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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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for excess mission and so there is a very big disparity amongst who was the problem and who suffers the the army is deployed in bangladesh to enforce of nationwide co few optic days of protests against government jobs quotas, the company fargo this. so just a life though, how was that coming up? talk to the rescue a posting in baby from his mother's womb after she was killed in this way, the strikes and central gauze price groups. welcome. the i c j is advisory on israel is occupational. palestine is a 1st step towards on doing generational. the
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cypress means hall for centuries seems to be on a nation, was divided with a greek cypriots holding separate events. the parts of joining us. we'd be getting and bangladesh were a nationwide if you was in place following protests against a government jobs, quote, a system, at least a 105 people have been killed as a having police presence and on the presence on the street. so if the capital duncan, public gatherings have been banned off to several buildings for tours to earlier in the week and internet services have been cut for weeks now students have demonstrated against the quota system. that reserves public service posts for relatives of veterans affairs of independence. and we'll chat. audrey has more from deco. the situation is still a better time. as i speak to you. we've got some reports of scattered violence in
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some parts of the city and not like last few days. biologics come, there is army patrolling the city, but not like a large number of armies station anywhere, mostly that petroleum does to dates. they're supposed to help the civil administration to help 12 the disturbances that's been going on last few days. government has been saying that some of the opposition, main opposition, bangladesh and nationalized body. then to jump out this, let me in other opposition. elements have infiltrated the students protest and that they're the one who has been behind all this destruction the full and by inscribe blaming the opposition for this. yet, we know that mostly the protest starting from uh 2nd july is mostly the stories. it is true the last couple of days there has been elements of public, an opposition member who's in solidarity with the students took part in this demonstration. so i'm up right. read. undoubtedly very balanced cars, right?
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band government offices where i burn that by and launch is a student throat, as the opposition publicly declared, that it is supporting the move in by the students and the government on are considered are you not still as welcome that students to sit for them? the student had put up a condition to government to make that demand. i want, i want go into detail, but one of the payment is to lead all the details to an error. sd of the students come out to bring those who i talked them, particularly from the ruling party, stood in wings the police to just as they want some of the vice chancellor of the university through design as well as proctors. these are some of the main condition that put firewood, whereas i'm, it is the executive editor of the contribution he spoke to us on the phone saying the situation remains volatile. is the government considers to protest as demands or the whole country is in its own. but mode, and actually the full days of peace bedroom between the godaddy form and you didn't
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notice the end, the law enforcement. so you know, each claim to anything beyond $100.00 lives. and most of them are young students and the there, of course it's all my other people also the bystanders and defend professionals who got killed and by have got into the cause, present them on the feud expression groups. so after those 4 days of a balance when the fed up from the both sides to actually the read the line for says, uh, shooting at the students. and also the students go join by it. literally the time of the obligation to activity activities in the country. so the, the whole situation about suitable at the end that the government finally decided to, as you know, that, that mutual good about saying that it came down to it nationwide got few and also the going army all over the country. so now the group that has been
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asking for the, for me, go, does the invalid, they share government jobs, and some of that they'll get the leaders security method, the t of the government ministers late last night. and actually they pulled forward h d minus reach out. and so it's not clear yet whether or not been really agreed to do those demands. the is really strong. so cost because since early morning on such a day of code at least 25 published indians, one striking central gallons on friday killed a heavy, pregnant women. doctors managed to rescue the baby from his mother's womb. she was 9 months pregnant when she was killed in mister rob refugee camp. israel's war and gaza has killed needing 39000 people. most of them women and children, a heavy and well, i cannot. this woman was the only survivor. 4 months ago when i was talking to this
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woman was the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupation on time. and an immediate operation was performed, fell out of the hospital. the offices of his mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators department, and he started his life as an officer rather than know, mazda included, he has the latest from debra butler in central goza. last, his air strike was all grades in the middle area for a good term problem where the, where the civil defense teams are still trying to search to recover and to rescue more bodies where these really courses targeted. uh please 2 houses full of display people and residents in the past 24 hours. we're talking about at least $25.00 policy new killed in the middle area. and most of them were he, it's where it took here and their funeral were here in the hospital. let me 1st
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tell you about this baby that was uh, removed from his mother is a one b c section where his mom was killed as that is where the forces targeted at their house and was laid off. his mom is a 25 year old mom. she she married a months before the war and she got she was expecting her baby before she was killed. the father is still in is in the hospital where he was severely injured. a house full sword. he's a warning of a new medical crisis unfolding and garza. the podium virus has been found in sewage and contaminated water in overcrowded 10 comes. israel says it's banks and they think it's troops as a precaution, but it continues to block the entry of desperately needed medicine and medical supplies. and so the strip of a mood report, some general by the central government. noel,
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1st for palestinians in gauze, ford is say the polio virus has been detected as stores and contaminated water. wastewater flows of freely between 10 in overcrowded count. avoiding the polluted areas is nearly impossible for nothing but what we have begging for help. we have begging to be saved from the sewer as soon as people are locked in their homes and can't go out. there are mosquitoes, sewage and flies and rubbish. i'm not really a tots have caused extensive damage to ga the storage systems. that's the nation of plants and water supply networks. even before 12 or the 7th palestinians did not have enough to clean water line going, aid agencies and the you and for daily delivery, a lack of a fuel to operate. generators has only made things worse. polio is transmitted through the fecal or oral route. normally, if you have a case of polio, you're going to isolate something. you're going to make sure that they use a bathroom that nobody else uses that. they're not in close proximity to other
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people. that's impossible. pause of running rubbish, fold the streets, gonna stuff all surface of the ground to a hold in the early days of the war the you and has documented hundreds of 1000 of cases of a skin infections and. busy area and i just, we forced to live with slice, i'm a cheese. haines hit the types of c and other diseases with suffering a lot. as well as, as part of vaccinating exposure as in dog to protect them against the virus which can cause deformities and paralysis. palestinians have a few options. most hospitals have been forced to close. those are still able to offer services are on the resource dishwasher. no, and is supporting us here and can use the smell is killing us. we can sleep, we can't eat, we can drink. many palestinians here say they are exhausted, tired of moving from one temporary shoulder. do another being hungry and waiting
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and fear for the next attack. and now they also worried about the threat of diseases honey. my mother was just the uh, from the central area of the gods and from palestine. this way, the army, shelly enrolled in guns. it has killed palestinian journalist and his family mohammed abo jessica. his wife and 2 children died to the home in giovanni, a medical associates say this ready ami, talking to the house, at least a 161 medial workers have been killed in gaza since october the 7th. pulsing the human rights group. oh hi, cuz welcome to the advisory opinion issued by the international court of justice on israel's occupation is the 1st step towards and doing generational home on friday the you and the top court found, as well as ongoing presence in the occupied palestinian territories violates. and special judges determine israel is obligated to end its unlawful presence as soon as possible must stop new settlement activity above some reports of the hague.
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it was a landmark case for the 50 judges of the international court of justice with $52.00 countries participating. it is one of the largest the court has ever to decide on. they have to rule on the legal consequences of its wells, 57 year long occupation of the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. and the impact that has on the palestinian population. this is a different case than the one south africa filed against israel for committing genocide in gaza. in this advisory opinion, most of the judges greet israel's occupation has become a permanent annexation and therefore violates international law. that was that one with respect to the policies and practices of is right. 52 in question a which was found to be unlawful. design has an obligation to put an end to those and offer lots in this respect is right and must immediately seize on you. supplement activity is right also has an obligation to repeat all legislation and
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measures creating or maintaining the unlawful situation, including sourcing discriminate against the palestinian people to the courts as, as well as imposing systematic discrimination. mounting to apartheid on the palestinian people. it's policies of encouraging more than $700000.00 sap less to live in the occupied territories in breach of international law. the quotes come to the conclusion that is it as policies and practices, including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements because protection of associated infrastructure. and the was the expectation of natural resources, the proclamation of jewels and them as is as separate good. because consider that these policies and practices amongst annexation of large spots of the occupied by the city instead of. the court also said that all un member states and international organizations have an obligation on the international law to stop and abling,
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the legal occupation. a palestinian delegation either what's called at the historic day for the palestinian people. i believe it's so sort of because you know, it provides. so it's interesting answers to many questions that's state in our minds for so many is it's, you know, answers the questions that so many countries what are waiting in order to decide and determine the policies. these are the as well and the type of relationship that should be they should have admin team with the, as well as an occupying power is well, immediately rejected the court's conclusion. and prime minister benjamin nathan yells at israel cons occupied land that as they are, the court ordered the un general assembly and the un security council to take what action necessary to empty illegal occupation. what the shep moments many palestinians alone hoped and worked for official recognition by the wills, highest court of deb decades long suffering and the inequality of israel's actions
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. but also knowing that this non binding legal opinion won't change anything immediately. this is now up to old u. n. members to decide. step 5, some. oh, just a rough take israeli forces of storm, the city of novelist and the occupied westbank. the rate began on saturday morning . local sources say a young published and young man was arrested by these really military and in a separate rate is why the soldiers have killed a palestinian man in the city of temple. cctv footage from the scene shows is there any forces opening fire in the direction of a car? the 20 year old has to come to gum showed injuries to his had local journalists, abraham elijah, was released from industry the prison. just 2 weeks ago rode a house, this update from ramallah and the occupied westbank. so there's an ongoing rate in nablus, where to palestinians at least have been detained and we seen an escalation and
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those military raids in the past 9 months. in fact, the number of daily raids, whether at night or in the morning, has more than tripled in these past months. we've also seen an escalation of as really subtler attacks yesterday. as the ruling at the international court of justice was being red settlers attacked palestinians in the novelist area in for water and booty, and they burned businesses and fields. and also in the southern hebron hills, there were there was an attack by a group of his ready settlers against the family. a woman was severely beaten and she is now in hospital of being treated. and in all those attacks of his ready settlers, these ready soldiers were close by defending the settlers and protecting them and barring palestinians from defending themselves, which is something again referenced by the judges at the i c, j and the hey, a still i have the 0 more senior democrats call on us president joe biden to drop
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his re election bit at a surgeon violent crime is putting shenice president gabriel burridge in the hot seat. he's canceled his trip to the pass olympics. the pod hits him in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, your without just surveys or mind about top stories, the south, a nation wide confusing place in bangladesh, following student protests against a government, jobs quote, assist at least
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a 105 people have been killed public gather and so if we find an internet services company, is there any strikes across causes since early morning on saturday of code at least 25 comes to friday and a talking central cause a cuba heavy but don't, has managed to rescue the baby from his mother's womb, and this lady strike on northern guns. it has killed posting into unless mohammed adjuster and his family medical sources say the army targets at the home in jabante, a 161 media workers have been killed and gone. assistance on the 25th of sept. oh, and feeling that i'm it's unclear who will succeed. the country's most powerful politician. communist party leader, new in food, strong, died on friday at the age of 18. jessica washington looks back a trunk legacy for more than a decade, you in full term was the most powerful man in vietnam, serving as general secretary of the communist party since 2011 its top leadership known as the full pallets consists of the prime minister,
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the president the chair of the assembly and the general secretary, which is considered the most senior position, a 2021 show secure, a red sewage ton body members credited him with managing the economy. it's made an exception to the to time limits. under his leadership, vietnam became an international manufacturing hub. the economy boomed into the country, maintained voted cold bamboo diplomacy, a foreign policy approach. it describes as fun, but flexible. in 2023 us presidents, joe biden visited vietnam, pledging more trade corporation and investment opportunities. it gives a 9 new president joe biden, and died on behalf of all countries have just decided to go through with a joint statement to upgrade the relationship between vietnam and the united states of america to comprehensive strategic partners for peace corporation. development ads debilitate primary and the,
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having shortly off to china as president. she didn't think also visited henry in a bit to strengthen ties and counter us influence. so when domestically trauma introduced a sweeping onto corruption, campaign, known as the blazing sun, is hundreds of state officials and business executives were prosecuted or forced to step down. the drive also led to political upheaval, with prominent content is removed from the scene. in recent years, the general secretary's health had been under scrutiny. he had a stroke in 2019 and his public appearances decreased in 2023. on july, the 18th president online took over the general secretary's duties to allow to him to focus on his health. on the same day, the public bureau awarded to him with the gold stone middle, recognizing what had code exceptionally outstanding contributions to the party and
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the nation. as okay, let's introduce carlisle sam, who is a professor emeritus at the university of new south wales camera. he joins us from the i right, well welcome to al jazeera, so i'm looking back to the long life of the, of your names formally to the one thing assessment is that leaderships eventually come to an end. what is the death of mister trone mean for the country? do you think? well, it's the end of a, of a person who's presidents, the lease, or 3 terms and office and who pioneered a massive campaign against corruption, which up ended a 140 individuals of a very senior rank in the army public in the security services. and on the public bureau and parties, central committee itself is a person that is against peaceful evolution and color, political pluralism, and correct. it's down quite hard on civil society and just sent it home, but understands that forget non to achieve it. economic goals,
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it must for not only with china, russian, india, traditional friends, but the us, south korea, japan and australia, all 4 of whom were raised to comprehensive attitude. you partners the highest level last year? that was my colleague good. jessica washington airport said mister truong was not in full quote, found to diplomacy being fun, but flexible at the same time music credited with office the more than nice in the country, but clearly ad on foot firmly in the past as well. this is beth now offer a chance to modernize the political 6 system over the next lead to be simply a continuity candidate. well, my favorite expression is everything is set in stone. it is. but we cannot compare vietnam with the china of the party secretary general. and that does not have those powers to long term now will expire in january 2026. when the 14th party congress is held at that time, a whole new, a group of delegates, 1800 from all over the country,
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will select the new central committee. and among those members, the next color bureau and then the secretary general itself. so he has over a year and several months to prepare for that party congress. he's over the age limit of $65.00 at retirement, but exceptions can be made and have been made for exceptional service. the current, the former now dead secretary general as an example of that. so i see stability. it's just we put a new driver on a car, there's no choice of changing direction. and the goal is to make them an industrial country, maintain diversity and multilateralism informed relations. china, us russia, balance of all downside with anyone and tried, tried to attract massive for an investment to move yet not up the ladder of, of, of the production scale. and then it becomes secure supply chain. now, mr. strong, of course,
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was me. the only one in the 18 member poly bureau who actually grew up during the vietnam war. how do you think about shapes has policies or well, he'd also get them adopted a very, as let bygones be bygones once the parents peace accords and 1973 were shaped increasing way after after unification. in 1975, the adopted massive a 5 year programs to reintegrate the south of the north and they needed for an assistance. now they had to overcome problems left over from the war of michigan action prisoners. they did that and it wasn't until 1995, but they normalize relations with the united states of noon from the drum and other leaders of vietnam did not carry chips on their shoulder. i've been visiting the country continually since 1981. i was there in the sixties and seventies, but after 1981 they've let bygones be bygones. they're willing to work with the united states. and indeed,
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knowing full time went to washington in 2015. he hosted president biden and both both joined statements indicated. both leaders would respect each other's political systems, which is code word for the communist party and vietnam and the american multi party democracy. so he's willing to play the game. i caught, you know, this multi polar diversification give everybody equity and vietnam play a strong role internationally, twice selected to the us as a non permanent member of the security council. a strong advocate of as young regionalism, right? work with we have otherwise we'll have to align with another power. all right, so cut out fat. good to hear your thoughts. thanks for joining us now. it is here. thank you. now, cyprus is mocking half a century since the island was divided. the own. 2 2
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so written sounded early on saturday morning as turkish and greek cypriots mode separates anniversaries. turkish president tab doing and greek prime minister kitty echo smith. so talk is taking positive ends on either side of the spy. busy island roughly more catchy is a professor in international relations at louis university in rome. he says tensions have risen to, to the discovery of natural gas reserves that are being confrontations on the, on the seat between the turkish. uh, navy and the other country is navy. um, unfortunately, the situation is uh, installment. uh the you did a manage to generate a new push for a solution um part of dock securely. both greece and turkey are a member of nato, but they didn't tell me really to solve into it how advance to order solutions. and
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so in fact, the discovery of these are natural resources might be a curse, might be an additional problem up to dissolution of the tension in the items as the type in many times the many other countries, every time you discover and natural resources, the, there are resources and money to distribute, then the situation can get in more trouble calling the central us now another 12 congressional democrats have called on us president joe biden to drop his re election bid the bite and then says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. he's be isolating a home in delaware since wednesday after being diagnosed with coven 1990 casa is an associate professor at the university of maryland. she says the democratic policy will face many challenges, should vida decided drop out of the race as i think be the those who are calling for him to step down. excuse me. i will have to get used
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to be id and they need a lot of behind job i'm if he chooses to stay in the race he is allowed to do so he won the primary with very little to no challenge and that's on these various and people who are now asking him to step aside. so if he decides to keep going, then they have to live behind it. they let this play out. it's joe, by nicola harris. should he be coming, burned or unable to continue? calm? la harris is there is, is b p for reason she is the next and a lot of succession. i think the better question is, why are democrats in their own way? they're not stuck. there is a passport, there is money still to be spent in this campaign. yet they want to stay in their own way because again, they're scared, but they never had the 4th of will that republican seem to have? there are a lot of people that are in c, this we holding their nose for donald trump. and yet they got behind them and they said what they needed to say democratically to do the same because the truth is, in some cases he may not, the new candidate is likely to be a man,
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may not make it on the state ballot that's going to be a problem, the money that the bad campaign is rate is not transferable to these new candidates . there's a lot that has to happen very quickly. if this is going to be the case. so i just think it's a, a really short sighted move on behalf of democrats. you know, the news release president gabriel bar. it shows council the trip to the power. so lympics us government faces criticism over spike and filing crime, at least 17 people were killed in the capital. the recent days voice has resisted, close, declare a state of emergency which would allow the army to support the police. less than america editor, lucy newman, has moved from santiago. so we can party on the outskirts of chillies capital. a party that ended in the blood bass. 5 people were shot dead. 12 injured police ground high caliber bullet shells everywhere. so even his wayland
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suspects had been detained in another low income neighborhood. the body of 30 year old barber one that'd be a wage burial. friends say he was trying to break up a fight when he and the neighbor was children killed. one of the bead leaves behind 2 young children and the wife mock i didn't know who'd be of is she tells me mill, where is sites? they are so many weeping children at the age of 12 of carrying guns. this has become normal. here was no isolated incidents that very same day at exactly the same time on the other side of town here in the north part of the metropolitan area . a grandmother was celebrated her birthday when her grandchildren came out here to light a fire. a car came out of gunman came out and began shooting wildly. you can see all of the gunshots. 4 people were killed. 4 of them did less than the youngest is 13 years old. in 4 days, 17 people were killed in the capital of chile until just


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