. and it's just, you know, a ticking time bomb and were just talking about polio when you have polio is, is a symptom of or a sign of something greater, which is an inability to protect the population from diseases that really should, has been completely eradicated on this planet, at this point and the government protests and bound to this have left at least 139 people dead. violence broke out between police and students and several locations around the capital dock of the students. a demonstration, a demand, and rather of
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a form to quotas for government jobs, demonstrations accounting for a complete shut down the country. at least 1500 people have been injured in the past week for the child that he has more funds, aka. it's just about a quarter mile from where i am. there's about 6 universities who are demonstrating since morning and we can still hear gunfire, song grenades, and all kind of noise coming from that area because the student refused to leave that area. there's been a lot of casualties among the students in the morning and the dynamics for the demand has been changing by, as we spoke to the protests and they said, look, the chord dice. one aspect of the government has been conciliatory. the for the law minute structure down the prime, minnesota, instructed him to come to a compromise and sit down with the court, a protest stuff and not a coder per test as an intake called i protested of saying that, look at this as good. but boy is going to do back home for the number of students
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to during the last few days. and also today that so many kids were killed in different parts of the country and close the capital city. he said, we want justice, we went those police on pro government student wings and then by brought to justice before we even consider sitting with the government. so they have a different attitude towards the whole thing and said, we'll continue this movement. this is totally unacceptable. killing young children, even high school kids. right. in the protest it's, it's just just not acceptable. we want to sit with the government and to make things watch since morning that any time network internet network was down there was jamming. you couldn't access the social media somewhere able to get in using vpn. and now the main server station, the base station for the internet service provider that has been burned, everything remains very volatile, intense, and it's very critical right now. thailand's manufacturing sector is taking a hit with a closure of almost 2000 factories in the past year. it's economy may slow down
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even further this year. as industry struggle with rising costs and increasing competition from china. a correspondent wayne have reports from the capital, bangkok, the thailand industrial machine is slowing down. manufacturing makes up almost a quarter of gross domestic product. the rising costs and cheap imports from china, blunting the countries competitive age. this manufacturing company is one of the most secure having diversified away from specializing in top pots during the 1997 asian financial crisis. we have a 0 order we to know, so any pot. so i said that be changing our minds to expand this and as to maybe cody weiss industry and also now i think the coach of machinery industry 27 years on many others. still having a heated, that cooling end of.


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