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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the new seems awfully good driving on, i'll just sierra showcase of the best document truth films from across the network on al jazeera, the the way that rock you're watching elder 0, it is o g m t 8 pm in washington dc. and a pivotal moments in american history is a live look for you at the white house. so us residential line has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race against donald trump. he has endorsed his running mate, vice president campbell harris, to take his place. it's a decision that throws the entire 2024 presidential race and the democratic party
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into chaos and disarray. in the last few hours, vice president harris has praised president barton's decision and promised that she will win the nomination and the feat donald trump. and here is parts of barton's statement, which was released a few hours ago. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. let's take a look now back at what led to barton's decision by his age and cognitive decline of taking center stage in the recent weeks with many fearing it could cost his party the election. our white house correspondent, kimberly house that has more even before he was sworn to office most
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pools showed americans thought joe biden was too old to be president after a phonetic 4 years of donald trump. americans were exhausted and eager to slow things down. joseph robin in an elderly bite and seemed like the solution at age 785 made history becoming the oldest us president within hours 5 and sign 17 executive orders to begin reversing trumps policies. on everything from immigration to rejoining the paris climate accord, the age of president had early legislative success working with congress to give americans still struggling to recover from the corona virus pandemic, billions and financial release. a one trillion dollar infrastructure bill to improve roads, airports and bridges was also passed. but as time passed
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to lock the prison access, highly controlled presidential press conferences compared to other presidents, was notable that lack of accountability magnified as biden's, foreign policy crises mounted us withdrawal from afghanistan in 2021. the russian invasion of ukraine in 2022. the 2023 october 7th, tomas attacks and israel's months long war on gaza. still whitehouse tried to portray biden's age and experience as his strength phases. i'm a president from until it became impossible to high fever, free president present listing at a white house event in 2020 to live in search for a dead congresswoman in the crowd. jackie, here was jack. so i think she writes us across the
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board and his struggles to put together even simple sentences, became frequent and often overshadowed his message. and so our military's work on following the advice of my commander in chief, my life of the chief of staff military. his physical decline in public falls occurred austin at the g 7 in italy for leaders were seeing directing and even assisting the president as he became confused and began to wander off. but it was this june presidential debate against former us president donald trump, that finally exposed the true extent of president biden's decline. it was a bad night. we understand that it was a bad night. and the president has spoken to this. the president struggled to maintain focus, the white house that he had
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a cold democratic supporters weren't buying it. it was tragic. i've had my hopes that bite and would make a good showing, and i support biden. and now, i don't know what to think. weeks later, a successful post natal press conference gave biden's campaign. the oxygen needed to bounce back. i didn't score and suggestions, his mental acuity was slipping. i'm a terminal and running for and i think it's important and i real. i am a fears. i see. let them see me out here. take a look. what happens of the chapter, the sas, the nation of the former president, trump offered another opportunity to let the dump bite in efforts the battle president addressed the nation from the oval office appearing strong and presidential or so then i then got sick. he just tested positive for cove it
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and senior democratic leaders made it public. it was time for bite into and his bid for another presidential term polls showed 65 percent of democratic supporters wanted by then dropped from the ticket. a cobit stricken by then finally abandoned his campaign. joe biden entered the white house at a turbulent time. the country was in the midst of a deadly pandemic, and deeply divided after an attempt to stop him for becoming president. now 5 and leaves almost the same way. he came in. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house. and that was can we have like a reporting and we can talk now or to or kimberly. she comes to us from washington, d. c. a. kimberly what more have you learned or yeah, always learned is that the vibe and campaign for president is now the harris campaign for president. in other words,
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that app or out us has seamlessly shifted to harrass for president. and that the, uh, it is solely focused on defeating donald trump and has already made that transition . as of a few hours ago the campaign chair general molly dylan has a now said it is fully moving forward and that is full steam ahead. so this is something that was highly anticipated and it was already positioning itself, and it is ready and has the funds to do so because what we know is that it would be difficult for those campaign funds to go to any other candidate. but the given the fact that, and the way campaign was written in the united states is that it, these campaign funds were raised for 5 in harris, so, comma harris can easily inherit this money. it would be difficult for it to go to anyone else. alright kimberlia do are stand by please. uh, because uh,
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i wanna ask you a more about so some of the reactions that we've been getting uh, regarding uh, this uh, potential nomination of vice president to come over here as a former us president rock obama also issued a statement and take a look what he at what he said on the social media platform x. he writes, joe barton has been one of america's most consequential presidents, as well as a dear friend and partner to me. today we've also been reminded again that he's a patriot of the highest order. kimberly what role the former president brock obama, a play in helping a president a joe by not reached is difficult decision. well, we know that he was active in nudging him out and it wasn't just brock obama was also the former house speaker. nancy pelosi and it was also the house democratic leader, a king,
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jeffrey's in the house of representatives in the us congress and also the top democrat in the us senate chuck schumer. so it's very interesting when you look at all of their statements, when joe biden said he was not going to pursue another run for the white house at all of them, congratulated job. i didn't know his essentially what they deem to crate. just decision, but none of them endorsed. net, none of them endorsed kala harris and it's significant notable that they were omitting that. and the reason is, is that a given the facts, but they know that this is a historic moment that cala harris is going to be heavily scrutinized and potentially could become the 1st female vice president of the united states. she's going to be accused, potentially arriving the coattails of joe biden, to seize and politicians. she may even be accused of not earning that spot. and so
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as a result, many are suggesting that she will, they don't want this to be a coordination if you will. so as a result, even come on when she put out her own statements and she is going to have to earn and when this spot, she isn't just accepting this nomination and those keywords are important. she was to make it clear, she is working for this, not just being coordinated. and that is deliberate and calculated and many are arguing. it's very smart on the part of the season. political leaders, we should point out a very high up in the democratic party is a strategy if you will, strategy to your kimberly your how good. so as always, thank you. so watch for your continued coverage. and uh, we've also heard from vice president complet harris. so she released a statement following bind's announcement. she a thing to a president barton for his leadership and decades of service to the nation. she
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went on to say she is honored to have binds endorsement, but intends on earning and winning the nomination. she added, she will do everything in her power to unite the democratic party and to defeat republican candidate, donald trump in the november election. and as my town of reports, her road to securing the nomination won't be easy for us, but the light is now shining brightly on cumberland harris, president biden's endorsements may make a pos to the democratic party nomination a lot easier, but they are still many hurdles in who way? former president bill clinton has endorsed his party candidates, along with some of her former colleagues on the senate. but for my president, brock obama made no mention of kamala harris and his statement, reacting to president biden's decision to step down. instead, he said, we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extra old re
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confidence that the leaders of potty will be able to create a process from which an outstanding no many images. there's also be no immediate endorsement from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, the house minority leader, hakeem jeffries or the former speak up the house of nancy pelosi. cumberland harris broke one jen to ceiling when joe biden, us to be as vice president, picking the 2020 election going on to become the 1st female to hold the office or the did. so you're getting a really nice president of the united states. iris pointed probably to the historic nature of the appointment as vice president. while i may be the 1st woman in this office, i will not be the last, the because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is
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a country of possibilities. as vice president iris was tacit, tackling the sony issue of immigration, giving a trip to guatemala, she was criticized for some liberal. so as a harsh message. do not do not come under relentless attacks from opposition, republicans and the right we can use media. harris struggled wouldn't widespread public approval, although she remained popular with young voters and people of color into run for re election parents. so to really vote is around issues of civil rights, excess to abortion, and gun violence. we will not be defeated. we will not be deterred. we will
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come supporters with quick to go and attack posting video, accusing him of creating what is described as a for, for the invasion and runaway inflation lation. paris, a soap released the statement, thanking president biden for his leadership and accepting his endorsement as candidates that we have a 107 days until election day. she concludes together we will fight and together we will win california. georgie, win the nomination and defeat donald trump. in the election, the door 12, jamaican, an indian immigrant parents would become the 2nd, the black president of the united states and the 1st woman to hold the office. mike hannah, i'll just say around washington. rena shaw is a political strategist and a former senior presidential campaign advisor and she tours is now live from washington. d. c. o. rena. so good to have you with us on this momentous day. how does all this? all these events of the past?
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a couple of hours change the calculation for the g o p. and for trump, specifically, as this moved today by president biden denouncing, he will be seeking re election and won't be accepting his party's nomination next month to their convention. tell the republicans one thing they are in danger. donald trump wanted to run against joe biden, he thought it was a race that he could lock up. and when, in recent weeks and months pulling had been showing that the rates was very tight. but especially after that end of june disastrous debate that bite and had trump really liked his chances. and he was listening to the consultants keeping his mouth closed. now that he has to run against cumberland herod, who again has a very strong record of understanding what it takes to be trump. because not only did she herself try the democratic primary back in the lead up to 2020, she joined 0 by miss running mate. and so again,
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she has all this experience of really being inside the machine of what it takes to be trump. and i think she's quite ready to do it again as a because she has that as much today she's experienced, but she also very much wants to earn her parties nomination. and i think those were the right words to put out for the moment. it shows that she's open to democracy in action, playing out at their convention next month. all right, interesting. we uh, we know we've heard from house speaker mike johnson the earlier in the day, a cleaning that the presence of binds withdrawal is a town to mount or 2 or disenfranchising millions of voters. a very notable reaction. what do you make of it? that is a simply wrong line of uh, of anything. uh, i mean it's a statement that it's just rife with misinformation and he, there is no disenfranchisement here. profiting of any voters, the primary voters that did vote for bided should understand that this time period
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now between biden's stepping aside and endorsement. complet harris is the next now many uh, this is all within the bounds of the law of a sort of electoral probability. and uh, there are processes and procedures written for exactly this kind of moment. though our country has not been here in modern history. i must add that the convention if it does, if it does go to the course of an open convention which it seems to me calmly, harris is open to doing that because of her statement. again, saying she wants to earn the nomination and open convention makes it so that multiple ballots can be have for anybody that stands up. so a new ticket can even result out of that. but again, it does not have to be audit. it can be a very efficient process. delegates can decide what they want to do. i understand that at this moment, tennessee has pledged all 77 delegates to this to come all a harris other states may do so i believe those discussions are, of course,
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just now starting to happen. but this is a very fair process. and again, one that is completely fine under the letter of the law. there's nothing wrong with it. and now state by state, the people who deal with ballot. so of course clerks and, and all the officials from, from state level downwards need to again embark on whatever is on their state's rule books. and there are laws for how to essentially deal with this moment. i, there, there are lots of, again, curves in place. this does not disenfranchised anyone, whatsoever. it is a very unprecedented, as you said, uh we know what um, how important will it be if we just for the purposes of this conversation, just presume that uh, vice president, cala harris will be the top of the ticket. how important will it be for her if she wants to take on a trump effectively the pick of running mates a oh huh. her running mate would be of utmost importance because we saw the trunk
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just name ged vance for a number of very important reasons. judy vance has no great ties to the rust belt, of course, being a thought of appellation himself. but trump felt that his you'd helped him as well as his pretty lady. ology being in line with trump isn't hills for many reasons, that may trumps running may take very important, but again judy vans is not even age 40. cala harris is not even age 60, so i don't think you'd matters as much for her and her choice because again now biden is no longer top of tickets. trump is now officially our country, the oldest presidential nominee. and at the end of the day, come on here is basically these, a strong running made to appeal to voters who are independently minded in the swing states. but whatever ticket the democrats put together, even if it has hairs on it or not, i do believe they do have stronger chances now that bided has dep decide of cold,
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less thing. the anti trump coalition. behind the democrats, we look at 2024. that in 2022 at a lot of crossover voters, voters who again cross party lines maybe where republican lifelong the crossed over to vote for bided harris. so we may see that this time, even if harris is not at the top of the ticket. so, um, you know, going forward and how were you thinking about this moment? and i do feel politically optimistic because i think this is a great, exciting moment. where were democrats, in particular, can show the entire american electorate what it looks like to have democracy and action. it's a beautiful process. our nation's founders of put them in our founding documents. and part of conventions are time for people to unite and get excited. it's almost impossible to not come out of a party convention, not united. and we saw that with the republican. there was so much excitement there
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and i expect that will happen for the democrats and maybe that will lift a lot of beer is just in the electorate written writ large. because this, by the end from 3 match was making a lot of americans feel very frustrated. i didn't mean so many people had already decided they had. uh they were going to stay home in november, which is again over a 100 some days away. so i, i am again energized with them by the moment because i know that 2 of our country's best presidents came out a brokered convention, present a blanket and presence of president franklin delano roosevelt. and dealt with both of them, came after multiple ballots, and it's possible again for our nation to go through these little bits and come out better on top. and i, i really am optimistic. all right, well, you know, shot talking to us. so thank you so much and a great catching up with you. thank you. thank you and republican presidential candidate donald trump has posted on his social media platform truth social. and he says job, i was not fit to run for president's and is certainly an offer to serve. and all
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those around him, including his doctor, knew that he wasn't capable of being president. and he wasn't look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency. all right, so let's flush this out with the algebra is alan fisher who is live for you in washington, dc. and what do you make of that reaction? alan? it's predictable. i he went after joe, by the way, he has done several times. he's called him too old to do the job. he's called him sleepy joe. he's called them incompetent and he's repeated those attacks. remember, it's just a week ago, we were told that there would be a different tone from donald trump. he said that the convention that he wants to be the president for all americans. but the statements that the campaign of put out over the last couple of hours have definitely been tailored towards the republican based. and that may be
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a same as it was saying that the slightly concerned that it's not going to be dual bite and that they will face and november. it is shaping up to be coming to holidays because she is winning significant, unimportant endorsements from bill and hillary clinton to the governors of pennsylvania and california, and even from joe biden himself just in the last few hours. he's got endorsements from the congressional black caucus, the democrats there, and also the progressive caucus. she is moving in the direction of travel toward securing this nomination at before november. what that will do is open that up to attacks, and we have seen those attacks just in the last hour or so from the trump campaign . the clearly had one as they're ready to run, expecting that there was a possibility that joe biden with the notes that he wasn't going to be the democratic party know many in november and that hit on line very quickly. afterwards, there will be a slew of these attack guides,
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a games console of how this attacking her record the attacking your part in the wind. how is it saying that she had to jo bite? has it been a good sense of grayson for, for one of a better what from the public and also i but she has mishandled the border. so those attacks are going to continue. no, i'm all born until november, right to and and assign of those attacks the allen, the shortly after president binding doors. complet harris, the trump campaign released the video, attacking her political are record are ticklish. a comma was in on it. she covered up, chose obvious mental decline. our president is in good shape and good. how tireless, 5 rent. and i have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done, but commonly knew joe couldn't do the job. so she did it look what she got done, a border invasion, runaway installation, the american dream debt they created this mess. they know commer owns this
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field, record. how and how, how does you know a harris, a ticket change tactics for the cio p to browse the festival 0 off again. so much younger candidates, so that takes away that argument. and in fact, donald trump, natalie becomes the oldest pass and ever nominate to run for present the simply the fact the $78.00, and that's going to be there. and they also want to see who she picks as hard running me, cuz that will open up another line of attack as well. they will continue with the document. the joe biden has been bad for america, that he's had working class families, that inflation is too high, that there's not enough manufacturing jobs and full told it's been a disaster and campbell of how this would just be the continuity candidates. but what this a nice when takes away is what many poll said they simply didn't want, which is joe biden. and donald trump going head to head again,
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they wanted something new, something different. and so the democrats will lead into that by suggesting that this is something you hear as a black woman who couldn't run is much younger than the candidates. it was there before. i can offer something different, a different perspective, something new on the political ticket. and certainly if you look at the polls that we've seen, joe biden wasn't making in no androids against donald trump, into the swing states. i'm kind of the hottest when put up against donald trump was tying with them in some of those states. and in some cases, best thing i'm in the states. and so the democrats, well hoping we can build on that and start to win the swing states back. and perhaps luke and the late to call it back to it could be very small. but what the democrats were looking at 1 o'clock this afternoon was essentially a, a line slide for donald trump. and the real possibility that the republicans would
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take not just the white house, but the house and the senate. and that is what help prompt don't to do bite and take the decision that he took right. uh, alan fisher reporting all day for us. there are. thank you so very much, greatly appreciate it. and i'd like to welcome now withdrawn. no, sir, he is a republican strategist and former congressional aid and he joins us from washington. d. c. a good day sir. um, you know, uh in the lead up uh to this decision. uh, the g o. p has focused on age, finds people this something that was hammered on time, and again, that will now no longer hold. so how does that change the calculation for the trump ticket as well? i also, they are running guess joe, by his record and tom wires, his records specifically i was at the convention and they thought along the crime, they talked a lot about flashing. they especially talked a lot about the border cameras was in charge of the board for jo jo buying and
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that's something that the republicans will keep focusing on. i always thought that the focus on the buyers age was and i think if you listen to donald trump, he really wasn't the focus that much on dial from our job. i as a, because he knew how close and angie was, that it was something that some of the other videos and things like that that you mentioned maybe folks not really was the scout unhappiness with the, with the, by the writer specifically on those 3 issues prior to immigration, inflation. i don't think that if you look at the polls, harris is not going to help. i think this, the democrats want to, um, you know, stop the republicans from attacking that record. they need to find somebody else to rob. someone is not at all and affiliated with, with buying here as record. so that's going to be a challenge to me. i think looking at this, you know,
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holistically the mass and they, they have been covering up for, for job. i'm not for a boss. and there's a credibility problem here, and we're not only can wire us, but also members, the invited whitehouse and staff and to members of the democratic leadership. they've been kind of covering for, for jo by email or renew. it looks horrible. it started horrible. and it gives you the full control of the strategies. and this is a credibility problem also not just a huge problem. so i think that here is have some issues there as well. right? well, he's no longer running. so i mean, they will have to deal with whoever is a gets the for him is a credibility issue for, i mean, it is not just as i say, it's not just the, uh, the car has to cover up at the same time. right now, there are 20 in the nation of danger. well, i have a trust. well, i think that they would, uh, they would argue that they weren't covering up. and i think we, let's look
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a look ahead. you know, we've had a very strong reaction from house speaker mike johnson, you know, pushing back or claiming that present binds withdrawal is tantamount to disenfranchising millions of voters. we spoke to a legal expert saying that's nonsense. you know, it's interesting, the reaction to a bind withdrawing from the race has been very strong. it was literally less, but it wasn't, it is, it is going on. there's nothing around the voters, but basically the, the, the baseline made sure that no criminal candidate were heard against you buying the file menu that he was going downhill fast. and they did not get to go to suggest a democratic voters, a chance to have a chance to look at somebody or have a buyer to be sure that anyone running a guess to buy when i had a chance to, to base.


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