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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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under attentions of friends with the host nation, be ready to welcome the world on july. the 26th. stay without a 0 for the latest updates. the . the way taking you live to the hague, with the international court of justice is minutes away on beginning a session to deliver an advisory ruling on the legality of israel is occupation of palestinian territory. quotes president due to speak in the coming minutes. we'll step voss and joins us from outside the court at the hague. we're expecting any moments the president of the, quote, the 27th president, north salon, to deliver the quotes finding on this issue. and it's being watched very closely.
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right. step a it is indeed watched very closely as a country to the case that to south africa filed against israel a based on the genocide convention. we're now in the next hour, expecting the same course at the i. c. j to give us an advisory opinion, which is non binding, but has very wide spread implications on the galaxy of the occupation as well. so if you're patient, it's one of the largest cases. the court has ever looked into more than a 52 countries, and 3 organizations were involved and they came all to the hague to present oral arguments, which is very rare. and they had very strong language. the majority of all these countries were agreeing on the language they use. they called the annexation. they called it a part time cooling, nice ation. so what a lot of people experts are expecting that the court will indeed take over
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a lot of these arguments as well. but of course we have to listen in the next hour . so what exactly the court has decided, but it will have strong implications. not only for as well, but also for the countries that also now are hearing that officially this could be an illegal occupation. so this is the 1st time such a high, the highest court will guess this legal conclusion. and then countries have to decide if they can still unable israel situation in the palestinian territories. so that's what we're all going to look out for in the next hour. step have we should mention was seeing the judges come in. so we assume is, is going to begin very soon, have we had any indication which way the quote is leaning thus far? well, legal experts have, darling, i have been telling me that it was that would be factory surprise if at least not a huge part of the arguments. we heard it back in february that they will also
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agree with these arguments. and also what they point out. it's now it's been 5 months since the case for us presenter, which is very quick according to exports to rule. so it means that of course, it has to take in this case, very, very seriously. undersea also an urgency, the son of alton, know us and i am the 27, the calling to talk to to deliver advisor to opinion on the request submitted by the general assembly of the united nations on the question of the lee good consequences. i think some of the policies and practices of isn't in the occupied by the city and 33, including shows of the questions on which the opening of the quotes has been requested are set forth. is it, is it ocean? $77.00? my 247 adopted by the united nations and assembly. on december 3rd,
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the 2022. my letter dated 17 january 2023, and received by the registry on january 19. 2023. the executive general of the united nations office and the communicate to the court, the position, the decision taken by the assembly to submit these questions for an advisor opinion . but after 18 over there is the roofing. you've asked for the best photos and i quote, the general assembly. so besides and i called into the article, not the 6 of each side of the united nations to request the narrative growth of justice. but when i think of 65, i'll just start with the quote to the end and advise that opinion on the following questions. considering the rules and principles of international law, including the charge of united nations and the nurse thing later, you know,
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and the national human that i slow. but i live in that is also the security council, the general assembly and the human rights cons advisor opinion over the course of july 9, 2004 a. what would be a good consequences? i think some of the ongoing buy would have been buy isn't of that i'd over this by the city and people who said that they munition from it's put along the occupation settlement and dynamics ation of the by the city. and $33.00 ok buys is locked in $67.00, including measures aimed at portraying the demographic composition. got to say to somebody who it is at the origin of them and from its adoption of the disconnect. so the legislation and measures be how do the policies and practices of it i would prefer to in photograph it in a affect the legal status of the occupation and what are the good
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consequences that eyes for all states and united nations from the status and of course in accordance with using the practice, i shouldn't not 3 the, the interlock c panic that's of the opinion without the main elements of the procedure history or the proceedings. as i said, also limit or summit eyes. some of the other paragraphs of the opinion. i feel, according to the beginning, eddie, being the advisor to opinion. i thought i could have $22.00 before tax of the opinion would of course be available at the close of the 15 when see who they request for the 0 opinion. the quotes must 1st considered whether it has really eviction to agree with the opinion that requested. and if so, whether there is any reason why the court should indignant size open discussion
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decline to answer the request. the quote most of the site itself in accordance with the requirement of to connect the 6 of the chart to and i think $65.00 over the statute that depends on which sick was to give it's opinion is a the good with the present proceedings. they didn't assembly put to question, so the quote, these questions relate 1st. so the consequences are, i think, from certain point it says and back to the ways road as an occupying power and the situation of management occupation since 1967. secondly, daily to how such policies and practices affect really good faith is all the documentation, a lot of set. then there was an principle open to match the low end to the consequences which at eyes from the status. the court considers that these
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questions are the good questions and that all of the above the quote of clear woods that'd be request has be made in accordance with the provisions of the truck to and over this that's over the quote. and that for that, it has jurisdiction to it under the requested open defense, that the court has ruled eviction to give an adviser to opinion does not mean that it is obliged to exist sizes. this, however, only comes pending the reasons maybe because to refuse to give it to opinion in response to a request funding within it. sort of fixing some participants and be present proceedings. have a good that are compelling reasons for the code to decline to give it so i. so the argument that the request for this dispute between the 2 part is one of
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which has the consented for these are deficient over the course. the court considers the subject method of request is not on the e by elected and method between it and by this time. but it is of particular interest and concern to the united nations. and the giving the opinion, the requested does not have effect of to, to convincing the principle of consent to division, such as to the argument that because the opinion would love to assist the general assembly in the performance of its functions. the quote close it is, but it cannot substitute its own assessment of the need for such an opinion with that of the organ requesting good. as so the argument that the opinion of the court would have an adverse effect on the negotiation framework. the court consider is that it is a method of conjecture on which the court should let speculative. uh so the
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argument that record does not have sufficient information to enable it from an advisor to opinion. the court considers that it had before it's sufficient information to decide legal questions. any method any might not consistent with. it's just shouldn't function as to the argument that the questions are afforded related. any biased amount of the code does not consider that the general assembly intended to district because freedom to determine the visuals, the court with a sort of data for itself. whether it is it, as positive practices, are in violation of the i pick up the rules and principles of the last and low before the 3rd, meaning the illegal consequences of any such why would issue having examined each of these arguments and the, the quote includes that there are no competing reasons for it to decline to be of
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the opinion requested by the time of us and the quote then to quote the general context of the case before turning to the scope and the meaning of the question. suppose by the time of the assembly and disregard the quote notes that the questions defined, the material that he told you and then put in the scope of the quote to inquire with regards to the materials school questions a identify 3 types of conduct which question be described as policies and practices of events. first, the ongoing viable days or why is a of that i thought would be by the city and people decided this took munition. second is i'd still along the occupation settlement and i'm exceptionally by the city instead of the occupied since 1967 including measures aimed at the whole thing
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. and then we'll get off the composition. got back to and states is only for the city of joseph and so is the adoption of the native discriminatory? did you slice and then measures the specific scope of each of these policies and practices? is determined that the uh, the quote examined them in the or before it doesn't include that. does that mean nation because limits it says to absorbing if it should come in order of them. namely that the threat of which 50 times of question a assume that these policies and practices of conflict with the unless the low my but to of it's sort of shouldn't function. however, because it's set of development below fullness of the policies and practices identified. but we said last time in the present case, the quote consider that question
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a required and assessment of the conform with you within the last didn't go over those places and practices of is an identified and request the quote goes to those. that is the quest, the joint assembly has not sold from because the factual victimization of is as far as the practices of ad for in order to give and advise that opening. in this case, it's not necessary for it because to make findings of fact with regard to specific incidents, allegedly invited a show that that much the little because the, the, on the establish, the main features of is the policies and practices. and on that basis, assess the conformity of these policies and practices within the next level in terms of a city told us school question, a,
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b 52. and i quote the v by this thing in 33. ok. by since 1967 uncles, which in combust it'd be westbank, easy to them. and because of the quote notes that the various united nations organs and barges frequency make specific capacitance to the different in parts of the occupied. but it seems that it to the cost also that sold independent adviser opinion as appropriate. however, the quote, the cause that from a legal standpoint, the okay bye bye, the city and $33.00 constitutes a single 30 for the unit, the unit, the unit, the config with the integrity of which is to be because of the respect thus old evidences in this opinion to be occupied by the city and 33 references
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to a single 30 story or to join the quote further. because of the question mentions measures pertaining to the holy city or 2 to send him the all the, the meaning of this time is ambiguous and may be subject to multiple interpretations . but the context provide us with verification in the present case. in light of this concept, the quote is what we you the question full is by the general assembly relating to the whole. and he said the origin of them is confined to measure the stick. and by is that in east general sense in terms of its template of the school question, a request because the big account of measures adopted by into occupied by city and territories. since 1967. however, the court is not precluded from having regard to fax,
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the dates you can go to patient to the extent that this is necessary for the proper, the size of a submission function that goes towards the request for an advisory opinion was adopted by the general assembly on december, the 2022 at the uh, the quote address is as i quote on going the code again continuing, but does it end practices the, the quote is over to you that be pointless and practices contemplated by the request of the general assembly. do not include conduct by isn't in the guide us through in the response of at the k though, get sued by how much of that i'm group on october 7, 2023. question b has 2 parts. the 1st bar requested the quote says how the policy is in fact, is always an identified by the agent assembly affect the good states of all the
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occupation. the quote observed that the use of the word effect binds to the possibility that such policies and practices may bring about the changes to the legal status. however, the scope of the 1st part of the question depends upon the meaning of the expression, the good status of the occupation and the overall context of quite some be in the present context. the quote is, i'll give you that the 1st part of the question b goes on the quote, a set in the manner in which is an splendid, says and practices affect the good statements of documentation. and very by officially gotten it the over the continued presence of is it is as an occupying power in guilty by but it's in you instead of to the goal of the
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bows. question a and the 2nd part of the question, be cool. a funny to the settlement, the good consequences advising that effectively for them is as policies and practices and from its continued presence as an occupying power and occupied. but assuming that it's it's, and so the extent that the court finds the annual visit as part of it, in fact, this is, oh, it's continued presence. and don't coupon that it's infected by sidney and $32.00 odd con, 3 to into the actually low record indicates that it would examine the legal consequences following from such findings for it is read for other fates and for the united edition, having defined difficult and meaning go over the questions, followed by the assembly. the quote must be 3rd man, the applicable the applicability of sort of the national. ready
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instead of click on sun depends on the status of that that it's on the last the little because 6 as of pain the status of the occupied, but it's sitting inside of the under the mesh, the low. and then the item is which folds up into nice, the little live in fort and sitting the question, suppose to it by vision of ask them the question, paused by the intended assembly on premise on the assumption that delta 5. but i city and 33 is occupied by 2 today. and it's 2004. otherwise it open noon on the consequences of the construction of the war in the occupied by the scene in 33. the code set out, the circumstances under which is fate of occupation is established, or the quote observed that in the 1967 i'm confused is it occupied that, that it was situated between the green line and the ford motor eastern boundary of
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by the side under the bush mondays, namely the west bank and these are the quote that fun, that's subsequent events heads up on the status of the territories and questions as well by 32 is not is of those stages as also buying power. and it's what i advise that open in the quote did not express if you as to the video, good stages of the guy that's through the construction of the war did the effect because of the guy that's through it. and in the good part of the 33 that was altered by by is at 1967. following the 1967 on consumer isn't as occupying power please to guide us through on. but it's effective control . however, in 2004 is that announced this engagement the plan according to that plan is it
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was do we drove it, submitted the presence from the guys through and from separate areas in the northern part of the west, but by 2005 is that it had completed the result of its army and didn't move would of the settlements integrated us through the course notes that'd be for, for the purpose of determining whether it $33.00 remain occupied on that and actually low the, the size of the criteria is not whether the group binding forward 3 things, it's physical entity, buttons and the tendency at all times. but the other, whether it's a sorry piece, has been established and can be exact size based on the information before the court is go. so there's that, is it a remains capable of exit sizing and continue to exist size. so it's been key elements of all, sorry, t also because us through include in control of the land sea and add about those
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restrictions on the movement of people and woods collection of employ. ready f important exports taxes and military control. ready the buffer, so despite the, with that all with office community presence in 2005, this is even more so since october 7, 2022 a lot of the above the court is over the view that is the oh and from the guy the strip has not entirely the least of if somebody occasions under the video of the patient is it has obligations have remained commensurate with a degree of effective control over the gaza strip. and the quote center to the woods and principles that are relevant for answering the questions booklet. these include the prohibition of that position of $33.00 by that or do the . ready and the eyes of people to say that the munition which are inside the
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charter of the united nations. and also for the part of customary international flow to the international monetary and low is a fund ticker relevance is as follows. and due to as in delta, 5 by the city and 33, governed by the geneva convention brackets the protection of civilian buses in the time of 4 of august 12th 1949, which i just had referred as the 4th geneva convention, which is applicable in dr. bite, but it seemed 33 and by destiny and that i still the best soon so as to good 154 over the full geneva convention. the convention is supplement date because it always contains infections. 2 and 3 of vague invitations. the spect thing below is on the customs of for, and on land next to the front bench. the court has of the it is of through those
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behavior accommodations had become part of custom input action to know. and they are thus binding and is as it goes into a national human that i so because of that is that is people separate. a legal instruments containing humanize obligations, including the ends of last of convention on the nation of old forms or financial discrimination of $21.00. in december, 1965 to which i said, referred to as served the international governance on economic, social and considered rise of 16 december 1966 to which i started referred to as the i, c, e, a c r. and in the last of governance on civil and by the good eyes of 19 december, 1966, which i refer to as i c,
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c d on the quote to the cause that is unless the human eyes, inter moves up click a button in the specs to x done but you stay in the exit side of things with eviction outside its own. started to pass because the end of the by 32 because the because that the protection offered by human that is convention does not cease in the case of on conflict of the patient to some of the i maybe maybe exclusively, mathis. i'm into document that, you know, others may be exclusively methods of human that i'd still yet others may concern both these branches of international the funding for it, for the advisory opinion. because of the, that is a means bound by the i, c, c, b, r, and b i, c, e s, c, r,
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and the speck of it's on that with regard to the occupied by the city instead of invitation for the court knows that the convention contains no provision express, do they think it said he thought it application on the company, 7 or 7 of his provisions impose obligations on state, but does that applicable instead, if it is under today's roadside zerosix owed in relation to individuals within the jurisdiction, this indicates that the is also applicable to conduct of as the party which has effects beyond it said, the quote view is a must comply with its obligations under side in circumstances in which it exist, sizes it should eviction outside. instead of to a 75 disappearance and depressing proceedings. express they put in views regarding the
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relevance of the accord, signed in 1993 in 1995 by isabel. and by this time the, the anybody's organization also known as the us, the codes, the quote done. so those agreements, the positives for the court agreed to and i quote exit signs the powers and the response ibp the soon to the codes we do in regards to internationally accepted. ready and principles of human eyes and dual fuel. and of course, the quote, the quote that is considered in it's one opinion that the legitimate, the rights of the body sydney and people recognize in the us the codes includes that i presented with immunization records. i observed that in interpreting the us the codes this semester, the take into account. i was looking for the 7 of the 4th geneva convention,
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which provides that deeper, texted population said not to be deprived of the benefits of the convention. and i quote, my, any agreement come through that between the assign, it is of the occupied territories and dr. buying power tend to for, for all these reasons, the court consider that these codes cannot be understood. the practice from is it has obligations on going to be put in and towards often that last, that little applicable and occupied by the sydney instead of record then assesses the conformity of is it as policies and practices and built through 5 but a city and started 3, as identified in question a with its obligations under that actually a little spends bunch because the cost analysis examines into the question of the, put it on the occupation is the policy of settlement and exceptional with the by
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the 2 instead of 3 of devices. 1967 and it's adoption of related legislation and measure that a letter c disagreement, i thought because i places weather and if so, how is it as policies and practices affected i only by the city and people decided that the immunization of those other questions have be considered with regard to the question of put along the occupation, the quotes knows that question a concerns and find the good consequences i think from is a is, again, quote unquote, put along the population of delta, abide by the city and fed and disregard the quote note that the patient has lost it for them. ready then $57.00 use and all this to and so this aspect of the question, the quote must uh, to the base are between as a group buying power and the protected population of doki by 30 feet,
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which is governed by the law of the patient. my virtue of is fittest as include buying power. estates assumes a set of powers and juices with respect to the $33.00 over which it exists, size of effective one. so in this context, built with buying power, best duty to administer the better 3 for the benefit of that open population. financial and scope of these dollars and do those orders. but i'm is on the same assumption to that of the patient is a temporary situation to respond to me. 3 necessity and it's set up. but as for the type it all solve it in the book, you by and follow the fact that an occupation is put along, does not in itself change video status on the last night. that even though all the
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premise on the temporarily connected. although commission, the little hook, the patient does not set them, put it in limits that would as such or to the league of the features of the corporations. instead, the galaxy of the providing all his presence invoked by 33 must be assessed in lots of other rules. in particular, the patients consist of the exit size by state of effective control in 40 and 32. and all this will be permissible that for such as the size of effective control must at all times be consistent with it was concerning the prohibition of the set or the use of force, including the people have vision of studies, told me that with vision is on thing from the fit or use of force as when, as with i've said to said that the munition that for the defense the end of the patient is the wrong, may have a bedding on the justification on. but in the last,
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the low of the okay, binding powers continued presence in delta by 32. if it's against this background, that is as policies and practices, as well as it's continuing presence in the up to 5. but it seems that the must be examined. the course now to to these policies and practices, beginning with is a succulent parts question, a point by the turn to the assembly inquires in part about the consequences i think from is it is settling in the bodies a record. consider this a god, that distinction that is sometimes made between settlements and outposts is a material and for the purpose of associating with it. if the communities in question for the body of visit as supplement funds, what matters is whether they are established or maintained with is there a support?
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the quotes the knows that the 319672005 is that i set them in place. the westgate is out in the west bank, each citizen and the gods us through since remove it off. is that assessment on the because that's true. in 2005, is there a sacrament? 40 feet has continued in the west bank and these are losing the quote that for limits is analysis to is it a, is ongoing settlement policy in the west bank? these are those that at the same time, the quote observes that, is it a segment policy, cut it out, and the guy that's through on think 2005 was not substantially different from the policy that continues into westbank. and these are the name to date and it's for an adviser to opinion because found that is a supplement policy was in a beach over the 6 paragraph of 5 to get $49.00 over the 4th geneva convention.
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which provides that i quote, the occupying power should not be poured forth transfer, but of its own civilian population into the 30 feet of spice. and of course, the quote view is nothing in the times or the context of the provision or in the object and purpose of the profiting history or the forward geneva convention. to suggest that that provision for habits on the, the force of the transfer of parts of the occupying powers. tiffany: in population in $3530.00 or in the present case, that is extensive evidence of is it as policy of providing incentives for the location of the individuals and businesses include the westbank as well as for its industrial and agricultural development by cyprus. that is also evidence that
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isn't particularly legalizes out. those that have been established in comprehension of domestic is a legit solution. and that is it as close to actual supplements is accompanied by special designs. typically an infrastructure in the west bank and east side of them, which integrates the sentiment into the side of 2 of his right. a lot of the above the quote on. so those that be transferred by is an offset, lives to the west bank and the sort of the them as well as the maintenance of their presence is gone through to uh to can 49 of before geneva convention the quote. so the notes that the extension of is that i set the west bank and this digital zoom is based on the confiscation or the questioning of large areas of land . obviously i think that in the presence case, the public property confiscated or that condition for the development of the 80
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settlements. but it was the civilian population of settlers to the betterment of the local popular but a single position. the quote from codes that those man places are not in conformity with on the because for the 652 and 55 of the hey, get a good issuance record. next to the question of the expectation of natural resources. it is a quote that on the principle of custom and the last the low contained in arctic and $55.00 of behavior, good nations, they'll be paying power. shouldn't be the god, the only administrative and use the 5th 2 of us natural resources in the occupied $32.00, including but not limited to fighters and the good parts of the states. and it said, save god, the capital of these resources that for the use by the occupying power of natural resources,
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must not exceed what is necessary for the purposes of adulteration and disconnection . because of that, they'll be buying power, had be continuing duty to ensure that ok, population has an adequate supply of food stuff include the water one over the use of natural resources and occupied benefits must be sustained. ready and it must avoid environment and her on the basis of the evidence before that the court considers that is use of the natural resources in the occupied. but it seems that if he is inconsistent with its obligations under the lash the law, by that you would think it odd share of the natural resources to its own population . including settlers is it is in a breach of its obligation to act as an administrator or use of the quote further close to those that by severely it is fixing the excess of the
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city and population to water that is available in delta 5. but as seen in 33 is an ex, inconsistency with this obligation to ensure that for you that they are for to and sufficient quantity and quality, or a life of it's analysis. the quote also includes that is a policy of exploitation of natural resources in don't provide but assuming therapy is inconsistent with this obligation would expect the bus didn't use people, but i prefer them and stop it. empty overlaps with resources starting the next to the question of the extension of is that you go to the occupied by the city and 30 to the quote, the quote that on the good for the cities or would be a good a good day for this bill. prepaying power must implants but effect below in force, and they'll be by 33 unless absolutely prevent the preventive from doing so. the
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principles then, that all of the patient does not deprive they don't put population civilian institutions and occupied $33.00 of the regular 3 or sorry team that they may have at all do invest the occupying forward is set up for executive power on an exception. and basis, and on specific, anybody's, of a good on based on the evidence before it is because of that is that it has expand the see it all figured. nation in the west bank is north in particular that isn't, it has a loss degree, substitute it if somebody to low for the local in force in the occupied by the scene. 33 at the beginning of the commission. 1967 mod over at eastern and local college says of settlers have assume dfcs to jurisdiction over the settlements in the west bank and easy to them from i think is what you do though
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has been applied since the beginning of the occupation in 1967 and visit in the future that them as its own nation instead of the way it is a low is applied in food assigned to the exclusion of any other domestic leaking system. where is a really low is applied for and to the exclusion of any other domestic independence case. the court is not convinced that the extension of is that as little to the westbank and these are the name is justified on the end of the good onset down in the 2nd paragraph of ours. because $64.00 of the full geneva convention for the. ready the comprehensive application of the, the low and easy to them, as well as its application in relation to set those throughout the westbank cannot be deem, quote, unquote, essential for any of the purposes. anybody in the 2nd paragraph of author of 64 of
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the fullest and geneva convention. for these reasons, the court considers that is a, has exit 5. it's a good that you also like the as an occupying power in your mind that is inconsistent with it would have flexes in the can for the city of the hey good, a good day. send an article $64.00 of the 4th geneva convention because then the to the effects of is it a supplement policy on the part should always be by assuming people the quote of the that the large scale confiscation of land and did the probation of access to natural resources by the local population of the basic means of subsistence best inducing that'd be thoughtful for that mode is heated of measures taking by that 80 minutes. the forces has excess. it'd be to be protected on by the senior
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population to the boss of the occupied, but assuming that it 3, again stayed with. so the quote, the cords that under the 1st packet, off of $5349.00 before geneva convention, i quote, individual for mass force, the but the transfers as well as the port stations of protect the buses from occupying 32 to decided city also to bind power, also with that of any other country occupied or not prohibited. regardless of the most do send of and disregard the quotes. consider that transferred may be forcibly. and this for him with the on the article, the 49 paragraph one not on you when it is etc, through the use of the goofy. ready but also when the people are concerned have no choice but to the front of the quote notes that to be
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permissible. eva creations are conceived as a temporary measures to reverse. as soon as the input of the military's ins subside, by contrast is about 3 inches of abutment or investment, it's got active. but each, the provision of force to be transferred and therefore are not covered by the exception set of and the 2nd paragraph of $49.00. the court considers that is that as far as and practices, including it's 4th of an eviction extensive, how's the weather? sions and the fictions on the residents and hoping often leave lifting choice to members of the by the city and population. maybe we can area see, but believe that at the office as the nature of is as acts including the fact that the is it, a sequence confiscates then following to the single fight. as in the property 40
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locations, these are 80 sentiments, indicates that this measures are not temporary and collected. and therefore it cannot be considered as beneficial investigations before as any of a convention. and because you is it is part of this and practices are con 3. so the probably be send a force to be transferred over people effective population on the good 49, but a one of the 4th geneva convention the quote for the notes that is a supplement policy has given the nice divided by settlers and security forces against by the citizens having examined the evidence before it is a lot of the relevant provisions of introduction to low, the good points of the, the, the violence by sexes against. but as soon as i understand you have to prevent or to punish it effectively. and it's extensive use of. ready second, inside of seniors contribute to the creation and maintenance of
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a cause of environment that inside of senses and the presence case on the basis of the evidence before that because it was a you that is, it is just dramatic failure to prevent or punish attack by such this against the live or by the integrity of, by the scenes as well as is as excessive use of force against assume use is inconsistent with its obligations in light of the above. because the foot, as it did it for the advisor will be that these are the easy supplements and the west bank and these, it was a limb and bit of g associated with them had been established and thought of being maintained in violation of international because thoughts with a good april inside the board that is it a supplement policy has been expending since the quotes for advisory opened in
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particular in december 2022 is that is partly with approve the establishment of an eviction administered within the minister of defense vested with the governing powers in the west bank, including land does ignitions plan and quote, the nation of the emotions which would fix for the approval process for getting substances. or the full size of existing is $0.80 a month expended from november to $12022.00. to october, 512023 at the significant phase, with approximately 24300. how big units within existing is an 80 set to move into westbank being advanced or approved, including approximately $9670.00 in east. it was in the quote of the that the question posed by the general assembly. the 1st and far
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pavilion consequences are, i think i'll up, is it as a ledge annexation of the occupied by the student. that in order to respond to this aspect of the question, the course must 1st on the lines the concept of annexation. second, the quote examines is it has policies and practices with a view to determine whether the amount of succession. finally, the code discusses the lawfulness of is it as what it says in practice? with regard to the concept of mind, extension independent context to the quote, understand that to me and the forcible acquisition by the occupying power of the territories. that i talk, the vice namely, is integration into the 33 of the occupying power and extension then. but i suppose
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that the, instead of the providing power to exit 5, government control over the occupied 30 to the quote, the quote and disregard that under the below of the patient. the control of the okay by 30 by adult combining power must be temporary and kind of consequences conduct by the occupying power that displays an instant. a good sized vitamins control over the occupied. 33 may indicate an act of an exception such and by the occupying power of government control of the 2 by 33 may manifest itself any of our ideal ways. in this connection, the quote. ready that the distinction between visually and defense and extension is location the made or that would be putting in terms of the means for which to an experience is cutting out. both types of an expression said the same object to the
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assets of government control over the occupied that against this background. the court must examine whether through its conduct as it is, tablets, is apartment control over the occupied bed. it's an integrity in the mind that would, that amount to an extension because it's examined is the policies and practices in relation to that, isn't it? no, that is, it has applied it's domestic low and easy. it was an instance of the patient, 19671980 is a inactive domestic legislation. and before and of a basic little proclaiming issues and them as part of it's got or is it is as i said the that these, the reserve is part of instead of 3, as evidenced by beautification of the, the government to the 2nd groups and the active nations, according to which dipole journalism is not in any part of 2 by 33,
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the solve it, and then obviously the opposite end of the i've sent the property to of 1950, has facilitated the confiscation of absentee property. and it's use for the extension of his latest sentiments, and i don't think he's thought it couldn't board. as of this, it is reported that approximately $200.00 could be solved the books and live and 14 set demons establish an easy it was the quote. consider that is it as measures in ease. there was an increase in the hospital, but the environment for the by simple british because it, i think it's sort of them as its own 30 to the gospel of sydney. and that is, i think that as part of that it's requires that they what they find the presence button is a yellow. ready has also put in place a building button with scheme evaluation of which resides in demolition
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through an expedited procedure as well as defined according to executive design of bank of nations. is it a process of land on the ship registration is pursued in areas of the baby sacrament extension which we think the easiest way to control over addition and that it's an easy funding to. is it a supplement policy in the west bank? the quote of the pursuant to the base to close off 2018. they saved always that i quote, views the development of jewish settlement as a nation to invite you and show the act ink cartridge and promote its establishment and consider and consolidation and difficult see displacements. of the open population from the occupied territories which sustains is a supplement policy. also advances the integration of the deputy. is there any
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policies and practices in use? the box would only be by the student population, some parts of the occupied by the city, and $33.00 north of leave from each it was a name and the se in the west bank based in the neighbors. the further expansion of is it a supplement policy and did it the integration of by the city and $33.00 into is it as the quote also the cause that is the breakfast of expectations of the natural resources in the west bank is inconsistent with the city and people to patman sovereignty over natural resources is an extension of its domestic drill through the west bank. note the leave was that the lens and of and all of us have to. ready as well as it's a function of but all the powers my foot. so over the, put the wrong kind of feel to patients in french's, it's going through it over the occupied bed. but this is practices and all of it
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measures that are such as to bring the occupied $33.00 into the to binding powers. but them and, and control constitute acts of an exception. having examined is there as far as his end practices, both in relation to is there was a limb and to the westbank with a view to the thought of many, whether they amount to an extension. the quotes come to the conclusion that is it as policies and practices, including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements because direction of associated infrastructure and the. ready ready the exploitation of natural resources, the proclamation of journals and them as, as, as capital. the comprehensive application will be that i eat the domestic low and easily to them. and it's extensive application in the west bank in french is it is one 3rd of the occupied by the city and $33.00 north of golf east through them and of a be a see over the us back these policies and practices as design to maintain in
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place in defense the the site to remain in place indefinitely and to create a reversible effects on ticket on. consequently, the quote cost of the deposit and practices amount annexation of large parts of the occupied by the city and state is the view of the quote that to seek to acquire a solvent over at unoccupied 32. as shown by the policies and practices adopted by if the needs it has it in the west bank is on 3 for the probation of the use of force international relations. and it's quarterly principle of these on acquisition of 33 by force. the mind that in which the annexation affects the good state to solve the occupation embedded by ability, get it the over the continued presence of isn't it discussed later in the advisory or the quote. then examine the question of disagreement to the legislation and
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measures a recording the wording of question a and the conclusion. it's each with regard to the interpretation of a good question. it know that it must do. it says, determine whether the village is fiction and measures i've been defined by the request of there's an assembly, excuse me. and this is a dog because 1st consider is that it has to limit its analysis to registration and measures that are gross savings for the policies and practices discussed previously . second requesting coverage is that you faced with images only to the extent that they apply in delta, abide by the city and zip code. the question is gone fine to be potentially disagreements that he contacted of is it, is that you solution and measures have you been with us define the scope of
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question a, the quote then. so the concept of discrimination is considered as the common overdue that even provisions of the last to know the concept of the fit inches, treatment between persons belonging to different groups it's observed and this collection that exists over that. but to send you people is not that issue bedford, and the courts view the financial statement of palestinian can do, but i was going to munition. and all the answer the question a the quote 1st examines the effects that isn't addressed and sputtering policy. indeed, citizen has on by this thing is and doctor, but then it seems that it's because then tons of it is fiction. same 4th by is it is on the movement of palestinians in dr. 5. but assuming that you find that if it examines it as practice of the demolition of but it's in the properties in the west bank and instead of sending bullets with regard to the practice of punitive emotion
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and the motions for lack of you. but being part of the quote, now it's noticed that in that connection us that the suppose that almost $11000.00 but the city infections have been demolished since it was on them. not the courts include some of the evidence presented to it. and on the base of it and that it says that it was at a of legislation of up to and measures big by is it a and it's a capacity of adequate binding power seats. but the thing is differently, but a bit honest with you 5 by internationally low. because know that this differentiation of treatment cannot be justified with it evidence to reasonable and double check the criteria, nor to it, or just to make public aim accordingly. because there's always the view that his team of pumping ahead somebody's fiction input by is an on but a city and occupied by the state and federal closest. you would 63 method
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discrimination based on city on input area, race origin or ethnic origin in the violation of are good to but a fun. and for the 6 of the i can see p r us to get to bite of the 2 of the i, c e a c r n a to can to offset a number of participants. have i good? that is, it is, but it says and practices in the occupied. but it seems that if the amount, the segregation or if i type in beach about to get the city of side to get 3 of the provides as photos i court date spot. this particular vehicle and then they should still good addition and up on the side and on the take to prevent, prohibit, and, and educate or practices of this nature instead of place. on the 5th pro vision, the 1st or 25 degree city, you form a for those who. okay, sure. discrimination that extra segregation and us stick or observe that is it,
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is it just lation and measures impose and a sub to maintain any incomplete stipulation in the west bank. and these are that in between the set to the end by the ceiling and coming it is for the season. the quote cost of the 5th is that your station and messrs go through with it. but each of our to get to the also having found that is it a segment policy, it's acts of an extension. and it's sort of a disagreement. so the legislation and measures in diesel can production to low the quote the, to the aspect of the question a bit inquired as to the effects of is it as policies and practices on the side that would be by this afternoon people's lives inside of the city munitions, the court has ordered the initial opinion, the existence of the scene, and the purpose of the technician. and the present proceedings,
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the quotes to determine the scope of the site and then examines the effects. if any of that is it has policies and practices have on it's exist size. a lot of it's alex is the quote is positive you that people are wrong, collected of it, have unloaded policy and practices. a good a vase that a violation of a good i would be, but it's sending people to send the termination as a consequence of as an explosive practices which spent decades the but of sending people has been deprived of is try to send the termination over a long period and so the prolonged vision of these policies and practices undermine the size of the size and the future for these, these are the code is of the view. that is, it is on.


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