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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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when attempting to connect an external power line to the electricity supply is restored. the problem for once again, be able to run a full capacity for these palestinians. it will provide at least some really the at least 25 percent of students are killed in a wave of, of an oddest radiate tax across garza, including on, i don't know. so that's a refugee camp. the on the bulk of this is obviously are life though. also coming up a palestinian bond and occupied east jerusalem is ordered to demolish whose families homo pay is rarely or far as he is to pull the zip for him. the army is deployed across bangladesh to enforce a nationwide kind of a few of the days of protests against government. jobs closes and youths in many,
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in the eastern democratic republic of congo, vast defense that town from advancing. m. 23 rep sites. the lesson, joining us for beginning goes away as rarely strikes across the strip since early morning on saturday of code at least 25 pilots. tickets and use of those victims were killed in that attack on the residential building and out of the refugee camp in central garza since october, as well as the war has cooled. nearly 39000 people. most of the women and children won't strike in central causes on friday to a heavily pregnant women. adult has managed to rescue the baby from his mother's womb. she was 9 months pregnant when she was killed and i don't know so that refugee camp is heavy and well, i cannot. this woman was the only survivor. 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today,
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she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupational meantime. as an immediate operation was performed up, fell out of the hospital. the officer this mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators. department and he started his life as the most and last name of the whole year for the south east really army. his release footage of its opperation in rafa is the soldiers have killed a number of policies and fights is made. tell out full time the area as well to control of the roof of border crossing with egypt during his military operation in the city. before the assault 1500000 displaced, palestinians were crammed into rafa after evacuation or it is in the north of the strip. but now the human estimates, sony around 50000 people remain there and i was just, they were coming on. but would a key has been injured off doing this rarely striking a residential building and on the surround refugee camp in central casa,
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he was rushed to the nearby and i'll ask the hospital in denver. abala is ready for assistive repeatedly tongue to gen, listing causes since the war began. at least a $161.00 media workers have been killed in this trip since october. the 7th sided . a separate attack is way be selling a northern gauze. it killed a palestinian journalist and his family mohammed w. jessica. his wife and 2 children were in that home in jamalia medical associates, save us rarely on a target to the house. well, that's had 2 central colors and now speak to include reuse outside the highlights of hospitals and strikes right across because that gives us an idea of what's happening there. today. i'll move displays. people being targeted to definitely let me 1st of 2 on the latest numbers from the gods administer of house, where from 25, the best tool rose to 37 policy means that was killed in the past 24 hours as, according to the policy mr. past is recommended,
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up least for atrocities that got the palestinians across the gospel street were at 37 palestinians have been killed. where in the past couple of hours the pot of sydney and civil defense thieves were working on rescuing and recovering the bodies of those who have been top under the rubble. where the is there any forces target to 37 houses in the middle? are your own the sense the past couple of hours we have been receiving a lot of injuries here in a box or a hospital among those who have been killed was a palestinian woman that was pregnant at 9 months pregnant and the medical defense of medical teams were able to rescue this baby the baby boy. unfortunately, there was no name him, his mother has been killed and his father is injured and did not see him until this point. the baby is out here in the theaters in the hospital. but is there any
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forces continue to expand their operations in drop by their husband, also an air strike in one unit and also in the southern parts of the cause of service in a solid area. and then also a genette street. there has been also a couple of aspects for at least 2 palestinians have been killed. more people are being homeless, more people, people are being displaced, all of the people who are displaced in a middle area cost this area has, is going to be safe, but still it has been receiving up and being a top. and the target by that is where any forces or the hidden so many things for the update that includes me outside the long. so hospital in central garza, well, the us secretary of state times the blinking has been speaking on efforts to secure a sci fi saying a deal between israel and a mass is close. yeah, there's
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a lot going on and the middle east is run center. i believe we're inside the tenure online and driving towards the goal on and getting an agreement that would produce a ceasefire, get the hostages home, and put us on a better track, trying to build lasting peace and stability. all meanwhile, is ready for us. is a store in the city of nablus. the occupied west by right began on sunday morning. local sources say a young palestinian man was arrested that did a separate rate is where the soldiers have killed a promising and mine in the city of hebron. cctv footage from the scene shows is ready for his opening fire in the direction of the 20 year old has to comes to come short injuries to his hands. local journalists, abraham, why it was released from this read the prison just 2 weeks ago. the south africans has cooled only international community to bring in immediate and israel's
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occupational processing entire tree and to stop it's human rights violations. on friday, the you and the top court found israel is ongoing presence and the occupied westbank is a legal and violates international judge. is determined as well, is obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible. i must stop o new settlement activity which is today after those findings, the only occupation for behaving this way. the court has ordered the policy in bond and occupied easter eastern to demolish his families. home or pay is right. we will start these to build a is it for him? ahmed, i'll come by, has told local media that his relatives have lived in the house and look at their finality. 60 years. he says the sort of the settlers of previously trying to buy the property and the family has been harassed by a settler association. wanted to take ownership of it. okay, let's take a closer look at the number of palestinian properties, demolished in recent years. in the past decade, 8450 homes that be bulldozed across occupied east jerusalem. i'm the occupies
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westbank. $1205.00 of those have been demolished since the war and gauze has started on october. the 7th with united nations says the demolitions have displaced more than 17000 palestinians. that since 2009, the spring and jeff health, who is the director of the x ray, the committee against house demolitions is also the author of several books on the israel palestine conflict. he joins us from west to east and thank you for joining us. on that which is 0. so let's address this extraordinary practice website. is there any quotes order evicted? punished doing is to demolish their own homes or face being billed for this re lease by the authorities for doing it full of, i mean how widespread is this practice? it was in practice, it's used in, in jerusalem. and what is really, is called east jerusalem, not on the west bank, which is more of a military kind of an operation here. it's more police and, and the i, and we estimate of the numbers you gave about demolitions in jerusalem. we estimate
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that self simulations that aren't reported because we don't really know about them . represented another 3rd of the, of the demolitions and basically it's the, you know, the palestinians when they get a demolition order, which is approved by the court. they can go to the court, but they always lose a 100 percent of the time. their houses will be demolished and so they have a draconian choice. either these rates will demolish their house, which means bringing out police, bringing bulldozers and so on, which costs a lot of money. um, uh or the court will make a deal. so call this deal of self demolition with the family. and they'll say, look, the we don't have to have this expenditure, your house is going to be demolished. you're going to get a fine. fine can be something like $20000.00 is the sum slap on the wrist. but if you don't wallace the house yourself. so we don't have to pay for all the expenses,
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then we'll reduce the find by half or $2.00 thirds, or one 3rd or whatever the court decides. it's a really, uh, it's a, you know, it's a terrible kind of a position to be imagine demolishing your own home. right. but that's the unreasonable the oppression that he's rated carpeting surgery. jeff is always a kind of former focus on like merits logic, really that many palestinians are being forced into you make kind of interesting point though. but if house houses all self to monitors, then those, those numbers don't actually register officially allowing the author always to screw the system altogether. exactly. it's part of the invisible oppression of palestinians. you know, and that's just the usual case. i mean, actually when i was called by al jazeera, i bought it, i really didn't know about it. there are thousands of cases like these. it's rude team, oppression going through the courts and nobody knows about them. the not publicized
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the families have to deal with it themselves. it costs some money that they don't have, obviously, and the trauma and the heartbreak of seeing your home either demolished or you demolish. imagine you demolish your own home. is just too much to put into words, but this happens every single day in east jerusalem, but even more so of course, in the west bank. so what legal options, what legal records to families, if i still have to, to fight these eviction and demolition orders the well, the families have and principal abilities to access the courts in the east jerusalem. um, you know, they're not citizens of israel, but they're permanent residence, so they have access to chords. but those have been going on now since 1967. so there is no loophole. there is no legal arguments. in almost a 100 percent of the cases. it's decided, all you can do is, um, i hire a lawyer for a lot of money that you don't have and hope that you might get an injunction for 6
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months. you just try to put it off as much as you can in the hold, that there are so many houses to be demolished. that may be, you know, they'll skip over you, or they'll put you off for a year or 2 a year. it's all a futile desperate attempt to try to save your house. but in the end, there's nothing you can do and it will be demolished. it sounds like from the outset many palestinians have the old spect against the law just simply doesn't work and the favor. but what, how do you think? does the international court of justice is ruling on the illegality of these ready occupation? what hope do you think that gives published and as well? i mean, it was a very strong ruling and it impacts directly on house demolitions because the court said israel has no right to extend its legal system into the occupied territory. who is of those consider east jerusalem occupied? of course it's a next, it's nevertheless, it is occupied. and,
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and even the is even is you're bringing these palestinians to court and legally so called demolishing their homes is illegal in international law. so it's up to us to really pressure our governments. the court has said it's illegal period. now it is, and it's also said our governments are all obligated to ensure that the law is upheld international law and the u. n as well. so it's up to us to demand of our governments that these a legal and oppressive practices simply stop. all right, jeff. jeff. many, thanks about great to hear your very passionate to the thoughts and analysis of all of that. jeff, help up from the director of the is ready committee against house demolitions, thanks for having me. the nation want confusing place across the bangladesh following protests against
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a government jobs. quote, a system, at least a 105 people have been killed. there's a heavy police and i'll be present this on the streets of the capital co, how many governments bonds off to several buildings with tools? surely when the week of incident service has been cut for week, students have demonstrations against the quotes, the system that reserves public service, post relatives, or veterans of the war of independence. 10, very challenging as the latest. rebecca, it's very tens. people are somber. i mean, they couldn't believe what happened last few days, so many people that when we cross it out on the city, we saw burn cars, buildings, brand, you know, scattered brig. bats everywhere. heavy presence of us, but particularly police that were military presence. of course the car fee is still on the only had to 2 hours break people rushed to the grocery stores and kitchen market, their shopping and went back. but now it's not like, heavily enforced that are people with
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a central needs emergency going to the airline, flying or anything are allowed in. but it's tense. and as i talked to just a few minutes ago, i had a bullet, i mean, firing about half a kilometer from where, right? yeah, continues finding of guns. we talked a lot of our colleagues in different spot to look, david journalist and others. they said they're all scheduled violence all across the city, north like last couple of days to the government is trying to blame these on the main opposition party bangladesh, a nationalist party and other opposition parties as well as their religious party dom updates. so i mean there's a di infiltrate that the student protests and they have the one who's instigating and creating this anarchy. the opposition did all the opposition parties did, but they're separate from the students. what we saw on the ground to be honest, right, and mixing with the students during the progress and after the product. there are a lot of ordinary people working people. rick, simpler shopkeepers were supporting the students. there's a great degree of frustration in the country right now. because i've travel economy,
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high inflation, sorting foot prices, and many people don't accept this government by the fact that it was not party separated. they feel like that should came by force to power. and that frustration is 10 top reputation is now expressing the street with the students still had allowed to 0. most senior democrats cooled on us president joe biden to draw up his re election been sold on abraham. his condo is officially crowned king under malaysia, is unique system of rotating. want to keep the skin depth. analysis of the days headlines is ready. black is raised accusing the entire world. and okey dokey, the point them sense informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will and power him in any way,
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as well as voters in america inside story, massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around security concerns and political uncertainty, or just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games of paris . as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july. the $26.00 stay without a 0 for the latest updates the,
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the, the so once you go to 0 is, are mindful top stories, they sell this way and strikes the cost cause and it sits early on the sense of the have killed at least 25 percent of students take what killed in an attack on a residential building and look around. and this way the court has ordered the palestinian mine and occupied east jerusalem to demolishes families. hub and hoffman boss says his family is being harassed by in this way. the secular association wants to take the shape of the property and a nation wide confusing place in bangladesh, following student protests against government jobs. quote, a system, at least a 105 feet in the democratic republic of congo youths from the eastern
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town of bennie it taking matches into their hands to protect their area. but coming together to fight to the armed m $23.00 group, which has taken several times and villages government troops. in recent weeks, along the wood, connie met some of the use and send the support from benny. they did live in been going to have to sign up with me. they showed me to defend the town from the other washing m 23. they said it was not listed there on the 4 inch label. and it's now time to, to have the technique or for me to try to use and can different way i would be any 3030. then it is unimportant for the tone at all to more than one. we started 1000 people, the manuals each was this welcome display, just a photo stop down rule human fun. this is a very good on the use. they need to be nice to be supported by. i thought it is because of the steps we are facing. the cops,
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i was young enough. i would up during the night. well now i'm good in the middle sound that we are caught between 2 fights from the north. we have the input to 3 rambles, advancing, and then in the south. the adf rebels are killing people. this initiative can help defend our town because we don't have another option to come. what is the government has been battling them? 22 for more than a decade. but the latest disclosure and started in 2022 construction was, is one of those fucking defy, does it come to the united strongly because it does displace new york frequently and from their homes. there is no fear that the more want to be approved. it does, it don't really like any of those to do. look at the ne, on the honestly hasn't been, although they put all down the group with the k to know before you've been a wondering what will be the difference between what do you, i tried to clear to you as it looked like the physical open, those former, which has been accused of many abuses against civilians in this area on the wake county. i've just been in the democratic part because cool. tonight is states now
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another 12 congressional democrats have called on us president joe biden, to drop his re election bid for biden, and insist he'll be back on the campaign trail next week is being isolated at home in delaware since wednesday, after being diagnosed with coven 19 when it comes that i was off to biden's republican rival, donald trump outlined his policies of the parties national convention. my kinda smell from washington, a reaction to the trump speech was split on a partisan basis. republicans won't be welcome to speech last night and in the course of today, they've continued to applaud what from said. his critics, however, point to the many pulse thoughts that occurred in the speech. the binding harris campaign released the statement saying that the speech reveals that this was the same, donald trump, who was rejected by the american people back in 2020. the campaign also is made clear that president biden was going to come test the election that he was not
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going to step down. this is what campaign co chair jen o'malley dylan had to say. i'm not here to say that this hasn't been a tough several weeks for the campaign. there's been a doubt that it has been uh, and we've definitely seen some slippage in support, but it is been a small movement. and, and you know, this, the reason is because so much of this race is hardening already the american people know that the president is older they, they see that they knew that before the debate. yes, of course, we have a lot of work to do to make sure that we are reassuring the american people that yes, he's old, but he can do the job and he can. when, however, molds and such congressional democrats have now cold on president biden, to step down and not to contest the election. to put this in a contest though, there are some 250 democrats in congress today. little over city have called for him as to him to step down and not contest the election. this is a very most small,
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a number of democrats at this particular point. but the debate, the argument is likely to rage for days, possibly weeks ahead. by kind of ultra 0, washington line to through a protest as a be monkey on the streets of the capital, lima calling for president. deena ballade say to resign by the want to the investigation into the depths of 67 people who were killed during an uprising when velocity took office in 2022. and it's the international says it was one of the greatest episodes of widespread human rights violations, improves history, the amount of jet monday. this is a march where the citizens want to tell the government and the congress enough of the abuse and enough of infringements that are working against the interests of the great majority. this is why they raise their voice in a peaceful way. the judiciary and other government branches on saying a thing, this is why we think that the people should make the accusations, and this is why we hear you and human rights chief, has visited guatemala, why?
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he says, the future of democracy is at risk volk, a ton to match with present. but on the out of all of civil rights representatives and the local business people in guatemala city, political attentions have been heis as long as he is elections. the prosecutor's office tried to invalidate the votes results and stopped by to follow from taking office that i came to a style the phone see on the 1st day to function. the 3 branches of government must work in harmony. for now, this is not happening. the polarization between the institutional bodies, this enormous public opinion is very frequent. corruption levels are still very high, and miss trust between different groups is only growing. it's computer systems around the world outside of the coming back online after a defective cyber security software update course global disruptions to see of the company behind the outage crowd strike says the impact is likely to be felt, weeks 5, draco, show the impact on ad travel in the us,
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probably 4 percent of all scheduled commercial flights were canceled on friday hospital shops, trains i'm bunks, were also affected. the bridge has collapsed in china as northern province of shun . she is a result of torrential rain and flash floods. chinese media is reporting 11 people were also killed, rescue operations around the way 5 vehicles have been recovered from the water. i'm more than 30 people are missing in the south west province of sich one. us also off to flash flooding. more than 40 house is also being damaged. a malaysia's king's thoughts on abraham is scanned. it has been officially installed 6 months after he was sworn in coronation that the national promised formalize is the sultan's role, as the 17th king, under a unique rotating monitoring system. esau know is a senior fellow with the single institute of international affairs. he says that nearly installed monarch is expected to be a stabilizing force and the country. it is
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a popular expectation that the new king would perhaps play a very wrong bost and hopefully positive road i missed this policy. ready turbulence, because malaysia over the past few years. and i've seen a lot of changes in government and for example, and in those kinds of crisis, usually the king. and in that case, a was the former king would pay his constitutional road to not so much to adjudicate, but indeed to intervene in all the, all the country to step a lice both politically and sometimes socially. i think there is indeed very good uh, working relationships as well as a very good person, no rock pull between the new king and the prime minister. you hopefully we have the
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prime ministers reform missed the agenda going uh, boosting a had the king would. of course, hopefully be sump pump people. but this agenda, especially in terms of anti corruption move by, by the king. uh that use uh rado strong words. uh. com diamond. uh, those will corrupt and sofa and this uh would go in 10 the way of the prime ministers uh, anti corruption drive. and that i think it's at the top of many citizens mind. the previous democrats who has become one of the most prominent black members of congress has died. sheila jackson lee was 74. she was recognized worldwide for her fight for racial justice and human rights in particular for women and children, or family size. she was a champion of constituents for more than 30 years. last month, she announced she'd been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. all right,
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you're up to date. i'm so for me, the pocket i've got a website which is 0 adult. calm weather is next. spend inside story off. how critical as a possibly fee for the us election. make sure you stay with us for the bye. for now the the to tell a lie there, it's a mixed bag when it comes to the weather across east asia. at the moment we've got lots of heat and humidity for places like japan, with record high temperatures in july for a canal way in particular. but there's also lots of very wet weather to be found. in particular, for china, we've seen flooding across the some of the northern provinces, thanks to terrestrial rain brought on by the may you front, you can see it pulsing those down pools across the korean peninsula into northern
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parts of japan on sunday. but it bubbles back on monday and we'll see more heavy rain in provinces, provinces that have already seen widespread flooding. the rain continues the cause, northern parts of china down in the south and most central areas. it is a story of heat and humidity, with temperature is well above the average for places like shanghai. and there's more heavy rain to come across the south asia, thanks to the monsoon rains, of course, flooding in google right state. that's where we're seeing the red warnings from sunday into monday. lots of heavy rain as well pouring into central areas of india . the rain will pick up of the bay of bengal. thanks to a developing, lo it here, showers down in the south and some of that rain expected in new delhi. on monday. the 2 books system, the streets of chicago on different with the same man,
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bishan fighting the way to a better life for themselves. and the in the volatile world of chicago, south side is no easy task. witness ringside on out to 0. the days after being shot, donald trump becomes the republican presidential nominees. his rival president joe biden is isolating with po, with 9 seemed more senior democrats are urging him to quit the election race. how critical a week has this been for both man? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. on 30 you navigate them when she took the stage at the republican party convention.


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