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tv   Witness Ringside  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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on the on time. okay. and how these are the top stories on al jazeera. is there any strong across causes since early on says that i have killed at least $25.00, kill us citizens who killed in an attack on a residential building an illness, roderick, and she can, since i'll try that as well as boy has completely 59000 people, most of them, women and children in the color has moved from the, along to the hospital and down by square. in the past couple of hours, the polishing and civil defense teams were working on rescuing and recovering the bodies of those who have been top under the rubble where the is there any forces target this at least 7 houses in the middle? are your own the sense the past couple of hours we have been receiving
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a lot of injuries here in a locks off hospital among those who have been killed was a palestinian woman that was pregnant at 9 months pregnant and the medical defense of medical teams were able to rescue this baby the baby boy. unfortunately, there was no one to name him. his mother has been killed and his father is injured and did not see him until this point. the baby isn't here in the theatres in the hospital, but is there any forces continue to expand their operations in brooklyn? there has been also an air strike in newness and also in the northern parts of the causal street. and that's the area and also a jeanette suite. there has been also a couple of aspects for us. these do policy unions have been killed, more people are being homeless, more people, people are being displaced. all of the people who are just stay in a middle area class, this area has, is going to be safe,
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but still it has been receiving up and being a tough and the target by the is ready for the us secretary of state into the blinking has been speaking on if it's just a q a ceasefire saying a deal between israel and moss is close. yeah, there's a lot going on and the middle east is run center. i believe we're inside the tenure online and driving towards the goal line and getting an agreement that would produce a ceasefire, get the hostages home, and put us on a better track to try to build lasting peace and stability. so that frontier has called on the international community to bring an immediate end as well as occupation of palestinian territory and just felt that scheme and rights violations on front of the union's top court found as well as the ongoing presence in the occupied with bank is a legal and violates international law judge is determined as well, is obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must of own
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use settlement activity. and nationwide curfew is in place and bung with dish following student protests against the government. jones closest system at least 105 people have been killed. the public gatherings have been banned and internet services cost. thousands of protesters in the city of thunder and focused on searching assistant against the, the tax in the region government. ivan fired crowds of the piece. rarely on friday, killing 3 people. the violence hasn't the 2 demonstrators from attending for 2nd day earlier this week to separate a tax on an army buys in health, sent it in the northwest hills, 20 i to people in the us and other 12 congressional democrats have called on us president joe biden. to drop his re election bid, but bite and insist he will be back on the campaign trial. next week. he has been isolating at home in delaware since wednesday out to being diagnosed with carpet 19 . a bridge has collapse in china is northern province of shone. she is the result,
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rachel ryan and flash floods. chinese media is reporting 11 people were killed. risky operations are underway. and more than 30 people are missing in the southwest province of fish, one that's sort of off the flash flooding. more than 40 houses have also been damaged and malaysia's king assault a need for him scanned that has been officially installed 6 months after he was sworn and the coordination at the national palace formalized is the sultan's role. as the 17th king and the unique rotating monkeys system 9 if nic and the lice type role is type tons is king for 5 kittens, as well as the headlines on use continues on al jazeera of to witness, which is coming up next. the . ready
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the. 2 the case, sims is heading to the way to them. it has an opportunity tonight to make his way into the final. so he's going to be looking to really go into the reading a to charge the instructions for this fine jenny sims, juniors this. busy
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this kid is often telling me, in st cute for chicago south side the sale out of rascal fine is 12 year old boxer in america. there is deputy butler junior just to the side with coach frank smith and the gladiators boxing club. he's only 12 years old . you may want to remember the name of destiny. butler. very porterfield says, destiny butler junior, someone you should know my hopes and goals of lead being fixed at 17. the way it is, and they have become professional 513 year old and boxing since the age of 6. and they already hold $75.00 is gone. what is this about this sports that you love?
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someone a life you can get people you can't get in trouble for the 2 sided by the destiny was already bought. destiny was the man this week, this the
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he hasn't had any with this particular neighborhood usage. this see at least once to twice and why don't you give yourself just being cranky. you don't see the struggle have been times when you asked me to have lights and have gas such as we have food. but this fight is come from our ship back when i take my rifle 1st full. right? no, you can do good is if you with me, i know you can get in trouble if you with me, this is what you're doing of the best way
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to get anybody working on 1212. yes sir. let me see the news i usually he's even gonna look up to his father or he's gonna look down on his file. if he has a file that has done his job, he's gonna look up to you guys, father who hasn't looked down on that. he's gonna look for a role model somewhere, and that's how it works. the
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as a coat, i want to bring an inside of it. as a father. i want to seems to matt the, it's been times where i've had with him and patted him, added him, and he was ready to quit. that made him keep me on the face of the bed made him a tim sold up sometimes and i know if i can break nobody else will break. the
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goal is to make the other day, the yeah, natural tablet you just made some bad diseases which sometimes you can get out of that was may it hurt? upset because you had to do that. i made all the sacrifices for this family and you
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want to do some done stuff like that. i gave you my last and so a good is here because of him. uh huh. as a zillow, as a deal, as customer real. you've been working out the email organizing every day. what about us is of the matter not ain't automatic. it means that you want to be like is big brother, man. you won't be like a man. you want to hang with the so you put the show need to a good example. me he
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won't, he want to fame. he want the same. there's like you own the same as. busy or a want, can you see my mom as you've been? is that right here for 2nd? right to see how you do you doing? good. yeah. let's make them also. so i can see you've been working out. let me see who is not thinking bigger than yours. so how you been doing? oh my yeah. we miss you tremendously. you know that and don't you yeah. feel like a loading dock or like a low low he expect low. you spent more from a no he, he never thought i was going to be and you, i never thought it won't be in june. so that's, that's the main thing. you know, you probably know. he thought i was going to be so will follow them
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a box correct by now the now now they charged him with 3 burglaries. cook county was staring down 12345 burglaries at a league county residential burglary is what we call an illinois a class one felony class one felony. you're not eligible for probation, it's a minimum of 4 years in prison, a maximum of 15 years in prison. but the kicker is you are eligible for something called boot camp. it's called the impact incarceration program, the 6 month program. it's in the department of corrections. you go to a camp has a military like a training, good mentors. it's a really good program. it's actually i found to be very, very successful for
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a lot of my guys, he could be out a boot camp by september, back tray, back with your foot twos, throw the keep them to move it out. see why he couldn't, he'll be ready for the olympic trials and make you, i'd say, to live you right. the . 6 the the
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good for us to lose allow subleasing grease for peace of mind. the
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time to be a bother it was a long time to be because he was time to be a father and protect the this. if you don't try to get to boot camp manually, you know probation body, you're going to get there that you don't have them to keep 100 with. you're not
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getting no probation man, you're getting a big boy. this big you didn't have to get a no big deal. i'm doing all my my to do a big boy. you're gonna have to do none today. so you, as a young man, you gotta suffer. good. because i'm telling you, go to the graduate you to do, but that's your natural god given talent and up and you know, scott, as you know, you're going to get it. yeah. and that's crazy. but now you got about it. i'm not saying you can't. maybe you can do, may, may have been a joy when he got up enjoying he made it to the new office and did the same thing as me. 50025000. this is, do you guys pay more? oh what, what do you have show for me?
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when i was adding some drugs minus the sale, though i had the pounds, i had money, i had cost, was that the show for the closet that you the you got to close, it seems to be issued on it. you can get no money today. you got a full rogers in lake county, just sending them out how many times i told you in life you to this is income issue. what i to you always you might as well grad going to suit them yourself because you need to talk and you're not listen to me. i have been out of been rich . i've been bro, i've been paul, i've been through it all to net shot. it gang, bang, i didn't did all the time. can you not listen to the per roma? the, the
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i didn't made a living thing. can be the sense in, at the national how in october 1 that i wanted to you as a nation's so like i wanted to do something bigger go to the
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next level. the couple of people contacting me to me and talk to me and stuff because they see me as an amateur, is saying i was to be that. so it is trying to convince me it's hard for sometimes just do me down and to listen to me. give me some ideas and stuff the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the in design the
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good. good. you ready for the next transition? everyone is now recently that i talked to gary saw yes. today. i, you know, the best thing that they say it really was what a nice young man and how your, your dad, they left you out of the how you and your dad, you know, worked together and, and came up through the ranks together and just been very honorable and nice, so they were there to his mom. mom, mom is anchor. they probably know me if i'm out in the sound and the mom is a so that, that, that makes that contract is 5 years. and if he becomes world champion during that time is extended automatically for another to
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the wireless use. the
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phone is one of many checks that i have to deliver to you. okay. good to have you on our team is good a man or i'd say you guys know if there's any pros see you in california in the ring? the i was doing. all right, well joe, what did he find out that i was in the box?
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i was supposed to be the 26 to live. that's when they really started right. here. we go all to be on your mark. yes sir. the . they put me little hard is that they book i've got all interesting come with vision the we're go. no stop 530 to 330. the just trying to give me say
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a quick of the do you feel like i have some to let's see. so they don't want to take away from the i was thursday to go home. i'm thinking like i got this far, nathan terminate was not the big old plan. most of the live every day. this program like you mean you have to sound all every day watching me. yes. convinced me you have successfully complete this program and then you're me and all the rest of the staff investing into your work because you're going to give us the end result we want. yes,
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you understand this and it kick me off with that close of the 10 days now the with americans war divide event ever we watching the end of the american era, the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will is broken, but is that strategy working what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the latest news, the lounge roots that could supply the people of calls that were available for the
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us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them with detailed coverage makes shift to schools as from distraction from the ongoing contest in plumbing, um displacements of lights and goes up from the hall. so the story is really military claim. the target of the attack was a funeral. i'm a military commander, but how much is the claim falls? the widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas are not disciplined bung with dash. tens of thousands are still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. the select region of or not, this bangladesh is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon, rain and upstream water from india. bad weather is also impacted burned the dishes, southeast region, many rowing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a can send wherever back them lost a 21 year old son in the land slide my to turn to and i try to rescue him in the darkness that it was the 2 sites for many,
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how busy up to the and tell him to try and uh, these are the top stories on al jazeera is rarely strikes across gauze and since early on said today, have killed at least 25 palestinians were killed in an attack on a residential building and on this route, refugee camp, salt target as well as war has completely susie 9000 people when striking and central cancer on friday killed the heavily pregnant women. doctors managed to risk you the baby from his mother's when she was 9 months pregnant when she was killed and i'll know throughout the refugee camp heavy and kenneth, this woman was the only survivor. 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today,
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she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupational meantime. as an immediate operation was performed up, fell out of the hospital. the officer this mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators. department and he started his life as a milford last name of a hold of you says to us, secretary of state and state blinking has been speaking on efforts to secure a cease fire saying a deal between his reland tomas as close. yeah, there's a lot going on and the middle east has run center. i believe we're inside the time you are in line and driving toward the goal line and getting an agreement that would produce a ceasefire. get the hostages home and put us on a better track to try to build lasting peace and stability. you know, the 12 congressional democrats in the us have called on president joe biden to drop his re election bid button and says he will be back on the campaign trial. next week. he's been isolating at home in delaware since wednesday after being diagnosed
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with code 19. a nationwide case he was in place and bung with dish following student purchased against the government jobs closest system. at least 105 people have been killed. public gatherings have been banned off to several buildings with torch dooley or and the weight and internet services have been cons i bridge has collapsed in china is northern provence. solution. she is the result of to ritual of ryan and flash floods. chinese media is reporting 11 people were killed. rescue operations are underway. 5 vehicles have been recovered from the sofa and more than 50 people are missing in the southwest province of fish, one that's also off the flash flooding. more than 40 houses have also been damaged because the headlines they use continuously arono just here after witness, which is coming up next to stay with us. on
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the friday
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the the,
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the the hey guys, good evening. i just went over the rules of your opponent's pretty good understanding of what should happen and what shouldn't happen tonight. you guys have an
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obligation to the promoter and the fans, the, the,
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the madison square garden. ladies and gentlemen, night of fights, we've got a nice 6 round her here. 2 young charges and this is the 1st meeting between kenneth boss, man sims, the you know, this comment?
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oh, man has come in. oh, that's the way. oh, blow the oh boy, i got a close to that down there. who is that the most of it they get to the well so good. i'll take this all right, now the somebody else, the dog somebody is the least like the do we go? we all say problem very my boy,
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yes sir. you're already doing that so you can be no $165.00. well, you know, i have the job that you love, you need to be doing right now the so which you got to take. so you know, like one out of the to be some beats which you get. it takes the state as, as a to stay. sure. first told
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the august on the,
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on the same box so much time it was all the must be one. so for moving what the, the of the, i just fill off with the info you just a moment did exceptionally well man,
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you already knew we already knew where you're going. good side is ok. just hard. you're going to get back there. the i just randomly woke up i like 4 30 in the morning, the head 4 or 5 text messages. people telling me of the they
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told me how bad it was. another homicide over the weekend took the life of one of chicago's best boxers 25 years old. early saturday morning. where's the west or field and his manager say they were after working on in the nearby and jim when someone pulled them next they've been together since i was 8 or 9. i wouldn't call them offering it. i called on big brother has caused george. i used to tell them, go buy a house to give you a lot of trouble and call my mom, his mom, it's all my dad, his dad,
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the to me i'm talking about being world savings, winning titles. the other says the smallest i have to have both of us because we can't do it yourself now and make them proud to do what we talked about
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the . 4
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the the the
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the i see it in is as i see liam determination. you can taste the dog and taste it. the whole team can taste the
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it has to be history. it can't be much i'm with the box it is my get out is not even just much is the people around me like the people around me is looking for me to make it out know looking for me to to box and it looks to me to get all of us out, all of us out the situation that we are, you know, so they always tell me that. so is bigger than me.
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the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the whole year the 6 months, the wage and the best do we have family home? i think we region for the so almost this
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there the have pretty much shouted in for moving and his mom pretty much. so today he has a system that sit around him for him not to see the
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guy from the side that mom can even sits in the but being like, no i don't want him to be like me. if he has a child, i don't want my grandson to be like we're supposed the box is supposed to be, but the good for sure. and political searches here are just some of the issues facing the organizers
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of the 2024 olympic games in paris. as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july, the 26 stay without a 0 for the latest updates. the government challenges here where the or hello then maybe winter across the south america. but it is feeling like some for those essential areas of the woods in places like bolivia as soon see on on most central pots of brazil. this is where we'll see. temperature is continuing to rise over the next few days. it's reading a little bit cooler down in the very south. we've had a weather front sweeping to southern parts of chile, as well as argentina bringing
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a few showers here in this cloudy conditions as well. and some stronger winds around coastal areas and coupled with those hotter and dry conditions across the north. we have a warnings out for wild 5 of of moving parts of chile warnings out as well. for wild fires across ecuador, it is a large y, a here. and it has been in recent days, the west has all of the weather is for the east of this for columbia and venezuela . we could see some flooding as of rain, full heaviest here of the next few days. now we've had some very hot nights across central america and the caribbean, in particular for the bahamas that had its hottest july night in history on friday . the heat continues here on saturday is what is for florida. we've got a heat advisories out. it is a trade winds blow that way to weather for the west. we are going to see some of that rain splash into the bahamas on sunday that you will of the
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examining. the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to see fox, they started attacking the machines, unflinching, john, those, what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you a minute, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make, always explode on a funding. well,
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class progress on ours is the safe. them even come in as an international inside corruption. excellence award nominator here on now the the little until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes, at least 25 pellets to indians. i can learn a wave of organizes riley attacks across garza, including on elmhurst, throughout refugee camp with an amazing voice and gauze of charity. all expenses. this rattle has reduced supplies to the palestinians by


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